The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 10, 1886, Image 3

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    ,- !vr,-,"' "w'" jw;$'P' '
SUNDAY JAN 0 AliY 10. 1858
Sun rises 7:40; sun sets, 4:36.
Circuit court meets to-morrow.
Salem is going to be lighted by
The Oregon due from San Fran
cisco this mpRng.
San Francisco insurance companies
paid S322.500 in dividends in 1&85.
Traveling theatrical and entertain
ment companies are scarce in Astoria
this winter.
That flag over Sergeant Griffin's
office got wet before being called in
by telegraph.
"Disproportionableness'' is the
longest legitimate word in the Eng
lish language.
Portlandera were eating new pota
toes last week. They came from
southern Oregon.
Grace church congregation expects
to hold the first service in their new
church.on East jr Sunday, April 25th.
The San Francisco steamers are
taking out large quantities of grain
for reshipment from the California
"What are pauses? asked the teach
er of the primary class. "Things
that grow on cats," piped the small
boy at the foot
The British bark JSlwy cleared
for Queenstown yesterday with 47,228
bus. wheat, worth 34,000, and sailed
in the afternoon.
The Edmunds Utah bill passed the
senato on Friday. When it passes
the house it will become a direct
cinch on the Mormons.
The insurance on the salmon lost
by the fonndering of the Rover of the
Seas, amounted to 897,000. The in
surance on the hull was $9,000.
"Pinafore," and "Patience." will be
produced in Portland at the Casino
this week. Considerable of the latter
will be needed to stand the old gags.
The January number of the West
Shore gives Portland a magnficent
series of illustrations. It is hard to
see how its enterprising publisher
cou'd improve on the qua i y or quan
tity ofthe'piotures.
The Washington territory news
papers are all writing about "The fu
ture state." They don't mean the
great subsequently, the other shore;
they are talking about "the future
state" of Washington.
At ten o'clock to-morrow morning,
at the court house door, by direction
of the chief of police, E. C. Holden
will sell nt public auction sundry lots
in Shively's and McClure's and 01
ney'e Astoria, as published in the de
linquent city tax list.
The Seattle Chronicle thinks it is
a trifle' singular that Captain Carrol,
of the. steamship Idaho, should go on
the bond, of his ship carpenter.
Masters wboratch one of their crew
in the act p'f juggling are not gen
erally so solicitous for -hu welfare.
A letter from Juneau, Alaska, says
the i read well mining company has
purchased the Lewis ciaim, adjoining
the mill, for $75,000 cash. John
Treadwell,the manager of the com
pany, is in San Erancisco recuperat
ing. The mills have been lighted by
Lem Hi and Ah Qoin have been
furnishing considerable interest in
the police court in the last two days
The former was fined fifty dollars
and appealed the case to the circuit
oourt The latter was given a jury
trial last night on a similar charge
and acquitted. He had no sooner
got out of the court room than he
charged down to Chinatown again
and made things lively as before. If
both Lem Hi and Ah Quin had their
queues tied together and were thrown
across a line to fight it out the city
and county would be better off finan
cially. Captain Sebree reports to the
Standard that the sea in the vicinity
of Tillamook rock has been rougher
this year than for many years past
The men engaged on the lighthouse
there have been kept fast prisoners
for nearly the past two months back,
and for the past six weeks there have
been bnt two days on which the sea
was calm enough to allow a landing.
Last Saturday there was a glance of
fair weather, and the opportunity
was seized to lay in a six months1
store of provisions for the lighthouse
watchmen, so they don't care now
muoh" whether it rains or hails. There
are four men employed there, and as
they don't have muoh to do when
there is no fog, they can have a hap
py time of it
Mr. J. B. Wyatt and wife are
among the returning passengers on
io-day's steamer.
Wh '.wouldn't Z. F. Moody be a
good man to renominate? He has
made a good governor.
Mr. Geo. H. Stewart has been ap
pointed agent of tho Northern Pacif
ic Express company for this city.
