hw s&Frr' he wail VQL. XXY, NO. 63. ASTORIA, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 16, J 886. PRICE. BIVE CENTS. "- "-- i, '' BUSINESS CARDS. C. R. THOMSOS, E. E. COOTERT. THOMSON fc CO OVERT, Attorneys at Law and Hotaries Public. Special attention given to collections and examining titles. , Ofock-lteozns4 and , over City Book store. 1 B. JIABT1X. t-. Architect and Civil Engineer. office Boom 6. Knights or Pytlilas Building. JK!. A. I, and .1. A. FIJITON. Phj -ilclanh and Surgeons. Will jrlvo prompt attention to all calls, i.om any part of the city or country. onice over Allen's Htore. corner Cass and .xiuemoqua streets, Aitoria, Oregon. Telephone h'o. 41. TB. FItXK IAr.f PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Opposite Telegraph Office. Astoria, Oregon. TAY TDTTLE, M. 1. PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEU.V OrriOE Booms 1. 2, and 3 Pythian BuiW- UcsiDKKCB-On Cedar Street, back of m. Mary's Hospital. YU- O. IS. F3TKS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OKficr. : Gem Building, up stairs, Astoria, i teon. D -pvn. AIKBR1) KIX9IRV, Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patients at his oBlee, and may be found there at any hour. -p THOE.V. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Residence, Upper Astoria, Nlllson House. -I EI.O F. PARKER SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY AXD Ex-City Surveyor of Astoria Office : N. E. oorner Cass and Astor streets, Room No. 8 Up Stairs. KO. A. DOKBIB. OEO. OL.AM XOrJLXD fc DOURIS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. umce tu Kinney's Block., .pposlte Ot Hull, Astoria, Oregon. w. FULTOX. O. C KULTOJt FULTOX BHOTHERS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 5 and 8. Odd Fellows BulldluR. r O.. A. BOWLBY. ttorsey and Cunt.rIlor sit lar, Ofllee on Ciieuamus Street, Astoria, Oregon. F." WTXTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms No. 11 and 12, Pj thlan Castle Build ing. iy . BAY3IOXD, CIY1L ENGINEER. CITY SURVEYOR. Offlee In City Hall, Astoiia. Oregon. A. B. SIf A1V. DENTIST. Itooms in Alleu's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets, Astoiia Oregon. H. A. SMITH, DENTIST. I have peruiancittlv located to Astoria. o 1 tactic Dentistry. 1 hare all the late Un proved appliances. None but the very best of work done and satisfaction guarantee a. Office In Kinney's Building. O It. IF.IUKX, NOTARY PUBLIC. ScKrefaerof Titles, Abstracter and Conveyancer. Office on Cass Street. 8 doors south of As torian office, Astoria, Oregon. General Agency of TjTrX. B. ADAIB, Real Estate, Insurance and Money BROKER- Valuable Properties for Sale or Lease In Upper Astoria. Accounts Adjusted, and Book. Keeping done on Short Notice. Office with CoL Spedden, cor. Jefferson and Cass ntreets, Astoiia, Oregon. A. V. Allen, "JTholMale and Retail Deaj to ffrMtrfoib MILL FEED- Glitc and Plated Ware, TMOPICAL AND DOXEBT10 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wftm, Ltajnrs,1ttKC,Ciiri Dr.SANFORD'S INVIGORATOR Is Jose what its nzxat implies ; Purelr Vegetable 'Compound, thaii acts directly iipoa thexxver j caring the many diseases iiciderVto that im. portant organ, erttitin g therm merous aUm arise from its deranged or etion, such as ice, liiuonsncss, aria, Sick-headache, It is therefore c To 'have Good Health .lialire the kept in order." DB. EAtfFOED'S LWZE INVIG0EAT0& Invfeoratea the Liver, Regulates the Bow els, Strengthens the System, Purifies the Blood , Assists Digestion, Prevents Fcvc rs. fa a Household Keed. An Invaluable Family Medicine for common complaiu's. 02. EAHIOBD'S LIVEB ETVIGOIIATGIL 4.i experience cf Forty years, and Tuj lands cf Testimonials prow Us Merit. r03 SALS BY AI.Ii DEALERS ETiTEDICnS For full lnforcwtion 6cnd