fi A VOL. XXIV, NO. 142. ASTORIA, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1885. PRICE. FIVE CENTS. D BUSINESS CARDS. KH. A. L. and J. A. FUI.TOX Physicians and Surgeon. Will give prompt attention to all calls iioin anv oarr of the city or country. Office-over Allen's Store, corner Cass and Squemoqua streets, Astoria, Oregon. Telephone 2o. 41. AC. FRANK PAGE. PlayulPion nnd Surgeon. Office, EoomG, over D. A. Mcintosh s store. Offick Houhs :-9 to 11 a. m. ;-S to 6 i M. Residence, opposite the Johansen building 1 " " - " itlED 5TAR TRADE VV MARK, THE KING OF LIARS. GETTING OTJT OP A SQUEEZE. Smoot's Buffalo A Sample Texas Yarn-Sons of Ananias en Their Mettle. D ft. O. B. ESTES. PIIYSIC1A.N AND SURGEON. Ofkick : Gem Building, up stairs, Astoria, Oregon. P E COOVEBT, Attorney at Law and Aotnry Public COLLECTIONS SOLICITED. Office with C. E. Thomson, room 5 over City Book Store. B. AL.FBF.O BIX&'EY. r OFFICE IN ODD FELLOWS BUILDING, Morning Hours, 9 to 11. Afternoon Hours. 2 to 4, Evening Hours, 7 to 8 M ; At all other times enquire at hU rooms over Goodman's Boot and &hoe store. S AccGiuter tus j Free from Opiates, Emetics and Poison safe l fit sure, jiniyi. PROMPT AT n2T7GOIfeT3 AI.D IlEAlXT-i. THE CHAF.LES A. VOGELER C0.,BALTtM0HE,a2 Kola Proprietor. ttW. A. DOKKIS. OSO. NOI.AKO SOI.AND & DOBKIS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Ofliee lu Klnney'a Block, opposite City Hall, Astoria. Oregon. O.O.FUMOX. FUtTON BBOTHEBS, ATTOKNETS AT LAW. itooms 5 and 6. Odd FelloWa Building. pt ELO F. PARKER SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUNTY AVD City Surveyor of Astoria Office :-N. E. corner Cass and Astor streets, Boom No. 8 Up wtalrs. X tj. A. BOWL8Y. Attorney and Counsellor M iMVf, U21c on Chenanms. Street, Astoria, Oregon I ft $ S &Hralrll?lRfli I may remark, incidentally, that there is something about the atmos phere of a livery that has a stimulat ing effect on the imagination. There is more unostentatious lying done by old men who sit around in hide bot tom chairs, in the shade in front of Texas livery stables, cnewmg to bacco and whittling sticks, than in all the Court Houses in the country. On this occasion there were several old frosty-faced veterans of pre adamic Texas, swapping yarns about killing Mexicans and Indians, and hunting buffaloes and mustangs. They seemed to lie without the slight est effort. Mendacity seemed to roll out of their mouths by the mile. I also noticed that when any of them told a particularly tougn ne, me others seemed pained, and immedi ately one of them would get off a much tougher yarn. One of them was a white-bearded old son of Anania3 by the name of Dempsey. Jtie was a stage-ariver oy nrnfnocinn ThlrA W.1S another Old fellow witii brindlo hair and a long red nose named Mnooc. xnese iwo Roomed tr bf rivals in the business of manufacturing frontier improba- Viilttina F. I. WIXTOI. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Booms No. U and 12. Pythian Oaslle Build ing. . AV TITTLE. 21. 1. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OFFiCB-Eooms l. 2, and 3. Pythian Build fig. vvmKwrK-On Cedar Street, back ol St. Mary's Hospital. r V. HICKS. A- K- "HAW HICKS Si SHAW, DENTISTS. Booms in Allen's Building, up stairs, cor uer Cass and Squetncwiua streets. Astoria Oregon. T B. SPED DEN, NOTARY PUBLIC. Searcher of Title. Abstracter and Conveyaneer. Office on Cass Streot. S doors south ol As torlan office, Astoria, Oregon. INVIGORATuR is iust what its name lmDlifca : t Purely Vegetable "Compound, thai acts directly upon, the Diver: curing the manv diseases incideano that im. portant organ, and rifewnting the nn merous ailments tKkqarisa from its deranged or rorpiraction, sucli as Dyspepsiai Jndice, Biliousnessj CosuyenessvMaria, Sick-headache, Rhea&ny etc. It is therefore 2 xuisnathAt To nave Lxooa Jtieaitu :hc Lwernnist be kept in order." DS. fiAOTOSD'S LIVZB IKVIGOEATOE Invigorates the Liver, Rcrulatcs the Bow els, Strengthens Ibo System, Purifies the Blood . Assists Digestion, Prevents Fevers. 3 a Household Need. An Invaluable family Medicine for common complaints. fX BAITFOBB'S ITVTB HIVIG0I1AT0S. Anczpericw of Forty years, ana Imv. Kinds cf ucstimomau prove i r ctth rrr it.T. TITI' AT.Tnifl TJT MEDICIXUS For full infonnntjon fcend your adatwa Tor 1W LsBtvjkon tho "Ltv.T nnd ! dioftCB.'M5 iT" gi n..T ot WW TOPJ: CITE hilitfpq. " Ever been out on the headwaters of the Nueces?" asked Smoot. "A thousand times 1 reckon. 