The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 19, 1885, Image 3

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...DECEMBER 19. 1SS5
A little misty,
New music by the Cashing Po3t
cornet band at Ross' opera house to
night. The British ship Carmaethen Cas
tle cleared for Queenstown yesterdav,
with wheat valued at $57,614.
Seattle employs twenty-eight teach
ers in the city public schools and
pays them S1.772.S0 a month.
'Tis said that the Portland Stand
ard will be changed back to a
morning paper with dispatches, on
the first of the year.
Norwegian Lutheran divine service
will be held to-morrow at 10:30 a. m.,
in the Swedish church, upper Astoria,
H. Engh. pastor,
D. L. Beck & Son3 carry a full line
of groceries, cannery supplies, etc.,
and offer their large and carefully se
lected stock at very reasonable fig
ures. It. & D. Barman, clothiers doing
business in Portland, were closed by
the sheriff last "Wednesday. The
amount of creditors' claims is some
thing over 20,000.
According to the Oregonian lower
temperature would make an inch of
rainfall equal an inch of snowfall.
The facts are in direct opposition to
the Oregoniaiis belief.
In the senate last Thursday, Sena
tor Dolph presented the credentials
of Senator-elect John H. Mitchell,
who was sworn in. Some things can
be done as well as others.
120 000 feet of logs were told at
Downing'a landing last Friday, realiz
ing $137.50. 400,000 feet of logs were
sold to the Ordway Mill by Mr.
Seffert, of St. Helens, at $3 per
The Wilmington, which was to be
put on in opposition to the O. E. &
N. Oo.'s and Groodall, Perkins & Co.'s
steamships last spring, is lying in the
creek at Oakland, Cal. Her owners
are paid $2,200 per month to keep her
How many times will the hammer
of a common clock strike between
twelve o'clock noon and six o'clock
p. sl? A copy of the Weekly. As
torian for six months will be sent to
any addressdesignated by the first
one to furnish a correct answer to
this office.
United States Marshal Kelly went
on board the bark Director at Port
land last Wednesday afternoon to
serve papers on a witness. Captain
Bogartmet him at the cabin door; and
Eutting a pistol in his faoe told him
e would blow a hole in him if he en
tered the cabin. Kelly withdrew
and subsequently had the doughty
captain arrested. He has laid him
self liable to a heavy fine if the Fed
eral official sees fit to push the mat
ter. Another County Heard From.
The $100 subaoribed by certain
public spirited oitizens of this city for
a creditable illustration and descrip
tion of Vancouver in the December
number of the Northwest magazine
might batter have been thrown
into the broad Columbia than
given for the service ren
dered by that periodical. The
magazine is at hand. The 3Jx8 inch
wood cut is a poor piece of work, and
unless labeled no one would ever
have guessed that it was meant for
Vancouver. It represents a town of
about 500 or GOO inhabitants, and
may come in handy some day in "il
lustrating" some little town in
another locality. Bough sketohes of
the court house, school house, Mrs.
Wintler's residence and the Catholic
church are worked into the engraving
in such a way as to destroy the view
of the water front. The two short
columns of descriptive matter are de
voted mainly to telling what Van
couver "might have been." The city
would have fared better had the
whole snide business been omitted.
Clark Co. Register.
The dispatches yesterday brought
the intelligence of the appoint
ment of John O. Bell, formerly
of this city, to be postmaster
at Astoria. Mr. Bell has been re
siding at Astoria now since March,
1882, but his family have continued
to reside here. They will now soon
take their departure for their new
home in tho city by the sea. Their
many society friends will be sorry to
see them go, as it takes three estima
ble young ladies from the list of so
ciety favorites in this city. States
man, 17.
Cheap Canned Goods.
Pie Peaches and Apricots (2 fl cans)
15 cents per ean: 51-50 per dozen; $2.75
per case. A full line of choice table
fruit at correspondingly low prices. D.
L. Beck & Sons.
Christmas Groceries.
