f&fFi - "& 0) he gatfy stoviutt. ASTORIA. OREGON: WEDNESDAY. .MARCH 17. 168C A MISTAKEN IDEA. Every little while the idea is advanced that the government ought to t:do something" for the people. Sometimes it is the rail roads that the government ought to take hold of and run; then again it is the express business; at present the prevalent idea is that "the government" ought to buy out the telegraph companies and run that business. The idea is so plausible that it takes favora bly among a class who do not stop to think wheie the notion logically carried out would lead. Our system of popular sover eignty, of political equality is dia metrically opposed to the idea of a paternal government that treats men as children incapable o man aging their own affairs and soothed with sop to keep them quiet. The idea of turning business enter prises over to the government is subversive of the principles o a republic. Not only that, it is de structive of private enterprise. If "the government" undertakes to control the telegraph and the rail roads, the next demand will be to coutrol the newspapers, the steam ships, the manufacturing establish ments, and all the rest of it. "We would be as foundlings in a charity hospital, fed thin pap from sour bottles and expected to be duly thankful for the privilege. And what magic talisman is there about "the government?" What is "the government?" .You and I and all the rest of us. "We, TJs & Co. THE CASE OF GREECE. Once more the powers of Eu rope are brought face to face with the alternative of doing what they know to be right or doing that which they know to be politic. When Greece achieved her inde pendence, nearly sixty years ago, she was glad enough after a six years' struggle, to conclude peace on terms which stripped her of three of her noblest provinces. The Greece of 1S30 did not in clude the countries whose names, linked with those of Achilles and of Philip of Macedon and of Pyr rhus, king of Epirus, were inter woven with those charming Greek romances which are so dear to the heart of every schoolboy. She took what she could get the Peloponnesus and Central Greece and was thankful. Ever since then, for more than half a century, the yearning ciy of the Greek peo ple has been for a rectification of their northern frontier. Nothing but grinding poverty prevented them from flying to arms more than once to drive the Turks out of northern Greece. So olnious to all statesmen was it that at the earliest opportunity they would take the law into their own hands, that at the congress of Berlin a joint Greco-Turkish boundary commission was appointed and a. special protocol of the Beilin treaty specified the new boundary line, which, in the opinion of the powers, should divide Greece and Turkey. The commission accomplished nothing. Turke' refused to ad mit the line traced by the con gress. Greece clamored for war, but the powers, then as now halt ing between justice and expedien cy, compromised the difficulty, and awarded Greece a pitiful tract of territory 2G5 miles square. Greece protested, but had to sub mit. Now that the treaty of Ber lin has been torn to shreds by Bulgaria, with the assent of the powers, Greece once more de mands her own. Thessaly, Epirus and Macedon arc Greek by race, by tradition, by affinity. She asks tKe poor privilege of being allowed to aid their inhabitants in throw ing off the Turkish yoke and an nexing themselves to Greece. Europe ' replies by a joint note written by England and endorsed by Germany, Russia, Austria, France and Italy forbidding Greece to go to war. These powers are like the old fashioned allopathic doctors who, when a man had a deep-seated pain, gave him morphia to soothe the agony and troubled themselves no further about the cause of the pain. They stifle Greece's aspira tions, and indulge the hope that by so doing the danger of war will be averted. They do not realize that there is a deep-seated disease at work, and that the longer it smoulders the more violent will be its outbreak when it comes. For nearly five centuries the Turk has ruled northern Greece, but its peo ple are more intensely Greek than