The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 27, 1886, Image 3

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Potatoes are selling for 39 cents a
bushel in Seattle.
Three papers iu The Astokian's
post office box last night Well three
is better than none.
From all parts o the northwest
come ciplaints regarding the ineffi
ciency the mail service.
1L A. Wright, of. this cit' yester
day sold a registered Jersey calf to
Juo. Peterson, of Ilwaco for $100.
At 1:30 to-morrow afternoon E. C.
Holden will sell at auction the
wrecked schooner Carrie li. lake,
the hull, furniture and tackle, as she
"If you use a burner like this on
your lamp, you will save half of the
kerosene." The lady said she would
take two, so she would not need any
kerosene at all.
The Welcome says that John M.
Gearin, of Portland, is the only Dem
ocrat that can be nominated in this
state for congress and stand any show
of winning next June.
The Woman's Belief Corps will go
to Portland to-day, to be present at
the grand encampment meeting of
the G. A. E., which meets in Portland
to-morrow and Friday.
A man was seen yesterday who had
seen another man who had heard of
some one who said that he knew a
man who, it was reported, had caught
some smelt the day before.
Portland's city tax levy for '86 is
ten mills, which will bring iu $135.
000. The city expects to spend S50,
000 on the fire department, $29,000 on
street cleaning and sprinkling, and
$20,000 on lights.
The Welcome says the Oreyonian
is clearing $25,000. Well, it deserves
it for it is a credit to the city where
it is published. But, Mr. Welcome,
how do you figure that $25,000 is
"one per cent" of $250,000.
The Idaho was at Victoria yes
terday morning. Capt. Carroll is
reported "sick," and the Idaho has
been on the rocks twice since leav
ing Nanaimo. besides demolishing
the wharf at Ft Wrangel.
The heavy snow and ram of last
week was a good thing for the
dwellers on Lewis and Clarke's, as it
enabled them to get out several hun
dred thousand feet of spruce logs
that have been there awaiting move
ment for a year.
The signal service storm flag flew
yesterday afternoon. Sergeant Grif
fin called for some poetry and the
machine was at once oiled and set in
motion, but somehow it wouldn't work
owing to the dampness, which ap
pears to affect the cogs.
"Alice Harrison in hot water'' will
be at Koss' opera house on Feb. 4th.
The troupe is a splendid one and will
give a first class entertainment. The
versatile C. B. Bishop, with his com
edy troupe, is expected to appear at
the opera house next Saturday and
Sunday evenings.
Word has been received of the
death of Mrs. Laura Hausen, at Berk
ley, Cala., on the 23rd iust. The
deceased was well known in Clatsop
county, was married to II. J. Hansen
a little over a year ago and moved to
California last fall. She leaves her
husband and infaut child to mourn
her loss.
Cashing Post Band go to Portland
this morning to furnish music for the
grand encampment of the various G.
A. R. posts of the state at that city.
The band is commended to the conr
teous consideration of the Portland
brethren. The organization is com
posed of young men of ability and
musical talent.
The Oregon board pilot commis
sioners were in session on Monday and
yesterday. Objections being made to
their proceedings they have been
cited to -appear before Judge Taylor
to-day to show cause why they should
not be proceeded against for con
tempt in alleged refusal to obey an
injunction issued from the circuit
court at the instance of Nolaud Sc
Dorris, attorneys for H. A. Snow.
The senate committee on public
buildings has decided to report favor
ably a bill by Senator Mitchell, to
appropriate SG0,000 for the construc
tion of a lighthouse at Cape Mears,
Tillamook bay. Now with a light
house at Gray's harbor, this vicinity
would be given much needed facili
ties to commerce in the matter of a
well lighted coast, which iu winter is
naturally enshrouded in darkness
sixteen honrs out of the twenty-four.
The idea advanced in the council
last evening of changing the names
of the streets is a good one and could
with great propriety be acted on.
