CM -tPLliI r'L ! Ifli 1 11rSfflffl3 xl,W (Oil 11 Hi ill . VOL. XXV, NO. 23. PRICE. JBIVE CENTS.?"- ASTORIA, OREGOj THURSDAY, JAATAR1 28, 1886. BUSINESS CARDS. C. R. THOXSOX, E. E. COOTKBT. THOftlSOX fc COOVEBT, Attorneys at Law and Notaries Public. Special attention given to collections and examining titles. Office Rooms 4 and 3, over City Book Store. C.B 2IABT1X. V. K., Architect and Civil Engineer. Office Room 0, Knights of Pythias Building. D R. A. i.. and J. A. fl'LTOX. Physician and Surgeons. Will Rive prompt attention to all calls, fiom any pait of the city or country. Onlce over Allen's Store, corner Cass and -'queinoqua .streets, Astoria. Oregon. Telephone No. 41. D U.FJXAXK PACK. Physician, and Surgeon. Office, RoomC, over D. A. Mcintosh s store. t )FFICE HOUKS :-9 to 11 A. M. ;-3 to 5 V. M. Residence, opposite the Johansen building D R.O.B.E8TF.8. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ofmcf. : Gem Building, upstairs, Astoila, Oregon. -pvR. ALFRED KIXNEY. OFFICE IN ODD FELLOW'S BUILDING, Morning Hours, 3 to 11. Afternoon Hours, 2 to 4, Evening Hours, 7 to 8 iJO ; At all other times enquire at his rooms ver Goodman's Boot and Shoe store. oer OKO. X. DOK1118. OEO. POLAND ItOLA.Kl & BORRI8, - ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Onlce lu Kinney's Block, c pposlte City Hall, Astoria, Oregon. C W. FULTON. . O. C FULTON. FULTON BROTHERS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 5 and 6, Odd Fellows BuUdlog. 1 ELO F. PARSER SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY AND E-Clty Surveyor of Astoria Office : N. E. conierCass and Astorstieets, Room No. 8 Uptair. T O.. A. BOWLBY. Attorney and CouuMellor at av. Office on Chenamus Street, Astoria. Oiegon. IP I. WISTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms No. 11 and 12, Pthlan Castle Build ing. I AY TUTTIiE, 31. I. FHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Rooms 1.2, and 3. Pythian Build "g. Residence On Cedar Street, hack ol St. Mary's Hospital. A E. SII AW. DENTIST. Rooms in Allen's Building, up stairs, eor rer Cass and Squemoqua .stteets. Astoria Oregon. "O K. MI'EDDEK, NOTARY PUBLIC. Searcher of Titles, Abstracter aud Conveyancer. Office on Cass Street.. doors south of As torlau office, Astoria, Oregon. General Agency of W M. B. AOAIIt, Real Estate, Insurance and Money BROKER. Valuable Properties for Sale or Lease In Upper Astoria. Accounts Adjusted, and Book Keeping done on Short Notice. Office with CoLSpedden, cor. Jefferson and Cass streets, Astoria, Oiegon. A. V. Allen, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in PfVltlQMS, MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, LiquorsJobaccoXigars Hong Yik & Co. The undersigned are doing business under the above name. Craer Chcaamns and Benton tn Groceries and Provisions. Contractors for Chinese Labor. ASTORIA, OREGON. JOE GIM FEE. AH CHU. CHD FIN. CHU CU HO. R .Htad ED TRADE yj UhXK. Absolutely Free from Opiates, Emetics and Poison SAFE. 9UPr PROMPT AT DCUGOISTS SI DJ. THE CHARLES A. VCGELER CO..BALTIM0HE, MS. Hole Proprietor. kSANFORD' INVIGORATOR Is just what its name implies ; Purely Vegetable 'Compound, thai tcts directly upoa the curing the many diseases i a that lm. portant organ, and ting the msrous ailmints t arise from its deranged or ronGction, such as Dyspepsia jTaJndice, Bilioasnes Cosmeness)alaria, Sid: -"headache, Rnearajnretc. It is therefore s :ruismthAvToliave Goo&HealtL :he Liver must be kept in order." DB, SABTOBD'3 XIVB INVIGOEATOE Invifforate3 the Liver, Rcculates the Bow- sis, Strengthens the Sj'stera, Purines Ihc Blood . Assists ingestion, rrcvents t evens, s a Household "Need. An Invaluable Family Medicine for common complaints. D2. BAHFOBD'S IIVEE IHVIGORATOH. inexperience cf Forty years, and Tnov. lands cf Testimonials prove its Merit. FOR BILE BT ALL DEALERS IN MEDICINE.? For foil information tend your address for 1 P-geBook on the "Liver and lta dia ," tx rV.8SrOBD 2 CUAJ.E BT.. XEVT TOE- CnX TUTTS PILLS TORPI?OWELSr DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. Prom these sources arise three-fourths ofthodis