- -f.ES" - r.ir5 TrSf ? .-ipx CO " --2i3'd;''1kJS?-"V-" "- ".t y -- .tih Jz7s&r-&?s?Hi2r & '.--,rt5-cy?fc -iySpal VOL. XXV, NO. 12. VSTORIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, J8SG. PRICE. I-IVE CENTS. WZ&sz&zz--W Yw' J&mP mr Jwr y" r'JKr' Lv'y BUSINESS CARDS. C. R. THOVSOX, F.. F. CCOVHRT. THOItXSOff & COOVERT. Attorneys at Law and Uotaries Public. Special attention given to collations and examining titles. Office Rooms 4 and 5, over City Book Store. C. 1 B. JIAKTtX, K.. Architect and Civil Engineer. OFi'ietc 1'oom C. Knight; of Pythias Building. D RS. A. 1- and .1. A. WISCUS. IMijsieiaus ami S:u;rroiis. Will ive proiniit attention to :iH rails. . om any part of the cStj oi countiy. Olllce over Allen's Store, corner Cas anil iuemoqua trrel. Astoria, Oifgon. Telephone I'o. -!1. J IC FKAMi l'AOK. Physician and SnrgeoH. timet, ItoomG, over D. A. McIuto.H s store. :rKiCK Ilouns :-9 to 11 a. m. ;-" to 5 i.ai. Residence, opposite the Johaiwn building TK. O. B. ESTKS PHYSTC1AX AXI) M7K0E0X. Ofkice : ns P.ui'ding, up staire, Astoria, megon. D it. aijFkki Kixsr.v OFFICE IN ODD FELLOW'S BUILDING, Morning Hours, 9 tall. Afternoon Hours, 1! to 4. Evening Hours, 7 to 8 0 : At all other times enquire at his rooms over Goodinau's Root and Shoesluie. JKi. A. I'OKKIS. OEO. XOI.AM XOF.AIVD & DOKBIS. ATTOUXKYS AT LAW. onire in Kinney's Block. pposite Cit Hall, Astoria, Oregon. i . W. FULTOK. G. C. FULTON. Flir.TOS BKOTHERS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 5 and G.Odd Fellows Building. i1 ICLO b PAKUEK SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY Ex-City Surveyor of Astoria Office :-N. K. corner Cass and Astor streets. Room No. 8 Vy Stairs. r . A. BOWLBY. Attorney and Counsellor :t Iaw, Onlee on Cheuainus Street, Astoria, Oiegon. p I. WIXTOA, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms Xo. 11 and 12, Pythian Castle Build ing. I AY TUTTI.K. 21. . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Rooms 1. 2. and :$. Pythian BulM "g- Rkaidence On Cedar Street, back ol M. Mary's Hospital. A. K. JiHAIV DENTIST. Rooms In Allen's Building, up stall . r t-r Caas and Squemoiua MreeK A-liih tlregou. 1 It. S1'KIIKV, NOTARY PITBMC. SeHroherof TItlfM, Alitracli nn.I Conveyancer. Office ou Cass Street. 3 doois south of As torian ofilec, Astoria, Oregon. AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITORS! Capitol Flour, Manufactured by the Full Roller Piocess, by the Salem (Or.) Capitol Flour Mills Co., LI3IITKD J Tne only flour that has taken First Piie three years in succession at the IOItTL,AXI MECIIAXIC'fl FAIIt, Also at State Fair. Oue trial is suftlcient to convince of its supe riority. bee that the word CAPITOL is on each sack GEORGE SHIEL. 8 Stark St., Portland Agent. WILSOX & FISHER. Astoria Agents. A. V. Allen, WJndesak and Retail Dealer in PfqyIsIcbSi MILL FEET). Glass and Piated Wsre. TROPICAL AXD DOMESTIC FRUITS AKD VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, LiquorsJobacco.Oig rs Nicely Furnished Rooms, WiTa-jOR-- -WITHOUT BOARD; AT Mrs: S. T. IKcKean's, Cass strew t, three doo3 south of Asiobi ax oOlco. The great t?&t4 1 is SHI Cures j RHEUMATISM. ij'SB B Baa 3 a ishukaluia, iir.cUaclio. Zlcr.Ciaciic, Toctliaptie, Spmfiis, Sruisn, etc-, trio. Price, PiTty C c s. At DrjicUi asd Dialer'. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., Soie Pro?' ItALTIiJOnr, MAT.TT. LXO, U. S. A. VZl X? yosc wnat its name implicj ; e Purely Vegetable" Compound, lhai acts airectiy upon, tne ixver ; cunnn the many diseases iicidcnyo Lhat un. portant organ, and pviting the nu merous ailments tffiiu arise from its deranged or roipaction, sucli as TlervorCT! rTHtfO "nilintTenncp ;'iPM-'-""fc tOMww' i-w-aiiua;. JvMaria, Sictlieadaclie, etc. It is therefore "ToliaveGoo&Healtl: :oc Li7er must be Irepfc in order." DE. BAXTOBD'S IIVEB IlfTIGOEATOE. uviioralea the Liver. Rcctilalca the Bow- sis. Strenclhens Iho Svstcra. PuriQcs ihc Blooil. AsMStsD! 