The present uncouth names of many
of our streets in the minds of many
are a positive detriment to our growth
and standing as a city, and to change
the names at least of some of the
streets running east and west would
be in order. The Astokian's columns
are open for comment on this as on
all other public questions.
The attention of the court was yes
terday taken up by the case of Luni
Hi, on appeal from the police court.
Our courts are used by those yellow
devils for purposes of private re
venge and tax payers have to pay for
the getting even" of one Chinese
company with another. A good way
tovo would be to let them kill each
otseAwnenever they start in, and in
the meantime "pull" the keepers of
the gambling game over which the
most of these rows seem to start.
This may not be law, but it would
put a stop to a good deal of funny
Fine stock of Blankbooks of nil de
scriptions just received at Adler's Book
Store, which will be sold at eastern
Anything and everything in the line
of reading matter at Adler's.
Piano for rent at Adler's Music Store.
To the United States Restaurant for
the best oysters. Private rooms.
Washington, D. C, Jan. 2G. Con
gressman Henley, of California, and
Senator Dolph, of Oregon, both think
that it will be several mouths before
Tiunin's nomination will be acted on,
as there are a great many papers to
be examined.
Representative Woodburn, of Ne
vada, has introduced a resolution
asking Secretary Manning why the
United States miut at Carson was
closed. There was gold and silver
bullion enough on hand to keep it
running for six months.
The president to-day said he would
appoint Judge Bradford as register
of the San Francisco land office.
Representatative Henley has intro
duced a resolution asking for an in
vestigation into the affairs of the
Alaska Commercial company, in
which Senator J. F. Miller is promi
nently interested.
New York, Jan. 2C The Tribune
exposes a big job. It says there has
been two and a-half million dollars
appropriated for a bridge across the
Haarlem river simply to advance the
value of property owned by a few
millionaires at "the expense of the
tax payers, and claims that the bridge
is unnecessary.
Philadelphia. Jan. 26. A fire
broke out at 130 this morning in the
Morris building on Arch street which
was full of printing offices and busi
ness places. After running through
iuis it spreaa to me or. oioua uotei
which was full of guests, all of whom
escaped. The loss is estimated at
in statd Q0O.
Columbus. Ohio, Jan. 26. There
is no change in the legislative situa
tion. Both Democrats and Republi
cans are holding caucuses.
Mr. X. N. Steeve3 came down from
Portland yesterday, on legal busi
ness. H. B. Cameron returned from Port
laud yesterday, where he had been
attending the entertainment by
the Caledonian club iu honor of the
127th anniversary of the birthday of
Robert Burns. In an account of the
proceedings, yesterday's Oreyonian
says: "The concertiua selections by
Mr. H. B. Cameron, who volunteered
his services and came up from Asto
ria for the express purpose, and his
imitation of the bagpipes, were cap
ital." TIIK ('. I'. It. It. IN imil'ISH COLUMBIA.
The government contract will be
handed over to the syndicate in the
spring in time to enable the ballast
ing of the line east of Savon, so that
traffic may be opened by the 1st of
The Coal Harbor extension from
Port Moody will be proceeded with
as soon as contracts can be let, and
it is anticipated that it will bo built
and in working order Ly the 15th of
Jnly. The ronnd houses, machine
shops, station and other terminal
buildings will not be got under, way
until some time iu April. The Do
minion government have abandoned
the intention of building terminal
facilities at Port Moody, and arrange
ments are consummated to proceed
with their erection at the Coal Harbor
terminus. They will necessarily be
of an extensive nature, as the princi
pal repair shops of the whole division
will be located at this point. Ar
rangements are being made for the
building of 1,000 feet of steamship
wharfage at Coal Harbor, and piles
are now being got out for this pur
pose. English bay will not at present
be utilized for wharfage, butjthe com
pauy's property at this point will bo
reserved for future developments.
