L3) $hc flaUji Storatt. ASTORIA, OREGON: TUESDAY. ...DECEMBER a, 1SS5 But three days more of 'S5. The telegraph line to the cape is still down. Did you over see -finer Christmas and New Years weather? The electric lights will not be lit txll the arrival of tho new lamps, which are expected on Thursday's steamer. Upon the arrival of the Idaho at Port Townsend, from Alaska on the 26th the vessel was searched by custom house officers and ."3,250 worth of opium found aboard. Venison and ducks are not plenty this season; geese show up in good numbers. Swans will shortlv be in fashion. After one has eaten a swan he has but little appetite left for clam fritters. There will be a social under the auspices of the ladies of the Presby terian church at the residence of Mrs. W. W. Parker this evening. Some novel and attractive features will be presented. There was a pleasant social dance last evening at Pythian Castle hall under the auspices of Temple Lodge No. 7 A. F. and A. M. About twenty five couple were present who had an enjoyable evening. Ripe raspberries plucked on Lewis and Clarke's last Sunday form a com panion piece to the upper Astoria blackberries sent on Christmas. In the language of the ancient Athe nians, this is the boss climate. The net revenue of the Astoria post office for the past fiscal year was 3,987.91. This amount is exceeded by but two post offices in the state Portland, $40,557.99, and Salem, S5, 433.72. The next nearest is The Dalles. $2,289.49. The schooner Jennie Wand came in from San Francisco Sunday morn mern ing: the barkentine Tain CShanter arrived from Guaymas yesterday. The Olive S Southard, Winnipeg and Clan McLeod cleared. The Abercom matter is still in abeyance. Ocean Encampment No. 13, L O. 0. JF., at its regular meeting last even ing elected the following efficers: C. P., Jay Tuttle; H. P., Jno. Hahn; S. W., A. 0. Fisher; J. W., G. Christian sen; Scribe, H. F. Prael; Treasurer, Wm. Bock; Trustees, G. Keed, L W. Case, Jay Tuttle. Pilot Gunderson reports that while on the Qlengaber on Christmas eve, about fifty miles west of Cape Han cock they passed the wreck of a schooner, bottom upward. She was about fifty feet in length; the rudder was-gone. There was nothing about the hull to identify it. Nothing will be left undone to make the masquerade, to be given by Gushing Post band next Friday evening, a pleasant affair. Music will be furnished exclusively by the band, including the lancers and other fancy dances, and the floor will be in proper condition. Old Mr. Althabcr is missing since Saturday. He is about five feet two inches in height, has blue eyes and a long gray beard: had on gray trous ers, a sack coat and soft hat. Is about 73 years old and childish. Any one who happens to see him would do the old gentleman's family a kindness by bringing him to the store of John Hahn. Senator John H. Mitchell has been interviewed on the Chinese question. He says he would admit no new Chi namen into this country, except min isters and consuls representing the Chinese empire. Those that are here he would allow to remain in peace and during good behavior, but if they should leave he should not allow them to return and he would give them every facility to leave. The commercial record of the Co lumbia river for '85 is a bright one in its immunity from disasters. Our northern neighbors on the much vaunted Sound have had a pretty rough deal in tho matter of casual ties which no doubt they can explain. With ten times their shipping, this port has not had one-tenth the num ber of accidents. The files of the Seattle papers are hereby subpoenal to testify in the matter. He Loses .010101 Per Cent. A man sells two horses for S500 each. On one he gains 10 per cent, and on the other he loses 10 per cent; what is his net gain or loss per cent? Tacoma News, 2G. A splendid assortment of New Year's calling cards just received at Adler's. If you want a nice New Year's pres ent go to Adler's Crystal Palace ana you will sure find something suitable. That fine doll at Adler's will be i allied for New Year's day at 2 i. m. Only a few chances left at 23 cents. Remember the drawing for the five beautiful paintings will take place Jan uary 1st at Adler's; till then every per son buying goods to the amount of $2.00 will receive a ticket which gives them a chance in the drawing. New Year's eve at 8 o'clock the raffle for that superb Zyther music box will take place at Adler's. Only a few chances left. Parties interested will please be on baud. Notice Astoria Musical Society. The regular meeting of the society is postponed one week to Jan. 4th, 188G. A full attendance is desired as the Can tata books have arrived and business of importance to be