they were on the day when they were conquered. They have not assimilated in the least. On the contrary, they hate Turkey more than ever. How can the aspira tions of those people to unite with their kith aud kin across the bor der be suppressed by sending a fleet to bully King George and his minister? The ablest Greek of this century, Capo d'Istrias, believed that it was Greece's destiny to become Tur key's residuary legatee in Europe. He believed that when the sick man died, the powers would com bine to establish a great Greek state, extending from the Adriatic to the Black sea, and from the Pruth to the sea of Marmora. Since he passed away a new competitor for the succession of the Turk has appeared in the shape of the almost ex tinct Slav nationality, for the headship in which Bulgaria and Servia are rivals. Bulgaria has now scored a point in the compe tition by securing the annexation of East Roumelia. Greece sees the prize so long coveted escaping from its grasp, and naturally de mands compensation for the in creased power secured to Bulgaria in the shape of an extension of her frontier on the north. At a recent meeting of the Washington Monument society, Col. Casey made some very inter esting statements to the members in regard to his observation of the habits of the monument, for it ap pears that the great obelisk is a moving, if not a living thing, and that it has a regular swaying mo tion when the sun is shining upon it. On every bright day the apex of the monument moves at least one inch westward in the morn ing when the sun's rays first fall upon it, and eastward again in the afternoon when the sun reach es the western side. The heat of the sun's rays have an expansive effect upon the masonry, and the plummet that is suspended in the interior of the monument registers this movement from day to day. NEW TO-DAY. Special Auction. FRIDAY, MARCH 19th, 2 P. M. Sold on Account of Departure. Instructed by Mrs. C. J. Curtis, I will sell at her residence opposite the Congregational Church all hor HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, consisting, in part, of Parlor Bed-lounge ; Handsome Chellonier; Bordered Brussels Carpet : Chairs ; Tables ; Bedsteads ; Fold ing Child's Crib : Handsome S-day Clock ; Laige Mirror; Writing Table and Book Shelves; Baby Carnage; Crockery and Glassware; Meat Safe; Cooking Stoe and Kitchen Utensils, and a lot of House Plants and Sundries E. C. JIOLDKX. Auctioneer. Boatbuilders Wanted. A PFLY TO WM. nOWE, 5 EXT DOOR 10 Teicpnone baioon. U. S.Stmr.Shubrick. INSTRUCTED BY CAPTAIN SEBREE, Light-House Inspector, 13th DIst., I will offer for sale at PUBLIC AUCTION, Saturday, March 20, 12 M. To the highest bidder, the aboe mentioned steamer subject to the official notice below. Terms of Sale 23 ner cent of nurchaso price on day of sale, as deposit, awaiting approval of Light-House Board, balance on delivery of vessel. A full and official list of macninery. furniture, tackle and apparel of sam essei can ne examined at my onicc. Auctioneer. Office of the Light-House 1 Inspector, Thikteenth District, v Portxaxd. Obeg., February 20th. 18SG. ) WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLTO AUCTION, YT at 12 o'clock, on Saturday, the 20th day of March, 1888, at Astoria, Oreg., the old light-house steamer. Shubrick. Full In formation as to dimensions of steamer, terms of sale, can be obtained on application to this office. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. URIEL SEBREE. Lleat.U.8.N., Light-House Inspector. FRM L FANCY GROCERIES! (Af SLOOP AT AUCTION. Saturday, March 20. 