3ince Meat, Cranberries, new layer
Raisins, Nuts, "Spitz" Applos, French
canned Peas and Mushrooms, Bahama
Pine Applet, fancy Crackers and Good
win Butter. D. L. Beck & boNS.
Cheap Tor Cash.
Cube Sugar, 10 fls $1.00
Granulated Sugar 11 lbs 1.W
Crushed Sugar 11 lbs...... 1.0c
Extra C 12 as 1.00
Golden CH Bs l.0(
No. 1 Costa Rica Coffee 7 lbs 1.0
No.2 " " " 8 lbs UK
Other goods at equally low figures foi
cash at D. L. Beck & Sons.
A twenty-dollar piece will buy a wag
on load of groceries at D. L. Beck &
Roger Bros.' Al 1847 Teaspoons, war
rantea, 1.50 per sot at G. Hansen's.
Roger Bros.' Al 1847 Tablespoons,
warranted, $2.50 per set at G. Hansen's.
Roger Bros.' Knife, Al 1847, warranted
the best 82.00 Tier half a dozen at G.
Parents desiring dolls for Christmas
resents will do well to attend tht
loll Festival, to be held to-day. by
the ladles of Grace church.
Koine Itnlc for Ireland at lsst.
Portland, Dec. 18. Aland-slide at
Mosier this morning strnck an engine
and knocked it off the track into the
Celumbia: the engineer escaped: the
passenger train was delayed ten hours.
MouTEEAi, Dec. 18. A gigantic tel
egraph scheme has been evolved here.
The Canadian Pacific railroad com
pany has an immense telegraph sys
tem now finished corresponding with
tho Baltimore & Ohio with a view to
forming an American connection from
Montreal to the Pacific coast a total
circuit of twenty-eight thousand
miles and laying a cable across the
Pacific ocean from British Columbia
to Japan, and also make connection
with tho Atlantic cables to Great
Washington, D. C, Dec. 18. It
is understood here that Judge Brad
ford has been appointed register of
the land office at San Francisco, he
is endorsed by Secretary Lamar. All
of President Cleveland's appoint
ments will be printed in the Congres
sional Record.
STIZit. insane.
New Yobk, Dec. 18. Mrs. Yseult
Dudley, whojtried to kill O'Douovan
Bo33a, attempted suicide yesterday
in the asylum.
Wm. Morrison, a wealthy druggist
of this city, has become insane from
the use of cocoaiue.
London Dec. 18. Parnell is victo victe victo
reous: Gladstone concedes demands
and Ireland secures home rule. The
victory for Parnell and the Irish
cause is regarded ns of tho most
sweeping kind.
PirrsBUBC, Dec 18. Owing to re
cent heavy rams the Susquehanna
recently broke through its banks into
a coal mine, drowning seven men.
Vienna, Dec. 18. Peace between
Servia and Bulgaria is by no means
assured and difficulty in negotiations
still exists. Both parties are hard to
satisfy, being each determined in
their ' demands. The report is cur
rent that Servia has consented to
withdraw the troops from the vicin
ity of Widdin.
The spacious lodgo room of Beaver
Lodge No. 05, I. O. O. F., was the
scene of a pleasant cntertaiument
last evening given by the Astoria Y.
M. C. A., or rather by several ladies
and gentlemen iu aid of and under
the auspices of that association.
The entertainment opened with an
instrumental solo by Professor Bet
tinger, followed by a chorus, "Com
rades in Arms," by several male
voices. Mis3 Carrie Fields then re
oitcd a humorous scene in a railroad
car, after which Mrs. B. Van Dusen
and Mr. Wm. Barker sang a duet
ilrs. Geo. Dorris sang a solo which
preceded a recitation, "Spartacus,"
by J. T. Boss. The next on the pro
gramme was a duet, sung by Mrs. O.
W. Fulton and Wm. Barker, which
with a vocal selection, "The Grave
Digger," by J. E. Day, closed the first
Tho second part opened with a
Drologue cleverly spoken by Miss
Edith Conn introducing the amusing
Mrs. Jarly and her comical wax
works, which provoked roara of
laughter. Several local hits and par
odies heightened the fun and it is
seldom that anything has received
so much hearty applause as the
mirth-exciting movements of the
aforesaid "waxworks" last evening.
