CO S3tc gaitfl gfctovffltt. ASTOKIA. OKEGON: i;i)yn.snAY......r.r...J.vyi ak 27. issc O.VA OF DIXGLEr.S HILLS. x another column is given the J nil text of a bill introduced in the houe by lined, of Maine, for DinMcy on the 5th inst. It is not probable that the committee to whom it was re fen ed will report it favorably- It certainly deserves ic consideration, for a more ridic mIou proposal could hardly be framed in words. It is an effort to do away with the pilot service and will certainly arouse deter mined opposition. In the almost impossible event of its passage, the irovcrnment should at once take immediate steps to insure a !arre incieasc in the number of Hie saving stations. They would certainly be needed. The bill is one of a batch of fif teen introduced on the oth by li.vd for Dingley andlooks like a piece of buncombe. That it might meet with the approval of the com mittee to whom it has bqen re ferred, or that even after such fa vorable recommendation it would receive enough affirmative votes to make it a law, is a contingency too remote to merit discussion. The bill is a bad one and should be ta bled. THE BOYCOTT IN OltECOX. Tiik Salem Assembly No. 4,421, Knights of Labor, have boycotted AY. W. Martin, :i jeweler of that fity, for using watchcases made by the Deuber "Watch company, a company that had refused to let any of the members of the Knights of Labor work in its factory. As this is the first public boycott of the kind that we have seen pub lished in this state, we append it: Wiieim:as, "W. AY. Martin, jew eler, of Salem, Oregon, has refused to stop dealing in the boycotted Dueber watch eases, and asserted that lie did not desite the patron age of the Knights of Labor, Jiesolvid, That Willamette As sembly, K.of L., No. 4,421, ask of all persons friendly to organized labor to keep away lrom his store, and not patronize him in any way, shape or manner. lieaolndj That all who do pur chase anything of him will be con sidered and treated as enemies of the order thereafter. Rutolrnl, That all papers in Marion county, fiiendly to labor., be requested to publish these res-1 olutions, so that none may deal j with W. AY. Martin ignorantly. By order of the executive com mittee of "Willamette Assembly, K. of L., No. 4,421. A "Washington special sa's it h understood there will be no ob jection to the admission of Mon tana, though the population is not as great as is wished. "While ad mitting the probability of the ad mission of Washington, it says the report that the leaders of both parties have agreed to admit the three territories, is without foundation, so far as learned. Senator Harrison, chairman of the committee on territories in the sen ate, would be likely to know if the agreement had been made. Ife says he lias heard nothing about it. It is understood that the 1 )emo crats arc more willing for the ad mission of Dakota than at first, thinking they may turn the politi cal sentiment. It is doubtful, however, on account of the decis ions of Sparks, over which the Dakota people are very indignant. Tin: report that the Mormons are going to rise in armed conflict against the government is very unlikely. No doubt the Mormons are very angry, and if they thought themselves strong enough, would cheerfully enter upon a tussle with the government; but in spite of all their fanaticism they are by no means fools enough to believe that in a struggle of that kind they have any chance of even tempo rary success. Small and insignifi cant outbreaks among them may occur, led on by overzealons and uninformed partisans; but as for a general' uprising, that is not to be thought of. The most intelligent , among their leaders are recogniz ing the fact that polygamy must go, and are preparing themselves to see it go quiejtly. Gov. Squires has signed the lo cal option bill recently passed by the "Washington territorial legisla