r?er"xsirxS)s;i fUDjumn Jkj.J CO VOL. XXV, NO.9. ASTORIA, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, J 886. PRICE. JBIVE CENTS. - .. - -., , , .. .,,. , .... . , ,, ,, .. , , BUSINESS CARDS. c. r. THoiisov, r. r. coon kt. THOMSON & CO OVERT. ) Attorneys at Law and Notaries Public. Special attention given to collections ami examining titles. Office Booms 4 ami 5, over City Book btore. c. B. 3IAKTIX, V. i:.t Architect and Civil Engineer. Office Itoom li. Knights of Pjtliias Building. 1 K. A. 1 and .1. A. FULT.. IMijiicIansaml Surgeons. Will jdc prompt attention to all calls. .Kim anj- part of the city or country. OHiceoer Allen' Store, coiner C.is ami imMiiocjua Mieets, AMoria, Oh-roii. Telephone o. 41. IC. KKASlt IAK. I'hjsirinu and Smrseosi. 'mice, IiooniG, over I). A. Mdtito-.li s stoic, i kick iloims : 9 to 11 A. m. ;-3 to 5 i ai. iti'sidt-nce. opposite the Joliansen building J r?-T' I-t. it. I PHYSICIAN AND SURGKO.N dkkw'ie -lUiomsl.2.aii(lS 1'ytlilan HiiiM KiMiiKCB On Cedar Street, back ! M. Mari's Hospital. yyt. kstks. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OKrin:: Com Building, up stain, Astoria, (leoii. -pvU. AliFKIvX KIXXEV, Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patients at ins omce, and may be found theie at any hour. UKO. A. DOIUUS, SKO. KOKAND ISOfJkXl) t MORRIS, ATTORNEYS AT LVW. Office in Kinney's Block, ipposile City Hall, AMorJa, Oregon. W. KUKTON. O. C FUKT V E'ULTOlf ISECOTISKRK. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Kooms5and 6. Odd Fellows Building. i"i KKO F. I'ARUI'.K SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY AND Ex-City Surveyor of Astoria Omce : N. II rornpr Cass and Astorsttecl KoomNo.S Up Stair. r q. A. BOWXBY, Vttorncy and I'ouuM'lIor :t Iav, .nee on Ciienamus Street, Astoria. Oregon. P I. WIXTO.M, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Booms No. 11 ami 12, 1 tlii.tn Castle Budd ing. TWT I. KAYOI, CIVIL ENGINEER. CITY SURVEYOR. Omce In City Hall, Astoiia. Oregon. A K. SHAW. DENTIST. Booms in Allen's Building, up stalls, cor ner Cass and Scpiemoqua streets. Astoria Oregon. NOTARY PUBLIC. Searcher of Titles. Abstracter and Conveyancer. OHice on Cass Street. 3 doors south of As tnrian omce, Astoria, Oregon. General Agencv of W 31. C. ADAIK, Real Etatp, Insurance and Inncj BROKER. Valuable Properties for Sale or Lease in Upper Astoiia. Accounts Adjusted, and Book Keeping done on Short Notice. Office witliCol. bpedden, cor. .lefferbon and Cass streets, Astoria, Oiegon. A. V Wholesale and Retail Dealer In MILL FEED. Glass and Plated War TROPICAL AM) DOMKaTIf FRUHfe AND VEGETABLES Togi-Uier wilit Wines, LiqaorsJobacco.Gig rs To Rent. A FINE SUITE OFJtOOMS IN THE ODD JJk. Fellows' Building. Apnlvtn A..I.MEGLCB. Money to Loan o N APPROVED SECURITY. COUNTY Order uougut. Apply at the office of K D. -WINTON. urn nTAB TRADE srf MARK. mn rtjPh m AbsoK'jely Free from Opiates, Emetics and Poison. SAFE. AT DUL00IST3 AXD DEAtZES. IKE CHARLES A. VOGELER C0.,BALTIM0R!i. MO. bolo rrorletora. ATOR Is jasc what its name implies ; s Purely Vegetable Compound, thai acts directly upon the theniany diseases h&i f curing otto uiat im. portant organ, and pTevphting the nn merous ailmants tKt) arise from it deranged or ibrpaction, such as Dyspepsi Jpdice, Biliousness CosVenesMaria, Sick-headache, Rheumaj&netc. It is therefore a 3iiism)Aru Oo lave GrOo& Health ;ha Liver must be kepi in order." DE. SAHTOED'S LIVEB INYIGOEATOE. rnviorates the Liver, Bcgulnles the Bow el0, Strengthens the System, Purifies Ihc Blood , Assists D'jcstion, Prevents Fevers, Ts a Household "iNccd. An Invaluable Tauiily Medicine for common complaints. D2. 8A1TP0ED'3 LIVIE IKVIGOEATOIL A:i experience cf Forty yiars, and Tto'j. sands rf Testimonials prove Us Merit. FOH T.H BY AT.T. DC M.KTIS IK MEDICKCS For full isfr.rmu.on fnid ronr addrcs3 for 1CX r.