The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 23, 1885, Image 3

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mitt Qmty foyftm,
ajstoria' oregonT
Bat eight days more of 8j. 'Twas
a quiet old rear and a dull one in
There are about GOO cases salmon
on the 0. B. & N. dock. It is
thought that there are not over 7,500
cases left on the river,
Duriug '85 thus far, fire losses iu
Portland have aggregated 55,400.
The fire losses in Astoria are also,
fortunately, very light.
The Albany people have about
raised the $40,000 that the Oregon
Pacific asked as an inducement to
build from Corvallis to that place.
This weather is in pleasant contrast
to that of one year m ago when hail,
snow, sleet and wind came like an
echo of. the Christmas climes of east
ern longitude.
Invitations are out for the mas
querade ball to be given by Cushing
Cornet band on New Year's eve. No
effort will be spared to 'make the en
tertainment a success.
The city council can hardly be
blamed for the present unsafe condi
tion of a portion of Ghenamus street
since the property owners remon
strate against its repair.
The Carrie B. Lake came in yes
terday and came alongside Foard &
Stokes1 slip. She had about 1,600
pounds, mostly-"groupers, rock cod,
flounders and sole, all of which found
ready sale.
The stars and stripes were waving
over the Odd Fellow's building yes
terday in honor of the fourteenth an
niversary of the instituting of Beaver
Lodge No. 35, L O. O. F., one of
the oldest and largest Lodges in the
The Yakima Signal thinks, "when
the N. P. gets a switohback over the
Cascades, and a daily pullback from
Pasco and a bustle somewhere along
the line, the territory will no longer
be out bias, as it were. The Sound
people will not have to go to Oregon
to reaoh the greater part of their do
main, lika a hog crawling through a
hollow log under a fence oorner, only
to find himself in the same lot at the
other end."
The city council last night repealed
the ordinance requiring saloon keep
ers to give five days' notice by adver
tising their intention of applying for
a license. In this they did right.
The ordinance was ridiculous and
unnecessary. Besides the usufruot
worked differently from what was ex
pected; then again the deodands
went into other channels than the
intended one. Taken altogether or
separately the council have done
Jas. Mclnnis, aged 28, died of ty
phoid fever at the hospital yesterday
afternoon. He had been logging for
sometime at Westport where friends
of his reside and also'at Knappa.
The funeral will be at the latter place
to-morrow afternoon. The boat will
leave Wilson & Fisher's dock be
tween eight and nine to-morrow morn
ing arriving at Knappa at eleven.
Deceased leaves an aged mother and
a wife and three children of which he
was the sole support
In making preparations for Christ
mas aud selecting gif t3 do not forget
that the sweet promptings of charity
are among the main impulses that
suggest action at this time. Your
own well fed, warmly clothed little
ones would probably get along just
as well with one present less and a
little in the' way of remembrance to
ward your neighbor's little folks just
as deserving, just as appreciative as
your own of the good things that
Christmas brings will do much to
ward making your Christmas a merry
one. A good dinner, a simple toy, a
little bunch of knick-knacks furnished
those who could appreciate them just
as well as their more fortunate fellow
mortals would be in order.
The stringing of the electric wires
goes on, those engaged in putting
them up having reaohed the roadway
to upper town. The wire is of heavy
copper coated with asbestos and when
in place looks like gray cotton twine.
It is the thickest and heaviest ever in
Astoria. The wires assume a net like
appearance now. Over the crossing
in front of Aug. Danielson's are
stretched sixteen wire3. Ten of the
electric lamps were in operation at
the West Shore mills yesterday even
ing and burned to the entire satisfac
tion of the testers. There has
keen some delay in the shipment of
the lamps from San Franoisco. Mr.
Trullinger hopes to have those on
band up and giving light by Christ
mas eve.