'cstion, Prevents Fevers. la a Ilouseuolti isced. An invaluable family Medicine for common complaint D3. BAITrORD'S LTVZE ETTIGOEATOZL An, experience cf Forty years, and Tu sends cf Testimonials prove its Merit. ron salt: nr aia DnT.Eit3 ix3.ied:ci;e3 For fll mforantica wnd your addrcsa for 1 'j-cBoolc on me f 6uronD 4 in Liver nad its dlssc-"," u suam: er.. i-w toiu. cits TUT TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LfVER? and RftALARiA. From these sources arise Uiree-fonrths of the diseases cf the human race. These symptoms Indicate their existence: Los of Appetite, TSowcis costive, fiick ITccdaclie, fullncKS after eat inf;,aversIon to exertion of body or mind. Eructation of food,Irrltabll Jtj'of temper, Iiow spirits, A feeling of tiavlut; neglected some dmy,IIz xineBSjFlntteisiiK at tlicilcart, lints before the eves, liiglilv colored Uriiie,COXSTiX'ATXOX,antl demand the use ofu remedy that atts directly on the Liver. AsaLiverincdicineTUTT'S 1'irL.S liave no equal. Theiractionon the Kidneys and Skin is also prompt; removing all impurities through these three scavengera of tlio ajstem," producing appetite, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear skin and a vig orous body. TUTT'S PII.I.S cause no nausea or griping nor interfere "with daily work ami are a perfect ANTIDOTE. TO MALARIA. fcoMfceryvriiercS39..)nice41JinT-iTSt.NY. HTTS II M I Ul t KirSEKP fsS N Xn GaATllAiu oit iiisin its changed in stantly to aGLossr Blu-ic bvasbiglo cp)lication of tills Dvi . Sold by Drug ists,orsentby express on receiptof$l. Ofllce, 44 Murrav Street, Xew York. nnca kaotal o? umL ssssipic rsaa, Hong Yik & Co. Tlii undersigned are doing birwiess under the above name. Corner t iunius : ml Ilenlon ISts. Groceries and Provisions. Contractors for Chinese Labor. ASTORIA, OREGON. jei: cm fee. AH CHU. fHII PIN. CHU CU HO. B. Lemon & Co., Stevedores and Riggers, PORTLAND and ASTOkI-A. Poktuam) Offu e "So. 1C North Front St. Sign Painting, eliding, Banners, 01! Cloth Signs, SHOW CARDS, Fence Advertising-, Price Marks, etc C. E. LAKE, Shop and office on Cass street : Tike Eros.' old stand. -K SSS 3i i m lyVRfifllDATflS b i-&f eaf SENSIBLE TALK. The Social Intercoar.se of the Youns of ISoth Mexes. The modern girl (and the boys are nearly as precocious) before they have left off wearing bibs, begin to have their small love affairs, and these are continued, with more or less desperation, till circumstances of a sentiment which seems for the moment deeper than ever before ex perienced, bring about a climax in the shape of a wedding. It is well enough, perhaps, if this climax put an end to the game; but, alas, the habit of flirtation is one not so easily overcome, and married coquettes and beaux are sadly common, insur ing unhappiness and homes that be lio the name. If people of this de scription could only be paired off together there would be some poetic justice in their tormenting each other and meting out a mutual and well-deserved punishment. Butlikes seldom attract each other, and more often we see a woman giving in re turn for the great, whole-souled love of some man only a fraction of what sho is pleased to call a heart. She gives all she has to give, perhaps, but she should have more. The trouble is that she has frittered away her affection, giving a little to this one, a bit to that, and a portion to another, till she really has no heart left, and loses, in consequence, what should have been her life's happi ness. Sometimes sho has enough stnsj and nobility of mind left to appreciate what is given her and her own poverty of response. And then she must quote sadly to herself: All the kissei tint I bat e given I grudzc frcm niy soul to-day, And ot all I Lave crer taken I would rlpc the thought awiy. How I wish my lip3 had been hermits, Held apart from kith and kin. That fresh from God's holy sen ice To love's they might enter in. "When the millennium comes, all this will be changed. Boys and girl3 will then be brought up together in a sensible fashion, so wisely taught and guided by their elders that they will look upon each other as play mates, comrades, friends, until the proper time for serious love-making arrives, while " flirtation" will have become an unknown custom of the dark ages, the very word marked with the dagger which marks obso lete words in the dictionary of the times. This will be, we fear, like the jubilee of the darkies, " long, lone, long on de way ;" but wo can all do something to help its coming. For it is the elders who are often to blame for much of the nonsense and sin of the children. So much that is injudi cious or absolutely wrong is said