The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, February 04, 1886, Image 3

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?Itc JlatUt storiatu
Alice Harrison.
In Hot Water.
At Ross' opera bouse.
"Hot "Water" to-night at Ross' op
era nouse.
There will be a special session of
the county court on the 15th iiist.
The Columbia is due from San
Francisco this morning; the State
sails. r
NexWn order is the establishmc .:
of a mail route between here end ;: -per
Reserved seats for the Alice Harri
son entertainment at the New York
Novelty store.
Alice Harrison in "Hot Water"'
to-night Reserved seats at the New
York Novelty store.
In the case of Bergman & Co. vs.
Mrs. Wallman, the jury found for
the plaintiff in the sum of $312.
It is reported that the Primera
which left San Francisco for here last
Sunday, has a whole cannery on
"Hot Water," one of the most com
ical of farces, at Ross opera house
to-night Reserved seats at New York
Novelty store.
There is some talk of establishing
a white lanndry in this city. There
ought to be money in the enterprise
if run on business principles.
Several ladies went on a tour of
inspection through Chinatown yes
terday, and were hospitably regaled
with Chinese nuts, sweetmeats, tea
and samshu.
Judge Taylor yesterday dissolved
the writ of injunction issued against
the Oregon board of pilot commis
sioners, declining to take further
cognizance of the matter.
The British ship Lizzie Iredale,
692, Iredale master, 29 days from
Honolulu, and the British ship Yar
kand, 1,311, Johnson master, 27 days
from San Pedro, arrived in yester
day. The Republican and Democratic
central committees are advising vo
ters to be sure and register. The Re
publican state central committee will
meet at Portlaud on the 3rd of next
Considerable money was bet on
Dempsey in this city and Portland.
He is ahead a victory and $6,000 so
far in his New York contests. His
next fight is with LeBIanche, the
It is rumored that two prominent
canners on the lower Columbia stand
ready to buy the Columbia Canning
company's property, and if their bid
$19,000 be accepted, will run it
the coming season.
Circuit court will probably adjourn
to-day as Judge Taylor is obliged to
be at The Dalle3 to open court next
Monday. There are some equity
cases which are to be taken up the
latter part of this month.
Alice Harrison in her great charac
ter of "Yum Yum' will sing the fa
mous songs of the new and spark
ling opera of "Mikado" this even
ing at Ross1 opera house. Re
served seats now on sale at the New
York Novelty store.
To set a little point straight The
Astoriak desires to say that it has
no free list: hasn't had, and doesn't
intend to have. If this paper carried
to a man's door six days in the week
isn't worth fifteen cents to him we
can't afford his patronage.
Harper's Zlagazine is publishing
poetry alleged hitherto unpublished,
that appeared a year ago in the
Heppner Gazette. The Gazette man
gives Harper away and shows what
a mistake old Harp makes in not
subscribing for live Oregon papers.
Despite a very thick fog the Qwen
got here yesterday afternoon a -w
minutes past two, The river s -Ice
on the lower Columbia is L .r i to
beat in swiftness and certain .y of
communication; as for cheapness
of transportation it is unequaled in
the United States.
Mr. H. M. Clinton is taking orders
for the Oregon, Washington and Ida
ho directory, which is a complete ga
zetteer of general information re
garding the northwest, and a valua
ble work for reference. The book
can be obtained by subscription to
Mr. C. while in Astoria.
Capt Steve Babbidge met with an
ugly fall yesterday morning. He
was goiDg from the dock to the Star
buck lying alongside and slipped,
falling on the fender between the
vessel and the dock, breaking two of
his ribs and shaking him up prettv
badly. Dr. Tuttle attended to him
and yesterday afternoon he was in a
fair way to recovery.
Capt. Geo. Flavel yesterday bought
tue Lioomis place at Tanzy Point,
paying $9,000 therefor. It contains
about 540 acres, and is next to the
JUndred claim, sinil n. vjilruihlf tvifwv
of property. It is his intention to
dyke and improve it There is a fine
tract of land stretching along there
to Skipanon creek and on to Lewis
and Clarke's. Adjoining Capt Fla--vel's
new purchase D. K. Warren
owns a valuable farm on which he
has just erected a house that would
compare favorably with any subur
ban residence in the state. Next
io him is P. C. Warrens place,
then S. D. Adair, and farther along
J. C. Trnllinger and Hiram
Gray have valuable farms Mr. C.