The Astobian respectfully and in
a proper and becoming spirit of hu
mility inquires what becomes of the
San Francisco papers. In the last
two weeks but one or two San Fran
cisco papers have been received at
this office. Last evening the Post of
the 1st inst, three weeks from San
Francisco, arrived. In the old days
the newspaper mail bag was usually
reserved for the bad place in the road
and only flung out as a last iesort
when the stage was in danger of be
ing stuck and nothing else was handy
to fill up the hole in the road. But
no such excuse exists now. What
can the matter be? Of course no one
tak9s them out on the way to read
them. It would bo a libel to even
hint at such a thing.
Dried Fruits,
Peaches (halves) 10 lbs $1.00
Pitted Plums 10 Bs 1.00
Zaute Currants 12 lbs 1.00
Prunes 12 lbs r i.oo
Ap. L, Beck &Soxs.
Morton's English Sauces at Beck's.
Choice Breakfast Bacon at Beck's.
Shrewsbury Ketchup at Beck's.
Spanish Queen Olives at Beck's.
Choice assortment of Teas at Beck's.
Greenbacks taken at par at Beck's.
Germea and Breakfast Gems at Beck's.
Wilkesbabbe. Peuna., Dec. 22.
The mining village of Nanticoko is in
a state of abject despair and agony.
Another enormous cave occurred in
the coal mines last night and all at
tempt to rescue the imprisoned
miners has been abandoned as the
men could not bo reached in less than
a month. As the immense mass of
soil slid down the scenes of suffering
were horrible; many women relatives
or thej men are prostrated and will
probably die.
. Poktland, Dec. 22. The entire
police force of this city resigned to
day. Since the last session of the
legislature appointing a board of
commissioners it is believed that the
force held their positions unlawfully
as none but the board can appoint.
There is no doubt that all will be re
Washixqtox, Dec 22 Senator Jno.
F. Miller of California is much worse
and fears are felt as to his recovery.
San Fbaxctsco, Dec. 22. It is
believed here that special agent
Spaulding the author of the incorrect
Chinese report will be dismissed.
Eii Paso, Dec. 22. Six citizens
were killed here in a recant Indian
attack on the whites.
Salt Lake, Dec. 22. The minis
ters of this city have had a meeting
and send a warning to eastern people
not to believe slanders started by
prominent citizens here inoluding
Indianapolis, Dec. 22. Onderberg
and his wife, two Poles, were found
to-day suffocated by gas from a gas
burner stove. It was a holy day with
their faith and neither one of them
would lift a hand to turn the damper.
He i3 dead; she may recover.
Venice, Dee, 22. The cholera has
broken out here: there are fifty cases
already; twelve deaths. Many are
fleeing from the city.
Madbid, Dec. 22. A conspiracy has
been discovered here to set aside the
regency and establish a republic
The government is very reticent re
garding the matter.
Pabis, Dee. 22. To-day M. Pas
teur treated the children who ar
rived yesterday from Newark, New
Jersey, for hydrophobia, by introduc
ing virus into their systems well un
der the skin. Ho is satisfied of favor
able results: no bad symptoms have
manifested so far.
Boiled Down.
Irish Orangemen protest against
home rule in Ireland. Republican
senators are daily receiving hundreds
of letters, making complaints against
men who have been appointed by the
president A majority of the doc
uments come from Democrats. The
bill introduced in the house by Mor
row, of California, amendatory of the
Chinese restriction act, forbids entry
of Chinese laborers for a period of
twenty years. It provides for identi
fication, by photography, of Chinese
laborers who are entitled to return to
this country, provides additional
safeguards against illegal entry of
Chinese, and limits the number of
Chinese passengers to one for every
fifty tons of a vessel's burden.
A bill has been introduced in the
house to organize the "Indian terri
tory" and a public land strip into the
territory, to be known as the territory
of Oklahoma, and to provido tem
porary government therefor. Sena
tor Edmunds has reported from the
senate judiciary committee a binding
polygamy bill designed to cripple and
ultimately destroy Mormonism.
