0) VOL. XXV, NO. 27. ASTORIA, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1886. PRICE. TIVE CENTS. BUSINESS CARDS. C. R. TBOltSOX. E. E. COOVfcRT. mvrArcAMr .- nAffcTTPWT t Attorneys at Law and Notaries Public. Special attention given to collection? and examining titles. Office Booms 4 and 5, over City Book Store. 1 B. 3f AJBT1X. C. K., Architect and Civil Engineer. Office Boom 6. Knights or Pythias Building. K. A. L. and J. A. KULTOS. rhysi class and SurReous. Ul-jjlve prompt attention to all calls, noin any part of the city or country. Office over Aliens Store, corner Cass and 4juemoqua streets, Aatorla, Oregon. Telephone No. 41. I t. FKAXK PAGE. Physician and 8argeou. Oluce. RooinG, over D. A. Mcintosh s. store. UFICK HOUB3 :-9 to 11 A. M. ;-3 to 5 P. M. KeMdence. opposite theJohansen building D K.O.B.F.8TK8. PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON. OFf ick : Gem Building, upstairs, Astoria, Oregon . D B. ALFRED KI.VNEY, OFFICE IN ODD FELLOW'S BUILDING, Morning Hours, 9 to 11. Afternoon Hours, 2 to 4, Kveulng Hours, 7 to 8 :30 ; At all other times enquire at his rooms over Goodman's Boot and Shoe store. ICO. A. DOKUI8. OEO. KOLAXD XOULKD fc MORRIS, ATTORNEYS AT LAAY. uatce iu Kinney's Block, pposlte City Hall, Astoria. Oregon. V W. FUL.TOX. - & FULTON. FULTON BROTHERS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. UoomsSand 6. Odd Fellows Building. fi KLO F. PARKER SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY AND Bx-Clty Surveyor of Astoria Office :-N. E. corner Cass and Astorstieets, Boom No. 8 Up atalra. T q. A. BOWLBY. Attorney aad Counsellor ut Law, Office on Cheuamus Street, Astoria, Oregon. TJ I. WISTOS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Booms No. 11 and 12, Pythian Castle Build in. KX 1. KAYMOXD, CIVIL ENGINEER. CITY SURVEYOR. Office In City Hall, Astotla. Oiegon. w Ttinxe. si. i. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Rooms 1. 2, aud 3. PUilau Build- ng. Residence On Cedar Street, hack of St, Mary's Bospltal. A. K. SHAW. DENTIST. Booms in Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astoria Oregon. T K.PEDDRK, NOTARY PUBLIC. Sewcheror Titles, Abstracter and Conveyancer. OOlce on Cass Street. 3 doora south of As toriau office, Astoria, Oregon. General Agency of W M. J. A.DA1K, Eeal Estate, Insurance and Money BROKER. Valuable Properties for Sale or Lease In Upper Astoria. Accounts Adjusted, aud Book. Keeping done on Short Notice. Offiee with Col. Speddeu, cor. Jefferson and Cass streets, Astoria, Oiegou. A. V. Allen, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CrtMrMi, ILLJbEED. Glass and Plated Ware. TROPICAL AND DOMKSTIC FRUITS ANP VEGETABLES. Together with Wmet, LiquorsJobaccoXig rs R. Lemon & Co,, . Stevedores and. Riggers, PORTLAND and ASTORIA. Pobtlaxd Office No. 16 Nortn Front St D C . HEDOTAR TRADE Y7 MARK. Absolutel Free from 0plate3, Emetics and Poison SAFE sube, Z0 Cts. PROMPT' AT DBCGGIST3 AK3 D2ALLES. fHE CHASLES A. VOGEL'ER C0.,BALT1M0RE, MO. ooio Mrrv9tuiur. 9r.SANF0RD'S INVIGORATOR Is jasc what its nama implies ; a Purely Vegetable 'Compound, lhal Ects directly upoa the: ;rj curing the many diseases i co that mil porrant organ, and Ltingthena merous ailm from its deranged. -action,, Each as Dyspep: lice. .Biliousness, aria, Sick-headachy eta It is therefore i OViave CjoodHealti he kept in or3ec" Da. 8AKF0BD'S LIVES INYI60RAT0S- InviRoratei the Liver, Regulates the Bovr sis. Strengthens the System. Purifies the Blood , Assists Digestion, Prevents Fevers. Is a nousenoid .Need. An invaluable Family Medicine for common complaints. DB. lAOTOBD'S LIVER HTVTGOEATOE. An experience of Forty years, and Thou tands of Testimonials prove its Merit. FOR BALE BY ALT. DEALERS IN HEDICINE3 For full information fiend yonr address for IOC pre Book on the " Liver tnd Its dieasee." tt W!Jr0BD 24 CUASB 6T.. S.SY7 -JTOCK Clip The New York Novelty Store! For the Next 30 Days We will sell our Stock of Merchandise, Noelties. Etc., at San FraucLsco cot, with freight added. We propose to Inaugurate a general, sweeping aud bona fide Clearance Sale, our Intention being to dispose of am and evervthlngat present on hand, to make room for our NEW STOCK which wl!l arrhe about February 1st. 1836. Keinember that ihls Is no sham '"Closing Out Sale", but a GENUINE CLEARANCE SALE! The miblic are cordiallv Invited 10 call and examine our goods and pi Ices, and com luce tnemseives 01 tne truui or our assertion'. HEW YORK NOVELTY STORE! Opposite the Parker House. Main Street. Astoria. Oregon. For Rent. qpHE BC1LDING KNOWN AS MTSIC 1U1I. tormerlv occumed liv Kobt. Will- greu. Kullj tumlshea and ready foibubliu-s. Also the building formerlx occupied ny J en s restaurant, wheie Jeff made his fort une. Both buildings are In the best business lo cation Iu the citj. A good chauce for the light man. For particulars apply to CASPKKBALTES. German 1h Saloon. