-. vs;-.-- .SKfT!?? r-.P,'5S?-.r- -rTS & to AAy . (II Jill IP 41 111 II I lIlS m tH I 111 I I III 1 1 VOL. XXV, NO. CM. BUSINESS OAKDS. C. R. THOMSON, TflOMSOtf E. E. COOTEM fc GOOTERT. Attorneys at Law and Hotaries Public, Special attention given to collections and examining titles. . , fi , Offjce Rooms 4 and 5, over City Book More. p Bt MART1X. '. F., Architect and Civil Engineer. OFriCE Room tJ, Knight of Pythias Building. UBh.. A. I, and .1. A. Fl'LTOS. Plijsi-J:iu.aiil Surgeon. Will Kite prompt attention to all calls. iiciiii any part of the city or country. Ofllcp over Allen's Store, corner Cos and - ueinofiua streets, Afctorla. Oregon. Telephone No. 41. xTlt. FKAXIt I'AWE. PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEOxS, OpposlteTelecraph Office, Astoria, Oregon. J AY TDTTLE, M. I. PHYSIOIAS AND SURGEON , UKKK'K Rooms 1, 2. and 3. Pj thlan I5u:ld- KairuKXCK-On Cedar Street. M. Mary' Hospital. back of PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Officf. : Gem Building, up stairs, Astoria, otcjrun. -rR. AliPKBD KIXXEY, Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patients at his office, and may be found there at any hour. P. THOEX, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Residence, Upper Astoria, Nillson House. f ETiO F. TAKItEK SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY AND Es-Clty Surveyor of Aetona Offlce : N. E. corner Cs and A stor .street?. Room No. 8 Up MalrM. . DOIUUS, ubo. sousn .Sf..t?il fc DP.S1. ATTORNEYS AT LAY''. Wo hi Kinney's Jllock, Call, Astoria, Oregon. ppotllf fill W. FULTON. O. C. FULTON rrirox brothers. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. KoomsSand C.Odd Fellows Building. J. q. A. BOWLBY. attorney and CottuMlIor t taw, ifflce on Clien.imu9 Street. Astoria, Oregon. F." WIMTO.V ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms No. 11 and 12. F thlan CastlftBulId Pg. T D. ItAY3lO.VE, CIVIL ENGINEElt, CITY SUKVKYOK. Office In City Hall, Astoria. Oregon. A. E. SHAW. DENTIST. Rooms In Allen's Building, up btalrs. cor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astoria Oregon. H. A. S3HTII, DENTIST. IJiavepermanpntlv located lnAstorla.ro practice Dentistry. 1 havn all the late Im proved appliances. None hut the very best of work done and satisfaction guaranteed. Offlce In Kinney's Building. T K. SrJ2DDKT. NOTARY PUBLIC, Searcher of Titles, Abstracter ttitd Conveyancer. Office on Cass Street. 3 doors south of As torian office, Astoria, Oregon. General Agency of W 31. C. ADAIR, Real Estate, Insurance and Money BROKER. Valuable Properties for Sale or Lease in Upper Astoria. Accounts Adjusted, and Book Keeping done on Short Notice. Office with Col. Spedden, cor. Jefferson and Cass streets, Astoria, Oregon. A. V. Allen, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in MILLPEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. together with WiR, LiquorsJobaccoXigars I THE GREAT REGUUTQB PURELY VEGETABLE. Arc You Bilious? The Regulator lever falls to cure. I most cheerfully recommend It to all who suffer from Bilious Attacks or any Disease caused by a dis arranged state of the Liver. Kansas City, Mo. W. R. BERNARD. Do You Want Good Digestion ? I suffered intensely KitkFull StomaeJIfead- aehe, etc. Anelgkbor, vho had taken Simmons Liver Beaulator. told me It teas a sure cure far mv I trouble. The first dose I took relieved me very much, and in one iceei's time I teat as strong ana hearty as I ever was. It is the best medicine I ever took for Dyspepsia. Richmond, Va. H. G. CRENSHAW. Do You Suffer from Constipation ? Testimony of Hiram Warmer, Chief-Justice of Ss : " I have used Simmons Liver Regulator for Constipation of my Bowels, caused by a temporary Derangement of the Liver, for the last three or four years, and always telth decided benefit." Have You Malaria ? have had experience Kith Simmons Liver Regu lator since J86S, and regard it as the greatest medicine of the times for diseases pecu liar to malarial regions. So good a medi cIrc deserves universal commendation. REV. M. B. WHARTON, Cor. Sec'y Srathera Baptist Theological Seminary. Safer and Better than Calomel ! I have been subjeel to severe spells of Congestion of the