The attendance was good and the
officers of tho association wish to
express their appreciation of the in
terest manifested in the entertain
ment and their thanks to all who
participated therein.
Not True to Nature.
Eastern papers are arriving with
the first installment 3 of Bret Harto's
new story. The opening scene is a
dead give away. A stage is robbed,
the road agents doing their work by
the light of a bull's eye lantern, and
Wells, Fargo's messenger is the sec
ond man they go through. Bret
Harte is evidently forgetting his
knowledge of Pacific coast customs
No stage was ever robbed in Califor
nia or Nevada where the gentlemanly
robber held a bull's eye lantern. A
bull's eye lantern only lights one spot
and from the shadow it would be too
convenient to send a bullet. The
strge robber arranges all that by get
ting in his work mostly in daylight.
Harte should recognize the custom
ary percentage in favor of the game.
Then again that express messenger
episode is thin. Wells, Fargo's mes
sengers usually carried a gun with
half the barrel sawed off, and they
either shot or were shot off hand.
No climbing down or "standing up."
When a messenger was aboard either
ho or the road agent got the drop on
the other and settled the whole busi
ness right there. Bret Harte has
ived too long iu h'old Hingland.
He ought to spend a season in Boop
county, Nevada.
Depends on the Size of the SnrV..
The Astohian says that a girl who
can cook a potato can get $20 n
month in that city. How much
could a girl earn in Astoria who can
cook a sack of potatoes? Oregonian,
The real estate sale advertised by 1. J.
.rvold, administrator of the estate of H
R. Bruhn, deceased, will be by B. S
iVorsley, at two o'clock this after
aoon at the court house.
The pnblic will do well to examine
wr immense stock and get our low
prices before buying elsewhere as It
will be money in your pockets. Re
member the Crystal Palace will not be
undersold In anything in their line.
"Chatterbox" for 1885, only 75 cents at
'Adler's all other books in proportion.
Sometliinc a Little Fresher than Is Fonnd
On the Haps.
The political geography of the
world is becoming strangely altered
in these seemingly peaceful years.
Within the last lustrum there have
occurred many changes in the con
figuration of the possessions of the
great nations of the earth. Within
the short limits of a year Germany
has risen into a nation of great colo
nial importance, and her people are
no longer obliged to leave her flag
when they desire to emigrate from
the crowded fatherland. Not since
the era of the Napoleonic wars, when
the map of Europfi was reconstruct
ed every six months, have so many
alterations been going on as of re
cent years. And the changes have
been, in the main, quietly made. In
Europe itself there has been compar
atively little alteration. Austria has
expanded by the occupation of the
Turkish provinces of Bosnia, Grotia
and Herzegovina. This restores her
to about her dimensions before she
lost Venice, Lombardy and her con
trol over the Italian Duchies. But
she is not nearly recouped in popula
tion by this aggrandizement of area.
Russia has annexed the narrow strip
Bessarabia, taken from Boumelia,
which received in return the malari
al Dobrudscha. Greece ha3 grown to
something by stretching northward
into Thessaly and Epirus. Those
nations of the moment Boumania,
Servia and Montenegro have all
grown in extent by despoilation of
Turkey, which has also had tho semi
independent states of Bulgaria and
Eastern Boumelia, now temporarily
amalgamated, carved from its re
mains. The only one of the coun
tries erected out of Turkish territory
that is likely to remain, a fixture on
tho map of Europe i3 Greece. The
others will sooner or later become in
tegral parts of tho powers that creat
ed (hem. Montenegro smallest and
fittest of them all to survive and
Servia will be likely to fall to Aus
tria; Boumania and Bulgaria, with
its annex, Eastern Boumelia. to Bus
sia. Prussia has apparently ab
sorbed the Duchy of Brunswick,
from which comes the English royal
line, a stato of about 300,000 souls."