Leineoweber has a fine tract of land
fartheyeast, the whole Btrip from
Tanzy Pt to . Lewis and Clark's
lonning one of the most valuable
sections in the county. This land is
capable of yielding enormous crops
ana is practicuuy luuuuutiiiDie.
Twenty tons of turnips to the acre
is no unusual .return, and for root
crops of all kinds as well as hay, oats
and vegetables, fruits, etc., it is
unsurpassed. The entire area is
either dyked or about to be, and in
the near future will be a valuable ad
junct to the prosperity of the city.
Yarions Items From all Part?
anil America.
of Europe
New Yokk, Feb. 3. In his fight
with Fogarty Jack Dempsey whipped
him in twenty-seven rounds. The
fight lasted one hour and fifty min
utes. Dempsey won $0,000. He is
overwhelmed with congratulations.
St. Locis, Feb. 3. The courts
have declared that it is unconstitu
tional to tax the telegranh companies
five dollars apiece for poles erected
on the city's thoroughfares. The city
will appeal.
big shock.
New Yoke, Feb. 3. There was a
tremendous explosion of. a powder
magazine at the Croton aqueduct to
day. The shock was felt in every di
rection for a distance of twenty miles.
Two lives are believed to have oeen
lost The cause is unknown. The
explosion has created the greatest
Washington-, D. C, Ueb. 3. Sur
veyor General Dement, of Utah, hav
ing denied making certain statements
about land frauds and official corrup
tion in that territory three newspaper
reporters demand that they be given
a chance to prove that Dement did
make the alleged statements. One
of them claims to have preserved the
notes of the interview and that De
ment furnished the paper on which
the notes were written. They will be
granted au opportunity to-morrow.
Chattanoocsa, Teiiu., Feb. 3. The
safe of llanby Bros, was robbed last
night. Haubys organized a pose
and started in pursuit They caught
up with the robbers, surrounded their
camp and opened fire, killing ene:
another jumped from a precipice one
hundred feet high and was diowncd
in the water below; the others es
caped. All were finely dressed and
wore diamonds.
Washington, D. C, Feb. 3. It is
thought that :i son of Haggin or Cal
ifornia, of the famous firm of Haggin
& Tevis will try to get the mission to
Austria. The president is slow to ap
point a minister to the Austrian
court to punish the Austrian govern
ment for its discourtesy in refusing
to accept Keiley.
a jealous wife's deed.
PnnjADEiirniA, Feb. 3. Fannie
Brown, armed with a long knife,
visited Julia Curry's house this after
noon and accused her of alienating
her husband's affections. She said
'Til spoil your beauty' at the same
time cutting her face aud neck with
fatal result When she was arrested
she said "I ain sorry I didn't cut her
heart out."
Washington, D. C.,Feb. 3. Ernest
Cernuti, an Italian citizen, who was
arrested on board an English vessel
in the bay of Panama by the Colom
bian government on a charge of being
a revolutionist, has brought the mat
ter to the attention of his government.
Italy threatens to send three men
of war to the Colombian coast
and demand apology. England may
be drawn into the imbroglio, on ac
count of Cernuti's having beed on
board an English vessel at the time
that the arrest was made.
The committee has decided to re
port favorably on an appropriation
of $100,000 for a new post office at
San Francisco.
Six inches of snow fell here to day.
London Feb. 3. Mr. Gladstone, in
audience with the queen on Monday,
was appointed prime minister. Mr.
Gladstone was unable to accept the
queen's invitation to stay at Windsor
until Tuesday.
The Daily Hacs says that Mr.
Parnell will firmly demand that the
local government question be settled
by parliament before the land ques
tion, or that both snbjects be dis
cussed together, and that he will
strongly oppose dealing with the
land question first.
Mr. Gladstone will be returned to
parliament for Midlothian without
opposition, in the reelection necessi
tated by his acceptance of office.
Lord Dufferin is gone to Burraah,
to arrange for British administration
of affairs in that country.