eases of the human race. These symptoms indicate their existence: osv of Appetite, Bowels costive, felclc Headache, fullness niter eat ing, aversion to exertion of body or miud, Eructation of food,Irrltabil ltyortemper,owsplriU,Afceling ottiavlngneglected some duty, T)lz zIuegg,FluttcrlngattheIIe&rt,Iotii before the eyes, highly colored Urlne,COKSTlPATIOIV,an(ldemand the use of a remedy that acta directly on theLiver.AsaLlverrncdicineTUTI'S IIS have no equal. Their action on the Kidneys and Skin is nlso prompt; removing all impurities through theso three ' scavengers of the system," producing appetite, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear skin and a Tig' orousbody. TUTTVSPJXLS cause no nausea 01 griping nor Interfere "with daily woak and aro a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. bold every wherc25i. Ollicc 41 MurrarS UN Y. GnATlTATRnRWrilSirriTQ nhanrrmt In. stantly to a Glopsv Black by a single application of this Dvn. Sold by Drurr. ata,or sent by express on receipt of $L Ofllce, 44 Murray Street, 2ew York. nrero eiotal cf trseroL X5sgg3 na, W. E. DEMENT & CO. DRUGGISTS . ASTORIA. - - ()IIE(U) CatT3' in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES Prescriptions caiefully Compounded AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITORS! Capitol Flour, Manufactured by the Full Roller J'rocess, by the Salem (Or.) Capitol Flour Mills Co., MMITKD J Tlw onlv Hour that has taken First Prize thive years In succession at the 1MIITIAM MECIIAXIC'tf FA I It. Also at St.tte Fair. One trial Is sufficient to convince of its sme riority. Sw that th word CAPITOL Ison eacli sack GEORGE SHIEL, 8 Stark St., Portland Agent. WILSON & FISHER. Astoria Agents,. Furnished Rooms. MRS. E. C. HOLDEN HAS ONE NICE room with fire, and two or three sin-, gle rooms, to rent Enquire comer Malu and Jefferson streets. Board if desired. oue iURE TIN v SPLENDID MANSIONS. The Palaces In Which the People of Washington Beside. Senator Edmunds' new house is the coldest and queerest thing in "Washington architecture. It is'a fit representative of the icjr Senatoi from the cold mountains of Vermont. It looks more like a prison than a palace, and though it is made of the warm, red, pressed brick of Phila delphia, its construction is such that it looks forbidding and exclusive. Its entrance is a wide, arched door which seem3 to have been cut through the heavy brick walls. The windows of the lower story are heavily barred with iron like those of a bank, and the cave-like en trance of the carriageway is closed with an iron barred gate. The library on the second floor has a beautiful view looking for many miles over Washington and the sur rounding country, but the glass is framed in a bay .window of copper, which is riveted all around with great rivets, the heads of which are as big as trade dollars. On the ground floor is the Senator's office, a room finished in pine of a satiny whiteness, and lined with shelves of the same wood. This part of the house might, I suppose, be called the basement, but the main entrance leads into it, and the only difference in finish from the floors above is that the ceilings are lower. The house, when one gets inside of it, looks well enough, and is, no doubt, goingto bo a comfortable one. It is situated within a block or two of Blaine's mansion, and near Rock Creek, on whicli Robert Fulton made his first experiments witli the steamboat. Edmunds paid $14,000 for tho lot last year, and I am told his new house costs $20,000 more. He owns also another house in Washington, on Highland Terrace, adjoining that of Tom Bayard, but he will rent this now and occupy his new one. He has also a good home in Burlington, Vt. This last is a plain, old-fashioned brick sti ucture, situated upon the slope of the hill upon which the city is built. Its windows com mand a fine view of Lake Cham plain and the Adirondacks, and it has about three acres of land around it. Edmunds can afford to own a good house. He gets $5,000 a year from the Senate, $5,000 a year as counsel for the Vermont Central Railroad Company, and he makes Erobably