cv Wt gaily Mfotfmt. ASTORIA, OREGON: FRIDAY. IAN t1 AKY 8. 18SG HIPPING INTELLIGENCE I'OKT OP ASTORIA. . IlJiADY FUR SB A. tioottiib Admiral Br bk Quecnstown Jan I Lorraine, iir bk S23 Quecn'town Jan 6 SAILED. Trthonsss, Br bk 1!52 Queenstowa Jen 7 Otterspool, Br sp QaccasUwn Jan 7 Citj of Canton, Br ip Qaeenstown Jen 7 GlPDberTie, BrbVSCOQueenstotrn Jan 7 I ESsZLS IX TIM RIVKR. -o Rvre. RrhVrfiT Director. Br bVir79. Victoria Bar. Br bklU3 Viola. Br bit 515 In git wood. Kr bk Prince Frederick. Br sp Alumni , Brbk "15 Eaundlu, KripllTJ Uhasca. Hr bk 3 Horrbv uasue.Brspiw .w. 01 ... u..H1!ra .tnitn lrnlM3 Raglan Castle. Br bk Anglo Soman. KrbKKJ. Braemar. Br i.k 'CI MaT Low. Mr bk 6J5 Glenlora Br bk 77 Vim. H Htarbuck. Comadr. Br bk 77i County of t lint. Br bk Cnlon NorspSOi (.lenexber. Brbk 5t CaantrofMenoneth.Brbk GlenoRie, BrbkSH VESSELS OX THE WA Y. from Foreisu Ports, for lh Cnlunitiin ttlrr Alphcta. Br bk 61U Adelaide, Sept 9 Adelaide Mar.v, Br bk Calao Nov It Amphitrite. Br sp 171)3 Montevideo BlenKfell, BrspliM Vt Augusta Cochrina. Brbk 531 Danedin Povenby. Br bk &3 Liverpool via Victoria Aug, 21 Dunbartonshire, Br bk Sydney Not 19 Firth of Stronsa, Br bk 9(0 Sydney An 15 rirth of Don och. Br bk9U7 Liverpool Sept.. Uermania. Ger bk 690 Liverpool Uoldon Horn. Br sp 1S4 ! Calcutta Dec 4 Harvest Home. Br bk 5)7 Victoria Uatrarden Castle. Brsp 1101 Montevideo Oct 19 Kincardineshire, Br bk 125i London Septal Lord Canning, BrspllC'i Adelaide Lisa Bell, Brbk i-ydney Nov 26 L. J. Moree, Br sp 1KB Melbourne Oct 5 Looh Mold art. Br sp 200 Sydney Oct U North Ridinff. Br sp 1371 Valparaiso .Now Uead. Br bk 1U7J Sydney Aug 23 UaH'on, Br sp 315 Adelaide SUrKncehire. Br sp 1221 Liverpool Nov 10 Selene, Brbk Liverpool OctV. From American Fort. C. 3. Hnrlbart. bk 1035 Now York JlETEOIZOLOfilCAL HKPORT. JA'UAUV 7. A. M.I Bar. I Ther Mate of w out her Z 'JX 30.50 I 3U 11 :W 3U.4G I 3S r. m I 6 :56 00.23 SO V clear E clear E clear Local time to correspond with 7 A.M., 3 ana 10 r. jr., v asuniKion time. TIIR TABLE FOE ASTORIA. JAXUAKT. HIGn VTATKB, LOW WATER. First heco id. hint. Second. 03 O C3 S2 H 5 H S H SHS h. tn. ,55 h. tn. JS h. tn. .2 h. m. ,; "1 l " 3Sa 10 Hi 0 01 0 41 1 V3 1 M 2 29 '2 GO 3 16 3 46 4 19 4 67 5 43 64U 7 29 823 9 sr 10 33 0 17 1 W 145 225 3 02 3 42 424 5 12 6 07 7 05 8 10 9 12 10 04a 11 lOp C7 3 3Ca 2 9 4 Kip -02 ... 4 31 30 541 -0 II 13a 62 5 18 30 C21 -0 0 1 1 r,ln 8 2 C 03 .1 0 C .S -0 5 0 Wp S I 0 4ti 3 0 7 24 -0 3 0 5i i 7 2S 2J 7 4 0 0 , la ,73 7ffi) 2 8 12 0 I 2 01 '77 8 34 28 8 37 0 3 2 42 7f. 3 13 27 9 13 0 4 3 20 71 9 53 'C 9 44 0 0 4 19 t!7 10 3$ 2C 10 23 11 5 21 C'J 11 34 23 11 2U 1 i, C 33 5 9 . . ..041 20 7 6j 5x 1)13 22 1 4!i 1 & 9 19 GO 1 22 2C2C8 on 10 28 0 5 2 32 2 9 3 63 0 '' 11 27p 7 0 3 40 2 9 4 50 -O ., . . . . 4 41 2 8 5 4C -0 S U 27a 92 6:;C 26 0 31 -1 -j. 0 18p :3 2o 2 I 7 14 -12 1 OS 92 7 18 lh 7511 -0-1 1 69 8 8 8 01 I C 8 37 -0 .', 2 SI K 2 9 02 149 17 00 3 47 7C 9 S3 14 10 00 0 7 4 43 15 9 10 54a 1 5 10 50 13 5 67 03 0 u2p 14 11 45 2 0 7 13 0 9 . . . . 1 17 I 8 33 5 9 0 40a 2 0 2 32 0 9 9 62 C 2 I 50 3 01 3 :7 It 4 10 61 05 3 11 32 4 33 0 0 U43p C9 4 14a 3 21 5 2Ip -0 2 The hours betweeu rniduhint and noou are designated by a (a. ji.). those between 110011 uud inidulght by p (v. m.). vh. Win a denotes midnight, ui. (Xm. p denotes noon. The lielght Is reckoned from the level of average lower low waters to which the sound ings are Riven on the Coast Survev charts. Columbia River Exports. SHIPMENTS FOREIGN'. JAXUARV. 