2 P. M. JUST REBUILT AND LAUNCHED. Length 45 feet, Beam 12 feet. Draft 5 feet, 13 and 49-100 tons register ; together with tackle, furniture, and apparel. Well adapted for deep sea fishing. Hnlf cash, half c months E. C. -IIOLDKN, Auctioneer. Notice THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE SCAN dinavian Commercial Union are hereby notified that the directors held a meeting at Joseph Ostrom's Astoria. Oregon, and come to the conclusion to postpone the business nf sam union until August 1st, uecause tney saw it difficult to collect In the money that has been subscribed, at the present time, but i ill keep the stock book open for sub scription of more stock. By order of the directors. AUG. DANIELSON. Tresident. C. A. HANSON, Secy. Astoria, Or.. Jlarcli oth, 185C. Eggs for Hatching! Wyandottes and S. C. B. Leghorns. My birds are of the best strain, and all first class. I am now prepared to furnish a limited number of eges for setting from iriliict jaiu akowuuucy jcl .. GEO. "W. WOOD, Cor. Wes 9th and Arch streets, Astoria, Or. AUG- DANIELSON. SAMPLE ROOMS, Comer of Water and West Ninth Streets. Choice Lipors ait Cigars! Every Attention to the Comfort of Patrons. GOLD MEDAL, PASIS, 1878. BAKER'S Warranted absolutely pure Cocoa, from wLIch the excess ol Oil has been removed. It has thret times the tlrengihotCocoamlxed with Starch, Arrowroot orScgar, and la therefore far more econom. leal, cotting less than one cent a cup. ii is delicious, nounsning, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for inval- ids aawellasforpcraoca In health. Sold by Grocers eTerywhero. . BAKER & CO., Dorcbester, Mass, G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSM1THING, AX Capt, .Rogers old stand, corner of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. W. E. DEMENT & CO. DRUGGISTS. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. . Prescriptions carefully Compounded VKm C Am cs-TTivinsrLSi'CJTr z IS XOW OPEN TO MEMBERS Each WeekDayandEenlngasFolles: YeuBcMca ; Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- uraav evenings. Hovh under 18 ; Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. liRdlen ; Saturday afternoons. Membership Tickets and Keys can he had from any of the officers. MANAGING COMMITTEE. SHUTB & CO., FINE IMPORTED CIGARS. You can rely on getting a Good Cigar AtShute&Co.'a CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE, Opposite D. I Beck & Son's. To Shin Masters and Shin flwnprsl W. H.DYER &C0., STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS San Francisco, Portland and Astoria. Portland OSce - 16 Xorth Front Street. The attention of ship master and owners isuirectea to our superior facilities ana Ion rates for loading and unloading ev.els. Offlce at E. C. Holden's. To Rent. 4 FINE SUITE OF ROOMS IN THE ODD -Ol. Fellows' uuiwing. Apply to A.J.MEGLElt. BEST IN THE MARKET Snow Flake Flour! PAIEK Ir 111 11 MkL 1 O The East Half Of the Spacious CRYSTAL PA LACE Has Been Cleared Out! The Goods vere bold at A Terrible Sacrifice And Astorians who purchased got the most for their money they ever got. The sale still goes on at the corner stere: tho fine stock must be closed eut: the prices aro set away below prime cost It on want n, watch, a ring, a book, a card case, a musical instrument, a bracelet, a set of stand ard works, a gold chain, a clock, or anything else in our stock you can have it at almost your own price. The goods must be sold. The Crystal Palace. Hardware ani Ship Chanfllery'B. B. Franklin, VAN DUSEN & GO, DKAI.KR8 IX Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil, Bright Varnish. Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas. Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements Sewing machines. PalutM and Oils, Grurorie.s. ate. or. c ross, COUNTY CORONER. &v. iSt First Class Hearse and Material OX HAM). Shop and Ofllcc on Main St., aboe Tioueer Restaurant. m5iif!BSBBEFh, mggeas h f- CARPETS! CARPETS!! 60 Rolls of Carpet of aii Grades and in the Newest Shades, Including MopeltB Bony Also a Large Stock of Linoleum, Oil Cloth, AND FANCY WINDOW SHADES. CH AS. HEILBORN. Sign Painting, eliding, Banners, Oil Cloth Signs. SHOW CARDS, Fence Advertising-, Price Marks, etc C. E. LANE, Shop and ofllce on Cass street : Tike Bros.' old stand. EMPIRE STORE. Just Received From the East, A Large Lot of Gents', Ladies', and Children's FINE BOOTS AND SHOES! Gent's Kangaroo Boots and Shoes A SPECIALTY. We also Carry a First Class Assortment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Furnishing Goods, &c W. T. PARKER, Manager. & .y , Wf ji SQUEMOQUA STREET, NEXT TO Tlin A3T0KIAX BUILDING. CSyAU work done In a skillful manner on short