about $50,000 a year out of is outside law practice." He does not entertain much, and his family, as a general thing, are not in the best of health. JOHN A. LOGAN'S NEW HOME Is going to be one of the most com fortable in Washington. It cost him only $20,000, and it has an outlook over the whole country about Wash ington. Sitting back of the great granite pillars which support the roofof its front porch, one sees the Capitol glistening in the sunlight on an opposite hill, and in the front the great, white shaft of the Washington Monument pierces the clouds. Be low lies the city with its wide avenues and its thousands of forest trees, and away in the distance winds the wide, silvery stream of the Potomac, under the Virginia hills. Arlington and its cemetery is in plain view at the right, and across the way lies Georgetown, with its big Jesuit College, older than the Capitol itself. The Logan house is a red brick, wide and deep, with two stories and many windows, the woodwork of which is painted light green. The front door is wide enough to admit an express wagon, and the great hall whicli cuts the house in two would furnish a good place for a country hoe-down. It is now fitted out in Mexican and Indian curiosities and furnished with an tique furniture. The rooms at the side are separated from it by por tiere of bright-colored Mexican cloths, which hang on brass rods and make a very pretty effect. There are plenty of easy chairs, a number of rugs "and a settee or two in this hall, and a great, Mexican vaso stands upon a pedestal at the side of the door to the parlor. From the rear of the hall springs a stair way leading to the second story, and the rooms which go off from "it are large, and fitted out with great, wide crates of the style of years ago. General Logan's "library is on tho second floor. It is composed chiefly of reference books, and he will not bring his magnificent collection of books from Chicago here. THE HOMES OF THE CABINET MINISTERS. Secretary Whitney has bought a country estate near Washington. It lies five miles from the Capitol, and consists of about a hundred acres of meadow and woodland. Mr. Whit ney paid $30,000 for it, and he has put about $10,000 upon it in tho shape of improvements, making the old brick mansion, built more than a century ago, into a dwelling of modem style and comfort. He is well satisfied with his purchase, and has been, I am told, offered $50,000 for it lately. Like Logan's bouse, Secretary Whitney's country house has a beautiful view of Washington and its surroundings. Secretary Whitney will, however, live in the city during the winter season, and he has rented a big house on Con necticut Avenue, just above the mansion of the British Minister, and in what is known as Diplomatic Row. It is by no means as fine as the Secretary's Fifth Avenue palace, which Oliver Payne built for his wife at a cost, it is said, of $700,000, but it keeps out the rain and will ilmiltlnca fir villnil vlfli nlnrrrmf furniture. Secretary Vilas has rented a house on M. Street, just off Thomas Circle, and near the home of Senator Con- 5er. It is a big brick, owned by a ew pawnbroker who has made a fortune in loaning money at 10 per cent a month, and who owns a great deal of real estate in Washington. Vilas owns a house in Madison, Wis., worth, I am told, about $50, 000. Vilas is worth about $250,000 himself, and will no doubt entertain well. Secretary Manning, who started life as a newsboy, has rented Banker Bigelow's residence on P Street, facing Blaine's big house and Dnpont Circle. I suppose he pays $4,000 or $5,000 a year for it. A good rent for an ex-newsboy! isn't it? It is a new, big. red brick, -with run ning all over it It has stainei glass windows, and a touch of the liueen Anne is put here and there into its architecture. TI12 first floor has a dining-room opening on a veranda, a small reception-room and a parlor. The hall is wide, and its stairway is after the sty la-of the Tudors. Great rugs cover the floors, and the hangings are rich but not gaudy. The Secretary's library is on the second floor, and into this opens Mrs. Manning's boudoir. The Secretary's sleeping-room is on tho same floor. 