0) MJBSKBB3BEa3a ?hc JlaHjj storfau. ASTORIA, OREGON: s.vrnnuv. .Flir.KrAKYO.lSSG Skating at the riuk this evening, dishing Post baud will play. The Fisherman's Packing company will hold a special meeting at 'their office, this morning. The British bark Cambria, 1,351, 13ernier master, arrived in yesterday from Valparaiso. She comes seek ing. There fjll be a ball at Mrs. O'Bri en's hotel this evening; supper will be served; a general invitation is ex tended. Ireland says "there isn't a man in McMinnvillewho wants a public of fice of any kind." W-h-h-at's that? It can't be possible. Eev. 3Ir. McCormac will preach at the Congregational church Sunday morning. There will be no service at night, the pastor being away. Swans are in the market. The sup ply is fully up to the demand. A barrel of salt swan comes in very handy, though, when nothing better is to be had. Circuit court adjourned yesterday. The term was one of the longest ever held in the county and an immense amount of business was transacted. The next term will be in May. Many windows are full of valen tines and in a week's time the mis sives will be popular among those who get nice ones, and unpopular with those who get those ridiculous caricatures that are so plenty and cheap. There is not so much pomp and ceremony, tinsel and glittering gaud in the celebration of this Chinese new years' as manifested on former occasion?. Even the Celestials, with their horrible rat-like thrift, feel the fiuaucial stringency. At last night's meeting of Pacific Lodge No. 17, K of P., A. A. Cleve land and Nathaniel .Tones were ap pointed u committee to confer with Astor Lodge No. G, regarding the celebration of the coming anniver sary of the founding of the order. The temperance exercises at the school in district No. One yesterday afternoon was largely attended by friends aud patrons of the school. The programme consisting of short readings, declamations aud quota tions, interspersed with vocal and instrumental music, was well ren dered by the several performers, and reilected credit on the natural ability of the pupils and tho evident pro ficiency of those in charge. A copy of tho Tribune almanac for 18S6 has just been received. It gives a great variety of information. The figures are official and have been compiled with great care. The sta tistics as to the general operations of the government are elaborate. The almanac has the new postage rates, a list of tho new congress and its committees, showing the operations of the new tariff law. A great vari ety of political and statistical inform ation is contained in this useful almanac The price per copy is 30 cents. On tho 29th of January the East WasJtinytoJiian got out the following "extra" with big black scare heads: "Friday January 29th. A Steamer supposed to be the COLUMBIA, sunk off Tongue Point Yesterday. ICO lives are reported lost." This is the worst we have seen since the Port land correspondent of the associated press sent :i lying dispatch broad cast through the country on the 10th of July, 1883 that, "Anarchy prevails in Astoria, and 1,000 armed men are in upper town prepariug to march on the city." I'EUSOXAL. Judge Taylor goes to The Dalles this morning. lion. C. Leiuenweber returned from Portland yesterday. Mrs.J.E.Higgius goes to Portland on a visit this morning. S. C. Blasdell was a passenger on the last incoming steamer. J. "W. Hume goes to the Coquille on a three weeks visit this morning. Sam'l Elmore and family are ex pected on the steamer that arrives next Tuesday. Capt. Chas. F. Powell returned from Ft Canby yesterday and goes to Portland this morning. Thos. G. Reames, Grand Master of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Oregon, will make an official visit to Temple Lodge, No. 7, A. F. aud A. M, this evening. T. B. McGovern, brother of Mr. J. F. McGovern, manager of "Wm. T. Coleman & Co.'s business in this city, is expected to arrive next Tuesday from Chicago. A SuccssfI Physician Gone. Dr. O. IJ. Estes lias resigned his office as County Coroner to remove to Astoria, uri'gon, where a splendid opening is offered him. Dr. Estes lias lived on Wood lliver nearly two years, and dur ing that time he must have performed over 20 surcical operations, besides as sisting other surgeons in as many more. As ''nothing succeeds like success,' it is but justice to Dr. Estes to state that he has not lost a single patient of his