on hc 3h .statim. 'ASTORIA, OREGON: WEDNESDAY DECEMBER IG. 1ES5 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE PORT OF ASTORIA. READY FUR SEA. Iva. Jtr bk SDO Qaeonstown Dec J5 ARRIVALS I'M II SEA. Accio Nonnan. Br 1V S"2 Brisbane Dec. IB I ESbELS IE THE RIVER. Director. Br bkC79. AbeonarBrspSTO olive b Southard. Am so Compadre. Br tk Elwy. Br bt 767 Victoria Bay. Br bk 1113 Tjthonoui. Br bk. 1152 Ottcrspool, Br sp Carroaethen Castle, Brsp Abercorn, Br sp i&i! Karl Roseberry. Br bkllft) Lorraine. Br bk 823 M innipec, Br sp U03 Scottish Admiral Cit? of 'anton, Br Ep Clan McLeod, Br bk G43 ranee r reaencK. ar sp onncrnnay. arsjii Al crania. Brbk715 Viola. Br bk50 Kctandiu, Brsp 1173 Chasca. UrbkW3 Inslewood. Kr bk rioreoy uastie.ur spiuo Jitv of niaKow,Br EpllfS binpapore, Br bk 6 its Clan Uflstle, lir oic Mratnlan, brsp ims Braemar. Br bk J033 Gjenbeme.BrbkSOO VESSELS ON THE WAY. From Favclsn Ports, for the 4'olnnililn Klvrr AlpLbla BrbV.810Adolaido.bept S Adelaide May, Br bk 572 Oaiiao Amphitrito, Br sp 17l5 Montevideo Blencfell, Br sp 1IM Pt Augusta Comadrc, Br bk77i Callo County of Mcnonetb.Br bk lOGSHontevidioScpt IB County or Flint. Brbk 1033 flew Castle Cocbnna, Br bk S31 Duncdin Povenby. Br bk 833 Liverpool via Victoria Aug, 31 Dumbartonshire, Brbk9SSdney Firth of Stronsa, Br bk 910 bydney Abb 15 Pirta of Don och. Br bk 9U7 Liverpool Sept. 2. G lenogle, Br Mt Sll Valparaiso Uerraasia. Ger bk 8S0 Liverpool Golden Horn. Brsp 184: Calcutta Dec 4 Harvest Home. Br bk 5 J7 Victoria Hcwaiden Castle, Br sp 1101 Montevideo Oct 19 Kincardineshire, Br bk 1233 London Sept. 5 Lord Canning, Br spltfS Adelaide L, J, Meno, Br sp I SIC Melbourne Oct S Loch Muldart fir sp ICKV) Sydoey Oct 24 Mt'j Lotv. Br bkfeV Buenos Ayres. North Riding. Br sp 1771 Valparaiso Kossllead. BrbklU72Ejdney Aug 29 Eals'on. Brsp 815 Adelaide Stiilinsshiro. Br ep IM1 Liverpool Nov 10 e'cne, Brbk Liverpool Oct'i From American iort. C. S. liurlbart, bk 1026 Now York Union. Nor spSOi San Pedro Nov 23 aCTEOROLOGICAL REPORT. DECEMBER. 15. a. m.I 'Bar. I Ttier I Male of weather 3:501)29.73 11 :W 13 Sk i: si C :5CI 29 61 49 43 SE ludy WlUhtwln S light rain Rainfall 7J. Mas. velocity miles. Local time to coirspond with 7 A. si ,3 and 10 1. si., nshiugtun time. Columbia River Exports. sitxrsmxTS foreign. DECEMBER. I To Quucniiown per Parthia. Wheat, 57,015 bus .sr,.2oo 2 To Jjicerjxwl jyer Gricsilalc. Salmon. 20.33 J s a... Flour. 12.720 bbls Books, 1 box. .. $101,52i 25 $143,410 2 To Quetnstown per Lord Kiminird. Wheat, 40,547 bus 82C.30C 97"o Bristol per Qrasmcre. Wheat, C3.050 bu3 $51,135 8 To Belfast per Abernylc. Wheat, 35,934 bus....:. 5SI.O00 11 To Quccnslmvn perKorcross. Flour, 15.23"; bb's -337,132 12 To Liverpool per Kcspigalera Hour, 23.303 bbls ?109tG32 13 To Queenstoicn per Java. Wheat.04.C90 bus $42,rs Caniahaii & Co, SUCCESSORS TO I. W- CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN 6IHERAL MERCMBISE oraer Chenamu? and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON A. B. THOMPSON, THE COLUMBIA FISH AND GAME MARKET Fresh FLh on every day's bteamer. Tame Geese", Ducks. Tinkers and Chickens. Wild Game of U kiudv. 1'reMi and Canned Fruit. Butter, E-. - and Vegetables. :5TW1II Sell at tow PrIos.JS 0. E. BAIN. DOORS, WINDOWS, BRACKETS, Monldiiitjs, Window Frames, etc. A Full Supjily of Material. Bids Funilshcd : Contract 'Work a Specialty. Mill and Offlce on the Old bite. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For tho Finest of Wines and Liquors ' "Goto THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - PROPBIETOl' UiJIOH MARKET "When You Want oysters, Clams, Crabs, Fi3h, Egg, Mutter of the best quality : when you want Chiclteus, nucKs, Game of all kinds, and want them Iresh and good, call on C. lf. Reed at the Unln market on Water street. Vegetables of all kinds constantly on hand. I warrant everything sold Iresh and of the hest qualitv. aclenhuneo.l6. Proprietor, Union 3Xnrket Notice. THE "VARIETY RESTATJRANT'VWILL shortly open under the management or Mr. Wm. Bannister. This gentleman is well known as a first-class caterer whose patroiiB are always assured of satisfaction. Board per week at reduc ed rates. SOCIETY MEETINGS. Temple Lodge, No. 7A.F.A.U. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS fi firbt aud third Tucsdajs in eachVX month, at lA o'clock, r. M.. at the'VA Hall in Astoria. Members ol the order in good standing are invited to attend.. . By order of the W.M. Bearer Lodge No. 35. L-O. O. F. TIEfiTTLAIt MEETINa EV- .-.-sarV- XX ery Thursday evening atjjreaHgg seven o'ciock, at me iogo-s3w- rnnm In OrlH KpllnwsKnll. Asln- ria. Sojourning members of the order In good standing, cordially Invited to at tend. By order N. IS. Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O. F. DEGULARMKEUNGSOF OCEAN EN XX campment No. 18. I. O. O. F., at tlie Lodge, In the Odd Fellows Building, at seven p. si., on the second and fourth Mondays of each month, Sojourning breth ren cordially invited. By order C-1. Seaside Lodge No. 12. A. O. U. W. EEGULAR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W. will be held tn their Hall over Carnahan & Co.'s on Tnursday evening of each week, at 7 o'cloclu Members of the order in good standing, and visiting Brothers are Invited to attend. Li brary will be open fifteen minutes befoie and after each meeting. By order M. W . C. BROWN. Kec. Cushlnsr Post No. 14, G. A. E. EEGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS POST on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 -J30 r. si. Visiting com rades cordially invited. By order 1". C. Cushing: Relief Corps No. 3, G. A. R. REGULAR MEETINGSONTnESECOND and fourth Tuesdays of each month, at 2T.SL By order Mits. C. ROSS. Secretary. Pacific Lodge No. 17, K. of P. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS Lodge every Friday evening, at 7i0 o'clock, in their Castle ILill. Sojourning Knights cordially invited to attend. W. A. SHERMAN, K. of It. and S. Company H, O. S. M REGULAR DRILLS EVERY MONDAY. and Wednesday evening. Regular meetings th second and lourth Thur.Mlay of each month at 7 :3d i si C. W. FULTON. Commander. Common Council. I REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND & lourth Tuesday evenings ol each Bionlh at IVi o'clock. eariersonsdeslilngto have matter? acted upon by the Council, at any regular meet ing must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday evemnc prior to the Tuesdav on which the Council holds its r? cular mcetmg. THOS.S.JEWinT, Auditor and Clerk. IIOTELS AND KESTA1MSANT.S. AST0E HOUSE. BEST Dollar a Day Hotel in the North West Mrs. Sophia Oaggett, Proprietor. Special Attention Paid to the Comforfof Quests. Corner Oluey and JefferBon Streets, ASTORLV. OREGON RATES, ONE DOLLAR A DAY. ARKER HOUSE. WM. AX.T.KX. Prop'r. First Class in Every Respect. Free Con eli to llio House C TV. KKOWLES. L. D. BROWX. St. Charles Hotel, (European Plan.) BROWN & KNOWLES - - Proprietors FinsT Class jx Evcnv Kespkct. Good Restaurant Connected with the Honi-c Fire-proof Brick Bnildinc K0 Reoma. la the Center of the Cjty. Cor. Trent and Morrison St.. Poitlaud. Or $67,000,000 Capital! Liverpool and London and Globe North British and Mercantile Of London and Edlnbi-gh. Old Connecticut of Hartford AKD COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital of S07, OOO OOO. B. VAN DUSEfT, AceuL Street IraDrovemont Notice. n .NOTICE is hereby given that the Common Council of the citv of Astoria, Clatsop comity, Oregon, propose to or der the improvement of that poitton of Clienamus street, in the said city of As toria as laid out and recorded bv John McClure. from the east side