ture, and it now becomes a law. The effect is to give each com munity in the territory the right to say, by a majority vote, whether liquor shall or shall not be retailed in the several communities. The first test of any importance will be in Seattle next June, where a de termined effort for and against prohibition will be made by its friends and opponents. The reports made by the fortifi cation board provides for thirteen floating batteries, to cost $300,000 each. San Francisco will get two, New York four, Boston, Charles ton and Pensacola each one. About forty torpedo boats for auxilaries will be supplied, to cost $100,000 each. For land the front fortifica tions will be of heavy armor plates of a thickness which will be im penetrable. No provision will be made for other ports on the Pa cific coast. f A Philadelphia dispatch says: One of the most formidable lob bies known is now endeavoring to get the president to issue a special message in favor of Ead's ship railway. It is a credit mobHier scheme. It is proposed to place a bill in congress asking the gov ernment to guarantee interest on 50,000,000 of bonds. There is no prospect of the clan succeeding in their designs. The only good thing in connec tion with some of the ridiculous bills now being introduced in congress is that it would take a hundred years to consider half of them, and their multiplicity insures their death by suffoca tion, It is thought that the foreign relations committee will probably recommend the consolidation of the Austrian mission with some other, as a rebuke for the conduct of that country towards the United States. Tun Tacoma Ledger wants to know why that city and Pierce county should pay its clerk 7,r00 a year in fees, when as good cler ical talent could be got for 2,o00 a year. Why, indeed. ' Eastern "Washington is making an effort to remove the capital from Olympia. Better wait till the question of state admission is definitely settled. An Australian cable is talked of to run from San Franscisco via Honolulu to Sidney, to cost 10, 000,000. . IKD. At Berkeley, Cal., Jan. 23, Laura, only and beloved daughter of James and Sarah Oarrico, of Westportj and wife of H. J. Hansen, late of Astoria. NEW TO-DAY. THE WRECKED SCHOONER "Carrie B. Late," "Will Be Sold at Public Auction Thursday. January 28, 1 :30 P. M. At Holden's Saleroom; For Cash, to the Highest Bidder. INSTRUCTED BY A. W. BERRY, ESQ., I will sell, as above, for account of whom it may concent, the Hull, Furniture and Tackle of the wrecked schooner Carrie B. Lake, as sho now lies on the weather beach north of Cape Hancock. E.C.HOLDE, Auctioneer. The United States RESTAURANT On Main street is now open, and AT ONCE TAKES THE LEAD. In every rarticular it is the Finest fitted up and best in the City. JEFF IS A GOOD PROVIDER; He Cannot be Beat on the Coast 1 Meals 25c; Board $20 per Month. Private rooms for Families or Faities. Sup per Tarties furnished on short notice. OYSTERS A SPECIALTY. Jeff Spends his Money in Astoria, Buys by the Wholesale and Pays Cash, That Settles It. AGENCY Wm.T.Colemai&Gfl. OF SAX Fit AXCISCO. Flavel's Wharf and Warehouse, Astoria. Oregon. Cannery Supplies at Lowest Prices. Storage and Insurance at Current llates. Banking Department Interest allowed on Time Deposits. Drafts on the leading Cities of the World JNO.F.McGOVERtf, Agent. Geo. H. Stewart, Accountant, ami Agent Northern Pacific Express Co. The New York Novelty Store! For the Next 30 Days We will sell our Stock of Merchandise, Novelties. Etc., at San Francisco cost, with freight added. We propose to inaugurate a general, sweeping and bona fide Clearance Sale, our intention lieiiw to diMiose of an and everytliinzat present on uauit. 