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. Forlhe Finest of Wines and Liquors OotrtTUK OK'Vl -A LOON. ALEX. CAMl'BHLL. J UOl'KIKTOH Furniture and Upholstering, Mattresses Made and Ucpalred. Paper Hanging. Carpets Sewed and Laid. Furniture Sold on Commiesion. Shop, corner Main and Jefferson Streets MAHTIN OLSEN. Hong Yik & Co. The undersigned are doing business under the above name. Corner CkreaaHH uad Benion HtH. :F"xl Teas, Groceries and Provisions. 25 Contractors for Chinese Labor. ASTORIA, OREGON. JOE GIM FEE. AH CHU. CHU FIN. CHU CO HO. Tae Care of Children. ""Wfeat more can I give my chil dren than I am giving them?" asked an anxious young mother of a matron who had successfully reared a large family. "I think, my dear, they would he benefited by a little whole" some neglect," was the reply. It was the result of keen observation, and a recognition of the fact that the children in question were kept in a continual state of worry by being watched. The mother's'Sye and care was so omnipresent that their spon taneity was checked, and, as one re marked, life for them was one eter nal "don't." Said another in recalling reminis cences of childhoed: "When I was a child I was rendered miserable by being constantly watched and trained. I was very fond of being alone, at times. I could give no reason for it, but I loved to stay in unoccupied rooms, or finding a hiding place among the bushes in the garden, there to amuse myself with my own plays and fancies. My mother wa3 suspicious that this meant evil of some kind, and constant surveilance and reprimand for going off by my self is one of the unpleasant memo ries of my childhood." Nothing should be more carefully respected and guarded than the indi viduality of a child. The atmos phere of home should be that of love and safety, in which all the natural inclinations of children should bo allowed to act spontaneously. Their wishes for employment and posses sion of their own should be re spected, their tastes in matters of food and dress consulted in so far as consistent with the convenience of those around. "We have heard grown up people tell of the distaste they had when children to certain kinds of food which they were compelled to eat, or certain kinds of clothes which they were compelled to wear. It used to be a rule in many faiiilies brought up in the Puritan style that a child must eat all the crusts of his bread, or all the fat on his meat, or all the food on his plate. Such rules are barbarious and we trust nearly obsolete, yet children's taste in food ought to bo more considered than it is. Food that is distasteful should never be forced upon them, and to procure for them food which they enjoy, will in most cases be to pro cure such food as their systems re quire. So of taste in dress. Children may sometimes have an antipathy to particular colors, or particular gar ments, and a preference for others. If possible these tastes should al ways be respected, guarding, of course, against encouraging or foster ing vanity. So of the occupations and employ ments of children ; as far as possible they should be left to follow their own inclinations when they are harm less. If your little girl would rather play with hammer and tack than with dolls, why, let her have them, and see that she lias a board, or a place where she can drive them with out reproof. If your little boy always wants to hitch the chairs up for horses and can enjoy himself hap pily as an imaginary stage driver, set apart certain chairs for him and let him drive unmolested and un watched. If he begs for tools let him have them ; if he wants pencils or paint procure them for him. The only way by which parents can se cure the "confidence of their children is first to show confidence in them. Confidence must be won; it can never be forced, not even from the little ones who play around our knees. A happy childhood is the greatest heritage parents can give to their children. Its memory will brighten and cheer the whole "of life. To be happy it must to a certain extent be unrestrained. The home play-ground should have no dangerous places from which children must be forbid den and guarded. And in the shelter of the home and the play-ground, let the young spirits develop freely, spontaneously, happily. Let them have their little secrets, their own possessions which no one shall inter fere with, their own plays, and, so far 'as it is consistent with the wel fare and comfort of others, their own way. Life will discipline them harshly enough when parents can no longer shield them from sorrow. (Chicago Weekly