The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 08, 1886, Image 3

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?hc flatty torfau.
The Willamette camo iu veslerdav
with 2.200 tons coal from Seattle.
E. C. Holden advertises a fnrnituro
sale for 2 o'clock to-morrow after
noon. See adv't.
It cost Salem S17,G00.46 to run her
municipal goveiientin ISSo. Salem
is about as large as Astoria.
Tho British ship Lord Canning,
1,165, McGuire master, 72 days from
Adelaide, is reported outside!
The wind blew steadily from the
northeast yesterday and the unani
mous verdict was that tho air felt
It C03t Portland $211,533.56 for mu
nicipal expenses in '85. The city has
$21,874.75 in its treasurv, and owes
Mr. G. W. Poindester sustained a se
vere fall at the skating rink last ev
ening, resulting in a dislocation of
the wrist
Considerable twine is being dis
tributed in upper Astoria and else
where, and judging by the lights in
upper windows of nights, white men
have a job converting the twine into
Next Tuesday, the 12th inst. E. C.
Holden will sell a choice collection
of fine household furniture, at the
residence of Mrs E. B. Hume. See
The New York Shipping instates
that Mesors. W. T. Coleman & Co.
have removed their business in that
city to a larger and more commodi
ous new building, No 71 Hudson
The regular meeting of the Clatsop
county Educational association will
be held this evening in the hall of the
Hook and Ladder Co., over Van Du-
sen s store. All friends of education
are cordially invited.
The current number of Harper's
Weekly has a picture of the Rev. Sam
Jones, the celebrated preacher and
revivalist, it
Phil. Bowers to have been engraved LTr Vf jl" ," ; v t? ,, r Ai..i,Vn
r.. i,: i.iu of Missouri, V. H. ornev,of Alabama,
Tfi7th iSSnW iRio pnnf Geo. E. Adams, of Illinois. Benj
T a ? Rnilr In K, iW: LeEevre,ofOhio J.G.Cannon,ofIll
J. G. Hustler left New York for - m' t?.-o.. r t.-.,.., t t?i,.,i
California on the Sarah McFarland. J1 n'f
Thirty-seven years is a big slice of a j Kmf?' f Louisiana, i oW
man's life. The greater part of thoso I J- J- Murphy, Eepublican, has
thirty-seven years have been 3pent in been reappointed inspector for thedis
Astona. I trict of Oregon.
A. V. Allen has filed in tho county I Ifc novv transpires that the Chinese
clerk's office a new addition to As- i
toria, comprising a portion of what is
known .s Union town. Tho new ad
dition is designated as Union. Two
streets are laid out on the plot,
"Flavel" and "Washington."
A dangerous piece of street is re-1
ported on Cashing s Court street
which needs immediate attention.
Mrs. John Stephans was with diffi
culty rescued there last evening,, by
Chris, Evenson, tho supposition be
ing that but for timely assistance she
would have drowned. She was con
veyed to the hospital.
Seaside Lodge No. 12, A. O. TJ. W.,
installed the following officers last
evening: P. M. W., Geo. McLean: M.
W., C. T. Thomes; Foreman, Jno,
rerrell; Overseer, !N. Jones:Eecorder, '
O.Brown; Financier, S. T. McKean; sfnd Monsieur Eosseau to inspect
Eeceivor, Jno. Bryce; Guide. L. E. the present condition of the work.
Selig; L Watchman, J. E. Wherry; O. If he reports favorably the govern
Watchman; Chas. Steinhart; medical meat will loan the company sufficient
examiner, Dr. Jay Tuttle. The in-1 money to insure the completion of the
stallation was performed by District canal.
deputy Geo. McLean. The lodge (
has a splendid library to which valu- j
able additions are constantly being
The county court was in session
yesterday. Chas. Wirkkala was ad
mitted to citizenship.
In the matter of taxes of Cutting &
Co., it was ordered that a reduction,
of 18.3 mills be allowed on $7,000 of i
their assessment.
J. C. Ward was admitted to citizen
ship. The contract for building a bridge
across Ohanna creek was let to Wm.
Matheson for $565.
Boad District No. G was enlarged
to include all from east line of city
west to Salmon street in addition to
what it heretofore comprised. B.
Gallagher was appointed supervisor.
