ca $hc a glStW&tt. ASTORIA, OREGON: T1IUKSDAY DECEMBER IT. 18S5 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE POUT OF ASTORIA READY FUR SEA. .lara, ISr lk fiSO Queenslovtn Dec 15 ARRIVALS MOM SEA. Statu of California, es Debney. h b' Dec 36 J ESbELS IS Till". RIVER. ' o Director. Br bkfiTS. Abeona, Br fcp 0711 Olive S Southard.Am sp Compadrc, Br bk ElTty. Br bk "67 Victoria Boy. Br bk 1115 Tjthonon?.-Brbkll52 Otterspool. Br?p Uarmaetben Castle, Br sp Abercorn, Brsp i26i Karl Roiebcrry. Br bkllM Lorraine. Br bk 823 W innmez. Br sd 1203 Scottish Admiral City of ranton, Br sp Clan McLeod. Br bk C rnnce fr reaencK. Ur sp ft ortnernnay. Kr sp vai Alumnia. Krbk715 Viola. Br bkCTo Katabdin. Br sp 1173 Chasca. Br bk CS3 Imrlturnnd. Hr bk Hornby CtsUo.BrfiplUC CJitr of GlaiKow,Br sp!!C3 binjrapore, Br bk K6 uagmn uastie. Br dk Sardinian, urap im Braemar. Br bk 1037 Gio.ibervie, Br bk W Anglo Xonntn . Br bk SC2 VESSELS OS TBE a' AY. From rorelsu Ports, for Hie VtIiirul(in Klvrr AlpUeta. Br bkSlO Adelaide, Sept 9 Adelaide May, Br bk 572 Cali&o Ampbitrite, Brsp 1703 Montevideo Blcnsfoll, Br splIM It Augusta Comadrc, Br bk772 Callo County of Mcnonctli.Br bk 10S5MontcvidioStit 1R County of Flint, Brbk 1033 New Castle Cochrina, Br bk '31 Duncdin Dorenby, Br bk 833 Liverpool via Victoria Aug, SI Dumbartonshire, Br bk i'15 Sidney 1'irtb of Stron6a, Br bk 900 Sydney Aug 15 Firth of Don ocli. Br bk 907 Liverpool Sept. 2. Glonogle, Brbk SI J Valparaiso Germnnia. Cer bk 850 Liverpool (oldon Horn, Brsp 1S4! Calcutta Dec 1 Harvest Home. Br bk57 Victoria Hawardeu Castle, Brsp 1101 Montevideo Oct 19 Kincardineshire, Br bk 1232 Loodon Sept. 5 Lord Canning, Br sp 14G5 Adelaide L. J, Moree, Br sp 13S3 Mclbourno Oct 5 Loch Moldart. Br sp 2003 Sydney Oct 24 Mary Low. Br bk 855 Baenos Ayres. North Riding. Br sp 1371 Valparaiso Noss Iliad, Br bk 1072 Sydney A us 28 s' on, Br sp 815 Adelaide Stirlingshire. Brsp 1221 Liverpool Nov In Soteco, Brbk Liverpool Oct 25 From American Ports. r. S. llurlburt, bk 1030 New York Union, NorspWi SanPodroNov23 Til: TABLE FOR AlSTOXtEA. DECEMBER. HIGH WATEU. LOW ATEU. Firt. Secood. Pint. Second. o a 3 2 S C S B E tt 5 h a P a h 5 h h. 171. jS h. m. Ju h. wj. JS h. m. N " 13 00 01 3 955 1 1U 37 -0 0 U 18 -0 8 6 1 05 0 9 1 43 2 23 3 07 3 33 4 03 4 42 -0 8 0 0 04 01 03 07 12 2 6 21 14 07 13 r, iq H COO 15 6 41 10 7 8 17 8 19 18 9 07 19 9 54 'JO 10 42 21 0 4S 22 1 37 23 2 21 24 3 0C -01 08 -14 -17 -18 -1C -12 -05 231 3 44 4 24 r. us 02 10 18 14 08 02 !3I C M zj G 40 30 7 SI 31 823a The hours between midtdgnt and noon are dosignated by a (a. si.), those between noon nud midnight by p (p. m.). Oh. OOm.a denotes midnight, oh. 00m. p denotes noon. The lieigut is reckoued from the level of average lower low waters to which the sound ings are given on the Coast Survey charts. Columbia River Exports. sniraiEXTS ronniox. DECEMEEn. I To Quucnstown per Parlhia. Wheat, 57,015 bus ..45,2fi0 2 To Liverpool per Orlrsdalc. Salmon, 20.3S3 cs ?101,525 Flour. 12.720 bbls 43,500 Boole, 1 box . 23 $141,410 2 To Quecnsloicti per Lord Kinnalrd. Wheat, 46,547 bus .$80,3C6 it To Bristol per Qrasmcrc. Wheat, C3,5S0 bus sr,, iiTo Belfast per Abernytc Wheat, 30,931 bus 11 To QuccnslownpcrJS'orcro-x. Flour, 15,235 bbls .7,lS2 12 To Liverpool per Bespigcdcm Flour, 28,303 bbls tlOVit! 15 To Qucenstoien per Java. Wheat, 54.699 bus 42,co i The Gem Salo The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to TILE GEM SALOON. ALEX; CAMPBELL, - J'ROrRIETOP When You Want Oysters, Clams, Crabs, Fish, Eggs, Butter of the best quality : when you want Chickens, Ducks, Gamo of all kinds, and want them fresh and good, call on C. F. Ueeffaf thc"Unlnn Market on Water street. Vegetables of all kinds constantly on hand. I warrant everything sold fresh and of the best quality. O. IF. 3ES.T? hiJL Telephone o. 10. Proprietor, Union SInrRot. Notice. rlD.E VARIETY RESTAURANT" WILL iT- sU?rtlyPea muter tho management of Mr. Wm. Bannister. This gentleman is well known as a first-class caterer whose patrons are always assured of satisfaction. Board per week at reduced rates. SHUTE & CO., FINE IMPORTED CIGARS. You can rely on getting a Good Cigar At Shute& Co.'s CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE, Opposite D. L. Beck & Son's. 1 8 21a O 9 10 77 D20p 68 2 0a 1 8 3 03p 8 0 10 27 0 9 3 07 2 1 4 0 8 2 11 2jj 0 9 3 68 2 4 5 00 8 1 - - -- 4 43 20 .148 6 9 11 13a 8 5 5.8 2 9 6 30 C 8 11 50a 85 COO 31 7 03 0 7 0 -7 8 4 (5 49 3 2 7 42 6C 100 62 7 28 33 8 14 (15 13C SO 6 07 33 8 45 tlb2lC70 850 33 9 17 67 3 0J 7 2 9 3'J 33 9 52 6 9 3 49 G 8 10 23 3 2 10 31 72 4 48 03 11 24 29 11 14 74 5 5S CO - - -- 0 18 7C 7 16 58 0 11 18 1 19 78 8:C 56 1 10 22 223 S19C2 60205 25 3 24 85 10 C7 63 303 28 4 19 88 11 5yC8 4 01 29 5 12 90 - - --456 31 C 00 6 9 11 29a 9 2 5 48 2 9 C 47 70oi8p92G40 28 732 73 1 07 90 729 27 8 16 74 2 00 8C 8 22 25 9 01 7C255 819 1C 24 9 47 79 C56 74 10 15 22 10 32 7 fl 5 02 (J 8 11 IS 2 0 11 21 79 C 19 04-- --0 22 79 7 42 62 0 19 18 1 33 79 905 00 118 25 248 8 0 10 21p 'J 1 2 17a 29 3 54p SOCIETY 3EBETIXGS. Temple JLodgo, Wo. 7A.P.A-M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS flR.t and third Tuesdays m each montb. at 7A o'clock, p. m.. at tlie Hall in Astoria. Members of the order in good standing are invited to attend.. Hy order oitho W.M. Bea rer Lodge No. 35. 1. 0. 0. F. REGULAR MEETING EV- JSg cry Thursday evening atjffS. seven o'clock, at the IxdgcT5gg?jp room in Odd Fellows Hall, Asto- i ria. Sojourning members of the order in good standing, cordially invited to attend. By order 2. G. Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O.P. REGULAR MEETINGS 01f OCEAN En campment No. 13. I. O. O. F., at the Lodge, in the Odd Fellows Ruildlng, at seven r. m., on tbe second and fourth Mondavs of each month. Sojourning breth ren cordially invited. By order C P Seaside Lodge No. 12. A. O. U. W . KEGULAIt MEETINGS OF SEASIDE Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. "W. will be held in their Ilall over Carnahan & Co.'s on Thursday evening of each week, at 7 o'clock. Members ol the order in pood standing, and visiting Brothers are Invited to attend. Li brary will be open fifteen minutes before and after each meeting. By order M. "W. C. BROWN, Rec Gushing1 Tost No. 14, G. A. R. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS POST on the second and fourth Tuesdays of eaoh month at 7 -J4 i: m. Visiting com rades cordially Invited. By order P. V. Cushing Relief Corps No. 3, G. A. R. REGULAR MEETTNGSONTTIESECONl) and fourth Tuesdays of each month, at 2T.3L By order Mi:s. t'. BOSS. Secrrtnr. Pacific Lodge No. 17, K. of P. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS Lodge every Friday evening, at 7:30 o'clock, in their Castle Hall, Sojourning Knights cordially invited to attend. W. A. SHEKMAN, K. of R. and S. Company H, O. S. M "REGULAR DHILLS EVERY MONDAY. Xl and Wednesday conings. Regular meetings the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 7 :3j i. m C. W. FCLTON. Commander. Common Council. REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at 7J4 o'clock. S"l'ersons desh lug to have matters acted unon bv the Council, at anv remilar meet ing must present the same to the Auditor aim tjierK, on or ueiore tue hrinay evening prior to the Tuesday on -which the Council holds its regular meeting. TKOS. S. JEWETT, Auditor and Cleik. HOTELS AXD RESTAURANTS. ASTOE HOUSE. BEST Dollar a Day Hotel in the North West Mrs. Sophia Daggett, Proprietor. Special Attention Paid to the Comfort" of Gussts. Corner Olncy and Jefferson Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON RATES, ONE DOLLAR A DAY. ARKER H00 WM. AHLEft. Prop'r. First Class in Every Respect. Free Concli to the House, C. Y. ICX0WLE3. L. D. KKOW.V, St. Charles Hotel, (European Plan.; BROWN &KNOWLES - - Proprietors First Clasb ix Evkuv Risrior, Good Restaurant Connected with the House Fire-proof llrlck Bnildinc. 190 Rooms. In the Center or tho City. Cor. Front and Morrison Sts.. Fortlaud. Or $67,000,000 Capital ! Liverpool and London and Globe north British and Mercantile Of London and Edinbt'-glu Old Connecticut of Hartford AKD COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital of S67,C00 OOO. B. VAN DUSEN, Agent. Wilson & Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWASS Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS1 SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOR Salem Flouring Mills, Portland Roller Kills, Capitol Flour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA, OREGON. 9 (ffiSwtvsS 1 POWDER Absolutely Pure. Till powder never varies. A marvel of pitntv, strength and holejomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold in competition with the multi tude of low tct. short weight, alum or iilto- lriiatc tKiwdcrs. Sold ontu fn caw. Rovai. Fowdek Co. IOC Wall-st.. N. Y. T11AXSPOIITATI ON LIN KS. 0. E. & H. CO. And Way Landings. The Steamer? of the O. It. & . Co., car rying the r. S. malN, leave the Comjan'.s Dock t.xcvy liny. Sundays except oa, at 6 A. M. lids is the only d.tily line, and tho otiK line running all the year round. TO SAN FRANCISCO. . Ihe only line of Steamship? to San Fran cisco. Steamers leave Comp.mjS rrk even five days. Regular Line of Tow Boats and Barges, For Towage and Llghtcr.igp. STORAGE OP Arf, ni.ins. Ittquire at Companv's Dock or at City Of fice. H. A. NOYES, Agrnt. OVERLaSID TO CALIFORNIA Via Oregon & California3l.E. Aiul Looncrtlun. Tare to Snc Tran. $:rt; to MicninirDto 53a Close connection mu'ie at Ashland with stages of the California & Oregon Stage LB UATI.T CEPT 8UXDAY.S Knt Sltf UU lfiu, nilTMEF..N I'OJiTMM A. ASHLtM 3!al!Tiain. I.RAVK I ARRIVI: Portland tjSO A SI Ash'end .4:15 A M Asldanj Dii P M I Portland. .irJi I'M II:niy Express Train LE-VVi: I AltlUYE Portland. ...:00 P M I I.el anon J30PJ! Lebanon 4:15 A M 1 Portland 10-O A it Pullman Talace Sleeping Cars daily be tween Portland and Aldaud. 