Magazine. CoartlBK Twins. A young man who was courting a girl who had a twin sister was terri bly imposed upon. She went out of town three weeks and employed her sister as asuDstituto in the sittmg-up-at-night business during her absence. The young man called five nights a week, as usual, and didn't leave till after midnight, without detecting the imposition. When he learned of the trick that had been played upon him, he got mad and broke off the engagement. The twins looked as much alike as two capital P's and he said that he might be fooled into marrying the one that he didn't love. It was certainly a narrow escape, though, come to think about it ; we can't see what difference it would have made as long as ignorance was bliss and the twins didn't object. Having young lady twins in the house is rather a neat arrangement. When a young man is so infatuated that he calls seven nights a week, they can take turns sitting up with him and thus look fresh and wide awake every other evening alter nately, anyway. No sensible young man should object to such an ad mirable health-preserving scheme, either. Drake's Magazine. Handkerchiefs. A handkerchief was the square of fine linen formerly employed by women to cover the head, but more recently used in the hand, and not as a covering only. The term hand kerchief is not met with earlier than in the fifteenth century, when in the "Wardrobe Accounts o'f EdwardIV," we find " V dozen handcouver chieffeB" are named as having been made by one Alice Shapster, to whom a payment had been made. Modern handkerchiefs are to be had of different dimensions, those for women being smaller than those for men. They are produced in silk, both Chinese and Indian, as well as in English ; of cambric, cotton, and muslin; some are designed for the pocket and others for the neck. Some of the Indian silk ones are in self-colors, others have patterns upon them and are necessarily of two colors. These are known as bandana handkerchiefs. Cambric, muslin, cotton and gingham handker chiefs are to be had with hemstitch or ribbon borders, and some are more or less embroidered; others have black or colored borders in va rious designs. Bales of colored cotton ltandker chiefs are manufactured in this coun try in Oriental cojors and designs, so prepared to suit the native taste for the Indian export trade. Trimmings of lace applied to handkerchiefs came first into fashion in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. H&ndkerchlefs were wrought With names and true-loe knots. Friar. Bacon's I'ropheiie, A. D. 1601. Hue ou not seen a handkerchief Spotted with tra berries in our wife' band! lOthello. Dorcas Magazine. A. Plienomennl Cucumber and Vine. William H. O'Dwver, a lawyer, living at No. 133 West One Hundred and Twenty-third Street, has occupied some of his leisure time during the summer in amateur farming. One of his labors has been to nurse the California cucumber, and the result is a dozen or more specimens of va rious sizes. The largest of these is four feet and ten inches long and fifty-eight inches in circumference. One daj', after a shower, the vine prew two feet in three hours. He was the only witness of this remarkable phenomenon, but will vouch for the truth of the narrative. New York Tribune. Robert Colly er's Little Ones. In a street-car talk with Rev. Rob ert Collyer the other day the genial clergyman told me the follewing: Little Ethel had just commenced to studj- her catechism in my church and her mother was hearing her sav it. ' Now, Ethel," her mother com menced, "what must you first do be fore yon can have your sins forgiven ?" "I des," said Ethel very thought fully, "I des I must first go out and commit the sin." St. Louis Repub lican. Knljrhts or the Bath." A few days ago a well-known so ciety young man shocked one of his lady friends by his ignorance of his torv. It was after a dinner party at his 'house, and she was telling him what she had learned in her private history clas3. One thing led to an other, and all the time he was getting into deeper water. At last she sur prised him by inquiring : "Now, tell me Mr. , what are the Knights of the Bath V" He stammered for a while, and finally blurted eut: "Why, Saturday nights, I suppose." Buffalo Courier The danger that always goes along with a .standard f ami I y medicine is the counterfeit or fraud, which follows as (larkms docs light. Protection against this dancer lies in careful observation of what, and of whom, you buy. Doubt the luiiutsly of any druggist who tate.s there is any other Simmons Liver Regulator than that prepared by II. J. Zeilin it Oo., Sole Proprieters: or that there is anv liver medicine having like effective curative properties, or contain ing the same ingredients. in