List of Juror.
The following named persons were
drawn yesterday to serve as jurors
at the coming session of the circuit
court. W. E. Joplin, M. Foard, A.
W. Gates, L. C. Kinney, H. Benson,
Wm. Morey, A. Houghton, C. S.
Carruthers, C. W. Shively, O. K.
Sorensen, of Asteria: Jno. Casey,
Jno. Warnstaff, of Young's river:
S. Kroger, upper Asteria: Howell
Lewis, Jno. Day's: W. J. Ingalls,
Lewis and Clarke's: Jno. Thomas, R.
J. Morrison, A. Juhrs, Hiram Gray,
Clatsep: David West, L. B. Chase,
Westpert: Jno. Sutherland, R. P.
Knapp, E. O. Belknap, Knappa: A.
Furtado, Mishawaka.
Special Itf ectluz A. EL & I. Co.
Jfo. 1.
At Company hall at S o'clock this Wed
nesday evening Doc. 23rd to elect First
and becond Assistant Foremen, and
other important business. By order
J. O. Bozorth,
F. T. JotiDAx, Sec
For the Masquerade.
Wigs, Mustaches. Hair-work of any
and all kinds, at L. DuPark's Parker
House Barber Shop.
That Flue Orclicstrenc
At Frank Fabro's will be raffled on
Christmas Eve. Only one dollar n
chance; a few more chances left.
Holiday SI i oners for Ladies and Gents
just received from the east t C. H.
Sweet Cider
Just received at Carnahau & Co.'s.
If you do not know what you want
for a Christmas present go to Adler's
where you will surclv find something
to suit your taste.
Toys at your own prices at Adler's
this week, on account of going entirely
out of that line.
Griffin & Reed have just received dl
rect from New York a larirfi Int nt fin
(Gift books suitable for holiday presents,
at greatly reduced prices, v
The last session of the city counoil
for the year 1885 was held last even
ing, Mayor Hume in the chair; pres
ent Councilmen Bergman, Cleveland,
Gratke and Trenchard. J. U. Trul
linger, mayor elect, was invited to a
seat inside the bar.
A petition from property owners
asking for street repairs, corner Main
and 8th streets was referred to street
A petition from A. McPharlan ask
ing for a deed for lot paid for in cem
etery was referred to committee on
public property.
A petitition from Mr3. Willgren
asking for a rebate on liquor license
was referred to committee on ways
and means.
A remonstrance against the im
provement of Ohenamus street from
Olney to Benton street was granted.
. A communication from O. W. Ful
ton, representing W. T. Coleman &
Co., offering to pay 3366 in full for
the city taxes was accepted, and the
chief of police instructed to receive
that amount and receipt in full there
for. The matter of payment of taxes of
L W. Case was discussed, no definite
conclusion being arrived at.
A communication was read from
the city auditor and clerk directing
attention to the fact that the con
tract for lighting the streets of the
city expires on the 31st inst,, and
that the late legislature, at its last
session, had passed a law setting li
quor licenses at $300 per year. On
motion the auditor and clerk was in
structed to advertise for bids for
lighting the streets of the city for
The committee to whom was re
ferred the question of passing an or
dinance repealing section 2 of ordi
nance 577, reported faverably: report
An ordinance appropriating $250
for the benefit of Astoria Engine Co.
No. 1 was passed under suspension of
of the rules.
An ordinance granting a liquor li
cense to Dina Gearhart was passed
under suspension of the rules.
An ordinance repealing seotion 2
of ordinanoo 577 was read third time
and passed.
The following claims were ordered
paid: Sundry persons $16; Griffin &
Reed, $2.60; Jas. Gardiner, $H; Van
Dnson & Co., S25; West Shore Mills,
$35.77; M. Powers, $13.80; J. Wirt,
$13.80. Astoria Gaslight Co., $9.80;
VL C. Crosby, S3; O. Coe, S3; W. O.
au, $3; Arndt & Ferohen, $16.30.
