The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, February 26, 1886, Image 3

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.FKliIU AKY iO. 188C
The Columbia sailed for San Fran
cisco at three o'clock yesterday after
noon. J. S. Isaacs has leased for five years
the beach on the Kindred place, next
to Ft. Stevens, for fishing purposes.
The Salem firemen gave a ball on
the 22nd inst, for the benefit of the
Oregon Stato Fireman's Association
Fund, ancTcTenred nearly $200.
With fiue ham at fifteen cents a
pound, and eggs at twenty cents a
dozen, the old and familiar partner
ship of Ham & Egss are in popular
And so "Mexico is coiner to imrort
Chinese labor on a large scale, and
will take all that British Columbia
and the United States reject." That
will be fine. For this relief much
John Kenny and Wni. Herrold
were given a preliminary examination
in the justice court yesterday, on a
charge of larceny in the dwelling
house of C. S. Carrothers. The ex
amination will be resumed this after
noon. The present low fares may bring
some girls from the east who are
willing to do housework. A good
many private families would be glad
to get good, competent white help in
place of Chinese, and the reduction
in transportation rates may serve a
good purpose in ihat as in "other re
spects. Mr. F. H. Poindexter yesterday
evening received a telegram bearing
the sad news of the death of D. L.
Beck in Oakland, CaL, of Bright's
disease of the kidneys. Mr. Beck
was here about a year ago and though
not in robust health at the time gave
no evidence of the wasting disease
that yesterday terminated his life.
There is a law about allowing mi
nors in saloons that ought to be
strictly enforced. Boys can leara
nothing good in bar rooms or run
ning about the streets after dark and
if they haven't sense enough to stay
at home, or if their parents haven't
control enough of them to see to
their welfare, they ought to bo looked
A Chinese correspondent of the Or
egonian auotes Scripture in defense
of his right to remain here, in say
ing, "For God hath made of one
blood all nations of men for to dwell
on all the face of the earth." That's
good. But why not finish the quota
tion, Mr. Chan Hon Fan? Go on
with the rest of it. Here it is. "And
doth set the bounds of their habita
tion." Yea, verily.
The Sacramento River Packing
company has been incorporated with
a capital of 880,000 and the Bristol
Bay Canning company with a capital
or S200.000. The latter'a cannery will
be located at Bristol bay, Alaska.
The directors of both companies are:
W. S. Gage, Sol. Wangenheim, Juda
Neuman of San Francisco, W. B.
Bradford of San Rafael and J. J.
Scotchler of Oakland, Cal.
A little four-year-old boy was seri
ously hurt yesterday morning on the
roadway to upper town by falling
under the wheels of a truck on which
he had been riding, the wheels pass
ing over his chest and shoulders. It
is feared serious internal injury has
resulted. It is said to be a common
practice for boys to jump on those
trucks, often with very narrow es
capes from injury. It is dangerous
sport and is liable at any time to re
sult in serious injur.
Capt. J. D. Merrymau returns to
Hillsboro this morning.
Rev. Dr. Garner and Col. John
Adair, Jr., were among yestorday af
ternoon's arrivals.
Somctbine New.
L. E. Selig returned from Port
land yesterday where he has made
arrangements with the Thompson
opera Tcompany to appear at Ross
opera house next Thursday and Fri
day, when the reigning operatic sen
sations of the day, the "Mikado," and
the "Beggar Student" will be pro
duced with all the careful attention
to soenic affect and musical detail
that has given the company such
prestige in Portland and elsewhere.
The sale of reserved seats will begin
at ten o'clock to-morrow morning at
the New York Novelty store. No
seats will be kept unless ordered.
First come first served.
A Clnuse From the Burlinjrime Treaty.
If Chinese laborers or Chinese of
any other class now either perma
nently or temporarily residing in the
United States meet with ill treatment
at the hands of any other persons, the
government of the United States will
exert all its power to devise measnres
for their protection.
Get your supper at the Y.
"Pink Tea.1
M. C. A.
Don't fail to see the "Gypsy"' at the
Y. M. C. A. Festival to-night.
The Prohibition Star, the only
temperance paper published in Oregon,
will be sent to any address from now
until after the June election upon re
ceipt of 50 cents. The Star is pub
lished at aaiem anu is the official paper
for the W. C. T. U. and the State Tem
Hgrance Alliance. Sample copies free.