of Benton streetto the eastsideof Olney street; by removing all defective piles, caps, string ers, planking and timbers, and replac ing the same with new and sound fir piles, caps, stringers, planking and tim bers, corresponding in. size with lhat now in use. All of said improvements to be made at tho expense bf the proper ty adjacent thereto; and unless a remon strance signed by tho owners of two thirds of the property fronting on said portion of said street,be filed with the auditor and cletk within ten days of the ilnal publication of this notice, viz: Tuesday, December 22nd, 1885, the Com mon Council will order said improve ments made. By order oftue Common Council. Attest: T. S. Jrwctt, Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, November 28th, lSSS. Cownty Orders. T AM AUTHORIZED TO BOY COUNTY X Orders. R.R.SPEDDEN, P YAL,PS5'S POWDER Absolutely Pure. This iowdcr neer varies. A marvel of purity, strength aud holcome;u-. More economical ttiau the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold In competition with the multi tude of low test, snort weight, alum or phos phate powders. Sold onlu i n con.. Royal BAKINC l'OWDFR UO. 1U5 WAII-Sl.. iS. Y, TUAXSPO!ttATlO" . Fs 0. E. & 1. 00. And Way Landings. The Steamers of the O. it. & h. Co.. ear rjinjjthc i .s. nulls, leave he Cumpain' Dock s very ttny. mdajsexcepte.i. at C A. JI. This isllieonh dally line, and lht onU line running all the j ear rourd. TO SHU FRANCISCO. Ihe onlv line of Steamship? to San Fran cisco. Steamers leave Compnn's Peck eer five days. Regular Line of Tow Boats and Sarges, For Towage aud LlghteraRe. STORAGE OF AS.L, ILIADS. Inquiie nt Compan Dock or at City Of flce. II A. NOYES, Agent. 0VERLAKD TO CALIFORNIA vr v Oregon & CaliforniaE.R. And t'otincrtion. Fare to San Fran. $."'.'; to ?ncrj:innttn?3u Close connections m:wle at Abhland with stages of ihe California & Oregon Stag? Co. (OMLYJC VCEPT SUnAY-. Kast Slfie IHM-lou. Iir.TKCA IOttTI.lM ASH A.lll,.SD JIailTruIn. LIIWK J AKRIVE PortlaaJ l:2aj. M Ahlind.. ..4:15 A M Ashltna 9 JSU P H I Portland. .! I'll Allnny Express Train LKAVR I AKKIYL t'crlUnd ifOP SI I Lol.anon 3:2") P. M Lebanon 4:t3 a M 1 Portland 10-O A Jll Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars dallj be tween Portl;u:d ami AMiland. he C). & C. R. R. Ferry iuake coi ucction v.ith all regular trains on th' East Side Div. from foot of F street West S Wo Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND COUV.U.L'.S. Xall Train. L11A.VK I ARRIVE Port'and 90 A M I Corrallia 33V M Oorrailis 3:33 A M Portl&bd JnoPll Erprcs Train LKA.VK I ARRIVE Portland ....J5i P Ml McMinnvilie....nrfiO P M McMinnnlie.SS A M J Portland .8:3a a i Local llckefc fur .sale and baggage checked at company's up-ttmn ofllce, cor. St irk and "fecond streets. 1 ickets for principal poii ts In California can only be procured and bag gage checked at company's office. Corner F and Front Sts., Portland Or. Freight wi.l not bo rccelven for shipment after live o'clock p. m. on either the East oi West Side Dlvistons. IL ROEULER, E. P. ROCERS. JIanagcr. (5. F. & Pas. Agt. Ilwaco" Steam .lYiptieii Co WINTER SCHEDULE. FROM ASTORIA 10 Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and Ilwaco. Connecting by stages- and steamboats for Oysterville, Montesap.o and Olympia STEAM Kit $m& "GEM. MILES," "W. r. WnrrcoMii, Master. Will leavo Astoria daily (Sum!as excepted for Ft Stevens, Ft. Canby and Ilwaco, at O A. M- Wlth Oysterville 3IaIL? and Express daily. and Through Malls to points beyond, and 3Iontesano, W.T., on Mondaya.Wednesdayfl and Fridays On Thursdays tho "Allies" ull! maki two round tops, leaving Astoria on 5cC- oau inp iauou from first trip, ond trip (about 3 r. m.) 3 hours after arrival Fare to Ilwaco, $1.00 Passengers will save 23 ecu's bv urcbas lng tickets befoio going on beard." Ilwaco Freight per Ton. - $2.0C y-For Tickets, Towage or Chaitcr ap ply at tho office of the companv, Graj' wharf, foot or Renton streeL J. II. D. GRAY, Agent. San Francisco anrl Astoria . PACKET LINE. Carrying Freight; Running everv Ten ot Twelve Da . THE S0IIOONEK Will be on berth m San Francises on FREIGHT. From S.