2 To Quecnstown per Earl RouUerry. Wheat, CS.702 bus .K,rb7 4 To QucensLoim per TyUionu. Wheat, C2.991 bus- .J7,000 5 To Qucenstmcn jjcr Ollcriiol. Wheat, 104.5S9 bus ?7tt,474 6 To Queerusloion per City of Canluti. Wheat, 44,817 bus $31937 6 To Qucenstoicn per Lorraine. Wheat, 48.C15 bus $3G,433 6 To QvLtcnstownjitr Scottish Admiral. "Wheat, 45,823 bus ?33,117 C To Qucenstmtmpcr Gltnbcrvie. "Wheat,4r,Ci2 bus $31,959 SIGHT E'-.atEE&'SrXCTGr AND CARRIAGE PAINTING! Ih Good Style aud Lowest Living Prices CI11S. OI.SE3. Shop atMontgomery'soIdstand WIS. EDGAR, Dealer In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNER MAIN AND CHENAJroS STS The Gem Saloon. Th Popular Resort for Astorians. For tha Finest of Wines and Liquors Qo to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - - PEOFRIETOB HOCIETX MEETINGS. Temple Lodge, Mo. 7A.F.A.M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS,. first and third Tuesdavs In cachYY month, at 7$4 o'clock, r. m., at the' V Hall In Astoria. Members of the order in good standing are Invited to attend.. uy oraer 01 tuo v . au Bearer Lodge No. 35. L O. O. P. REGULAR MEETING EV ery Thursday evening at seven o'clock, at the Lodge room in Odd Fellows Hall. Asto ria. Solonrnintr members of the order in good standing, cordially invited to attend. jiy oruer .. vj. Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. 0. 0. P. REGULARMEEITNGSOF OCEAN EX campment No. 13. I. O. O. F., at the Lodge, in the Odd Fellows Building, at seven p. 31., on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Sojourning breth ren coruiauy mvueu. oj oraer r. Seaside Lodge No. 12. A. O. TJ. W. REGULAR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE Lodee No. 12. A, O. U. W. will be held In 1 heir Hall over Camahan & Co.'s on rhursdav evening of each week, at 7 o'Cloctc Members of the order In good standing, and visltmg Brothers are invited to aueiia. li brary will be open fifteen minute's before and alter each meeting. By order M. W. U.ur.uwvi.riec Cushing Tost No. 14, G. A. R. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS POST on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 p. m. Visiting com rades cordially Invited. By order r.c. Cushing Relief Corps No. 3, Q. A. R. REGULAR MEETINOSONTHESECOND and fourth Tuesdavs of each month, at 2P.M. Ey order Mns. C. BOSS. Secretary. Pacific Lodge No. 17 , K. of P. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS Lodge every Friday evening, at 7:30 o'clock. In their Castle Hall. Sojourning Knights cordlallv Invited to attend. W. A. SHERMAN. K. of R. and S, Company H.O.S. M T-EP.IILAH DRILLS EVERY MONDAY. J and Wednesday evenings. Regular meetings the seconu ana iourin inuraa.vt 01 eacn uiomu ai . zw r. m C. W. FULTON. Commander. Common Council. REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at 7K o'clock. Tersons desiring to have matters acted uuon bv the Council, at anv rezular meet ing must present tho same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday evening prior to tho Tuosday on which the Council holds Its regular meeting. THOS. S. JEWETT. Auditor and Clerk. IIOTELS AND KESTAUKANTS. AST0E HOUSE. BEST Dollar a Day Hotel in the North West Mrs. Sophia Daggett, Proprietor. Special Attention Paid to the Comfort ot Guests. Corner Olney and Jefferson Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. RATES, ONE DOLLAR A DAY. PARKER HOUSE. WJI. AEXE;, Prop'r. First. Class ii Every Respect. Free