OJ hc gailu gtfioran. ASTORIA, OREGON: THURSDAY.., ..DECEMBER 3i. 18S3 Butte City, M. T., has a popu luation of 1S,000, 4,000 to 5,000 of whom are employed in the mines at $4.50 per day, while fully as many men are idle. Any man may have a private hell, but no man can have a private heaven. That is the difference be tween the two, and constitutes one of the bases of religion. The London Spectator describes the United States as a nation which owns a small planet with all climates, and cannot be starved out even by a blockade. The debt of France is over 4, 000,000,000 the largest national debt in the world, being $000,000, 000 or $700,000,000 more than the debt of Great Britain and about three times the amount of interest bearing debt of the United States. Gen. Beauregaed's circular explaining his connection with the Louisiana lottery again calls to public attention his misfortune in escaping honorable death in the career which gave him a great name to be prostituted for hire to the basest uses. Almost every day some news paper gets up an account of a negro turning white, but this from the Galveston JWj'vj is the first case of his turning red: "The Choctaw nation, in the Indian ter ritory, has graoiously permitted some negroes who have long been residents of the Choctaw reserva tion to become Indians bjF natur alization." The prince of Monaco is mak ing a systematic study of the ocean currents. Last July he sank a large number of ingeniously ar ranged bottles, globes and barrels at different points north of the Azores, each floating vessel con taining a paper in different languages, stating the time and place of immersion, and begging the finder to note down the hour and place of discovery, and for ward it to the nearest French con sul. Now'three of these bottles have been found in the eastern Azores, having followed a south easterly direction, instead of going to the southwest, as expected. Bismarck has issued a decree requiring public officers to write their names, when signing papers, so plainly that they may be read at a glance. It would not be a bad idea if the heads of public de partments in this country would make the same demand. This would, however, cure only a small fraction of the difficulties with which compositors and proof-readers have to contend, since the evil habit is by no means confined to public servants. The context will generally throw light upon words whose sense depends upon the re lation in which they stand, but it throws no light whatever upon the meaning of signatures and most proper names. The printer, how ever, is not without the opportu nity for revenge; and, when a man writes his name so badly that it cannot be read, he has a malicious satisfaction in printing it so badly that he shall not recognize it him self. Tiie newspapers of the country are full of reminiscences and opin ions concerning Vanderbilt the richest man in the world, or said to be. The almost unanimous ver dict is that the world didn't lose much when the money king joined the majority. In general the press of the country sizes him up about right. Vanderbilt never was in possession of his money in his life. He never saw it. He dressed no better than his clerk and ate con siderably less than his coachman. iiis life was threatened. It don't pay to be a very rich man it costs in every way more than it comes to. But it pays society to have these vast custodians of profit, for without them there would be fewer schools, fewer libraries, no leisure class, little art, less civilization. The men who get most from great wealth lay no proprietary claim to it; those who get least arc they who are under the harmless delu sion that they own it. The little country of Belgium has 480 persons to the square mile, or three to every four acres, That is four acres are made to sup port three persons. If the United States were equally crowded the population would be 1,650,000,000, or more than the population of the whole world. One acre per fectly well cultivated can easily support one person. It is possible to produce sixty bushels of wheat on one acre, and this is equivalent to the support of at least two per sons. It is simply a matter of calculation and management. Belgium shows what can be done. And it is well done for we do not hear of distress in that busy coun try, nor of paupers, nor of a rush of dissatisfied Belgians crowding away to better their condition. It shows that high farming and excellent cultivation of the soil are profitable, and may be taken as one of the facts that proved this to be a settled principle of agri cultural economy. The annual report of .Jacob Mueller, United States consul general at