The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, February 05, 1886, Image 3

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fthc glatttt gbtoriiw.
Tho Columbia arrived vpstertl.-iv:
the H late sailed.
Fifteen inches of rain fell at Ft.
Canby in January.
Cannery printing; cood quality
ami lowest prices at Tirrc Astokiax
job office. j,
Portland housekeepers complain
thatthey are imposed on in beintf
inrnisiieu bound smelt for Columbia
river smelt.
There willfce a ball at Mrs. O'Bri
en's hotel to-morrow evening; sup
per will be served; a general invitation
is extended.
L. E. Selig issued a neat little pro
gramme, "The Evening loothght,"
for the Alice Harrison entertainment
last evening.
The case of L. G. Haaven vs Wm.
G. Ross occupied the attention of the
court yesterday. The term will prob
ably conclude to-day.
Sam Young, a versatile Bohemian,
recently connected with the north
western press, is under arrest in
San Francisco, charged with for
gery. The Alaskan reports nightly mas
querades at Sitka; some nights two.
"Fat red salmon, weighing twenty
pounds," are daily caught at Kootz
nahoo lagoon.
The British bark LizzU Bell, 1,030,
McAdam master, GG days from Syd
ney, arrived in yesterday. The Jirae
mar sailed. The Alpha came in
from Tillamook; the pilot schooner
crossed out
There is a little move toward having
the next state firemen's tournament
in June. The boys down this way
would prefer to have it in August as
it would be then more convenient to
the most of them.
It is understood in Washington
that ex-Gov. Perkins now in that
city, has secured from the secretary
of the treasury the privilege of giving
bonds in San Francisco for the re
lease of the Idaho.
Geo. llotan and Wm. Nelson were
yesterday afternoon examined before
a commission in lunacy and adjudged
insane. A third candidate for the
asylum was found in the afternoon,
but up to a late hour he had eluded
his pursuers.
The Oregonian is running the pen
itentinl psalms of Job which seems to
it "satisfactory religious reading."
What's up? Job had a big disgust
on when he wrote his celebrated
complaints; probably bad been doing
some Job printing.
Note thoadvertisemeutof the Crys
tal Palace. The stock was selected
with care and is complete in all its
branches; the goods are of superior
quality and are offered at a sacrifice.
Bargains in all departments are of
fered to casb buyers.
Before Judge Monteith yesterday,
appeared Wm. Brown, M. Audorsou
and J. Anderson, the two former ac
cused of drunkeuuess and disorderly
conduct; the latter of resisting an
officer; the first two were fined S10
each; tho last named $25.
Representative Felton introduced
in the house last Monday a bill to re
fund the full amount of duty on all
the tin imported for the manufacture
of tin cans in which American food
products are subsequently exported.
This bill is of especial importance to
canners on the Columbia river.
At a late meeting of the board of
school directors of District No. One, it
was resolved as a rule of the board that
in all cases of contagious disease, no
member of the family in which the
illness existed should" be admitted to
school until one mouth had elapsed
since the expiration of such illness
and in the case of the child who had
been ill from the disease till six
weeks bad elapsed, such action being
necessary to protect tho children at
tending from the danger of an epi
demic. The last legislature having made it
incumbent to teach temperance pre
cepts in the public schools of the
state, the pupils in District No. One
will have temperance exercises this
afternoon. The first and second
grammar departments and the high
school class will have the exercises
in Mrs. Martin's room. The pro
gramme consists of songs, readings,
recitations, quotations, etc. All in
terested in the work are cordially in
vited. The exercises begin at two
At the last meeting of the chamber
of commorce, a committee consisting
of E. C. Holden, A. W. Berry, M. C.
Crosby and E. W. Tallaut was ap
pointed to visit the jetty at Fort
Stevens to view its present condition
and how it has withstood the recent
heavy storms. They went do wn on
the Gen. Canity yesterday afternoon
and went over the entire work. The
result was in every way satisfactory;
they found that the heavy wind and
seas had 'done no damage beyond the
carrying away of a small cluster of
piles driven as a spur on one side of
the jetty. The work proper was
found to be iutaot throughout
Jas. Scott returned from Portand
J. F. Warren goes back to Knappa
this morning.
Mr. S. Sichel, a prominent resident
of Goldendale, is in the city on busi
ness, and will remain for some time.