John McCann was appointed super
visor district No. G; C. F. Harder,
district No. 4; B. E. Tucker, district
No.S; H. F. Fisher, district No. 11;
P. H. Bagley. district No. 12; Geo.
Hunter, district No. 13; Thos. Cahill,
district No. 14; W, A. Foster, district
No. 15.
Court adjourned, sine die.
Singular Accident to the Olympian.
Victobia, Jan. 6. An extraordinary
accident befell the O. E. & N. Co.'s
steamer Olympian this morning.
Shortly after leaving Port Townsend,
when off Point Nelson, she encoun
tered a tide rip, a huge wave from
which surged through the wheel
house, carrvintr awav the bulkhead
and scullery and knocked down and
seriously injured two boys who were
washing dishes. A passenger was
also knocked down by the wave, and
all three were only saved from being
washed overboard by the high guard
which fortunately "remiined. The
damage to the steamer is about $200.
.Xfce Ilickuk Burner
Can-beJntfi at the New York Novelty
Stere: 'fits'any lamp, injures a splendid
HehL Every one bins it on sight Call
and see it You will save money and
eyesight oy using it
Atteutiun Knights!
lch and evry member of Pacific
Lodge. No. 17, K. of P.. and all soj -urn-Ing
brothers, are. requested to be pres
ent at lodge this evening, as instillation
of officers is to take place and business
at importance is to be transacted.
By order C. C.
Attest: W. A. Sheeman,
Choice Breakfast Bacon at Beck's.
To the United State? Restaurant for
ttoiML oystrs. Private roons.
An Important French Mission Massacre of
Christian? in Anam Marriage of
Tjto California Celebrities.
St. Louis, Jan. 7. John Eggler, a
saloon keeper of this city, is the vic
tim of a most gigantic system of
boycotting practice J by the Knights
of Labor. He is utterly powerless to
do anything and must soon retire
from business. The boycot is owing
to his refusal some time ago to rent
his hall to car drivers.
Washington D. C, Jan. 7. The
senate committee on postoffice roads
have decided to demand the cause for
all removals from office in the postal
Senators Mitchell, of Oregon, Stan
ford, of California, Congressmen Hen
ley, of California, Voodburn, of Ne
vada, and Hailey, of Idaho, called on
the second assistant postmaster gen
eial to- day aud respectfully but em
phatically protested against the cur
tailment of the mail service on the
Pacific coast.
There is more opposition to the
confirmation of Gen. Eosecrans jw
register of tho treasury than any
other ore of the pending nomina
tions. His confirmation is considered
to be doubtful.
Speaker Carlisle is announcing his
committees. The committee on
wajs and means is V. E. Morri
son, of Indiana, E. Q. Mills, of
Texas, C. E. Breckenridge. of
Arkansas, Abram S. Hewitt, of
New York, W. 0. P. Breckenridge,
of Kentucky, W. C. May bury, of
Michigan. Beuton McMillan, of Ten
nessee, H. E. Hirris, of Georgia,
Wm. D. Kelley, of Pennsylvania, Jos.
McKeuna. tf Califoruip, Frank His
cock, of New Yiirk, Tliod. B. EeoJ, of
Maine, Thos. M. Brown, of Indiana.
Tho committee on anpropriations, is
Sam J. Eindall, of Pennsylvania, W.
S. Holman, cf Indiana, Bichard W.
m I t Tli: :. T XT O .
"ll1 introduced by Congressman .aior
Felton will shortly introduce a bill
abrogating the Burliugame treaty.
no IiAWstjit Tncnn.
RmnCTdV C.jiln .Tnn 7 Tnclrrn
David S. Terrv. ex-chief iuslice of the
California supreme court and Sarah
Althea Hill, the notorious plaintiff
in the Sharon-Hill case, were mar
ried here this morning.
San Francisco, Jan. 7. Judge
Bix has deferred sentencing the con
victed dynamiters till the 11th inst.
Paris, Jan. 7. Tiio French gov
ernment has decided at the request
of tho Panama Canal compauy to
Gen. Courbst telegraphs from Ton
quin that in the latter part of Decem
ber the rebels destroyed the Oatuolic
mission iu Anam aud massacred tho
Catholic missionary and five hundred
native Christians. The rebels were
pursued and routed by the French
Y. M. C. A.
lingular monthly business ineftins
tliiQ vpniiiiT'i! KnVln(L- ntir tliM rlntrfli
prayer meetiius, all member requested
to be present.