'I lie O. & C. R. R. Ferry makes collection with all regular trains on the Eat Side 1)1 v. from foot of F street West Side imiiion, BLTWEKX I'ORTH.M) AM) CORVALI.IS. Mali Train. I.KAVK I ARRIVE Port'nnd 9:00 A M OortMlis iJZO V M Corrallis S: A M Portland 3wl3I Ex pre-s Train LE.VVK I ARRIVE Portland ....J.-W P M McMinnTilic....!rfOPM iIcMinnvillc0:53 A X I Portland J320 X i Iocal ticxets for sale and uaxuaRe checked at company's up-town office, cor. Stark and second streets. Tickets for principal points in California can only be procured and bag gage checked at company's ouice, Corner F and Front Sts., Portland Or. Freight will not be recelvea for shipment after live o'clock i. at. on either the Eastof West Side Divisions. R. KOF.I1LER, E. 1. ROKERS. Jlanager. (i. F. & rass. A gL llwaco Steam flatiptin Co V1MTER SCHEDULE. FROM ASTORIA TO Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and llwaco. Connecting by stages and stcamboat3 for Oysterville. Montesano and Olympia STEAMER &&. "GEN. MILES," V. T. WniTCOMit, MASTiut. "Will leave Astoria dally (Sundays excepted for Ft Stevens, Ft. Canby and Uwaco, at 8 A. M With Oysterville 2dails and Express daily, and Through Mails to points beyond, and Montesano, "W.T., on Mondays, "Wednesdays and Fridays. On Thursdays the "illics" will make two round trips, leaving Astoria on sec ond trip (about 3 r. it.) 3 linttn, after arrival from first trip. Fare to llwaco, S1.00 Passengers will save 1 cents bv purchas ing tickets before going on board." llwaco Freight per Ton, - $2.00 KTFor Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at the office of the company, Gray' wnarf, foot of Benton street. J. U. D. GRAY, Agent. San Francisco anil Astoria PACKET LINE. Carrying Freight; Running every Ten or THE SCHOONER Will be on berth m San Francisco on FREIGHT. From S. F. to Astoria. . c Portland. " Astoria to S. F. S1.50 $2.00 $2.50 On General Merchandise. S. n. HARMON. 3lC Stuart St. San Franclscj, Cal. CLaTSOPMILLCO., Astoria, Or. WNO PRIMAGE, Bnrtfcttc on Eartlily Glory. 31y dear boy, do not envy your neighbor his greatness. Do not re pine because you are not president of the United States, standing be tween the deep sea and the mug wumps, with a thousand wearying cares on his heart and brain. Glory is transient, and fame doesn't last j long. All is vanity, my son. "JMan cometh forth like a flower and is cut i down ; he fieeth also as a shadow m..1 AAi.(!nt1o(li irf It rP!l& lln iliof is new to-day, doth it not pass into the sad and drearv tomb of the circus, or the embalming hands of the end man to-morrow? "There is hope of a tree if it bo cut down that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease," but the song we all sang yesterday, and paid money to hear, and ap plauded with loud, resounding cn core, do we lift up our hands to-day and smite the man who sinjjeth "Swt Vlts," or "Gbble, Gob ble?" But yesterday the word of Ciesar might have stood against the world; to-day the smiling clerk looks up from the register and says cheer fully: "Sample room. .Tulitis?" Brooklyn Eagle. Th Coming UFan. First boy "They say you are a coward, a liar, a a " Second boy "Do you know what they call vou?" First boy "What?"' Second boy "Thev don't call ; they just whistle." Texa's Sittings. There's a farmer boy in Ohio who has the making of a "funny man" in him. He recently wrote an ode to the dead mother of his pet lamb and called it an "Ewe logy." Merchant Traveler. "Well, my son, what