Coaeli to tin. House. c. vr. cxotri.ES. L. D. BBOff.V. St. Charles Hotel, (European Plan.) BROWN &KNOWLES - - Proprietors Fihst Class ik Evkuv Ritspect, Good Restaurant Connected with tho House Fire-proof Urick Bnildin. lSOEoom. In the Center of the Oily. Cor. Front and Morrison Sts., rorUand. Or $67,000,000 Capital! Liverpool and London and Globe North British and mercantile Of London and Edlnbn-gh. Old Connecticut of Hartford AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital ofS67, COO OOO. B. VAN DUSEN, Agent. BANKING AND INSURANCE! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, . OBEGON. OFFICE HOURS : From 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock F. M. Stockholders7 Meeting. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING OF THE British America Pk. Co , Eraser River, B. C. Said meeting will be held at the office of B. 1'oune. Upper Astoria, Oregon, the 18th day of January, 1S8!, at 4 p. m., lor the purpose of electing a Board of Direotois for the ensuing year, and transact any other bus nes as might lawfully come before the meeting. Datod this Ind day of January, 1S8J, by the order of the President. ANDREW YOUNG, Secretary. County Orders. T AM AUTHORIZED TO BUY COUNTY x Orders. E.R.SPEDDEN. W f ROYAL MJA'a? Ji POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder nerer varies. A marvel of purity, strength and v.hol03omnew. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold In competition with the multi tude of lovr teat, short weight, alum or phos phate powders. Sold only in catw. Uovai. llAKlKO Powdf.u Co. lOOWall-st.. N. Y. TRANSPORTATION LINES. 0. R. & H. CO. TO PORTLAND, And Way Landings. The Steamers of tho O. R. & N. Co., car rs'Ingthe U.S. malls, leave the Conipam's uock rcver.v iy, stunuays excepted, atfi A. 31. Tills is the only daily line, and the only lint running all the year round. TO SAN FRANCISCO. Hie only line of Steamships to San Fran cisco. Stoatner leae Company's Iock I'very nvii uny. Regular Lino of Tow Boats and Barges, For Towage and Lighterage. STORAGE OF AlA. KIXDS. Inquire at CompanvN Dock or at City Of fice. E. A. NOYES. Agent. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA Oregon & California It Jt. AHft Coiiucrlluun. Fare to San Fraa. $3.; to acrnniCBto $30 Close connections made at Ashland with stages of the California & Oregon Stage Co. (DAILY CEPT SUNDAYS.) Kat 8!ir IUvIkIod. BETMEE.MPOaTLV.M' A.VU AI1L.lXD Stall Train. LEAVE I ARRIVE Portlind IXi A M AihUnd 4:13 A V Afchi&nd 9iSO P M I Portland 4r.5 Pit Albmiy Express Train LBWK I ARRIVE Portland 4:00PM LehAnon SSlPM Lbnou 4:4a A M I forti&od 1U.-0 a il Pullman Palace bleeping Cars dallv be-twet-u I'ortl;uid and Ashland. 1 he O. & C. It. It. Ferry makes cornection with all regular trains on the iiibt Side Dlv from foot of F street West Side DiTlsIoa, BETWEES PORTLA.ND A1 C0B7ALLIS. Sail Train. 1.EAVE I ARRIVE Port'and S:00 A M OorTallls 4:53P V CorreiUi StSi A M 1 Portland 3soPM Ex pre Train LEAVE I ARRIVE Portland 50 P M WcMinnTilie....h.-(OP M Mc.VUanrille.J5Mi A &J j Portland JsiSa A M Local llckets for bale and baggage checked at company's up-tonu olllce. cor. Stark aud 'fecond .streets. Tickets for principal points in California can only be procured aud bag gage checked at company's olllce. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland Ur. Freight will not be recelvea for shiument after live o'clock v. m. on either the Easto West Side Divisions. E. KOEULEE, E. P. ROGERS. Manager. O. F. & Pass. A gt Ilwaco Steam Hatiptim Co WINTER SCHEDULE. FROM ASTORIA. TO Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and llwaco. Connecting by stages aud steamboats for Oysterville, Montesano and Olympia STEAMER 42Sk "GEN. MILES," W. 1. WniTCOMB, Master. "Will leave Astoria dally (Sundays excepted for Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and llwaco, at 8 A. M WlthOysterfillo Mall and Express daily, and Through Malls to points beyond, and Montesano, W.T., on Mondays, "Wednesdays and Fridays. On Thursdays the "Miles" will make two round trips, leaving Astoria on sec ond trip (about 3 r. m.) 8 hours after arrival from first trip. Fare to llwaco, - - $1.00 Passengers will save 23 cents bv purchas ing tickets before going on board. llwaco Freight per Ton, - $2.00 iarFor Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at the office of the eompany, Gray's narf, foot of Benton street. J. H.D.GRAY. Agent. San Francisco and Astoria PACKET LINE. Carrying Freight; Running everr Ten or Twelve Days. THE SCHOONER Will be on berth in San Francljco on FREIGHT. $1.50 From S. F. to Astoria. $2.00 Portland. $2.50 " Astoria to S. F. Oa General Merchandise. , - o s-H- HARMON, 316 Stuart St. San Francisco, OaL CLATSOP MILL CO., Astoria, On NO PRIMAGE Coaxinc tho Watermelon to Grow. A Georgia man furnishes the fol lowing novel plan of promoting tho growth of watermelens: Dig a hole in the ground a short distance from the young melon, place in the hole an old vessel that will hold water, and keep it filled. Place a ball of yarn in this vessel of water, carry the end of the thread to tho stem from which the melon grows, split the stem and put the thread through it. If the vessel is kept full of water, the thread will convey enough moist ure to the melon to keep it growing, and the melon will not ripen until the string is removed or cut off. St. reterslmrs's Population. Some curious figures are presented by the census of St. Petersburg. At the accession of the present Czar the population was 162,000, showing an increase of 25 per cent in fiiteen 5ears. The proportion of males to females is122 to 100. Forty per cent, of the people are between the age ol 16 and 30, and that there are so few children comparatively is accounted for by the fact that in some years the mortality among infants under two years ia as great as 75 per cent. There are 11,000 heads of families with independent means, and there are 14,000 beggars, of whom 11,000 are women and girls. London Tele graph. A. Moving; Incident. "I have moved three times this year, and you can't have any idea of how much money it cost me," said a Galvesto gentleman to an acquaint ance he had made on the street car. "That's not the way it is with me. The more I move the more money I make." "How is that possible?" "I own three or four furniture wagons, and I get three dollars a load for all the moving I do." Sitt ings. Strange Ilnmana. Tho language of the Terra del Fue gans contains no word for any num ber above three : the people are un able to distinguish one color from another; they have no religion and no funeral rites; and they possess neither chiefs nor slaves. Their only weapons are bone-pointed spears ; they grow neither fruit nor vegetables ; and as their country is naturally barren, they are obliged to live entirely on animal food. But they are not cannibals ; thoy ill-treat neither their women nor their old people, and they are monngamus. All the World