yonr addrces for 10! to Boole on the -Liver and its dl-case," u W.Mt-KTOsD 4 dpaxs st.. i,zvr vo's. cur TUTT'S PILLS torTIdmbowelsT disordered liver, and MALARIA. From those sources arise three-four the of the diseases of the human race. These symptoms Indicate their existence: oia of Appetite, Bowels costive, Blclc Headacke, fullaess after eat ia,Bverilan to exertion of bodyor xulBd, Eructation of food, Irrltabll ltyoftcrapertror spirits, Afcellng otti&-riBfCBeglcctedcoraeduty,ILt xlness,FIuttcrlngattheXIeart,Uots before th eyes, highly colored CrlBe.COXSTlPATia&t&nd demand the use of a remedy that acts directly on thaLlver. AsaLiverznodlclneTUTT'S PILLS have no equal. Thclraotlonon the Kidneys and Skin is also prompt; removing all impurities through these three 4 scavenger! of the systam," producing appetite, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear skin and a vig orous body. TDTT'S PILLS cause no nausea or griping nor interfere with dally wonk ana are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. SoiacTerrwhore53. Offlee 44 MurraySt.N . TUTTS HAIR DYE. Grit Hair obWhiskebs changed in. stantly to a Guissr Black by a single application of this Dve. Sold by Drug. 'Qsts.or sent by express on re oolpt of tL Ofuce, 44 Murrav Street, New York. !77?S KAOTAX, QT tTZKJL SlCntSS nil. A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty; but it is a part. Every lady may nave it ; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. Did Sup- you pose Mustang Liniment only good for horses? It is for inflamma tion of all flesh. R. Lemon & Co., Stevedores and Riggers, PORTLAND and ASTORIA. Portland Office No. 16 North Front St Astoria Planing Mill HOLT &C0. Proprietors. Manufacturers of Mouldl iing. SftS arr Poors, Bunas, Ralls. clusters. Newel Posts, Brackets. Scroll and Tarn ed Balustrades, BOAT MATERIAL, ETC., Orders Solicited aid Promptly Atteaded to. Satisfaction Guaranteed As'to Style, Quality and Prices! Mill and Office cor. Folk and Concomly St$ ASTORIA, OREGON. AMies HOI.T CO. andrfl ants tfxt) vsoeDsiax riauna fosmenessflel Rhei3atimretc, rrn rerrit rtirr ' rums A "CORN-SHUCKING." An ay Down In Georxla In Old Plantation Hays. I suppose our Yankee friends would call it a "huaking-bee," as they are wont to call other such gatherings "paring bees," "quilting bees' etc. But we call it a corn-shucking. You must imagine that it is early autumn. The- foliage of the distant woodlands have taken on all the variegated colors of the rainbow. There are gum trees and maples whose tops are one sheet of name, oaks and towering hickories crowned with a mass of orange and golden colored leaves. The persimmon trees are loaded with their luscious fruit, and the late summer grapes hang in rich purple clusters along the fence rows next to the swamp. The pines alone are unaffected by the change of season. The broad fields of cotton are white as snow, and only the "slip shucks" remain on the stalks where lately hung pendant the lusty ears of golden corn which are now piled in a semi circle inside the barn-yard. Day after day the loaded wagons have deposited their precious freight on the growing pile, until now it forms a rampart high enough to allow 100 men to seat themselves along its line. Invitations have been sent to all the neighboring farms, and as the dusk deepens and the first timid Btars raise the purple curtain and gaze timidly down on the beautiful earth, they" begin to drop in, singly, in pairs, and in small parties. Thev are mostly big, brawny darkies with phenomenal lung power, intermixed with a fair sprinklinc of hardy farm ers and "young massas" who have either received permission, or have run away to enjoy the festive frolic. Now there is considerable discus sion about a leader. Every big