w JF ns -gg. - --fcrJrrT-xcor' - J . - M,. XXV, KG. '2-2 ASTORIA, OimGOK, VE1)XKSDAY, 3 A IS r.VRY27, 1 880 PRICE. JPIYE CENTS. BUSINESS CARDS. r THOMSON, Lf.(WII. tkouisoiy & rovr.RT. Attorneys at Law and Notaries Public. Special attention given to collwriotH and i examining title. , OrrccK Rooms awl ", over Gtj Book ' Store. . t ( 11. MX ItTJX. h-. b.. Architect and Civil Engineer. ' OtHir Room 0. Kttijtls nf 1'Wiita' Building. , D It.. A. I.. and .1. A. E-'7 I.TON. VIijsieinnsriiKl S !.. Will line promnt attention to all calls in my j.ut! tin' 'Hj or country, oiltemer Allen's Moie. cornel Ua. and rli iiniiu streets. AHii. nfii. I ljliutf . 41. juM'iuMi xa;s - lliylrjim nl Miirj;eou. Office, RoomO, ot I). A. MdiUoh s More, i ii j-irp Horns- loll a.k. ;-3ti6i.v. Residence, opposite IhclehmiseM tmlldmt' J D u. . c. r.vriN. PHYSICIAN AND SI KCTIIOV. Ol Kli h in Bill'dlMR. UpsJjlH. AsNMM. Oiegoti. ipVK. AiiFKt'.O KK.AKY. OFFICE V ODD FELLOWS BWL0I.VG. Moiniiiglloiirs.st ill. Altemoon Horns, in l. K eimii? Hoars, T to S M ; At all otliei nines ewwnire at M rooii oet Coodmaii's UHt aud Shoe ilw-. I K A. IiOItKH. (1RII.SOHMI run.tMt t ihus:is. vriOUMIVh AT LAW. Omccin Miinev's Llock. lpsite 1 lull. Ast oi ia. Oregon. . w. yui.TO.N. . '- I'l.TON. Frrrox iti:TFsr.i:s. ATTOIiNKYb AT LVW. Rooms 5 and C.Odd Fellows ISuiMtit. nBLOF. EAStH.KK SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY ANI Ex-City Surveyor of Astoria lice :-N. 11 cnninrCasand AMoriieel- OHlep Itooin No.t lp fttair. T q. A. StOWiiH . Itorni'.v and ;niitrUr kx l.au. Olsl.'e on Chenanms feitwr. A4iih. m-RH. O I. U'lXTON. ATTOKXET AT LA V. KoomsXo. Hand tt.r.UluaaOnsUoKiiilrt mg. J AY Tt 'iTliK. !. It. PHYSICIAN AND SUKOEO?.' Office Kooms 1.2, aatl S. Pythian lUi.f Wi. llKoiiiEXCE On JVdnr Street, hack ol M.MarjS Hospital. A. n. wii aw. DENTIST. ltooins in Allen's BsnWinjt, up -tii. er ei (iss and S4iitinoqiia 'tH'el. Aslrhi ron. it. jpi:iie xoTAiiy rriiLir. eiirclierof TitloM, Ab-traeH'i' anrt CouvcjaiH'cr. Ollice on Cass Street.: doors wnth f As torian ollice, Atoiu. Oregon. General A gene v of AXTM. R. AIAin, Real I'stnlo, Iiisiirance ami 3rt,3 BROKER- Valuable Properties for Sale or Lease m Upper Astoiiu.- Accounts Adjusted, and Hook Keeping done on bliort Not see. Oltu e itliCol. hpeildeii, cor. .leliTMin and IMsn streets, Astoria. Oregon. A. . Allen, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In P?mfi$iQfts$ MILLFEED. Glass and Plated Ware, 'I liOPIC AL Als'l) nOAli-SI 1( FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. 0ff Tocetner wit'i Wmes, Liquors.TobaGca.Gig.rs Hong Yik & Co. The undersigned are Iomv. b'n tu, under tlie alme name. Corner liciiaiuu mic! Ueiiifm .ts Groceries and Provisions. Contractors for Chinese Labor.', ?(ASTOR!A, ORECON. JOE ULM XE. All CHU. OHU FIN. CHU CU HO. mj t f ' - vu THE GREAT '&8AN BFh &l!fti!B3 Cures . "Li'al S lelll Neuralcia. i.irlaeJjo. IlciJatiic. Toolfcaclir. ;;.ruis. I.n.:iirs, etc., etc. Ir vc,i-.y( ..',. .'uU -,;i-t3acdDca! i . 1HE CHARLCS A. VOGELER CO.. Sole P.-? B VLTlMutE, JlAETiXU, U. S. A. rUSi 6?2k. La ! TORPJJ5 BOWELS, i DISORDERED LSVES, and MALARSA. ri-omtLcsuFOuiccsarisotUrec fourths oftlieliseas acfl'ieliiimuii mc. Thoe f-yiiiptoms iiulicam their ctituc lus of Apprtite, Stowtls otivt hick Headache, fulljjcs a:!tr tat n,iterti()i to ciettJo. oflJnly or liiUul. Eructation of foo I.Il t ilnbll Jtyofteiimer,I,ovt.iiJrH,AiVcli:tij urUain;xc;lrct:ilhotitcInty,t!z 2.iticfes,I-''JiUtcrl2if;attlnJIcurt,l)ot before the cys, Iilplily colored LrlKc,COASTllATIO.V,uiuldemaml llieiisoof'irpim dy that actsdlrcctlvon theLi it. As :i Liver medic .nc TUTI'S 1'IIiI.S ha o no o.iual. Tin iractiouon the Kidneys unl M.in i.i lo jiioinpt; leinoviiiff all ii!ipuriti( xhrongh tliuso three " sciiveners of tle K5tn," liroducinj; aiipctite, i-oinid digestion, ri gular ..rooN. a clear slvin and a vig r': hody. TVTTS 1'II.r.S cauaf no iu'is"i oi iljiinj nor inurftrtj "vvitli dailv w opIc aiul aie a pci feet ANTIDOTE. TO WJALARSA. uIJevtrjrxslKr 2-5. OUir,4? 