fz) U guUtj gistorim ASTORIA. OKEGON: TCSEDAY .DECEMBER 15. 18S5 ANGLO-SAXON DOMINANCE. Is the recent opening address of the president of the British as sociation at Montreal, Sir Richard Temple put in a small compass a great many important facts. His subject was the "General Statistics of the British Empire." The area of that Empjre, including all the countries -politically under its con trol, embraces ten million square miles or one-fifth of the habitable globe. About one-quarter of this area has been topographically surveyed: The total coast line is 28,500 miles, with forty-eight largo harbors. Only one-fifth of the area is cultivated or occupied. There is room enough in Canada and Australia to support a pop ulation of 200,000,000. The total population of the empire am ounts to 315,000,000, of which 39, 000,000 are Anglo-Saxons and 188,000,000 are Hindoos. The annual revenue amounts to 203, 000,000, of which sum 89,000,000 comes from the United Kingdom, 74,000,000 from India and 40, 000,000 from the colonies and dependencies. Only one-fourth of the total revenue is derived from land taxation. Including local taxation the revenue is 2(54, 000,000 and amounts to 1 5s 4d per head per annum. The num ber of men trained to arms amounnts to 850,000 about 700,000 of these being of the fair or domi nant race. The defensive arma ments by sea and land cost 41, 000,000 annually, which is less than that shown by any great state in the world except the United States. There are 5C0,000 police men in the empire, one to every 571 inhabitants and to every six teen square miles. There are 240 war vessels and 30,000 merchant ships, manned by 270,000 sailors. The factory steam-power iu the world is represented by 7,500,000 horse-power; of that total 2,250, 000, orabout30 per cent, is British. If the main elements of national industry be taken together name ly, commerce, manufactures, min ing, agriculture, carrying trade and banking, the total 2,000,000,- 000 and upwards annually is about the same for the United King- dom and the United States. '' But the United States are advancing the fastest and are already passing ahead. There are G75,000 persons convicted annual ly of crime in the empire, of which number more than nineteen-twen-tieths pertain to India. The num ber of paupers in the United Kingdom under relief amounts to 1,000,000, or rather less than one thirtieth of the population, and the cost of their maintenance is 10, 000,000 sterling annually. In re gard to .the postoffice, the letters posted annually in the world are 5,200,000,000; of this total 1,500, 000,000, or 34 per cent., are in the British empire. Respecting education, there are 5,250,000 pu pils at schools in the United King dom, 860,000 in Canada, 611,000 in Australia, and 2,200,000 in In dia, making a total of S,921,000 pupils.in the British empire. It is still an open question whether Great Britain is strength ened by her vast colonial posses sions. There are less than forty million Anglo Saxons in the Brit ish empire, but these are the gov erning power in an empire oi 315, 000,000. The English-speaking people of the world now consider ably exceed a hundred millions. The fifty-five millions of inhab itants in the United States for the most part speak Euglish; the re mainder to round out the hundred millions are found in. the British colonies. Four groat empires-have to-day, practically, pos session of the globe. They are Great Britain, the United States, Russia and China. The most ag gressive people on the .globe to--day are the Anglo-Saxon's, or in a broader sense, those who -speak English. They are the colonists, the people who are ransacking the globe for new possessions. The dominant race oa the earth will be the one which has this language at command, with the instincts of the Anglo-Saxon. Yesterday's Pittsburg Com mercial Gazette has a communica tion from James Briggs, a miner employed at the Altiquippa mines, in which he makes the statement, that as an outcome of last week's riot at Pine Run the working miners have organized for the purpose of defending themselves against future attacks of strik ers. He says they have sworn to a compact, demanding life for a life if any of their number falls while going to work. Having al ways lived honest, honorable lives, and being good citizens, they will not be shot down without revenge The letter defends the working miners, and asserts that few per sons not located near