transacted. By order of the President J.N. Griffin. ft. F. Prael, Secy. A twenty-dollar piece will buy a wag on load of groceries at D. L. Beck & Sons. Itoger Bros.' Al 1847 Teaspoons, war ranted, $1.50 per set at G. Hansen's. How can Adler sell his dolls so cheap ? is what all like to know. Don't kno w ; "but he is doing it To the United States Restaurant for the best oysters. Private rooms. ASTORIAX SPECIALS. A Condensation of the World' Xpws. NEW YORK XOTXS. New Yokk, Dec. 28. The fashion of making New Years calls will be discouraged by good society this year. A movement is on foot looking to the erection of a great Hebrew theo logical seminary. Nellie Treuaux, the daughter Jof a prominent jeweler, and who married the sou of a minister some time ago, has become the Jissociate of tho vilest thieves and scoundrels, and to-day. while sorely demented, tried to com mit suicide. to oeow vp wrrn the country. Chicago, Dec 28. Three hundred cigar makers left here for San Fran cisco to-day. TjEATH OF A WRESTLEK. San Francisco, Dec. 28. Clarence Whistler, the renowned wrestler, died to-day from the effects of ajbis spree. BEN WINS. Portland, Dec. 28. The famous suit of Ben Holladay vs. Jos. Holla day was decided to-day in favor of Ben. The suit involvas about a mill ion dollars. Ben won the suit, but ho has to pay notes and interest, amounting to nearly three hundred thousand dollars. It is not believed that an appeal will be taken. RAILROAD WORK. Oswego, Oregon, Dec. 28. One hundred and seventeen men began grading here to-day on the Oregoni in railway, narrow guage. RELIEF FOR THE 'AilETnYST.'' Washington, D. C, Dec 28. The secretary of the treasury to-day de cided to send a vessel to tho relief of the missing whaler Amethyst, sup posed to be cast away in Behring strait. Ei her the Rush or the Tom Corwin will start in four days from San Francisco. KILLED HERSELr. Cleveland, Ohio, Dec. 23.--An un known woman jumped head first from a third story window lo-da striking on her head. No cansp is known. .SPANISH AMNESTY. Madrid, Dec. 28. The queen re gent of Spain has granted an amnesty to all political and press offenders. The Cubans hope soon to gain I heir independence. big business. Berlin, Dec 28. An incorporated company here proposes to supply the projected Chinese railway with steel rails. London connections of the same construction company will loan 3,500.000. FRENCH AFFAIRS. Paris, Dec. 2S. Grevy is elected president by a majority of 135. There is much excitement. TIIE USUAL STATEMENT. London, Dec. 28. Russia and Aus tria are busily preparing for war. Both nations are buying war supplies here. ROARD OF FIEE DELKHATES. The board of delegates of the A. F. D. met last evening: a f nil board pres ent. Exempt certificate issued to I. Barth; active membership certiGcate to Max Earhart, of Astoria No. 1. A resolution to grant exempt cer tificates to all firemen who had served for seven consecutive yearn in any company in the citv of Aslria, was lost. On motion, all exempt certificates are to be signed by the chief engineer as well as by the president aud secre tary of the department. All members who have had exempt certiflcates granted them and not signed by the chief engineer will thereforo have him sign the same in order to De legal Adjourned. HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Estate Mary Dolan to Thos. Ma loney, lot 2 blk8, Ocean Grove; $70. Chas. Stevens and wife to Chas. S. Brown, S lot 12 blk 110, Shively s Asteria: S1,G00. Chas. Frick and wife to A. H. Schreders: N. E. , sec. 28, T. 7 N. B. 8 W.; 3600. Jno. Adair and wife to Berthinia A. Owens-Adair, the Brien Lauiry donation land claim, T. R N. B. 10 W.; Si- Eric Heisku to C. It. Thomson lots 7 and S blk 80 McClute's Asteria: $25. N. Clinton, guardian estate J. G. Coo to D. H. and Jas. W. Welch, Coo donation land claim; $310. S. D. Adair and wife to Berthinia A. Owens-Adair lot 1 blk G2, Adair's Astoria S1G3. Jay Beach lias sold to Hat Wright, Astoria, brown filly foaled 1882, by Graduate, son of C. M. Clay, jr.; dam Flora Wither's, by Post's Hambleton ian: g. dam by Spaulding's Abdallah; g. g. dam by Unenoy's Gray Eagle, two-mile record to wagon, 5:09; g. g. dam by imported Glencoe. Rural Spirit. Farmers ami Mechanics. Save money and Doctor bills. Relieve your Mothers, Wives and Sisters by a timely purchase of Dr. Uosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup, best known remedy for Coughs Colds, Croup and Bronchial affections. Relieves Children of Croup in one night, may save you hundreds of dollars. Price 50 cents and $1.00. Sam ples free. Sold by J. W. Conn. Masks X aifUus! Masks! A new and full line just received at the New York Novelty Store. A full line of masks and masquerade suits for rent at the New York Novelty Store. Who sells tho most pianos, organs and musical instruments? The New York Novelty Store. Toys at your own prices at Adler's this week, on account of going entirely out of that line. A large stock of toys and juvenile books for the youngsters at tho City Book Store. AS OTHERS SEE US. A Saji Franciscan's Estimate of Oar City. 