- F. to Asloria. " " " Portland. " Astoria to S. F. $1.50 $2.00 $2.50 On General Merchandise. S. H. HARMON, r . J& stuart st- Saa Franciscj, Cal. CI.ATSOPMILLCO., Astoria, Or. 3NO PRIMAGE- To n Bnsy 2IotUer. The human braiu needs rest and change. The human mind needs relaxation. The human heart needs pleasant companionship. Deprive them of these requisites, and the re sult, in nine cases out of ten, will be insanity. Perhaps you imagine that I moaii to fritrhteii von. Why. to tell the truth, if I could not arouse L, von tn n. const of vour condition tin- :i less I tcrriliedvou a little. I would rather do so thaii see you an inmate of an insane asylum. You see this to be quite in accordance with tho rest of nature's laws. The body can not subsist on one kind of diet; it must have more or less variety ; and behold bow plentifully our Creator ha3 provided for this "great need in the abundant fruitfulness of earth, air, and sea ! IIow soon the palate tires of one article of diet! How soon the body starves when fed upon one thing! Dear friend, I beseech you give this subject your most care tul consideration, for I perceive you are killing yourself with the constant strain brought to bear upon body and mind, and unless 3'ou consent to relax that strain you will suffer very seriously in consequence. Your "nervous headaches" are sent, perhaps, as warnings, which, if heeded, may prove your salvation from more serious trouble. I have found it exceedingly injurious to work durinir the evening. You have been busy all day with one duty or another; tho night has come; "you can find no warrant in scripture for continuing your labors, but you can for resting from them. So let the work-basket remain un disturbed ; let the needle rest. You will be all the more skillful with it on the morrow. Spend the evenins in reading, conversing, playin? in teresting games with your children or in visiting your friends ; or, better still, if you feel able, in attending an interesting lecturo or concert; thon, when you retire, you will sleep sweetly and awake refreshed and equal to the performance of the day's duties. Never eat heartily when "tired to death." Drink a cup of tea and eat a cracker or two, or beat up an egg in half a pint of milk, sweeten and flavor to taste and drink it. This will strengthen you, and will not make any demands upon your weary stomach or digestive organs. And another thing: Do not rise early in the morning and trot all over the house doing this and seeing to that for hours beforo you cat anything. Put on the coffee, if you use that beverage, or the tea, 11 you use mat, as soon as possible, and pour your self out a cup just as soon as it is in a condition for drinking, and add whatever light, easily digested arti cle of food you may like best. This done and you must eat slowly, and at your case you will find that you can return to your woric ana lainy "make things fly." You will catch yourselt singing. nerhans, and when your husband and children come down fresh from their slumbera, they will meet a smiling face and sit down to break fast presided over bv a cheerful hostess. Force yourself to try this plan onre or twice and I know yon will bo pleased with it. I have the greatest faith in it, because I proved it in my own case, and thi3 is true of all the suggestions I have given in thi3 letter. Illustrated Christian Wceklv. Cure JFor PiIo. Piles are .frequently preceded by a sense of weight in the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing the patientto suppose he has some effeclion ofthekidncjs or neighboring organs At times, symptoms of indigestion are prccnt, flatulency, uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A moisture like perspir ation, producing a very disagreeable itching, after getting warm, is a com nion attendant. Blind. Bleeding and Itching Piles viehl at once to the appli cation of Dr. Bosanko's Pile remedy, which acts direct I upon the parts ef feeted, absorbing the Tumors, allaying th o intense itch ing,an J effecting a per manent cure. Price r0 cents. AilurciS The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co.. Piqua, O. Sold by J. W. Conn. VOU.VG 3ICX!-ItEA 'i'SSIS. The Voltaic Uklt Co., of Marshall, Mich., offer to send their celebrated Electro-voltaic Rllt and other Electric Api'Liavcks on trial for thirty dajs, to men (voung or old) afliktci with nervou lebllltv, iuNsof vltilltv and manhood, and all kindred troubks. Also Tor rheumatism, neuralgia, nar.ilj sh?. :uid many vtlicr di-ease-j. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhned gunmnttcd. No ri-k Is in curred as thirtj days trial Is allowed. Write them at once for illustrated panipnlet trp WILL Cut Faster AND EA'fflER Than any o'h er axe made. Hundreds of woodmen tes tify liitssujie rlurlty. It goes Deep and Neror Sticks. CARNAHAN & CO., A ires U Attorie. Price, S1.50. en Wholesale and Retail Dealer in MILLFEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TItOFICAL -VND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND YEGEFABLES. Together with Wines, LiquorsJobaccoXigars fBUPLEXf J&EE. J.C.Trullinger !II!1 SCALP. BL( 3!oar.scd, Purified and Beautlficc by tho Cuticura Remedies. ITtOR rleaiibiUK tho Skin and Scalp of DIs- f . fip:r ni; llun:or. or allaying ttehinp. I'.urnuijr ana inu mm:'ion. ior cmin uiu fii&t sinpu.nis ! hczema, ISorlaaN. 3Iilk Crust, iscnd Head. Scrofu'a, and other in herited Skin.md Ulood D:ease.CCTicci:A. thQpreat Skin Cure, and Ci'iivcka Sow, j I and Clticcra Rjolvi:.nt. the new Blood nil I'Miuisiif. rKiu ltrani ut. pticniunv. uninniT.lziteiraih.areliir.illiWc. .VAUSIT BfT OOI. Wc liao Ken sH ms jour CtTircuv REMrDiKftir-lu!Rt three or four e:ii-. ami h ivc m Iier.r a'ight but kmhI words in iheirf.ior. V.uirCtrricuiCA SOAi'isde ctdedU the hi si elllns medicinal soap we hand!.', ami is h'fihly prized here for its sooth.!" anTl iof teninc elTret upon theM.fci: .1 CLIFTON WHEAT. Ji: , DnmM. WlNCUSsTKR, V.. rir. iiAittfRST .t r. Our s.des of CtrrrriJRA are as Unre. it u Lirxer, than any niedicin s hi-!!; and wc hae never hadasnipU- In-itan'c tn which the purchaser was ills:tlfi-t. As to your Soap, wc can ell no ntuer, ovt'ioIj wants Clticl'R . MII.LEK & Til VPMA.n. DrvguMi. Lr.n-iAX , Mo SA.I.T itttMm t b5tK: Tnool the woist cast-s il Sd't Ith-'iuu I ever saw were cnretl by your Ccitcura 1'KMKiunS and thir s.Ue. exeeed HiunO of all other li eremet'ii-i. I sell cry little of any oiner iw. iticin.ii .sna;i man uuncirKA. GEOKCi: A ANTIION Y, JJlHffffiV. KnrvNr .In. t tlKKK'S ITCS: IJUKZ. I ha been el'Ins: o;r Ct"nrx;ifA llvi rniFS for tin his: stKea-.and t find that thoyji'.ve univessalaaibf iction. Tliey cured nu; of a .severe c ie of Itaraer' Itch when all uiher lemeil s f, led. W.C, ANDKK'AS, 3n(';'.f.CnnTLAM, O. z 'roas pi:;srRinr.T.jKii Tlie Ccthuk RKMr.pirs :iie excellent nmeil-isf mil -Kiu dUe.t . J. V. I I-S- tN. M. D . II VVEL. ILU crnrrn. Kt32Kiirs. Ar ohl bv all dm K'3t". Price : Cvticora. We : Rkoi.vhnt. St ; hOAP.il? Picpared bvll.o jTini: Dru. adChk31icalCo.. Iti sTll. cinl rnr'H li CarcSMn ONif " G' 1 1 2 Q Piinol . l.in PileniL-liesai'd Ikiln U Oshiiiiicrst ur'd bvCUTu VR. Soai mil GreM lLiltime JL Datil.ttlo.id Wit h Haze , AittenCtU Pine nt.-dlat rr lief and net ni.iijfiit care of eveiy T,t n of C t.inh. Iron a Miiml'- CId in the I lle.