Ci) JWBfeaju- ' l reiffHr Ti--U t gaittj fjtftoran. ASTORIA. OREGON: 1 1'ESDAY ..-.J AN I AllY 20. 1SSG SALISBURY ON IRELAND. Tin: ill-omened alliance between the tories and the Parnellites has not lasted long. Conceived in fraud, sustained by insincerity, it naturally ends in collapse. The tory premier puts in the queen's mouth the strongest possible de nunciation of the policy to -which Parnell is committed, and an une quivocal announcement that his remedy for Irish disorder is more coercion. tlI shall look with con fidence," says her majesty, "to your willingness to invest my gov ernment with all necessary powers to enable it to cope with the growing evils in Ireland.1' This menace, read in conjunction with , the resignation of Earl Carnarvon, who was disposed to try a concilia tory policy as viceroy, means mischief on an extensive scale. Al reacty, says the S. F. Chronicle, we hear that Lord "Wolseley is to be ordered to supersede Edward of Saxe-AVeimar as commander-in-chief in Ireland. It looked as though, the congratulations which Parnell lately received on his successful management of the elec tions were premature. It even seems possible that the votes which he threw to the tories, and without whif.h Lord Salisbury would now have had no pretense to hold office as prime minister, might be the means of bringing upon Ireland sufferings even greater than those of the past. The best hope for Ireland would seem to spring from Mr Glad stone's desire to deal justly and liberally with ii. His conscien lious sense of duty is too high to suffer him to be diverted fiom his purpose by any feeling of resent ment at the conduct of the Parnell ites. But the difficulty is that partly in consequence of the sup port given by them to the tory candidates at the elections, Mr. Gladstone cannot command a work ing majority in the house. It has been reckoned that the liber al party lost thirty seats by the defection of Irish voters. Had these seats been filled by liberals Gladstone might have been able to get through parliament a meas- ure which, though not all that Parnell wanted, might still have been a step toward home rule. A? it is, he cannot command the votes. It must be remembered that it will be hard work for him to keep his own supporters in the traces when he attempts to legislate for Ireland. That was an ominous letter of the Duke of Bedford's to the Times, in which he says that the course which Mr. Gladstone proposes to pursue "strains his party allegiance to the breaking point." No whig nobleman in England wields more influence than the brother of the late Lord John Russell. He might have been prime minister over and over again if In had chosen. When he say thut a policy looking toward home mle "strains his parly allegiance" one wonders where the votes are to be had to carry out any such poliry. The queen's speech seems to prefigure a dissolution of parlia ment. Of course after sm-h plain menaces ol coercion, Parnell can not cast his eighty-six votes for the administration. It will hold office at the good pleasure of Gladstone. And as he cannot either form a government without Irish votes, it would seem that there is no al ternative but to appeal to the peo ple once more. It will be hard on impecunious politicians to put them to the expense of a new con test so soon, but the government must be carried on somehow, and unless the tories should agree to support Gladstone or the liberals Salisbury there can be no govern ment with the house constituted as it is in the twenty-third parlia ment. Such short-lived parlia ments are not unprecedented. Eighty years ago George III dis solved the Third parliament before it was five months old because Lord Grenville could not carry on the government -with it; and again, in 1S31, William IVdissolvecfpar liament six months after it had been elected in order to give the people an opportunity of electing members pledged to a reform of the franchise. A dissolution at this time would probable result in an overwhelming majority of lib erals. Tin: Pioche, Nevada, Pucord says: "The mountains and desert on the Utah side of the line are again becoming alive with the brethren who have been transgress ing the laws by taking more wives to their bosom than they are legal ly entitled to. While out hunting cattle the other day a rancher