-tefk-ok on Ilic "I.:tr nad lis ul?casos, '(T.poni f DUaN ST.. M.W lonu c tc crrr TOR Man and Beast. Mustang Liniment is older than most men, and used more and more every year. HAGAN'S Magnolia Balm is a secret aid to beauty. Many a lady owes her fresh ness to it, who would rather not tell, and you caiit tell. TUJJTS PILLS TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. rromthese sources arise three-fourths of tho diseases of the human race. Those symptoms indicate their existence: Iioss of Appetite, liovrels costive, Sick Headache, fullness after cat. in , aversion to excrtioixofbodyor xiUucl, Eructation of food, IrrltabU itrortemper,IiOvrsplrlU,Afeeling of having neglected some dutyyDlz zlites,l"lutterlnjatthelIeart,Iot liefore tlio eyes, highly colored Urlu e,COXSTlPATIOIV,and demand thousc of arcmedy that acts dlrccUyon the Liver. As aLlvcr mctl icincTUTT'S lXCtXiS have no equnL Their action on the Kidneys and Skin is also prompt; removing all impurities through theso three " scavengers of the system," producing appetite, sound digestion, icg.ilar Etools, a clear skin and a vig oi ous bod j TDTPS PHTJ5 cause no nausea oi griping nor interfere "With dally wock and are a perfect ANTIDOTE. TO MALARIA. oold everrwacre&S. OlHco 44 MurraySt.N Y. XBF HAIR DYE. GEAYHAmon-WniSKEns changed In. Btantly to aGtossr Black byasinglo application of this Dre. Sold by Drue. oats,orsentby express onrecelptofjl. rf,VlS " York- Imperial Pekin Duck Eggs: $1.50 l'Uti JD02K. FOR fiALE BY D.J.INGALL3, ChadwelL JBEr asj 1 1 n I IMIilig' n gnnr 1 WBL?&3. I H Wtt WltM I ZSB& 11 MMfcllKH"S NVGOR WHY THEY DON'T MARRY. How a Young Woman Explains a Social Problem. . At a small party of workers and thinkers a few nights ago, says a let ter writer, I was in a group that dis cussed the distaste for marriage which characterizes the girlhood of the day. One young lady had forti fied herself with a newspaper clipping on the subject, which she drew from her pocket and read, as further sub stantiating her position. It was to the effect that husband-hunting maidens, young or old, were Yery much scarcer than of yore ; that in stead of being anxious to marry, girls were slow of inducement in that di rection. "It is true," said the young lady. "I scarcely know a girl who wants to marry. They are learning something in the way of a profession, something that will interest them as well as support them, two roles in which husbands just now fail, ihe truth !, we are all scared away from any Jejire to marry by seeing how wretched those who do marry are. When. would we look for husbands? Among ho 'snips' and 'sports' and character es3 young men that fill our drawing-roms? They are insuffer able as merev"'clua"ltance30rDeaux; who could conU.",mPIata them aa hus bands? Ihavew"lwayfl thought that if I could find a voC,nSman ata11 hko my father Icoukllov e him and marry him ; but that school o. men has van ished from the vounger nmks." Nobody doubts that shx" expressed the convictions of a large rt'P136"111' tion of young women. Thek lack of interest in marriage is not due, " larger activities which contin,ua"y open before women, but to the o.1 tractive, unreliable material in te way of husbands. Women are wo " men, and would love and marry as readily to day as when the earth was new, if they came in contact with men who aroused their respect and ad miration. The order of maidenhood that could content itself with an in ferior article of husband, merely for the sake of being married, has also vanished. The young woman of the period has too much character and self respect to dread being an old maid so much as that she would con tract an uncongenial union to escape it. The same evening I had a chat with my bright young hostess about in efficient young men, a sort of annex to the conversation just recorded. She wondered what would become of the human race if the men kept on deteriorating at the rate of the last twenty years. She declared it was almost exceptional for a young man of first class society to support their wives. They married into rich fam ilies, and at the end of two or three years were pensioners on the rela tions of their wives. "It is astonish ing," she said,, "how few young wo men who are" supposed to be rich really depend upon their husbands for luxuries, or even support. Their fathers or grandfathers furnish the money Uiat supplies their homes oftener than the outside world knows of. Indeed, the daughter of the rich man is more to be pitied than the girl who fights poverty. She sees fewer real men. Naturally she fancies that her ideal men must be somewhere, since they are not within her own circle, and she looks for them in ex traordinary shoes on the box of her lather's coach and on huckster's wagon's, or on tho stage. Anything in the nature of efficiency attracts her, because she is sick of inefficien cy. The man who can drive a coach may be very unsteady in his gram mar, but his mastery of the horse ap peals more to her imagination than the fine phrases of an inefficient dude. It indicates a certain degree of force and strength, and all women like that in men." "Do you think the class of ineffi cient men are really increasing?" I