1 1 is paid to be furnished with antique things, lie sleeps in a brass bedstead, and his 250 pounds of avoirdupois lies upon plush-covered mattresses under a silk and lace bed-spread, hand painted. This story recalls Tabor and his gorgeous nightshirts. Washington Corre spondence Cleveland Leader. Libeling the 1Vct. The daughter of .a Boston mer chant of great wealth, wide mer cantile connections and boundless hospitality, was lately married. The Western agent of the merchant hap pened to be in town, and, as the proud father was inviting about everybody tohis daughter's wedding, he invited the Westerner too. The Westerner came. He was uneasy, and shifted about fiom place to place in the house as if he were hunting for spots that fitted him better than those he had been in. It seemed to be an occasion of great and overwhelming novelty to him. When the refreshments came around he was inclined to fight shy of pretty nearly everything. It was as if he propo.-ed to take on a little Boston formality, now that he was in Bos ton, and require an introduction to every dish. His host saw that he wasn't eating much and came around to see about it. " Whv, you aren't eating anything, Mr. West," said he. "Can't "I help you to something?" "No, I thank you," said the West erner, "I ain't very hungry to-night. I reckon I've eat enough." Just then a waiter came along with some croquettes. "Mr. West, take one of these cro quette?; I think you'll like them; tak one, take one." The Westerner too!: one. He punched it with his fork, laid it open a bit, and examined it ethically. Then he tasted it and eclanned : "io-h! Hash 1" The WNilom of .?oh Hillings. To learn yure offspring to steal, make them beg hard for all that you give them. Tew remove grease from a man's karakler let him strike sum sudden lie. Angels handle the dice when doub lets are thrown in the cradle Flattery is like colone water, tew be smelt bv, not swallered. If a man hain't got a well-balanced head I like tew see him part his hair in the middle. There is only one good substitute for the endearments ov a sister and that iz the endearments ov sum other phellow's sister. Piety iz like beans, it seems to do the best on poor sile. Going to law iz like skinning a new milk cow for her hide and giving the beef tew the lawyers. About the hardest thing a phellow kan do iz tew spark tew girls at once and preserve a good average. I had rather undertak tew be two good doves than one decent sarpent. A good wife is a sweet smile from Heaven. A lie iz like a kat it never cums tew yeu in a straight lino. Chansinc Her Dos. And these belles have their griefs, too. I heard one tell hers to a friend. "You are looking quite sad to-day, I do declare," said a sympathizer; "what in goodness' name is the mat ter?" "Oh, I've had to zive up my pug, and it almost breaks my heart," was the reply. "I kept him beyond the fashion, I was so awfully fond of him ; but one can't quite be left away be hind the stj-les,you know, and I had to displace him with a spaniel. I havehim tenderly cared for,of course, and he'll bo happy enough for life, but that doesn't assuage my own grief. Oh, this frequent changing of one's dog is enough to crush a sen sitive nature." The missing link has at last been found. Dr. Samuel G. Cox, D. D., of Washington, D. C, says that while Red Star Congli Cure has no opiates, aud is safe, it has more efficacy than cough mixtures which contain narcotics. Bad Form. Mrs. Doodleburg attends a fashion able church, and last Sunday a real warmt human Methodist preacher filled the pulpit, and filled it pretty ' full. After the sermon, Mrs. D. was talking to another lady about it. "Did you hear that old woman over in the corner say ' Amen,' when Dr. B. finished one of his appeals?" " No, I don't believe I did," was the response. " Well, I did, and it made me real nervous." " Why should it ? She wouldn't do any harm." " Oh, no, I suppose not; but call ing out that way during Eervice is very religious, you know, and at our church it is miserably bad form for anybody to be religious." She had reached her carriage by this time, and the conversation ended. Merchant Traveler. X're'h Complexion. If you have luunor. pimple, lm:N. eruptions, it is because the system needs toning anil purifying. Nothing ii-. suclt gooiHiealth, smooth skin ami ii.