wandered over and out into the big desert, at the lake, where he discovered a caravan of the breth ren, consisting of four wagon loads a party of underground tourists hiding in the wilderness, while the officers of the law were seeking them through the small villages in the southern part of Utah." Tiieke is one thing we never could understand, and that is, why a man in financial difficulty should commit suicide. A man gets in debt aftd can not pay. He gets nervous over the fact, becomes de spondent, walks the floor of nights, and finally goes and kills himself. This is very absurd and illogical. Why does he not let his creditor get nervous, become der-pondent. walk the floor of nights, and kill himself? He is the man that's out of the money. He is the one to feel anxious. The Tacoma SVcf says: ' The exodus of the Chinese from this city developes daily some indisput able facts of its beneficial effects on the city. Testimoiry of a cu mulative character is fortified by the fact that where during the nine months prior to the Chinese "git-up-and-git" tlieie were sixty one applicants for county relief. On the other hand, since their de parture the county officers have only had occasion to listen to the statements of two persons seeking public aid. In the second volume of "Twen ty Years in Congress," Jas. G. Blaine is said to take strong grounds in favor of silver coinage. That, great statesman couldn't do otherwise and be the man he is. Ira silver dollar is good enough to pay workmen for wages, it is good enough to pay bondholders for interest. NEW TO-DAY. Hotel for Rent. ruin house now kxoyyx as the JL i'ermania Hotel i for rent. House is Jx75; three .stories; 43 rooms; near the O. K. & X. Co.'.s dock, recession u ill be i en immediately. II. B. 1'AKKEK. Come and See Us, J& WXXZT STOCK Awaits Your Inspection. Plusli Hoods, Holiday Cards. Toys, Fancy Goods, etc. At Prices that Ttlll Astonish joh. You will lintl it to your advantage To Pay Us a Visit. GRIFFIN & REED. The Best is the Clieapt! WYATT & THOMPSON Are on Deck with an Immense Stock of STAPLE- FANCY GROCERIES, FOR THE HOLIDAYS. JUST RECEIVED A Large Assortment of the Celehmte.1 LOS GATOS CANNED FRUIT, Which has no Equal In the World. Table Peaches, Bartlett Pears, Apricots, Black Berries. Egg Plums, etc., At 25c per can. TT BOOK STORE 7inslow's Corn, 15c per can. To- natpes,10c. Fresh Honey in Comb and Extracted Crystal Honev Drips. Symnia Kiss, Hickory nts. etc., ric. At the Yery Lowest Cash Price! County Orders. I AM AUTHORIZED TO BUY COUNTY Orders. B.R.SPEDDEN, WILL ADMIT WASHINGTON. Washington', Jan. 2L It is an nounced to-day that the senate com mittee on territories has decided to recommend the admission of "Wash ington territory and spent a day in putting Mr. Voorhecs's bill for the purpose into shape. The most im portant amendment will make some changes in the geographies nest year. The committee malce3 the panhandle of Idaho a cut-off. and sticks it on to Washington. The present south ern boundary of Washington is to be extended east to Salmon river, which is for tho most part eastcrl i in its course to the Bitter Boot mountains. These mountains form a natural boundary between Montana and Idaho, and are to be the line between Montana and Washington. The tract of country north of Salmon river to the British possessions is nearly as large as Vermont and New Hamp shire, and consists of three counties, including the Cceurd'Alene county and the Xez Perces. People out there have had to travel between 250 and 300 miles to attend their legisla ture, down at Boise City. As they live along the Northern Pacific they will find their new relations much more convenient for business. The committee is regarded as favor able to the admission of Montana as well as Washington. WHAT IS SAIO. It is said that Henry States, Unit ed States commissioner of the dis trict of Alaska, has preferred charges against the collector of customs, Col. Peter French, at Silka. These have been forwarded to secretary Man ning, and accuse the Alaska collector of making $15,000 in a year illicitly by conniving with smugglers. The charges further states that it would be of great benefit to the service to have collector French removed. Mr. Coleman, who recently visited Alaska, says that Carroll's can nery, at Kassaifs bay never paid