1 rrrt.NY. TPiTTJQi HfilS Vi GrtII,uoi: hiMv r.? "iuiijp..l in. slant ly to :i GLosr JScuk Ij a -ingle ajdiea nof s'iU ! SoM by Dms vtaorc.it h ex;re- on receipt of 51. Oltice, 4 1 Marrav Street. Sew oi k. 17Z72 uiKUii or VZZ1JU EZKIPSS rsz2 W. . BEMSHT & GO. J-ilirt. Oi Hi? S-.-" iJ - XI? r A'-TOJl! OITON ( tl t ! ! iUn k DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FAKCY ASTsCLES 1'rftr.pripfjm- raivntlh timpiiti iled Allti.ll) F IA. rOMI'tiTiTOJIS! Capitol ilour, J.i .nl le'er.-! ! t'f I ( !I l ' . Proi-, i. :im Satem (Or.) Capitol Flour mills Co.. t Jill!. 1 i unit !Uui Hi it h. ir.f.i Fii'.i l'ne tlir" eaisil4 suceejii i 1h j'tucYz.Arcs? ast'ir.sifs ''I!?:. AS4 Male Pair. One 1m! i sHQSrient leMii.e of its mji e ntntv. -e till! th WW! rAPITOL:sniirwhsirk OlSOltOE Mil EL. S Stark ,'... PoitUHd Ageur. W1ISOX . 1ISHS.!: .Mons Agents North Pacific BKEWKRY. JOHN KOPP. - - Proprirtor. Patronize home industry! We supjii as DOOD A QUALITY OF BEER AsAiij ill iheMarKtt, xt as i?i:a.sc?abi.k A IMtlfi:. Tie Mi Pacific Brewery Beer Is Pure and Unadulterated. It gnesgenerdS.itivf ioIuhi -Mid is I uni jsheu in iju.iutiti- to Suit. Leae O.dei Willi V. M. !! K. " no nu.i SldOOll. Or ' IIKI- I.M'N'-ftN. IK t ! Imi.'hI A: StoKe.. D.iiU lVmen, m Alii l..ittrf the Cit. SWEET CIDER. WARRANTED PUR MiD FtlESH POST & 1IAN8BN, Astoria Soda Yorlcs. Furnished Rooms. Ml!. l C. HOLUhN" HAh oi; N loom with 1 1 u and two r three i:. i ( HOLUhN" u x oi; NU'i: sin gle riiis. tit rent Kiopiir. eiii-r Alain iiiu.iriiciMiu streets. HoHitl il leNjie.i. For Rent. fgUlK BUILDINO KNOWN AS AH M( - Hall, lonnerlr oecun Hall, lonnerlr occupied lv llobt. Will- Kw. Pully furnished and readv for lnisines, Also the hiiildtnif funnerlv itepimieil in lelf srestanraut. where Jeff made his fort une. I'.oth buildiiiss are m the h t lnmitiess lo cation In the city. A good chance for tie rtsrht man. For particulars applv to Casper baltes. Germaula Saloon. &?m &ps gg TUTTfS B6a!fl fflHHMIII,i,IHIM iarE23K5E s?w ta ts r, OLD-TIME WSHIXG. Plantation I'lcasuren Coon Hunt- i ins in the Coon Season. "Git up, boss, ef yo's swine wid me tocle lish baskets," cried Morris, riid I flung myself out of bed in a jiffy and was soon tramping jlon:; witli Morris, watching tiie purple semicircle of darkness as it slowly faded in the west, fringed with a border of crimson and gold where the lirt lays of the rising sun struggled with the departing "night. Low down on the verge of the west ern ho. tion, burned with brightness, intensified by such contrasts, a sinsle star, glov.ing and twinkling as if it were the last champion of the flying legions of Ktebtts bidding defiance to Aurora's gilded throng. "Don't you catch 'possums now?" I aketl of Morris. "Mo- to ci'ly in de season, sah. But wen de Simmon Icabs tu'n red, an' de yaU.ir spots come in de tatah, patch, an' pindah bunches tu'n brown, an' de cane patches look des es blue as de sky, den de 'possum huntin' lime begin.1' Just then we entered the swamp and passed under a tangle of vines from which hung, in purple luscious