the Monon gahela valley have any idea of the terrorizing threats or intimidations used towards those refusing to join the strike. Theke has been some rivalry in the introduction of bills for the admission of "Washington territory as a sjate in the Union. Delegate Yoorhees, of the territory, said his bill contained a provision regulat ing corporations, while Senator Dolph's bill was silent on this question. In reply to this, Sena tor Dolph said Voorhees had never seen his bill, and could not there fore describe its provisions, that his assertions were purely specu lative. Senator Dolph denies that his bill contains a single clause fa vorable to monopoly, as charged by Yoorhees. Both bills have been iutroduced, and a study of them is said to show that Voorhees7 state ments were unfounded. Dolph's bill contains nothing favorable to monopolies, but Voorhees7 bill has certain provisions which are in tended to limit monopolies. The N. Y. Sun estimates the Vanderbilt residuary estate at $90,000,000. Cornelius will have 52,G50,000 absolutely, and over 6,000,000 for life; Wm. K. 50, 500,000 absolutely, and over $G, 000,000 for life, and the other two sons and four daughters will each have somewhat over $5,500,000 absolutely, and over 6,000,000 for life. The total estate amounts to over 6182,000,000, NEW TODAY. Closing Out Sale! On Account of Sickness in Family I WILL CLOSE OUT MY ENTIRE STOCK MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS AT COST! Come and Secure CHEAP GOODS1 Mrs. A. MALCOLM. Adjourned Meeting. THE BRITISH BENEVOLENT ASSOCIA tlon will meet this (Tuesdav) evening at 7 :30. J. BRYCE, . Sec Astor.a, uec 15th, 1685. Notice. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCK holderaof the Masonic Land and Build ing Association of Astoria, will be held at th-j office of Cant. Geonre Klavel on Wednes day. December 1C, 1B85. at two o'clock P. M. ; for the purpose of electing five directots for theensuii-Kjear, and fortbo transaction of sucnoiner ousinesj as may properly come before the meeting. S.T.M'KEAN, . . , ,. Secretary. Astoria, November 13th, 16S5. Notice. THE "VARIETY RESTAURANT" WILL shortly open under the management of Mr. Wm. Bannister. This gentleman is well known as a first-class caterer whose patrons are a ways assured of satisfaction. Board per week at reduced ratt s. Notice. THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THEPACIFIC Union P eking Co. are hereby noticed tb&t the regularnnnual meeting of said com pany will be he'd at the company's office la Astoria, Oregon, on the 22.id day of Decem ber. 1SS5. at one "'clock r. m., for the pur nose of electing a board of Directors for the ensuing year and the transacting of such otlier buslne-3 as may come tefore,the meet ing. By order of the ITesIdeat J.R.GILSTRAP, Secretary. Astoria, Or., Dec. i2ih, 1P83. WBI, EDGAR, Dealer In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Mcsrschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridge. C032TCB MAIN AND CEXNAMUB SIS. Boss' Opera House. THE EVENT OF THE SEASON! Engagement of the Old Time Favorites JOSEPH R. GRISMER, AND PHCEBE DAVIES, Supported by the powerful Bnltlwln Tliealcr Company, Of Sau Francisco, Tuesday Dec- 15tliMr.Grismer's dram atization of Hugh Conwaj'a world renowned novel of startling Incidents, entitled Prices as usual, 50c, 7.7c. and. SI. OO Reserved scats at the usual place, the Xcw York Novelty store, v Ithout extra charge. EB'-Xotk, Secure your seats In advance and avoid the rush at the door. A GRAND MUSICAL AND LITERARY XXTERTJLISJI fKT I Also the Far Famed and Celebrated Mrs. JAELEY'S f IXWOBKS Never before seen In Astoria! Will bo Given and Exhibited at ODD FELLOW'S HALL Friday, Dec. 18, at 8 o'clock, For th Benefit of Y. M. C. A. Tickets Firrr Cots : For -ale at City Book S.orc. DOLLS. DOLLS. A DOLL FESTIVAL! SATmDAY.DEl E3IHER 10, 1S93 In the new building corner Squrmoqua and Main sireets, oppustto Kirchhoff's Bakery. By the Ladies of Grace Church. Of all Sizes and Qualities and vrlih all Vail eties or Toilet. Also A Christmas Tree! DOLLS. DOLLS. GRAND CONCERT AND MASQUERADE BALL! IT ROSS' OPERA HOUSE JANUARY 1st, 1886. BY 0 USHING POST 00MET BAND. Concort From 8 to 9 O'olcolr. I A AXING BEttlXS at O O'CLOCK Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND HE r AIL DKALEKS IK fiSHEBAL MERCHANDISE Corner Cbenarans and Cais streets. ASTORIA .... OREGON A. B. THOMPSON, THE COLUMBIA FISH AND GAME MARKET