v?.ysf$S&&&?" 'vs- '?s&iK' ' ' gLir& - 'fMfWPPSf - C3) i ?hc gtoitjj tMim, ASTORIA, OREGON: KKIIAY... .MARCH 3. 1886 The liglit house board has recom mended the appropriation of $60,000 for the erection of a liglit house at Gray's harbor. The stockholders of the Columbia Canning company will hold a special meeting at their office next Friday evening to wind up the affairs of the corporation. "The Beggar Student" said to be the best in the repertoire of the Thompson Opera Co., at Eo3s' opera house to-night Reserved seats at the New York Novelty store. The West Shore Mills are in full blast; the box factory will begin op erations in about three weeks. The prices of .lumber, boxes, etc, at these mills for the season will be found un der "New To-Day." Al White, at present under $3,000 bonds to appear before the grand jury at Portland charged with com plicity in the Oregon City Chinese deportation, came down from Port land yesterday afternoon. The C7ieseb rough arrived in yes terday. The third day out from Aca pulco, one of the sailors jumped or fell overboard; he was rescued only to jump or fall down the hatchway, and died from the effects of the falL Electric lights are being hung at the intersection of the principal streets, to be paid for by private sub scription. A bright light was hung corner Main and Chenamus streets yesterday. The cost is comparatively trifling where several join in sharing the expense. PEItSOXAL. Milt Parrish, an old time Astorian, is in the city. He will be at Jno. A. Devlin's cannery this season. N. Clinton and wife returned yes terday from attending the funeral of Mrs. Meussdorfer in Portland. Ed. D. Curtis, a former Astorian, now treasurer of the Casino company in Portlaud, was busy shaking hands with old friends and acquaintances yesterday afternoon. Misdirected Enthusiasm. A gentleman who listened to Rev. Sam Jones in Cincinnati tells the fol lowing as illustrative of the peculiar methods of the revivalist: He was delivering an especially fervid ad dress, and a little old woman who sat well in front was constantly inter rupting him with Bbrill-voiced and ear Eiercing exclamations of "Bless the .ord!" and Glory Hallelujah!" "Amenl" and other campmeeting ec centricities. Jones stood it for a time, but finally stopped his address, and turning to the women said: "Sis ter, enthusiasm is a good thing if it is only genuine. But you remind me of a little steamboat that used to run up a stream down in the country where I came from. It had a very email boiler and a very big whistle, and every time the pilot blew the whistle the boat stopped. Now let the boat go on." Notice to 3Iarlners. The following changes will be made in the buoys in Puget sound as soon as practicable: New Dungeness-From a red second class nun to a red first elass nun buoy. Point Middle From an horizontal stripe spar buoy to an horizontal stripe third class nun buoy. Partridge Bank From a black second class nun to a black first class can buoy. Port Ludlow and Pala Point From a black second class nun to a black spar buoy. Olympia Harbor a red third class can to a red third class nun buoy. Oak Harbor From a red third class can to a red third class can buoy. ,t "Tit-Willow" Revised Version. It was out on the back fence a little tomcat Sang "Marin! Maria! Maria!" It was out of the- window I threw a brick bat, At Maria, Maria, Maria! Not an inch did he badge, not a bit did he scare, Till a dynamite bomb raised him high in the air, And the laBt words ho said in his final despair, Were "Maria! Maria! Maria! The annual meeting of the Astoria Young Men's Christian Association will be held at their rooms this even ing. Officers and managing committee for the ensuing year "will be elected, and reports of last year's work submit ted. All interested are cordially invit ed to attend. D. K.McIxtosii. Sec. P. II. Fox has opened a tailor shon in the Gem Building, and if you want a good and neat job of cleaning and re pairing done reasonable, lie is the man. To Housekeepers. Attention is called to our adverils ment in another column giving a par tial list of the goods to be found in our stock. We aim to carry the best assort ment to be found in Astoria, and ca3h or short time buyers will find it to their ad vantage to make their purchases from us. Goods delivered free of charge to any part of the city. D. L. Bkck & Sons. Crow, The