farm has an acknowledged leader, and each party stoutly maintains the ex cellency of its own favorite. Charlie Green is finally chosen, and seizing a long ear of corn he mounts the corn pile, pulls his hat and bows low to the "boss" and to his audi tors and followers, and then strikes up his wild song : "O! dry's oaotlarapo'm&nsIUoza etxrdo, Frow out de olo co'n to (row la de new. O! rally rotin' de co'n plU Hoo jolly bo! Rally round de co'n pile, Hoo Jolly hoi" All hands join in the chorus, and the rustling of the shucks and steady pattering of the clean ears as they are tossed into the open space in front makes a spirited accompani ment to the weird music Up and down, back and forth, the leader treads the corn pile, singing at the top of his voice and swaying his hands and arms, head and body in time to his music. All are careful not to hit him, and he seems to pay no heed to the shower of ears that is flying around his head. "From Sat'd'y night twell Sunday De gall It on my mln'. But Monday morn In' bright an' soon, D white man got me a pwlne. Oh! git er long down de road. Oh! git er long down de read, Come git er long down the road, my lub, Come git er long down de road." The pile of rough corn diminishes rapidlv, the shucks are being carried away W the boys who have some high old times practicing gymnastics and on the yielding pile, the glisten ing cars fall thick and fast on the accumulating pile of clear corn. There hag Dec n an interesting light in the east for some minutes, and now the full autumn modn rises above the tree tops, and glides up the pur plo sky in all her majestic and be wildering splendor. Suddenly, at a signal from Charlie, all hands stop, and tho "OlbVMars- ter" approaches the leader with a fat looking brown jug and a tin cup. He speaks a word to Charlie, who makes obeisance, and in a loud voice calls eut: "Silence! Gem'len an' friends; I drinks dis to de healt ob de good marater, de miatis,' de young mars ter, de missies, may dey live long an' be happy!" Amid prolonged cheers tho toast is drank first by Charlie, and then the jug is passed along the line, .each man drinking his "spec's to de marster and mis tis;" should the first give out an other is put in the hands of the ser vitor and particular pains is taken to see that all are treated alike. Then the leader strikes up: " Fo'ty weight o' Johnny cake Fifty wekffet o' chewe, A big pet o.aoariay. Ah' a little pot o' peas. O' Jenny, ain't yo aab cake dose, my darlin't Jenny, ain't o aah cake dene, my deaht " Away they go, and the laugh and song, included with jests at the ex pense of the leader, who is sure to be ready with a fitting repartee, are kept up until the last nubbin is shucked. Then comes the tug of war. For iome time there has been wafted on the breeze from the great kitchen a most delicious aroma. Now the ta bles are Laid with a bounteous repast for the white neighbors indoors. For the darkies, who are in the ma jority, long tables have been im provised beneath the great trees in the -yard. Large fires are "kindled so that the tables are well lighted, and buxom servant maids cast long side-glances at certain bashful-looking swains of dusky hue, as they move briskly, piling up and arrang ing the loaves of brown bread, and the dishes of meats, .potatoes, vege tables, and other etceteras 'Charlie directs the-'Eoveaents of-the ban queters, and they are soon ranged along each' slee of the long table. 