notice at reasonable rates. AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITORS! Capitol Flour, Manufactured by the Rill Holler lroces.s, uy me Salem (Or.) Capitol Flour Mills Co., LIMITKD The onl flour that has taken First Prize tnree j ears in succession at tne J'OKTIiAXD MECHANIC'S FAIR, Also at State Tair. O.io trial u sufficient tocornlnce of its supe riority. .ttf that tlte w ord CAPITOL is ou eacli sack GEORGE SHIEL, 8 Stark St., Portland Agent. WILSON & FISHER. Astoria Agents. mm itmnci I JOHN FUSSELL, Manufacturer of and Dealer in Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Whips. Brntihcs, Curry Combs, Ktc. NONE BUT BEST STOCK USED. Prices to Suit the Times. Shop on Chenamus street, next door to J. A. Montgomery's, Astoria, Oregon, t KKjrir:!jes:a9gwS'S i Merita anil GaMnet late iapDiiioa D. L BECK Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FAMILY GROCERIES -.iEtflD- & Choice Teas Java and C. B. Coffee Palace Drips 3S". E. Maple Syrup Choice Canned Fruits French Peas and Mushrooms Pine Apple and Edam Cheese Shrewsbury Ketchup Canned Soups Canned Shrimps Deviled Crah Spanish Queen Olives Pickled Oysters Plum Pudding Cox's Gelatine Orange Marmalade Goods Sold at Lowest Cash Prices. DKLKK IN Hay, Oats, ana" Straw, Lime, Mil, Cement, Said anil Plaster Wood Delivered to Order. Draying, Teaming and Epre Business, TEH apply to the Captain, or to iTOIOIKr ..- HMCOIKTTG-OMIIEJ DKAIER iy Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper Ware. A general assortment of Household Goods AOENT FOR MAGEC STOVES ANI RANGES, THE BEST IK THE DIABKET. Plumbing goods of all kinds on hand. Job work dona in a workmanlike manner. Plumbing, Gas Fitting and Cannery Work attended to promptly On Eeasonable Terms. Chennmua Street, Next to C Ii. Parker's Store. Astoria, Oresea. THE OREGON SHORT LINE, 1 1 TO 500 MILES THE SHORTEST ; 12 TO 48 HOURS THE QUICKEST TO CHICAGO, BOSTON, NEW YORK, And All Toints East. Kates 8.30 to $10.23 the Cheapest to Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City, AND OTHER TOINTS. Pullmau Palace and Jtraiurant Sleeping Cars hanled on Express Trains Exclnaivcly without Change. If ou are going east write for Kates Maps, Time Tables. Guides and Full Information. FItEE OF CHAlVGi:. K. A. XOYES. F. TL SHUTS. Agent. Astoria. Ticket Agt., Astoria. B. CAMPBEIX, General Agent, No, 1, Washington street. Portland, Oregon. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer In HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipo and Fittings, STOYES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Tin AND Copper. WE WILL SUIT YOU! Foard & Sloke Carry a Large Stock of Groceries 1 Provisions -And Sell at the- Lowest Margin of Living Profit! Qnality and Price Satisfactory In Every Instance. Goods Delivered Ail Over the City. GILBERT CHRISTIANSEN, General Blacksmitliiag. Horseshoeing a Specialty, Shop in Rear of Aug.Daniefcon's Saloon. A11 Work Guaranteed S Notice. A LL PERSONS KNOWING THE3I oL selves Indebted to the late Edward N. Murphy will please make immediate settle ment to the undersigned, administratrix of the estate. MRS. JOHN KOGSKS. SONS; upplies India Currie Powder Boston Baked Beans Bahama Pine Apple London Layer Raisins Breakfast Gem3 Crushed Indian Germea Chow Chow Choice Dried Pruits Choice Pancy Crackers Salem Capitol Mills Plour Cove Mills Plour Dupee Hams Breakfast Bacon Goodwin Butter Etc. Etc. Etc. ST RAKER CLilU PARKER Eben P, Parker,Master. For TOWING, FREIGHT or CHAR U. B. PABKEB. "3T, pupiEx:) iiXE PATGrrnjwaoJWtl EASIER J.C.Trullinger I Than any oth- eruxe iauuo. Hundreds of woodmen tes tify to Its suDe- jf riority. It goes Jieep aaa aerer Sticks. CARNAHAN & CO., AgenU Astoria. Price. 81.50. WM. LOEB & CO., Wines, Liquors and Cigars. A Large Stock of FIRST CLASS GOODS! The Trade Supplied AT LOWEST MARKET RATES. All orders filled promptly and accurately. Agents for First Class Foreign and Domestic Brands Mala Street, Next door to Wells, Fargo's Express office. THOS. MAIRSf A Good Fit Guaranteed. CHARGES MODERATE. Pants, from 3 up. Suits from 80 np. Shop opposite C. H. Cooper's. FasMonanle Tailor -x 4r