'Ob, wad some power the Gif tie gie us To see oursels as ithers see us." Astoria rostson the loft bank of the Columbia river, twelve miles from it3 mouth. Originally a trading post founded by John Jacob Astorinl811, it has grown to be one of the nost important of Oregon towns. It now ranks next to Portland as a commer cial center and contains a population numbering about 5,000. Astoria is acurions city. With tho exception of tho custom house, the court house and jail, the Catholic church and some private residences, it is a city perched upon piles. Great structures rest on piles. Bows and blocks are reared upon piles. The streets are planked and the planks rest on piles it is a city of innumerable piles. Seen from the deck of an approaching vessel it sug gests the idea of an abnormally grown Silurian, with its countless leg3 dan gling in the water. Standing as it does above the ses, resting upon a great wooden plat form, the city knows nothing of curbs and crossings, sinks and cesspools, water mains and manholes, or the strife and cost of greedy contractors. The surging sea beneath provides a sewer system with which no human agency can compete. All the costly underground job3 of other cities must be, in Astoria, up and above board. The town contains four distinct sec sec teons: Upper town, middle town, lower town and slum town. Many o.f the great canneries are situated in upper town while middle town is de voted to private residences. Both of theso sections have largely succeeded in creeping ont of the water. Lower town is the metropolis the shipping and bookkeeping portion. Et is wholly over the water and pre sents the appearance of having been pushed out to sea by the mountains which crowd to the water's edge, Slum town is all seas over and is just what its name indicates. All things in and about the town bear a naut'cal air and smack of tar aud tars. Everything is fresh and vigorous save the drinking wator. Drinking water, however, i3 but very feebly patronized. One can never considoran Astorian ashore. He is always three sheets in the wind half seas over or half over the sea. To a newcomer the real estate bus iness is a pose., and the purchase of a town lot works a brand new wrinkle in the experience of tho averago land lubber. Loaded aboard a Whitehall boat he is rowed out seaward and shown a bald strip of ocean, for which he is asked from $390 to Sl.OOO. If ho concludes to purchase he figures on piles, pile-drivers and a dummy engine. If satisfied with his figuring, he goes to work, and when his pine tree foundations aro firmly imbedded in the hard-pan beneath the swelling waves, another section is added to the wooden Silurian, and ho is ready to build. The teredo and kindred pests do not exist in the mouth of the Columbia, hence the pine and fir foundations of Astoria are more dura able than at first appear in the eyes of a Californian. Some one has styled Astoria "the American Venice," but it might bo more appropriately dubbed, "A Paro dy on the City of Gondolas.'' It does not stand in the water like Venice, but over it, like a Tonga village. Astoria contains the most polyglot collection of humanity on the Ameri can continent Tho linguistic med ley of Babel was a sweet solo when compared with the Astorian confu sion of tongues. Among tho fishers the Celt is scarce, the German scarc er and the American is a rara avis. Natives of the Scandinavian penin sula predominate. Next follow in numerical strength, Laps, Finns, Bothnians, men of the Baltic and Russians, supplemented by Itallians Greeks and Sicilians, with a large sprinkling of men from the countries bordering upon the Mediterranean Sea. In addition to the foregoing, one may find every shade of color and every click of tongue from Tasmania to Siberia, from Cork to Cairo and from Patagonia to the Arctic circle. The place is not remarkable for anything resembling a compliance with statutory law, or the require ments of the moral code, and yet, crime real, hardpan, substantial crime does not pan out as largely as it does in communities numerically the same, with greater moral and ed ucational pretentions. True, the jolly sons of the sea spend their hard earned dollars in a constant carnival of coarse pleasures, but this attracts no special attention. Considered as a whole, tho fisher