"""" Z'Z, s,r&f-fSi & z-$&FS? rajfT ' .j C3 hc tottjj iMtotfaw. ASTOKIA, OREGON: SATHltDAY. ..MAUCII IS, 1S3C Skating at the riuk this evening. The Emblelon went up stream ye", torday in low of the Church. A strong wind blew from the south and southwest yesterday; stormy weather was reported outside. li. S. forsley will sell a miscellane ous assortment of government goods at auction at ten-thirty this morning. Gov. Moody has disbauded the Emmet Guard of Portland "for hav ing evinced a mutinous and disobe dient spirit" Six new lodges of the A. O. U. W. were instituted in Oregon and Wash ington during the month of February with an aggregate membership of 83. Col. J. K. Phillips was robbed of S3&) belonging to the G. A. E., and grievously wounded within sight of his house in East Portland, last Thursday night The new registry law permits eacb political party to adopt a device to be placed at the head of the ticket. A copy of the regular ticket witb the device thereon must be filed with the county clerk, and any one making bogus tickets will be liable to fine and imprisonment A representative of this paper yes terday interviewed Mr. E. A. Noyes, agent of the O. R. Sc N. Co., regarding the recent cut in freight rates to sixty-five cents a hundred from Chicago to Portland, and asked if that rate applied to Astoria as well. He said he had as yet received no official no tification concerning the matter, but was of the opinion that it did. In the circuit court yesterday the equity case of Trullinger vs. Barry was argued. In the suit of Crafts vs. Crafts, a decree of divorce was or dered; in the case of Hedlung vs. Wilson, a decree of stipulation was allowed. Jndga Taylor rendered a decision in the test case recently brought regarding the validity of the Keady liquor law, boldiug in sub stauce that whilo tho law was consti tutional and the city council respon sible for its observance, be would sustain the demurrer entered by de fendant's counsel, pro forma, in order to admit of an immediate appeal to tho supreme court, to which tribunal the case will at once be appealed, the probabilities being that it will be ar gued during tbe present term. I'KRSOXAL. Sheriff Ross returned from the up per Nehalem yesterday. THE SCHOOL DIRECTORSHIP Office of Supt. of Public In- ( s'tkuotion, Salem, Mar. 9, '80 J V. E. Dement, Esq., Astoria, Or.: Deau Sir: In answer to your fa vor of tbe 5th inst, I have to ask the following questiens: 1st. DidMr.Tallauthavc property "liable" to taxation at the time of the meeting first Monday in March? 2ud. Did his property then exceed the exemption amount of $300? If these questions can be answered in the affirmative by Mr. Tallant, then, in my opinion, he is a legal di rector, and should be qualified as such. In my decision (referred to by you) I mean to use the term "liable" in an absolute sense that is, one who has taxable property within tho district whenever a meeting may be held at any time during the year. For an extensive and comprehen sive definition and application of this term (in the relation used) I would refer you to sec. 28, page 754, General Laws of Oregon, Deady and Lane's compilation. Very truly vours, E. B. McElroy, Supt Pub. Iust'n. A DECISION IX THE LIQUOR CASE. In the case of the state of Oregon vs. Samuel Harris and Chas. Wright, wherein the defendants were indicted for violating the provisions of the law passed by the last legislature, and generally known as the Keady liquor law, the circuit court yester day entered up a judgment pro forma sustaining the demurrer to the indict ment This case was brought by agreement to test the validity of the said law, and while the court ex pressed the opinion that the law was constitutional and valid. by consent the above judgment was entered up in order that the case might be appealed at once to the supreme court, and be heard and determined at once by that body. Had a judgment been entered in ac cordance with the opinion expressed by the court the defendants would have to be tried at tho May term be fore an appeal conld have been taken and a decision by the supreme court deferred until the October term; hence the entering of the judgment as above stated by the circuit conrt Measured Fourteen Feet in Length. "Hard working Bill," whom a good many Astorians know, is now living near Eagle Cliff, W. T. A short time ago he had an adventure with a con gar, the biggest ever seen in that lo cality. He shot him while on the limbNof a tree 100 feet from the grofhid, or rather water, for when the animal fell he plumped into the wa ter, the dogs after him. Even then he showed fight and would have killed the dogs, had not the hunter fired six