Roller Skates for G3 cents. :i pair at
the Crystal Palace.
For Kent.
The fine hall, 80x25, lately occupied as
3 gymnasium, next to Telephone Saloon.
Apply to J i:rr.
Parties wishing spars or pllint; of any
size or length can be supplied by leav
ing orders with J. II. D. Gras.
Stationery, Blank Books, Inks of all
.kinds for office use, at actual cost at the
Crystal Palace.
To the United States Restaurant for
-he bet oysters. Private rooms.
Portland, Feb. 25. A fire in Chi
natown which gutted three stores on
Second street between Yamhill and
Taylor at an earlv hour this morning
caused a loss of S20.000. The insur
ance is ,$14,000. There is a general
belief that the Chinese set it on fire to
get the insurance.
CROUCH is:'t sure about it.
Baltimore, Feb. 25. Cora Pearl,
a notorious cyprian and chief of the
Paris demi-monde, claims to be the
daughter of Prof. Nicholis Crouch,
the author of "Kathleen Mayour
ueen.' Crouch says he has had
nine children and doesn't know
whether she is one or not. The mat
(er has created great gossip.
Matanzas, Feb. 25. Sam Reed, a
deserter from the 8th TJ. S. cavalry,
makes a confession saying that Sam
Williams, also a deserter, killed the
ncu .rieDrew, joiock, wno was mur
dered recently- He will probably be
shot by the authorities. The murder
ers got very little money.
Cincinnati, Feb. 25. The house
sergeaut-at-arms to-day arrested
County Clerk Dalton for refusing to
bring in the Hamilton county returns.
He sued out a writ of habeas corpus
and was released because the returns
are still in the hands of the state sen
ate and he was therefore unable to
produce them.
INGTON. Pittsburg, Feb. 25. At a confer
ence of labor leaders here to day it
was decided to send a representative
committee to Washington to advocate
the interests of the tariff before con
London, Feb. 25. The associated
chamber oi commerce to-day adopted
a series of resolutions declaring home
rule in Ireland to bo disastrous to
trade in England and Ireland both.
Hero then is the situation at Seat
tle to-day. Peace sits enthroned, but
before us and ranging over many
mouths of the future lies the task of
remedying the evils engendered, re
covering tne losses mulcted, and
soothing the passions aroused. It is
best to look this matter square in the
face. While there is no organized or
respectable endorsement of mob rule
in Seattle, there have grown out
of the events of the past two
weeks factious and divisions
of society which are anything
but promisiug of advantage to
the city. Their duration rests solely
upon the degree with which intelli
gence is applied to this task of abat
ing them. We are not talking to
law breakers and rioters now. There
is but one thing to say to them and
that is "You must obey the law!"
But among the orderly people we
find the factional differences of which
wo speak, and it is to the patriotism
of these people that we address the
prayer that everything be laid aside
to the furtherance of our united in
terests. Seattle has been scathed in
the fire, and the oil of reason, moder
ation and loyalty to the Queen city
should be poured upon her wounds.
In the homely words of a workman
at our elbow "every man should but
ton up his lip until his pulse beats
slower." If there ever was a time
in the history of Seattle, when work
men, business men and tax payers
needed a strong bond of union be
tweenthem it is now. Wo are in
the midst of a temporal y depression
of all our industries. The events of
the past two weeks have locked up
local capital, stopped mills and fac
tories and mines, and frightened in
vestments from abroad. We must
get these things in motion again and
the best way to do it is to button up
our lips and cease impassioned
harangues. Ch ron iclc, 23.
The following petition is being cir
culated throughout the state.
To the Honorable John II. MiU:hell,
and J. If. Bolph, United States
Senators from the State of Oregon :
Your petitioners, residents of the
state of Oregon, believing as we do
that American labor cannot compete
with the pauper clement of Asia, and
believing as we do that it is the duty
of government to protect its subjects
from injury, from whatever source it
may come, and to use its power to
protect labor, and make the laborers'
occupation honorable, would respect
fully request you to use all honorable
means to secure the passage of the
bill introduced by Mr. Mitchell, of
Oregon, to abrogate all existing treat
ies between the United States and
China, and to secure such legislation
on the subject as will wholly prevent
Chinese coming to the United States
to labor.