Choice assortment of Teas at IJeck's.
A Nasal lujfctor tree with each
bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
Price 30 cents. Sold by W. K. Dement.
Spanish Queen Olives at Beck's.
Carl Adler has just received another
invoice of those celebrated Emer"ii
Pianos direct from the factory. This
elegant piano is warranted for sev
en years. Getting thee. in-lrntnMits
from firat hands Mr. Adler is enabled to
sell you an Instrument at very low fig
ures; heap for cash or on fay month
ly installments. Remember Adler's
Music S ore.
Gi'rmea and Breakfast Gems at Beck's.
A fine lot of the well known Ileiiley
skates, in large variety at low figures,
at Adler's.
Morton's English Sauces at Deck's.
Cheap Canned Goods.
Pie Pe iches (2 Et cms) 15 cents per
can; S 1.50 per dezen: $2.75 per case.
A. full line of choice, table fruit at
correspondingly low prices. D. L
Beck & Sons.
I)ou'l Knt Axlo rease
When you can buy delicious Good
win butter at D. L. Brck & Sons'.
W. Lussieroi San Francisco has en
ga'ied in the. photograph business with
Craw the leading photographer.
Dried Fruits,
Peaches (halves) 10 tts
Pitted Plums 10 lbs
Zanto Curr.ints 12 lbs
Prunes 12 lbs
At D. L, Beck & Sons.
. 1.00
. 1.00
. 1.00
Parties wishing spar.s or piling of any
size or length cm be supplied by leav
ing orders with .1. 11. D. uray.
Greenbacks taken at par at Beck's.
Shrewsbury Ketchup at Beck's.
Ready For Business.
For a good steak, a delicious cup of
coffee or a plate of fine oysters goto
Frank Fabie's Coffee, Oyster aud
Chop House; opposite M. C. Crosby's.
PrrniucLc, Polling Places, Judge and
Clerks for tho Coming Registration
ami Election in this County.
The most of yesterday's session of
the county court was devoted to ap
pointing judges and clerks to act as
boards of registration in the several
precincts of tho county.
Some changes were made, tho most
notable being the abolishing of Shive
ry precinct and the enlarging of As
toria precinct,! he boundaries of which
is prescribed as follews: Beginning
at the NE corner Shively's donation
land claim, thence south on said line
to SE corner of said donation land
claim, thence to section line between
sections 1G and 21; thence east to
corner sections 16, 21, 15 and 22;
thence south to center of section
line of section 21; thence west on
said line to Yoang's river; thence
following Young's river and bay to
Columbia river, and up Columbia
river to place of beginning: all iu T.
8N., E.DW.
A new precinct was also created to
be known 33 Wallnski precinct and
bounded as follews:
Beginning at section line between
sections 19 and 20, T. 8 N., E. 9 W.,
thence south to Moses Eogers' dona
tion land claim, on center section
line sec. 7, T. 7 N., E. 9 W., theuca to
the center of sec. 8, same township;
thence south to the center line of
sec. 17; thence east toNW corner sec.
1G; thence south to SW corner sec.
1G; thence east to SE corner sec. 16;
north to NV corner sec. 16; thence
to west bank Young's river; north on
Young's river to center of sec. 10;
thence east on center of section lines
of sees. 10, 11 aud 12, thence north
on township lines to center of N. $4
sec. 25, T. 8 N., E. 9 W., thence wesT
direct to center of N. y sec 2G. same
tewnship: thence north to center ol
section 23, thence west on section
lius to place of beginning.
Four polliug precincts have been
provided in Astoria precincts.
Following are the polling places
and names of the judges and clerks
for the several precinct.
Polling Place No. 1 At Liberty
Hall; all west of a direct line from
LaFavette street to Yonug's bay:
Judges. V W. Parker, C. Brown, J.