Senator Mitchell is on four senate
committees Riilroads Transporta
tion to the seaboard Mines and
Mining, and Claims.
W. Christie, recording secretary
Tcoma Assembly No. 4,223, Knights
of Labor, came over yesterday after-nbon.-froai
Tafiima and is stopping
at the ParkeUHouse.
. TUo'llickok Burner
Can be had at the New York -Noveltv
Store:fite any-lamp, insures a splendid
llehL Every one bu sit on sight Call
atideelt, Yoi will &avo inouey and
eyeslgutoy' using It.
DeMrt Kat Axle reaae
When you can buy delicious fresh Good
win butter at J). L. Brck & Sons'.
Ready For Ouiress.
For a good steak, a delicious cup of
coffee or a plate of fine oysters goto
Frank Fabre's Coffee, Oyster and
Chop House; opposite M.C.Crosby's.
TotkeUnlteoi -States diesisurant for
inJllyittri.JfnTatexowtsU' -'
A Forest Grove Sensation Jim Kccne Says
lie is Rained Praline for the
Foeest GnovE, Jan. 9. About six
o'clock this morning, Duna H. Tbom
as, editor of the Pacific Pharos,
while going to the railroad depot, was
fired upon by an assassin who shot
at him three times, onu ball passing
so near his body as to set his coat on
fire. Another ball struck him in the
knee. There is no clue to the perpe
trator of the dastardly deed.
SITION. Washington, D. C, Jan. 9. By a
strange custom hitherto observed,
the confirmation or rejection of presi
dential appointments to tbe various
federal offices are referred to tbe sev
eral senate committees. Thus the
judicial appointments are referred to
the committee on judiciary; the ap
pointments of Lawton, Ellis and
Brooks to the finance committee. As
Californiu has no representation on
these committeee, henoe, by courtesy
they are referred to those senators on
the committees who are from adjoin
ing states, viz: Jones, of Nevada,
and Dolph, of Oregon. As Jones is
absent the question of confirmation
or rejection devolves upon the decis
ion of Senator Dolph. He will be
the center. The matter occasions
considerable interest
One of Senator Dolph's bills passed
the senate yesterday. It provide.?
that foreign goods coming in ships at
Portland and Port Towuseud, liable
to duty, and which canuot now be
sent in bond to their fiual destination,
must be paid at the ports at which
they arrive.
The memorial of The D ille3 water
way convention was presented to con
gress yesterday.
The ways and means committee is
composed of five protectionists and
seven free traders.
Voorhees has introduced his bill
admitting Washington as a 3tate.
NewYobk, Jan. 9. James Sutton,
the publisher of tbe art journal, tho
Aldine, in Liberty street in this city,
was to-day arrested by order of Judge
Donahue, on the complaint of B.
Brown, a Long Island farmer, for
ruiuing his daughter, Jennie Brown,
Sutton' . wife, strange as it may seem,
aiding him in his evil work.
Jas. R. Keeue, until recently the
richest man on the PaciGc coast, was
examined yesterJ-iy on a judgment
against him for $1,800, ami testified
that he didn't have a dollar in tbe
world, but lived at Far Bocknway,
Long Island, on his wife's incjmc.
The Tribune says that the new
cruiser Dolphin is u ragular ruler of
tho sta In yesterday's storm she
made tLirty-four miles at the rate of
fourteen knots an hour.
Cincinnati. O., Jan. 9 A fire in
Jewett & Adams' manufactory on
Water street this morning was fought
by tho entire department, as the
locality was considered a dangerous
one if the firo got started. The loss
was $100,000, fully insured.
Obe-ln, O., Jan. 9. A firo broke
out in the ladies' hall of Oberlin col
lege last night, the hall at the timo
containing one hundred and fifty
females; thero were one hundred
males in the side hall. They all
escaped in their night clothes. The
night was intensely cold. Loss $51).
000. THAT'LIi BE AIiIi bight.
London, Jan- 9. American funds
are depressed owing to the intro
duction of a resolution in tho 17. S.
senate, to pay ten million dollars
government bonds in silver.