1 "Sitioff, boys, an' 'titfltioa while Popper Joe axes de blessin'." A. venerable negro whose woolly locks I are scant and gray, approaches the j board. Slowly ana reverently he I lifts his palsied and withered hands. ! All heads are instantly bowed in rev- j erence. "0! Heabenly Marster! Bress, 'im in baskit an' in store. Bress 'e ! fambly, an' 'e servants, an' 'e prop' ty and all dat am his'n. An' grant, j oh ! good Lord, to sanctify dis food j to de good ob our pe'ishin bodies an' ! feed our souls on de bread of life, fo' Jesus' Bake. Amen!" t "Now. des' he'D vo'selves bovs."t cries Charlie, and straightway they proceed to devour the tempting vi ands. After supper, in response to a request from the master, they sing a few of their wild plantation songs, and then disperse in all directions. II. M. FolKom, in Yaldosta (Ga.) Times. A Hereditary Ailment. A great big overgrown tough en tered a Grand River avenue saloon yesterday in search of gore. He was "primed," and he asserted that he was ugly. He even acknowledged that he intended to hurt somebody before he got out, and it would be an injury requiring the united serv ice of at least three eminent surgeons. The barkeeper was reading a novel, head down and elbows on the bar, and he did not look up as the big tough pounded on tho cherry and called out : "Set 'um up I I tell you to set 'em up for all hands !" An old farmer who had been warming his shins got up and sneak ed out. ue saiu he didn't propose to go back home to Maria a cripple for life. He was followed by a lanky youth with brick-colored hair, who observed that the doctor had forbid den him to fight for the next three weeks. "Are you going to set 'em up?" howled the tough as he pounded some more. "No," was the quiet reply. "Then the consequences be upon your own head !" With this he peeled hi3 coat, and the two remaining men" bolted for the door. One excused himself on the grounds that ho didn't want to hurt anybody, and the other said he had just licked two men up the street and was waiting for his sec ond wind. As they went out the tough upset a table, and he was about to overturn tho stove when the little barkeeper shut up his book with a sigh, came from" behind the bar, and exhibited signs of life. He took the tough by the ear and said : "Two dollars!" "What fur?" "Damages!" Two silver dollars were handed over, and then he led the big fellow V)ut doors and marched him up and down the walk three or four times to show him off. By and by he "stood him on the gutter, gave him a tre mendous kick, and observed : "You go home !" The big fellow waded through the mud to the opposite side and stood and looked back. One of the spectators approached him and said : "You didn't make much of a fight." "I didn't, eh? Well, now, I want you to understand that I showed more clear grit in this little fracas than ever before in my life !" "Then vott aren't much of a fight er." "Sayl" replied the man as he dropped his voice to a whisper, "you are dead-jight! I go in ali right but the minute I'm tackled my sand gives out. I believe its hered itary, "and I'm going to a doctor to be examined." "You go home !" shouted the bar keeper. "Yes I'm going good-day !" And he went off without once turning to look behind him. Free Press fcVe wish our readers to know that we havo fout.d inrcu benefit from usinjr Simmons Liver Regulator. Onr trouble, oiminatcd andretit'ered chronic many ears in India, leaves but little hope of a peneci cure ironi aninin. uui ine Rpiiul.'tnr has uffordpd inon relief than all else we hae tried. We say this without the wihh or knowledge of J. II. Zeilin & Co., the proprietors. Rev. R. G. Wilder. Ed. "Jlissiouary .Review," Princeton, JS. J." ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bestoh Sthket, Neak Pxukeb House, ASTOKIA, - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LANDaiMffiEENGffiES BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Of sll Icsei'iptiou8 raide to Order nl Kbert Ketice. .A. D. WA8B, President. J. O. Hobteer, Secretary, I. W. Cask, Treasurer. JOHN Fos.Superintcndcnt. Imperial Pekin Duck Eggs: tf1 RA PER DOZEN. FOR SALE BY i QJ J..W J D. J. INGALLS, V11&QW8U. d""AI i iTri tl j Psral1iioli Hoi Thrponc llSi illull iiuA IiIiuu.Uu liipJ "'"-I NO EQUAL ! KJIisFissHU ' --HaBSHsfcfeK POWDER Absolutely Pure. This pov.der never varies. A marvel of purltv, strenijJli and uholconieness. More economical than the ordinary kinds. and can not be sold In competition i the imtltl tudo of low te.it, snort weight, alum or phos phate powders. Sold only in canst. IUivai. BAKC'O Fowdeu Co. 100 wall-st.. N, MARKETS. STAR MARKET. WHERE? & C03HPAWY, Fresh and Cured Meats,'" FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCUDENT HOTEL, CIIE5TAMCB Street. Ahtoria, Oc Washington Market. jlaln -!iect, Astoria, Oregon. I!EitKAX & CO.PKOPIUFFOHS RESPECTFULLY CALL TilE ATTEN tion or the public to the fact that the fcbore Market wfll alleys besupplledwlth a FULL ViUlETY AND BEST QUALITY fSE5K AHD C-UEEO !EAT3 ' I yifleb will be sold at lovcst rates, whole sale tu:d retail . S?Speclal nUentlou given to supplying Mrs. VBI. EDGAR, Dealer In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, QFjmiF, ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. COK.N'EIC MAIN AND CIIEXAHU8 STS. & CO., G-BOCERS And Dealers in fi Special Attontion Given to Filling Of Orders. A riLL LINE CARRIED And Supples furnished st Satis factory Tcrma. Purchases delivered In any part of the lty. Office and Warehouse In name's New Oulldln ou Water Street. 1 O. BOX 153. ASTORIA, Telephone No. S7. OREGON. $67,000,000 Capital! Liverpool and London and Globe North British and mercantile Of London and Edlnfci'-gh. Old Connecticut of Hartford COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Hepresentlnc a Capital olS67, GOO OOO. B. VAN DUSEN. Astent, J.. EL D. GKAY. Wholesale and retail dealer In GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats. Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of. Benton street, Astoria, Oregon.' ' - - - - - Smlies rrTMMaTriii r r liTBMTmiiim jtt r hi.ii 1 1 if i 1 1 29SBMHar?&BMlB39??HBBnflXL tSS3Bk hii l nsas!3alBilsalBBBBP 5iiiaB5BM?l-arAo nssSsKKIEv-- ,4X HOUSE FOUHUEO.- 178.-"- ' 7 2k 1 ""J Jr sJflJFSu GRAND PRIZE THEY HAVE BEEN AWARDED HIGHER PRIZES AT THE VAltlOUS THAN THE GOODS OF ANY OTHER THREAD MANUFACTURERS IN 1HK WORLD. Qauliiy can Always Exieriencfil Mrarajse i Other ! HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 and 519 Market Street, AGENTS Jb'Oit Seine Twines, Rope and 5K THE NEW MODEL "sscfesn-S; A TJJJJa STOCK BiBBBaBjBaBBiSBOasasBSBswcBrjajnaisaBmcBsaagsoaacs The Telephone Saloon. The Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. - Egnecially littcd up for tho Comfort and Convenience of those who enjoy a Social Gla s. The Beat or "Wines ami Liquors, The Choicest Chjars. Everything New and First-Class. R. t. JEFF1SKY. laropr. CoMia Transportation Coiaiiy. FOR Through Freight on Fast Time! THE EW STEAMER -TELEPHONE Which has been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and- Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. f-An additional trip will be made on Sunday of Each WeK. leaving PMthuid foZigtts.11 " ?aS5enge"b thV!c?Preada fi (?1Sk 1jUJ oS PARIS 1878. be Depended on I SAN FRANCISCO, PACIFIC OOAJ4T. letting Constantly on Hand. K.VNGE CAN BE HAD IJf AS TOKIA ONLY OF Ex Bm HAWE9f AGBKT CAM. AND EXAMINE 11. YOU WILL BE PLEASED. e. H. JIAWKS 13 ls. ijt-tt for the Bntk patent Qxjtiw Stove And other flrst-class Stoves. Furnace 'Work. Stesua Fit tings, etc.. a speoialty ALWAYS ON HAND. Carnaiiaii & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. "W. CASE, IMPORTKKS AND vVHOLiLSALE AND iSrAIL DKALEUS IN GENERAL MEECEAMS Corner Chenamua and Cass streete. Ac TOKIA - OREGON PORTLAND ! i S&klMfeV- .r. v'3iss3Me,bfyj-' .rfiifc -"s 1 . 'S'V.-.