1 killed and skelped a Karankaway Injun right at the waterhole in 1837. iae was a. inuo uvcr oigu- iccn u" His skelp was as big as a door mat," said Dempsey carelessly "If he was a Karankaway, he must have been only a boy. All the Karankaway ducks jl ever snot aver aged about nine feet. Well, as I was going to say, I had a narrer escape trom a Duuaioo out tnar in itxji. j. reckon thar was a million of 'em out thar." " There was more than that when I was out thar," said Dempsey, pick ing up a stick to whittle. " As I was saying, just for the fun of it, I thought I would shoot off a buffaloe's tail just two inches from his body. He was a cavortin' around, and switchin' his tail about, so I didn't make much of a shot. I shot it off about two inches and a half Dempsey yawned liko a cavern, and replied: "You must have been mighty awk'ard with a ehootin iron to miss an easy shot like that. When I was a ranger with Jack Hayes, I used to follow tip a buffaler and shoot the cow ticks off of him without techin him. only 59 feet. I can't afford to lio, for, as you say, I'm an old man. Texas Sittings. A oc Fanning the Baby. Dog stories are always in order, provided they are true. A gentle man in one of the suburban wards of Pittsburg owns a fine specimen of the spaniel breed which is very fond of children, and when tho little ones visit his master's house constitutes himself their companion, playmate, and guardian. A few days ago a lady with an infant visited the gen tleman, ana in tne course 01 uie aay the child was laid on a pillow on the floor to amuse itself for a time. The doe took his place near the little one, as usual. The day was hot and the flies bad, and they made the baby the target of frequent attacks. This rendered ner restless. uoggie watched her for a few minutes, and then, walking close up, with his nose or paw drove away every fly as soon as it lit on the baby's face, and did it so cently, too, as not to dis turb her in the least. The dog's actions attracted the attention of the mother and others, who were filled with astonishment at his thoughtful kindness. The story has the merit of truth. A gentleman, whose family con sists of a wife and twin girl babies, came in very late one night and went to bed. His sleep was broken, and he tossed and tumbled and muttered something about "two of a kind" and a "small pair." "Poor John," murmured his wife, "he is tired, and is dreaming of the children." New York Sun. MAKKETS. mm & THOMPSON. DEALKRS IN FRESH AND CURED MEATS,! CHOICE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware. TVrm Peed, ZEIto, BARBOURS Threads HAVE NO EQUAL ! STAR MA RKET. WIISRRY & C03IFAPJY, Fresli and ("it red HI eat.-, j FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OmtfilTK OUCIUKX7 HOTFt CHKVAnaCS Street. A-itoriR, Or. Washington Market. 3!nlR Mrcet, - Astoria, Oreson. BF.RG3IAS ftCCPBOl-KJETOnS FOE. Man and Beast. Mustang Liniment is older than most men, and used more and more evory year. AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITORS! Capitol Flour, i&2itectured by tbe Full Boiler rrocw, by the SIen (Or.) Capitol Flour Mills Co., LIMITED The only flour that has taken Flrat Trlre three years lu succession at tho POBTIiAXD MECHANIC'S FAIB. Also at State Fair. One trial is sufficient to con lnce of Its supe-1 noniy. Sea that the word CAPITOL is on each sack aEOEGK SHIEL, S Stark St., Portland Agent. WILSON Si FISHER. Astoria Agents. HAOAN'S Magnolia Balm is a secret aid to beauty. Many a lady owes her fresh ness to it, who would rather not tell,, and jwf cant tell. HAVE YOU inytlii to Sell? IX THE MATTER OF Rags, Bottles, Old Metal, or Junk of Any Sort, Fflil & STOKES Will give you the best price for It. Do You Want to Buy SHIP MATERIAL. From a Belaying Pin to a Hawser : from Block to an Anchor. You Ctn Get what You Want at rOARD& STOKES. Headquarters at bulldhajr, cat end TFaer Street. THE BEST IS THE o:o::E2.AJF:E2t3? ! Royal Brand Flour Manufactured by Ui OREGON MILLING COMPANY Is of Superior Quality, aud It Endorsed by all who iwe it. THEHOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Of Superior Rising Quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Sole