men of Astoria are brave, hardy, tractable and good natured. They seem specially created for their peril ous calling and count their knowledge of tho world only so far as it relates to the sea and its toils. I speak of the fishermen the labor element of Astoria, not of its citizenship. Among the latter may be found men and women of culture and refinement. Churches are numerous and well at tended and the public schools are ably, managed and well patronized. The place contains two good hotels and a sprightly daily paper. Many of Astoria's best citizens came to the coast as soldiers, and have won their way to wealth and prominence Astoria contains a fishers' guild, of which a great majority of the fisher men of the lower Columbia are mem bers. While the membership of the guild represent widely separated and antagonistic nationalities, national differences and the baseless animosi ties of race and creed are unknown or ignored. This may result from the cosmic character of the commun ity, or from the brotherhood of hard ship and danger in whicfi its associ ated. It is a noticeable fact, howev er, that men of the sea rarely exhibit the bickering sectionalism of lands men, and that among them religious hatreds are as scarce as religious creeds. Chinese perform all the labor of canning, but the business of catch ing salmon is rigorously confined to the whites. A terrible hatred exists between the white fishermen and the Chinese Any attempt to fish on the part of a Mongol wonld cost him his life. There is a law which make3 it a misdemeanor to fish between sun down on Saturday and sunrise on Monday. This Inw was enacted in tho general interest and was at first universally observed, but the follow ing incident brought it into disre pute: When the law was first proclaimed, and while it was yet universally obeyed, one Chung Lung, an astute Celestial, conceived the idea of steal ing a march on the ever vigilant and jealous fishermen. In view of the wholesale absence of the whites, the crafty Chung Lung deemed it safe, and certainly profitable, to make a raid on the fishing grounds from which his kind was so rigorously ex cluded. So, in the darkness of one Saturday night, the Mongol marauder stole out with boat and tackle and spent his time in keelhauling for salmon. Having the whole field to himself, he was immensely success ful, and returned in the dark veil of the morning with a large and valu able cargo. Chung's venture proved too hugely profitable to be kept secret It leaked ont it was soon oruited about, and Slum town foamed with excitement and boiled in bitterness. Toward evening of the day upon which the Mongol raider returned with the stolen salmon, a band of irate fishermen burst into the Chinese quarter and pounced upon the hap less Chung. He was seized and cast to the ground by a gigantic descend and of the Vikings, and bound hand and foot, and with a sack drawn over his head and firmly fastened, he was placed on board the boat of a hump backed Greek and the boat put ont to sea. Chung Lung has nevar been seen or heard of since. The fishermen say he is still on the fishing grounds. When questioned in regard to him the CLinese answer with a shrug: "No sabe," but from that day to this no Chinaman can be induced to vent ure upon the fishing grounds. Viewed from the sea, tho water front of Astoria presents an animated, scene n quaint and homely picture. The waters are dotted with boats flit ting in and out while the shore is lined with a wilderness of outfits, comprising boats, nets, reels, drying racks and knitting lofts, among which bovs are gamboling while men are knitting, mending, drying and ar ranging their nets. Abreast of the city, and looking seaward, the grandest fishing spec tacle in tho world may be seen. To see the fishing fleet at work is a sight to be remembered. The long line of boats stretches as far as the eye can see. In whatevor direction you gaze their number see-ns legion, and you see them flitting about, singly and in clusters tossed hither and thither like chips on the tide darting here, there, everywhere! in seemingl ec centric flights. On a b right day the lateen Bails gleam afar off like glint ing wings, and the liltle boats appear like so many butterflies perched on the back of a measureless monster. The daring of the fishermen amounts to recklessness. Their skill, too, is something as wonderful as Bar salmon and Chinook aro choice varieties, and can only be secured in large numbers by braving tho dangers of the bar. While great strong ships and steam ers of iron will wait for days and weeks for a favorable opportunity to attempt the dreaded passage of tho bar, the fisherman heads his little cockleshell to sea and spends night and day in tho storm and tempest But his daring, betimes, is paid for with all that the brave may pay. Not a week passes without its list of casu alties. Many an empty boat is found, bottom upward, attesting the talo of its master's temerity and the price it cost Correspondence S. '. Jinl letin. A Run ou a Drugstore. Ne er was such a rush made for anj Drug Store as is now at W. E. Dement & Co's for a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. All persons affected with Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, or anj affection of the Throat and Lungs, can got a Trial Bot tle of this great remedy free, hy call ing at hIkuo Drugstore. Regular size 1.00. For Rent, At a reasonable rate: the fine new building opposite KirchhoITs bakery. Apply at this oilice. ForniVeat Fitting; Root Or Shoe, go to P. .1. Goodmans, on Che namus struct, next door to I. W. Case. All goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new goods constantly arriving. Custom work. R:idy For Business. For a good steak, a delicious cup of coffee or a plate of fine oysters goto Frank Fnbre'.-. Coffee. Oyster and Chop House; opposite M.C.Crosby's. Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem edy. Prlr.e 50 cents, Masai Injector free For sale by W. E. Dement Fancy Groceries. Mince Meat, Cranberries, new layer Raisins Nuts, "Spltr" Apples, French canned Peas and Mushrooms, Bahama Pine Apple-, fancy Crackers and Good win Butter. D.L: Beck & Sons. Sleepless Nights made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De ment &Co. a Cheap Cnnned Goods. Pie Peaches (2K lb cans) 15 cents per can : S1.50 per dozen : S2.75 per case A full line of choice table fruit at correspondingly low prices. I). L. Beck & Sons. The pnblic will do well to examine our Immense stock and get our low prices before buying elsewhere as it will be money in your pockets. Re member the Crystal Palace will not be undersold in anything In their lin. Griffin & Reed have just received ill rect from New York a largo lot of fine Gift books suitable for holiday presents, at greatly reduced prices. Spanish Queen Olives at Beck's. PRETTY G00D-F0R YAQUINA. Under date of the 15th, inst Capt. J. J. Winant writes as follows to the YaqxxinvL Mail: There is a man in this town who states that he came out from England to Victoria on one of the torpedo boats. Two were sent out and are now at Victoria. Their names are the S7iore and Serf2 He says that they carried a crew of eighteen men; that they made most of the passage under water at a depth of about six fathoms; that they made twenty-six miles an hour, and that only one bucket of fuel was used in the whole passage; that they had no use for fire-men or engineer, but that the motive power was electricity and hydraulics, and one man managed the entire busi ness. He states that none of the crew were allowed to even look at the ma chinery by which the boat was pro pelled. They are both of about 300 tons each and 300 feet length. They could sink below the surface at will, and rise to tho surface when the weather is fine, and could in five minutes take in air enough to allow them to remain under water three or four hours. They cruised in the Bay of Biscay, and were experimented with and tested. They then crossed the Atlantic and down the Straits of Magellan. Two convoys accompani ed them the Thunderer and Gala tea, but the torpedo boats had to constantly wait for them. In bad weather they would remain under water and move along among the fish as quietly as on a lake and the crew were as comfortable as though sitting in a house. Bucklcn'.s Arnica Salre. The Best Salve i n the world for Cuts, BruiseSjSores.Ulcers.SaltRheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required, it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sa ie by V E. Dement & Co. All the patent medicines advertised In this paper, together with the choicest Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident Lctel, Astoria. W. LussierotSan Francisco has en gaged in tho photograph business with Crpw the leading photographer. Happiness and Health Arc important problems, the former de pending greatly on the latter. Everyone is familiar with the healthy properties of fruit, and no one can afford to be sick and miserable while the pleasant con centrated liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs, may be had of our enterprising druggists W. E. Dement & Co. It is the acknowledged fact that Grif fin & Reed have the finest assortment of Christmas cards and plush goods in Astoria. Dried Fruits, Peaches (halves) 10 fis $L00 Pitted Plums 10 lbs 1.00 Zante Currants 12 lbs 1.00 Prunes 12 lbs 1.00 At D. L, Beck &Soks. Remarkably cheap are all the goods marked in Adler's show windows, is what everybody remaiks; but this week his prices will astonish you. Cheap fur Cash. Cube Sugar, 10 lbs .