Now take your map of Africa, so
full of countries of strange extent
and illy-defined boundaries. First
remove the border lino between
Algeria and Tunis, for both have
been essentiallyFrench territory since
the French regency was established
in Tunis nearly four years ago. De
lineate a country that extends from
the twenty-fifth meridian to Abyssinia
and the Bed Sea coast and from near
the twentieth parallel well toward
the great lakes that are the sourceof
the Nile. This is the territory reigned
over by El Mahdi and his successor
and which has no definite name ex
cept that of the Soudan, which we
were taught meant the expanse of
country between tho Sahara and
Guinea. From this should be ab
stracted a narrow strip along the Bed
Sea as far as Berbera, which ac
knowledges the Egyptian, Turkish
or English domination whichever it
may be. If you can find the island
and bay of Assabin the Bd Seamark
them off as the only colonial posses
sions of Italy, which also
occupies Massowah, perhaps per
manently. Germany has acquired a
large and indefinite territory opposite
tho island of Zanzibar and what is
known as the Gameroons country on
the bight of Biafra. Extend the
British possessions at the cape more
indefinitely into the interior; mark
off an extensive territory running
back from both shores of the Congo,
except at its mouth, which is Portu
guese. Thi3 is Stanley's "free stato
of Congo" over which King Leopold,
of Belgium, reigns. Then mark off
the country of the entire upper
course of tho Niger as the doman of
that savago conqueror, who is repeat
ing the role of tho Mahdi in western
Soudan. Now noto that tho island of
Socotra off Cape Gnardafui has been
annexed by Great Britain aud that
the French have gained some terri
torial advantage in Madagascar.
The republic of Liberia has enlarged
itself by annexing the neighboring
native kingdom of Medina.
Note first that Cyprus is trans
ferred from Turkey to Great Britain.
Add to the Russian province of Geor
gia or Trans-Caucasia a section of
Turkey that will about square its
boundaries to the Black sea. Blot
out Turkestan and annex it to Russia.
Take a block out of the northwest
ern portion of Afghanistan, running
nearly to Herat, and add this to Rus
sia. Now go to Farther India.
Throw Cochin China, Cambodia,
Anam and Tonquin and label the
amalgamated countries French In
dia. Forecast the future a few weeks
and make Bnrmah an integral part
of British India. Leave Siam alone
of farther Indiau independent states.
Divide the great island of Papua,
second in the world, between Great
Britain and Germany. Noto that the
Caroline islands are permanently
Spanish, and mark most of the Pa
cific islands, which have heretofore
been considered independent, as tak
en possession of by Germany.
Blot out Patagonia. Add that por
tion east of the Andes to the Argen
tine Bepublic aud that west to Chili,
but render also unto Chili the north
ern shoro of the straits of Magellan.
Divide Terra del uego from north
to south and distribute it with Pata
gonia. Now extend the northern
boundary oE Chili to about Arica in
Peru and annex to Chili those por
tions of Peru and Bolivia south of
this point between the Andes and
Buelclou' Arnica. Salvo.
The Best Salve in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sorc3,Ulcpr8,SaltRheuin,
Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Ilands,
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup-
ions, and positively cures Piles, or no
oay required. It is guaranteed to give
oerfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 23 cents per box. For sa le by W
E. Dementi Co.
What is a newspaper office without
a safe? It is nothing but a flimsy ex
cuse for a journalistic establishment.
We have just procured a safe that
took a whole ship's crew to coax it up
the stairs. The man who bossed the
job requested us to get behind and
push; so as to save the strain on the
ropes and pnlleys. We haven't much
confidence in pulleys, and we remem
ber of seeing a fellow catch hold of a
rope with his neck and break it.
When we are going to have a race
down stairs with a safe, we propose to
give the safe a few lengths the start.