Revival Meetings.
The meetings held in tho M. E.
ohurch nightly during tho past week
were such that the pastor has deemed
a revival effort demanded and will
accordingly begin a special or pro
tracted meeting in the M. E. church
with the services of both this morn
ing and evening. The meetiugs will
continne nightly throughout the
week, and quite possibly for a num
ber of weeks.
Oci tl llvst.
San Francisco. Cal., Oct. 2d, 18X5.
After having fifteen jeare of experi
ence as tea-'her and rluk manage-, and
giving exlnbi I mis throtiuh Europe and
America, and h vine tried :tli th vari
u- kinds ot ltIler Ska'es iu use, I can
fully endorse ihe Star Ska'es as being
superior to all others fo ex ert Skating
or general Rink xo. In the future i
shall ue no other.
Pbof. A. P. Demers.
Professor Heme s is tho Champion
Roller skater of Enchuul. France and
('auada. and has a standing challenge
of One Th mnd Dollars to any irofe..s--ional
in the world who will equal ni.ii
in Trick or Faney Skating.
The Star Skate- is for sals in Astoria
only at the New York Novelty Store.
It is I hi' lSNtMtttc
San Fkaxcico, June3. 1S85.
We have ihe Lovell, Star, Henley and
other Skate- In use in o r Rink, but the
Star leq nres the lea.-t repair. and giv:
our customers the nestsKtisfaetiou.
Mission Skating Pavilion.
For sale at the New "fcork Novelty
!ried Fruits,
Praches (halves) 10 lbs 1.00
P.tted Plums 10 lbs 1.00
Zii..te. Currants 12 lbs 1.00
Prunes 12 lbs 1.00
At D. L, Beck & Soxs.
Parties wibhlng spara or piling of any
size or length can be supplied by leav
ing orders with .1. H. D. Gray.
Greenbacks taken at par at peck's.
SbxswsburyXstehup at Swift. -.
A Letter to the Quaker Poet, John Green
leaf Whittier, and His Reply.
On December 17th, 1835, the pupils
in Mrs. Martin's room in the Court
street school, held a commemorative
exercise, it being the 78th anniversary
of the birth of our greatest living
poet, John Greenleaf Whittier, whose
personal poems are household words
in thousands of American families on
this continent.
The following letter was sent to the
poet en the occasion referred te:
Astoria, Oregon, Dec. 17, 18S5.
Mr. Whittier, American Poet, Dan-
vers, Mass.
Dear Sib: To me haa been given
the pleasant task of writing a letter
to you, telling you how we celebrated
your seventy-eighth birthday.
I will enclose one of our pro
grammes so that you can see what
our selections wera
We have all enjoyed getting onr
parts, and I am sure that wo will nev
er forget the many pretty sentiments
and tho strong words in behalf of the
colored race. Our teacher has told
us a gnat deal about your noble
words in behalf of tho oppressed,
and now that we have learned many
of them ourselves, wo feel almost as
though we knew the writer person
ally. We wanted 'o send yon a little to
ken of our remembrance of you, so
we asked two of of our number Katie,
and Willie McKean, to ptucil a
small sketob of our beautiful Colum
bia river, which will accompany this
We feel sure yon would admire our
lofty mountains and fine river views,
which are so common to us we do not
appreciate them ns we should, I sup
pose. Reverend Joseph Cook said iu the
preface to one of his lectures here
last winter, that we ware to be con
gratulated upon onr grand and beau
tiful scenery. He thought where
nature had been so liberal iu sur
rounding us with so much that was
elevating and inspiring, the people
could not but be better for such sur
roundings. Still we have much of wickedness
and eriws here as elsewhere, as well
ns much of all that is goad and re
fined. Our schools and ohurchea are a
pride- to our little city. Our popula
tion is about six thousand.
We have two fine school houses,
twelve room) in all; one noticeable
feature is that thero is not one gen
tleinau teacher in the whole corps of
teachers, and has not been for three
year.3, and still Ihings move on quite
I am sure you would admire our
fine clim ite. The summers are per
fect, and the winters, though rainy,
are so much milder than in the state
of New York, my old home.
But I fear that I have taken too
much of your precious time.
The whole school join in kindest
Yours respectfully,
Nora Bapfleyea.
To the above he made reply as fol fel fol
Oak Him, Dauvers, Mass.,
12th Mo., 30th, 1835. f
I thank thee for thy pleasant letter
in behalf of thy school, and am glad
to be remembered on my birthday at
the far off month of the Columbia
river, ine sseicu ot lintie ana Wil
lie McKean came safely and gives me
an idea of the great river as it reaches
tho ocean.
That you may live to be men and
wo.neu worthy ot the beautiful scen
ery of your homo is the wish of your
old friend whoso home is nt the
mouth of tho Merrimac.
John G. Whittier.
Ooot for Hermann.
Washington, Jan. 8. -Though Her
mann, of Oregon, lost his gallant
fight for a pluco on the rivers and
harbors committee, ho has been placed
on two committees territories and
expenditures in the pc3toffica depart
ment. The vicious policy of tho post
master general in curtailing the mail
Berice in the west, and especially in
northern California, Oregon and
Washington territory, gives Her
mann's place on the committee on ex
penditures of tho postoffice depart
ment special value, nermann says
Ire will have mail routes on the fron
tier restored or ho will oppose in ev
ery way appropriations for tho de
partment iticl!cu,.s Arnica Sulvo.
The Best Salve i n the world for
Cuts, Rrm-.e.sIStjres.Uleer5,Salt Kheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands.
Chilblaius. Corns, and nil Skin Emj
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
iMTft'ct satisfaction, or money refunded.
I'rire rJ3 cents per box. For sa le by V
K. Dement fc Co.
Cheap lot Cuth.
Cu'e Sugar, 10 lbs
Granulated Sugar 11 tts...
Crushed Sturar 11 lbs
Extra C 12 lbs
Golden C H lb
i 1.00
i 1 Oil
lbs.... 1.00
N'o. 1 Costa Rica Coffee 7 lbs
No.2 " " 8lb3
Choice O. G. Java Coffee 4K lbs
Uher goods at equally 1 .w figures fur
cash at D. L. Beck & Sons.
Germea aud Breakfast Gems at Beck's.
Morton'; English Sauces at Buck's.
Cheap Canned Goods.
Pie Pe iches (2K lb cms) 15 cents per
can: -?l0 per dezen: S2.75 per case.
A full line of choice table fruit at
correspondingly low pricesr D. L
Beck & Soss.
Carl Adler has just received another
invoice of those celebrated Emerson
Pianos direct from the factory. This
elegant piano is warranted for sev
en years. Getting these Instruments
from tlrst hands Mr. Adler Is enabled to
sell you an instrument at very low fig
ures; cheap for ca3h or on easy month
ly Installments. Kemember Adler's
Music Store.
Choice Breakfast Bacon at Beok'i.
How the U. S. Government Plays Into the
Hands of the Bondholders as
Against the People.
The following provision is found in
section 369A of the Bevised St antes:
Tho coin paid for duties on imported
goods shall be net apart as a special f nud,
and shall be applied :i3 fol.ejra: First,
to tho payment, in coin, of the interest
on tho bonds and notes of tho Uaited
States; second, to tho purchase or pay
ment of one per cent of tho entiru debt
of the United States, to be made within
each fiscal year, which is to be set apart
as a sinking f and, nud tbe interest of
which shall in like manner be applied to
tho purchase or payment of tho public
debt, as the secretary of the treasury
shall from time to tim9 direct: third, the
residue to ba paid into tho treasury.
Secretary Manning, like Secretary
McCulloch before him, has systemati
cally, notoriously nud defiantly dis
obeyed and nullified tho provisions of
this section. In the first place, says the
Post Intelligencer, the coin paid for
duties on imported goods has not
bean set,apart as provided; a large
percentage of the coin paid for duties
has been silver, yet the interest on
the bonds has been paid entirely in
gold. In the second place tho fund
has not bsea applied to the purchase
and payment ot the public
debt as the law distinctly re
quires. On the contrary, no call for
bonds was issued by the tecretary of
the treasury between October 1884,
and December 29th, 1835. In that
time a balance of S2U8.000.000 was al
lowed to accumulate in the treasury.
Prior to the advent of Secretary Mc
Culloch, the practice was to call
bonds whenever the available balance
was S145.000.000 to S150,000,000. that
amount being deemed fully sufficient
toseenre the public credit. Under
McCulloch and Mauuiug, however,
the fnnds have been allowed to ac
cumulate in defiance of the law, and
the government has been compelled
to pay interest on bonds while the
funds for their cancellation wore ly
ing idle in the treasury. A more
gross and open nullification of a law
can scarcely bo imagined. It makes
no difference whether the law is right
or wrong, wise or uuwise.a secretary of
t io treasury has no right fo refuse to
obey it It is his duty to execute the
laws as he finds them, not to decide
whether congress kuew what it was
about when it passed them.
Under dat of Jan. 8th 1836. Chns.
P. Salma w ite a3 follows from Gray's
Editor Astdeian:
The weekly Oregmian of Jan 1,
'86 contains an item taken from The
Astobian of Dec. 3Uth, headed,
'Drowned In Gray's Biver," throwing
all tho blamd on me, which I wish to
say is not the case, the accident hap
pening in this way:
On Dee. 27th, as I was on my way
home, living quite a way up the
river, arriving at the place where we
crossed the river about 7 o'clock and
quite dark. I was overtaken by G.
Wicks trom and H. Ji. .heterated. We
all got into tho skiff, which wa3 very
small, I taking the paddle, about mid
way the skiff became unmanageable
drifting down to where the tw cur
rents meet, forming a kind of whirl
pool. When the boat filled I sank,
Wickstrom wa3 seen no more. Net
tersted swam ashoro and I hung on
the boat until it drifted near a tree
top, which I cluug to, and got out
saving myself.
Wickstrom's body was recovered 42
hours afterwards about a hulf mile
down the river.
A Scarce Commodity When Needed.
The editor of this paper has .been
questioned as to why ho don't pre
pare an article on the silver question.
The reason in short, is that ho don't
care to expose his ignorance on tho
subject. Other editors are doiug
that right along, and bo does uot
care to swell the list. What he does
know about silver, is that with nil
the alleged excessive coinage of silver
dollars, they are a very scarce com
modity under two interesting circum
stances, first when a bill is presented
to bo paid, and second when one pre
sents a bill for payment. Our cry is
for moresilver dollars. Pacijic Jour
nal. Judgment for Plaintiff.
Iu the case of Coleman & Go. vs.
The Columbia Biver Canning com
pany, in the United States circuit
court, Stott & Stott yesttrday with
drew appearauce for defendant and
Dolph, Bronangh, Dolph & Simon
substituted. Judgment was given on
stipulation for plaintiff in the sum of
$15,085, and an order wae made for
the sale of attached property. Ore
gonian, 9.
Wild 1 Uvrry and Tar.
Everybody knows the virtues of Wild
Cherrv anil Tar as a relief and euro lor
any affections of the Throat and Lungs,
ombincd with these two Ingredients
urea few simple healing remedies iu
the composition of Dr. Bosauko'n Cou.'h
and Lung Syrup making it just the
article vou should always have in tne
house for Coiidis. Colds Cionp and
Bimiehitis. Price CO cents and 1.00.
Sauinles free. Sold by .1. w. Conn.
irnppiiiesN nuil ISenltZi
Are Important problem, the former d
piHuliiii; Ereaiiy on tin latter. Everyone
UfimilLir with tlm healthy properties
of fruit, and uo one can ajlurd to he sick
and miserable whi e the pleasant con
centrated liquid fruit remedy .yrp of
FIrs, mav he had of our enterprising
druEin&ti W. E. Dement & Co.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc- can
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drue store, opposite Occident
betel, Astoria.