Rome, Feb. 3. The pope had a
serious fainting fit to-day, but soon
Berlin, Feb. 3. An influential
deputation of Catholics from Prussian
Poland, will visit the pope, for the
purpose of consulting with him in
regard to the proposed Gormanism
of Poland.
Capt Chas. F. Powell is in tho city.
E. D. McKee is registered at the
F. C. Reed returned from Portland
W. D. Smith was busy shaking
hands with old friends yesterday.
Sheriff Boss aud his deputies re
turned from Salem yesterday after
noon. F. "T. Jordan is a passenger on the
outgoing steamer this morning, for
"Watsonville, Cala
This evening the California fav
orite, Alice Harrison, will appear
at Ross opera house in the musi
cal farce and comedy called "Hot
Water." The company come direct
from the Bush street theater San
Francisco. Thoso who nave ever
Been the gifted little lady in her spe
cialties will surely go; those who have
not will naturally want to see the
new play of which she is the bright
particular star. Reserved seats at
the New York Novelty store.
- . m
To the United States Restaurant for
the best oysters. Private rooms.
Statistics Regai-diiis tiie Aggregate of
Salmon Cacs Packed ami Shipped
Lat Season,
The following figures are furnished
by a San Francisco firm and are suf
ficiently accurate to be of present
value: "
Columbia Hirer, Oregon, Spring
pack... :.-: 553,750
xoguo juver, uregoa, opnuK """
Fall pack
Eel River, Oregon, Fall pack....
Connille River. Orecon, lall pack
Smith's Iliver, Oregon, Fall pack
Umpqna River, Oregon, Fall pack
Tillamook River, Oregon, Fall
Sacramento Eiver, Cal., Spring
Puget Sound, "Washington Ter
ritory, Fall pack
Cbehalis River. Washington Ter
ritory, Fall pack 8,200
Alaska 71.S50
BErrisn coltjubia.
Fraser Rriver 70,230
Skeena 24,635
Alert Bay 6,000103,805
Total packing, 1884 985,295
Total packing, 18S5 835,715
Shortage, 1S85.... 149,5S0
1884 TO DATE.
From Columbia River
From San Francisco
From British Columbia direct...
Total 401,S07
Cargo of the Haddington
shire, Astoria 17,695
Cargo of the Rover of the
Seas, Victoria 19.0i 37,392
Net shipments, 1SST. 301,415
Shipments in 1881, were 453,513
cases. Deducting cargoes of
t he Kirkwood 52,804, and Perth
shire 11,890, lost at sea, leaves
net shipments 1884 373,819
Decrease for 1885 9.404
Average shipments to Great Brit-
am lor tlio p-ist six years 453,000
Included in abovo shipments for 1SS5,
are 73,090 cases, packed in British Co
lumbia. LOSSES AT KEV FOE 183t-8.".
Kirkwood 52,001
Perthshire 11,890
Haddingtonshire 17.69G
Rover of the Seas 19,090
Total ". 102.0SG
By sail and steam from San Fran
cisco CI, 13.")
In comparison with 1834. tho shipments
are 27.271 cases less. Included in above
total arc 8000 cases British Columbia
By rail from Portland aud San
By sea from Portland
By sea from San Francisco
Total 370,473
Au increase of over 1834, 15,295 cases.
Included in the above are 24,200 cases
of British Columbia salmon shipped to
On Columbia River 6,850
In San Francisco 17,000
In Alaska 4,200
In Victoria, B. C 1,000
To arrive from Cbehalis llivor . . 4,000
Total shipments to Great Brit
ain Total shipments to Eastern states
and Canada
. 370,473
Total shipments to Australia and
.New isaiauu
Total shipments to other ports
on the Pacific
Total consumption
Stock remaining on tho coast . . .
Total pack and carry over
Deduct losses hy sea," 18S5 packing
Net product and carry over 871,323
Total packing 1SS4 935,295
Total carrv over .
Total pack and carryover 1834..