Liver, and have been in the habit of taking from 15 to ao trains of calomel, which generally laid me up for three or four days. Lately I have been talcing Simmons Liver Regulator, which gave me re lief, uHUiout any interruption to business. MiDDLsrORT, Ohio. J. HUGG. J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. TUTTS PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From theso sources arise thrco-fbnrlba oftho diseases of the human ruco. These symptoms indicate their enstence: lLost of Appetite, Bowels cotlve, Sick Headache, follncxs after eat ing, aversion to exertion of body or mind, Ernctatlon of food, Irrltabll Ityof temper,IiorplrlU,Afeellnfj beforo the eyes, highly colored Crln e , COarSTlPATIO,and demand the use of aremedy that acts directly on thoLlver. AaaLivcrrnedlclneTUTT'S PI1VL.S have no equal- Thcirnctlonon the Kidneys and Skin ia also prompt; removing all impurities through theso three ' scavengers of the system," producing appetite, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear akin and a vlg orousbody. TCTT'SPJXI.S cause no nausea, or griping nor interfere "Kith dally vrosk ana are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. Bold everywhere 253. OlHce 44 MurrnySt.N V. TUTTS HAIR DYE. GnATlLuE OKWmfiitnBS changed in stantly to n GLossr liLACK by a single application of this Dte. Sold by Drug dsts,orsent by express onrecelntofJL Offlce. 41 Mnrrav StrftP.t. Kew Vort- 75 K&OTili C? USEFKi SXCEITZ3 ISU. Fisherie Ye have a new Mill, first class, ltli heavy machinery to knit tlir STRONG TRAPS and Suited to tLe SEINES Pacific Fisheries ! Also for the lighter kinds of NetsandStrincs. All kinds of Nets and Semes made to order. Letters promptly answered. Prices Low. Gloucester Net and Twine Co., "9C Commercial Street, Ronton. SPECIAL NOTICE! O. R. & N. CO. EXCURSION! Tickets to Portland and Return For $2 50. Good on any of the Company's boats K. A. Agent. R. Lemon & Co., Stevedores and Riggers, PORTLAND and ASTORIA. Portland Offick No. tc North Front St Astoria Planing Mill H01.T& CO. Proprietors. Manufacturers of Mouldings. Sash Ooors. Blinds, Rails, Balusters, Newol Posts, Brackets. Scroll nndTnrned Balustrades, ' BOAT MATERIAL, ETC., Orders Solicited and Promptly Atteaded to. Satisfaction Guaranteed As to Style, Quality and Prices. Mill and Office cor. Polk and Concomly Sts ASTORIA, OREGON. A4res HOLT & GO. 1886, ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, J 886. PEOMisma pups. rxe Ameaatf BaHSBceTk&t Ceald Be Mad.e of Tkem. There is a matter that seems tri fling in itself, bat which is of a great deal of importance, and which should be legislated upon. That is the habit men get into, who own dogs, of promising pups to friends, and never delivering the goods. Shakespeare, inhis inspired writings, has said, "It is a mean man that will not promise a pup." Maybe it was not Shakespeare who wrote it, but however it was, the saying has oecome Historical ana mere are thousands of men who live up to it. and promise pups recklessly, with no thought of ever fulfilling the prom ise. There is probably no man who has been promised more pups, and received fewer of them, than th wnteroftuts. Ifallthepupspromised to him in the last twenty years were in single file the procession would reach from Milwaukee to San Fran cisco, and from there to Alaska, by water, as many of the pups promised have been water spaniels. If all these pupB could have been made up into sausage, the free-lunch counters of the world might be supplied. Some of the men who have promised pups to the writer have died and gone to their judgment with these unfulfilled promises, and other sins, on their heads. Some are living, and are yet addicted to pups, but though wo yearn for a pup, and suf fer untold agonies, no pup comes to cool the parched tongue, and we are liable to go down the long vista of tho future, pupless, thundering down the ages with no pup, when so many aro due. Of all men who have promised pups to U3 there is no one of them that has promised pups oftener, and had more pups with which to pay the promises, than George Clason. Thero is no man that can promise a pup with more apparent sincerity, more oclat, if