Dr. O. B. Estes returned from a
month's viiLtto "Wood River yester
dav. He nTrought his family with
him and is permanently located in
the rooms formerly occupied by Dr.
Oil Paintings at your own prices at
tne Crystal Palace.
Jewelry at less than cost at the Crystal
Valentines for 1880 at the New York
Novelty Store.
To tbe United States Restaurant for,
the best oysters. Private rooms.
Judge Deady Deckles He Oan be
on tbe Other Indictments.
PoirrriAXD, Feb. 4. Judge 3)eady
ibis morning decided that Hibbs, the
former postmaster at .Lewislon, Ida
ho, could Ik held on the other iudicf
ments. lie. was remanded to jail to
await the action of the Idaho courts.
Oakland, Cal., Feb. 4. The city
has granted a cable road company
the right of way on San Pablo ave
nue; it will probably be a part of the
terminus of the A. A: P. where will be
built the finest railroad depot this
side of the Rocky mountains.
Washington, D. C. Feb. 4. Justice
Field saw President Cleveland to-day
and suggested the name of John C.
Mayuard as marshal of California.
It is considered very likely that he
will be appointed.
Montreal, Feb. 4. Philodeaux La
Baptiste and Mary Depore were be
ing married last night when suddenly
the lights went out and shrieks were
heard in the darkness. When the
lights were again lit Baptiste was
found stabbed seven times in the
back by Z. Calling, a former mistress.
The murderess escaped.
The inhabitants of Prince Ed
ward's Island are urging the govern
ment to construct a submarine rail
way to the mainland. Two repre
sentatives go to England to insist
upon it. If they fail they will urge
the right of the province to secede.
Washington, D. C, Feb. 4. At the
request of senator Mitchell, the post
master general has ordered the mail
service from Mollala to Newport in
creased to three times a week.
New York, Feb. 4. Seveu hundred
and fifty street car drivers are on a
strike; they want their hours of labor
reduced to twelve hours a day. The
Knights of Labor are backing them.
deadly sport.
Toronto. Feb. 4. A toboggan with
three women and one man aboard
when at tho bottom crashed into the
gate which was closed. The skull of
one of the women was crushed, re
sulting in death; thootherswero bad
ly injured.
ANNAroLis, ?Id. Bell has intro
duced into the state senate a bill to
incorporate an American Catholic
cellege: the incorporators are Arch
bishop Gibbons, Fathers Ryan, Car
rigan and Williams.
kept his WORD.
Cro.-vSFIeld, Md., Feb. 4. A Ger
man arrested and taken to jail, while
ou the road said that if put iu jail he
would burn tho jail and himself too.
This morning the jail was a heap of
ashes and his burned remains were
found in the cinders.
Vienna, Fer. 4. The porte sup
ports the demand of Bulgaria for an
indemnity from Servia.
The Duty of a Newspaper.
Some very queer notions obtain
among the people as to the duty
which a newspaper owes to its read
ers, but the most prevalent one is
that it should leave out important
items of public interest at the request
of those who may be injured by their
publication. This is a very errone
ous idea. The object of a newspaper
is to give the news. Its very name
indicates that. Unless it does so, it
is not in any sense of the word a
newspaper, hut rather an anti-newspaper.
Sacramento lite.
An uuusually large audience were
present at Ross' opera house last
evening, to see the musical farce of
"Hot Water.' The characters are all
comical and were fairly sustained;
the dancing, what there was of it, was
good, Alice Harrison's disguises were
good, her driukiug song, from La
Perichole, was good and. the Indian
club swinging of Frank Girard was
good. The rest was about average.
The "Colonel's four fair daughters"
were conspicuous by their absence.
The Yum lum business was about as
loudly applauded as anything in the
farce. There is two hours of laugh
ter in it and the fun is of the frothy
kind. The company go to Portland
Up at Linkville the other day a 14-year-old
boy stole a lot of barbed
wire from a warehouse and loaded a
boat with it so heavily that it sank.
When found the boy was sitting on a
rock wondering what to do next.
Notice. Pacific I.odsr Xo. 17,
Kvi'ry member of this lodge is request
ed to be present this evening, as ,final
arrangements for our anniversary ball
are to be completed and other business
of importance is to be transacted.
Uv order C. C.