- firnilv finlimr ov s!;,,,i,intic I.;-iii. I?..n. I Iator, purelvegetaMe and not unpleas ant to the taste. The Regulator .stimu lates the liver, clcaiisesthe eyes anil .skin of eil(wnes-, improves digestion and makes the breath pure and sweet. MAKKETS. STAR MARKET. YHERRY & CGEFAOT, Fresli and Cured Moats, FRUITS. BUTTER, and E6GS.1 IMTONirr OCCIDENT IIO'U I.. 5i::NA12L'J4 Street. Astoria, Us. Washington Market. :.nlii sM-et, - Astoria, r-son. i:i:k;ija a. co.s'Koreiif.TostM Sr,s.Pi:OTUI.LY CALL THE ATTEN- rum nr the imblie to the fact that the bme Market w ill alwajs be supplied with a H LL VAUIlfTY AND REST QUALITY -r.K i-RS3t HD CUKED MEAT'S ! I Which will be sold at lowest rates, vihole tV 17 il rH'ill. i p.s.jr.-lal atti-ntiou j;Uen to supplying tlS B. B. Franklin, &ju&3pwU ."& fm$ Esa?fl UiMr and Gaoinet Hater, SQUEMOQUA STREET, hT TO Till. ASTORIAN KIMLDING. w"AH v.o:k done in a skillful manner on hit noiii-eat n-xsonalde rates. WIS. EBGAR, Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. COKNEIt MAIN AND CHENAMUS STS Astoria and Seaside BAKERIES, ED. JACKSON. - Proprietor The best 1'rraii, Cakes and rastryintheCity, Ice Creams and Ornamental Work to order rVlnnufacturor of Fine Candies. Annual Meeting. milE ANNUAL MEETING OK THE P. L. JL .v 1J. ASMM-I'itlon will beliPhl in Libert v Hall at Astoria Ha evening of Saturday the 1.1111 ri'iiv., ismj. ui o rmcK. WM. L. McEWAN. Sec. Stockholders Meeting. STOCKHOLDERS OF THE FISHEIt men's Tktr. Co. are hereby notified that a special meeting will beheld at the com pany's nfllee at Upper Astoria, Or., on Sntitr iia . Feb. G. 18iC. at 9 A, 31.. for the consider ation of general business. I5v orderof tie l'resitlent. II. E. NELSON, Secretary". For Rent. rgHE BUILDING KNOWN AS MUSIC H. Hall, lormerlv occupied by Itobt. AVtll gren. Fully f urnNhea and ready for business. Also the bnildiiiK formerly occupied by .Tell s restaurant, where Jen" made his- fort une. Roth buildings are in the best business lo cation in the city. A good chauce for the right man. For particular apply to CASPER BALTES, GerraanU Saloon. & ii&iss33ssyw nprr-wr?e?iv5 gggi -"-yflfiyuUK y - Irish F ax Threads HAVE NO GRAND PRIZE PARIS 1878. THEY HAVE BEEN AWARDED HIGHER PRIZES AT THE VAIlIOUS International Expositions THAN THE GOODS OF ANY OTHER ' L' THREAD MANUFACTURERS IN THE WORLD. Qauiily can Always be Depended on ! ExDeriencefl FistaM Use i Ottel HENRY DOYLE & CO., :: 517 and 519 Market Street, - - SAN FRANCISCO, AUEKTJj FUK PACIFIC UOANT. - f Seine Twines, Rope and Netting Constantly on Hand. THE NEW MODlfc jS-"SiSfv, KAN(;E CAN BE HAi iN.Ai- 2iSSX5 TOKIA ONLY OF ' ' PUIil. STOCK The Telephone Saloon. The Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. Especially fitted up for the Comfort and Convenience of those who enjoy a Social Ola's. The Rest or Wines and Liquors, The Choicest Cigars. Everything New and First-Class. IS. T JEFFREY, Propr. Coli TransBortation Coiatfs FOR PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Timer THE NEW STAMEK TELEPHONE- Which has been specially built for the comfort of passengers will IeaTe Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 ?.Hm Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P,JI. JSr-An additional trip will be made on Sunday of Each WeeK, leaving Bortiua at O O'clock Sunday Uornlnjr. Passengers b this route connect at KsJaba for Sound ports. U. B. SCOTT, Presidents, EQUAL ! . A B, a HAWB9, AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT. YOU' WILL BE PLEASED. Buck patent (Mis; Ston . And other first-dan Stoves. ", Furnace Work. Steam Fit tings, etc., a specialty. AI.WAYS ON HAND. Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE9; IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AtU KKTAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON