01 ASTORI a7 OREGON: THCHSDAY DECEMBEK IT, ISS5 Oarl Adler advertises a fine collec tion of jewelry at low prices. New York telegrams of tlio 13th report Columbia river salmon selling tboro at $1.35 and $1.40. Tickets at the city book store for tbo Y. M. C. A. entertainment at Odd Pellows1 ball to-morrow night. Pacific Lodge No. 17, is tbe title and number of a K. of P. lodge in tbis city, and an A. O. TJ. W. lodge in East Portland. Tbe Oregon takes out 1,220 cs. salmon; 1,000 of the Cutting Packing Co., and 220 Wm. T. Coleman & Co.; and 240 sacks oysters. There are Seventy vessels, repre senting a total tonnage of 116,648, now awaiting charters for grain ship ping from San Francisco. Putting up the electric light wires attracts considerable attention. Tbe wires have now reachod Cass street and will be continued eastward. Over 2,500 immigrants arrived in Portland during November. The to tal arrivals of immigrants in that city since January 1, 18S5, have been nearly 27,000. Capt. Phil Johnson is lying ve ry ill at bis residence with neuralgia of the bowels. His condition was such last evening a3 to occasion grave fears as to his recovery. Jacob Kamm is about to build a brick block corner of First and Wash ington streets, in Portland, which, it is said, will "lay over' anything of tne jiraa in tne ciiy. The State arrived in at 8:30 yester day merning: the Oregon leaves out this merning: tbe British bark Glen lora, 774, coal laden from Cardiff, and the fishing schooner Carrie B. Lake, are outside. Tbe Pataha branch of the O. E. & N. Co. from Pomeroy to Starbuck will be compl ted by January 1st. The lino is nearly graded, and about nine miles of track is laid. There are nearly 1,000 men at work. The Portland JKcics reports that great trouble is experienced in get ting places for cooks and housekeep ers in that city. Send a few down here. A girl that can cook a potato can get $20 a month in this city. Sheriff Jordan, of Porlland, is on the outgoing stoamor. He goes to San Francisco with a warrant for the arrest of a drug clerk named A. C. Biegle who is alleged to have skipped out of Portland with several hundred dollars belonging to E. B. Ive3, his employer. There are some big grain farms in western Oregon, as veil as in tbe "in land empire." A correspondent of the Washington county Independent says J. S Hallethas 180.000 bushels of oats stored in his granaries. Al lowing fifty bushels to the acre, 3,600 acres would bo required to raise that amount of grain. A train of COO oars would be necessary to move the crop, putting 300 bushels in a car, and the train would measure more than three miles in length. At 50 cents a bushel, tbo prico asked by Mr. Hallet, the oat3 will bring $90,000. It is believed that the muoh talked of sale of tbo unfinished Oregon and California railroad to the Central Pa cific has not been completed. Tbo negotiation had reached tbe arrangt ment to issue $10,000 of Central Pa cific bonds bearing 3 per cent inter est for three years and 5 per cent, thereafter with which to take up all the Oregon and California bonds and leave a surplus to complete tbo road to a connection with the Central Pa cific, to build a track from Corvallis to a junction with the Orogon West Side line and to relay the Oregon and California with steel rails. But tho attorneys have raised the questions whether tbe Central Pacific company under its charter can become owner of tho Oregon and California road; secondly, if tho United States govern ment's lien on the main line of the Central Pacifio would not attach to and cover the Oregon and California if it was purchased by the Central Pacific. Nw Citizens. Since the 1st inst., the following have declared their intentinn to re nounce allegiance to any foreign prince or potentate, and become citi zens of these Unitod States: Aug. Enblom. of Sweden: A. O. Tronsen, Nerway: Peter Oppeneer, Helland: A. Johnson, Kussia: Pietro Cominet ti, Italy: Jos, Messina, Italy: Jacob Fritz, Germany: O. Kylander, Sweden: Fred Barker, England: ErlohKiesby, Germany: A. Erickson, Nerway: Jas. Dalgity, England. The Northwest Ilhistmicd Monthly for December contains splendid illus trations of Astoria, etc. 1,000 copies just received at Adler's Bookstore, only 15 cents per number: just tbe tiling to send your friends east. That beautiful life-size doll iu Adlcrs window will be raffled for onlv 2.1 cents per chance. Fine Jewelry. Amongst a fins lot of jewelry received this day at Adler s Crystal Palace, we notice some elegant diamond lockets, diamond earrings, diamond shawlplns, diamond rings, diamond bracelet-, dia mond breastpins, as well as a general assortment of elegant jewelry; every piece will be warranted and sold at very reasonable figures, at Adler's Crvstal JPalaco. Irl Wanted. To do general housework. Applv at .Astoria-n office. The finest line of Christmas cards and plush goods ever exhibited in As toria, at prices that will astonish you, at the City Book Store. A fine display of Crockery and Glass ware Is now exhibited at Carnahan & -Co.'s, for the holiday trade. Fes, Adler sells Japanese goods cheaper than am body, and he has a splendid assortment direct from tho .great Mikado.- OVER THE WORLD. Rangoon, Dec. 16. It now tran spires that eleven Europeans were massacred while tryiug to leavo Bur mab when the war broke out. Tbe massacre occurred on tbe twentieth cf November. AVAK XOTE. Belgiudk, Dec. 16. Servian sol diers are suffering from severo cold, many have lately frozen to death while asleep. Sofia, Dec. 16 Prince Alexander, of Bulgaria ha3 accepted the proposal of the powers for an international commission to arrange existing diffi cul ties with Servia. WHOLESALE AERE3T3. Pcetlakd, Dec. 16. The police this morning arrested forty-one Chi namen for violating the cubic air ordinance. All plead guilty but ene: they were each fined fifty dollars. BOYCOTTING NEW TOBKERS. New Yobk, Dec. 16. The central labor union has boycotted the Fifth Avenue hetel: has also black li3ted Senator Sherman and Secretary En dicolt, because they stopped tbere; also Gov. Foster. Ben Butler heeded their "warning and left Their rea son is that the hotel proprietors em ployed non-union painters to paint the building last October. Michael McCariy and Charles Smith were to-day arrested for ma turing a scheme to rob Yanderbilt's tomb. WASHINGTON NOTES. Washington, Dec 16. Ex-Speaker Randall is decidedly ahead in the matter of endeavoring to institute new rules of debate in tbe bouse and will, in all probability, defeat the scheme. The attempt to cmsh him has utterly failed. Congressman Morrison ba3 been as sured tbat no more Chinese will be allow ed to land on consular certifi cates. Tbe supremo court of tho United States has decided that Northern Pa cific lands cannot bo taxed wbilo tbe government holds the patent to them. SCARED IN LONDON. London, Dec. 16. There is a great mad dog scare in tho city, and the police have instituted a general search armed with long iron rods. A DOMESTTC TnAGEDY. Detroit. Dec. 16. Tbe residence of Frank Knox, near tbis city, was binned early this morning. In tbo smouldering ruins the bodies of Knox and bis wife, locked in each other's arms, were feund: also n small boy. The body of tbe baby is missing and is supposed to have been entirely consumed. It is thought that, the conflagration was occasioned by tbo upsetting of a lamp. BOILED DOWN. Bob't Toombs died at Washington, Georgia, last Tuesday evening: will be buried to-day. Tbos. T. Parmele accidentally killed himself, near Seat tle, with a revolver, on the 14th inst. The Arlington cotton mills at Wil mington, Delaware, were totally de stroyed by fire on tbo 15th: loss $75.- 000. The funeral of Gov. B. Gratz Brown, took place at KLirkwood, Mis souri, last Tuesday morning. De spite President Cleveland's silence in his message, it is tbo -gbt there is no doubt but tbat congress will ap propriate at least $20,0 J J,000 for river and harbor improvement Captain Ead's Tobuantepec ship railway scheme is getting a boom in con gress. Cyrus W. Field thinks the time has como when the government should control the telegraph lines of tho country. The New York Grant monument committee talks of giviug up tbe idea. Tbe S. F. Call figures up 253,000 Chinese in Califernia: gen erally supposed not more than 100, 000. Tillers of tbe soil east of the Bocky mountains were unable to sell as much grain in eleven months iu 18S5 as they did in 18S4, while Pa cific coast famers not ouly sold as much, but more. English employers and land owners announce their in tention to refuse employment to Irishmen who in future vote against the party to which tbe employers and land owners belong. In one province in China, up to November 1st, 225 Christian churches have been burned and 24,316 Christians massacred. The pope is again reported ill. A constitutional amendment is pro posed in congress making six years tbe presidential term. "What Do You Sav? A train leaves New York every morning for San Francisco; a train leaves San Francisco for New York ovcry morning. In other words a tram starts every twenty-four hours from New York and San Francisco to cross tho continent, averaging be tween six and seven days in the trip. Now, if you leavo New York to-morrow morning for San Francisco, how many of these through trains will you meet coming this way, supposing you take six days and nights in reach ing your destination?. ILcynote to Health. Health is wealth. Wealth means in dependence. The keynote is Dr. Bosan ko's Cough and Lung syrup, the best Cough Syrup in the .world. Cures Coughs, Colds, Pains in the Chest, Bron chitis a a Primary consumption. One dose gives relief in every case. Take no other. Price 50 cents and S1.00. Samples free. Sold by J. V. Conn. Parents desiring dolls for Christmas presents will do well in wait for the Doll Festival, to be held on Saturday, the 19th, by the ladies of Grace church. Ready For Btisiuosh. For a good steak, a delicious cup of coffee or a plate of fine oysters goto Frank Fabrc's Coffee, Oyster and Chopllouse; opposite M.C.Crosby's. The pnblic will do well to examine our immense stock and get our low prices before buying elsewhere as it will be money in your packets. Ke member the Crystal Palace will not be undersold in anything in their Hue. "Chatterbox" for 1885, only 75 cents at Adler's all other book9 In proportion. C03DIEMOEATIYE EXERCISES. Few poets have a stronger hold up on tbo popular heart than John Greenleaf Whittier whose birthday is celebrated to-day. Among the more pretentions offerings from his many admirers all over tho continent the pupils of the high school department of District No. One in this city have arranged a commemorative exercise for this afternoon and thus from this far off Pacific shore send a little branch of Oregon fir to mingle with tbe garlands that crown his brows in his honored age. The afternoon's programme is as follews: Song, ''Evening Bells" SchooL Beading, selected Will McKean. Concert Kecitation. "Barefoot Boy." Beading, selected Curtis Perrie. "The Sabbath Scene" Oallie Bro die. Declamation, "The Yankee Girl" Frankie Lawrence. Becitation, "Mass. to Virginia" Bozetta Sherman. Quotations, "Voices of Freedom" Tillie Hartwig. No;a Bappleyea, Olga Heilborn, Bobert BrodietEmma Devol, Will Tucker, Leonia Cronk, Will McKean. Curtis Perrie, Will Tallant. Paper, analysis of "Among the Hills," with quotations Katie Mc Kean. Becitation, "The Poet and the Chil dren' Katie Thrall. Becitation, "John Brown of Ossa- watamio John Garner. Analysis of "Snow Bound" with quotations Alice Stockton. Concert reading, "The Huskers" High School clas3. Beading, selected Will Tallant Song, "Flag of the Free." Declamation, "Tho Branded Hand" Amy Powell. Beading, selected Minnie Sher man. Quotations, miscellaneous Daisy