W A. Sherman, K. of IS. & S.
Books of all kinds below cost at the
Crystal Palace.
Love's Arrows at the New York Nov
elty Store. .
Cupid Darts, or Lace Valentines, at
the New York Novelty Store.
For Rent.
The fine hall, 80x2.1, lately occupied as
a gymnasium, next to Telephone Saloon.
Rich & Chaste Easel Valentines at the
New York Novelty Store.
Satin Novelty Valentines at the New
York Novolty Store.
Comic Valentines, something new, at
the New York Novelty Store.
"Hit em hards." oter one thousand
kinds at the New York Novelty Store.
For Sale.
A Ward's-patent salmon retort Ap-,
ply to A. W. Berbv.
The bright weather yesterday
brought every one out on the streets
that could get out Jas. Hess is
busy making sails at the Main street
wharf. C. A. May has opened a gen
eral repair shop in the rear of E. R.
Hawes" building on Genevieve street.
Arndt & Ferchen are building a
small steamboat at their werks: It
will be for sale when completed.
This China New Years is remarkably
free from the noise of exploding
fire crackers and Chinese bombs.
Wm. Leathers is building a now hull
for the Sam. The lieda was dis
charging hay, etc, at the Main street
wharf yesterday. Wm. Stonemau
was busy yesterday getting the
Gold Dust in shape to go over to the
Sound. She has been sold to the
Smith Bros., and will hereafter run
between Olympia and Seattle. The
Telephone yesterday brought down
some fine beef cattle to be taken to
Skipanon. City Surveyor Raymond
is drawing a map of Clatsop county
at tbe city hall. Plenty of smelt and
sturgeon, and an occasional salmon.
Wm. McCabe is fitting up a political
private") office. The storm signal
waved from the Pythian building
yesterdav afternoon.
Washington, Feb. 4. The officials
of Sonora, Mexico, have complained
of the conduct of the Indian scouts
who made up the force of Captain
Crawford, the officer recently killed
while in pursuit of hostile Apaches,
and it is probable that the feeling of
animosity entertained by tbe Mexi
cans toward the scouts will throw
some light on the encounter between
Captain Crawford's command and
the Mexican troops. It is alleged
that the scouts, when not directly
under the eye of their officer, com
mit outrages upon the Mexican
ranches, robbed their settlements,
wantonlv killed their cattle and in
several instances murdered travelers
and others whom they met. It is
also alleged that these scouts report
ed that the outrages committed by
them were the work of the hostiles
whom they were pursuing, although
all the evidence pointed to the spouts
as the guilty parties. The details of
several of these alleged outrages are
given, with the date3 and the extent
of the damage done. It is not charged
that these ontragos were known to
Captain Crawford and his officers,
but, on tho contrary, were committed
while tbe scouts were pretending to
be huuting the hostiles, and when
beyond tho supervision and control
of their officers. It is now thought
that in consequence of these outrages
by the scouts the attack by the Mexi
can troops was not accidental but de
liberate. The Constitution, the official organ
of tho sfate of Sonora, iu detailing
these outrages upon Mexican settle
ments, says: As loug as the scouts
keep directly under the eyes of their
officers they behave, to some extent,
but the moment they fiud themselves
out of sight, which is frequent by the
very nature of tho expedition, they
carry out the natural fieudishness of
their nature aud the hatred the
Apaches bear to the Mexicaus cropped
out. The Constitution calls upon
the general government to forbid the
introduction into Mexico of Indian
scouts as anxiliarie3 of Americau
troops iu the pursuit of Apaches or to
stop entirely thecrossiugof the boun
dary by the American forces.
Cause for Anxiety.
A specialist iu threat troubles was
called to treat a Boston lady who
manifested so much interest in his
surgical instruments that he ex
plained their uses to her. "This
laryngoscope," said he, ''is fitted with
small mirrors aud an electric light;
the interior of your throat will be
seen by me as clearly as the exterior;
you would be surprised to know how
far down we can see with an instru
ment of this kind." The operation
over, the lady appeared somewhat
agitated. "Poor girl," said her sister,
who was present; ''it must have been
very paiufnl." ''Oh, no, not that,"
whispered the Boston lady; "4bnt just
as he fixed the instrument in place I
remembered that I had a hole in my
I"roper Treat incut for Coughs.