bullets more into him. He measured fourteen feet from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail and was a "buster." The dogs that are used in hunting the cougar area cross between the hound and the bull dog. They are valuable animals, 250 being refused for one the other day. Auction at 2 and 7 P. Crystal Palace. m. daily at the Goods at far less than cost at the Crys tal Palace. Auction till further notice. TELEGEAPHIO. Anti-Chinese Depredations in Portland. Rnniorcd Virtnry For Jark Dempsey . The Berlin Reiclislaj: Rpjerl Pet Scheme. Bismarck's Portland, Mar. 12. About four o'clock this morning two loud explo sions were heard in the lower part of the city. It transpired that the ex plosions were at a China wash house, the occupants of which were injured. The house was but slightly injured. No arrests, no clue. The "explosions caused considerable excitement About eleven o'clock last night a bright light was seen west of the city. It was learned this morning that a party of white men had visited the Chinese quarters and had driven the occupants out and burned the huts. It is also stated that they robbed the Chinamen, but this is not believed. All the Chinamen that were driven out came to town. Col. Phillips, the victim of last night's robbery and shooting in East Portland last night is still alive, but there are small hopes of his re covery. There is as yet no clue to the perpetrators of the deed. NOT WHIPPED YET. New York, Mar. 12. The Mail and Express says that Jack Dempsey and Le Blanche the Marine, fought sixteen rounds in a barn at Harrison, Westchester county, this morning, and that the fight resulted in a vic tory for Dempsey. The fight began at four o'clock this morning and lasted an hour. Both were badly punished and the fight was a verv closely contested one. Another evening paper says that no fight has occurred. TRAINS RUNNING. St. Louis, Mar. 12. St Louis and Santa Fe trains are running on the Missonri Pacific road to-day without any opposition. Tho com pany is advertising for men regard less of their connection with labor organizations and offers the same wages as last year. ARKES1EI). Dallas, Tex., Mar. 12. Striking men were arrested hero to-day for in terference with railroad properly at present in the hands of the court. A BIG FIRE. London, Mar. 12. Fire originating among cotton bales at the Oldham depot this morning destroyed proper ty valued at 3",0,000. Ono fireman was killed. The liabilities of the princess Beline are 800,000, due to extravagance. The princess has spent 5,000,000 in the last ten years. wouldn't iiave it. Berlin, Mar. 12. Bismarck's "spir it bill" was to-day rejected by the committee of the reiebstag. to whom it had been referred. IN REPLY TO -CLATSOP." Astoria, March 12, 1880. Editor Asterian: I would like to say in auswer to "Clatsop." of Knappa, that no one has any lawful right to sell liquors of any kind on the water within three miles of the shore of this county, ex cepting he has a license therefor is sued by the same authorities and on the same conditions as if his scow or saloon were located on the land. The officers of the law are elected to prosecute and punish all such of fenders as "Clatsop" describes. If the officers of the law neglect or re fuse to attend to their official duty in this matter, our only remedy is the secret ballot Force must not be thought of. It is our duty, as I con ceive it, to vote, independently or party preference, for men who will dare enforce the law in these cases. Cannerymen have a direct and deep interest in this matter. The whisky scows are the cause of heavy losses to them oftentimes. Would it not be well for each canneryman to con tribute a small sum with which to employ an efficient detective who will aid, if necessary, the officers of the law in arraigning and prosecuting the offenders? That i3, of course, providing that we find the officers in clined to punish the scow-men and need some assistance in that way. Aesculapius. Card of Thanks. The undersigned take this method of expressing our most hearty thanks to the business men of the city, to the individual members of the M. E. Sunday school, and especially to those of our friends who, through great fatigue and self-sacrifice, in sured the pleasantries and success of the donation given us in our church on the evening of the 11th inst. May the good God bless yon all most abundantly both in basket and in storehouse. A. J. and M. E. .Tosltn. Goods at your own prices at the Crys tal Palace. Ladies' Cohen's. fine wear a .specially at T. To Housekeepers. Attention is called to our advertis ment in another column giving a par tial list of the goods to be found in