you know what that is, than George can. "Whon the handsome fellow looks at you with his honest eyes, and says, "You shall have a pup," you think that settles it. There is something about George that makes you think he would not deceive a man about a pup. But lie 13 like all the rest of them. He commenced promising us pups as long ago as when ho was brakeman on the St. Paul road beforo he owned any dogs. He said he would steal a pup. While wo were suffering for a pup at that time, and for all the years he was brakeman, it did not seem right to have him steal a pup, just to accom modate a friend, and it was with pleasure that we saw the years pass, and Georffo's soul yet safe from the sin of theft of a pup. But when ho became a conductor, and owned dogs of all kinds, and began promising pups, we felt that there were men that were honest about promising pups. But years wore on, ana passed away, and the pup did not materialize to any alarming ex tent For twelve years we never met that man, on the cars, in tue marts 01 ousinees, in cliurcn or society, that he did not promise us a pup. Once at a grand reception at which were gathered the beauty and chivalry of a whole state, he lod us from the dancing hall, through a corridor, down to the bar of a great hotel, behind the screen, away from the maddening crowd, and requested us to pin up a rip in his pants. Af ter the matter had been fixed up so that the sharpeit-eyed dancer in all h the world could not have seen a rip in ms apparei, nis grautuae Knew no bounds. He seemed to realizo that he had not treated us right, and a tear stole down his cheek that is, not the whole length of his cheek, because one tear could not go so far he said, and thero was a certain tre mor in his voice that meant business, as be said it, "Old boy, vou have saved my life. You shall have a pup." "What we had done for him was not with the hope of reward, but if he felt grateful, and would only keep a single one of his thousands of promises, we felt that it would be no more than richt. and we carted 'friends. Years passed, and no pup camo to brighten the home of the conductor's benefactor, but one day ho was promoted to be assistant superintendent of a division of tho great railroad, and it seemed as though the pup would be along on the next train. A superintendent can keep his promise when a con ductor hasn't got time. The first time we saw Clason after his promo tion, he said, and there was a far ,away look in his eye; as though ho was trying to recall something, "Let's see, didn't 1 promise you a (pup7" we aian't want to say that .he had promised a thousand, be cause a thousand pups were more than any gentleman would need, so the answer was simply, "I believe so." He took out a memorandum and wrote something down, and went away, and we watched the express of fice ever since with no result. But the Years that have passed since Clason iflrst began to promise pups, nave left us both gray and old, and now a pup MU not fill the bill. Nothing but a full-grown dog, well broken, and .warranted free from fleas, will fill tho bill, and an eflort will bo made, be fore resorting to the courts, to see if j Clason cannot be made to put up or Imfttup. The matter will be brought Defere tne ooara 01 Directors 01 tne '8t. Paul road at the next annual meeting, and a demand made that tClason do coapelled to deliver, char ges paid, sucli-a dog as- he- lias be ireaved us of for almost twenty years. (The directors will see the justice of yjit dsmajii . Tfley cannot baiat They do not want their railroad to get into disrepute, through a man who promises pups recklessly, and ' never pays them. That is one thing that makes railroad stocks uuctuate so. If the directors will not compel that man to do his duty, there is but one recourse, and that is a suit for breach of promise. If we can get such a case before some judge who likes to go hunting, and who has been promised pups which he never received, Claaon's goose will be cooked. Thero will be no hard feel ings in such a lawsuit. It will be all amicable, but it will be a test case, to decide whether a man can go through life promising pup3 on the slightest provocation, never deliver ing