That the reader may fully understand
what constitutes a good Cough and
Lung Syrup, we will hay tliat Tar and
Wild Cherry is the base of the best rem
edies yet discovered. These Ingredi
ents with several others equally as effi
cacious, enter largely into Dr.liosanko's
Cough aud Luug Syrup, thus making it
one of the most reliable now on the mar
ket. Price 10 els. and $1.00. Samples
free. Sold bv J. W. Conn.
To Houselitiopcrs.
Attention is called to our ml vert ls
ment in auitther column giving a par
tial lit of the goods to be found in our
stock. We aim to carry the best assort
ment to be found in Astoria, and cash or
short time buyers will find it to their ad
vantage to make their purchases from
us. Goods delivered tree of charge to
any part of the city.
D.L.BKCK& Soxs.
Sjrup ofFigs.
Manufactured only by the California
Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is
Natures Own True Laxative. This
pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be
had or W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents
or one dollar per bottle. It is the most
pleasant, 7)rompt and effective remedy
known, to cleanse the system; to acton,
the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently
yet thoroughly to dispel lleadachs,
Colds and Fevers; to cure Constipation,
Indigestion and kindred ills.
For a ZVeat Fitting Boot
Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
namus street, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constant ly arriving. Custom work.
If you want bargains call at the Crys
tal Palace, they are slaughtering everj--tlung.
Note Paper, fine quality, 10 cents per
quire at the Crystal Palace.
Silver Ware at half cost price at the
Crystal Palace.
Font Candy, W. T., Feb. 4th, 18SG.
Surgeon E. F. Gardner is confined
to his quarters through illness.
The fog still lingers here and Pro
fessor Karus, the weather prophet,
can't prevent it.
The life saving crew are up to their
maximum strength again, and are
ready at all times for any emergency.
Geo. Maguire, end man of the Can
by Minstrels, will leave in a few days,
for a three months' sojourn in Brook
lyn, N. Y.
Major John I. Rogers, post com
mander, left for Vancouver barracks,
W. T., on Tuesday last, on court mar
tial duty. Major C. P. Eakiu com
mands the po3t during his absence.
The Canby Minstrels will give an
excellent performance before their
Astoria friends on their next visit to
the city, and will introduce the only
organized aud fnlly equipped colored
company of militia in Washington
Circular 39, Headquarters Depart
ment of the Columbia, announces the
classification in marksmanship in the
department for 1885. Sergeant J.
Hooke, of this post, stands No. 1 on
the list of sharpshooters, with an ag
gregate per cent of 92.1G6, at ranges
from 2 to 1,000 yards. Total number
of sharpshooters in the department
65; marksmen, 630. Fort Canby
statfds No. 2 in the annual classifica
tion of the posts iu the department
with a figure of merit of 103, and has
13 sharpshooters.
Villard's trustees have been
three "years past trying to sell
house which he was bnilding at
time of his failure, and it is now
probable that this will be accom
plished Villard was under the de
lusion that he was worth SIO.000,000,
and therefore thought he could follow
the architectural extravagancies of
the age. He built a palace in Mad
ison avenue New York for himself
at a cost of a half million, and also
two other houses, which, though less
expensive, cost enough to swell the
entire investment to a million.
Hardly had he got settled in his
palace when financial difficulties
began to beset him, and it was not
long before he sank in ruhi and was
obliged to leave the conntry. Tho
trustees in behalf of his wife have,
after long endeavor, found purchasers
for the two above-mentioned houses,
at a loss estimated at 50,000 each,
but even at this discount the price of
each is S165.000. The Villard palace
is also iu the market, and it probably
can be purchased for S100.000 less
thau cost Such a sale will leave
Mrs. Villard enough for an econom
ical support, aud she will with her
family await her husband's return
and resumption of business. Villard,
indeed, will never feel at home iu
Germany, aud his family prefers
New York. He might find a berth in
the compauy which he projected,
sufficient to give him a reputable
living, but his former wealth aud
splendor will never be renewed.
How much betterjit would have been
for tbe Villards had a part of this
immense building investment been
set apart as a reserve fund for the
family, especially as the latter is of a
very helpless character.
A Startling Discovery.