Deduct losses by sea, 18S4 packing
Net product and carry over, 1831
Net product and carry over, 1S35
Net shortage 1835
A Washington dispatch says the
decrease in the supply of salmon in
the Columbia and Sacramento rivers,
and other northernPacific coast rivers,
is enlisting the active interest of Pro
fessor Baird, fish commissioner, and
appropriations have been asked to
enable him to establish extensive
salmon hatcheries at convenient
points, to repleuish the supply. This
would have been done by the com
missioner before but for doubt as to
his authority under the existing law,
which provides for the "introduc
tion" of food fishes, and as Baird con
strues the law, not for replenishing
depleted stock. Two hundred and
twenty thousand dollars is asked for
by the commissioner, which will be
devoted to restoration of tho salmon
the case of the Queen of the Pa
ciic, PragerBros., libellants, Judge
Deady yesterday made an order al
lowing an amended libel to be filed.
A copy of the engrossed libel is to be
served on claimants, who have ten
days thereafter to plead. Oreaonian,
The Alice Harrison company that
appears at Ross1 opera house to
night has been a big success in
San Francisco. They will have a
crowded house to-night. Reserved
seats at the New York Novelty store.
tiu'!il:ii.N Arnica. Salvo.
The Best Sai.vk i n the world for
Cuts, Uralses, Sores.Ulci'rs,Salt Rheum,
Fevr Sori. Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, ami all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W
E. Dement & Co.
It was pleasant, with all the sur
rounding attractions, occasioning
competition and rivalry, to see tho pop
ular Alice Harrison so generously
remembored with an overflowing and
enthusiastic house last night. Nor
did she disappoint her friends and
admirers in the performance of her
parts, which were as numerous as
her well-known versatility could well
permit in a play and allow the large
support to present their special fea
tures. The piece is jolly throughout
filled with catchy songs and rollick
ing humor from beginning to end. It
has a plot, and is a natural conclusion,
contains nothing intricate to follow
in its varions complications and mis
understandings, at once hitting the
public fancy with its melange of
good things. The novelties are well
distributed and nicely given, intro
ducing a pugilist wet nurse, a profess
or a la "Private Secretary," and the
"useful boy," the last forming tho
second attraction in the cast with
his curious pranks and nimble ac
tions. Miss Harrison, as one of the
Mikado little maids, made the ynm
yumiest "Yum Yum" we have yet
seen, and was recalled several times.
The champagne chorus by the Misses
Leslie, Kitty Allen and Pony Stevens
was novel and pretty. Closing at a
very late hour, does not permit of a
very extended notice at this time, but
sufficient can be said to give "Hot
Water"" and the company a hearty
endorsement, more than expected be
ing fulfilled and proving thoroughly
enjoyable. Alia California, 12.
Alice Harrison and her Hot Water
company drew a erowd last night.
Miss Harrison has come back to us
as bright and vivacious as when she
won a high place among theatrical
favorites, and on this occasion she
has surrounded herself with a good
company. The piece has no other
purpose than to place the actors in a
position to do things that will make
the audience laugh. The company
includes Charles Dickson as "James
McDoodles, Jr.," Frank Girard as
"Hercules Heavy Weight," Frank
David as "Col. McDoodles," Charles
McCarthy as "Jane Ann O'Hooloran,"
George Ivyle as "Professor Meekf ul,"
Fred. Mathews as "Brick Nimble,"
Jennie ReifTarth as "Amelia Helpall,"
Ada Morton as "Mrs. James McDoo
dles," Helen Sedgwick as "Mrs. Col.
McDoodles,' Gertrude Baird as
"Waitress," and Grace Leslie, Helen
Leslie, Kitty Allen and Posey Stevens
as the "Colonel's Four Fair Daugh
ters." The company are well select
ed for their work. Most of them can
act after the fashion required in this
kind of piece, and all can sing and
dance. Alice Harrison as "Mam'zelle
Marie Bonfons" is the central figure,
but not the only figure of promi
nence. A good many singing and
dancing numbers are introduced,
some being adaptations from famous
opera airs, and others written to or
der on topics of the day. It is bright
all the wav through. 6'. F. Jiulletin,
Feb. 3. Taylor, J.
F. E. Wright vs Leinenweber &
Co.; continued as per stipulation
H. Kendall vs G. F. Parker: dis
missed. H. B. Parker vs M. A. Leahy; re
ferred to Geo. A. Dorris.
Goldsmith & Loewenberg vs M. J.
Kinney; continued for term.
W. W. Parker vs H. Jones et. al.;
continued for service.
J. C. Trnllinger vs E. S. Merrill;
settled and dismissed.