$1.00 Granulated Sugar 11 lbs 1.00 Crushed Sugar 11 lbs 1.00 Extra C 12 lbs 1.00 Golden C 11-lbs 1.00 No. 1 Costa Rica Coffee 7 lbs 1.00 No.2 " " 8 lbs 1.00 Choice O. G. Java Coffee 4 fis. . . . 1.00 Other goods at equally low figures for cash at 1). L. Beck & Sons. Morton's English Sauces at Beck's. Choice assortment of Teas at Beck's. Greenbacks taken at par at Beck's. Roger Bros.' Knife, Al 1847, warranted the best, 2.00 per half a do7en at G. Hansen's. Gennea and Breakfast Gems at Beck's. Girl Wanted. To do general housework. Astorian ofllce. Apply at Parties wishing spars or piling of any size or length can be supplied by leav ing orders with J. II. D. Gray. Albums you can only find in endless variety at Adler's, and his prices are really ridiculously low. Holiday Slippers for Ladies and Gents just received from the east, at C. H. Coopers. Choire Breakfast Bacon at Beck's. Everybody says the same: What is that? That Adler sells his books lower than any other store. The Northwest Illustrated Monthly -for December contains splendid illus trations of Astoria, etc. 1,000 copies just received at Adler's Bookstore, only 15 cents per number: just the thing to send your friends east. A fine display of Crockery and Glass ware is now exhibited at Carnahan & Co.'s, for the hojildaytrade. For the Masquerade. Wigs, Mustaches, nair-work of any and all kinds, at L. DuPark's Parker nouse Barber Shop. Siiii.on's Cure will immediately rplieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis. Sold by W. E. Dement & Co Tom & Jerry at tho Telephone Books for the old, books for the young, books for everybedy: the finest line of books ever shown in Astoria, at Griffin & Reed's. ' "Chatterbox" for 1883, only 73 cents at Adler's all other books in proportion. Roger Bros.' Al 1847 Tablespoons, warranted, S2J50 per set at G. Hansen's. Shrewsbury Ketchup at Beck's. H. P. GREGORY & CO., Xo, 5 Xorth Trout St.. Portland, r. Importers and Dealers in Wood-working Machinery, PLANERS. MOIiDKRS. MOItTlSKItS. TEXOSfLKS, Sand-paperiHff Macfciaes, Lathes, Serine Mackiaes, Ban A Maws, HcrellSaws. Rubber and Leather Belting, AKD MILIi FINDINGS GENERALLY ! FILL IND NEW GOODS! Having purchased extensively in Eastern and San Francisco Markejts, I am now prepared to show the Largest and Most Varied Assortment of DRY GOODS and CLOTHING in the State of Oreiron. New Silks, New Velvets. New Cloaks, New Buttons. New Hosiery, New Ribbons; New Blankets. Every Department is Complete! Being one of the Largest Buyers of Dry Goofls i CloMna In The North West, Buying Direct From The Manufacturers and Importers, Sa vlnj tho Extra Profits of Middlemen, Wo aro enabled to Give Our Customers the Benefit! We Only Carry FIRST CLASS GOODS! And Our Prices are Low. WHOLESALE COUNTRY ORDERS Specially Attended to and Filled With Dispatch. C. H. COOPER Wholesale and .Retail Stores, Astoria, Oregon. Holden's Auction Rooms f Established January 1st, 1877. E. C. HOLDER Real Estate and General Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, Chenanius Stroet. - Astoria, Oregon. Auction sale of Sundries every Saturday, at 10 :3a a. 3i., at inv Auction Rooms. Will conduct Auction Sales or Real Estate, Cattle, and Farming Stock wherever de sired. Cm'i Xetnras Promptly made after Sales. CoHslgnments respectfully solicited. Notary Public for the State of Oregon. Contmkaloner of Deeds for Washington Territory. Agent for Doily and Weekly Ortgonian. THE OREGON SHORT LINE. 11 TO 500 MILES THE SHORTEST; 12 TO 48 HOURS THE QUICKEST. TO CHICAGO, BOSTON. NEW YORK, And All Points East. Rates 8.30 to $10.25 tho Cheapest to Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City, AND OTHER POINTS. Pnllnaa Palace aad Emigrant Sleeptas: Cars hanleit on Exprcg.i Tralaa ExclHSively without ChaHge. If you are colnjr east write for Bate. Mnps, Time Tables. Guides aud Full Information. FREE OF CHARGE. JR. A. NOTES. IT. L,. GARRETS OX. Agcut. Astoria. Asst. Agt., Astoria. B. CAMPBELL, General Agent. No, 1. Washington street, Portland, Oregon. MacDonald & Mcintosh Are now Prepared to Show a Large Assortment Goods in Every Line! Which will he Sold at Lower Figures than at any Other House IN THE CITY. The Leading Clothing, Hat, and Gents' Furnishing Store OF ASTORIA. WHITER New Dress Goods. New Snitings. New Wraps, New Trimmings. New Underwear, New Gloves, New Flannels, Etc., Etc. PC THOS. MAIRS, (Late Cutter v. 1th M. D. Kant.) A Good Fit Guaranteed. CHARGES MODERATE. l'ants, from 3 up. Suits from S30 uj. Shop opposite C. IL Cooper's. FasmonaWe Tailor i- s-Mr s