If we aro to go ahead in a race with a
safe, we want the safe to be going up
hill instead of down. If a safe ever
gets theupperhand of a fellow and sits
down on him, it might not conclude
to get up when he had cried,
The stout iron safe now sits at one
end of the sanctum and looks digni
fied and grand. The agent told ns
the combination before it was brought
up. We spent the first three days m
turning the knob backwards and for
wards to the figures but she would
not let in. Finally the agent hap
pened around, and the door opened
as soon as it saw him coming.
A safe gives an office an air of re
sponsibility. When a stranger enlers
we tell him just to lay his hat on the
safe. This assists him in seeing the
safe. The agents recommended the
safe as being fire-proof. As soon as
tho weather gets cold enough-we will
build a fire in it and see if it will
stand tho racket. If it is really a fire
proof saf, we may conolude to use it
for a stove.
We had not thought, till a abort
time ago, what we should keep in the
safe. We do not wish to bulge its
sides out and strain it by stuffing'it
with our money. Somo people keep
their coal in such places. This might
be a good plan, for we can save fuel,
and keep the boys cheerful on cold
days by telling them we cannot get at
the coal, as we have forgot the com
bination. There's an idea that's worth
ten dollars. When a man comes up
with a bill, we shall say, "Certainly
just ub well pay it now as any time."
Then we will rush up to the safe, turn
tho knob quietly one way and then
the other. We shall mutter, "By jinks !
This is strange." Then we will turn
the knob frantically. When we tell
the man, with a thoroughly disap
pointed look, that we are sorry, but
we have lost the combination, tho fel
low will go out laughing and tell, as
a joke, that we couldn't get into onr
Oh, there is no doubt but that the
safe will be a handy thing. It will
always look well, and if we are pushed
in our efforts to make it useful, wo can
fill it with exchanges and keep the
paste and other perishable articles in
it. No rats will oat up paste when it
is looked in a safe.
Wo wish to caution all persons
against fooling with our safe, or they
may get their fingers pinched in the
heavy doors. Aurora Blade.
On Sunday last several of the
Russian Finns working for the West
port Mill Co., at Westport, having
first taken iu a full cargo of scow
whisky, engaged in a desperate fight
with brush hooks, axes and other
weapons. Blood flowed freely and
several ot tue participants wero
seriously wounded. A woman who
witnessed tho affair was so overcome
by the brutality that she went into
convulsions. The Finns aro orderly
and industrious whon sober, and tho
whole affair constitutes another
argument in favor of the strict en
forcement of the liquor law Mist, 19,
"Wide Awahe Druggists.
Messrs. W. E. Dement & Co. are al
ways alive to their business, and spare
nopal ns to secure the best of every article
In their line. They have secured theagen
cvfor the celebrated Dr. King's cw
Discocrv for Consumption. The only
certain cure known for Consumption,
Coughs, Colds. Hoarseness, A-ihma,
Hay Fever, Bronchitis, or any affection
uf the Throat and Lungs. Sold on a
positive guarantee. Trial Bottles free.
Regular size $1.00.
Speaking about dolls, you must see
Adior's variety ; they will plea our
eve as well as your purse.
Christmas cards, PrangV, Whitney ,
Tuck's and Hildcrshimer's In cndle-s
variety at the City Book Store.
A fine display of Crockery and Glass
ware is now exhibited at Ciirnahan &
Co.'s, for the holiday trade.
Evervboilysays the same: What is
that? that Adler sells his books lower
than any other store.
Sunday School teachers will find a
large assortment of Christmas cards
with and without fringe, from twenty-
five cents per dozen up, at urimn a:
Tlic Xortluccst Illustrated MonUily
for December contains splendid illus
trations of Astoria, etc. 1,000 copies just
received at Adlers Bookstore, only 13
cents per number: justthe thing to send
your friends cast.
Rradj- For Business.
For a good steak, a delicious cup of
coffee or a plato of fine oysters goto
Frank Fabre's Coffee. Oyster and
Chop House; opposite M.C.Crosbj'.s.
That beautiful life-size doll in Adler's
window will bo rallied for only 2.". cents
per chancPj
Flue Jewelry.