Aicentti for Astoria. .Ship "Sardinian." J HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT I WILL aot t mpenible for any debt or debtt jBiybeontraew4by the crew of the ; ?a8amrtn. ."WABRIN. Mister. Furniture and Upholstering, Mattresses Made and Repaired. Paper Hanging. Carpets sowed and Laid. Furniture Sold on Commission. Shop, corner Main and Jefferson Streets MARTIN OLSEN. For Sale. OC ACRES OF TIMBER LAND IN mOO Columbia county, Oregon. For partfcKlarslnqulreof CBRADBUBY. Soasldt, Glatoop Co., Or. " I had fever and acer when I shot that buffaler bull's tail off," ex claimed Smoot, "and I had just taken about half a pound of quinine, and my hands war a leetle shaky. Aq annn an T had shot off thnt hull's tail, he turned and came at me in a hurrv so I made for the nearest tree." " i have had the same thing hap pen to me a billion times, I reckon. The buffaler caught you on his horns, and chucked voti up in the tree didn't he?" interrupted uempsey, wno was anxious to head off the impending lie, which threatened to be a whopper. "I've had 'em do that to me, too," resumed Smoot, " but this one druv his horns six incites into mo tree on both sides of me, and he couldn't get them out again. Thar I "was Einned to the tree, and so was the uffaler. I warn't hurt a bit. and the buffaler couldn't get away." Old Dempsey was silent a few minutes, during which pause he ex- nontriMtrnl onnimislv. nnri it 'WM evi dent that his brain was at work with the enercv of a clothes wrincer. There was a vigor and freshness about Smoot's lie that almost mad dened him with jealousy. "Them sort of things happened most every day when me and Jack Haj'es was in the range business." " 1 was right slim and thin in them davs," resumed Smoot, " and I grad nnllv xrnrkpri mv wav down from be tween them horns of the dilemma, so to speak. I patted the buffaler on the head, ana taikea Eoit to mm, ana I got him so gentle, that if ho had been a cow I could have milked him. At last I got out, but it was a blank tight squeeze. I walked off and left him thar, fast to the tree by his horns." "That buffaler must have had mighty long horns," sneered Demp sey; "I never seed a buffaler with Vinrna a font lnntr. Smnnf-. vnn rA an old man, and purty soon you will nave to meet your -aiacer. zou should not tell lies." "I never told a he in my life, Dempsey. That was the only lone horned buffaler I ever saw, and I reckoned I've killed a billion or so of bufialers. Thar was at least eight or ten inches of his horn druv in ter that tree, and there was about a foot or so of horn outside of the tree, when I walked off and left him anchored fast." " Is that stump-tailed buffaler standing thar yit? " asked Dempsey, dousness of this lie. " I reckon the coyotes eat him up, all excepting the horns for they are thar yit. I saw them last year when I was up thar, but the tree had Sowed some, and them horns were st in & limb of the tree moro'n 60 feet from the eround maybe it was Delicate persons, and all whose systems have become debilitated, should bear In mind that Simmon3 Liver Regulator Ls .w.t a Ar-actii rmrtrintr TnpfHrinP. fines not weaken or 'deplete the system as other . .j:A:Mnn a Knf nnfc frantltr juniiuive uieuiuiuca uu, uuv . H-tw It will invigorate like a class of wine, but It is no intoxicating beverage to lead t intemperance; will promote dieestion. dissipate headaehe. and generally tone up the system. The dose is small, not unpleasan', and its virtue undoubted. "You may say what you like, mother, George no longer love? me." "But, child, how did you get that silly notion into your head?" "Oh, very simply, and only too quickly. When he takes me home, nowadays, ho .always chooses the shortest Toad !" Chicago Inter Ocean. Cheer Up! Help is at bond. "I'm afraid I shall have to be taken to a hospital or to the poorhouse. I've baen sick so long that my hus band, cood aud patient as he is, can't stand the worry and expense much longer." No, you won't dear wife and mother. Seo what Parker's Tonic will do for you. Plenty of women as badly off as you are, have been res cued almost from the grave by it. It will buUd you up, curing all ailments of tho stomach, liver and kidneys, and is nimple, pleasant nnd safe. -TraTTrrT'!?rnvr.v n.T.r. THK ATTEX l tlon of the public to the fact that the abovo Market