Fur a fteat Flttiu;? Boot
Jr Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che
naraus strept, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed, quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving, Custom work.
Something thnt Directly Concerns
Interests of Astoria.
The Loudon Shipping Gazette of
December 18, 18S5, under the head
ing of ".Risks from Colombia Biver,"
The following is an extract from a
letter received by the comraitee of
Lloyd's from tho secretary of the
board of marine underwriters, at San
Fraucisco, dated November 9th: ''At
a recent meeting of this board, letters
were read from our surveyors on tho
Columbia river, located at Portland
and Astoria. These letters were in
reply to enquiries addressed to them
as to the probable causes ot the fre
quent trouble and losses on the risks
from the Columbia river fo Europe.
By the direction of the board, I beg
leave to call your attention briefly
to the substance of these letters.
Onr informants think that in many
cases the surveys on vessels are
not sufficiently strict, especially on
the poorer class of vessels ot which
there are a considerable number,
especially soft wood ships. A further
difficulty arises with the larger vessel?,
as they finished loading on tho way
down by lighters, or nt Astoria, and
uuiessu sharp look-out is kept (as is
done when loading under our survey
ors), the vessels are given mora than
they should have, ami are very likely
deeper than their snrvey chIIs fnr, ns
extra expense falls on a ship if the
lighter has to carry back a portion or
her load. Furthermore, we have had
cases where confusion has arisen on
the question of draught, that in salt
water being claimed, while the other
party claims that draught at Astoria
was intended. I would also call your
attention to the report of our surveyor
at Astoria, that all large ships (which
Gnish nt Astoria) load at the wharf
or the-Oregoa K lilroad and Naviga
tion company, where at fpring tides
they iio aground at low water.
Failed to Note the Exception.
Sqniro Pigg3, a Mississippi lawyer,
in the conduct of his cases is so given
to "demurring" aud "filing bills of ex
ceptions" tjiat he is known all over
his judicial district as "Old Demur
rer". During a recent trial he filed
no less than seventeen exceptions to
the rulings of the court. Finally, the
judge lost patience with him, and
charged him with unprofessional con
duct, aud refused to allow him to pro
ceed further as an attorney in the
case. "D irn sioh anth?r court as
this," said the squire, whereupon the
judge fined him S10 for ajntempt.
"Contempt! exclaimed the squire.
"Yes, sir, for contempt of this court,"
replied the judgo. "But, judge, I
said noth ng of this court that could
be construed aq contempt." "You did
sir." "What did I say, may it please
yonr honor?" "You said, sir, 'darn
this court.'" "You are mistaken,
judge, and failed to note my excep
tion. I distinctly said, 'darn such
another court- as this.'" "The fino i3
remitted; proceed with the case, gen
tlemen," said the judge. Detroit
Free Press.
A J iiV bavins Proscnl.
Mr. M. E. lllistm, Hutchinson, Kan.:
Saved his life by a simple Trial Bottle
of Dr. Kiim's New Discovery, for Con
sumption, which causi d him io procure,
a iare bottle, that completely cured
him, wuen buctors, change, of climate
and evcrythi ig eke had failed. Achilla,
Hroiiehitis. Hoar.senes.s,Severe Coughs,
and all Throat and Lung diseases. It is
guaranteed to cure. Trial Bottles free
atV. E. Dement & Co.'s Drug. Store.
Large s.ze 31.00.
For SCcut,
At n reasonable. rat; the fine new
building opposite. Kirchhuff& bakery.
Apply at this ollice.
Slnlolfs Coiign una Consumption
Cure is old by us on guarantee. It
oun-i consumption. Sold by W. E. De
ment. A twenty-dollar piece will buv a wag
on load oi groceries at D. L. Beck &
Choice assortment ot reus at Beck's,
Spanish Queen Olives at Beck's.
t-vr lame I.nck, Side or Chest
Shilolfs Puriis Plaster, Pnc 25 cents.