even the expenses of the man who was em ployed as foreman. It is said to have been a failure from the start He al so says that Captain Carroll owns a controlling interest in the Idaho. Captain Carroll is the only man of all the steamship masters running in to Portland who has a special license by which he is allowed to pilot the Idaho in and out over the Columbia river bar. All the other steamship captains are required to have pilots on the bar. CHAMBER OK COMMERCE. The chamber oi commerce met last evening and reelected the following officers for the ensuing year: ,T. Q. A. Bowlby, president: Dr. A. C. Kiunev, vice-president; E. G. Holdou. secreta ry; M. C. Crosby, treasurer. The president appointed Messrs. Gray, Tallant, Berry, W. W. Parker and W. IS. Dement to serve as the ex ecutive committee. A special committee consisting of Messrs. Holden, Tallant, Crosby, Ber ry and Capt. Gray, was appointed to visit the recently constructed jetty at the mouth of the river and ascer tain the effect of the severe stormy weather lately experienced on the works. The annual reports of the secretary and treasurer were presented. A review of tho work of the cham ber during the past year indicates that it has been earnestly engaged in watching over and furthering the commercial interests, not only of Astoria, bnt the whole of the large territory comprising the Columbia river basin. H. P. GREGORY & CO., So. .Worth Front St.. I'orll.-unl, Or. Impoitersnml Dealers in "Wood-working Machinery, 1'IiA.XKKS. niOSiDKUS. MOItTISKIt. TKXOXK1W, Sainl-jiaporiiizr 3IaIm:t'. I'tttiH'N. Jtorlnir Itlarliiurs, Hand Haws, Scroll Snws. Rubber and Leather Belting, AMI .liiiiii fi.viix;s (;i:xi:;jAtii,Y JEWELRY STORE! A Splendid Stock of STANDARD JEWELRY. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES: Earrings, Breastpins: HANDSOME CLOCKS. A Large Assortment To Choose J'roin. All Articles Warranted Am Represented I ADLER'S CRYSTAL PALACE. W. E. DEMESTT & CO. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUCS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANGY ARTICLES Prescriptions carefully Compounded BEST IN THE MMRT! Snow Flake Flour! Notice to Cannerymen. WE ARE AGENTS FOU HEXDEIfrOX & Withers for the sale of their charcoal and can furnish any amount desired. Pleas call and see us before nurcliasintr eKewlu re BOZORTH & JOHNS. Notice. MR. A. BALMAXXO TOOK CHARGE OF the city delivery of Thk Daily Monxwfi ASTORiAJf on January 1st, issc. He Is authorized to collect and receipt for subscriptions subsequent to that date. J. b HALLOKAN & CO. RPP.K gI EkUll Wj U Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FAMILY GROCERIES -uSlZKTID- Cannery i Fishermen's Supplies Ghoice Teas Java and C. E. Coffee Palace Drip3 N". E. Maple Syrup Choice Canned bruits French Peas and Mushrooms Pine Apple and Edam Cheese Shrewsbury Ketchup Canned Soups Canned Shrimps Deviled Crah " Spanish Queen Olives Pickled Oysters Plum Pudding Cox's Gelatine Orange Marmalade Goods Sold at Lowest Cash Prices, SHUTS & CO., FiNE IftiPORTED CIGARS. Yoi'. nn rely on gettinga Gi d Cnr AtShute&Co.'s CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE, Opposite I). I.. Bed; & Foil'. C. E. BAIN. DOORS, WINDOWS, BRACKETS, JlouiriiuirS; Window Frames, etc. A Full Supply of Material. Bids FumMied : Contract Work a Specialty. Mill and Office on the Old Site. IN NEW 'Q,UAETEBS! Having- Consolidated 3Iy Business with the Astoria Furniture Co., I now olTer the 1 arrest and Mo-t Complete Assortment of Fine and Plain Furniture, Bedding, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Window Shades, Pictures, Moulding, etc., At Portland Prices, and Invite a Call o f Everybody in "Want of Goods in My Line, Guaranteeing Satisfaction in Every Respect. OHAS. HEILBORN. J. EL D. ijSAI.i Wholesale and retail dealer in GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw. Yood, Etc. LIME.. SAND AND CEMENT. Genera! Storage and Wlia fae on reason able teniK. Foot or Bentou street, Astoria Oregon. Astoria Planing Miir",sassw HOLT & CO. Proprietors. Manufacturer; of Mouldings, Sash uoors, Blinds, Rails, Balusters, Newel Posts, Brackets. Scroll nml Turned llaluslradcs, BOAT MATERIAL, ETC., Orders Solicited and Proaiptlt Attended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed As to Style, Quality and Prices. Mill and