Goodell, Minnie Sherman, Georgia Badollet, Ella Tanger, Ethel Hun ter, Charles Deiorce, liaura Hun sacker, Josie Bryce. Paper, Life of Whittier Ella Tan ger. Poem, Whittisr's Birthday Josia Bryco. Letter to Mr. Whittier from tho school Nora Bappleyea. Becitation. "My Birthday" Agnes Stockton. Song, "Forget-Me-Not" SchooL Mrs. Martin, the principal, extends a cordial invitation to friends and parents to attend and witness tho ex ercises. KKlli KSTVTE TK.IXS UTION'S. P. H. Lewis to Geo. O. Moon, two ninths blocks numbered 30, 31, 23 and 13, Olnoy'a addition; $400. J. Joplin to Kate Dnfly, 25x50 feet, lot 8. blk 2G, McClnre's Astoria; 1.500. W. E. Joplin to J. Joplin, 25x50 feet lot 8, blk 2G, McClnre's Astoria; 31,500. A. H. Stone to Alex Moodv, E Y2 NE( sec 35, T. 8 N., B. 7W., 80 acres; $800. O. W. Coe to D. H. Welch, one ninth interest J. G. Coe donation land claim; $150. W. N. Moody and wife to T. L. Fra ser, NW )$ sec. 28, T. 8 N., B. 8 W.; $1,000. F. L. Logan to H. F. Logan, lots 1 and 2. and NW M sec. 33, and SW M sec. 34, T. C N., B. 10 W.; $1,303. F. L. and H. F. Logan to W. S. M. Barnes, SE & sec. 33, T. G N.. B. 10 W., except lfi acres provionslv sold; $S00. Invisible Ink for Postal Cards. Diluted sulphuric acid one part, by measure, of acid to seven of water. When this ink is used the card will at first show roughened traces of the writing, but after being allowed to dry for a short timo these disappear, and it is as invisible as if done with water. Of course only a gold pen or a quill muBt be used. If is desired to avoid the suspicion of using sym pathetic ink, which might be excited by a blank postal card, it may be written npon across the first writing with the tincture of iodine, which will entirely fade out when the heat is applied to develop the invisible ink. There was a yonng king of Barmaw AYhoso name was simply Theebaw: He lost ilandalay In a cowardly way. And Prendergast shouted "hurra vr! Wide Awake Druggists. Messrs. W. E. Dement & Co. are al ways alire to their business, and spare nopains to secure the best of everv article in thcirllne.They havesecured thcagen o.v fnr Mm oololir.itnrt Vr Vtr-trV Vmi' Discovery for Consumption. The only ceriam cure Known lor uonsumptton, Coughs, Colds, lloarseuess, Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, or any affection uf the Throat anil Lhiut-5. Sold an positive guarantee. Trial Bottles free. ill'llliW MU Cl.lAI. Sunday School teachers will find a largo assortment of Christmas cards with and without fringe, from twentj' fivc cunts per dozen up, at Griffin & Heed's. Shiloh's Cougn ana Consumption Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by W. E. De ment. Sleepless Nights made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by W.E. De ment & Co. That Hacking Cougn can be so quicklj cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by W. E. Dement. VarHis wlshinc snnrsnr nlHnrr nfni sire or length can be supplied by leav ing orders with .f. H. D. Gray. Albums you can only find in endless variety at Adler's, and his prices arc really ridiculously low. Speaking about dolls, you must see Adler's variety; they will pleaso your eye as well as your purse. Everybody says the same: What Is that? That Adler sells his books lower than any other store. Christmas cards, Prang's, Whitney's, Tuck's and Hildershimer's in endless variety at the Olty Book Store. CUM GBANO SALIS. Sjln Feaxcisco, Dec 15. A most sensational and startling plot for the wholesale assassination ot the most prominent men of this city came to light here to-night. Some timo ago the police obtained information of an organization called the "Socialistic Revolutionary Association," which, it was asserted was composed of ultra socialistic members. Close watch was kept on their movements and the police finally succeeded in obtaining tho minute3 oi one ot ineir meetings, held November 23. From these facts it was discovered that it was the inten tion of the association to "put out of the way" about twenty men, including W. T. 