The New Westminster branch will
be constructed simultaneously with
the Coal Harbor extension, providing
arrangements are complete for hand
ing over the $50,000 bonus, and con
nection made at about the same time
as with the former point.
The service with the east will be
made to meet traffic requirements,
but will probably commence with two
trains per day. Tourist travel over
the new route will undoubtedly be
very large, and especial efforts win be
made to make the line attractive.
The cars will be of the same palatial
character as those run in the east,
while cars specially constructed for
viewing the magnificent scenery will
be put on through the mountains.
The development of the mining re-.
sources of the country will create a
large passenger and freight traffic.
As soon as the sawmills are in oper
ation in the timber districts east of
Eagle Pass, lumber trains will start
to supply the demand for building
material in the treeless prairieB.
The company contemplate putting
on a line of fast steamers between
Coal Harbor and Victoria so soon as
trade would warrant it; but for the
present, arrangements would be made
with the existing local company. It
was also their intention to place on a
line of fast steamers to Japan to fur
ther trade with the Asiatics, but
when this would .be done has not as.
yet been decided. Victoria Colonist
Keynote to Health.
Health is wealth. Wealth means in
dependence. The keynote is Dr. Bosan
kos Cough and Lung syP. the uest
Pnmrii svriin in the world. Cure
Coughs, Colds, Pains in the Chest, Bron-
CUK1S aim ITUliai v cuuauuiiniuii. f,
dose gives relief in every case. Take
no other. Price 50 cents and S1.00.
Samples free. Sold by J. W. Conn.
To Housekeepers.
Attention is called to our advertls
ment in another column giving a par
tial list of the goods to be found in our
stock. We aim to carry the best assort
ment to be found in Astoria, and cash or
short time buyers will find it to their ad
vantage to make their purchases from
us. Goods delivered free of charge to
any part of the city.
D. L. Beck & Soxs.
The city council met in regular ses
sion last evening; present. Council
men Bergman, Sherman, Cleveland,
Sovey, Gratke and Carruthers. In
the absence of Mayor Trnlliuger, A.
A. Cleveland, president of the coun
cil occupied the chair; in attendance
A. M. Twombly, chief of police, T. S.
Jewett, auditor and clerk. Minutes
of last meeting read and approved.
A petition from B. Gibson for a re
tail liquor license was read and
A communication from Dr. W. D.
Baker withdrawing his name as nom
inee for the position of health officer,
was read. On motion the communi
cation was accepted.
The committee to whom was re
ferred the matter of lighting the
streets, made the following repert:
To the Honorable Mayor and Com
mon Ceuncil:
Gentlemen: We, your committee
to whom was referred the contract of
lighting of the streets, recommend
that as far as gas mains are laid the
contract be awarded to the gas com
pany, and the coal on lamps be award
ed to James Feely, said contract to
begin ou the first of the month.
O. Sovey. )
R. Carruthers. -Committee P. P.
Chas. Gratke. )
Inquiry elicited the fact that the
parties to whom the contract was
awarded, were satisfied, and the re
port of the committee was adopted.
The street superintendent's report
for December was adopted.
An ordinance granting a licence to
B. Gibson to sell wine, malt and
spirituous liquors, was read first and
second times and passed under sus
pension of the rules.
An ordinance making appropria
tion out of police fund in amount of
$136.46 iu favor of J. G. Hustler was
read first and second times and passed
under suspension of the rules.
The following claims were ordered
paid. J. F. Hallorau & Co., $151.15;
Jas. Gardner $3; sundry persons,
The following claims were referred:
Griffin & Reed, S9.30; I. S. Gragg &
Co., $37.50; F. Sherman, S37.50.
Coucilman Gratke called the atten
tion of the council to the matter of
having the names of the streets paint
ed on the street lamps. Councilman
Sovey favored the proposition, but
suggested that the names of thestreets
themselves be changed. After some
further discussion it was decided to
refer the matter to the committee on
streets and public ways, with instruc
tions to report at. the uext meeting.