Awry. Kate Field being asked : "You are in fj.or of a change in Utah?" says: '"sVtoniy in Utah, but elsewhere. Tiiis Government needs a great many changes, beginnine with the Consti tution. Why should not a diplomat .ibroad represent the American Re public and not a party? Ah! but here are excrescences on the body politic from Washington up that should be pared off altogether." Cure For Pile. Piles are frequently preceded by a sense of Wright in the back, loins and lowrr part of the abdomen, causing the patient lie lias some i-flection of tin kidnejs or neighboring organs At times, symptoms of Indigestion art preent, flatulency, uneaiue3s of the stomach, etc. A moisture like perspir ation, producing a very msagreeiiule Itching, after getting warm, is a com mon Uieiidant. Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles yield at once to the appli cation of Dr. Bosanko's Pile remedy, which acts directly upon the parts ef fected, absorbing the Tumors, allaying th e intense itch ing,and effecting n per manent cure. Price W) cents. Address The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co., Piqua, O. Sold by J. W. Conn. The wealth of our lansuage is shown by the fact that "hang it up" and "chalk it down" ineau precisely the same thing. St. Jacobs Oil successfully battles with severe chronic rheumatism and neuralgia. YOUXG JIKM-RKAD TIIIS. The Voltaic Bklt Co., of Marshall, Mich., offer to send their celebrated Elko TKO-VOLTAic Bklt and other Electkic Appliances on trial for thirty dajs, to men (young or old) aQlIcted with nervou debility, loss of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for -rheumatism, neurahda. paralysis, and manv other dis eases. Complete restoration to health, vigor aud manhood guaranteed. So risk Is in curred as thirty days trial Is allowed. Write them at once for illustrated pampnlet frer Powder. 25 lb kegs. Duck Shooting $14.00 Sea Shooting... . 7.00 Rifle, Fg to 3 Fg 7.00 Shot. 25 Found Bag 5 1.83 Wads. 1,00!). Pink Edge, No. 10. .- 5 1.50 Black Edge, No. 10 .85 A. G. SPEXAHTH, Astoria. Carnahan & Go. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE Corner Chenaraus and Cans streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, At Cpt. Rogers old stand, corner ot Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranUeO. CITY TREASURER'S REPOBT. J. G. Hustler ia Account with the City Astoria for the Tear ending December 31, 1SS5. 188.. mi. Jai.v. l. To Balance 1SS4 S y,3ie or 43 81 amt. irotn am liilliaru Li " sale Liquor Li ceup sale Pawn Brok er's Licenses " " - ale Team Lies u u .. gae pooI T;lbo L ceiiM- " " sale Vlmrniigers Licciises " u " sale Runner "s Li- Crnae " sale Auctioneer's Licenses !8T. lO.GOOCO 100 379 23G 73 J00 1.799 1S3 '4464 1,031 sale Ceuieterv Lots '. ' Pol'e Court tinea - salt- Dog Lie n's " Chief of Polie- Del. Tux, ;84.... Chief of Police Del. Tax, 'S3.... " UtyTaxof 1833.. ' Ui.ard of trail;,': Pris ners ' saleifoldEngiiie u sale -show &e Li censes - " sale P. ddler's Li censes " Hiram Brown ac. Stieet Kep'd ' sale Bowling Li. Ct-nses " s:ile ConM Veai- nns Licences Benton Sr.assmL Washington St. assessment '200 200 i) 20 10 4 178 17 00 Total SW.314-S2 CK. By amt. Warrants paid .. " Balance in Treasury .$38,937 3$ . 4i7 44 $13,314 82 lkdoki:. UK. To General Fund " Cash .$ 3tt! 33 . -;G7 44 Total S 4.GR9 79 Clt. Byl'oliceFund $3.399 29 Cemetery Fund 1198 70 Slain Street Fund 1 00 ! Benton Street Fund 73 ."0 Washington Street Fund... 17 00 Total. ,&9 79 MEMORANDA. Interest pd. on Gen'l Fund Wts.