On motion council adjourned.
Senator Dolph sends senate bill
No. 61 which he introduced in that
body on the 8th instant It is a "bill
to prevent the obstruction of nav-j
lgaoie waters, ana to protect puouo
works against trespass or injury."
The bill is an excellent one and
among other provisions is intended)
to prevent to "cast, throw, empty,
or unlade, or cause, suffer, or pro
cure to be cast, thrown, emptied, or
unladen, either from or out of any
ship, vessel, lighter, barge, boat, or
other craft, or from the shore, pier,
wharf, or mills of any kind whatever,
any ballast slate, gravel, earth, rub
bish, wreck, filth, slabs, edgings,
sawdust, or other mill waste of any
kind, into any port, road, roadstead,
harbor, haven, navigable river, or
nfVinr Tryofm-a if fl-ia TTnifoil Qfnfaa
for the improvement of which con-I
gress has already npde, or may here
after make, appropriations, or to
deposit, or place, or cause, saner, or
procure to be deposited or placed,
any ballast, stone, slate, gravel, earth,
rubbish, wreck, filth, slab3, edgings,
sawdust or other mill-waste in any
place or situation or shore where the
same shall be liable to be washed
into any navigable waters, either by
ordinary or high tides, or by storms
or floods, or otherwise."
A Celebration In Arizona.
An Arizona paper remarks: "Those
well-known Indian braves Gee-TJp-Charley
and Short Pants have been
arrested for drunkenness again. This
makes the ninety-seventh time, and a
movement is on foot among the hab
itues of AL Blodgett's saloon to cele
brate the occurrence of their hun
dredth arrest, which cannot be far
distant A souvenir programme will
be issued, the Montezumas will be
thrown open to the boys and several
well known desperate Greasers will
be shot on sight We will be thero
ourselves and will do all we can to
add to the interest of the occasion."
Ditclilcu's Arnica Salrc.
Thk bAiTK i n the world for
Cuts, Bruihes,Sores,UIcprs,Sdlt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sa le bv W
E. Dement & Co.
On Christmas Ere
Mrs. O'Brien will have a dance at h9r
hall. A general invitation extended.
A full line of masks and raasquoiade
suits for rent at the New York Novelty
A twenty-dollar pieco will buy a wag
on load of groceries at D. L. Beck &
Roger Bros.' At 1847 Teaspoons, war
ranted, Sl.50 per set at G. Hausen'a.
It Is the acKnowledced facfcthatGrif-
fin & Re cd have the finest assortment
of Christmas cards and plush goods In
The finest line of Christmas cards
and plush goods ever exhibited In As
toria, at prices that will astonish you, at
the City Book Store.
Christmas Groceries.
Mince Meat, Cranberries, new layer
Raisins, Nuts, "Spitz" Apples, French
canned Peas and Mushrooms, Bahama
Pine Appier, fancy Crackers and Good
win Butter. D. L. Beck & Soxs.
Books for the old, books for the
young, books for everybedy: the finest
line of books ever shown In Astoria, at
Griffin & Reed's.
Washikgtok, Dac. 2L Congress
man Hermann, of Oregon, is showing
a deal of sagacity as a politician.
Single-handed he has nearly brought
the entire California delegation to
recommend him for a place on the
committee on rivers and harbors.
California members selected places
on the committees that they wanted,
and then recommended each other for
the respective places. Hermann, of
Oregon, was ignored in this little plan.
He desired to be put on the commit
tee on rivers and harbors, and told
Carlisle that it was the only commit
tee upon which he could be of any
service to his constituents. Carlisle
replied that he could put him on al
most any other committee, but Her
mann would not change. He still re
plied that it was the only committee
on which he could be useful Con
gressman Markham had selected that
committee, and was recommended by
the entire California delegation. Her
mann set about to offset this solid
array, and secured recommendations
from delegates from Washington ter
ritory, Idaho, Montana and Dakota,
which with Oregon comprise about
one-sixth of the territory of the whole
country. With this extensive terri
torial baoking he came to the Cali
fornia delegation and asked them to
withdraw Markham and support him.