Frankfort-on-the-Main, Germany, has been received at the state department. He calls at tention to the reactionary tend encies prevailing in that country on industrial and commercial relations with the United States, which he says explains the ill-will ol oniciai and ruling powers against the United States. They dread, he says, American hogs and wheat, and American imports gen erally, but still more the importa tion of American ideas. Not only is a tendency to retrogression noticeable, he says, in the political, economic and religious spheres of life, but barriers existing be tween mankind are also fos tered and multiplied to such an extent that the spirit of caste is again becoming prominent, and the feudal system resurrected. He alludes to these tendencies as the principal reason for prevailing anti-Americanism, and in order that the United States government may be prepared not to anticipate from officials of Germany or Aus tria, hostilo as they are to Ameri can liberty and prosperity, any gratuitous accessions. CALIFORNIA VERSUS OREGON. Washikoton, Dec. 22. The Califor nia delegation has not yet yielded to the wish of Hermann, of Oregon, to endorse him for the committee on riv ers and harbors. It is now probable that two states will engage in a con test for the place. One of the Ore gon senators called on Carlisle to day, and urged that Hermann be put on the committee. He said if only one man from the Pacific coast should be given a place on the committee it shonid be Hermann, because Califor nians were urging themselves for other important committees, one for the committee on naval affairs, an other for the committee on ways and means, another for the committee on commerce, and another for the com mittee on public lands. -If, in addi tion to all these places on the best committees, which they desire, they received a place on the committee on rivers and harbors, California would get everything; bnt he urged that there might be two members from the Pacific coast on the committee on harbors. He cited that Speaker Keifer made Page, of California, chairman of that committee, and also put George, of Oregon, on it. Cali fornia members are bringing a good deal of strength to bear for Markham, from the "Wisconsin, Michigan and Illinois delegations. NEW TO-DAY. Teachers7 Examination. THERE 'WILL BE A QUARTERLY Ex amination for those wishing county teacher's certificates at the court house on Wednesday and Thursday, Dec 50th and 3lst, beginning at nine o'clock, a. x. M. D. WILSON, County Superintendent. Xmas. TEE "VARIET1' RESTAURANT" WILL open Xmas eve under the management of Mr. Wm. Bannister. The tabic will be supplied with every luxury the market can afford. Good Manacement and Attendance. "White Cooks. Money to Loan O N APPROVED SECURITY. COUNTY Orders bought. Apply nt-tne office of P. D. WINTON. Nicely Furnished Rooms, WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD: AT Mrs. S. T. McKean's, Cass street, tliree doors south of Astobtax office. County Orders. I AM AUTHORIZED TO BUY COUNTY Orders. E.R.SPEDDEN, " ur i GRAND CONCERT AND MASQUERADE BALL! AT ROSS' OPERA HOUSE DECEMBER 31st. 1885, BY GUSHING POST CORNET BAND. Concert Prom. S to 9 O'clock. DAA'CIXG BEGINS at O O'CLOCK Gent. Masker-. SI; Lady Maskers. Free; Gent. Spectators, Si ; Lady Spectators, r-oc. Tickets at City Book Store. STCMCTOZXPTSKS:, Finest Selection of Jewelry in Solid Gloia ana Silver. Most Suitable Holiday Presents! Offered at A'ery Inv Figure. K3TTlie Quality of Krerr Article (iuarulced. Astoria and Seaside BAKERIES, ED. JACKSON. - Proprietor. The best Bread, Cakes and 1'astty In the City Ice Creams and Ornamental Work to order Manufacturer of Fine Candies. Found. A TWENTY - FIVE - FOOT FISHING boat, painted white outride, pink in side. Inquire of G. A. NEI.SON, At Scandinavian Cannery. Come and See Us, L FCTXUE. STOCK: Awaits Your Inspection. Plush Goods, Cliristnias Cards, Toys, Fancy Goods, etc. At Prices that will AstonUh you. You will Hud It to your advantage To Pay Us a Visit. GRIFFIN & REED. MURRAY & CO., G-BOCERS And Dealers in Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supples furnished at Satis factory Terms - Purchases delivered in any part of the city. Office and "Warehouse In Iliime's New Building on Water Street. P. O. Box 15.!. Telephone No. S7. ASTORIA. OREGON. UNION MARKET When You Want Oysters, Clams, Crabs, Fish, Esrcs. Butter of tho best aualltv : when vou want Chickens, Ducks, Game of all kinds, and want them fresh and good, call on C. F. iteea at tne union .Market on water street. Vecetables of all kinds constantly on hand I warrant everything sold fresh and of Ihe nest quality. Telephone Ko. 1G. Proprietor, Unlou .Unrket. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer in HAM ABE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, TMTfc AND Copper. Final Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has filed in the County Court of the state of Oregon for Clatsop county, her final account as administratrix of the estate of J. W. Robb deceased, and that the same has been set for hearing on Monday, January 4th. lesc, at the hour of two o'clock r. is. J. M. ROBB. Administratrix. Notice. ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE late store of D. A. Mcintosh will please call on MacDonald & Mcintosh, his success ors, aud settle with them on or before Jan uary 1st, 1586, TT BK STORE Cannery Sillies "THE OLD D. L Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Cannery i Fishermen's Supplies lKT3D Staple and Fancy GrocBK Pwisiis, d?0, Goods Sold at Lowest Cash Price. EMPIRE CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS and SHOES, DRY GOODS, W. T. PARKER SHUTE & CO., FINE IMPORTED CIGARS. You can rely on getting a Good Ci!jar AtShure&Co.'s CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE, Opposito D. U Beck & Sr.u'-s. C. E. BAIN. DOORS, WINDOWS, BRACKETS, .Jlonldings, Window Frames, etc. A Full Snpply of Material. Bids Furnished : Contract Wort a Specialty. Mill aud Office on the Old Sate. IN NEW QUARTERS! Having Consolidated My Business with the Astoria Furniture Co., I now oiler the Largest and Meat Complete Assortment or Fine and Plain Furniture, Bedding, Carpets. Oil Cloth, Window Shades, Pictures, Moulding, etc., At Portland PriceH. and Invite a Call Line. Guaranteeing Satisfaction in Every Respect. CHAS. HEILBORN. Holiday Announcement! QTOCK this season embraces a Much Larger Assortment and Greater -' Variety of Articles suitable for before. His Assortment of Precious Stones, "Watches, Silverware, Jewelry, Decorated China, Bronzes, Cat Glassware, Art Metal and Bras3 "Work, Ivory and Leather Goods, Opera Glasses, Hall, Mantel, Traveling and Fancy Clocks is Very Complete and Attractive. His Importations being Direct and Constant, he presents the Latost Styles of American and Foreign Man ufactures. His rale of Marking All Goods in Plain Figures and Low Prices, is Maintained. Carl Adler's Crystal Palace - '-: 4 iix.jrtt yMStusfhi '-ff-tr CORNER," SONS, STOR Twrwrmw a m. ik m u! m ggjjyi Manager. G. HANSEN OF THE DIAMOND PALACE! j Ha Just Received a Fine Stock of ifiTTTiTonninp n unflioiMo Consisting of 1)1 AUOXDS, WATCHES, J E WELK V, SILVER WARE, CLOCKS, SPECTACLES, ETC., Which he offers at Bedrock Prices. All Coeds Warranted. Miue U a Jewelry Store and Known as Su;h. of Everybody in "Want of Goods in My Tloliday Gifts than he has ever offered TiiXJ, iruuiio trw . ,ffi.li ?2ta4 - . Groceries Cheap for Cash! JL 621 JL cl X 69 F. L. P. AH FRANK I. Hw Sb j?A.IiLKLER DEALF.n IS Hay, Oats, and Straw, Lime, Brick, Cement, Sand and Plaster Wood Dellrcred to Order. Praying. Teaming and Express Buslaeu. rElt apply to ihe Captain, or to JOBI-Kr A. MIOITXTTG-OMIIEI DEALER XV Till. Sheet Iron, and Copper Ware. A general assortment of Household Goods. AGENT FOB IHAGEE STOVES ATVD RANGES. TIIE BEST IX THEMABKET. Plumbing goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done in a woikmamlke manner. Plumbing, Gas Fitting and Cannery Work attended to promptly On Reasonable Term?. C'hennmnH Street, Next to C. Xi. Parker's Store. Astoria, Oregon. Holiday -AT The New York Novelty Store! We have now on Exhibition THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF HOLIDAY GOODS and NOVELTIES Ever offered to the People of Astoria. Come One! Gome All! The Publie arc Cordially invited to Call aud Examine our Carefully Selected Stock, Comprising articles for Old and Young alike and within the reach of all. Heretofore We. have Always Led in Making Prices for Our Competitors, And now We Propose to Leafl Mere Tier Gamut Follow!! As Anything ami Everything will be offered at The lowest Possible Airing margin of ProQt. NEW YORK NOVELTY STORE, Opposite the Parker House. Main Street, Astoria, Oregon, United States Restaurant On Slain street is now open, and AT OITCE TAKES In every particular it is the Finest lltted up Ami Best in the city JEFF IS A Good i rs? He cannot be bent on the coast. Meals 25c. BOARD PRIVATE ROOMS For Families OR PARTIES Jr&M Dwnrinoi l sV Yr T-S-ii 1 1 I FATS CASH, THAT SETTLES IT! AH PARKER. STFAItiEB (1URA PARKER Eben P, Parker,Master. -i For TOWINO, FREIGHT or CHAK- II. B. JPAKKKK. Goods! Suppr Parties Furnished On short nitice OYSTERS A. Specialty JEFF Spends His Money IN Buys by the Wholtwli and THE Astoria! fljBkitwjfcAwjifcSnfrAftfofl ig&mi -l