$ 23 02 Gen'l Fuiid Warnts. outstanding this date 937 20 Respectfully submitted. .1 . G. Hustler, Treas. A.storia, 0;n., D cember 31. 1885. Notice to the Public. OYflSll TO THE RESIGNATION' OP our agent. Mr. Samupl E" more, we- have appointed ill. V. R. Townscud our attor ney in fact and aent at our Astoria agency. Tor whom uc ask the kind courtesies and consideration extended to our old uent. Mr. Elmore. WM. T. COLEMAN & CO. San Francisco, Doc. Uh, 1153. Summons. IN THE JUSTICKCOUKT. ASTORIA lRE clnct. cnuntj' if C atsop, state of Oregon. P. Grant plaintiff, vs. J. Lambert defend ant. foJ. Lambert the above named dpfend nnt ; In tlic name of tli sta e of Oregon ; You aro lierehy required to appear aud an iwerthecoiniiaiiitulHdagiln t jou in the above entit'ed action, 1 1 tuo above entitled court On or before thf 9 h day of b'ebiU-iiy, V D 186, b-Ing six weo'.s f rom the date i ltuufailso o answer the plaln ill wl 1 applv ti the cmh-t for the relief de manded in I he complaint, whl.-h is In suli tiiicetorecove off youth'- sum of $33 2 , ind for mstoaiiddUbnrsnieut" of ibis action. TliNstituniousis published by ordrof N. K. Coo'leli. Justice oi ihe Peace, t- r Astoria nrecl'ict, county ana state aforeaald, maue this 31st day of December, l-&. C.J.CITUTI. Atty. for Plalnllff. Astoria, Dee. 31sr. 1835. fd-ot Magnus 0. Crosby Dealer In IAMABE, IROfl, STEEL, iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Tin. and Ooor. GERMANIA BEER HALL 3EPI3ST3E3 3E3DE32fL FROir THE Northern Pacific Brewery Five Cents a Class. E3ENo Inferior Beer sold at this place W1I. BOCK, Proprietor. B001S AND SHOES! Of Beat duality, and at LOWEST PRICES, -AT THE- SIGN OF THEJOLDEN SHOE. Notice of Dissolution. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE partnership lieretofoio exls Ing be tween Lent Num. Lem Donp, Lem Foy Fan and J oe uuan, under the Attn name aud style of Kone Ylnp: Company, as pawnbrokers. In thecltvof Astoila, Is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Joe Qu in and Lein oy Fan retiring : tho liti lnas will continue under the firm name of Kong Wing company. LKUfNUVI. LEM DONG. Astoria, January 2nd, 18SG, Notice ITnE UNDERSIGNED BEG LEAVE TO notify the puhllc that I hvn tmrchased the buines Inter t or All Jim In the vege table jnirdn situate i near Smlcii's Point on the property leased fiom Col. Taylor, Ah Jim having no more Interest in the g-trden whatever. HONCSINQXETJN. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. BshTox Stkest, Near Pakkek Hodse, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAND anft MABINE ENGINES Boiler Work, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. CJLS07X3Sa"3-'S Orall Descriptions made to Ord-erJ at Short Notice. I A. D. Wass, President. J. G. Hustler, Secretary. L W. Cask, Treasurer. Joux Fox..SuiierintenneM. 8. ARiVDT &.FEKCUEN ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop .5. BLACKSMITH seo Boiler Shop -atS. All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AMD STEAMBOAT WOES Promptly attended to, A-pectHltymadeof repairing CANNERY DIES. FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. A. V. Allen, Wholesale and Rtalt Denlfr In Groceries, MILTFEED. Glass and Plated Ware. TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wines, Liq'jorsJobaccoXig rs flu Best is the Chsapti WYATT & THOMPSON Aro on Deck with an Immense Stock of STAPLE FANCY GROCERIES, FOR THE HOLIDAYS. JUST RECEIVED