Leading Photographer, guarantees as good work as can be had in the state. Pictures taken in any kind of weather with the Instantaneous Process. Coal. Hay nud Straw, Tacoma Coal SG per ton, delivered. Choice Hay from S9 to $12 per ton. mw Hfttrnnri rrar to $10 per n. D. Git For sale by AY. ForReut. The fine hall, 80x25, lately occupied as a gymnasium, next to Telephone rialoon. Apply to Jeff. Parties wishing spars or piling of any size or length can be supplied by leav ing ordtrs with J. H.DGnty. TELEaEAPHIO. Poktlaxd. Mar. 4. The United States marshal and deputy this morn ing arrested twelve men at Oregon City charged by the Chinese with be ing implicated in the recent expulsion. Their names are William Myers, Lewis Hamilton, Geo, Brown, John Belisle, Ley ton Miller, W. B. Stafford, Frank Davis, Joseph Bergman, R. L. Spencer, William McLaughlin, John Yain and Ad. Bockafeilow. The most of them got bail immediately; the remainder expect to soon. The bail was fixed at $3,000 each. The Chinese witnesses are numerous and read' to swear to the identity of the prisoners. STBIKE IK KEW XOBK. New Yobk, Mar. 4. One thousand street car employes are on a strike on the dry dock horse railroad. They demand $2 per day for twelTe hours' work. Police are keeping order. All the employes of the 8th Avenue line, Brooklyn, are also on a strike. St Paul's Cathedral was crowded this morning, the occasion being the presentation of the pallium to Archbishop Corrigan. Many Cathol ic celebrities were present The cer emonies were conducted with regal splendor. IT WAS A MISTAKE. Spkikofield, Ohio, Mar. 4. The report that theChampion reaper works had discharged all of its employes suspected of being Knights of Labor proves to be a mistake. A committee has been formed and a meeting ap pointed to arbitrate the matter. All is quiet The proprietors are deter mined not io yield; the employes are equally so. 60ERT ABOUT IT. New Yobk, Mar. 4. The appoint ment of Gen. Terry to the major-gen-eralship made vacant by the death of Gen. Hancock has caused Gen. O. O. Howard and friends to feel bad. He will doubtless be appointed to amajoi generalship on the retirement of Pope, but they coveted Haucock's place as it is the oldest IK ENGLAND. Lokdok, Mar. 4. The terrific snow storm is gradually subsiding. Pas sengers on snowed in trains have Buf fered severely. The loss of cattle i3 enormous. THE MIKADO" AT HOUSE. ROSS' OPERA "The Mikado" was presented to an Astoria audience for the first time last evening at Ross' opera house, by the Thompson opera company, who have been playing a round of popular operas at the Casino in Portland, with the following cast: The Mikado of Japan Mr. V. Oltlow rinu foo, mi on aUjcuuea as a wandering ratnttrel and in lore vnth Ycm-Tam Mr. Plilt. Branson Kjd-K.0, Lord iiljtb Executioner of TiUpa Mr. A. W. F. MaeColUn Pooh-Bab, Lord High Ererjt hing Else Mr.WUetteaman Pieh-Tuh. a Koble Lard, Mr. J. K. Murray Nee Kan. the I tag of Titipu Mr. Vf leaner Yutn-Tam..) Three sictrs l ....Miss Franc Uall Pittlbmg. i Wards of ...Miss Bebe Viaing Peep-Bo ) Ko-Ko (..Miss May Branson Katlsaa. an elderlr ladjr in lore vuthKan-tl-Poo MlssOarrle Godfrey The theater was filled by an appre ciative audience who manifested by the frequency of their applause the delight they experienced at the su perb rendition of the burlesque op era. As Nanki Poo, Mr. Branson de serves high praise. He has a mag nificent voice and is a good actor. Pooh Bah, the gentleman who "was born sneering" was admirably char acterized by Mr. Murray. Mr. McCollin appears to be the principal promoter of fan and bears about the same relative importance to the play that Hamlet does to the drama wherein he figures. The three pretty sisters were admirably repre sented by Misses Bebe Vining, Franc Hall and May Bransou, and to the susceptible gentleman portion of the audience were objects of intense in terest if not admiration. "Yum Yum' appeared particularly attract ive, and the delightful little bits of nonsense that the three indulged in were enthusiastically encored. As "Katisha," Miss Carrie Godfrey is on titled to special mention. The re mainder of the cast was creditably represented. The chorus and orches tra were good, and the stage settings left little to bo desired. To-night they will have an equally good house in Millockers pretty little opera of