own in this recion. Although several good physicians re main here Dr. Estes will nevertheless he greatly missed and regretted by all who have formed his acquaintance, and all will unite with the Times in wishing him success wherever he goes. Wood Iiicer .Times, Jan. 13. A NcwUprislit Piano T.p rent at the New York Novelty Store. A. F. & A. M. Special Meeting. The members of Temple Lodge No. 7, are hereby called to meet without tnrth er notification at Masonic Hall this ev ening at 8 o'clock, sharp, to receive an official visit from the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Oregon. Sojourning M. M.s are cordial ly invited to attend. E. A. Noyes, W.M. To the United Stales Restaurant for the best oysters. Private rooms. TELEGRAPHIC. Pobtland, Feb. 5. The steamer Idaho sails for Alaska to-day. Since Capt. Carroll's resignation it is not known who is to be her captain. WASHINGTON XOTES. Washington, D. C, Feb. 5. It is rumored that Attorney-General Gar land has resigned, and that Jno. Ran dolph Tucker, chairman of the ju diciary committee has been appointed to fill the vacancy. The rumor is denied. Public opinion is growing fiercer every day regarding the tele phone scandal. It is rumored that the San Fran cisco postmaster will be named in a day or two, though Backus' time does not expire for sixty days. Judge Payson, of Illinois, now here, says that the Northern Pacific railroad company would secure more sympathy if it would stop discrimin ating in freight carriage. He cites an instance where a man ships goods from St Paul to a point five hundred miles east of Portland and had to pay through rates. This, he said, is done in the interest of Portland merchants. WOKE UP THE WBONG PARTT. Barratt, Ga., Feb. 5. A youth here who had all arrangements made to elope with a girl, the signal being three taps on the girl's window, went to ths wrong house and was mistaken for a burglar and shot in the foot which will have to be amputated. THE HISTORIAN PROTESTS. New York, Feb. 5. Geo. Bancroft, the historian, to-day publishes a 95 page article on the evils of a paper currency, and calls it corruption of the national blood and dry rot. A DASTARDLY DEED. East St. Louis, Feb. 5. Last night a party of six men were sitting around a stove in a shanty talking, when some fiend poured a can of coal oil down the chimney. The stove burst and the flames set all the men on fire. Their cries brought help. It is believed the wretch is known who did it, as a man who is known to have u grudge against one of the men, was seen retreating by the party of res cuers. It is not known whether all of them will die or not. COLD. New York, Feb. 5. Tho coldest weather of the season exists here. Twenty persons were slightly frozen yesterday while crossing Brooklyn bridge. GOT FIVE YEAR3. Jersey City, Feb. 5. Juo'McMa hone the defaulting collector of Hobokeu to an extent of 850,000 was to-day given the full limit of sen tence in the penitentiary five years. CIRCUIT COURT PROCEEDINGS. Februarys, Taylor, J. W. W. Parker vs B. G. Crane et al.; plaintiff asked leave to amend by sub stituting new parties. Bunnemanini & Bartinoni vs G. Dipascuali; leave to amend allowed. A. Mau & Co. vs Trenchard & Up shur; demurrer sustained. M. G. Haaven vs W. G. Ross; ver dict for defendant Wyatt & Thompson vs Theo. Broem ser; confirmation of sale and leave to amend writ. The "Mauzantta." The lighthouse tender Manzanita, which supersedes the Shubrick in this district, arrived in at half past ten yesterday morning, seventy-two hours from San Francisco, part of the trip up being in a heavy fog. She is an improvement in many ways on the Sliuorick, being larger, sounder and more commodious. Her arrival attracted a large crowd to the Main street wharf to view the new vessel; new at least to the Columbia river. uapt. uregory ana iiis omcers ex press satisfaction at the transfer and the change seems a good one in every way. Jane immediately went to wort, starting for the buoy depot at one o'clock. Kooks of all kinds below cost at the Crystal Palace. Love's Arrows at the New York Nov elty Store. Cupid Darts, or Lace Valentine", at the New York Novelty Store. Oil Paintings at your own prices at tne Crystal Palace. Jewelry at less than cost at the Crystal Palace- Valentines for 188G at the New York Novelty Store. ForReut. The fine hall, 80x25, lately occupied as a gymnasium, next to Telephone Saloon. Apply to Jeff. Rich & Chaste Easel Valentines at the New York Novelty Store. Satin Novelty Valentines at the New York Novelty Store. Comic Valentines, something new, le New York Novelty Store. at the "Hit "em hards," over one thousand kinds at the New York Novelty Store. For Sale. A Ward's patent salmon retort Ap ply to A. W. Berry. Silver Ware at half cost price at the Crystal Palace. To Hoiiseltcopcrs. Attention is called to our advertls ment in another column giving a par tial list of the goods to be found in our stock. We aim to carry the best assort ment to be found in Astoria, and cash or short time buyers will find it to their ad vantage to make their purchases from us. Goods delivered free of charge to any part of the city. D. L. Bkck & Sons. ForaNcat Fitting: Boot i)r Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che namus street, next door to I. W. Case. All goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new goods constantly arriving. Custom worE. If you want bargains call at the Crys tal Palace, they are slaughtering every thing. Note Paper, fine quality, 10 cents per quire at the Crystal Palace. RAILTtOAD NOTES. The Oregon Improvement company has issued its new second mortgage bonds, bearing eight per cent inter est, with which to take up the float ing debt, nearly all of which is due to the Oregon Transcontinential. The Northern Pacific committee having charge of the settlement of accounts with the Oregon Transcon tinental have found matters so com plicated, owing to the Villard system of bookkeeping, that tho whole thing has been turned over to expert ac countants. The Union Pacific talks of increas ing its plant and building a large town at Pocatello, its junction point with the Utah & Northern and Oregon Short Line. If this is done, the shops will be moved there from Eagle Bock and Shoshone, and the Utah & Northern widened to the standard broad gnage of the Union Pacific sys tem. The Kock Island, Northwestern, Milwaukee & St. Paul, Burlington, Wabash and Alton, it is said, con template abolishing their passenger agencies on the Pacific coast, because of the light east bound business. The agents of the trunk lines east of Chicago are also moving for the doing away with local officers in San Fran cisco. One result of the late meeting of the Northern Pacific directors in New York was the indefinite post ponement of the proposed consolida tion of the Northern Pacific and Wells, Fargo express companies. The proposed arrangement was not a con solidation in so many words, but to ail intents and purposes this is what it would have been. The proposition came from the American Express company, and is supposed to have originated with Benjamin P. Cheney, a director in all those companies. It was for the American company, which is practically the same concern as Wells, Fargo, to assume the opera tion of the Northern Pacific's express line. Mr. Oakes, who is president of the Northern Pacific Express com pany, did not, Iiowover, favor the movement, and proved with facts and figures compiled for the purpose, that tho express line was doing moro than paying its operating expenses, and that it would be poor policy to do away with it uow. The St. Paul Pioneer Press says the announcement that Nelson Ben nett had been awarded the contract for building the Cascade tunnel, created but little surprise in St. Paul. It was generally supposed that either he or the Muir brothers would be the lucky ones of the thirteen bidders. Bennett had a good advantage over the rest, inasmuch as he was person ally acquainted with the work to be done, and, in addition to this, had his outfit already on the ground. The latter was an item of no small value, as it is to him a saving of hun dreds, and possibly thousands of dol lars, which the others would have to pay for transportation. He is now building the 40-mile section between North Yakima and Elleusburg. Mr. Bennett has all the constructiou work on tho Cascade division. So far 153 miles of the division have been ironed. Fifty of these are on the west end and the remaining 103 on the east end. This brings the track on tho east end to 18 miles beyond North Yakima, aud leaves 22 miles to complete it to Ellensburg. Between Elleusburg and the east end of the track on the western end of the di vision there are 73 miles to be built, 27 the other side of the tunnel and 4A this side. The tunnel is about