did the min ister preach about this morning?" inquired a fond parent of his nine-year-old son, on the latter's return from church. "lie preached about an hour and a half, and I'm as hungry as a bear," was the replv; "is dinner ready?" Oil City Derrick. Phj'sical Ucjjcncracy of Criminals. Studies of criminal records, con tinued through successive genera tions, show that even when tno first generation of criminals are hardy and long-lived, the second fall far short in both endurance and longev ity, while but few members of tho third possess sufficient vitality to reach maturity the average ages of the three generations being ver nearly in tho descending ratio of threo, two, one and in a few 3'ears more the entire line becomes extinct. The Interior. Cure For Piles. Piles arc frequently preceded by a sense of weight in the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to suppose he has some effection of the kidneys or neighboring organs At times, symptoms of indigestion are present, flatulency, uneasiness, of tin stomach, etc. A moisture like perspir ation, producing a very i.isngreeable itching, after getting warm, is a com mon itieiidant. Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles yield at once to the appli cation of Dr. Bosanko's Pile remedy, which acts directly upon the parts ef fected, absorbing the Tumors, allaj ing th e intense itch ing,aml effecting a'per nianent cure. Price W) cents. Address The Dr. BosankoMedieim Co.. Piqita, O. Sold by J. W. Conn. There are imported annually into New York from Cornwall, in En gland, and from the mine3 of Aus tria, Hungary, and Bohemia, about 1,000 kegs of arsenic, which average 400 pounds of weight each. Sot a Single Gray Hair. 'You may laugh and think me a vain thing.'' writes Mrs. J. K. C. of San Francisco, to a friend in this city, "but I have not a gray hair in my head, and yet (sad to say) I am fifty and a day. Recently my hair was not only quite gray but quite thin, too. Parker's Hair Balsam made in New York, I think did won .ers for me. Try it if you have occasion. It really does what I say, and restores tho col or also." Not a dye, not greasy, high ly perfumed. Only reliable 50c. dress ing. An active trade in the common sea-gnlls has sprung up along, tho Long Island coast. The birds are poisoned by putting arsenic on bits of fish, and are shipped to taxider mists in New York. Mistakes of Druggists. The public has recently been shocked by deaths resulting from tho careless ness of druggists in giving morphia for quinine. No such error can ocour in prescribing Bed Star Cough Cure. Eminent scientists Bay that it is free from opium or morphia, and is the most efficacious cough remedy extant. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youtti, nervous weakness, early dt-cay, loss of anhood, &c, I will iend a reclpo that will cure you. FREE OF CHARGK. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the ltr.v. Josetii T. Imax, Sfaffoii D, A'c Teri: Citu. YOUXG 21K.!-CF.A1 THIS. The Voltaic Belt Co., of Jlarshall, Mlcli.. offer to send their celebrated Elec-mo-VoLTAic Bklt and other Electbic Aitliaxces on trial for thirty days, to men (young or old) aflllcted with nervous teblllty, loss of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, and many other dis eases. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. So risk Is in curred as thirty day3 trial Is allowed. Write them at once for illustrated pampnlet tree ROSS, CORONER. COUNTY XTx3.c3.exttlsJLsr. First Class Hearse and Material ON HAND. Shop and Office on Main St., above Pioneer Restaurant. A. V. Allen, WltoIeJ.t!e and Retail Der.ler in MILLFEED. Glass and Piaisd Ware, SKOl'.t M. ANl DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. lOitltST With Wines, Liquars.TobacccGig-ra WILL Faster AND EASIER Than rusj o'h eraxcimule. Hundreds of woodmen tes tify t Its supe riority. It !?Of Ileep and Nf ye r Sticks. CARNAHAN H CO. ApeM Astoria. SI. SO. Trie THE BEST IS THE Royal Brand Flour Manufactured by the OREGON rMILLING COMPANY I- rSitptnorQu.dltj.and l indorsed by :11 who list it. THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE tlf .Superior RIstn? QuallSj. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Soli' Astits lor Axtorin. Furniture and Upholstering, Mattresses Made and Repaired. Paper Hanging. Carpctc Sewed and Laid. Furniture Sold on Commission. Snoi corner Main and Jefferson Strevts 3IA11TIX OLSEN. W. E. BEMSKT & CO, WrOKlA, OREGON C.trn in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and fA&GY ARTICLES i'rr-rriptlon can'fully Compouii.led DEBILITATED MEN. Yon aro allowed a free trialof thirty days of the 5a of Dr. Dre'a Celebrated Voltaic Blt wltt Ilectrlo SusDeasors ATmllances. for the etteedt ellef and permanent cure of Sercoua Dtbilit i.lost i uamy ana juannooa, ana au lanarea irouoies viso tor manjomer atseases. complete restore Jon to Health. Vigor and Manhood cnaranteed So rule is Incurred. IUostrated pamphlet In stake vnixwiic iiuuimi rcf. lit ouuressinK V0LTA10 BELT CO., ManaalL Mich GERMANIA BEER HALL FROM THE Norton Pacific Brewery Five Cents a Glass. Xo Inferior Beer sold at this place. WM. BOCK, Froprlctor. Stockholders7 Meeting. STOCKHOLDERS OF THE FISIIER inen's 1'kp. Co, are hereby notified that the annual meetlntr will bo held at the Co.'s oaice at Upper Astoria. Or., on Tuesday. Dec. 29.18S3,nt9 A. M. for ihe purpose of electing a noard of directors for tho ensuing year, and the trinsactton of other businest that may come boforo the meeting. By order of the President. JI.E. NELSON, Secretary. Final Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has fiied in the County Court tf the state of Oregon for Clatsop county, her final account as administratrix cf the estate of J. V. Robb deceastd. and that the same has been !et for hearing on Monday, January 4th 16S5, at the hour of two o'clock r. at. J. 11. ROBB. Administratrix. GUSTAVBONTGEN, Gr XT 3J0" J3 3MC 1 1? IOC. . "EAIi VAX DUSEN 'S STORE, tn?PEIt ASTOMA. All kinds of new Guns made to order, Breecli-loading Guns made from Muzzle loaders All rr pairs done nrompt and cheap. First class work guaranteed. Addtvs3 letters GUdTAV BONTEN, Care of John Kopp, Astoria, Or. For Sale. 00 ACRES OF TIMBER LAND IN AiXJO Columbia county, Oregon. For particulars Inquire of C. BRADBURY, Sajld, ClaWop Gin Ox. ItiUFLEXl cui &KE. J.C.Trullingcr NERVOUS ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Borrox Sxreet, Neab Fakkeb House, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAID ailAEIM MEMS BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Ofall UcKcriptinoM niidc to Onii-r ut Short Xotlre. A. D. Wass, Trosidcnt. J. G. Hcstlkr, Secretary. I. w.UASEircasurer. Jonx 