the "Beggar Student" A DEMAL. Editor Asxebias: We notice in the Oregonian of Feb. 13, a letter written by J. J. Bar clay of Eagle Cliff, W. T., and in said letter he says the Washingtonian Packing Co. asserts that J. W. Hume has never accounted to them for salmon shipped to his order. We want Mr. .Barclay to distinctly understand that the company has never made any such assertion and that J. W. Hume made good sales of the salmon and was credited on their books in due time, which he knows to be a fact Whatever his troubles are with J. W. Hume we are willing for him to fight it out, but leave in nocent parties out Bexx & Gibsok. Cosmopolis, W. T., Mar. 1st., '86. For a Neat Fitting Beet Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che namus street next door to I. W. Case. All goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new goods constantly arriving. Custom work. Are you made miserable by Indiges tion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin ? Shtoh's Vital izer is a positive cure. For sale by W. E. Dement & Co, Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem edy. Prh 50 cents, Masai Injector free For sale by W. E. Dement For lame Back, Side or Cnest use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Pnc 35 cents. For sale by W. E. Dement. To the United States Beat&urant for the bMt oyittrs. Private room. THE SCHOOL DIRECTORSHIP. The question has arisen as to the eligibility of E. W. Tallant to the of fice of school director in school dis trict No. 1, for which position he re ceived a majority of the votes cast at the school meeting last Monday even ing. The point raised is the fact that his name does not appear on the tax roll of the district Begarding the qualifications of voters and eligibility of candidates it is given as a decision on page 81, of the school laws of Oregon of the is sue of 18S6: "Voters at school meetings of a district are all taxpayers, male and female. Taxpayers are those who are liable to pay taxes upon property. See Sec. 43. Any voter at a school meeting is eligible to the office of di rector." "(1) Sex is neither a qualification or disqualification for voting at a school meeting, and i3 wholly imma terial.'' "(2) No person, male or female can legally vote who does not possess the requisite qualifications of age, resi dence, property and citizenship, and all who possess these four qualifica tions can legally vote." "(3) Both husband and wife may be legal voters at a school meeting. "(4) A man who has no property in liis own name is not a legal voter.'' "(5) A woman who has no prop erty m her own name is not a legal voter, though her husband may be." "(6) A man who has no property in his own name is not a legal Toter, though his wife may be." m The above are all published as a matter of answer to oft repeated in quiries, the fact being recognized that they are not all pertinent to the present question. Seotion 43, to which reference is made above, says: "Any oitizen of this state shall be entitled to vote at a sohool meeting who is twenty-one years of age, and has resided in the district thirty days immediately preceding the meeting, and who has property in the district upon which he or she pays a tax." ClU FOB A REPUBLICAN YESTIOX. STATE COS. A republican state convention for the state or Oregon is called to meat at Port land, Oregon, on Wednesday, April 23, at 11 o'clock a. M., for the purpose of nominating candidates for the following offices, to-wit: Representative in con gress, judge of supreme court, governor, secretary of state, state treasurer, super intendent of publio instruction, state printer and district offices of the several judicial districts and to transact such otber business as may properly come De- fore the convention. The convention will consist of 205 dele gates, apportioned among the several counties as follews: Baker 6 Lake 2 Lane 9 Linn 11 Marion 1C Benton .'. 