asked. "Alarmingly, and in all ranks of society, but most nmong the rich. I scarcely know a married woman inti mately who feels secure, who has confidence in her husband's energy, ability, and efficiency. Look at the number of married women engaged in some kind of business 1 It all means something. I don't know what, but certainly it is the reverse of promising for the future greatness of man." Toledo Blade. Sow He Cam t b Call ad "Old HItkry.' Gen. Jacksen was known spacing the soldiers whj hai served under him as "Old Hickory," a MubTiquet given him during the Creek war. His brigade tssls making a forced march, wi&oatfbftiee or tents, to surprise the bflui in one oi their villages, and were for several days and nights exjMMft tb the peltiag of March storm, Ike rain freezing U it fell. Gen. Jackson got a severe cold, but did not canrahtin, as he tried to slctp in a muddy bottom among his balf-frezsn stk&us. C&pt. Allen and his bro4feer John cut down a stout hickory tree, rv?ed off the bark and made a covcrte? for the General, who was with dirPiiUy persuaded to crawl into it The next morning a drunken citstee entered the camp, and seeing the tnt kicked it over. As Jackson crawled from the ruins the toper cried: "Sello, Old Hickory, come out of your bark and jine us in a drink 1" Thenforth the General was known in camp as "Old Hick ory7 arii when he was talked of as a PresidtntUJ candidate, the nick aa2geivajfcojBU6 j,y && supporters. Not Dangeroui. , A man who, in Kentucky, had shot a friend, was, on account of some in . farmality of procedure, arraigned be i fore court. "Gentlemen," said the iudee, ad dressing the jury, "it would be well on this occasion to take testimony concerning the defendant, to determ ine whether or not he is a man of peaceable disposition. Mr. Spillers," pointing to a spectator, "will you please come forward and be sworn?" When Spillers had been sworn, the counsel for the defense asked : "You don't consider Mr. Acker man a dangerous person, do you?" "Not at all, cap'n, not at all." "You do not think he is in anyway a desperate character, do you?" "Whv bless your soul, cap'n, not at all."' "You would not be afraid of him, would you?" "Lord love vou, cap'n not a bit Why, cap'n talk about bein' afeerd o' him 1 Je.?t let me tell you some thing. 'Bout two years ago, me an' Ackerraan fell out. Shortly airter that I was goin' along through the woods. I wan't expectin' to meet nobody, and wan't particular on tho look out, but I had my old fuzee along with me. Well, Lord bless j'ou, cap'n, the fust thing I knowed, Ackerman jumped from behind a tree an' cut loose at me with a pepper box pistol, an' Lord love your soul, honey, I pulled down on him and filled him so full o lead that we had to turn him over with a handspike. Oh, no, cap'n, a man that packs a pepper-box ain't dangerous. He's his own worst inimy, cap'n. Any other p'ints you want to know?" There were no other "pints." Drake's Travellers' Magazine. Bleached Blondes Doomed. Bleached hair is doomed, and the unfortunates who have lately ac- q uired a growth will be accused of ba -l taste and considered out of the pale fashionable society. Reddish blonde known as Titian red, red browns an delicate auburn are in constant demand. Black and dark browns can ea3lly be Siven the do" sired shade utthe bleached blondes will have toVhinSle off their fuded crop and grow a natural ,one. and meanwhile wear a wf"S or lf ke van tage of the "jockey mode. fc. Y Star. A Cntnllv mt. US Simmons Liver Regulate. vilhi!" ite home remedy is entlrelv i".i:ri ' and is the purest and best "21,, V. compounded. No error to be ft ",.,"; administering, no injury from ex, tfz after taking, no loss of time. It L s "i? best picveiitative medicine, and is . !; to tate no matter what the sickness m .(. prove to be, and in ordinary disease wl f uect a sureny cure. There are over 50 penitentiaries and 2,400 jails in the United States. They contain 50,000 criminals and their es timated cost is S500.000.000. Coughs may be soothed by opiates, but they are hurtful. Red Star Cough Care is free from such, and promptly removes cough. Shlloh's Catarrh Itemed) a posi tive cure for Catarrh, Dipthcria and Canker Mouth. to!d by V. K. Dement allackmetack," a lasting mid fra- grant perfume. Price 2."S and 50 cents, uld by W. E. Dement. North Pacific BREWERY, JOHN KOPP, - - - Froprlntor. Patronize Home Industry! We supply as GOOD A QUALITY OF BEER As Any in the Market, AT AH UKASOXABIiE A PICIOF.. Tie North Pacic Brewery Beer Is Pure and Unadulterated. It gives general Satisfaction and is Furn ished in Quantities to Suit. Leave Orders With Wm. Bock, Genuauia ialoan,or Ciikis. KVKjiSOX, next to Foard & Stokes. Dally Delhery lit Any Part of the City. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bkj.ton Stkeet, Near Paukkr House, ASTOHIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAND anfl MAEmE EN&IMS BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. orall Descriptions aside to Order at 8hort Notice. A. D. Wass. President. J. G. HusTLEn, Secretary, I. W. Case, Treasurer. J oils Pox.Superintendent. Notice. SCHOOL TAXES FORSCHOOLDISTRICT No. 9, Upper Astoria, are now due and payable at the office of the undersigned, WM. B.ADAIR, Acts- School Clerk DUt. No. 9. ftOYAl Win POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder neer varies. A marvel oi purity, strength and vrholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold In competition sith the multi tude of low teat, sliort weight, alum or jihos Bhate powders. Sold only in cans. Kov.vi. AKINO POWDKR CO. IOC Wall-St.. N. Y. MARKETS. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, S Fresli and Cured Meats,1 c Vogetatoles, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL. CIIK.A3IU Street. Antorla, Og. Washington Market. Slain Mieet, Astoria, Oregon. 11 ERG MAX A CO.FltOPOTKTOltS RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN Uou of the public to the fact that the above Market wul always be supplied w lth a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY OK FRESH AND CURED MEATS : I Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. tar-Specul attention given to supplying jlllpS. jREE AND EASY! FOR A PL. EASANT EVENING Call and See 7ST t.1:, JErLTTFIP, i.io v... "-stablishment next At his.?wffk 'testaurant. to Jen's a -NOTHlNC BUI THE BEST'S Passed o er tlu A !eneral Invitation Bar. Extended. WM. EDGAR, Dealer In Cigars, Tobacco and GigareK e& Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNER MAIN AND CHENAMU8 ST3. MURRAY & CO., GROCERS And Dealers in Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supples furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part of the city. Office and "Warehouse In Hume's New Building on Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 37. ASTORIA, OREGON. WYATT & THOMPSON. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A Full Stock of Canned Fresh Mackerel, Canned Fresh CodGsh, Canned Fresh Finnan Haddies, Canned Shrimps, Canned Roast Beef, Canned Chicken, Canned Pig's Feet, Atmore's Plum Pudding, Atmore's Mince "Meat, Epp's" Cocoa. Ground Chocolate, A Flae Anortaeat of Canned Tegetablet, etc Cannery Sinlies! ARBOUR Irish Flax HAVE NO tfiiaeircrgfe GRAND PRIZE Jk5afi XlBrS9KHHH-H9l!uSU 2aH'" hii I THEY 1IAVE BEEN AWARDED HIGHER PRIZES AT THE VARIOUS International Expositions THAN THE GOODS OF ANY OTHER THREAD MANUFACTURERS IN THE WORLD. Qaulily can Always ExDeriencefl MerifiD Use no Other ! HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 and 519 Market Street, - - - SAN FRANCISCO, AGBXTS OJt PACIFIC CJOA8T. Seine Twines, Sope and THE NEW MODEL A FTJIX STOCK The Te"eP0Iie Saloon. The Finest kstaWishmentof the Kind fc.' Astoria. he Comfort and Especially fitted up for . ho enjoy a Convenience of those Social Gla'3. The Beat or Wines and Liflnors' Tho Choicest Cigars. Everything New and First-Ck ss R. t. JEFFREY. Frop'r Mutt TmapfljB Cwnr FOR PORTLA01 Through Freight THE SEW TELEPH Which has heen specially built for the comfort of passenRers will leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 Eeturning leaves Portland every Tuesday and -Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. ft?. -An additional trip will be made on Sundar of Each WeeK, leaving Portlan d at O'eleck Sanday Horning. Passengers b this route connect at Kalama for Sound ports. U. B.SCOTT, Presldpnt, Thread EQUAL ! etRttti rsri PARIS 1878. be Depended on ! Netting Constantly on Hand. RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF E. B. B AWES, AOE-NT CAUL, AND EXAMINE IT. YOU WILL BE PLEASED. E. R. HAWES Is also agent for tho Buck, patent QuUii Stove And other first-class Stoves. Furnace 'Work. Steam Fit tisgst etc. a specialty ALWAYS ON HAND. Carnaliaii & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. "W.CASE, ' IMPORTERS 'D WHOLESALE A.D '.KTAlli DEALERS IN DRAL Minn Corner Chenaxnus and Cas3 streets. AST'JKIA - . - OREGON on 3st TimeI STEAMER . .SCZSSSSSi .H. ONE ih. IB 9 Hi ass-'" . u. ,an ??sl 'i &ZZrZ t -fe - .- -