our stock. We aim to carry the best assort ment to be found in Astoria, and cash or short time buyers will find it to their ad vantage to make their purchases from us. Goods delivered free of charge to any part of the city. D. L. Bkck & Soxs. Parties wishing snars or nlline of any size or length can be supplied by leav ing orttera with .1. it. v. uray. Gent's furnishing goeds: a fine stock of clothing, hats, etc., at I. Cohen's. Bargains Cohen's. in Jersey Jackets at I. To the United States Restaurant for the best oysters. Private rooms. Thos. Mairs, the tailor, has just ar rived from San Francisco with & well selected stock of goods. Call and ex amine before they are all gone. THE MINING FEVER. Gentle or ferocious reader, did you ever have n touch of that delirious complaint known as "the mining fe ver?" Did you ever see in your mind's eye whilo attending to ordin ary occupations, a virgin mining camp where tho trail of the serpent was yet untrailed and claims were to be had for the taking? Did you ever devour a fragment of a newspaper contain ing an account of the strike in Grizzly gulch, or the wondrous richness of the ore in Dusty district and wish you were thar? Eerhaps your pulses are stirred into remembrance of the days when you tramped three miles to "the store" after a hard day's work for the flour, bacon and baking powder and coffee; when a clay pipe cost two bits and whisky was two dollars a pint; when you waited for months for the water'to rise at Echo Rock; of the weeks of weary work at Soledad canon; of the flume you cut and built through the granite at Table moun tain and which was swept away by the spring freshet: of the gravel at Poverty flat which didn't pan out a cent to the yard, of the $3,000 lost in the Geiger grade; of the year you put in on the razor blade at Austin; of the 20,000 you refusedjfor your ledge at Tuscarora, which aforesaid ledge you would have sold a week af ter for a new poker deck. A good many memories of the old days come upon you and you think as you read of Granite creek or Col ville that perhaps the El Dorado is still somewhere for you. You read of the "rush" to the new district and you see men going, and long to be in with the first You can't help it If you ever had the mining fever you'll get it again as through the year yon hear of new mines, whether quartz or placer. No boy reading the "Arabian Nights" ever had inoro faith in tho story of "Aladdin; or the Wonderful Lamp," than many bronzed and bearded men have in the belief that somewhere, some time they'll "stake it rich" in some to be discovered min ing camp, and the tedious round of daily dir i js grows to them distasteful as their eyes light up with visions of the good fortune that undoubtedly awaits them. With many 'tis a life delusion, and not till they climb the Inst rugged range of mountains ou Life's rocky road and descend into the valley of Shadow can they realize that some where up among the splendid stars above they may find an eternal El Dorado. INQUIRY REGARDING ESTATE. THE OLNEY The following letter was received in this city this week: March 4th, 188G. Dear Sir: My uncle, Cyrus Oluey, who resided in Astoria in your county, died there, I think, in 1870. He had a large es tate which was settled by the court and divided between his brothers and sisters; my mother falling heir to a part of it Several years ago she deeded it by a quit claim deed to my brother, Nathan O. Hardy. He after wards tried to force a written state ment from my mother to the effect that the deed she gave him was a warranty daed. When she denied giving him such a deed he caused all of his brothers bnt me, and all of his sisters but one, to believe the property in Astoria was of but little value, and thereby obtained- a i elinquishment from them of their right to a part of their mother's share of her brother's estate, in his favor. In the fall of 1871 1 was legally declared to be in sane and was sent to the state hos pital for the insane and a guardian was appointed over me. He refused to sign away my right to my uncle's property in favor of my brother, and so he failed to get it into his posses sion. My guardian now tells me he can obtain no account of my property in Astoria; so I decided to ask yon to-day in regard to it and await your reply. Has any property been sold for taxes in your count within the past six years, that was assessed as nou resident property, belonging to W. D. Hardy, a resident of the state of Iowa? Has any property in your county been sold for taxes within the past six years, that has been assessed to Nathan O. Hardy, which property had formerly been known to be a part of the Cyrus Olney estate, situated