to them or before them, putting ideas into their heads that should not be for a dozen years, perhaps. A liltlo incident, mere trifle, recently ob served, will illustrate this point. A bright little five-year-old boy was playing on a hotel piazza not long since with a winsome wee lassie a little younger than himself. It was a pretty sight, for they were as mis chievous and innocently unconscious as two young kittens. But presently one who had been watching them called eut: "Elsie is your little sweetheart, isn't she, Charlie?" The poor little fellow looked first mystified then shy and embarrassed, as others near by laughed at his per plexity. "Tell the lady that Elsie is your dear little playmate," said a wise woman who had heard it all, and shuddered as she heard it. "Elsie's my dear little playmate," lisped Charlie, and ran off to play again, while the first speaker had the grace to look slightly ashamed of herself, for the reply which was put into Charlie's mouth was given with an emphasis that gave no doubt of its meaning. Another woman met at a certain large boarding-house bust season, used to ask her son, a 3oung man of eighteen or nineteen, at a public din ner table, about his "mashes." Such an expression of angerand dis- ?;ust would come into his eyes that a ooker-on could not but tremble to see. This was perhaps an exceptional case, but the first is not, and we be lieve the "flirtation" evil might speedily be reduced to a minimum if j'oung people were but carefully and judiciously trained on that point. Growing1 Gold Klines. The famous Comstock lode is still growing; that is, the causes which produced the great vein are yet in operation, though with diminished activity. The lode was probably millions of vears in reaching the con dition which it had attained when it was first discovered, and in millions more, if left undisturbed, all the great chambers that have been robbed of their ore might again be filled. In all the softer ground where a drift is run, a movement is seen to ward the closing of it. This move ment is called by the miners the " swelling " of the ground. In many places it amounts to more than a mere swelling amounts to a degree of motion that is almost startling in its energy. Belts of a peculiar kind of clay that have been cut by drifts have been known to rise from the floor until more than thirty feet have been cut away. The price of -cotton-seed has ad vanced in Ykburg, Miss., from S10to$16jerftHK Prince of Wales. In alluding to a few incidents in the lives of the Princes of "Wales it may be interesting to note respecting the birth of the first one that " when the messenger arrived at Rhudlan Castle, where King Edward I. was residing, on political business, and announced to him that his Queen had given birth to a boy on the pre ceding day, the 25th of April, 1284, at Carnarvon, Edward, in his joy, made a knight of the messenger, stuffed his pouches with gold pieces, and gave him house and lands to enable him to support his new dig nity becomingly!" Then follows the story, which every school-boy and girl knows, of the baby's pre sentation to the Welsh chieftains, who vowed allegiance to him and accepted him as their Prince. Some historians assert this to have been the occasion upon which Edward was created Prince of "Wales. On the other hand it is stated that "the original letters patent by which lie was raised to the dignity of Prince of Wales" bears the date 1301. Be that as it may, Speed says: "His creation so contented the Welsh, be cause of his birth-place, they held him as one of theirs, that when all friends afterward forsook him, they always stuck most loyally unto him, expressing wonderful love and affec tion, and bewailing his heavj- fortunes in woeful songs, which neither the dread of his enemies nor length of time could ever make them to for get." "Heavy fortunes," indeed! for the first English Prince of Wales was the first of our kings to be de posed and murdered. Although Ed ward III. is generally considered as the second prince of the illustrious line, he was never created such, but he invested his son Edward, the Black Prince, with the principality in 1343; after whom came Richard of Bordeaux, making the third of the House of Plantagenet. Two Lan castrians followed, viz.: Henry of Monmouth