A Large Assortment of the Celebrated LOS 6AT0S CANNED FRUIT, Which ha3 no Equal In the World. Table Peaches, Bartlett Pears, Apricots, Black Berries, Egg Plums, etc., At 25c per can. OTinalow's Corn, 15c per can. To matoes, lOo. Fiesh Honey In Comb and Extracted. Crystal Honey Dnps. Srnirna Fljrs, Hickory 'uLs, etc., etc At the Yerjr Lowest Cash Price! North Pacific BREWERY, JOHN.KOPP. - - - Proprietor. Patronize Home Industry! We supply as COOD A QUALITY OF BEER As Any In the Market, AT AS REASONABLE A I" It ICE. Tie North Paclic Brewery Beer la Fare and Unadulterated. It gives general Satisfaction and is Furn Isheu In Quantities to Suit. Leave Orders With Wm. Bock, Germania saloon, or cubis. evbsox, next to Foard & stokes. Dally Delivery In Any Part of the City. Stockholders' Meeting. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING OF THE British-America Pkg. Co., Stcecna Elver, B. C will he held at the office of B. Youmr. Upper Astoria, Oregon, on the 19th day of Jauuary, 1g. at9 a. m., for the purpose of electing a Board of Dlretors for tno onsulng year, aim transact any otner Dustness as might lawfully come before the meeting. Dated this 2nd day of January, 18S3, by the order of the I'resldont. ANDREW YOUNG. Secretary. FREE AND EASY! FOR A PLEASANT EVENING Call and See "7tf". :HT. 3ELT78 HI), At his New Establishment next to Jeff's Kestaurant. WNOTHINC BUT THE BEST Passed over the Bar. A enernl Invitation Exteaded. Nicely Furnished Rooms, WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD : AT Mis. S. T. McKean's, Cxsa streat, thiea doors sooth of ABitaixx offlw. and iiirA DR. VAN MONGISGAR Permanently located at 132 and 134 ThlrdStrcet, Portland, Orexea. Is a regular graduatem medicine, has been longer engaged in the special treatment of. all venereal, sexual and chronic diseases than auy other physician In the West, as OIlV Tift l warn altrtTt ourt a!j! ultnifn "L. 31000 reward for any case which he falbi to i ..V-UU"UK uuerui5 ueaimeui ; dviouow Inghlsturectlons. D Ik. V .Il lS til frinch atlAnarafnl t titm iriil Threat Doctor In America. He will ten you jour trouble without asking you a single question, and warrant a perfect euro In tne loljowlng diseases : yerron deb llty. Spermatorrhoea, semi nal I om-s, sexual decay, fainting memory, weak eyes, stunted development, loss ot energy. Impoverished blood, pimples, imped iments to marriage, also blood and skin dis eases. s philLs, eruptions, hair fall Ing, btce pain, swelling. sore throat, effects mercury, kidney and bladder troubles, weak back, flllmlrifr llrlnw Innintinannj. imnnnhrua gleet, stricture, etc., receives prompt relief iuiii tua-u iur me. Xerroas dLseasas (with or without dreams). Du?eased discharges cured promptly without hindrance to business. UotU Sexes consult confidentially. If in trouble.eil orwrite. Delasaredaugerous. Inflanimatlon of the ear, ulceration orca tarrh. Intenial or external, deaf tuess or pa ralysis, rliiEing noises, thickened drum, &c. ILL SURGICAL CASES, such as clubbed or deformed feet, paralvsls, contracted cords, weak Joints, or deformed limbs, hip joint dbt-xse with running sores and shortening limbs, dlsejise.s and curvature of the spine, old ulcers, diseases of the kneo joints, de formities of the face and diseases of the eyes, every eje that may require artificial aid. deafness, private diseases and all chronic diseases .such as consumption, asthma, aea ral la. dlseasos ot tho heart, lungs, liver, stomach, spleen, bowels, skin and urinary organs, ami all diseases peculiar to females. aii uoaca ui L-nuirru must posiuveiy curea ny x nnw mil Infnllihln nHnr-lnlo TtnnlmAo of speeoh, as stammering and stuttering iiuitui.