nes, the great clusters of Musca dines. The old tree had grown to a prodigious height, but the vine had run up to the top, and above its top most bow a tender twig of the vine waved to and fro like a banner, while a big yellow-brown goss hawk perched himself on the topmost branch of the tree, and, with its outproad wings fronting the rising .sun, he Feemed glorified br the blaze of light, and then saucy little bee-martins tried in vain to worry him into a recognition of their noisy presence. Itoll on, roll on, thou royal ri er! Witlijthj yellow wntcriuurmurinjr IoI Now smooth, now rough; Br bank and blu3"; On t.the Gulf of Mei:. Between two solid walls of viv-ia green Hows the current of the dash ing Thronateeska. The yellow sand banks and dusky coves" just suffice to break the mighty monotony of the grand sweep of its yellow current. A blue kingfisher with a top-knot as far out of proportion to his size as i3 tluMall, plumed cap of the Georgia militia man, sat dt earning on a dead branch that reached far out above the water. J lis bright eye caught a glance of our approaching forms, and, with a spiteful screech, he flew fuither up .stream. I looked in vain for any intimation of a ilsh basket. "1 b'lieve dey er b.iskit tied out dar," said Morris, as he ieered out among amass of willows and drift wood that had accumulated in an eddy, "see dat vine out thar?" I looked but saw nothing unusual. Itight at my feet he stooped down and began to untie a bullase vine that was tied in such a way as to deceive any one but an expert. Then he began drawing it out of the water, and at length the long basket came to the surface and we knew bv the flapping that it was full of cat fish. You may buppuse that I am going into details as to how many w e took from it, their size, and so on"; but I am not going to do it. I'll have Morris to tell you how the basket is made, though. "Yo' see, boss, we des takes some long, white oak splits, 'bout live feet long, an' den we takes some thin splits to weave 'em togedder. We has 'nutT splits ter make de baskit 'bout er foot f rough. By weavin' er roun' an' roun' we gits de baskit made. Den wc close de lower een' wid a piece Ov plank, so es we can untie it an' git de fish out. For de upper een' we make er funnel-shape consarn which we fits inter de baskit, wid dc small een' not quite close' up, p'intin' innards. Den we baits in wid years ob co'n, pea-bread, an' co'n bread, an' udder t'ings which easy to sour, an' den we frows her in wid plenty ob sinkers. De fish comes in frough de little hole, an' den can't fin' uey way out no mo', and so we has 'era safe an' soun'. Long time time I stood and gazed out upon the stream. I thought how the screech of the steam engine would soon startle the sleeping echoes, and how the ruthless rattle of the saw-mill machinery would frighten away the wood nymphs as the gigantic bodies of these great trees were conwnted into broad planks and hngj beams. "Dem fellahs wid the dredge-boat done broke up de bes' fishin' groun's," fcaid ?Iorris, as lie strung the catfish on awillowwand. "Yes," thought I, "and soon the clatter and din of the wheels of progress will take the place of the wild .soirees of the forest birds, and these mighty foiests will melt away before the dawning light of the new regime." Americus (Ga.) ltecorder. Xot the Irussistri mistake. A leadin' tlrnrMst of T.nnsinoKnm received an order for a half gallon of fine port wine for an invalid, -recently. He chanced to be out of the special quality wanted, so he step ped into a