two miles in length, and, according to the contract, must be completed in 29 mouths. In addition to the main tunnel there is about two thousand feet of tunneling to be done west of Ellensburg. OPEN FOR SETTLEMENT. The following is a copy of a letter received from the assistant commis sioner of the general land office by n gentleman in this city, relative to the settlement of lands near the Colum bia river, on the north side between Knappton and Kalama, formerly claimed by the Northern Pacific B. B. Co.: Washington-, D. C. Jan. 19, 18SG. Sir: In reply to your letter of the 2nd inst, you are informed that the act' of Jan. 31st, 1885 (23 Stat, P. 266) forfeited the unearned lands granted to the Oregon Central R. R. com pany and it was held by my letter of Nov. 9, 18S5, that the forfeiture included the land lying north of the Columbia river and within twenty miles of the line of definite location of the Oregou Central Railroad com pany. The said lands are pow open for settlement and entry under the home stead, preemption and other land laws. The said act gave a preference right of entry to bona fide settlers who were occupying the lands Jan. 31, 1885, and provides that this preference right may be exercised within six months from the promulgation of said act - On July 11th 1885, the register and receiver at Oregou City, Oregon, and July 14th 1835, the register and receiv er at Vancouver, W. T., were sent full instructions concerning the res toration of these lands, and for furth er information apply at either of the said laud offices. Very respectfully, S. M. StocksiiAger. Asst. Commissioner. ' A Startling Discovery. Physicians are often startled by re markable discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and all Throat and Lung diseases is dally curing patients that they have given up to die, is startling them to re alize their sense of duty, and examine into the merits of this wonderful dis covery; resulting in hundreds of our best Physicians using it in their practice Trial Bottles free at W. E. Dement &. Co.'s Drugstore. Regular size $1.00. For Kent, At a reasonable rate; the fine new building opposite Kirchhoffs bakery. 1 Apply at this office. OFFICIAL. Proceedings of County Commis sioners. For Wahkiakum county W. T. at the regular February session 1SS6. Present Thos. Irving, chairman; James Wright and L N. Lawrence, commissioners; S. F. Albert, sheriff; J. W. Clemens, auditor and ex ofiicio clerk. Bend of Lawrence Isley, supervisor road district No. 2 approved. The report of the following road supervisors for the year 1885, received and approved, and their several claims ordered paid out of any funds be longing to their respective road dis trict H. Perella district No. 7; J. G. Meg ler, district No. 4; John Grover, dis trict No. 2; Thos. Kent district No 1; F. M. Sweet, district No. 3. In the matter of the petition of C. C. Shepherd, and others, to change a portion of a county road from Wilson creek landing to Skamokawa hotel rejected, for the reason that there are more names signed to a re monstrance against changing, than names on the petition to change said road. The following named persons were appointed road supervisors for the year 1886: Thos. Kent, for district No. 1; John Setterlin, for district No. 2: J. G Megler, for district No. 4; H. P. An derson, for district No. 5; Thos. A. Holden, for district No. 6; W. MBell, for district No. 8. The report of viewers and surveyor on the proposed road petitioned for by Geo. Hathaway and others, begm- ing at the present terminus of the Cathlamet road on the south line of sec 10, T 6 N, R 5 W, and termina- mg near J. P. Nelson's house was confirmed, and the road ordered estab lished and opened. The claim of Samuel Walker J. P. acting coroner at inquest held on the body of Gustaf Wickstrom deceased, deferred until May 1886 session. Road district No. 4 divided, form ing road district No. 8, with the fol lowing beundaries: Commencing at Gray's river point in Gray's river bay, running thenco east to NE cor ner of Sec 31, T. 10, N. R. 7 west, thence south to the Columbia river, thence down said river to place of beginning. In the matter of the petition of Clifford Wormsley and others for laying out aud establishing a county road, was rejected for tho reason that the place of beginning was not suffi ciently given. A. 1). Birnie granted six months retail liquor license. In the matter