8 Claokamas 10 Clatsop 1 Columbia 4 Coos C Morrow 4 Multnomah 35 Crook 3 Polk C Curry Tillamook 2 Douglass 9 Umatilla 10 Union 9 Wasco 9 Washington 7 Yamhill 9 uiluam 4 Grant 5 Jackson 7 Josephine 3 iUamatn z The above being one delegate at large for each county and one for each 150 votes or fraction over one-half thereof cast for James G. Blaine at the presiden tial election oi .November, 1&S4. The committee recommend that the primaries be held in the several precincts on Tuesday, April C, and the county con ventions on Friday, April 1C, unless other wist ordered by ie proper county central committees. The committee earnestly recommend that the delegates elected to the state convention attend in person, and if not convenient for them to so attend person ally, that they send their proxies by electors of the county they represent The republican voters of tke state, without regard to past political differ ences, who are in favor of elevating and dignifying American labor, giving free popular education to the masses of the people, effectually protecting all human rights in every section of our common country, and who desire to promote friendly feeling and permanent harmony throughout the state by maintaining a government pledged to these objects and purposes, are cordially invited to unite in selecting delegates to the republican state convention. Joseph Simok, Chairman. Geo. . ilcBBTDE, Secretary. Portland, Or., March 3, 1SS6. A Life Sariug Prcsenl. Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kan.: Saved his life by a simple Trial Bottle of Dr. King's 2s ew Discovery, for Con sumption, which caused him to procure a large bottle, that completely cured him, when Doctors, change of climate and every thing"else had failed. Asthma, Bronchitis. Hoarsencss,Severe Coughs, and all Throat and Lung diseases, it is guaranteed to cure. Trial Bottles free atW. E. Dement & Co.'sDrug Store. Large size $1.00. Syrup of Figs. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is Natures Own True Laxative. This ?)leasant liquid fruit remedy may be lad or W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle. It is tiie most pleasant, prompt and effectivo remedy known, to cleanse the system ; to act on, the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently vet thoroughly to dibpel Hcadachs. Colds and Fevers: to cure Constipation, Indigestion and kindred ills. Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vltallzer is uuaranteea to cure yon. Sold by W. E. Dement & Co. A Luxury and Necessity For rich and poer who wish to enjoy good health, and who do not wish to re sort to bitter nauseous liver medicines and cathartics, is the conceufrated liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. 60c and 81 bottles for sale by W. E. Dement & Co. Shiloh's Cough ana Consumption Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by W. E. De ment Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz ziness ana all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by W. E. Dement That Hacking Cough can be so Quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarante It Sold by W. E. Dement. THEY SHERRIED IX, ALL THE SAME. Someone tried to work the pass racket on the door keeper of Boss' opera house last evening in a way that reminded of a story they tell on Bob Eberely, manager of Emerson's theater when the genial Billy was coining money in San Francisco. Bob was standing in front one night, when a couple of opium-bleached hoodlums from some cellar dive swaggered up to the box office and demanded passes for the show. "Free list suspended," replied the ticket seller. "What if it is? Don't yer pass der perfeshr" "What profession." "Why, der theatrical." The ticket seller eyed the couple a moment and then referred them to Mr. Eberely. "Say, boss," said one of thera to Bob, "don't yer pass der perfesh?" "Who are yon?" asked Bob, unfeel ingly. "Bat's purty good! Who are we? Why, we're Hugger and Mugger, der great glue brothors. Sherry us into der show." "Sorry wo can't accommodate you, gentlemen; but your name3 don't ap pear on our list of professionals en titled to passes." "Oh, say, cull, come off der roof, will yer? Who are yer, anyway!" "My name is Eberely, and I'm the manager," said Bob, getting mad. "Well, we think yer no good, 5 er ain't If Billy Emerson was here he'd pas3 us p. d. q. We'll tell Billy of this an' break yon, cull, sure," and the indignant glue brothers started off. One of them came back in a mo ment, and said: "You're too tall for your place, and we're going to give Billy a gaff about yer. What's yer name, again?" "Eberely, sirl" 'Eb Ebo say, I can't remember no such jaw-breaker as that; write it on that card, will yer, if yer not afraid?" Bobert took the card in a superior manner and soribbled his name on it The glue