neighboring grocer's, and asked the clerk to put him up a half gallon of the best port wine. The order was filled and the demijohn sent to the invalid. A half hour later the druggist was met by an indignant messenger from the in valid, wiio, placing the liquor on the counter, demanded: "What kind of stuff is that for a sick per son '."' The confused druggist hastily i investigated and found that the 1 grocer's clerk had put up, instead of port wine, pork brine. Albany 1 Journal. Floivex's at Funerals. No material expression of love or grateful remembrance can be more beautiful and appropriate than flow ers or floral decorations tastefully arranged ; but when these pure em blems become the vehicle of vulgar display or bad taste, it is a case where "virture itself turns vice" in the most irritating manner. For ex ample, at the funeral of that foolish Odium, in "Washington, there was actually exhibited a large fac-siraile of Brooklyn Bridge, with a branch of purple violets marking the spot from which the "Professor" sprang. This was the gift of an infantry com pany to which he belonged, '"Mar gerj Dean" writes to the Bo3lcn Transcript, and must have been a consoling object to his mother, sister, and sweetheart. The writer adds: "This is a shade worse even than the floral cook-stove, set with kettles and gridirons, sent to a Boston hotel keeper's funeral, though possibly not worse than the floral lamb, composed of white pinks, pave in one spot, into which a floral knife was thrust, where red carnations marked the suggested bloody cut. This divice was prominent at the funeral of a Boston market man, and just where this thing is to stop no one knows. Next we shall see a floral suit of clothes for a tailor, or a stomach pump of blossoms to the memory of the man who take3 poison by mistake." Handsome nicn. Scott in his youth and manhood was a remarkably handsome man. When he walked clown 1'all Mall in 1813, arm-in-arm with the Marquis of Twceddale (his prisoner on the Niagara frontier), he was "the ob served of all observers." Now, handsome men have never been popular in Virginia, as was shrewdly remarked by a writer in the Richmond Whig forty j'ears ago, when explain ing the unpopularity of Scott at that lime in the Old Dominion. The favorites of the Virginians have gen erally been the reverse of handsome. Jefferson, Madison, Marshall, Mon roe, .ick Taylor, and Stonewall Jackson bore little resemblance to the Apollo Belvedere. Washington, himself, was far from being a hand some man in his youth, although old age mellowed his stern Hu Minents with the grandeur which ti:.irt had idealized for the delight of ail com ing generations. Hubert 1. Lee, it is true, was a very handsome man and the idol of hi people, but he was an exception lo the rule which governed the Virginian for so many years. lioston Budget. Saratoga Village flelijjloa "Xow, Ben," said the pastor, "for over forty years your father has oc cupied that same old pew in the center of the church. Tie has en joyed my jei mons all these years, and I hope to Fee you in the same old pew." "But father and I arc different," said Ben. "It would be harder for me to sit there than for father." "Why harder for you, Ben?" asked the clergyman. "Because," said Ben, "father, you know, was deaf." "Did you ever notice how a woman takes the cork out of a bot tle?" " No, I think not. Did vou? " " Yes." "How does she do it?" " "Why, Fhe nails it with her teeth, bites it off, and then gels mad and breaks the bottle. If she don't do it that way, jhe takes a knife