The Original 3Ingwnmj.
The Boston Herald asserts that
the Bible is full of mugwumps, and
in proof of it quotes Genesis xxxvi,
Eliot's Indian translation, as follews:
Yeug mugquompaog wunnaumon-
uh Esau, wunnaumoneh Eliphaz mot
omegheunche Esau, mugquomp Te
man, mugquomp Omer, mugquomp
Zepho. mugquomp Kenaz.
The heading Photographer, guarantees
as good work as can be had in the state.
Pictures taken m any kind of weather
with thcln&tantaneous rrocess.
A Nasal Injector free with each
bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
Price 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement.
A situation as nurse by a middle aged
woman. Enquire at
G. W. Morton's,
Upper Astoria.
Ready For Business.
For a good steak, a delicious cup of
coffee or a plate of fine ovsters goto
Frank Fabre's Coffee. Oyster and
Chop House; opposite M.C.Crosby's.
The project of building a narrow
guage railroad from this city to the
Nehalem i3 again receiving attention
and the idea is being favorably enter
tained by several who think that it
could and would be a success. It is
argued that the road would be a
means of considerable revenue from
four distinct sources.
1st. The hauling of the rock used
in building the jetty at the mouth of
the river. During last summer this
rock was hauled on government
barges at considerable expense from
a point thirty-five mile3 above the
city. It is said that large quantities
of suitable rock can be had at a point
along the road and delivered at a
price that while below present rates
would afford a margin of profit,
2nd. The seaside travel. It is un
mistakeable that if rapid and com
fortable transit could be secured from
Astoria to Clatsop beach the number
of yearly summer visitors would be
considerably augmented. The pro
posed line of road crossing Young's
bay from Smith's point to Skipanon
landing and thence to Clatsop beach
would enable many from the interior
to visit the coast and enjoy a sojourn
during the summer months who un
der existing circumstances are com
pelled to forego that pleasure.
3rd. The coal mines. Men who
talk sanguinely of the scheme say
that a large coal vein fully four feet
in width and yielding coal of excel
lent quality has been uncovered in
the vicinity of Onion Peak, and that
that whole country is underlaid with
coal measures that need only the de
velopment that the chance to get the
coal to market would bring, to be a
source of great wealth.
4th. The timber of the Nehalem.
The lower Nehalem is a terra incog
nita to ninety-nine hundredths of As
torians, and under present opportun
ities of travel must long remain so.
It is a region of great natural wealth:
its virgin forests are destined to be
an important factor in the wealth of
this section of Oregon and nothing
will add to the possibility of devel
opment faster than a railroad.
The one question is "Will it pay?"
Men who ought to know say it will.
If that can be clearly demonstrated
the road will be built maybe.
The huge three-masted ship Three
Brothers, built by William H. Webb
as a steamer at Greeupoint, Ii. I., in
1855, to the order of the late Com
modore Vanderbilt, is now at Gibral
tar being altered into a coal hulk.
This vessel used to be the pride of
every American sailor, for she was
the largest that sported the red, white
and blue ensign. Her length was
320 feet, breadth forty-eight feet three
inches and depth twenty-niue feet
nine inches She had three decks
and beams and registered 2,936 tons.
When the war broke out Mr. Van
derbilt chartered her as a transport
to the government, and towards the
close of the war presented her to the
United States. She was then used
as a cruiser, and owing to her burning
such a large quantity of coal she was
surnamed "the pickpocket ot the
navy." Captain, now Admiral Bald
win commanded her. In 186G the
Howes Bro3. purchased the Vander
bilt from the navy, and altering her
into a sailing ship, rechristened her
the Three Brothers. She was
then put on the route between New
York and San Francisco. In 1881 she
was bought by several well-known
shipping men of Liverpool, and they
made extensive repairs and placed
her under the British flag.
Going Sealing.
Mr. Greenleaf, formerly second of
ficer of the steamship Umatillal but
now engaged in the shipping business
in Victoria, was in Seattle yesterday.