1'ox.Sunorintendeii:. R. Lemon & Co., Stevedores and Riggers, PORTLAND and ASTORU. roKTiuVNn OrriCK Xo. to North Front St. S.AUNDT&FERCNKN ASTOKrA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOPJ Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNEEY, AND STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to, A-pecJaltytnadeof repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. BOOTS AND SEOES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, -AT THE- SIGN OF THEJOLDEH SHOE. J. i. D. UKAY. Wholesale and retail dealer 11. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LI&1L SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and "Wha fage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria Oregon. Sign Painting, CHding, Banners, Oil Cloth Signs. 3HOW CARDS. Fence Advertising-, Price Marks, etc. C. LANE, Shop aud office on Oj-s street : Tike Bros.' old stand. Hardware aiA Ship Clanilsri VAN DUSEN & GO, DKALEES !' Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pnre Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas. Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements Sewing Machines, Paints aud Oils. Groceries, etc Powder. 25 lb kegs, Duck Shooting $14.00 Sea Shooting... 7.00 Rifle, Fg to 3 Fg 7.0O Shot. 25 Pound Bags S 1.65 Wads. 1,000. Pink Edge, Xo. 10 3 1.50 Eiack Edge, Xo. 10 . .85 A. G. SPEXARTH, Astoria. 1885. INTEREST "Will be allowed On Time Deposits. Drafts on all the leading Cities. Wm. T. Coleman & Co.. 8. ELMOUE, Manager Banking Department, Aitorls, Oregon. DR. VAN M0N0ISGAR rermancntly located at lS2and 134 ThlrdStreet, Portland. Ort7on. Is a regular graduate in medicine, has been longer engaged In the special treatment of all venereal, sexual and chronic diseases than any other physician In the "West, as city papers show, and old residents know. S1000 reward for any case which he fails to cure, coming under his treatment ;bv follow ing his directions. DB.YAX h the most successful Lung and Threat Uoctor in America. He will tell you your trouble without asking vou a single question, and n arrant a perrect care in the lollow lug diseases: 5errom debility. Spermatorrhoea, semi nal looses, sexual decay, fainting memory, weak eyes, .stunted development, I033 01 energy. imp erished blood, pimples. Imped iments to marriage, also Mood aud skin dis eases, sj philts. eruptions, hair falling, bone pains, swelling, sore throat, effects mercury, kidney and bladder troubles, weak baclc, burning urine, Incontinence, gonorrhoea, gleet, stricture, etc., receives prompt reliet and cured for life. Xenons dlscaes (with or without drenms. i3caseu uiscnarges cured promptly without hindrance to business. Both Sexes consult confidentially. If in orwrite. Delajsaredangcrous. InflaiaraatloB of the ear, ulceration orca tarrh. Internal or external, deaf tuess or im ralysis, nncing nobes. thickened drum, &c. ALL SURGICAL CASES, such as clubbed or deformed feet, paralysis, contracted cords, weak Joluts, or deformed limbs, hip Joint disease with running sores and shortening limbi. diseases and curvaturo of the snlne. old uleers, diseases of the knee jo!nt3. de formities of the face and diseases of the eyes, every eye that may require artificial aid. deafness, private diseases and all chronic diseases such as consumption, asthma, neu ral la. diseases of