the goods, and yet go in good soci ety and respected as a law-abiding citizen. Egad, we will have a dog, if it is s hundred years old. Peck's Sun. Arithmetical Item. Jim Webster was tried last week in Austin for stealing chickens from Col. Yerger. He was convicted and sentenced to a term of imprisonment. After the trial was over, Col. Yerger said to Webster: "Now that you have been con victed, just for the fun of it. I'd like to know how many of my chickens you nave stolen at one time and another." "I ain't gwinter tell yor, boss, how many chickens I lifted offen your'ro hen roost." "Jim, nore is nau a aouar, it you will tell me the number vou have taken." "No, sah, I ain't gwinter tell yer for no half dollar how many of dem chickens 1 tuck. Ise knows the number perzackly,butl ain't gwinter gib hit away for no fifty cents. I ain't no fifty cents on de dollar nig gah. Ef you wants de hull troof yer mus pay a hull dollar." "Well, Jim, hero is fifty cents. If you are willing to tell the whole truth for a dollar, of course you will tell half tho truth 'for fifty cents. You can afford to tell me half the number of chickens for fifty cents, can't you?" "Sartainly. I'se a square niggah. Ef you pays for half tho troof, dat's what yor gits." "Well, give me half the number of roosters you stole." "Lemme see. Half de number of roosters am five." ' 'Very well. What's half the num ber of pullets?" "JEEeah, heahl I can't split a pul let in two, kin I? Half de pullets am six and one pullet over." "How about old hens? " "Half de hens am six." "So vou stole ten roosters?" "Delawl How de dibbel did you come ter fine dat out? " "You stole thirteen pullets and twelve old hens." The astonished darkey started back in dismay, and rolling his eyes at Colonel Yerger, exclaimed : "You is a dangerous man. Dar's some hocus pocus about dis heah." "One question more. Jim. How did you manage to find out half the number of chickens you stole. You don't know anything about arithme tic." "No. sah, of course I don't know nuffin' 'bout refmetic, but I knows half de number of chickens I got, becase de udder niggah what was watchin' outsider de fence he uck half de chickens and I cot de udder half." Texas Sittings. A Soft Thin. Two old friends met on the train between Dallas and Fort Worth. After the usual greeting, one of them asked : " Isn't Sam Sweedlepipes livin in Dallas?" "Is he a glazier?" "Yes ; he is a painter and glazier." " He is getting rich fast." "Getting rich fast, is he? Run ning a monte bank, I suppose." "No; he has got a better thing than that." "City official?" " No, he belongs to a fire company, and when a fire breaks out he runs along and wakes up the people with a stick." "I don't see how there ia any money to be made in that." " He wakes people up by tapping on their windows with a stick, and he manages to break all the panes of glass within half a mite of the fire, and next day he is called on to put them in again at fifty cents apiece. He has got a soft thing of it. He hasn't got the social status, but he is making more money than if he was an alderman. Texas Sitt ings. 'ot Symptoms, but the Cltease. It would seem to be a truth appreciable by all.and especially by professors of the hf allng art, that to remove the disease, not to allev iate its symptoms, should be the chief aim of medication. Yet in how many instances do we see this truth admitted in theory.Ignored in practice. The reason that Ilostettejjrf Stomach Bitters is successful insomanycas es,w ith which remedies previously tried w ere inadequate to cope, is attributable to the fact that It is a medicine which reaches and re moves th causes ot the various maladies to which it is adanted. Indisestion. fever and ague, livercompl3lnt.gout,rheumatlsm, dis order ot tne Dowels, urinary anecnons ana other maladies are not palliated merely, but rooted out by it. It goes to the fountain bead. It 13 really, not nominally, a radical remedy, and it endows the system with au amount of vigor which It Its best protection against disease. PiAl POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than tho ordinary kinds, and can not be sold In competition with the multi tude of low teit, short weight, alum or phos Shate powders. Sold only in cane. Rotax. AKINU POWDEK CO. 108 Wall-St.. N. Y. MARKETS. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresh and Cured M eats FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOfclTB OCttDKNT HOTEL. CUr.STAHUS gtreet. Astoria, Os. Washington Market. JIala vtrccC, AMortn, OrrxB. i:KG.nA. &. co.p j:ozjuktohw PE.SPHCTFULLY CALL THE Ift Uou of the nuhllc to the faci ATTEN- uhllc to the fact that' the :Jove Market will at v. ay h be supplied with a FULL VAKIETY AND BEST QUALITY FiJESri AND CURED frtEATE i Whh'h will bj sold at lowest rates, whole sale ami retail . Jf-Spec!al attention given to supplying ahip-i. -v. jmui . ! s -'I ' nff Vm. EDGAR, Dealer In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNRK MAIN AND CHENAMUS ST. MURRAY & CO., GROCERS Aiid Dealers la 817 Special Attention Clvonto Filling Of Ordors. A Pl-LL LlftE CARRIED And Supples furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purehaies dellrored In any part ot tho !ty. Office and "Warehouse I:i nimio'a New Uutldlu? on Wator Street. I. O. Box 133. Telephone No. SZ. XSTORIA, OREGON. $67,000,000 Capital! Liverpool and London and Globe North British and mercantile Of Loudon and Edinbn'gb. Old Connecticut of Hartford AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital o I SG7,000 OOO. B. VAN DTJ5EN. Accent. J. H. D. GRAY. Wholesale and retail dealer In GROCERIES, FLOUR, ANDf EED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and :Wb.arf age on reason able terms. Foot of 'Pea ton street, Astoria,-Orefc60,-- Gai Sillies! A FINE HAT FOR A PRESENT To Any One KISS IE FOLLOWII PUZZLE: How does an Anti-Chinese Agitator resemble a Jewish Rabbi? To Present Thir Written Answer L iverpool Beginning Saturday the 20th mst., up to 3 o'clock p. sr. Monday 22nd. when all answers will be ooened and the Hat awarded to successful guesser. HERMAN WISE, Proprietor Liverpool and New York Outfit Co. Under the Occident. THE NEW MODE w tints etc., a specie1 ? A FUIii STOCK aLWAYS OK HAND The Telephone iSalooD. The Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. Especially lilted up for the Comfort and CouTenlencc of those who enjoy s Social Ghvs. The Best of Wines and Liquors, The Choicest Cigars. , Everything New and First-Class. R. I.. JEFFREY. Frop'r. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. BatrroK Stiusbt, Neah Pakkbr Housb, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAP ani HARM ENGINES BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Of all Descriptions made te Order at Short aiotlce. A. D. Wasb, President. J. G. Hustlkr, Secretary. L V7. Case, Treasurer. JOHN Fox.Superintendent. BANKING AND INSURANCE! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, tM'OBU, - OREGON. OFFICE HOURS : From u o'clock A. 31. until 3 o'clock P. M. FOR jMW b WlaBMi gliigsg CoMi Transportation CoiufT Through Freight on Fast Time! THE NEW STEAMES TELEPHONE Which ha3 been specially built for the comfort of passenjrera will leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. H. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. H W-An additional trip wHI be made onStjnday of Each Wp.leavln? Portlimd at OVsU-cfc &3ay Mornlajr. Passengers b VKOCTPrliSf1 for Sounlports. u-B-5Ctri l ' rre '" r,T PRICE. FIVE CENTS. Who Can Orer Their Signature at The the the RANGE CAN BE BAD IN AR TORIA ONLY OE B. B. HAWES, AGEAT CALL AND EXAMINE IT YOU WILL BE PLEASED, B. K. 11AWES Is also nciit fcr the 1M patent Cooking Stove And other first-clast Stoves. Furnace "Worli. Stoam Fit- Cariiaiian & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, LMPOXTBKS aUU V ilL5ALK , HO S.-. I'AIL OKALgP.S IN 'Vjrner Chec&ciiu and caw streets. ASTOKIA - )!Ktv Wilson& Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWAEE Paints. Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOU Salem Flouring Hills, Portland Eoller Mills, Capitol Hour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES.' ASTORIA. OKEGON. C. E. BAIN. DOORS, WINDOWS, BRACKETS. Mouldings, Window Frames, etc. A Full Supply of Material. Bids Furnished : Contract Work a Specialty. 31111 and Office on the Old Site. ij&ssza New TorkUutfitbo i PORTLAND ! -,-