C. Trulliuger; clerks. L. E. Selig, J.
E. Ferguson.
Polling Place No. 2 At court
house; from La Fayette street to
Genevieve street extended south to
Young's bay: Judges, M. C. Crosby,
A. G. Spexarth, Geo. A. Djrris;
clerks, J. O. Bozorth, 0. P. Moffit
Polling Place No. 3 -At No. 2's
engiuo house; from Genevieve to
West 7th, extended sonth to Young's
bay: Judge?, J. W. Welch, Eobert
Carruthers, C. 1L Page; clerks, H. P.
Landon, M. J. Meara.
Polliug Place No. i At Ostrom's
building on readway: Judges, N. A.
Forsberg, Jos. Ost.-om, F. H. Page;
clerks, S. E. Morton, Wm. Kyle.
Polling Place at J. P. Austiu's:
Judges. W. H. Eberman, J. E Stan
lev, G. K. Grimes; clerks, Jos. Walsh,
S.'IL Stanley.
Polling Place school house near P.
B. Heckard's: JudgC3, D. J. lugalls,
O. S. Dow, P. B. Heckard; clerks,
Henry Harrison, E. C. Jeffers.
Polling Place school house, mouth
of Walluski: Judges, J. G. Nurnburg,
TJ Hasseil. A. H. Sale; clerks S. B.
Howard, T. H. McGilL
vocxo's river preoikct.
Polling Place, school house near
Wandery's: Jndges, Chris. Peterson,
W. B. Painter, John Warnstaff; clerks,
C. H. Osgood, E. Barth.
Polling Place, schoolbouso near
W. A. Festers: Judges, W. H. Lewis,
L N. Foster, J. W. Walker; clerks,
J. W. Slaughter, Wm. McKeever.
Polling Place, scuooluouso near
Gregg's: Judges, E. L. Jones, Thos.
Haines, Daniel Byerson; clerks, J. J.
Lynch, A. J. Wherry.
Polling Place, at sc -oelhouse:
Judges, D. West, E. W. Tompkins,
Geo. Hunter; clerks, F. K. Lovell,
M. McFarland.
Polling Place at salmon wareheuse:
Judges, V. Cook. J. O. Spencer, Jas.
McCabe; clerks, Jno. Middleton, Jos.
Polling Place at the white school
heuse: Jndges, A. Knapp, L. N.
Mitchell, A. H. Stone; clerks, W. H.
Twilight, D. P. Eoss.
Polling Place at school housoi
Judges. Henry Powell, W. H. Lewis,
Perry Titus; clerks, J. C. Adams, J.
O. Davis.
Polling Place at school heuse:
Judges, Eri Beebe, W. A. Johnson,
Thos. Cahill; clerks, Thos. Hopkins,
Frank Lousignout
Polling Place at Good Templars'
Hall: Judges, C. Timmins, John Eu
berg, C. Leinenweber; clerks, A. T.
Brakke, W. B. Adair.
iturlilvii- Arnica Salvo.
The Best Salve i n the world for
Cuts, Bruges, Sores,Ulcers,ii alt Rheum,
Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands.
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 centa per box. For sale by W
E. Dement &Co.
Cheap for CmtU.
Cube Sugar, 10 lbs 81.00
Granulated Sugar 11 lbs 1.00
Crushed Sugar U lbs 1.00
Extra C 12 lbs 1.00
Golden C 14 lbs 1-00
No. 1 Costa Klca Coffee 7 lbs 1.00
No.2 " " " 8 lbs 1.00
Choice O. G. Java Coffee 4 fts. . . . 1.00
tltlior norte at enuallv luW ficures for
j cash at D. L. Beck & Soxs.
Statement or the Other Survivor of the
Wreck of the "Carrie B. Lake."
Capt. Al. Harris came up on the
Qen. Canby yesterday morning. To
him we are iudebted for the following,
which is the statement of Jas, Dunne,
one of the two men whose lives were
saved at the time the Carrie li. Lake
went ashore as reported at length in
previous issues of The Astorian.
Dunne is the man who was on the
schooner and was saved by Capt.