His argument was cogent enough to
convince several of them, and the
matter is now being considered. It
is not at all improbable that the Cal
ifornia delegation will withdraw
Markham and unite for Hermann fur
the place on the committee on rivers
and harbors.
A Startling; Discovery;
Physicians are often startled by re
markable discoveries. The fact that Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
and all Throat and Lung diseases is
daily curing patients that they have
given up to die, is startling them to re
alize their sense of duty, and examine
into the merits of this wonderful dis
covery; resulting in hundreds of our
best Physicians mine it intheirpractice
Trial Bottles free atW.E. Dement &
Co.'s Drug Store. Regular size $1.00.
The Difference.
A modern wit defines the difference
between men and wemen: "A man
gives forty cents for a twenty-five
cent thing ho wants, and a woman
gives twenty-five cent3 for a forty
oent thing she does not want"
That beautiful life-size doll in Adler's
window will be raffled for only 23 cents
por chance.
Flue Jewelry.
Amongst a flne lot of jewelry received
this day at Adler a Crystal Palace, wi
notice some elegant diamond lockets,
diamond earrings, diamond shawlplns,
uiamona rings, uiamona Bracelet-, dia
mond breastpins, as well as a general
assortment of elegant jewelry; every
piece will be warranted and sold at verv
reasonable figures, at Adler's Crystal
Palace. -
Girl Wanted.
To do general housework. Apply at
Astoria. office;
"ilacknietack." a lasting and fra
grant perfume. Price 23 and 50 cents.
Sold by W. K. Dement
A large stock of toys and iuvenile
books for the youngsters at the City
Book Store.
Parties wishing spars or pllln" of any
size or length can be supplied by leav
ing orders with J. H. D. Gray.
How can Adler sell hii dolls so
cheap.:' is what all like to know. Don't
know; but lie is doing it
"Chatterbox" for 1883, only 75 cents at
Adiers ail ouier doors in proportion.
Ckristmas Tree.
The Chrislraas tree at the Methodist
Church Thursday evening Is emphatic
ally for the general public and not In
the Interest of any sect or circle as such.
All are cordially invited to make the oc
casion their own by being present and
having something on the tree to gladen
some neart Please bring or send the
presents you want to go on the tree to
the M. E. Church early in the afternoon
of Thursday next
Shiloh's Cougn and. Consumption
Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It
cures rnitMimptlon. Sold by W. E. De
ment Sleepless Nights made miserable
by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De
ment & Co.
Are you made miserable by Indi
gestion, Constipation, Dizziness. Loss of
appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vital
izer is a positive cure. For sale by W.
E. Demcnt:
Roger Bros.' Knife, Al 1847, warranted
the best, $2.00 per half a dozen at G.
Cheap CaHRed Geeds.
Pie Peaches (2 B cans) 15 cents per
can:SL50per deze.n: S2.75 per case.
A full line of choice table fruit at
correspondingly low prices. D. L.
Beck & Soxs.
Ckcap for Cask.
Cube Sugar, 10 ft3 81.00
Granulated Sugar 11 lbs 1X0
Crushed Sugar 11 tts 1,00
Extra C 12 lbs l'.OO
GoIdvnC 14 Bis 1X0
No. 1 Costa Rica Coffee 7 lbs 1X0
Nb.2 " " " 8 lbs 1.00
Other goods at equally low figures for
cash at 1). L. Beck & Soxs.
Roger Bros.' Al 1847 Tablespoons,
warranted. Si50 per set at G. Hansen's
Adler will have help enough to wait
on you all at once this week, so come
right along and take your share
amongst all his fine stock; the price
will be all satisfactory as he don't in
tead to carry any holiday stock over.
kVirlntnn Hunt. Sirlft or CtlKC IlSfl
Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Pric 23 cents.