On motion the committee ou public
property was instructed to notify the
Astoria Gas Light company aud Jas.
Feeley that the contract for lighting
the streets was awarded to them, the
former to light the lamps with gas as
as far as their mains extended, the
latter to light the outside lamps with
oil. On motion council adjourned.
January 26. Taylor, J.
W. W. Parker vs. H. Jones, et al.;
judgment by default.
State vs. Carh Mattius; jury in
structed to find for defendant.
W. S. Kinney vs. Carl Adler; dis
missed at defendants cost, without
any attorney fee3.
Citv of Astoria vs. Lam Hi: ou
Hpfu-ed to Coiujiromiie.
Some time since, the U. S. govern
ment commenced suit against the
Northern Pacific Lumbering company
to recover $6,000, the alleged value of
lumber manufactured out of logs
alleged to have been taken from gov
ernment '.land with the full knowl
edge of the company. A tender of
$250 in full of all demands was made
by the company, which will be re
jected by the goverameut. The mat
ter will now probably have to be
adjudicated by the courts, aud if
Uncle Samuel gets all he wants he
will be iuluck. Oreyonian, 2d.
Wide Awake Druggists.
Messrs. W. K. Dement & Co. arc al
ways alin to their business, and span
nopainstosecure the best of every article
in their line. They have hecured the ai?en
cy lor the celebrated Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption. The milv
certain cure known for Consumption,
Coughs, Colds. Hoarseness, AMlima,
Hay rever, Bronchitis, or any aucctiun
of the Throat aud Lungs. Sold on a
nositive guarantee. I rial Bottles frc
Kegular size Sl.00.
Kor lame Hack. Siile or Chest ue
Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cents.
r or sale by W. h. Dement.
The Slur Shutc.
A fresh lot of these celebrated skates
just received at the New York Noveltv
Y. Lussier oi San Francisco has en
gaged in the photograph business with
Crow the leading photographer.
For a good steak, a delicious cup of j br-:iib -reined by iShiloh's Catarrh I em
coffee or a plate of line ovsters gotojwtv. t'rieef.0 cents. Masai Injector live
Frank Fabre's Coffee. Ovster and I For s.We by W. E. Deineiit.
Chop House; opposite M.C. Crosby, j Wll V(lll Mlffer wll1l DsPep,ia and
I Liver CoinpIaiiitV .shiloh's Vilalizer is
For Kent. guaranteed to cure ou. Sold by W. E.
At a reasonable rate; the fine new ' Dement it Co.
building opposite Kirchhotrs bakcrv.
Apply at this office.
A. Large Cnl;;umeiil
Of the Ilickok burners just received at
the New York Novelty Store.
V. E. Dement & Co. are selling out
their stock of artitt's materials at cost,
for cash.
Parties wishing spars or piling of anv
size or length can be supplied bv leav
ing orders with J. H. D. Gray.
For a Scat Fitting Boot
Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
naraus street, next dctor to I. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A lull stock; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
For Rent.
The fine hall, 80x25, lately occupied as
a gymnasium, next to Telephone Saloon.
Apply to Jeff.
ii. 15. yyu.
Forty-Ninth Confess. lt Session In
thp House of Representative;.
Jan. a, 18S0.
Read twice, referred to the Select
Committeo on Americau Shipbuild
ing and ordered to be printed.