(d to Lus-, of -nit'll. raM. and I!earlng. Cough aiM Catairha' lU n umptTon. Complete treatn ent, coiisist l r ! one bitt4e Radical ciin one box C.i Mrrh.tl ioUent a d one Improved Inhder, n oi e pack.igi, mav n-iw be had of all dmg gwsfur-l.w. Ask fur SvroRi'd Raii alCl'.h:, Complete Treatment vith Inhaler SI "'lheo..Iy absolute -pec!Qo wc know of " 2Icd 2im. "'Ihe !cst wc have lount In a life time of suffi ring "Iicv. Dr. Wig ain. Jio-'loii. "After a long truugle with Catarrh, the 1:aiicai. Cuiir has con o.uered." Rev S. JI. Muhtoc Lewxxhwjh. fa. "I hae not found :i caeth.'.tit did not reiuM e at once." lndrcw Ise, Manchester, Potter XJitinatl I'heiiilcal t'u , i;o-,tjn. " ML'ST GIVE UP, I cau-iot bear ttii-5 pain, I acln all owr am n dhin l 'r docs mennv good " ua k -ache we.ikness. "L ferine pains. Soreness. L.meiiess. Ilnck in t'outih. Pieun-v ami t hest :: 'i cured h the ncw.orumal ami e'tgant uiM-j te to u-i it and inn.tnimation the Cl 1 1 r i r v A vri P. IX Pisrnt l'speehil j ad pled tohdi. sin reason of Its del cite odor and gentle medicinal action. At Dn g-gi-.. 2'tc. fie mr S1.00. Mailed free by PorrFit Drio and Che ii calCo.. Boti u vr -- vi-m'yTrs'STrn o riv W . iL-. UJhmJhXA X 06 liU. SSSSS'TSi AMORIA, OREGON Carry in Stock, CHEMICALS, TOILET and n ARTICLES Pr'i" iplton-. carefuih (VtminnMuled rviEN. Yon ara allowed a free trialoftfiMu dava of tht ise of Dr. Dve's Celebrated Voltaic Belt witt Slrctrlo SusDcnsonr ADDllanccs. for the FDCCdi xllef and pcrraancatcuie of Sercous Dtbilttu.losi f Vitality and Uanhood, and all kindred troubles iso ior many oicer diseases, wompieiu reswu Inn to Tlpnlth. TIcor and Manhood cnaranteed. ?o risk Is Incurred, niostrated pamphlet In sealce Ktretop mailed free, by addressing YOLTA10 BELT CO., Marshall, Mich GERMANIA BEER HALL FROM THE Northern Pacific Brewery Five Cents a Class. f2No inferior Beer sold at tab place. YT3S. BUCK, Proprloror. Stockholders1 Meeting. OTOCKIIOLDFRS (F TnR KISHER vj men's I'kg. (o, are hcroby notlfleM tiat ihe annual tneeili g will be held at the Co.'s oillce at Upper Astoria, or., on Tuesday, ucc 29 lSS5,;tOA M. for 'he our use of Ietiug a Dard of directors for the ensuing rear, and the tr nsaction of other buaines that may come before tho meeting. By order of tne President. Jl.E. NELSON, Secretary. Final Notice. NOTICKTS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned hai fled in the County Court of tho sac of Oregon fur Clatsop ountv, her final account as administratrix of the" estate of J. W. Kobb deceast d. uud ihat the s.inv has been et for hearing on Monday, January 4th,lS50, at the hour of two o'clock r. m. J.M.ROBB. Administratrix. For Sale. QQ ACRE3 OF TIMBER LND IN AlUO Columbia county, Oregon. For particulars Inquire ot G. BRADBURY. Sa?!, Claop Co., r. rw?m i s-;'iStiy., MlKanad.1 Fir, Maiigold. Psfc? c.iPedinrriif.K.. -iri fJfJK iciM'tsre forthe un- NERVOUS DEBILITATED ASTORIA IRON WORKS. ItoTox Street, Nkau Parker norsE. ASTORIA. - OREGON. GEHERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. lahmsabIieimes Boiler Work. Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Of nil rrfserintioa- nritte to OiUvr al Sliort JTotlce. A. D. Wass, President. J. G. nusTLEU.Secretary I. V. Cask, Treasurer. JOiix Fox.Superlntencij-i,:. Bi. Lemon & Co., Stevedores and Riggers, PORTLAND and ASTORIA. Portland Office Xo. tG North Front Sr. S. ARNDT & tfERCHKN ASTORIA. - OREGON The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACSSMITll SHOP 1 If-ffef.v gfiA 4."S5Ssrj26"4. Boiler Shop 'oz' All kinds of MGIHE, CARBEBY, AND STEAMBOAT W0EE. Promptly attended to. specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, Ft JOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. BOOTS AND SR0ES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PKIOESuSSJSfS.