-iij lemutru. nic ana usiuia. raai cally aud permanently cured without the kui re. HEBniA AND RCPTCBE perfectly restored without an operation, requiring no truss al ter treatment. Old fever sores, ulcers and varicose reins invariable healed and cored. CAKCERS and tumors permanently re moved without the knife, caustic, or the loss of a single drop of blood. Terai for Treatment Strictly Cub. Office hours 8 to 8. 33 L- IMCIKT-nES , THE SPECIALIST, Xo. 11 Kearney street, Saa Fraaelsco, CI. TttEATS ATut, Chroxic, Speciatc and Pbi- VATE DI8KASKS WITH WONDKfiTtrl. THE GREAT ENCLISH REMEDY! Is a certain cure for lerToas Debility, Lost MaaMd. fi oHtatorfaoer.and all tne evil effects of youthful follies aad excesses, and in (IrlBklBg latoxt eallaz Hqaora. JDr H I all n wno is a reg- ularpbysiclan.grad ate of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania wmagiee t- iutncu$6oo for a case of this kind tno Vital Itestoratlte (under ills spe cial advice and treatment) will not cure. 91.60 a bottle, or four times the quantity $5, sent to any address od receipt ot price, or C. 0-. D. In private name if desired, by Ur. Mlatie, 1 Kearny M.. an Francisco, Cat. Send for list of questions and pamphlet. SAMPLE BUTTLE FKEE will be se t to any one applying by letter stating symptoms, sex ana age. Strict se crecy In regard to all business transactions. imrOTENT MEK Be thar Young or OJa havlnjjLost tboie Kitrlbates oi PERFECT HAHHuOD 4-" Kir Ronln Ontnlrlv EXECE"EI3Cr Sexual Power PflOCREAHYE flBlUn, Prof. Jean Civiale. BY TUE USE.OF The Civiale Remedies. rorm of Seminal loss and weakn es3 whetter duw ,.Y?h,ral oU , AbwerSTifSaSi KkTiu ThU trtmnt orltrlnated br PIJOF. CIVIALK adopted In everr llO-1'iTXl.ln KAMOKanJ FREE TO ALL. ppdi,t0'" did lUustrated M paps reerflcal warlcgirtaesp. tomspfaltronns of Sex ,J Disease. descrlpUw of this treatment, prices, testimonials and nswi paper endorsements, &c &c. "'i'i,re.5l40.'ent3 ror " new and certain to cure. Self Adjusting nd Qloro Fttttot-CradJe Uompressor. for the thorouh and radicat cure without surgery, of ui cure. VARICOCELE Contultatiea with fuUMedteslSUfl; FBEE. Wal Remedial Agency, 174 Fulloa St, N. IV RESTORED The reason thai ThoiuantU cannot get cured of SEMIXAL WEARS ESS, LOSS OF ifAtf lOOD,andtheresuUof abute.dueaseor txcuta. it otcinq to a complication called PROSTATOR RIIEA. DR. LIEBIO'S IXFIGORATOR u the OSLYcureforPROSTATORRHEA. Price, 2.00 per package, 6 packages, glQ W. Guide to Health and Self-Analyst tent free. Address LtE BtG DISPEXSARrfor Disease of Men, tfO Geary St.. San Frantisco. Cat. NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. oaansnoyrcdafreetrfaXqftMrivdaftotai uo or Dr. Dye" Celebrated Toiufi Beit wlU Jlectrlc Suspensory Appliances, for the speed) ellef and permanent cure ctXenxresDcMlUv.lcm it Vitality and Manhood, and all kiadrsd troablaa ilso ror many other diseases. Cozapleta testers, :1oq to Health. Visor aad Maahood'Kuaraatsed Vo rlak U Incurred, nioitrated pamptuet ia twtea rnnHw msiiKiiree. uj euuiwuui - .-p - msm l frit crsT VMvsaYfI flKn2jH K)AA .. omx' r-mmiM. ''HfclSHr MANHOOD XXjiisf VULT.&1U HJSXiX VU.( JKSOWUUJy MMM . To Rent. FINE BUSINESS OFFICE. CBNTEAL ly located. Apply at this Office. A THIS PAPERgi'gS: ranistxSarsaarffitersalsniAfaUMc