Olllce cor. Folk and Concmnly Sts.. ASTORIA, OREGON. Address HOLT i& CO. EMPIRE BOOTS and SHOES, W. T. PARKER, Manager. filial UNVi India Currie Powder Boston Baked Beans Bahama Pine Apple London Layer Eaisine Breakfast Gems Crushed Indian Geraiea Chow Chow Choice Dried Pruits Choice Fancy Crackers Salem Flour Porest Cove Flour Dupee Hams Breakfast Bacon Goodwin Butter Etc. Etc. Etc. mxnm.rfmnMtmji,nxTi.n)-nTuijj G-. HANSEN OF inn DIAMOND PALACE! H.. Ju.t Received a Fine Stock of Consisting or DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELR V, S 1 IiYER WA RE, CLOCKS, SPECTACLES, ETC., Which he offers at Bedrock Prices. All Coeds Warranted. Mine K a Jewelry Store and Known as Such. Fishermen Attention! Bi-iiirf. PnrMin...'..n. Pk.wi, , --- .- ... -.-.i.a.v. -EXAMINE- DUNBAR, FMASTER & GOS I'.xtra sitrenj: a I m on Net Twine! Made of Best Irish Flax. ' Samples Furnished on Application. Ship- J. o. hawthorn, Astoria, Or. Sole Agent for Pacific Coast. SPECIAL NOTICE! O. R.&N.CO. URSION! Tickets to Portland mid Iletiiru For $2 50. Good on any of the Company's boats E. A. NO YES. Agent. CrOOuPS. ICMSTIAS GOODS STORE oiOuyjiuS uiiudp lor udsiii i vm nn Far s i JL Uc&s JL CASH F L i FRANK X. FA1EER, H B, PARKER, DEALER IX Hay, Oats, ani Straw, Lime, Brict Cent, -Saift anil Plaster Wood Delirered to Order. Dray Inc. Teamlnsr and Express Business. I f"Ml " E5fl B t muu'l fjS'.gJfl1BaaMlgp?Jlg '"F! i.,. T il.t- Contain. ort DEAtKR I' Tin. Sheet Iron, and Copper Ware. A general assortment of Household Good AoraT tor 3IAGEE STOVES AIVI KAUfGES. THE BEST L THE MARKET . Plumbing goods of all kinds on hand. .lob work dons in a workiuandke manner. Plumbing, Gas Fitting and Cannery Work attended to promptly On Reasonable Term. t'ljennmus Street, Kext to V, 1. lurkor .Store. Antoiia. Oregon L, X. G. SMITH, KEEP Dealer li j C ONST ANTLY 01 Cpis aol TokcekBrSa: Meerschaum and Briar Pipes. Cutlery, Playing Cards, Etc, Will sell to Retailers and Saloon Keepers at San Francisco rates. THEO. BRACKES, Manager. Chenaiuus Street. WILL Cut Faster AND EASIER Than any oth er axe made. Hundreds of woodmen tes tify to it? supe riority. Itqoes Deep and Xerer Sticks. CARNAHAN & CO., Agents Astoria Price, $1.60. Astoria Wood Yard, Near Trullinger's Mill. HARD MD SOFT WOOD! Having just put in a First Class Sawing Machine, We can furnish Sawed Wood Very Reasonable! Wo sell a CORIlaiul deliver a COKD! FRANK L. PARKER, And I.S. GKACfi, - Agent. MURKAY & CO., GROCERS And Dealers In Caieryjulies! Special Attention Civento Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supples furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part of the city. Office and Warehouse In Hume's New Budding on Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. .T7. ASTORIA. OREGON. $67,000,000 Capital! Eiverpool and London qnd Globe North British and Mercantile Of London and Edinbu-gh. Old Connecticut of Hartford A COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing aCapltal of S67,000 OOO. PATOTZDACG20.B3I. J.C.Trullinger B. VAN DU3EN, Asent. ea, rea- i in P STEAMER i MM PARKER Eben P, Parker,M 'aster. For TO WINO, FREIGHT orOHAK 11. It. PAKKKK. WYATT & THOMPSON. Canned Fresh Finnan Haddies, Canned Shrimps, Canned Roast Eeef, Canned Chicken, Canned Pig's Feet, Atmore's Plum Pudding, Attn ore's Mince Meat, Epp's Cocoa. Ground Chocolate, A Fine Assortment of Canned Vegetables, etc jr. g. aoss, COFKTY CORONEE. &T TT23.c3.02?tLljLX3LS- First Class Hearse' and Material OX HAKD. Shop and Office on Main St., above Pioneer Restaurant. EarJwaje anil Ship Cianfllen VAN DUSEN & CO.. DEALERS IK Hardware and Ship Ghandler? Pnre Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements Ncvi:i Dlacliiues, I'ainls ami Oils, Groceries, tc. HAVE YOU ii to Sell? IN THE MATTER OF Rags, Bottles, Old Metal or Junk of Any Sort, FOA! & STOKES Will give yon the best price for It. Do You Want to Buy SHIP MATERIAL, Prom a Belaying Tin to a Hawser ; from Block to an Anchor. You Can Get what You Want at F0ABD& STOKES. Headquarters at bulldlnjr, east end Water Street. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer in HAMABE, EOI, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS UAd .fc'i.-igS-'W JT-ntjv ju.,iJj.JJilaKf - Am SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, "P.1.T1L AND Oo3P27