and prods and pries around the stopper till she cuts her finger, and then, when the blood begins to run and her Dutch gets up, she throws the knife across the room, shoves the cork into the bottle, spanks the first young one she gels her hands on, and then sits down and takes a good cry." Chicago Herald. SeoJts Emulsion of Civ (ml J itt rOII ilth I!iiolin.i;ilfr. Almost 0 SiKeifw for Consumption. The llnm-niKls t testimonials we liae received i tent nfferets who liae been peraiam ni cured h Scott's Emulsion satisfies- us that il will cure consumption initearl stages, and alleviate if ml cme in Us iatti r stages. Gentleman You look tiied and worn out Uncle Rastus. Uncle Kas tus Yes, Sah, I is. I doan git no sleep. Gentleman No sleep? Un cle Kastus No, sah. I 'is darky can't, git no sleep in de v.attermill- ion season. Cenlle Stimulus 1 ! up .Mtd to the kulnejs ard Madder l.j ILisUt'tr'sMoir-ach bitters, which is inoM. ireful in oteicomhg torpnhtj of these or jyins. Kesides infusing more activity Into thtin.thise.xce lent tnic endows them with additii'iial vigor, and enables them the bet ter to undergo the wear and tear of the dis t haiying fnm tion Imposed on them b nat ure. 3Imeo r. as tlie are th' channel for the escape of ceitaiii mil unties from the blood. Increases their usefulness l. stiemrtli- , filing .link lir.liliii"i- -.......-...-.-r. --- --; reitam morbid co idit ions of Hicm Important I nivalis thev hill int'. .1 MnuvMi Mate, which .....1 I-. -MTirniii cr liuiii'iiiiii' 1 fit'iii. in is the usual precursor 01 uiM-asr. .. n.i. iu.-h cm he of ure.iter sen ice lh..n a medicine which impels them to greater activity when i...i.r..io x-.. .,. .lwiu.c nv mure iienimii Iiutiiiiii. - linn-. ; , , than those which elfect the kidney, and a nuoumewnicii aeus im- pnn 'm-H-i high! esteemed. Alifcs Ellen Ebcn, of rhiladelpliia, is both handsome ana ricn. sue ! turns the scale at a million or more. No pain remaius where the affected part is rubbed with St. JacolTs Oil. To Regulate FAVORITE HOME REMEDY is uirrantcd net to contain a single par ticle of Mercury cr any icuxrious sub stance, but is purely vegetable. It will Cure all Diseases caused by Derangement of the Liver, KldaeyS and Stomach. If your Lier is out of order, thin jour whole systeni is deranged. The blood ts impure, the breath ctaie; you have headache, feel lar.gi.id, dispirited and nervous To prsienr a more serious con dition, take at once Simmons 'a5 ""'STTi'ft REGULATOR. If you lead a P W 69 bK sdcnt-'r ' f- or suffer with j2& &&V Kidney Affections, aioid l. mutants and take Siar .. liver Regulator. cjuic to relieve If ou have est n anything hard of digestion, or feel 1 ;vy alter meals cr sleepless at night, il a dose and you will feel relieved ai 1 p pleasandy. If jou are a m e"-o 1; sufferer with Constipation, in ,-isj:i and lliliousiie;, ;ek t u t at once in Simmons Li-er Rcgnlat r It does ne: require continual dosing, jru costs but a tritlc. It will cure jou If jou wake up in the morning with a bitter, bad ta.tc in jot r n. uth. Simmons Liter Regulator It cor rects the Bilious Stomach, sweete-. the Breath, and cleanses the Ftirrea 1 cngue. Children often need some safe Cathar tic and Ionic to atert approaching sickness Simmons Liver Regulator v. ill relieve Colic, Head ache. Sick Stomach, Indigestion, Dysentery, and the Complaints incident to Childhood. At any time jou feel jour system needs clearsmg, tamng, regulating without t icier-: purging, or stimulating without intoxi cating, take PREPARED Br J. H. ZEILIH & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. rnicE, si.oo. MAHKKTS. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & C01GPANY, Krrsh iind Vnvvil 31 cats, FRUITS. BUTTER, and EGGS. nvinr orunhvi jioii i iJJ.A3:rs sjiieet. AHtorln, r. Washington Market. !nln Mreel, - Astoria, Cteuon. 3t: IZi.-il S. A . PltOrStlKTOHN f JJI sI'HtTFI I L CALL Till: AlTEN Ji. ttoii of the tnilille to the fac: that the bo M irke; tltalw.ijsbeMippllertvtitha I V I.L V.v RUTTY AND BKST QUALITY -ov Ebr, AKD CURED MEATS : ! V.'hiel will be sold at lowest rates, whole x tie ,uid retail . RyStnTitil attention ?iren to snppljtng dlSSo B. B. Franklin, ' &J&1&:H&&?7 I! j Tr-'i'5auss,&?iti1 UoteMer aad Caliinet Wm, SQUEMOQUA STREET, M XT TO THK VSTOUIAN BUILDING. JSTAH wiirlc done In asiallfnl manner on slMirt -notice nt n'.t-onaW! rates 7K. ED&AR, , Dea!-r In Cigars, Tsuacco and Cigar ettes Meerzchaam and Drier Pipes, SEfSUiKE POLISH GUTLERV Revolvers and Cartrldnos. COICNKI. MIN AM) UHF.NAMl'S STS. Astoria and Seaside BAKERTES, ED. JACKSON. - Proprietor The best Bread, Cakes and PHHtiyintheCitj, Ice Creams and Ornamental "Work to order Manufacturer of Fine Candies. Annual Meeting. mill- ANNUAL MEKTINf; OF HIE l L. 5. a, IJ. Association will beheld in Liberty Hall at AMori.i the eenmti of S.itnrda the l.Kh F I . lfciC. at 7 o'clock. VM. L. Mi'F.WAN, Sec. Stockholders Meeting. STOCKHOLDERS OF THE FISHER men's 1'kK. Co. ate hereby notified that I a special met tine will beheld at the com I jinny's oltice at Upjier Astoria. Or., on Satnr da . Feb. C. 1850. at 0 a, m.. for the consider atfou of genenil business. By order of the i'resident. ' H.E. NELSON, j Secretary. TrKE liisiiswlpte GRAND PRIZE PARIS 1878. TUFA' 1IAC BErN AWARDED HIGHER PRIZES AT TIIE VA'UOFS ;asit:consi2 than thi: uooDi; of any other THREAD MANUFACTURERS IN '1 HE WORLD. Qeuiity can Always be Depended on ! ExiorisMed FisIiBrmen Use no Other ! HENRY DOYLE & CO., 5 1 7 and 5 1 9 Market Street. SAN FRANCISCO, AftKXTjt I'OSt S'AriFlC COAST. Seine T"v7ine3, Rope and ITettiiig Constantly on Hand. J II Ii 7MSv, :.trsT"c:-.vvAr& .Vy4j;i.'Kifc I I.ITSV GGi'JfTll .! ' -t " A FUii bTOCil The Telephone Naloon. TIip Finest Establislmient of the Kind in Astoria. Especially lilted np for the Comfoit and Conenience ot tliose who cnjo a Social Gla s The Best of Wines ami Liquors, Tho Choicest Cigars. Everything New and First-Class. k. a.. ji:rfisi:Y. arir. Colniia Transjortafii Cmgaiy. FOE POETLAND! Tiirough Freight on Fast Time! TIIE NEW nrwwirwxHwnzt aSjXS ifif- 9H 5" Btu u 9 nm H 8 W Which lias been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leaye Wilson & Fishei 's Dock e ery ' Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaies Portland eery Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at ! P. M. ESr-An additional trip will be made on Sunday of Each Week, leaving Eorikad at 1) O'clock Manitny :JIornIujr. Passengers bj this route connect at Kalaa for Sound ports. U. B. SCOTT, Fxesldenti Expositions NEW MODEL IlANCK CAN BK HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF ruK-zm n. ii. riMMnm na.i -"' - - m AUKttT 'ALL AND EXAMINE IT, YOU WILL BE PLEASED. K K. 11AWES Is also agent for the Bod f tent Cooiisg Stove And other flrst-claaa Stoves. Furnace Work. Steaaa Fit tings, etc., a specialty. AIVzLYS OK HAND. Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. "W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AWi RETAIL DEALERS IN fflERAL MERCHANDISE ''oruer Chenanms and Cass streets. A -1 OKI A - OREGON JMMBtt&IIJinTlgf STEAMElt