in Clatsop county, Oregon, and in the town or city of Astoria? An early answer from yon will oblige w. D. Hard, (Insane) Mt Zion, Van Buren Co., Iowa. CHADWELL CHIPS. Mr. Cole, who has been logging ou the river the past winter, has re moved to Deep river. W. T., where he will continue his business. Most of the dykes that were broken in by the unusually high tides this winter, are repaired. W. E. Dement is having his dyke raised two feet the entire length. Messrs. Brower, In galls and Cole have been doing con siderable work on their dykes. ihose who attended the party at Wm. Hartill's. on the 6th inst, report having a splendid time and that the musician. Mr. Spofford of Clatsop plains, did not demand an extortion ate price as did a former fiddler who did a little sawing on similar occa sions previously. CiicIiIeii'N Arnicn Salve. Tub Best Saia-k In the world for Cuts, nruises,Sores,UIcers,SaIt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no paj' required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Trice 25 cents per box. For sa le hv W E. Dement & Co. The Rev. Geo. 11. Thayer, of Bour bon, Ind says: "Both myself and wife oweour lives toSmr.on's Consumption CnitK." Sold by W. E. Dement Crow, The Leading Photographer, guarantees as good work as can be had in the state. Pictures taken In any kind of weather with the Instantaneous Process. CALIFORNIA AND OBEGON ROAD. The Yreka, Cal. Journal learns from trustworthy sources that there are at least two thousand men at work on the railroad above Delta, crowding the work along to reach Bailey's as soon as possible, the rail road owning that ranch and the noted springs thereon. The railroad force comprises mostly Chinamen, only 250 white men being employed. Work, however, i3 given to all white men de sirous of working for a dollar a day and board. The driving away of Chinamen from various sections ona bles tho railroad compdhy to secure plenty of Chinese laborers at cheap est rates. It is reported that Scobie has received, orders to crowd the ma sonry work as fast as possible, as his work must be completed first, in or der to allow speedy progress with the vast army of men engaged in grading and filling. The tunnel work is also being pushed forward as fast as pos sible from both ends of each tuunel, with day and night shifts, as only a certain number of men can work in the tunnel at a time. Some sixty-five more dump-carts and four heavy wagons, with several carloads of heavy timber for bridges and trestle work, came up on last Thursday's train, also several more Chinamen, making one of the longest trains over hauled to Delta and Slate creek. Mr. Scobie, the contractor for building culverts and masonry work, i3 putting on more men, and crowd ing work as fast as possible. It is the general opinion that the road will be pushed speedily to Bailey's, where the company can establish the ter minus on their own grounds, and build up quite a place, and may stop there for some years, if the land grant is forfeited as seems probable. When completed to this point, nearly all the through passenger travel will take the overland route between Portland and San Francesco, in preference to steamer, and all the freight for this section will come via Bailey'B from San Francisco, without any division of trade with Portland. The distance from Bailey's and Ashland to Yreka is about tlm sama, bnt the high Siski you range, on Ashland road, is equal to nearly a third more distance over the ronte to Bailey's. At Bailey's the California railroad will also be able to supply all of southeastern Or egon, and Klamath Lake basin to better advantage than tho Oregon railroads, on account of easier outlets for wagon roads, as high mountains intervene between southeastern Ore gon and Bogne river valley, through which the Oregon railroad is built The Bedding Democrat says tho track is laid to a point just below Portuguese Flat, and construction trains rnn to the end of the track, at which place Col. Scobie has 140 whito men at work on the piers of two of the largest and most expensive bridges on the whole road. Each of tho piers of tho bridges will cost over S10,000, a3 they are about forty feet in height, fifteen feet wide at the base and the retaining walls are 125 feet in length. TIip Two tin-rents. A great unmber of persons arc tak ing advantage of the cheap fares east to return to the places in the Missis sippi section and Atlantic border, whence they set out for the Pacific slope during the halcyon days of the Yillard regime. While the Pacific northwest is being drained of a great number who wero employed in the towns and cities, it is receiving a far more preferable