For sale by W. E. Dement 2
Why will you cougn when Shiloh's
Cure will give Immediate relief. Price
lOctsBOctsandSl. Sold by W. E. De
ment. Are you made miserable by Indiges
tion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of
Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shioh's Vital
Izer 13 a positive cure. For sale by W.
E. Dement & Co,
Who sells the most piano, organs and
musical Instruments? The New York
Novelty Store.
A Presentiment Saves a Steamboat.
Captain Colson, of the steamer
Wide West after going home Satur
day evening became possessed with a
feeling of uneasiness and a presenti
ment of something unpleasant about
to happen. He could content
and finally started down to the dock
to see if anything was wrong with his
boat He found that she had settled
down in the water and examination
showed several feet of water in the
hold. It was concluded that some
thing wa3 wrong in the pump well
and as none of the crew would go
down to make an examination, Capt.
Colson went down into the hold and
swam around nntil ho bnrl fnrmd tho
leak and stopped it. It was very for
tunate tnat ne came down when he
did for if the leak had been left alone
another hour the bonfc -crnnM bnvA
snvik.0regonianr22. . .-""
Proper Treatment for Coueks."
. That the reader may fully understand
wnat consiuuies a. good cougn and
Lung Syrup, we will say that Tar. and
Wild Cherry is the base of the best rem
edies yet discovered. These Ingredl-
ontc wttli cornnl rvtliot- oniioll.- c- Am
caclous, enter largely into Dr. Bosanko's
Cough and Luug Syrup, thus making it
one of the most reliable now on themar
ket. Price 0 cts. and S1.00. Samples
iree. aoiaoy j. w.uonn.
Syrap orFigs.
Manufactured only by the California
Fig Syrup Co. San Fraueisco Cal. is
Natures Own True Laxative. This
Eleasant liquid fruit remedy may be
ad of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents
nr nnn rinllnr rpr hnttlp. tA Hin mruf
pleasant, prompt and effective remedy
Known, io cieause me sysiem; 10 acton.
me ljiver, iviuneys ana xtoweis gpntiy
yet thoroughly; to dispel Headache,
Colds and Fevers; to cure. Const Ipatioli,
Indigestion and kindred ills.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hctel, Astoria.
W. Lussier ni Snn Krannisr-n lias n
gaged in the photograph business with
Crow the leading photographer.
That Hacking Cougn can be so
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee it Sold b7 W. E. Dement.
Albums you can only find in ond!es3
variety at Adler's, and his prices are
really ridiculously low.
Yfl.1. Adlpr ;pJI? .Innfitif?A onrwlc
pliMnpr thnn nnthnfltr. unci hn Vno a
splendid assortment "direct from the
yrtr.ii. Jiisauu.
Speaking about dolls, you mu3t see
Adler's variety: thev will nleahH vnnr
eye as well as your purse.
niirlstmns arrt. Prnnu'i Vhlfn.c'u
Turk's and HiIfWshlmHr's In p mil mi
varietj' at the City Book Store.
A fine display of Crockery and Glass
Ware is now exhibited at Carnahan &
Co.'s, for the holiday trade.
Everybody says the same: What is
that? That Adler sells his books lower
than any other store.
Sunday School teachers will find a
large assortment of Christmas cards
witn and without fringe, from twenty
five cents per dozen up, at Griffin &
The Northwest Illustrated Montlily
for December contains splendid illus
trations of Astoria, etc. 1,000 copies just
received at Adler's Bookstore, only 15
cents per number: just the thing to send
juur menus east.
Ready For Business.
For a (rood steak, a delicious mm nf
coflee or a plate of fine oysters go to
Frank Fabre's Coffee, l5ster and
Chop House; opposite Ji. C. Crosby's.