10 liiaue room for our NEW STOCK which will arrive about February 1st, 188. licinember that this is no sham "Closing Out Sale", but a GENUINE CLEARANCE SALE! The public are cordially invited 10 call and examine our goods and prices, and convince themselves of the truth of our assertions. NEW YORK NOVELTY STORE! Opposite the Parker Houe, Main Street. Astoria- Oregon. Sign Painting, Cilding, Banners, Oil Cloth Signs. SHOW CARDS. Fence Advertising, Price Marks, etc. C. E. LAKE, Shop ami office on Cass street : Pike liro:.' old stand. MLRI STORE! A Splendid Stock or STANDARD JEWELRY. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES: Earrings, Breastpins: HANDSOME CLOCKS. A Large Assortment To Choose From. All Articles "Warranted Am Represented ! AOLER'S CRYSTAL PALACE. R. Lemon & Co., Stevedores and Riggers, PORTLAND and ASTORIA. Portland Office No. 1C North Front St EXCURSION TICKETS ! ! FKO.M ASTOKIA TO PORTLAND AND RETURN :F"o:p $2. SO! ON THE "TELEPHONE." KEEP WARM ! Great Reduction IN PRICE OF COAL! Hamilton Scotch Splint, per ton .? 8.00 Seattle, Clean, per ton 7.00 Seattle, Average, per ton COO Seattle, Screenings, per ton ....... 4.00 Cumberland, per ton ICOO OREGON IMPROVEMENT CO., E. A. XOA'EM, Agent. Astona, January 1, lSfetf. Come and See Us, A FULL STOCK: Awaits Your Inspection. Plusli Goods, Holiday Cards. Toys, Fancy Goods, etc. At Prices that will .Utonhh jou. Yon will find it to your artvantnse To Pay Us a Visit. GRIFFIN & REED. Snow Flake Flour! Is the Best. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT. WILSON & FISHER have it! County Orders. I AM AUTHORIZED TO BUY COUNTY Orders. It. R. SPEDDEN. Notice. MR. A. BALMANXO TOOK CHARGE OF the city deliery of Tiik Dailv Moicino AsTOniAN on January 1st, 18SC. He Is authorized to collect and receipt for subscriptions subsequent to that date. J. F. HALLORAN & CO. m Willi: TI Li BECK, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FAMIL Cannery Fishermen's Choice Teas Java and C. It. Coffee Palace Drips N. E. Maple Syrup Choice Canned Fruits French Peas and Mushrooms Pine Apple and Edam Cheese Shrewsbury Ketchup Canned Soup3 Canned Shrimps Deviled Crab Spanish Queen Olives Pickled Oysters Plum Pudding Cox's Gelatine Orange Marmalade Goods Sold at Lowest Cash Prices. SHUTE & CO., FINE IMPORTED CIGARS. Vfiu ran rely on getting a Oood Ouar AtShute&Co.'s CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE Opposite D. J, Bock & Son. C. E. BAIM. DOORS, WINDOWS, BRACKETS, Jloulilings, Window Frames, clc. A Full Supply of Material. IIUU Furnished : Contract Work a Specialty. Mill and Office on the Old Site. IN NEW QUARTERS! Having Consolidated My Business with the Astoria Furniture Co., I now offer the I arrest and 3Iot Complete Assortment of Fine and Plain Furniture, Window Shades. Pictures, Moulding, etc., At Portland Prices, and Invite a Call o f Everybody in "Want of Goods in My Line. Guaranteeing Satisfaction in Every Respect. CH AS. HEILBORN J. &. D. iJRAY- Wholesale and retail dealer m GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT, j General Storage and Wha fane on reason able term''. Foot of Hculon .Mreet, Astoria. Oregon. Astoria Planing Mil! HOLT & CO. Proprietors. Manufacturers of Mouldings. Sash noors, Blinds, Rails, Balusters. Newel Posts, Brackets. Scroll mill Turned Balustrades, BOAT MATERIAL, ETC., Orders Solicited and Promptly Attended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed As to Style, Quality and Prices. Mill and Ofllce cor. Polk and Concomly Sts ASTORIA, OREGON. Address IIOT.T & CO. EMPIRE STORE. CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS and SHOES, DRY GOODS, W.T.PARKER. Manager. SflNS1 GROCERIES India Currie Powder Boston Baked Beans Bahama Pine Apple London Layer Raisins Breakfast Gems Crushed Indian Germea Chow Chow Choice Dried Fruits ' Choice Fancy Crackers Salem Flour Forest Cove Flour Dupee Hams Breakfast Bacon Goodwin Butter Etc. Etc. Etc. GK HANSEN OF THE DIAMOND PALACE! Has Just Keceived a Fine Stock of CUIUS S00DS Consisting of DI