brothers retired to the near est saloon, where one of them wrote above Bob's signature "Pass two." They returned to the theater, and Bob not being in sight, presented the authentic pass at the door, slid grace fully in, remarking as they selected choice seats: "A man who can be bullied or soft soaped into signing his name on a blank space is no good and we can prove it. Hist der ragl" BORIC ACID VERSUS ICE. In Norway great attention has of late been given to the use of boric aoid as a medium for tho preservation of fish and meat, and with commer cial results of no small importance. In face of the fact that the herring caught about the shores of Great Britain are reckoned by the British people the finest in the world, that both this season and last the catch his been so large that tons of excel lent fish food have been sold for ma nure, between four and five thousand a week of Norwegian herrings have been finding a market in Great Brit ain. These fish are all packed in a mixture of one part of pure boric acid and two parts of sand, and the packed barrel is moistened before be ing headed up with a solution of boric acid. If kept in a moderately cool place it is found that the fish will, under these circumstances, keep sound and fresh for a length of time amply sufficient to allow them to be sent from Norway to London, and be kept until disposed of. By the aid of this system the Norwegians are able to send fish to London at a cost one-fourth less than Scotch herrings in a perfectly fresh state can be. If the Norwegian system is as great a success as it is said to bo it offers certain advantages over the system of using ice, whioh should not be overlooked in a place where our fisheries are of such importance. If Norwegian herrings can be packed, at a cost of three shillings n barrel, so as to endure a voyage of fourteen days upon occasions, could not Columbia salmon, by the same meth od, be sent aoross the continent? Carlea Facts CfeaccralMr Fwaer al. In theKoman .empire the body was invariably burned. The Mohammedans bury without & coffin of any kind. The Greeks sometimes buried and sometimes burned their dead. In India the devoted wife formerly ascended her husband's funeral pyre and perished in the flames. The music continuously kept up at Irish wakes used to be for the pur- poMo oi warning ou em spinis. The Greenlanders bury with a child a dog to guide it in'the other world, Baying : "A dog can find his way anywhere." The Australians tie the hands of the corpse and extract the finger nails, that the dead may not scratch his way out of the grave. The Russians place in the hand of the corpse a paper certificate of the character of the deceased, to be shown to Peter at the gate of Heav en. PhikdebphJaCaU: Wild Cherry and Tar. Everybody knows the virtues of Wild Cherry and Tar as a relief and cure for any affections of the Throat and Lungs, combined with these two ingredients are a few simple healing remedies in the composition of Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup making it just the article you should always have in the house for Coughs, Colds, Croup and Bronchitis. Price CO cents and $1.00. Samples free. Sold by J. W. Conn. Oroup Whooping Cough, and Bron cliitis immediate!' relieved bv Shiloh's Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement Sleepless KiRhta made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De ment & Co. uHackmeUcy a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 25 and CO cents. SoldbyY.E.DemBt, A POETICAL MAYOR. Glennville, a village in Ohio, has a poetical mayor. In his first message he takes to poetry as. naturally as a duck to water. Here are selections from the most remarkable message ever delivered by a mayer: "Good burghers all, this proclamation Should benefit our corporation." He then goes on to speak of the high degree of prosperity to which the village has attained, and expresses the belief that still further perfections may be added. He says: "All loit'ring cocks and hens that stray, In coops should be obliged to stay. "At 9 p. m. I think it best Each shoat should seek its downy nest; And on the peaceful village street No calf should be allowed to Bleat. "I warn all evil-doing scamps They must not bust the villaga lamps, And at those toughs who will get drunk The eye of justice shall not wunk! "No circuses shall show in town Unless with boodle they come down; And strangers' cattle shall not graze Around unless their owner pays. "I write this for tho publio weal, And under my official seal." ! Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Sai.ve i n the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores.Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give Perfect satisfaction, or money refunded, rice 25 cents ner box. For sa le by W E. Dement & Co. W. E. DEMENT & COJ DRXTQ&STS. ASTORIA, - - OREGON Carry In Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded H. EKSTROM, PBACTICAL WATCHMAKER. Shop next to L. L Johnson's clgarstore. ALL -WORK WARRANTED ! GRAND BALL ! AT UPPER ASTORIA HALL ! Saturday Eve., March 6th. TICKETS - - - 73 CENTS Notice. ALL PERSONS KNOWIN'O THEM selves indebted to the late Edward N. Murphy will please make Immediate settle ment to the undersigned, administratrix of the estate. Mas. JOHN" KOGEKS. Six Men Wanted. TO DO DYKING ON MY PLACE ON Young's bay. 2Vt miles from Astoria. Wages from St to SLCO a day and board. FKED KROSEL. To Rent. A FIXE SUITE OF ROOMS IN THE ODD Fellows' Rnlldtcg. Apply to A.J.MEGLEK. Money to Loan ON APPROVED SECURITY. COUNTY Orders bought. Apply at the office of F. I). TFINTON. Astoria Planing Mill HOLT & CO. Proprietors. Manufacturers of Mouldings, Sash Doors. Blinds, Rails, Balusters, Newel Posts, Brackets. Scroll and Turned Balnstrades, BOAT MATERIAL, ETC., Orders Solicited and Promptly Attended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed As to Stjle, Quality and Prices. Mill ami Office cor. Folk and Conccmly Sts ASTORIA, OREGON. Address HOLT & CO. To Ship Masters and Ship Owners! W.H.DYEE &C0., STEVEDORES AND RIGGERS San Frauclsco, rortlaad and Astoria. Portland Office - 18 'ortfa Front Street. The attention of ship master and owners is directed to our superior facilities and low rates lor ioaain;r ana unloading vessels. Office at K. C. Ilolden's. GOLD MEDAL, PAEI3, 1878. BAKER'S Warranted absolutelypure Cocoa, from vrldchtho excels ol Oil has been removed. It ha three timet the ttrtngth, of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and la therefore far more econom ical, cottlig lea than one cent a cup. it Is deUcloos, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested. and admirably adapted far inral- da as well as for persons in health. 8old by Grocers ereryrrhere. V. BAKER &C0,,McMer, Mass, SHUTE & CO., FINE IMPORTED CIGARS. You can rely on getting a Good Cigar AtSfcute&Co.'s CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE, Opposite p. 1. Seek & 9on'. il u J ! m U ft JH jinn I hi n i 9LL It III V HOSIERY WE WILL 01 IMMENSE STOCK OF HOSIERY! Amounting io over $2,000 on our Center Counters this Week, and Mark Them Downl To such PriceB as will nmke a tqioreugth: olbaraxob x As we must make room in this Department for Larp wm Our 75c Hose Our 60c Hose Our 50c Hose Our 40c Hose Our 25c Hose .11 Fine Silk, Lisle Thread and Cashmere Hose REDUCED TO NET COST. The Above Goods contain some of tho Latest Designs in Ladies', Children's and Misses' Hose, And Ladies who wish to secure some of the Greatest Bargains ever Offered in Hosiery Would do well to Call Early . N. B. The Reduced Prices will hold good FOR THIS WEEK ONLY ! C. H. COOPER'S The Leading Dry Goods and -AGENCY- ffiiColen&Co. OF SAN FRANCISCO. Flavsl's Wharf and Warehouse, Astoria Oregoa. Cannery Supplies at Lowest Prlees. Storage and iBsuranco at Current Rates. Banking Department Drafts on the hading Cities of the World JNO.F.McGOVERN, Agent. Ctoe. II. Stewart, Accountant, and Agent Northern Pacific Express Co. CITY BOOK STORE. Books and Stationery! The Largest and Finest Stock in Astoria to Select From. GRIFFIN & REED, MacDonald & Mcintosh Are now Prepared to Show a Large Assortment OP Goods In Every Line! Which will he Sold at Lower Figures than al any Other House IISLTKP CITY. : The Leading Clothing, Hat, and Gents' Furnishing Store OP ASTORIA. TMENT I PLACE Mm to Arriye! Reduced to 50c Reduced to 40c Reduced to 85c Reduced to 25c" Reduced to 15c Our 4F Clothing House in Astoria. EXCURSION TICKETS!! FROM ASTORIA TO PORTLAND AND RETURN Fox? S2.SO! OK THE "TELEPHONE." Astoria and Seaside BAKERIES, ED. JACKSON, - Proprietor The best Oread, Cakea and Fastry In toe City, loe Creams and Ornamental Work to order Manufacturer of Fine Candles. ' - i s- & --