'Coleman, Congressman W. W. Morrow, Gen. W. H. L. Barnes, Mayor Bartlett, United States Judce Lorenzo Sawyer, Leland Stan ford, Charles Crocker, Gov. Stoneman, the principal police officials and several others. These names were placed on the "prescriptive list," and placed in tho hands of the executive committee, to carry out the orders of the association. The committee were to devise the best mode of ac complishing the ends of the base plot, and were thus engaged when their work was brought to a sudden termi nation to-night by the discovery of the association's headquarters, at 000 Montgomery avenue, by tbe police, and the arrest of fonr men found therein Julius O. Koosher, Henry Wiseman, Chas. Mittelstadt and Os car Eggers. In the room was also found a complete laboratory for manufacturing infernal machines. Ten men were taken to the city prison, where they boldly asserted that they were dynamiters, and their purpose was to get rid of tho citizens named and then raze Chinatown. The piisoners also belong to the German branoh of the Anti-Coolie league. No charge has yet been en tered against the prisoners. Further developments are expected. A MoTir. Jndgo Langford, recently appoint ed judge of the First judicial district of Wasaington territory, is a mover of experience. He lived in Ohio, New York and Iowa prior to coming to the Pacific coast On arrival here he settled in Oregon, where he lived several years. He then moved over to Vancouver, and later to Walla Walla, in this territory. In 1873 he left the territory, went east, and set tled in Mississippi; was admitted to practice there, was elected to tho state constitutional convention to framo a state constitution, and prac ticed his profession in tbat state fo r over a year, after which ho removed to Texas to engage in business with his brother. Alter a abort residence in Texas, he removed to San Fran cisco and engaged in the practice of his profession for abont a year, after which he removed to Lewistou, Ida ho; he was elected a member of the upper house of the legislature. From Lewiston. he returned with his fam ily to Walla Walla, where ho has since resided, and where his more re cent history 13 well known. Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Jt3. This One Lived la Tennessee. Judge David Key, of Tennessee, who wns President Hayes' postmaster-general, after ho had served a short term in the senate, told a good story of a man in tbo mountain region of his state, who was a stereotyped candidate for local offices of all de scriptions, but who would never give a decided opinion upon any question. On one occasion when he was a can didate for tbe position of nherifT there was great excitement on the enforcement of the school tax. Ho addressed quite n gathering at a runs ter, but evaded the only question that the audience wanted to hear about, and just as he was closing a fellow sheuted: "Tell us about tho school tax. Are yon for it, or are you not?" The crowd cheered, and "the orator thus pressed for a declaration of opinion said: "Gentlemen, yon have a right to ask for an answer. I havo no concealment to make. I am a frank man, and to you I say in all frankness, if it is a good thing I am for it, and if it is a bad thing I am against it." lien Perley Poore, in the Boston Budget. Burl(!cui Arnica Salve. Tiik BE3T Salve i n the world for Cuts, Bruies,Sore.s.Ulcers,Salt Ithenni. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give Pei feet satisfaction, or money refunded, rice '25 cents per box. For sa le by W K. Dement & Co. Syrup ofFigs. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cat is Natures Own True Laxative. This feasant liquid fruit remed y may be lad of V. E. Dement & Co. at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle. It Is the most pleasant, prompt and effective remedy known, to cleanse the system ; to act on, the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gontly yet thoroughly; to dispel Ileadachs. Colds and Fevers: to cure Constipation, Indigestion and kindred ills. Whv will you cougn wnen Shiloh's Cure will givtMmmediate relief. Price 10 cts 50 cts and -51. Sold by W. E. De ment Are you made miserable by Indiges tion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin? Shioh's Vital izer is a positive cure. For sale by W. E. Dement & Co, lias Returned. J. Joplin has returned, and is again ready to repair umbrellas and tend to business at the old stand. For Rent, At a reasonable rate; the fine new building opposite Kirchhoff's bakery. Apply at this office. For a Xeat Fitting Boot Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che naraus street next door to I. W. Case. All goods of tho best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new goods con.iantly arriving. Custom work. " A large stock of toj-s and iuvenile books for the youngsters at tbo City Book Store. CLEVELAND'S 6ENEB0SITY. A lawyer friend of President Cleve land from Buffalo gives me some interesting gossip about him. Said he: "President Cleveland is worth about $100,000, and he owns consider able real estate in Buffalo, which is fast growing in value. He made 25, 000 a year at his practice before he got into politics. He is not an ex travagant man im any of his tastes, and he has never been so. Ho had a ClaS3 of case3 at Buffalo which nnid well, and he was Mteu the counsel iui i-uipuianujjb hi uig cases. niio be was covernor of New York ha gave away tho whole of his Balary in cnanty, save tnat which, be used, for his personal exoensea and for thn support of his mother. I have seen many instances of his charity. One night I was with him in his private oince at tne Albany capitol. It was after he had been elected president He was opening his mail, and many of the letters contained requests for alms. I saw Governor Cleveland answer fully half a dozen of these by inclosing 5, $10, and at one time a $20 bill in an envelope with a kind word, and sending it to the beggar. One case was especially touch ing It was that of an old man in southern New York who had lost hia horse by death. He had a little garden patch of a farm, and this horse was the solo means of mak ing a livelihood upon it He had raised some money by contributions from his neighbors, but still lacked enough by $20 to buy the horae which was to servo as the support of himself and hi3 gray-haired wife. Somo of the neighbors had heard of Cleveland's charity, and had sug gested that ho write to him and' ask him to help him. From the tenor of tbe letter yon could see that tho oid man was very proud of its composi tion and handwriting. He Baid that he had written it himself, with his own hand and the appeal throughout was that of a simple-minded, unso phisticated, childlike person. Cleve land's oyos filled with tears a3 he read it, and ho put a S20 bill in an envelope and sent it to him with a few kind words. I have no doubt," concluded this man, "but that Presi dent Cleveland is giving away a great deal of hia salary in ehnrifcv. Tf Iir does so you may be sure that no one uuiaiuu ul iuo wnuo nouso win know of it" Correspondence Cleve land Leader. Happiness antl Hcnltli Arc important problems, the former de pending greatly on the latter. Everyone ! familiar with the. healthy properties of fruit, and no one can afford to be sick and mis rablc whi c the pleasant con centrated liquid fruit remedy yrup of Figs, may ho had of our nternriiiiur druggists V. E. Dement & Co. All th( iintitut iticrliptni'S mlvprtlawt In this paper, together with the choicest k-i lumiuj, aiiu luster ttruuius, etc cm ie hoiivhL :it tho lowp.t nrinps. Jit. .!. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hctelwAstoria. : Shilfill's VitnliTPr i wnnt vnn npprl for Constipation, Los3 of Appetite, Diz ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. rnre iu aim io cents per uottie. soiu by V. E. Dement Are you made miserable by Indi gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of appetite, Yellow Skin ? Shiloh's Vital izer is a positive cure. For sale by W. E. Dement. llaci:iuetack." a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 2.1 and 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement. for lame Back, Side or unesc use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Pncu 25 cents. For sale by W. E. Dement W. r.iissipr ni Snii Vmnpipn line on gaged in the photograph business with Crow the leading photographer. MOI M BWiO 011 Stockholders' Meeting. milE KEOULAliANNCAL MEETING OF X the stockholders oi the I'ythlan Land ami Building Assoclati n will be held on Dec. 31sr, at 2 P. M. iu Pythian Hal! for the purpose of e'cctlnc a b ard ot Ave Directors tor the ensuing vear and attending to such other business as may legally cosne before it. K. A. XOYliS. Sect. Furnished Rooms. fits. E. C. IIOLDEX HAS A FEW NICE 1TJL ly furnished rooms to rent at five dol lar? per month and upward, and by the week or night. Enquire corner Main and Jeffer son streets. County Orders. T AM AUTHORIZED TO BUY COUNTY Orders. R.K.SPEDDEN. 11. P. GREGORY & CO., .n, 5 .Vorlh Front St.. Portland, Or. Importers ami Dealers in "Wood-working Machinery, 3IOKTISKIf.y. TliXO.fjEUS, Mand-paperlus: Machines. La'lirs. linrlnx Machines, Band aws, Scroll Saws. Rubber and Leather Belting;, AXD MILIi FIXDIXGsi GEXEKALIiY Carnahan & Go. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RKrAIL DEALEES IN &EHERAL MEBCHAMSE Corner Ccenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON A. B. THOMPSON, THE COLUMBIA FISH AND GAME MARKET Fresh Fbh on every day's Steamer. Tame Geese, Ducks. Turkeys and Chickens. Wild Game of all kinds. Fresh and Canned Fruit. Butter.Eggs and Vegetables. STWill Sell at Low FrlceB.j& ! FALL IND WHITER i NEWTOODS! Having purchased extensively in Eastern and San Francisco Markets, I am now prepared to show the Largest and Most Varied Assortment of DRY GOODS and CLOTHING in the State of Oresron. New Silks, New Velvets, New Cloaks, New Buttons, New Hosiery, New Ribbons, New Blankets; Every Department is Complete! ; Being Largest Buyers of Dry &oofls GlotMng In The North West, Buying Direct From The Manufacturers and Importers, Saving the Extra Profits of Middlemen, We aro enabled to Give Our Customers the Benefit! We Only Carry FIRST CLASS GOODS! And Our Prices are Low. WHOLESALE COUNTRY ORDERS Specially Attended to and Tilled With Dispatch. C.H. COOPER'S Wholesale and Eetail Stores, Astoria, Oregon. -NONE BUT- WHITE COOKS! EMPLOYED AT THE t Tho Tables Supplied with the Best the Market Affords. In the Sleeping Department, Clean, Comfortable Beds. J. G. ROSS, Proprietor, MAIN STREET, ASTORIA, OREGON. Pioneer Restaurafl THE OREGON SHORT LINE. 11 TO 500 MILES THE SHORTEST; 12 TO 48 HOURS THE QUICKEST. CHICAGO, BOSTON, NEW YORK, Aud All Points East. Bates 8S.no io $10.25 (he Cheapest to Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City, AND OTHER POINTS. Pullman Palace and Fmiierant Bleep Ins: Cars hauled oh Expre-M Trains Exclusively -nrltliont Change. If you are Kpin? east write for Rates. Maps, Time Tables. Guides and Full InforauUtoa. E. A. XOYES. W. Ju GARRETiON. Agent. Astoria. Awt. Agt., Astoria. B. CAMPBELL, GeiiPral Asent, No, 1, Washington street, Portland, Oregon. MacDonald & Mcintosh Are now Prepared to Show a Large Assortment . OF Goods in Every Line! Which will lie Sold at Lower Figures than at any Other House IN THE CITY. The Leading Clothing, Hat, and Gents' Furnishing Store New Dress Goods. New Suitings, New Wraps, New Trimmings, - " New Underwear, New Gloves, New Flannels, Etc., Etc. one of the THOS. MAIRS, (Late Cutter with M. D. Kant.) A Good Fit Guaranteed. CHARGES MODERATE. Pants, from $8 up. Suits from $30 up. Shop opposite C. H. Coopert. FasbionaMe Tailor g-.SK !.