Harris and the life crew. He says:
"We went ashore at 6 r. il, Suu
day. Jan. 3rd, all hands in the cabin
except myself at the wheel, the
weather being thick and hazy, wind
east southeast. I suddenly sighted
breakers right ahead. I sung out,
"Breakers ahead," and put tho helm
hard up, but she would not answer
her helm soon enough to avoid outer
breakers. She soon struck and the
captain gave orders to ge"t the boat
ready, and in ab nt Gf teen minutes
after burning flare-up all hands, five
in number, left the vessel. When
about 50 yards inshore of vessel the
boat capsized on a sand bar, the
water being about 3 feet deep. All
bands, except myself, made for the
shore. I could hear them moaning
and attempted to follow them, but
found the water deepening and I
turned back to Vessel, and got aboard
and stayed there. The vessel drifted
along and inshore about a mile. The
wiad having risen to a gale, I lowered
away the fore-sail, stay-sail aud jib
o keep the vessel from going off
shore, and remained by her until 2 a.
il when I saw red lights btfrned on
the beach, and soon after thin the
life crow arrived and took me off."
A snowstorm, not unusually severe,
though general, prevails throughout
the Eocky mountain region. The
mow blockade, causod by driftiug,
has been confined to Kansas and Ne-
hrnqlrn. ilRlsivinfr thn UnrlinrMnn.
w.uuuu, ..., - 0 - ---- o- i
Kansas Paoitic aud Santa Fo trains eusiueura at wurii maisiug me prenm
from tbirty-3ix to seventy-two hours, jinary surveys. This has evidently
Tho London Times' correspondent
at Maudalay telegraphs that 10,000
rebels are
scouring the country with-
is of twenty miles of the'
3wTd aurffiSasrs t :
.!., T...., . ., nmnn - I
felt, owing to the great reduction of
ho British force at Mandalay by the
withdrawal of troops for theVpedi- I
In the senate last Wednesday, Hale, j
of New Hampshire charged that in
his state tho appointment of post
masters was made a subject of barter
and sale. Vest, of Missouri, defend
ed the administration and said that he
believed it to have been the intention
of the framers of tho constitution
that the government should bo ad
ministered by friends o the adminis
tration which the people should place
iu power.
A number of unofficial liberal mem
bers of parliament have been m iking
overtures to the Parnellites for co-
operatioa of the latter in raising the
question as to home rule during the
debate on the address in reply to the
queen's npeech. Parnell declines to
reply to liberal overtures unless they
are accompanied by an express agree-
meut to grant Ireland home rule. If
the queen's speech refers to Ireland
tho Parnellites will await the govern
ment's proposal.
A manifesto which the Spanish
bishops snbraitted to tho pope on the
death of Iviug Alfonso lias been ap-
proved by the pope and will be pub-
lifdied forthwith. Tho none savs:
'I would strongly irapre33 upon you
that although politics are based upon
roligion you must not eugage in poli
tics. Provided faith in Catholic prin
ciples is respected all forms ot gov
ernment are admissible.' This is
considered a fatal blow to the pre
tousions of tho Carlists, who, it is
claimed, use religion as a cloak for
the advance of despotism.
Senator Vance, of North Carolina,
says that his bill for repeal of the
civil service law was introduced iu
good faith aud ho will make a specah
at an early day in support of it. Ho
declares tho law to be a farce and
sham, and that the last presidential
campaign was fought on the issue of
"Turn the rascals out," but sincj tho
election it has been discovered that
that battlo cry was all a mistake, as
there are no rascals in office. Vance
says he doesn't care to be hard on the
administration, but that he will cer
tainly give it a tussle on tho civil ser
vice and silver questions.
In the senate on tho Gth, G-ay, of
Delaware spoke against silver. He
stid that silver coinage had served a
useful purpose as subsidiary coin,
but no country desired a basis of
silver coin alone, and if gold were
supplanted by silver we would have a
silver basis. The gold standard, had
kept us m easy relations with tho
rest of the world. Bimetallism could
not bo reached by one country alone.
McPhersoc, of New Jersey said silver
dollars had thus far remained at par
with gold, because they had but a
limited use and were limited in num
ber within the limit of public needs;
but the Gresham law still held good
after three centuries of observation,
namely, that bad money drives out
good money. All history tanght that
with a currency of a fluctuating
value, as oars was tending to become,
speculation was encouraged and
monetary ruin hastened. The loss
would always fall on the producers of
our country, as the importers would
protect themselves.
Ilurtl Tim os.