Fresh Fish on every day's steamer. Tame Geese. Ducks. Turkeys and Chickens. Wild Game of all kinds. Fresh and Canned Fruit. Bulter.Egss and Vegetables. JSTWill Sell at low Priccs.jg: Finest Selection of Jewelry in Solid Golfl ana Silver. Most Suitable Holiday Presents! Offered at Very Low Inures. KJTTfae Quality of Erery Article Guaranteed. Astoria Wood Yard, Near Trulllnger'ailiU. HARD MD SOFT WOOD! Having just put in a First Class Sawing Machine. tYe can furnbh Sawed Wood Very Reasonable! We sell a CORD and deliver n CORD! FRANK L. PARKER, Andl.S.QBAGG, - - - Agents. BOOTS and DRY GOODS WMSk W. T. PARKER STOI Come and See Us, Awaits Your Inspection. Plusli Goods, Christmas Cards, Toys, Fancy Goods, etc. U Trices that will Astonish yon. "Von ivill And It to ycur advantage To Pay Us a Visit. GBIFEUr & SEED. Jn IT is in BHtt Having Consolidated My Bnsiness with the Astoria Furniture Co., I now offer ihfc Larctf and Most Complete Assortment of Fine and Plain Furniture, Bedding, Carpets, Oi! Cloth, Windoy Shades, Pictures; Moulding, etc, At Portland Fricosand Invite a Call o Line, Guaranteeing Satisfaction in Every Respect. ifjium . Li.aiyi.i tjiHMitLjMjy 177 ! fOli Scarf Pins, Chains, Mcles, Pianos ami Organs of tiie Bosi malic at ilxc r.orrst Prices. Tlie finest stock of Jewelry hi Astoria. EsyrAll goods waxraiited as represented. GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER Astoria and Seaside BAKERIES, ED. JACKSON. - Proprietor, The best Bread, Cakes and rastiy In the City Ice Creams and Ornamental "Work to order Manufacturer of Fine Candles. oi llNil dBWOIiJ After Three Weeks of Hard Labor! m m r - Has Got the Can Sea WHERE HLJg ,, in ' mm iumtjii IT? X 'HP TO CALL THIS WEEK Grand Exhibition Every Evening. Carl Adler's Crystal Palace. SHOES, Manager. North Pacific BREWERY. JOHN KOPP, . - - Proprietor. Patronize Home industry! Wo supply as GOOD A QUALITY OF BEER As Any lu the Market, AT AS REASONABLE A !XCE. The NoFth Pae flc Brewery Beer Is Pare and Unadulterated. It give general Satisfaction and Is Furn ished in Quantities to Suit. Lo:ivo Onlers With Wm. Bock, Germania Saloon, or Cnnrs. Eyessox, next to Foard & stokes. D.iUy Delivery in Aur P.trt of the City. f Everybody In "Want of Goods in My LBORN -x. vnwmMA'.uumai MURRAY & CO., GROCERS And Dealer In aieiy Suite! Special Attention Civento Filling Of Orders. A FULL LIKE CARR2ED And Supples furnlsliod at Satis factory Tcrnu. rnrchases delivered In any part of tho city. Office and Warehouse In Hume's New Guildin? on NYator Street. I P. O. Box 1ST. Telephone No. ST. ASTORIA. OREGON JSk Triiir, Most of His Groceries Cheap for Cash! x6na xGfi, JLcHi. jj. L. P. m FRANK L. DEALER IX Haj, Oats, ai Straw, Lie, Brici, Cement, Sand anil Plaster Wood Dellrcred to Order. Dra; in?, Teaming and Express Baslneu. E1. apply tn the Captain, or to jo:o::Kr a. montgomh DEAIKH iy Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper Ware. A general assortment of Household Qooda. AOEiT fob JIAGEE STOTES AND BARGES, THE BEST Iff THE M1IKET . PlumbLog goods of all kinds on hind. Job work dona la a workmatulka manner. Plumbing, Gas Fitting and Cannery Work attended f promptly On Seasonable Ternn. Cheaamus Street, Hext to C Ij. Parker's Stare. Aatarla Ores- Holiday - &. The New York Novelty Store! We have now on Exhibition THE LAMEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF HOLIDAY GOODS and NOVELTIES Ever ottered to the People of Astoria. Gome One! Gome All! The Public are Cordially invited to Call and Examine our Carefully Selected Stock, Comprising nrticles for Old and Younj? alike and within the reach of all. Heretofore We Led in Making Prices And now We Propose to Leafl lore Tley Caniol Follow!! As Anything and Everything will bo offered nt The lowest Possible Living Mar gin of Profit. NEW YORK NOVELTY STORE, Opposite the Parker House. Main Street, Astoria, Orefom. United States Restaurant On Main street is now open, and JLT OITCS TAKES TH3C X.XAD la every pirticuUr It 13 the Finest iltted up And Best in the city JEFF is A Good He cannot bo heat on the coast. Meals 25c. BOARD $20 pniontli PRIVATE B001I3 For Families OR PARTIES Pro FATS GASH, THAT SETTLES ITl AH PARKER. STEAMER CLARA PARKER Eben P. Parher, Master. For TOWING, FREIGHT orOHAK- H. . PAJBKKK. Goods! - have Always for Our Competitors, SMper Partie Furnished On short ntticB OYSTXKl 'A Specialty' JEFF Spends ' His Money IN Astoria! Bays by the WhtltMlt P