of the petition of citizens of Skamokawa precinct for a bounty on wild animals, disallowed. Settlement with sheriff on delin quent tax rolls of 18S0. '81 '82 and '83, approved. The held notes and plat of re-sur- oy of Gray's river road deferred until tho May, 18S6, session. Claims were examined aud allowed as follews: J. A. Graham, J. P., for jury fee and costs in the matter of an inquest held on tho body of Frank Nelson, deceased, $11.80. Cost in roviowiug Geo. Hathaway read: J. B. McDonald, surveyor, $21; W. Andrews, S7.G0, Henrv Kaup, $6.40, viewers; J. P. Nelson, S9, and George Hathaway, $9. J. W. Clemens, for record books, etc for couuty, $39.25. Jr. 1L Strong, for road plat book, S25. Ed. Scarbrougb, for keeping pau per, S24. L. S. Myers, for jury fee in case territory rs. Slieau and Nolaud. S. F. Albert, for interest, etc., S27.C8. S. F. Albert, Sheriff, for comparing delinquent tax roll with auditor, S1.50. J. W. Clemens, auditor, for fees, S47.53. To members of the beard: Thos. Irving, $8.50; James Wright, $9.40; LN. Lawrence, $14; S. F.Al bert, sheriff, $6, J. W. Clemens, $6. Adjourned. The following were audited by dis trict court, November term, 18S5. Thos. Dorris, $19.80, T. J. Lutes, S20.40, G. D. Fletcher, S20.40, Jesse Baker, $28.60, H. A. Shaw, Sr., $28, I. N. Lott, S14.90, graud jurors; O. Nelson, $37.60. J.E. Bull, S39.60, C. 0. Masten, $33, J. P. Nelson, $37.20, H. A Shaw, Jr., $40, C. C. Shepherd, $33, J. F. Tasker, $33, Lawrence En yart, S35, petit jurors; S. F. Albert, sheriff, S84.S0; S.F. Albert for judg ment and costs in case S. F. Albert vs. county, $88.55, Joseph Smith, clerk of court, $20.80. Ml Proper Treatment Tor Coughs. That the reader may fully understand what constitutes a good Cough ami Lung Syrup, we will bay that Tar and Wild Cherry is the base of the best rem edies yet discovered. These Ingredi ents with several others equally as em caclou.s, enter largely into Dl Bosanko's Couj gh and Lung Syrup, thus making it one of the most reliable now on the mar ket. Price ."i0 ets. and $1.00. Samples free. Sold by J. W. Con n. The immense stock at the Cryst.il Palace amounting to Sio,000 worth of goods of all description will be thrown on the market and sold at reckless prices as it has to be disposed of in a very short time. School Books at half price at the Crys tal Palace. Are you made miserable, by Indiges tion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin '. Shioh's Vital izer is a positive cure. For sale by W. JZ. Dement & Co. Wliv will von roiiirii when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts 50 cts aud $1. Sold by W. K. De ment Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizer is miaranteed to cure yon. Sold by W. E. Dement & Co. Parties wishing spars or piling of any size or length can be supplied by leav ing orders with .1. II. D. Gray. Parlies desiring to send valentines to distant places will find a large and beau tiful stock, new and fresh, just received at Oriftin & Reeds. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy Price 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement. SUGGESTS A STEAM FISHIXG BOAT. A small fortune is awaiting the men who will, invest $10,000 in a steam fishing boat to supply the peo ple in this region with fresh fish. With the exception of salmon most of our fresh fish come from the At lantic There are abundant reasons for believing that near at hand we might obtain large supplies of hali but and cod for this city and also for a large region south and east of us which is now supplied, if at all, by the enterprising dealers in eastern fresh fish. It is necessary, to do this, to have a steam vessel which can cross the Columbia river bar at nil times nnd deliver the fish promptly as soon as caught, to the city markets, where they will be distributed along the lines of the railroads leading out into the country. A sailing vessel will not answer because it could not always cross the bar, and the delay in bringing in the fish would prevent success. A steamer would within a short time not merely furnish fresh fish, but enable us to ascertain wheth er there are, and where there are, any large banks off the coast, as there are believed to be, from which supplies of cod or other fish could be obtained for extensive operations in curiug fish for a more general market There are plenty of fishermen to enter upon the business at once