-. -AT THE- SIGH OF THEJOLDEH SHOE. BUFFALO, K. IT. Organized with a .Fnir Staff ot ZXghteen Experienced and Skillful rbrslclang and Sargcons for the treatment ot all Chronic Diseases. OURFIELD OF SUCCESS Chronic Nasal Catarrh, Throat and Lung Diseases, Liver ana Kidney Dis eases, Bladder Diseases, Diseases of Women, Blood Diseases and Nervous Affections, cured here or at home, with or without seeing tho patient Como and see U3, or send ten cents in stamps for our "Invalid's Guide Book," which gives all particulars. Nervous Debility, Impo tency, Nocturnal Losse3, and all Morbid Conditions caused by Youthful Follie3 and Pernicious Solitary Practices are speedily and Delicate Diseases, permanently cured by our Specialists. Book, post-paid, 10 cts. in stamps. Ruoture . or Breach radicallr Rupture, curetf without tho knife, with out trusses, without pain, and without dancer, cures Guar anteed. Book sent for ten cents in stamps. PILE TUMORS and STRICTUEE3 treated under guarantee to cure. Book sent for ten cents in stamps. Address, World's DisrEssAUT Medical- Assocunos, 663 Main St, Buffalo, N.Y. Tho treatment of many thousands of cases ot those diseases peculiar to at the Invalid's Hotel and Surrical Institute has af forded largo experience in adapting remedies for their euro, and DR. PIERCE'S fa tho result of tab vast csperlenca. It is a powerful Restorative Tonic and Nervino, Imparta vigor and strength to tho sys tem, and cures, as If by magic, Leucorrliea, or "Whites," excessive flowing, painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus or falling of tne uterus, weak: back, anteveraion, retroversion, bearing down sensations, chronic con- festlon, Inflammation and ulceration of he womb, inflammation, pain and ten derness in ovaries, internal heat, and "femalo woakness. It promptly relieves and cures Nausea, and Weakness of the stomach, Indigestion, Bloating, Nervous Prostration, and sieep lossness, in either sex. PRICE $1.00, SIX BOTTLES 3 alB-OO. Send ten cents ia stamp3 for Dr. Pierce's largo Treatise on Diseases cf W omen, illustrated. World's BiifEKiij Medical kosiaties, 663 Mala St., BUFFALO, If. T. SICK-HEADACHE, Bilious Headache, Diz ziness, Constipation, Indigestion, and Bil ious Attacks promptly cured by Dr. PIERCE'S Pleasant PURGATIVE PELLETS. SScentsavhu, by Druggist?. MMliiikM Mtstfi Diseases cf I 1 WOMEH. J ' DR. VAN MONGISOAB Permanently located at ia2R!id 181 ThlrdStreet. Fortlaml. Oreson. la a regular graduate in medicine, has been longer engaged in the special treatment of all cnoreai, sexual and chroulc diseases than any other physician In the "West, as eh y papers show, and old residents know. S1000 reward for any case which he falls to t ure.comlnjrui derhLs treatment 7 bv follow ing his nlrectloas. OH. VAN Is the most successful Luug and Threat Docior In America. He will tell you jour trouble without asking you a single question, a-idiT arrant a perfect cire in the lollowlng diseases : errout deb lit y. Spermatorrhoea, semi nal looses, sexual decay, fainting memory, weak eyes, stunted development, loss 01 energy. Imp y erbhed blood, pimples. Imped iments to marriage, also blood and skin dis eases, sjpiillls. eruptions, hair falling, bone pains. swelling. sore tliro.it, effects mercury, kidney and bladder troubles, weak back, burning urine. Incontinence, gonorrhoea, gleet, stricture, etc., receives prompt relief and cured for life. XerTOus diseases (with or without dreams). Diseased discharges cured promptly without hindrance to business. Both Sexes consult confidentially. If in tiouble.c.d or write. Delajsaredangerous. Inflammation or the ear, ulceration or ca tarrh, liiternalor external, deaf tness or pa ralysis, rinmne noisesthIckeneddrum, &c. ALL SrBGICAL CASES, such as clubbed or deformed teet.parah sis, contracted cords, weak 1olnt-. or deformed limbs. hiD tolnt dlM