Mr. Diuglcy introduced the follow
ing bill:
Ue it enacted by the senate and
house of representatives of the Unit
ed States of America in congress as
sembled, That the local inspectors
mentioned in section forty-four hun
dred aud forty-two of the revised
statutes may, upon application, exam
ine the master or mate of any regis
tered or licensed sailing vessel of the
United States not engaged in the
business of earning passengers, and
if satisfied, from personal examina
tion of the applicant and proof which
he offers, thajt he possesses the requi
site knowledge, experience and skill,
they shall grant such master or mate
a license for the term of two years
to pilot such vessel, or any other
sailing vessel belonging to the same
owners, in such port, harbors, or wa
ters within the limits of such inspec
tion district as may be prescribed in
his license, with the same liability to
suspension or revocation as licenses
given to pilots of any steam vessel
under the laws of the United States;
and no such sailing vessel piloted
into or out of auy port of the United
States by any such master or mate so
licensed shall be holden or obliged to
take any other pilot in auy such port,
or be compelled to pay any charges
or fees to any pilots for pilotage ser
vices offered and declined under the
pilotage laws or regulations of any
Sec. 2. That no sailing vessel tak
ing and having the aid or towage of
a steam vessel into or out of any
port of the United States, when such
steam vessel is in command of a li
censed pilot for such port uuder the
laws of the United States, shall be
obliged to take any other pilot in any
such port, or, declining the offer or
tender of pilotage services in snch
port of auy pilot appointed uuder the
laws or regulations of any state, be
compelled to pay any fee or charges
to such state pilot.
Sec. 3. That so much of the la-t
clause of section four huudred and
forty-four of the revised statutes as
is inconsistent with this act is hereby
Iii the senate, on the 11th, six days
after the Dingley bill was introduced
in the house, Senator Frye, also uf
Maine, introduced senate bill No.
1,003, which provides that after July
1. 1886, "no sailing vessel of the
United States engaged in the coast
wise trade shall be obliged to fake a
pilot in goiug into or out of any port of
the United States, or be compelled to
pay for pilotage services tendered but.
not. accepted.'' It also provsdes'fhat
the local inspectors at any port may
examine the master or mate of any
United States vessel engaged in the
foreign trade, and if satisfied thai the
applicant possesses the requisite
knowledge, experience and skill, shall
graut him a license to pilot the vessel
in such waters within the limits of;
the inspection district as may be pre
scribed in his license. It also pro
vides that no vessel so piloted shall
be compelled to fake or pay for pilot
age services under the laws of any
IS:ieIiIeiis Arnzeu Salvi.
TlIK HKsT SAI.Vh ill the wuiM Tor
Cuts, nu.-es,.Soies.ITrers,.S:ill Kltcam.
Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Maud.,
Chilblains. Corns, and all .Skin Ku-.p-
tions.aiiM positively cores riles, or no
pay required. It i.-'guanuiteed l ie
perfect satisfaction, or moiou reluinli'd.
t'riee ill cents per box. l-'oi -ale by V
E. Dement & Co.
That Hacking Couirn
quickly cured bv Shiloh's
guarantee it. Sold bv W. K.
i-Mi he
Core. '
Shdoh's Cough nutt
Cure i sold by us on
CMC iiUMIlllptlflll. Solil
. oiiii:up?ioi:
i'.'.aranVe. It
.Sleepless Nights made iiii-eraide
by that tumble cough. rjhiluif Cure is
the remedy for you. ftildh V. K. ! le
nient A: Co.
"diilnlfs VitaSizens wnat you need
for Constipation, hoss of Appetite. Diz
y.i!!ivs ami all ;y::itmns Of Dyspepsia.
I'rire to and 75 cents imt bottle. Sold
" b V. K. Dement.
Sj'nip ofFJs.
Manufactured only by the California
Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is
Natures Own True Laxative. This
pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be
had or W. K. Dement & Co. at fifty cents
or one dollar per bottle. It is the most
pleasant, prompt and effective remedy
known. Jo cleanse the system : to act on.
the Liver. Kidneys and" ttowels gentl
vet thoreughly: to dispel Meadachs.
Colds and Fevers: to cure Constipation,
Indigestion aud kindred ills.
Calanl: cured, health and sweet
Shiiob's Catarrh Kcntedy a fm.i
live cure for Catarrh. Dintheria and
:'r M""U. Sold by . E. Dement.