While money is close, wages
prices low, expenses should be. cut down
In everv liniiMtlinlri. Econoniv the watch
word for Mothers, head off Doctor bills,
by always keeping in the house a botne
of Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syr
up. Stops a Cough instantly, re ieves
Consumption, cures Croup and pain in
the Che-t In one. night. It is just the
remedy for hard times. Prh-e 60 cents
and $1.00. Samples tree. Sold by J. W.
The Rev. Geo. 11. T.nayer. of Bour
bon, Ind., says: uBoth myself and wife
owe our lives to Smi.on's Consumption
Cure." Sold by W. E. Dement.
A Help to Good Digestion.
Ih the British Medical Journal Dr.
W. Eoberts, of England, discusses
the effect of liquors, tea, coffee, and
cocoa on digestion. All of them re
tard the chemical processes, but most
of them stimulate the glandular ac
tivity and muscular contractions.
Distilled spirits retard the salivary
or peptic digestion but slightly when
sparingly used.
Wines were found to be highlv in
jurious to salivary digestion." On
peptic digestion all wines exert a re
tarding influence. They stimulate
the glandular and muscular activity
of the stomach. Effervescent wines
exert the greatest amount of good
with the least harm to digestion.
When one's digestion is out of order
everything goes awrv, unless, as in
the case of T. T. Seals, of Bellaire,
Ohio, who had had dyspepsia for
sevpn yi ars, the digestive apparatus
is kept in apple pie eating order by
Warner's Tippecanoe, the best appe
tite producer and regulator in the
Tea, even in minute quantities,
completely paralyzes the action of
the saliva. The tanmn in s rong tea
is injurious. Weak tea should be
used, if at all. btrong coffee and
co.-oa are also injurious it used in
excess. The Cosmopolitan.
The O. R. & Jf. Company Commence tho
Construction of a Portage Road.
Tho O. E. & N. company have taken
time by the Conkling curl, says the
Standard of the Gtb, and pne in a
large force of meu tq work on the
construction ot a railroad around the
portage at The Dalles, so as to have
a cheap lino for freight between here
and Lewislon.
The people of Walla Walla are or
ganizing a marine railway associatiou
for the purpose of building a railroad
for tho transportation of steamboats
around the same portage, and have
. .,,., ..
. i apurrtiu me vj. i. a. xx. ujmpauy into
action, aud before tho Wallawallnians
7. """w ?r "l "u. uuuu uti.
.tef ?, --
Eowe has
kjuireiiuicuutm xx. tj.
"". " " ua,
a,ud Captain James Troup will locate
gj ndmer laud,"S9 at eitber end oC
Theroad will be about ten miles in
lengtb, and will start from the big
cddy near Three Mile creek and run
to some sheltered place above Celilo.
It is expected tbatnarro.w guage iron
will be used in the work, as the com
pany has on hand a large amount of
narrow gnago rolling stock, und this
will answer the purpose as well as
any for the present, a the portage
road is only intended for freight traf
fic At the present rate of progress
the road will be completed within six
weeks. The construction force lately
employed on tho Paiaua extension
have been brought down and set to
work on this road.
The enterprise ha3 been quietly
worked up for the evident pnrposo of
"getting there" before all others, and
the other day when Superintendent
Eowe proceeded to thescene of fiction.
it was announced simply that ho had
gene to The Dalles to attend to some
minor railroad business. It is stated
I now that some 200 men are engaged
iu grading the proposed road and
. preparing for the track. Such a
portage would indicate that the O. E
& N. company mean to have a system
of transportation which will insure
greatly reduced rates tor shippers iu
the future.
A Grant Discovery
That is daily bringing joy to the
homes ot thiiiwanils by saving many of
their deal ones from "an early grave.
Truly i.- Dr. King's N'W Discovery for
Consumption, CouuIh. Colds. Asthma.
P.roncliii is, 1 lay Fever, Loss ot Voice,
Tick big :n the Throat. Pain in Side
and Chfst. or any iliiuase of the Throat
iiml Iiinms. a p 'sitivt- cure. Trial Bot
tles free at Y. E. DiMin-nt & Coe.'s Drug
btore. Large sizi 1.03.