For sale by W. E. Dement.
That Hacking Congn cnu be so
quickly cured by Muloh's Cure. We
guarantee it. Sold b V. K. Dement.
Croup, .Whooping Cough and Cron
chili.s iminoilialely relieved by Shiloh's
Cure- Sold v W. K. Dement.
Catarrh cured, health and sweet
breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Ueni
sdv. Priee W) cents. Injector free
For sale by W. K. Dement.
Steeples- XiuhLt made miserable
by that tumble eouuh. Shiloh's Cure is
tlie remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De
ment & Co.
Will vnu suffer with Dyspepsia nnd
Liver Complaint? shiloh's Vnnuzer i3
u arant ed t cure you. Sold by V. E.
Demeni &C.
A One lot of the well huuwn Henley
skates, in large variety at low ligures,
at Adler's. m
Sj-rup oTFisr.
Manufactured only ly the California
Fig Syiup Co. San Francisco Cal. i
X ture own True- haxitive. Thi
pleaaut liquid limit n-im-dy may be
had of W. E. Dcnn-nt& fiftv cents
or one dollar per bottle, it is the
pleasant, prompt and effective remedy
known, to cIcniiM? the system; to acton,
the. Liver, Kidneys and iimve's gnth
et thoreughly: to dbpel Ueadachs.
Colds and Fever-?: to cunConstipatiou,
Indigestion and kindred ills.
W. Lussier oi isan Francisco has en'
gaged iu the photograph husineis with
Crow the. leading photographer.
Wffi. EDGAR,
Dealer In
Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes
Meerschaum and Brier Pipes,
Revolver and Cartridges.
r ft is is
Having purchased extensively in Eastern and San Francisco
Markets, I am now prepared to show the Largest and Most Varied
Assortment of DRY GOODS and CLOTHING in the State of
Every Department is Complete!
Being one of the
Lanest Buyers of Dry &oofls Clottiii
In The North West,
Buying Direct From The Manufacturers and Importers,
Saving the Extra Profits of Middlemen, Wo are enabled, to
Give Our Customers the Benefit!
We Only Cany
And Our Prices are Low.
Specially Attended to and Pilled With Dispatch.
Wholesale and .Retail Stores, Astoria, Opegen7"
Holder's Auction Rooms
f Established January 1st, 1877.
Hun I Estate and General Auctioneer
and Commission Merchant,
Chcimuius Street. - Astoria, Oregon.
Auction sale of Sundries every Saturday,
at 10 :3D A M., at tn ' Auction Rooms.
Will conduct Auction Sales of Ileal Estate.
Cattle, aud Farm iij Stock wherever de
Mreil. Cash Return!) Promptly made after Sales.
Consignments reajiectfulh sollcted.
Notary Pulrijc for the Mate of tirt-gon.
Commissioner of Deeds for Washington
Agent for Dally and Weekly Oregnnian.
And All Points Hast.
Kales S.20 to $10.85 the Cheapest to
Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City,
Pullman I'alarr rti1 Fmizrrant Met-jilnjr Ors hnsled en Express
Trains Exclusively without Chans.
It rou are golnir east write for Eatiu, 2Ia.3, lino Tabloa, Guides and Full Inlorn&tioa.
Agcut. Astoria. Asat. Agt., Astoria.
B. CAItlI'I113I.lM
(leuorol Afcenf, No. 1, Washington street, rortland, Oregon.
MacDonald & Mcintosh
Are now Prepared to
Show a Large Assortment
or1 .
Goods in Every Line!
Which will he Sold at
Lower Figures than at any Other House
The Leading Clothing, Hat, and Gents' Furnishing Store
New Dress Goods,
New Suitings,
New Wraps,
New Trimmings,
New Underwear,
New Gloves,
New Flannels, Etc., Etc.
(Lato Cutter with M. D. Kant.)
A Good Fit Guaranteed.
Pants, from $8 up. Suits from $30 up.
Shop opposite C. H. Cooper's.