and his grandson, "Ed ward of Westminster (Henry VI. being but a few months old at the death of his father, never received the title). Then two Yorkists, Ed ward of the Sanctuary and Ed waul of Middleham, after whom two of the House of Tudor Arthur of Win chester, and Henry of Greenwirl: Of the unlucky line of Stewart three have borne the title, Hen. Merung, Charles of Dumfermli'' and Charle3 of St. James. Ki cine the House of Hanover, of wh'. tlieie have been four George .' gnslus, Frederick Louis, George ' Ham Frederick, and George An'' Frederick, the latter being unc Queen Victoria. London Sock' fc'eoir.s Emulsion oi Piir; Cod Liter OH with IIjpoplmspIiitrH. In Contumnlion and General Debility Dr. J). D. McDonald, Petitcodiae, tf . B. says : "I have been pi escribing Scotl's Emu's on during the p.ist year with good results, and gem nil satisfaction. It ;s especially useful in person" with c nsumptive tendencies." Temperance Item. "You are getting to be a regular toper a perfect sot, sir," said an irate busine33 man, of Austin, to on, of his clerks, don't you suppose th i I can see that you have been drink ing again?" "Of course I supposeso," answe.v t the employee; you always see wiif.: I am drinking, but the deuce of it i you never see when I am dry." Sittings. Hninply Dumpty sat oa the wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, When nil tho doctors had failed him to cure St. Jacobs Oil healed certain and snre. Family Physician Well, I congrat ulate you. Patient (excitedly) I will recover. Family Physician Not exartly, but well, after consultation we find that your disease is entirely novel, and if the autopsy should dem onstrate that fact, we "have decided to name it after you. Ererjthlng Uofi Wren? In the bodily iiiachaii'.:ii when the liver gets out .f order Couttipatloii, clyspepva, con tamination of the blood, imperfect assimila tion, arc rertain to ensue. But it Is easy to priviil these consequences, and remove their cause, by a course of Hestetter's Stom ach Hitters, which stimulates the biliary or gan and regulates its action. The direct re sult is a disappearance of the pains beneath the ribs and through the shoulder blade, the n.mcn'i Imiftnolinc v.11nvnp nf t!lf. skill. furred look of the tongue, and sour odor of tne urcain, which ruaracii'iizi- iivcr .-uiu-piaiut. Sound digestion and a ie?ular habit ol body :ue blessings also secured by the ue of thl celebrated restorative of health, which impartes a degree of vigor to the body which Is its best gu trantee of safe'y from malarial eplneniics. Kcrw. weakness and over-tension are relieved by it, and It improves both appetite and sleep. Summons. 7 TI1E.1USTICECOUKT. AS10HTA PRE X cinct. county of Clatsop, state of Oregon. J, urant piaintiu, vs. j. iunoeri ucieim ant. To J. Lambert the above named defend ant: In the name of the state of Oregen: 1 You are hereby required to appear and an swer the complaint nieu ng.tuiH you in me above entitled action, In the above entitled court ou or before the oth dav of, February, A. D. 18S8, being six weeks from the date hereof, and it you fall so to answer the plain till will applv to the court for the relief de manded in the complaint, which is In sub stance to recover off you the sum of $3&2, and forcostsauddlsbursments of this action. This summon, is published by order of N. E. Ooodell, Justice of the Peace, for Astoria precinct, county ana state aforesaid, made this 31st day of December, U85. C. J. CUKTI3. Attv. for riaintiir. Astoria, Dee. 31st. 1835. fd- Jake SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR Fcr all Diseases of the Li?er, Kidneys, Stomacn and Spleen. This purely vegetable pre paration, cow so celebrated as a Family Medicine, originated ia the South in 182S. It aea gently oa the Bowels and Kidneys and corrects the action of the Liver, and is, there fore, the best preparatory medicine, whatever the sick ness may prove to be. In aH common diseases it will, un assisted by any other medi cine, effect a speedy cure. The Regulator is safe to administer in any condition of the system, and under no circum stances can it do harm. It will Invigorate like a glass of wine, but i no intoxicating bever age to lead to intemperance; will promote di gestion, dissipatu headache, and gener aUy tone up tlio