In conversation with the writer, he
stated that Capt. Frank Worth, form
erly master of the Umatilla, and
who afterwards got mixed up in a
smuggling speculation and bottled
down in Victoria, has been following
the business of diving of late, but re
cently bought an interest in the seal
ing business of Gutraan & Frank, of
British Columbia, and has taken com
mand of the largest of their sealing
schooners, the Frank Williams, and
yesterday set sail for a seven months'
sealing expedition. He has on board
the schooner twenty-five canoe3 and
fifty Indians. He will go south as
far as Cape Blanco, and follow the
seal north into the Arctic ocean, cap
turing them all along the line. Seat
tle Post-lntelligcncer, 23.
Ctticlilen'j Arnica Salic.
The Bk&t Salve in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, So res,Ulccrs, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hand?,
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded,
rrice 25 cents per box. For sa le by W
E. Dement & Co.
An upright l'iano for half its value
at the Crystal Palace.
To Housekeepers.
Attention is called to our advert Is
ment in another column giving a par
tial list of the goods to bo found in our
stock. We aim to carry the best assort
ment to bo found in Astoria, and cash or
short time buyers will find it to their ad
vantage to mane their purchases from
us. Goods delivered free of charge to
any part of the city.
D. L. Bkck & Sons.
Foi Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint,
you have a printed guarauteeou every
bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizcr. It never
fails to euro. Sold bv W. E. Dement
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc can
bv bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
uomr.s aniK store, opposite fJCMdent
hctel. Astoria.
For Kent,
At a reasonable rate; the fine new
building opposite KirchhorFs bakery.
Apply at this office.
Baby Carriages at cost at the Crystal
One dollar's worth of LovelFs Libra
ry for 75 cents at the Crystal Palace.
John B. Gough's funeral took place
at Worcester, Masi, last Wednesday.
An investigation of the Pan-Electric
telephone matter will soon be or
dered by congress.
The Eads ship railway scheme
across Panama isthmus has passed
the congressional committee by a vote
of nine to four.
A bill has been introduced iu the
senate to establish a postal savings
depository as a branch of the post
office dpartmeent.
Jack Dempsey and Pete McCoy
fought six rounds at Jersey City last
Wednesday night before 4,000 people.
Dempsey won the fight and S6.000.
On the 24th the house of represen
tatives passed a bill annexing the
"pan handle" or northern part of
Idaho to Washington territory. The
residents of that part of the territory
wanted to be annexed to Montana.
John Searles, U. S. government
commissioner, who recently visited
the Sandwich, islands, strongly rec
ommends thl abrogation of the Ha
waiian treaty on account of its being
detrimental to the interests of this
The wreck of the John Rosenfeld
will be sold next Monday in Victoria.
In addition to libeling the tug Taco
ma, the owners of the ship have en
tered suit against Hanson, Ackerson
& Co., of Tacoma, to recover $150,000
A cotton harvester ha3 been invent
ed which it is claimed will revolu
tionize the cotton industry of the
south. It cost $57,000,000 to harvest
last year's crop. This machine, it is
said, will effect a saving of $50,000,000
It is reported in St. Paul that a
deal has been made between the
Canadian Pacific and Manitoba roads
which, if consumated. will make the
Canadian road a formidable, com
petitor of the northern Pacific, and
an active factor in northwestern rail
road affairs in the United Srates.
By the term3 of this reported agree
ment the Canadian road will abandon
its policy of doing all business
through the dominion, and will estab
lish a Pacific coast line from St. Paul
and Minneapolis by way of the Mani
toba line.
The British steamer Sardonyx has
been chartered to sail from Victoria
March 6 for Manzanillo, Mexico,
touching at San Franoisco, Manza
tian and other ports, and terminating
at Manzanillo. At Manzanillo the
Sardonyx will take in a cargo of cof
fee, sugar, spice3 and other tropical
productions for Victoria and for
transportation via the Canada Pacific
to Canada. She will connect at Man
zanillo with a line of steamers for
Hong Kong, which has been subsi
dized by the Mexican government to
make frequent and regular trip3 be
tween China and Mexico. The com
pany that has contracted with the
Mexican government for service is
the Campanie Mexicana de Naviga
tion del Pacific. It seems the Mexi
can authorities are anxious to en
courage immigration of the Chinese,
wishing to utilize them to labor on
the sugar and cotton plantations.