A3I0XDS. WATCHES, J E WELH V, SILVER WARE, CLOCKS, SPECTACLES, ETC., Which he offers at Bedrock Prices. Ail Coods Warranted. Mine is a Jewelry Store and Known as S112I1. Bedding, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Fishermen Attention! j Before Purchasing' Klhewuere ' EXAMINE DUNBAR, McMASTER & CO.'S Kxtra Strong; Salmon Nat Twine! Made of Best Irish Flax. Samples Furnished on Application. Ship ments liiiarauieeu .ptai 10 samples. J. 0. HANTHORN, Astoria. Or. Sole Agent for Pacific Coast. SPECIAL NOTICE! O. R. & N. CO. EXCURSION! Tirfccls to Portland and Return For $2.50. Good on any of the Company's boats E. A. NOTES. Agent. Groceri 1 1 JL Gel JL fcdlj iudi ffl L O upplies i F t p. I FRAPJK X.. PARKER. DEALER Hay, Oats, ani Straw, Lime, Brick, Cent, Sanft anil Plaster Wood Delivered to Order. Draj sn TKU .nip!: it the Captain, or to TO 3NT j. m: o DEALER I" Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper Ware. A general assortment of Household Goods1 AGENT FOR HIAGEE STOVES AND RANGES. THE BEST IS TIIE MARKET. Plumbing goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done in a workmanlike manner. Plumbing, Cas Fitting and Cannery Work attended to promptly On Keasouable Term". ChenamuB Street, Kext to C. I. Farkcr'H Store. Astoria. Oregon . L. K. G. SMITH,!WYATT &TH0NIPS0N. Dealer in Gipfs and. Totoco Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, Cutlery, Playing Cards, Etc, Will sell to Retailers and Saloon Keepers at San Francisco rates. THEO. BEACKER, Manager. Chenainus Street, WILL Cut Faster AND EASIER Than any oili er axe made. Hundreds of woodmen tes tify to its supe riority. It goes Keen and Nerer Sticks. CARXAHAX & CO., Agents Astoria. Price, $1.50. Astoria Wood Yard, Near Tmllinger's Mill. HARD MB SOFT WOOD! Having just put in a First Class Sawing Machine, AYe can furnish Sawed Wood Very Reasonable! We sell a CORD and deliver a COUD! FRANK L. PARKER, And I.S.GRAGG, - - - Agents. MUEEAY & CO., GBOCERS And Dealers in tf Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supples furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part of the city. Office and Warehouse In Hume's New Building on Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 37. ASTORIA. OREGON $67,000,000 Capital! Liverpool and London and Globe North British and mercantile Of London and Edlnbu-gh. Old Connecticut of Hartford AXD COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital of $67,000 OOO. E. VAN DDSEN, Agent. JpUPllJC I KEk j' J.C.Trullinger Cm ullUUlluij , as Oheepfor Gash! I" in?, Teamlnc ami Es press Bnsl&rss, STEAMER CLARA PARKER Eben P, Parker,M aster. KVii Tl IWlXi: KKhlCMT nr 1 I M A K - II. B. PARKER. 32r a? Gr o m: de: "2T, KEEr CONSTANTLY' ON HAND A Full Stock of Canned Fresh Mackerel, Canned Loutish. Canned Fresh Finnan Haddies, Canned Shrimps, Canned Roast Beef, Canned Chicken, Canned Pip's Feet, Atmore's Plum Pudding, Atmore's Mince Meat, Epp's Cocoa. Ground Chocolate, A Fine Assortment of Canned Vegetables, etc -or. c COUNTY ROSS, CORONER. TJjoloLo 2?to,lg,1 n g. First Class Hearse and Material OX HAND. Shop and Ofllce on Main St., above Pioneer Restaurant. Hardware ani Slip ClaiSlery VAN DUSEN & GO., DEALERS TJT Hardware and Ship Chandlery 4 Pnrp Oil, Bright Varnish, Binaclo Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements Sewing Ulaobiues,. Paints and Oils, Groceries, etc, HAVE TOTJ Aiiftlg to Sell? IN THE aiATTER OF Rags, Bottles, Old Metal, or Junk of Any Sort, & Will give you the best price for it. Do You Want to Buy SHIP MATERIAL, Prom a Belaying Pm to a Hawser ; from Block to an Anchor. You Can Get what You Want at POARD& STOKES. Headquarters at bnlldlnp, east end Water Street. Magnus C. Crosjjy Dealer In HAM ARE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEADSTRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Tin AlO Copper- FA! STOKES