Physicians are often startled by re
markable discoveries. The fact that Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
and all Tin oat and Lung diseases is
dally curing patients that they have
given up to die, is startling them to re
alize their sense of duty, and examine
into the merits of this wonderful dts
coverv; resulting in hundieds of our
bi-t T'livsiciansusiniMt in their practice
Trial Bottles free at W. E. Dement &
Co.'s Drug Store. Regular size 1.00.
The immense stock at the
Palace amounting to 25,000 worth of
goods or all description will be thrown
on the market and sold at reckless prices
as it has to be disposed of in a very short
School Hooks at half price at the Crs
tal Palace.
Parties wishing spar.-, or idling of any
size or length can be .supplied by lea
ing orders with .1. II. 1). Gray.
Parties desiring to send valentines to
distant places will And a large and beau
tiful atock. new and fn-h, just leceiwd
at Griffin & Heeds.
Foi Dy.spcpsiaaudl.iwr Complaint,
you have a printed guarantei mi ewrj
bottle or Shiloh's Vitalker. It never
fails to cure. Sold bv W. K. Dement
Are you math miserable by Indiges
tion. Constipation. Dizziness, Loss of
Appetite, Yellow Skin ? Shioh's Vital
izer is a positive cure. For ah by W.
E. Dement A: Co,
W. E. Dement & Co. are selling out
their stock or arti-t's materials at cost,
for o:ih.
For Kent.
At a reasonable rate: the
fine new
building opposite
Apply at thisoflici
Kirchhotr bakery.
'Ilackmetuek," a tabling and tra
grant perfume. Price 'J2 and 5o cents.
Sold by W.E. Dement.
Whv will you cougn when Shiloh's
Cure will give immediate relief. Price
10 cts CO cts and SI. Sold by W. E. De
AH the patent medicines adveilised
in this paper, together with the choicest
Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etc- can
e bought at the lowest prices, at. I. .
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hctel, Astoria.
Coal. Haj aud Straw.
Tacoma Coal SO per ton, delivered.
Choice Hay from ! to 12 per ton.
Cow Hav and Straw S7 to 10 per ton-
For saleby J. H.D. (Shay.
Shiloh's Cuke will immediately
relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and
Bronchitis. Sold by W.E. Dement &o
Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vltalizer is
guaranteed to cure you. Sold by . E.
Dement & Co.
A Nasal Injector free with each
bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
Price 50 cents. Sold by V. E. Dement.
The following table is designed to show
tho rates of direct taxation for State as
distinguished from local purposes in the
various States of the Union. The first
column gives tho legal tax-rato based
upon tho assessed valuation of propertj.
As the second column, which is taken
from the last federal census, demon
strates, tho ratio of assessed valuo to
true value varies very much in the differ
ent States. For instance, in Illinois the
assessed valuation is but 2.1.4-t per cent of
the estimated true value of nil proporty
in the State. In Jthode Island it is 00.13
per cent. The third column shows the
ratio of the tax levied to the actual value
of all property in the respective States:
O r-O trrfg rtrfO
S,s rrg 2 p
So -g - o
o " o tSa sPo
STiTES. g 3 g o S-Q B
fss 2s s-
? oP- - s 2." : o?-
. QC . o F oo
Delaware None 43.44 None
Vermont None 30.04 None
'Pennsylvania None 31.22 None
North Carolina 10.00 35.00 3.f0
Michigan 11.00 37.79 4.1G
Massachusetts 8.50 5G.70 4.82
Minnesota 13.00 40.44 r.20
Connecticut 15.00 33.40 5.7G
Tennessee 20.00 31.80 C.30
Iowa 25.00 23.17 7.04
Rhode Island 12.00 G0.13 7.22
Illinois 32.00 25.44 8.14
Mississipp 25.00 34.14 8.53
New York 25.00 34.81 8.70
New Hampshire 19.00 50.23 9.54
New Jersey 25.00 39.95 9.99
Maryland 18.75 57.23 10.73
Kansas 43.00 27.93 12.03
Georgia 30.00 43.23 12.97
Texas 30.00 44.19 13.2G
Ohio 29.00 40.48 13.4S
West Virginia 30.00 45.48 13.64
Missouri 40.00 31.82 13.93
Indiana 30.00 48.55 14.57
Florida 50.00 30.26 15.13
South Carolina 35.00 45.12 15.79
Virginia 40.00 44.51 17.T50
California 45.20 40.88 18.48
Maine 40.00 47.10 18.84
Kentucky 47.50 39.83 19.92
Colorado 40.00 49.93 19.99
Alabama 65.00 32.50 21.12
Wisconsin 47.00 45.30 21.29
Louisiana 60.00 37.95 22.77
Oregon 56.70 41.68 23.63
Nebraska 76.25 31.24 23.82
Arkansas 70.00 35.13 24.59
Nevada 90.00 42.45 33.21
In Pennsylvania there is no Stato tax
upon real estate. A levy of 40 cents upon
the $100 of assessed valuation of personal
property is made. This amounts to less
than one cent on every $100 of true valua
tion, real and personal.