Croup, YVh:opiug Cougn and Hum
i chitis immediately lelieved bj shiiolfs
I lire. .Now iiv v . I'., ijeil.eiu.
A Luxury ami Xoeesniiy
For rich and poor who wish to enjoy
good health, and who do not wish to re
sort to bitter nauseous liver medicines
and cathartics, is the concentrated liquid
fruit remedv Syrup of Figs, noc.and Si
bottles for sale by W. E. Dement S: Co.
Direct From Baltimore.
Fine eastern oysters, parked i ice,
received daily, at Bergman t Co.':.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc- can
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drui store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
Much has been said and written
concerning corns by eminent scien
tists and theologians who have given
the subject earnest and prayerful at
tention, but there is still left a broad
field for thoughtful investigation.
The writer of this paper has an unri
valed collection of these exotics, and
has devoted much careful study to
their growth and habits, watched
them in rejwse, and felt the passionate
throb of their mad pulses when the
gentle but firm pressure of a too con
tiguous boot stirred all their dormant
energies to action; cooled their fe
vered brows with lemon juice and
cold cream, and with a fond and dot
ing parent's tender care have nigh tlv
wrapped their parched and pain
racked frames in the soothing folds
of an oleaginous rag; bound eelskin
and tobacco on the soft variety, and
have rasped down those of the hard
shelled persuasion with a rat-tail
file ; have patiently watched the mi
croscopic germ in the cuticle, that to
the inexperienced eye gave no prom
ise of its future greatness, until it
blossomed into a mighty bunion ca
pable of exciting more remorse and
Scriptural language than an outdoor
revival meeting. In short, there is
no phase of corn life with which I
am not as familiar as with the tenets
of the Emersonian school of philos
ophy. It is not, however, the purpose of
this brief article to enter into a
lengtlvy disquisition upon the birth
or origin of .the corn, or the relation
it bears to modern civilization. In
our forthcoming work entitled "The
Bunion as a Means of Grace" these
questions are fully and fearlessly
discussed. The present purpose is
merely to impart a few words of wis
dom that will awaken interest and
curiosity and create a desire to be
come better acquainted with the sub
ject in hand, or, more properly
speaking, on foot.
Did you ever reflect that the corn
is an index of refinement and enlight
enment? You may seek for it in
vain in the miserable habitations of
the native of Terra del Fuego or the
bushmen of Australia, but in the
gilded homes of statesmen and men
of letters you will find them by the
score. Gaze upon the generous feet
of the King of the Cannibal Islands,
who never had a corn in his life un
less it was appended to a roasted
missionary and then search the em
bossed pedal extremities of Mr.
Gladstone, or Lord Tennyson, or Lily
Langtry, or the writer of this article,
and you will realize that it is not the
shriek of the locomotive,or the gaudy
uniform of the somnolent telegraph
messenger, but the humble and un
assuming corn that speaks loudest of
the onward strides of civilization. If
you are not convinced look backward
into the dim past into the ages
when had even the tongue of proph
ecy lisped of the printing press, the
steam engine or the dude, its words
would have been scouted as the rav
ings of a disordered brain. Historv
records that Cleopatra had freckles,
but where upon its pages will you
find a syllable to indicate that any of
the ancients had corns? Can it bo
supposed for a moment that a writer
who would take pains to describe a
paltry assortment of cuticular polka
dotswould, had they then existed,
have omitted to mention those ana
tomic oriels that now fill the gaiters
of the human race so full of vain
regrets? Certainly not. It is clear
that only for a few centuries have
even the civilized nations of the
globe known the chastening influ
ences of the contumacious corn.
Ar on Dock with an Immense Stock of
A 1 aw Assortment or the Celebrated
Wliieli ha no Equal in the World.
Tabic Poaches, Bartlett Pears,
Apricots, Black Berries.
Egg Plums, etc.,
At !e per Kin.