system. The dose is small, not unpleasant, and its virtues undoubted. Xo loss of time, no inter ruption or stoppage of business while talcing the Regulator. Children complaining of Colic, Headache, or sick Stomach, a teaspoonful or more will give relief. If taken occasionally by pa tients exposed to MALARIA, will expel the poison and protect them from attack. a rirrsioiAva opinio;;. I have been practicing medicine for twenty years, and have never been able to put up a vegetable compound that would, hke Simmons Liver Regu lator, promptly and effectively move the Liver to action, and at the same time aid (instead of weak, ecing) the digestive and assimilative powers of the sytrni. L. M. Hinto, M. D.,Washington, Ark. SEE THAT TOO GETTIIE GENUINE. rRKPARBD BY . H. Zeifn & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Price S1.0O. MARKETS. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COBIFANY, Fresh and Cured Meats, FRUITS.. BUTTER, and EGGS. O1T0SITE OCCIDENT HOTEL. l2f EXAHL'S Street. Aatorla, Ocr. Washington Market. .llniu Mrcrl, Astoria, Oregon. isr.it;3iAX a co. pjiox'Rif.toks RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tiou of the public to the fact that the above Market w 111 alw ays be supplied w Ith a FULL VAKIKTY AND BEST QUALITY op FRESH AND CURED MEATS I I Vhich will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. EgSpecial attention given to supplying .-hips. UNION MARKET When You Want Oysters, Clams, Crabs, Fish, Eggs, nutter of the best quality : when you want Chickens, Ducks, Game of all kinds, and want them fresh and good, call on C. F. Heed at the Union Market ou Water street. Vegetables of all kinds constantly on hand. I warrant everything told fre3h and of the be-'t quulitv. O- IE". rELIBjEKD Telephone No. 10. 1'roprietor, Unlou Market. B. B. Franklin, Unflertaier aofl dUiet Mater, SQUEMOQUA STREET, NEXT TO THE ASTORIAX BUILDING. K5-A11 work done in a skillful manner on short notice at reasonable rates. The Best is the Cheapest! WYATT & TH03IPS0N Are on Deck with an Immense Stock of STAPLE -'FANCY GROCERIES, FOR THE HOLIDAYS. JUST RECEIVED A Large Assortment of the Celebrated LOS GATQS CANNED FRUIT, Which has no Equal in the World.' Table Peaches, Bartlett Pears, Apricots, Black Berries. Egg Plums, etc., At 25c per can. Winslow's Corn, 15c per can. To- Tnit-rPH 1 fir!. Tr'h Wnnnv in Comb and Extracted. 1 Crystal Honey Drips. Sjmraa Figs, Hickory Nats, etc., etc. At the Yery Lowest Cash Price! i ! BARBDUR'S Irish Flax Threads i HAVE NO EQUAL ! ME fqm.mft&m GRAND PRIZE PARIS 1878. THEY IIAVE BEEN AWARDED HIGHER PRIZES AT THE VARIOUS THAN THE GOODS THREAD MANUFACTURERS IN THE Quality can Always Experience!! Fishermen Use 10 Her ! HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 and 519 Market Street, - - - SAN FRANCISCO, AGEXT8 FOR PACIFIC COAST. Seine Twines, Rope and Netting Constantly on Hand. THE NEW MODEL Kis'i'KaiiHevsijr.wKrtii t HeS?X-l A FUIjI. STOCK The Telephone Saloon. T lie Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. Especially fitted up for the Comfort and Convenience of those v. ho enjoy a Social Gla s. The Best or Wines and Liquors, The Choicest Cigars. Everything New and First-Class. K. t. JEFFREY. Proi'r. CflWia Transportation Company. FOR PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Time! THE NEW STEAMER -TELEPHONE Which has been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland af 1 P.M. Returning leaves Tortland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at I P. M. -An additional trip will be made on at 9 O clock SHHday Jlernlngr. for Sound ports. OF ANY OTHER WORLD. be Depended on ! RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS- ?S'ayq t. , . v5'4"jr5Si5-tl iwjtiA yjiui. ur Ml a B. HAWE8, AG EAT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, YOU WILL BE PLEASED. E.K. HAWE8 Is also agent for the Bncfc patent Cooiiof Ste And other first-class Stovoa. Furnace Work. Steam Pit tings, etc., a specialty- ALWAYS ON HAND. SPECIAL NOTICE! O. R. & N. CO. EXCURSION! Tickets to Portland and Return For $2 50. Good on any of the Company's boats E. A. NOTES, Agent. Astoria, Nov. 23th, 1SS3. Sunday of Each Weete, leaving Portland Passengers o this route connect at Kalama U. U. Btuu, rrtjsiueuij TS.-- .mJtXkm m i 2x. Dmr-t. -