A Luxury unci A'ceosity
For rich and poor who wish to enjoy
goud heaith. aud wh do not wish to re
suit to hitter na:t-eous liver nit ilioines
ami cathartics, is the eunccutnted liquid
fruit remedy Syrup of H'ig. 50c. ami Si
bottles lor .-ale by W E. uement & Co.
Why will you cuiimi wiieii Shilolfs
Cure will give immediate relief. Price
10 cts 50 cts and SI. Sold by W. E. De
ment. Syrup uVVis
Manufactured only by the California
Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. i
N" i tu re.-. Own True Lax dive. This
le:iant liquid iruit lvmedy nmv be.
had of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents
or one dollar per bottle. It is the um.-t
pleasant, prompt and effective remedy
known, to dram.? thesytem: to acton.
the Livrr, Kidneys and Bowe's gently
yet thoreughly: to dispel Headach.s,
Colds ami Fever-: to cure Constipation,
indigestion and kindred ills.
ForaXeat Fitting Boot
Or Shoe, po to P.J. Goodmans, on Che
naiims -trr ft, ni'xt door to I. W. Case.
A.II tjoods of tin best make and jinanui
teed quality. A full steck: new goods
oontautly arriviuc. Custom work.
For It cut.
At a reasonable rat"; the fine new
building opposite Kirchhoil's baktry.
Apply at this office.
Snn.on's Cure will immediately
relieve" Croup, Whooping Cough, ami
Bronchitis, bold by w. E. Dement & Co
Shiloh's Catarrh ltemeuy a posi
tive cure for Catarrh, Dintherfci ami
Canker Mouth. Sold by V. E. Dement.
A twentv-dollar niece will buy a wag
on load or groceries at D. L. Beck &
Fpi DvspepsiaandLiiver Complaint,
you have a printed guarantee on ever
bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never
fails to cure. Sold bv W. E. Dement.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc can
rie bought at the lowest prices, at J. V.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hctol, Astoria.
EBi SB Bf fli flH 9B 91 HBk H fi ff H H H BB3 9u IP&
Having purchased extensively in Eastern and San Francisoc
Markets, I ara now prepared to show the Largest and Most Varied
Assortment of DRY" GOODS and CLO THING in the State of
New Silks,
New Velvets,
New Cloaks,
New Buttons,
New Hosiery,
New llibboiis,
New Blankets,
Every Department is Complete!
Being one of the
Lamest Buyers of Dryoofls Clotlmc
In Tlie North West,
Buying Direct From The Manufacturers and Importers,
Saving the Extra Profits of Middlemen, Wo are enabled to
Give Our Customers the Benefit!
We Only Carry
And Our Prices are Low.
Specially Attended to and Filled "With Dispatch.
Wholesale and Retail Stores, Astoria, Oregon.
Holdeii's Auction Rooms
f Established January 1st, 1877.
Real Estate and General Auctioneer
and Commission Merchant,
CheiKiauis Street, - Astoria, Oregon.
Auction saleot Sundries every Saturday,
at lo :3u a M.t at m Auction Konms.
Will conduct Auction Sales of Real Estate.
Cattle, mid Stock wherever de
Mreil. Cash Returns Fromptly made after Sales.
Consignments rpsjiecifull solicited.
Notary Public for the Mate or Oregon.
Commissioner of Deeds for Washington
Ajjeut for Dally and Weekly Oreganian.
And All Fohits East.
Kates $8.30 lo $10.25 llze Cheapest to
Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City,
Pullmau Palace ami Frnizrrnnf wleMlns Crrs hauled on Express
Trains Kxolusively without Change,
If von are golne east write for Bates. Mats, Thae Tables, Ouldes and Full Information.
Agent. Astoria. Ast. Agt., Astorix
(Jcneral ARent, So, 1. Wauhlncton street. Portland, Oregon.
MacDonald & Mcintosh
Are now Prepared to
Show a Large Assortment
Goods in Every
Which will be Sold at
Lower Figures than at any Other House
The Leading Clothing, Hat, and Gents' Furnishing Store
New Dress Goods,
New Suitings,
New Wraps,
New Trimmings,
New Underwear,
New Gloves,
New Flannels, Etc., Etc.
(Late Cutter with M. D. Kant.)
A Cood Fit Guaranteed.
Pants, from $3 up. Suits from 30 up.
Shop opposite C. H. Cooper's.