Wmslow'a Corn. 15c per can. To
matoes, 10c. Fresh Honey in
Comb and Extracted.
Crystal Honey
Svinrn.a Yzs. HIclory Xut., etc., etc.
At the Very Lowest Cash Price!
in i,ni in.M
o Warranted absolutely pure
locna, irom wl.lcli the cxcms ol
Oil lias been removed. Itlias thret
Hints the strength of Cocoa mixed
i with Stan
U and la the
iral, cot'l
Starch, Arrowroot or Susir,
therefore far more cconom.
ii.g lest thati ozie cent a
ctn. it w delicious, nourishiatr.
gfj i . J ' striiitiienin?, easily digested,
1J j I ' t j jsml admirably adapted for In vol!
qj'i ItLgidsaswellasforpcraonainhialth.
v3 Sold Iy Grocers ttcryiTherc.
. BAKER & CO., Doreliegter, Mass,
Xo, r, Xorlh Front St.. Portland, or.
Importers and Dealers in
"Wood-working- Machinery,
Saml-paperine: Machines,
i.utlies, Itorlntr Machines,
Bai:it haws, Scroll Saws.
Rubber and Leather Belting,
Money to Loan
Orders bought. Applv at the otllce of
Hotel for Rent.
JL (lennania Hotel I for rent. House is
45x75 ; three stories ; 43 rooms ; near the O.
It. & N. Co.'s dock. Possession will be giveu
The Best is the Cheapest!
si i' J
,i: k
Having purchased extensively in Eastern and San Franoigp
Markets, I am now prepared to show the Largest and Moat Varied
Assortment of DRV GOODS and CLOTHING in the State '.,of
Oregon. ;
New Silks,
New Velvets,
New Cloaks,
New Buttons,
New Hosiery,
New Ribbons,
New Blankets,
Every Department is Complete!
Larffest Buyers of Diy Goods s Gloflmu
In The North West.
Buying Direct From The Manufacturers and Importer
S.i viiiR the Extra Profits of Middlemen, We are enabled to
Give Our Customers the Benefit!
We Only Carry
And Our Prices are Low.
Specially Attended to and Pilled With Dispatch.
WholttSiilo and Retail Stores, Astoria, Oregon.
Holcleu'iS Auction Rooms
I Established January 1st, 1877. 1
Real Estate and General Auctioneer
and Commission Merchant,
Clienaraus Sheet. - Astoria, Oregon.
Auction sale of Sundries every Saturday,
at lo :3o a. at., at mv Auction ltooins.
Will conduct Auction Sales or Keal Estate,
Cattle, and Fanning Stock wherever de
sired. Cash Returns Promptly made after Sales.
Consignments respectfully solicited,
Notary Public for the Sta'te or Oregon.
Commissioner of Deeds for Washington
Auent for Daily and Weekly Oreyonian.
And All Points East.
Rates 85.30 to 10.23 the Cheapest to
Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City;
Palace aud Kmiirrant Sleeping Cars hauled
TraiiiM Kxelusively witSiout Change.
If vnu are going east wiite for Rates. Mars, Time Tables, Guides and Full Information.
Agent. Astoria. Asst. Agt., Astoria.
General Agent. No, 1, Washington street. Portland, Oregon. '."-'
MacDonald & Mcintosh
Are now Prepared to . .
Show a Large Assortment
Goods in Every Line!
Which will he Sold at
Lower Figures than at any Other House
The Leading Clothing, Hat, and Gents' Furnishing Store-
New Dress Goods, J-
New Suitings,
New Wraps, '"J5
New Trimmings, ;'
New Underwear, ; ,.,
New Gloves,
New Flannels, Etc., Etc.
one of the
(Late Cutter with M. D. Hint.)
A Cood Fit Guaranteed.
Pants, from 8 up. Suits from $38 up.
Shop opposite C. H. Cooper'u. "
oi Exyxese