the hoart, lungs, liver, stomach, spleen, bowels, skin and urinary organs, amt all diseases peculiar to females. All cases of catarrh most positively cured by a new and infallible principle. Impedimenta of spee-h, as stammering and stuttering perfectly removed. Piles and fistula radi cally and permanently cured without the knife. HEltXLi AND RUPTURE perfectly restored without an operation, requiring no truss af ter treatment. Old fever sores, ulcers and varicose veins Invariable healed and cured. CAXCERS and tumors permanently re move 1 without the knife, caustic, or tho loss of a slnule drop of blood Terms for Treatment Strictly Cash. Office hours 8 to S. THE SPECIALIST, So. 11 Kearney street, S&a FrascUco, Cal. m.EAT3 ALL CHRONIC, SPECIAL AND PRI VATE DlSEASKS WITH "VYOJUlKBFUL StJOCKSS. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY! Is a certain cure for terrou Beblllrr. Lost MaBkeed. 11 oRtatarfaea.and all tne evil effects of youthful follies and excesses, and lu drlaklBZ latexl eating Ilqasrs. Br Mlatlr. who Is a reg ular physician, grad uate of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania wu. uL-iee tn lotncL 3500 for a cose of th Kinu tue Itni Restorative (under his spe cial advice and treatment) will not cure. S1.C0 a bottle, or four times the quantity $6, sent to any address on receipt otprlce, or C. O. D. In private name if desired, by Dr. Mlatle. 11 Frnaclsco, Cal. Send for list of questions and pamphlet. SAMPLE BOTTLE FKEE will be se t to any one applying by letter stating symptoms, sex and age. Strict se crecy in regard to all business transactions. MANHOOD Tiie retuou I'mt Tr.O'i.uvas eunnot Qtt curttt of SHMIXAL H'EAKXESS, LOSS OF MAX ROOD, aml'.he result of abutt. disease or excesses. is oiling to a complication called PROSTATOR RHEA. DR. LtEBIO'S IXVIGORATOR i the OXL YcnrtforPROSTA TORRUEA. Price. B1M per package. G pactagti, glO.CO. Guide to Health ant Silf-Ar.alystitntfrte. Address UK RIG P IS 1EXS A RVfor Distant of Men. 400 Geary St.. Gats Francisco. Cat. rOTENT MEF m Ba they Toon? or Cki hxting Lost thoj attributes of PERFECT HANHuOO liar Kegla Qulckljr Sexual Power PnOCREAUIE JblUIY, Irof. Jean CMale. BY THE USE OF The Civiale Remedies. form of bemlnal loss and weaknecs whether due to Youtbfnl FoUy. Abav, or Natural Follurp. This treatment orltrinated br PBBP. C1VIALK. adopted In orcry FKAXGEanci FREE TO ALL Pln receipt of cent m it. . ttijli la poUet ftaajpa. w wlllmnd free to any earnest Inquirer, our rplea did lllutrated St pajra medical work. glTlnrymi. (oniii ofall fonnsot Sex tA Disease. descripUon of this treatment, price, testimonials and news paper endorsements, &c, Ac. Wfl are also agents for the new and certain to rare. Self Adjusting and Gloro Flttlar Cradlo Compressor, for tho thorough and radical cur, without surserr, of VARICOCELE CoBsulUtloa with rail Medical StaA; FREE, Msle Remedial Agency, 174 Fulton SL, N. y. Moore's Remedy -FOE Polcon Cls.. MOORE'S KESrEDY Cures and Prevents POISON OAK. CUKES Files. Burns, Cuts: KE- MOVES Sunburn and Freoklea. Cold in the Head or Lungs, Croup Etc.. etc. An Iavaluable FAMILY SALVE. Sold by all Druggists. 5 Cents a Box Try It! SIGN AXXtTXnrCfr AND CARRIAGE PAINTING! In (Sood Style and Lowest Living Prices cms. OlSEN. Shop atMontgomery'toMstuncl W MLmBaffl ES&Rffi&EjR X l' RESTORED bWTLbbbbbHI -A. v -? -