Amongst a fine lot of jewelry received
this day at Adler a Crystal Palace, we
notice soma elegant diamond lockets,
diamond oarrings, diamond shawlpins,
diamond rings, diamond bracelet-, dia
mond breastpins, as well as. a general
assortment of elegant jewelry; every
piece will bo warranted and sold at wry
reasonable figures, at Adler's Crystal
Girl Wanted.
To do general housework. Apply at
ASTOniAX ofllcc.
The finest line of Christmas cards
and plush goods ever exhibited iu As
toria, at prices that will astonish 3on, at
the City Book Store.
A large stock of toys and juvenile
Iwoks for tho youngsters at tho City
Boob Store.
Parties wishing spars or Piling of any
size or length can be supplied by leav
ing orders with J. H . D. Gray.
Robheil by Highwaymen.
Last Tuesday evening Wesley Sim
mons, a farmer residing in the Bed
hills about six miles south of Salem,
was robbed by highwaymen while on
his way home over the Parrish gap
road. He had drawn S200 in coin at
a bank in Salem and started home in 1
a hack with his mother. When near
Kendall's place two men passed them
on horseback at a gallop. About two
miles further on two men jumped out
of the brush and seized Mr. Simmon's
team by the bridles. One of the men
pointed a pistol at Simmons and or
dered him to throw up his hands,
which he did. The other highway
man then searched him and took the
3200 and a little change from his
pockets. He was then ordered to
drive on. The robbers were tracked
to Salem, where all traces of them
was lost. Oregonian, 18.
A. Good Thins to Mention.
Since November 1st and up to De
cember oth, we find that 20 vessels
sailed from Astoria for Europe with
wheat and flour. During the same
interval, only 12 vessels sailed from
California for Europe with wheat
and flour. It is not often that
Oregon gets ahead of California,
and when she doe3 it is a
good thing to mention. At present
there is a plentiful supply of tonnage
in the Columbia river, and continued
activity in the wheat trade is prom
ised. S. F. Bulletin, 8.
Keynote to Health.
Health is wealth. Wealth means in
dependence. The keynote is Dr. Bosau
kos Cough and Lung syrup, the best
Cough Syrup m the world. Cures
Coughs, Colds, Pains in the Chest, Bron
chitis and Primary consumption. One
dose gives relief in every case. Take
no other. Price 50 cents and S1.00.
Samples free. Sold by J. W. Conn.
Syrup ofFigs.
Manufactured only by the California
Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is
Natures Own Truo Laxative. This
Eleasant liquid fruit remedy may he
ad of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents
or one dollar per hottle. It is the most
pleasant, prompt and effective remedy
known, to cleanse the system ; to act on,
the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently
yet thoroughly; to dispel Headachs,
Colds and Fevers: to oure Constipation,
Indigestion and kindred ills.
Why will you cougn wnen Shiloh's
Cure will give immediate relief. Price
lOctsMctsandSl. Sold by W.E. De
ment. Are you made miserable by Indiges
tion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of
Appetite, Yel ow Skin? Shioh's Vital
izer is a positive cure. For sale by W.
E. Dement & Co.
Has Returned.
J. Joplin has returned, and is again
ready to repair umbrt-llas and tend to
business at the old stand.
For Kent
At a reasonable rate.; the flue new
building opposite Kirchhoffs bakery.
Apply at this office.
A luxury anil necessity
For rich and poor who wish to enjoy
good heaith, and wh do not wish to re
sort to bitter nauseous liver medicines
and cathartics, is the concentrated liquid
fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. 50c.and SI
hottles for bale by V E. uement & Co.
For a A'cat Fitting Boot
Or Shoe, go to P.J. Goodmans, on Che
naimw -.treet, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock ; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
All the patent medicines advertised
in tins i taper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc- can
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. w.
Conn's druc store, opposite Occident
hctel. Astoria.
Sleepless Nights made miserable
by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De
ment & Co.
"Hackmetack," a lasting and fra
grant perfume. Trice 25 and 50 conts.