SOUtnern iuissia vineyarua are freed from phylloxera, by planting iiump near uiu iiuuuicu "". j.wt parasites are attracted to the hemp by its strong odor, and the roots prove to be poisonous to them. You Can Hdie II. "Mv dnnr. what would I ffive to have your hair?" is often said by middle- aged ladies to young ones. lUauani. you may have just such hair. Parker's Hair Balsam will give it to you. It will stop your hair from falling off. restore the original color ana mane it long, thick, soft and glossy. You need nnt afnnrl lifilnlpsslv envvinir the girls. The Balsam is not oily, not a dye, but is an elegant dressing, ana is especi ally recommended for its cleanliness and purity. From nearly 400 singers includ ing no Germans or ItaliansDr. Lennox Browne has secured testi mony that the use of alcohol and to bacco injure the singing voice. "Nowr .iPRnnir" is the motto adopt ed by thousands who have been re lieved of their pains by St. Jacobs Oil. Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? billion's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by W. E. Dement & Co. P fROYAL fSWfl? ' I I I 1 1 Kg! I ft -IB! M Win ! M POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never varies. A marvel ol purlt', strei'Klh and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold in competition with the multi tude ol low test, .short weight, alum or phos phate iwmders. Sold only in can. Bovai. 15 a kim j I'on'DKitCo. IOC Wail-st.. N. Y. MAKKETS. STAR MARKET.- WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresli and Cured Meats, VegotalDles, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, CIIKXA3IUS Street. Astoria, Off. Washington Market. lluiu "treet, Astoria', Oregon. Kr.m.'.MAN & VO.lMtOntlKTOKS KESl'ECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tluti of the public to the fact that the above Market will always be. supplied with a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY FKSSH AND CUREO MEATS i I Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. jsSTSpecial attention given to supplying hips. B. B. Franklin, SQUEMOQUA STREET, M-.XT TO THE A.STOKIA.K BUIIJIXQ. taT"All work done iu a skillful manner on short notice at n-asonable rates. WM. EDGAR, Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNER MAIN AND CnENAMOS STS. Stockholders' Meeting. STOCKHOLDER OK THE FISHER inen's I'ktr. Co. an hereby notified that a special iiieethin will beheld at the com pany s oince ar l pper ASiona. or., on namr ilnv. Kfli. . iRSrt. :it a. m.. for the consider ation of general business. IJy onler or ttie rresment. II. E. NELSON, Secretary. MTJKRAY & CO., GROCERS And Dealers in Special Attention Civento Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supples furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part of the city. Office and Warehouse In Hume's New Building on "Water Street. P. O. Box 133. Telephone No. 3T. ASTORIA. OREGON. Memier and CaMnet Mater, Cannery Supplies ! ARBOUR' Fl lax HAVE NO GRAND PRIZE m"' . iKfff A'V5' "iSi.C?rt.X M1?( inrfSf M t Sk. Uk. T1IEY HAVE BEEN AWARDED HIGHER PRIZES AT THE VAKIOUS International Expositions THAN THE GOODS OF ANY OTHER THREAD MANUFACTURERS IN THE WORLD. Qaulity can Always be Depended on i ExDBriHnGBd. FIsiiermen Use i Otter ! HENRYDOYLE & CO., 5 1 7 and 5 1 9 Market Street, SAN FRANCISCO, AGENTS FOlt PACIFIC COAST. Seine Twines, Rope and Netting Constantly on Hand. THE NEW MODE A FTJIiI. STOCK The Telephone Saloon. The Finest Establis lime nt of the Kind in Astoria. Especlallv htted up for the Oomfoit and Convenience of those who enjoy a Social Gla-s. The Beat or Wines and Liquors, The Choicest Cigars. Everything New and First-Class. B. I J EFFBEV. Proper. Coliiili Transportation Company. FOR PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Time! TIIE NEW STEAMER -TELEPHONE "Which has been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leave "Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. f-An additional trip will be made on Sunday or IZach Week, leaving Portlan d at 9 O'clock Sunday 2IornJu. Passengers b this route connect at Kalarna for Sound ports. U. B. SCOTT, President! 1 I Thread EQUAL ! ERvlM ig7f PARIS 1878. J RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF E, JL HAWm 8 AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE 11. YOU WILL BE PLEASED. iL K. HAWES 13 also agent for the Ml jaM (Mil Stove And other flrst-class Stoe3. Purztaoe Work. Steam Fit tings, etc, a specialty- ALWAYS ON HAND. Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I: W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE Ai'-D UK TAIL DEALEHS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE Corner Cheuamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - OKKl.ON