Buehlcir.t Arnica Salve.
Thk Hkst Salvk in the world for
Cuts, Itrmses, Sores, UIc(r.s,Salt Kheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, aud all Skin Erup
tions, aud positively cures Piles, or no
pay required, it is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sa le by V
K. Dement & Co.
Twenty-five Al Envelopes for 5 cents
at the Crystal Palace.
ISeadj- For Business.
For a good steak, a delicious cup of
coffee or a plate of line oysters go to
Frank Fabre's Coffee. Oyster aud
Chop House; opposite M.C.Crosby's.
W. L ussier ot San Francisco has en
gaged in the photograph business with
Crow the leading photographer.
Happiness and Health
Are important problems, the former de
pending greatly on the latter. Everyone
is familiar with the healthy properties
of fruit, aud no one can afford to be sick
and miserable while the pleasant con
centrated liquid fruit remedy Syrup of
Figs, may he had of our enterpriiing
druggbts W. E. Dement & Co.
The Kev. Geo. 11. Thayer, of Uour
hon, hid., bays : ultoth myself and wife
owe our lives toSiin.oii's Consumition'
Cuuk." Sold by W. E. Dement.
Notice to Cannerymen.
Witliers for the sale of their charcoal
and can furnish any amount desired. 1'Iease
call and see us hefore purchasing elsewhere.
Rooms to Rent.
house-keening : conveniently located ;
for f nm S7 to $10, water included. Apply to
Over Foard & Stokes.
J. H. D. GRAY,
Wholesale and retail dealer la
Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc.
General Storage and "Wlia fage on reason
able tenns. Foot of Ueuton street, Astoria,
For Rent.
i. Hall, formerly occupied hy Root. WiH
gren. Kully f uniLshea ana ready for business.
Alv the huildiut' formerly occupied hy
.letr.s restaurant, wiiere Jeff made his fort
une. .
Roth bulkliiiys are iu the best business lo
cation iu the city. A good chance for the
ri)dit man.
For particulars apply to
German ia Saloon.
Astoria Tool Yard
Lp-w Jlsrctr is l
Four Foot Fir Wood -S2.75 to $3.25 per cord.
Cut " "$J.lJ0
Four Foot Vine Maple$3.23 to $3.73 " "
Cut " " $3.75to$4.50 " "
GrRAGG- c3 OO.
For Tliis
Commencing February 1st,
Remnant Sale!
All Odd. Lengths of
Silks, Velvets, Dress Goods, Flannels,
Table Linen, Ginghams, Etc.,
Will be Placed on our Center Table on Monday and ihe
Following Days of This "Week.
ALL REMNANTS will be Marked Down to Nearly One
Half their Original Cost.
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House in Astoria.
Flavel's Wharf and Warehouse,
Astoria.. Oregon.
Canutry Supplies at Lowest Prices.
Storago anil Insurance at Current Rates.
Banking Department
Interest allowed on Time Deposits.
Drafts on the leading Cities of the World
Geo. II. Stewart, Accountant, ami
Agent Northern Pacific Express Co.
The Largest and Fnest Stock in Astoria to Select From.
MacDonald & Mcintosh
Are now Prepared to
Show a Large Assortment
Goods in Every Line!
Which will
Lower Figures than at any Other House
The Leading Clothing, Hat, and Gents' Furnishing Store
Week Only!
For S2.30!
Astoria and Seaside
ED. JACKSON, - Proprietor.
The best Bread, Cakes and Pastry in the City,
Ice Creams and Ornamental Work
to order
Manufacturer of Fine Candles.
he Sold at