W. W. Parker vs B. G. Crane et. al.;
argument on demurrer to answer.
H. A. Snow vs A. Nojes et al.;
ordered that injunction be dissolved
for lack of equity.
A. Man & Co. va Trenchard it Up
shur; argument on demurrer to
Jno. Wiik admitted to citizenship.
P. Anundi to A. Waliu,E iClot 1G,
Union; $200.
Carl Adler and wife to Sol. Hirsch,
lot 2, blk.llo,Shivelys Astoria; S2,
000. C. W. Sbively to A. R. and M. E.
Wakeman, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 aud G, blk.
139, Shively's Astoria; S267.20.
P. Anundi to Jno. Peterson, W
lot 16, Union; $195.
.V Startling Discovery.
Physicians are often startled by re
markable discoveries. The fact that Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
and all Throat and Lung diseases is
daily curing patients that they have
given up to die, is startling them to re
alize their sense of duty, and examine
into the merits of this wonderful dis
covery; resulting in hundreds of our
best Physicians using it in their practice
Trial Bottles free at W.E. Dement &
Cos Drug Store. Regular size 1. 00.
The immense stock at the
Palace amounting to 25,000 worth of
goods or all description will be thrown
on the market and sold at reckless prices
as it has to be disposed of in a very short
Note Paper, line quality, 10 cents per
quire at the Crystal Palace.
School Books at half price at the Crys
tal Palace.
Silver Ware at half cost price at the
Crystal Palace.
If von want barirains call at the Crys
tal Palace, they are-slaughtering every
thing. DorCw m-icIiiimt snnisnr lillill" OTailV
size or length can he supplied by leav
ing orders Willi .1. n.u. uraj.
For Sale.
A Ward's patent salmon retort. Ap
ply to A. W. Bkkuv.
Parties desiring to send valentines to
distant places will find a large and beau
tiful stock, new and fresh, jut leceived
at Griftin & Reeds.
W.E. Dement & Co. are selling out
their stock of artist's materials at cost,
for cash.
For Bent,
At a reasonable rate; the line new
building opposite Kirchhotrs bakery.
Apply at this oflice.
Tho state supremo court has ren
dered an important decision in the
swamp land case of D. L. Moore,
holding, in effect, that purchasers of
swamp land under tho law of 1S70,
who had complied with the law, were
entitled to deeds of the same, not
withstanding the joint resolution of
the special session of 1885, directing
me uoaruot state land commissioners
for the state of Oregon not to sell or
execute deeds for any lands as swamD
or overflowed lands until the same
has been settled and determined
as swamp or overflowed lands by said
commissioners on the part of the gen
eral government and the state, and
tho patent thereof has been duly is
sued to the state of Oregon. The
court holds that the joint resolution,
according to section 1, of article 4, of
the constitution, is not a law, and
even if it had the force of law, would
be unconstitutional under section 21.
article 1, of the constitution, as im
pairing tho obligation of contracts.
The decision, the Statesman says,
"is of peculiar importance, as there
are several similar cases hanging on
the settlement of this one. The mat
ter is now fully settled as far as the
state is concerned, but it may come
np again under the general govern
ment in the United States courts.
Whether the United States supreme
court will hold that the act of con
gress of 1SG0 grants this land to
Oregon bofore it is patented to the
state or not, is a question which is
still open."
On Jan. 21st Senator Mitchell in
troduced the followiug bill, which
was read twice and referred to finance
A bill to amend section three thou
sand and nineteen of the revised
statutes, relating to drawback on
duties on imported material when
mauufactured and exported.
lie it enacted by the senate and
house of representatives of the Unit
ed States of America in conurcss as
sembled, That section three thousand
and nineteen of tho revised statutes
be amended so that it will read:
"Sec. 3019. There shall be allowed
on articles wholly manufactured of
materials imported, on which duties
have been paid, when exported, a
drawback equal in amount to the
duty" paid on such materials,
and no more, to be ascertained under
such regulations as shall be pre
scribed by the secretary of the trea
sury; and all provisions of law
inconsistent herewith are hereby re
Proper Treatment for Couglis.