Happiness nnd Ilealtk
Are important problems, the former de
pending greatly on the latter. Everyone
is familiar with the health v nroncrties
of fruit, and no one can afford to be sick
and miserable while the pleasant con
centrated liquid fruit remedy Syrup of
Figs, may be had of our enterprising
druggists W. E. Dement & Co.
For a Xeat Fitting Boot
Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmaus, on Ghe
namus street, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the best raakeand guaran
teed quality. A full stock ; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
The pnblic will do well to examine
ourimmenso stock and get our low
prices before buying elsewhere as it
will be money in your pockets. Re
member the Crystal Palaco will not be
undersold In anything in their line.
For Rent,
At a reasonable rate; the fine new
building opposite KirchhofFs bakery.
Apply at this office.
Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz
ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia.
Price 10 and 75 cents por bottle. Sold
by W.E. Dement -
Remarkably cheap are all the goods
marked In Adler's show windows, Is
what everybody remarks; butthi3 week
his prices will astonish you.
fl. P. GREGORY & CO.,
Xe, 3 Xorth Trent St., Portland. r.
Importers and Dealers in
Wood-working Machinery,
Hand-paperlns Mttchiaes.
La'IieH. ISerlns Machines,
Baad Maws, Hcrell Saws.
Rubber and Leather Belting;,
Nicely Furnished Rooms,
1 T Mrs. S. T. McKean's, Cass street, three
doors south of Asioexjln otnee.
late store nf D. A. Mcintosh will please
call on MacDonald & Mclntosli, his Micces
ors. and settle with them on or before Jan
uary 1st, 1886.
County Orders.
To Rent.
. ly located. Apply at this Office.
Having- purchased oxtensively
-Markets, I am now prepared to show the Largest and Most Varied
Assortment of DKY GOODS
New Silks,
, New Velvets.
New Cloaks,
New Buttons,
New Hosiery,
New Ribbons,
New Blankets,
Every Department is Complete!
Being one of the
Larcest Buyers of Dry Goois CloMnfi
In The North West,
Buying Direct From The Manufacturers and Importers,
Sa vlug the Extra Profits of Middlemen, We are enabled to
Give Our Customers the Benefit!
We Only Carry
And Our Prices are Low.
Specially Attended to and Filled With Dispatch.
Wholesale and ftetail Stores, Astoria, Oregon.
Holden's Auction Rooms
f Established January 1st, 1877.
Real Estate and General Auctioneer
and Commission Merchant,
Cuenanus Street, - Astoria, Oregon.
Auction sale of Sundries every Saturday,
at 10 -JO a. m., at mv Auction Rooms.
Will conduct Auction Sales ot Real Estate,
Cattle, and Farming Stock wherever de
sired. Caih Setaras Promptly side after Sale.
Consignments respectfully solicited.
Notary PuWi for the State of Oregon.
Comnjis3ioner of Deeds for Washington
Agent for Dally and Weekly Oregonian.
And All Points East.
Bates $8.30 to $10.25 tlie Cheapest to
Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City,
PalYau Falaee and. Fsaiirrant Rletplnjr Cars haaled on Express
Tralas ExelHgively wltlioHt Chaase.
If you are going east write for Rates, Mars, Time Tables. Guides and Full Information.
Agcnt.r4storia. Asst. Agt., Astoria.
: General Agent, No, 1, Washington street, Portland, Oregon.
MacDonald & Mcintosh
Are now Prepared to
Show a Large Assortment
Goods in Every Line!
Which -will he Sold at
Lower Figures than at any Other House
The Leading Clothing, Hat, and Gents' Furnishing Store
in Eastern and San Francises
and ULOTMINGr in the State of
New Dress Goods.
New Suitings,
New Wraps,
New Trimmings,
New Underwear,
New Gloves,
New Flannels, Etc., Etc.
(Late Cutter with M. D. Kant.)
A Good Fit Guaranteed.
Pants, from $3 up. Suits from 30 up.
Shop opposite C. H. Cooper's.