ast- with running sores and shorteuiug 1 raits, diseases and curvature or the spine, old ulcers, diseases of the knee Jolnt3. de formities of the face and diseases of the eyes, every ee that may require artificial aid, deafness, private diseases and all chronic diseases sucli as consumption, asthma, neu ral 1a. dLseases t the heart, lungs, liver, stomach, spleen, bowels, skin and urinary onran", ami all dl-eaea peculiar to females. aii cases or catarrn most positively cured by a new and intalllble nrinclple. Impediments of spee h, as stammering and stuttering perfectly remov. d. Plies and fistula radf eallv and permanently cured without the knife. nEKSIA A.YD P.UPTUBE perfectly restored without an operation, requiring no truss af ter treatment. Old fever sores, ulcers and varicose veins Invari. ble healed and cured. CA.V'CKES and tumors permanently re move 1 without the knife, caustic, or the loss of a simsle drop of blood Terras for Treatment Strictly Cuk. Ofllce hours 8 to 8. jDIEZ.. I3NTTIEJ 1REATS ALLCHUOXIC, SPECIAL AXDPBX- vatk diseas13 with woxdebful Success. THE QREAT ENCLISH REMEDY! lis a certain, cure for tervoHs Debility, Lost Maafcaed. 11 ostatorfanea.and all tne evil effects of youthful follies and excesses, and In drlBlflBX latoxl earlajc llqaen. Br Hlattr who Is a reg ular physician, grad tate of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania wiiiaieett. lutiiet $600 for a case of this kind the itul Restorative (under hi3 spe cl.d ail vice and treatment) will not cure. SIM a tiottle. or four times the quantity SS, sent to any address on receipt ot price, or C.O.D. in private name lf desired, by Dr. Mlatle, 1 1 Krariiv M.. nn Francisco, CnJ. Send forlbt of questions and pamphlet. S.OIPLE BOTTLE FKEE will be se t to any ona applying by letter stating symptoms, sex and age. Strict se crecy In regard to all business transactions. MANHOOD RESTORED The rttmn that Thomandt cannot gt cured of SEMAAL WEAJCA'ESS, LOSS OP MAA HOOD, andthsresult of abuie. dL'eait or txcute, u OKing to a complication called PROSTATOIt R1IEA. PR. LIERIG'S INriGORATOR n the OA'LrcureforPROSTATORRHEA. Price. F2.M per package, S pactagu, 10 00. Guide to Health and Self-Avalytt sent free. Address I.IE 111(7 PISl'EA'3AR ror Diseases of Men, m Geary St.. Jian Francisco. Cat. OTENT MEk Ba they Yountror Ola hating Lost those attributca Ot PERFECT MAHHuOD May Regain Qolckry 3EJBXXrEJC3X Sexual Power PROCREAmi Ability, Prof Jean CiciaU. BT THE USE OP The Civiale Remedies. They cam ererr traco of UEniUTY. Sl'EK MATOKKHQIA, VAttlCOCELE and efeVy form ot Seminal loaa and weakness nhetier duo Jo Youthful KoUy. Abttw, or llatoral Failure This trvatra- nt oriplnated by PROf". C1VI AUJ, adopted In arory IIO7PITAL In FKANCEand unqualifiedly endoped by tho Medic! Profession. 1j CA8ILY APPLIED, PAIKLEM, UDICK, nd aboro aU L.VHe IN IT XESULTS. FREE TO ALL PPonrecHptoilceat ..... ALiUm u, posta stamps, vs wtllMnu fre to any earnest Inquirer, our splen. did illustrated 61 page medical work, siring symp toms ot all forms ot Sea .1 Disease, desertptloa of this treatment, price, testimonials and news, paner endorsements, &c, Ac. V! era also agents for the new and certain to cure. Seir Adjusting t-nd Olora FltUnir Cradle Compressor, for the thorough and radical care, without Burgery, of VARICOCELE ComultatloH with fall Medical Star, FKEE. WKI8 Remedial Agency, 174 Fulton St, N. T, Moore's Remedy -FOR Poion OalLe MOORE'S REMED Cures and PreYonta POISON OAK. CTJItES pubs. Bums, Cuta: SE- MOVES Sunburn and Freckles. Cold in the Head or Lungs, Croup Etc.. etc. An Inraluable FAMILY SAL VE. Sold by all Druggists. 25 Cents n Box Try It! SIGN SMltXZf TWO AM) CARRIAGE PAINTING! In Uood Stylo and Lowest Living Prices CHJLS. 0SEff. Shop atMontmtr'Nlitarm iliW F w yn eJHmM xw ml? Wssjjfkt: JMaaKF?fc bvhSI JKjflHHp