class of immigrants who are moving on farms and at once begin tbe cultivation of the soil and become producers. This current o? good immigrants to our fertile lands and of the over population of the cities back to the to the east, will soon restore onr sectiou to a very healthy state and assist in the intro duction of the era of much desired prosperity. The inward tide exceeds the outward Row. Seattle Chronicle, G. Excited. Thousands All over the land are going Into ec stasy over Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their unlooked for recovery by the timely u.se of this great life Saving remedy, causes thein to go nearly wild in its praise. It is guar anteed to positively cure Severe Coughs. Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever, Dronchitis, HoaiMMiess, Loss of Voice, or any affec tion of the Throat and Lungs. Trial bottles free at W. E. Dement & Co.'s Drug Store. Large bke 1.00. P. II. Fok has opened a tailor shop in the Gem Huililimr. and if von want a good and neat job of cleaning and re pairing done reasonable, he is the man. AH the patent medicines advertised in (Ills paprr, ogttlher with the ehoicit ju-rnuiiury. r.nu lonet articles, etc can ih bwuilit u1 the lowest prions, at . I. W. Oum's drur: Une. opposite Ocidfiit licJi'l. -stnria. The Perfection Of the age in the medical line is the liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs, man ufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co., Sa'n Francisco, Cal. It is agreeable to the taste, acceptable to the stomach, harmless in its nature, painless vet prompt and thorough in its action. For sale by W. E. Dement & Co. Forltcut. The fine hall, 80x23, lately occupied as a gymnasium, next to Telephone saloon. Apply to Jeff. Syrup of Figs. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is Natures Own True Laxative. This pleasant liquid fruit remedy may he had of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle. It is the most Eleasant, prompt and effective remedy nown, to cleanse tho system ; to act on, tho Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently yet thoroughly to dispel neadachs, Colds and Fevers: to cure Constipation, Indigestion and kindred ills. House to Reut. Inquire of I. W. Case. New Roods ! New goods ! At the As toria tailor's Tnos. Maihs. Coal. Hay and Straw, Tacoma Coal $6 per ton, delivered. Choice ilay from $9 to $12 per ton. Cow Hay and Straw S7 to $10 per ton For sau by J. H. D. Gray. THE "BEAR" AND THE "CORWIN." The treasury department has de cided to stop seal piracy and whisky traffic on the islands of Alaska. Tho Hear has been ordered north to watch the seal fisheries. Tho Cor win has received orders of the same character with respect to whisky smuggling. The force of revenue cutters at presont on the Pacific coast consists of the Wolcott, which cruises in Ore gon and Washington territory waters under the jurisdiction of the collector of tho Port Towsend district; the Rush, which is under the jurisdic tion of the collector of the San Fran cisco district; and the Corwin and the Dear, which are under the direct jurisdiction of tho Secretary of the treasury. The Dear goes to the northeastern Arctic to keep cne eye on the seal pirates and another for indications of the lost Amethyst's men, while the Corioin will be sent to the Alaskan coast to act in the interests of tem perance and the internal revenue. The Wolcott will cruise as she cruises now, and the Rush will be kept at San Francisco in case of any emergency. The task set for the Corwin is con sidered to be a particularly difficult one. Not only have the Aleut, the Mahlemute, the Thlinkir, the Tenu anah and tho Kanaig become devotees to the absorption of firewater, but they are willing to pay good prices, indentations, extends for thousands of and the trade in whisky is a paying one. In the next place the Alaskan water line, with its archioelaeoes and miles and offers at the same time the best place in the world for smugglers and the hardest place in the world for the coast guardsmen. Nor can the Corwin count upon very much assistance from the treas ury agents at either end of the line. The revenue force in Alaska consists of a collector of customs at Sitka, with a deputy and a marshal, and one deputy at Wrangel, Tongas and Onnalaska. The collector has no steam launch at his disposal, and what he and his deputies can do by the dignity of their office towards putting down illicit dealing in whis ky may be imagined. Under the existing laws, too, the collector at San Francisco has his hands tied, since he cannot prove the correctness of the manifest of an outgoing ship, and if the captain going to Sitka