Sold by V. E. Dement.
For lame Back, Side or cnest use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 23 cents.
For sale by W. E. Dement.
V. Lussicr oi San Francisco has en
gaged in the photograph business with
Crow the leading photographer.
That Hacking Cough can be so
quicklv cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee it Sold by W. E. Dement.
Albums vou can only find in endless
variety at Adler's, and his prices are
really ridiculously low.
Are 5'ou made miserable by Indi
gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of
appetite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vital
izer Is a positive cure.
For sale by W.
;. Dement.
Shiloh's Cough ana Consumption
Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It
cures consumption. Sold by W. E. De
ment. Yds, Adler sells Japaneso goods
cheappr than am body, and he has a
splendid assortment direct from the
groat illbado.
Union 1 ckinjj Co. are hereby notilled
that the annual meeting of said com
pany will be heJd at the company's office In
Astoria. Oregon, on the 22ud day of Decem
ber. 1SS5. at one o'clock -. ar., for the pur
nose of electing a board of Directors for the
pnsninp- vnar and ihe tnumctlnc of such
oilier business as may come iiefore.the meet
ing. Byorderottnerresiaent
Astoria, Or- Dec. 12th. 1885.
Xo, 5 Xorlh Front St., Portland, Or.
Impoiters and Dealers In
Wood-working Machinery,
Saud-papcrlns Machines.
Latlics, Berlns: Machines,
Band wawa. Scroll Saws.
Rubber and Leather Belting,
Nicely Furnished Rooms,
W Mrs. 8. T. McKean's, Cass street, three
door? south of Astoria office. ,
irrnTn rvt itriTTTnrrr uninti. at
Having purchased extensively in Eastern and San Franciscc
Markets, I am now prepared to show the Largest and Most Varied
Assortment of DRY GOODS and CLOTHING in the State of
New Silks,
New Velvets,
New Cloaks,
New Buttons,
New Hosiery,
New Ribbons,
New Blankets,
Every Department is Complete!
Being one of the
Largest Buyers of Dry Goofls Glothin
In The North West,
Buying Direct From The Manufacturers and importers,
Sating the Extra Profits of Middlemen, Wo are enabled to
Give Our Customers the Benefit!
We Only Cany
And Our Prices are Low.
Speoially Attended to and Filled With Dispatch.
Wholesale and Retail Stores, Astoria, Oregon.
Holden's .Auction Rooms
f Established January 1st, 187T.
Real Irtate and General Auctioneer
and Commission Merchant,
Chenamw S eet. - Astona, Oregon.
Auction saleot Sundries erery Saturday,
at 10 :30 a. M., at m v Auction Rooms.
Will conduct Auction Sales of Real Estate,
Cattle, and Farming Stock wherever de
sired. Cask Betnrns Promptly made after Sale.
Consignments respectfully solicited,
Notary Public for the State of Oregon.
Commissioner of Deeds for Washington
Agent for Dally and Weekly Oregonian.
And All Points Kast.
Rates 38.30 to $10.25 tlic Cheapest to
Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City,
Pallmaa Palace and Emiirrant RleepiBc Cars hauled rn Express
Tralas Exclusively without Chaase.
If you are golnc east vrrlte for Bates. Mai, Time Tables. Guides and Full Information.
Agent. Astoria. Asst. Agt., Astoria.
General Asent, No, 1, Washington street, Portland, Oiegon.
Are now
Show a Large Assortment
Goods in Every Line!
Which will be Sold at
Lower Figures than
-LJJM " JL I 1
The Leading Clothing, Hat,
New Dress Goods,
New Suitings,
New Wraps,
New Trimmings,
New Underwear,
New Gloves,
New Flannels, Etc.. Etc.
(Late Cutter with M. D. Kant.)
FasMonaWe Tailofl
A Good Fit Guaranteed.
Pants, from 53 up. Suits from $30 up.
Shop opposite C. H. Cooper's.
& Mcintosh
Prepared to
at any Other House
I 'i
and Gents1 Fipi&ing Store