The company holds two concessions
from the Mexican government for the
introduction of Chinese labor. The
Sardonyx will carry from Victoria
a3 many Chinese passengers as she.
can accommodate, and will take in a
cargo of coals for the Mazatlan gas
works. At San Francisco she will
take on board flour and wheat for the
Mexican market. Mexico is going to
import Chinese laboron a large scale,
and will take all that British Co
lumbia and the United States re
ject. A Pleading Novelty to Californium.
Thursday the overland freight tariff
on hops was lowered from $2.00 to
SL70 per hundred pounds. This was
followed bv a further reduction to
$1.50 per hundred yesterday. If the
slaughter continues it may play an
important part in the disposition of
our large surplus. It is also under
stood that similar inducements have
been offered to shippers of other com
modities. The situation is novel and
interesting. Verily "the sun do
move." S. F. Comm. News, 20.
X Great JMhCorerj
That is daily bringing joy to the
homes of thousands by saving many of
their dear ones from an early grave.
Truly is Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs. Colds, Asthma,
Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Loss of Voice,
Tickling in the Throat, Pain in Side
and Chest, or any disease of the Throat
and Lungs, a positive cure. Trial Bot
tles free at W. E. Dement & Coe.'s Drug
Store. Large size $1.00.
Syrup orFigt.
Manufactured only by the California
Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is
Natures Own Truo Laxative. This
I feasant liquid fruit remedy may be
lad of V. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents
or one dollar per bottle. It is the mot
pleasant, prompt and effectivo remedy
known, to clean.e the system; to acton,
the Liver. Kidneys and Bowels jiontlv
yet thoroughly to dispel Headachs,
Colds and Fevers; to cure Constipation,
Indigestion and kindred ills.
For a Neat Fltliu? Boot
Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
nauius street, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock ; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
Just Received.
Some fine baby carriages and bird
cages at the Xe.w York Novelty Store,
at lowest figures.
For Rent.
Six rooms to rent over store east of
C. H. Cooper's. Inquire of Mr. T. J.
Huff, on premises.
Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint? bhilolfs Vitalizer is
guaranteed to cure you.
Sold by W. E.
Dement e jo.
Shiloh's Cough ana Consumption
Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It
cures consumption. Sold by W. E. De
ment. The Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bour
bon, inou, says: "uotn myself and wife
owe our lives toSnn.on's Consumption
Cure." Sold by w. E. Dement.
The London Grocer o January
80th says of the market of that city:
With some improvement in the
weather there is a slightly better
feeling in the market generally, and
although business has not percapt
ibly increased, inquiries have been
rather more numerous in nearly all
directions. Attention at the moment
is still centered chiefly in salmon,
for which the demand is unimpaired,
and4arge quantities are passing be
tween one wholesale house and an
other, and also from the import firms
into the grocers' hands, who are lay
ing in stocks, as they have been doing
for some time past, in anticipation of
the renewed wants of customers later
on. Supplies then may be expected
to show a marked falling off from
various causes, but here they are at
present sufficiently ample for all pur
poses, and the firmness with which
they are held proves that the article
is in a strong and favorable position.
Prices tend slowly upwards, and for
good merchantable brands in any
quantity, the nearest quotations that
can be given are 22s to 25s per case.
It is possible to buy at something
below these rates, but the quality
and character of the goods could not
be guaranteed, and it they went into
consumption they might obtain for
themselves a bad name, which as ap
plied to a "dog," is equivalent to be
ing condemned or hanged outright.
Of the Liverpool market the same
authority says: The demand for salm
on is unabated. The orders since the
opening of the year, though hand
some in the extreme as a total, clearly
show from the everyday repetition
that the purchases made have beeu
purely for hand-to -moul h requirment s
and that no stock of any kind is held
by the country dealers, nor, in fact, by
the trade generally. Several compar
atively small sales have been made
during the week for London, whilst
offers have been refused by holders
here for larger parcels when only the
slightest margin has been in question,
involving many thousands of cases,
thus clearly showing the strength of
the article.
Another report says: The demand
is steady, and although grocers have
been led to buy rather freely in con
sequence of the action of those who
have special interest in pushing up
prices, yet there is every reason to
believe that stocks are being slowly
consumed. It is advisable for re
tailers not to buy large stocks, as
such action tends to put up prices to
an unnatural point, and, as present
figures are 20 per cent, higher than
the lowest point of 1885, we do not
expect the consumption will at all ap
proach that of last year.
.. m m - -
Bad to Leave the Children Alone.
A special from Tangier, Va., says:
On Sunday afternoon Captain W. L.
Truitto and wife went to Sunday
Bchool, leaving their four little chil
dren in the hou38. Three little girls
named Cooper, from a neighboring
house, came in, and while they were
playing the fire went out. Captain
Truitte's daughter, aged 7 years, put
some kindling in the stove, while an
other child struck a match and put it
to a can of coal oil by accident. A
terrible explosion followed. The child
who held the can was instantly killed
and a two-year-old boy was so badly
injured that he died in three hours.
The other Truitto children and three
visitors were horribly burned, but
may possibly recover. The house
was badly damaged, but the neigh
bors saved it from being burned.
Ilard Times.
While money is close, wages and
prices low, expenses should be cut down
in every household. Economy the watch
word for Mothers, head off Doctor bills,
by always kcoping in the house a bottle
of Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syr
up. Stops a Cough instantly, relieves
Consumption, cures Croup and pain In
the Chest in one night. It is just the
remedy for hard times. Price 50 cents
and $1.00. Samples free. Sold by .1. W.
Why will you cougn when Shiloh's
Cure will give immediate relief. Trice
10 eta 50 pFs and SI. Sold by W. K. De
ment. Tlie Perfection
Of the age in the medical line is the
liquid mut remedy byrup of Figs, man
ufactured only by the California Fig
Syrup Co., San Francisco, Cal. It is
agreeable to the taste, acceptable to the
stomach, harmless in its nature, painless
yet prompt and thorough in Its action.
For $ale by W. E. Dement & Co.
Coal. Hay and Straw,
Tacoma Coal SG per ton, delivered.
Choice Hay from S9 to $12 per ton.
Cow Hay and Straw $7 to $10 per ton
For sale by J. H. D. Gkay.
To Members or Rescue Engine
Co. No. 2.
The regular meeting of Rescue Engine
Co., No. 2, will be held in their hall on
Monday, March 1st, 183G. A f ul 1 attend
ance is desired as business of import
ance will he transacted. Bj order
Geo. ior.AND,
E. Z. Fkugusox, Secretary.
SuiLon's Cui'.K will immediately
relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and
Bronchitis. Sold by W.E. Dement & Co
"Hnckmo.taclr ' a. Insttncr ami fra
grant perfume. Price 25 and no emits.
Sold by W.E. Dement.
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi
tive cure for Catarrh, Diptneria and
Canker Mouth. Sold by w. E. Dement.
Xo, SXorth Front St., Portland. Or.
Importers and Dealers In
Wood-working Machinery,
Band-papering Machines,
Lathes, Sorlne Machines,
Band Haws, Scroll Saws.
Rubber and Leather Belting,
Snow Flake Flour!
I Will Place on My Center Counter this Week
Ladies', Children's and Misses'
Jackets, Scarfs, Niioias, Hoofls, Mitts, Etc.
All the Above Goods will be Marked Down to First Cost.
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House in Astoria.
r i ii i hi mi i i v'ij '"
Flayers Wharf and Warehouse,
Astoriui Oregon.
Cannery Supplies at Lowest Prices.
Stornse and Insurance at Current Rates.
Banking Department
Drafts on the leading Cities of the World
Ueo. II. Stewart, Accountant, ami
Agent Northern Pacific Express Co.
The Largest and Finest Stock in Astoria to Select From.
Are now Prepared to
Show a Large Assortment
Goods in Elvery Line!
Which will be Sold at
Lower Figures than a! any Other House
The Leading Clothing, Hat, and Gents' Furnishing Store
Knit GoodS
- - '
JFot? S2.SO!
Astoria and Seaside
The best Bread, Cakes and Paltry hi the Cfty,
Ice Creams and Ornamental "Work
to order
Manufacturer of Fine Candles.