if they had the steamer to use; and we trust that they will succeed iu getting some man to furnish the necessarv outfit. Standard, 3. Bitckleii-M A rut est Ssilre. Tiik Best Sai.vk i n the. world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores,UIcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eni tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give Ferfect satisfaction, or money refunded, 'rice 25 cents per box. For sale by W Kcatfj For Business. For a good steak, a delicious cup of coffee or a plate of line oysters go to frramr aores Uotree, oyster ami Chop House; opposite M. C. CroabyV. W. L ussier 6l San Francisco has en gaged in the photograph business with Crow the leading photographer. Happiness aud Health Are important problems, the former de pending greatly on the latter. Everyone is familiar with the healthy properties of fruit, and no one can afford to be sick and miserable while the pleasant con centrated liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs, may be had of our enterprising druggists W. E. Dement & Co. The Uev.CJeo. II. Thayer, of Bour bon, Ind., says: "Both myself ami wife owe our lives toSiui.ou's Consumptiov Ouuk." Sold by W. E. Dement. All the patent medicines advertised iu this paper, together with the ehoice.t perfumery, and toilet articles, etc enn beboimhtat the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hctel, Astoria. Coal. liny and Strnir. Taeoma Coal SO per ton, delivered. Choice Hay from 5!) to l'J per ton. Cow Hay and Straw 87 to $10 per ton r or sale, by J. 11. 0. ukav. Syrup orFigs. Manufactured only by the California Fin Syrup Co. San Francisco Cat is Natures Own True Laxative. This feasant liquid fruit remedy may he lad of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle. It is the most pleasant, prompt and effective remedy known, to cleanse the system; to acton, the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently yet thoroughly to dispel Headache, Colds and Fevers: to cure Constipation, Indigestion aud kindred ills. Notice to Cannerymen. WE ARE AOENTS FOK HENDEKSON & Withers for the sale of their charcoal anil can furnish any amount desired. Please can ana bee as ueioro tnircnasmi; eiewnere. 1IOZOKTH & JOHNS. Rooms to Rent. IN SUITES OF THREE; SUITABLE FOR house-keeping : conveniently located ; for from 7 to $10, water included. Apply to D. II. WELCH. Over Foard & Stokes. J. R. D. GRAY, Wholesale aud retail dealer In GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and Wha fage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria, Oregon. Money to Loan. -pXQUIRE OF R. R. SPEDDEN. GO TO THE Astoria Wood. Yard -For- GOOD MEASURE -And XaOTTTT" Four Foot Fir Wood -S2.75 to $3.25 per cord. Cut " ' .$3.lStoS4.eo Four Foot Vine MapleS3.2j to $3.73 ' " Cut " " 3.75t0$4.W " " DELIVERED BY H. P. GREGORY & CO. Xo, S N'ortu Front St.. Portland, Or. Importers and Dealers in Wood-working Machinery, PLuVNERS. moldkrs. .MOKTIMKIl. TKXONEIW, Sand-papering: Machine, IiatlieH. flerins: 3Inchinea, BandWaiVM. Scroll Saws. Rubber and Leather Belting:, 31 ILL FIDIG8 GEEKjA.LLY ForT Commencing All OcM Eangi lis of Silks, Velvets, Dress Goods, Flannels, Table Linen, Ginghams, Etc., Will be Placed on our Center Table on Monday and the Following Days of This "Week. IH ORDER TO MAKE A COMPLETE CLEARANCE ALL REMNANTS will be Marked Down to Nearly One Half their Original Cost. C The Leading Dry Goods and -AGENCY ffi.T.Coleian&Co. OF SAX F1JAXCISCO. FlaveFs Wharf and Warehouse, Astoria. Oregon. Cannery Supplies al Lowest Prices. Storage ami Insurance :it Current Kates. Banking Department Interest allowed on Time I)eiosits. Drafts on the leading Cities of the World JNO.F.McGrOVERN, Agent. (eo. II. Stewart, Accountant, ami Agent Northern Pacific Express Co. The Largest and Finest Stock in Astoria to Select From. GRIFFI ! u'-i nj.1 H hi. .J Are now MacDoneld Show a Large Assortment -OF- Goods in livery Xnine! Which will Lower Figures than at any Other House IN THE CITY. The Leading Clothing, Hat, and Genls' Furnishing Store OF ASTOHI& February 1st, Clothing House in Astoria. EXCURSION TICKETS!! KKOM ASTOKIA TO PORTLAND AND RETURN ON THE "TELEPHONE." Astoria and Seaside BAKERIES, ED. JACKSON. Proprietor The best lireatl. Cakes ami rastiyintlieCity, Ice Creams and Ornamental "Work to order Manufacturer of Fine candies. - - J J Ai-IITJtAUaMJ.III JM1 Prepared to be Sold at