That the reader may fully understand
what constitutes a good Cough and
Lung Syrup, we will say that Tar and
Wild Cherry is the base of the best rem
edies yet discovered. These Ingredi
ents with several others equally as effi
cacious, enter largely into Dr.Bosanko's
Cough and Lung Syrup, thus making it
one of the most reliable now on the mar
ket. Price r0 cts. and $1.00. Samples
free. Sold byJ.W. Conn.
To Housekeepers.
Attention is called to our advertis
nient in another column giving a par
tial list of the goods to be found in our
stock. We aim to carry the best assort
ment to be found in Astoria, aud cash or
short time buyers will find it to their ad
vantage to make their purchases from
us. Coods delivered free of charge to
any part of the eitv.
D. 1 ,. JtacKjfe Sons.
Sj-rup oXFifjs
Manufactured only by the California
Fig Syiup Co. San Francisco Cal. is
Natures Own True Laxative. This
pleasant liquid fruit icmody may be
had of W. E. Dement & Co. Pt fifty cents
or one dollar per boil'e. t, 's the most
pleasant, prompt sml remedy
known, to cleanse the system; to acton,
the Liver, Kidneys aud Bowels gently
yet thoroughly to dispel Headachs,
Colds and Fevers; to cure Constipation,
I ndigestion and kindred ills.
fr'oralVcai Fittiuj; Boot
Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
namus street, rext door to I. W. Case.
All goods oft 'e best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock ; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
For Rent.
The fine hall, 80x25, lately occupied as
a gymnasium, next to Telephone Saloon.
Apply to. Iefk.
Twenty-five Al Envelopes for 5 cents
at the Crystal Palace.
Hearty For
For a good steak, a delicious cup of
coffee or a plate of fine oysters go to
Frank Fabre's Coffee. Oyster and
Chop House; opposite M.C.Crosby's.
W. Liissieroi San Francisco has en
gaged in the photograph business with
Crow the leading photographer.
Hapnincss and Health
Are important problems, the former de
pending greatly on the latter. Everyone
is familiar with the healthy properties
of fruit, aud no one can afford to be sick
and miserable while the pleasant con
centrated liquid fruit remedy Syrup of
Figs, may be had of our enterprising
druggists W. E. Dement & Co.
Why will you cougn wnen Sluloh's
Cure will give immediate relief. Price
10 cLs ) cts and SI. Sold by W. K. De
ment. All the patent medicines advertised
in Uiis paper, together with tho choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc can
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
Coal, liny and Straw.
Tacoma Coal So ner ton, delivered.
Choice Hay from $' to $12 per ton.
Cow Hay and Straw S7 to 10 per ton
r or sale by .1. ll. D. (.in.vv.
Silicon's Ci'KE will immediately
relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and
Bronchitis. Sold by W.E. Dement & Co
Xt, ." Xortk Front St., Portland, Or.
Importers and Dealers in
"Wood-working Machinery,
Saml-paperiiis: machines,
Lathes. Jtorlnz Machines,
IJandHaws, Scroll Saws.
Rubber and Leather Belting,
For This Week Only!
Commencing February 1st,-
Remnant Sale!
lliii 13191 HH
All Odd Xjengths off
Silks, Velvets, Dress Goods, Flannels,
Table Linen, Ginghams, Etc.,
"Will be Placed on onv Center Table on Monday and tbe
Following Days of This Week.
ALL REMNANTS will be Marked Down to Nearly. One
Half their Original Cost.
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House in Astoria.
Flavei's Wharf and Warehouse,
Astoria. Oregon.
Cannery Supplies at Lowest Trices.
Storage aud Insurance at Current Kates.
Banking Department
Interest allowed on Time Deposits.
Drafts on the leading Cities of the World
Geo. II. Stewart. Acoountant, and
Agent Northern Pacific Express Co.
The Largest alnd Fnest Stock in Astoria to Select From.
MacDonald & Mcintosh
Are now Prepared to
Show a Large Assortment
Goods in Every Line!
Which will he Sold at
Lower Figures than at any Other House
The Leading Clothing, Hat,
or 32-SO!
Astoria and Seaside
ED. JACKSON. - Proprietor
The best Bread, Cakes and Pastry in the City,
Ice Creams and Ornamental Work
to order
Manufacturer of Fine Candies.
and Gents' Furnishing Sto