should want to make a return of flour for whisky that is, havo whisky ou board and call it flour there is no one to prevent him from doing so. The Deal's duties will not be bo onerous. Every year the unlicensed slaughter of seals is carried on in the fur islands, and as the government receives no revenue for these, and as the slaughter last year was very large, it has been resolved to stop it. The Alaska Fur company, as a duty-paying concern, will lend active aid to the Dear in suppressing these depre dations. The liHke Is On Top. At last report the tunnel opening had reached a depth of 65 feet. The formation is soapstone and has be gun to cave, rendering an arch neces sary. There is a lake of 160 acres on top of the mountain. Yalcima Re publican, March 6. A Itellalile Article. For enterprise, push and u desire to get such goods as will give the trade satisfaction, J. W. Conn the Druggist leads all competition. He sells Dr. Bo sanko's Cough and Lung Syrup, because it's the best Medicine on the market, for Coughs, Colds, Croup and Primary Con sumption. Price r0 cents and $1.00. Samples free. Fot Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee ou every bottle of Sniloh's vitalizer. It never fails to cure. Sold bv W. E. Dement Why will you cougn when Shilolfs Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cU no ots and SI. Sold by W. K. De ment. For lame Back, Side or Client use Sniloh's Porous Tlaster, Prico 25 cents. For sale by W. E. Dement That Hacking Cough can be so quickly cured by Shilon's Cure. We guarantee it Sold by W.E. Dement. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shlloh's Catarrh Remedy Price 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi tive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and Canker Mouth. Sold by W. E. Dement. For a IV cat Fitting Boot Jr Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmaus, on Che numus street, next door to I. W. Ca?e. All goods of Hie bet make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new goods constantly arriving. Custom work. -See the fine Mock of Slippers at 1. Cohen's. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY! There is no occasion for the mast fastidi ous of our citizens to send to Portland or San Francisco for Custom Made Clothes As they can pet Better Fits, Better Work manship, and for Less HVIoxxoy By Leaving their Orders with 11 EANY. He has Just received the Yumlest Yum Yum lot of Goods ever made up hi Astoria. Cull and See IIIiu and Satisfy Yonrsiir. P. J. MEANY, MERCHANT TAILOR. K. EKSTROM, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. Shop next to L. I. Johnson's cigar store. ALL WORK WARRANTED ! Notice to Cannerymen. WE ARE AGENT3 FOR HENDERSON & Withers for the sale of their charcoal and can furnish any amount deelred. Flease call and see us ueftre purchasing elsewhere. TJOZORTH & JOHNS. HOSIERY WE WILL 01 UNSE STOCK OF HOSIERY! Amounting to over $2,000 on our Center Counters this Veek. and Mark Them Down! To such Prices as will make a T JHCODELOTJG-IEa: OX.ZE3 A.IEI.-A.:Ea-0:Er X As we must make room in this Department for Large Sjrii Purchase Our 75c Hose Our 60c Hose Our 50c Hose Our 40c Hose Our 25c Hose -AT I Fine Silk, Lisle Thread and Cashmere Hose REDUCED TO NET COvST. The Above Goods contain same of the Latest Designs in Ladies', Children's and Misses' . Hose, And Ladies who wish to secure some of the Greatest Bargains ever Offered in Hosiery Would do well to Call Early N. B. The Reduced Prices will hold good FOR THIS WEEK ONLY ! G. H. COOPER'S The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House in Astoria. -AGENCY- M Coleman & Co, OF SAN FRANCISCO. Havel's Wharf and Warehouse, Astoria. Oregon. Gaitmerjr Supplies at Lowest Prices. Storage a&4 Insurance at Current Rules. Basking Department Drafts on the leading Cities of the Woild JNO.F.McGOVERN, Agent. Ueo. U. Stewart, Accountant, and Agent Northern Pacific Express Co. GITY BOOK STORE. Books and Stationery! The Largest and Finest Stook in Astoria to Select From. GRIFFIN c5c RUED. MacDonald & Mcintosh Are now Prepared to Show a Large Assortment OIF Goods in Every Line! Which will be Sold at Lower Figures than at any Other House IN THE OITT. The Leading Clothing, Hat, and Gents1 Furnishing Store OF ASTORIA. PLACE s to Arrive ! Reduced to 50c Reduced to 40c Reduced to 35c Reduced to 25c Reduced to 15c Our - EXCURSION TICKETS!! FROM ASTORIA TO PORTLAND AND RETURN IFor 82.001 OK THE "TELEPHONE." Astoria and Seaside BAKERIES, ED. JACKSON, - Proprietor Tho best Bread, Cakes and Pastry In tbe City, loe Creams and Ornamental Work to order Manufacturer of Fine Candles. &- s .. -TflBTffliftgqifrJMtygte g-ju-i