will always nesuppueawua FULL YARIKTY AND BEST QUALITY 1 itfflni1 :3irjBSE8KiEflfTTfH X -iL-f HA ' FRESH AHD CURED MEATS I I Which will bo kold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail . , . -Special attention given to supplying B. B. Franklin, sgfe GRAND PR12E PARIS 1878. THEY HAYE BEES AWARDBD - v HIGHER PRIZES AT THE VARIOUS International Expositions THA2T THE GOODS OF ANY OTHER THREAD MANUFACTURERS IN 1HK WORLD. nuttier aii CaWnet Wast, SQUEfflOQUA STREET, N'KXT TO TUB ASTOBTAK KUILDING. ttf-AUvroikdone In a skillful manner on short notice at reasonable rates. The cranberry-growing counties of Wisconsin are estimated to produce this Beason 100,000 barrels, which, at an average of $5 per apple, will ag gregate $500,000. Education or Girls. In no institution of learning in the country is more complete education given than in the celebrated Notre Dame, near Baltimore, Maryland. The Sisters in charge say they find thatEedStarCoughCnresucces3fulIy ,m il .nlrla ortH tlirnrir troubles among their pupils. It is absolutely free from poison, anu coaia uuk ki ty-nve cents. Cotton-growing is making consid erable progress in Russia, especially in the Caucasus. It is, however, to tho American staple. Quality can Always be Depended on ! Experienceft lleiien Use no Oilier ! HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 ad 519 Market Street, - - SAN FRANCISCO, AGENTS tfaa PACIFIC COA8T. Seine Twines, Rope and Netting Constantly on Htnd, Magnus C. Crosby Dealer In SMBIASE, UN, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, 37l33. AND Ooppor- Insctlom Fraught with Danger, inaction of the kidney and bladder is frauubt with dauger. Renal diseases of the most stubborn aud fatal character have this Initial symptom. To disregard it Is to Invite them. Hosiettei's Stomach Klttew 1ms the special qnalliy of stimulating urinary sccre- tlou and discharge to a degreo consonant with health, and uo furlher. It U not an ex citant of the organs, like the uwnedlcated Mkih! of coii'merce. ItMmply arousesthem when ib-iraciivlty and vitality are Impaired. Tins utimulatlnj: and tonic action the Hltteis ikew Ise exerts upon the bow els. the liver and tunstomacli. ltav.rts renal d sea;t-3. cures ilxanen in, prevent and remedies fever and airue and remo cs biliousness and constlpa rr...'M.. !.. tnni. Ticie. Mnit to oeraons with a tendency to gout It stronsW reeom- nmnrts ltselt. as n is n nue ueuuicui. " "- blood. Powder. Holden's Auction Rooms I" Established January 1st, 1877. E. C. HOLDEN, Real Estate and General Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, Cliensnuw Street. - Astona, Oregon. Auction sale of Sundries every Saturday, at to :30 k. m.. at rav Auction Rooms. Wlfconduct Auction Sales of Real Estate. Cattle, and Farming Stock wherever de- " Cash Hetoras Promptly made after Salei. Consignments respectfully solicited. Notary rubllc for tho state of Oregon. Comrelssloner of Deeds Tor Washington T Agffibr ally and TVceklv OrtQoniatu THE NEW MODEL RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OP E, R. MAWB&, AGBKT CALL AND EXAMINE IT. YOU WILL BE PJ.EASKD. E. K. IIAWES la also Kgeul toe tk Ml gent (Mis? SIotb And other first-class Stoves. Fnrsaoa Work. Stoaai Tit tinZs. etc.. a specialty. A FUIili STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. mmmmm 'J The Telephone Saloon. The Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. Especially fitted up for the Comfort and Convenience of those who enjoy a Social Glas. The Best or Wines and Liquora, Tho Choicest Cigars. Everything New and First-Class. IX. I JEFFREY. Propr. SPECIAL NOTICE! O. R. & N. CO. EXCURSION! Tickets to Portland and Return For $2 50. Good on any of the Company's btati V. A. WOYE8. Agent. Astoria, Nov. 23th, 1SS3. 23 S kegs. Sli.00 7.00 7.00 DuckS&ootlHg Sea Shooting Blfle, Fgto 3 Fg Shot. OS "Pound RaPS .......... S t-S0 "WnrlR. 1J0M. Pink Fal?re. No. 10 8 1-C0 Blank Edge. No. 10 A. Q. SPEXARTH, Astona. BANKING AND INSURANCE! 1. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Inaur- ance Agent, AST02IIA. - OBEGOIf. OFFICK HOURS : From 9 o'clock A. 51. until 3 o'clock P. M. Colniia Tmsprtatioii Compy. SHUTE & CO., FINE IMPORTED CIGARS. Yon can rely on getting a Good Cigar AtShute&Co-'a C1CAR AND TOBACCO STORE, Opposite D. L. Beck & Son's. EXCURSION TICKETS! FROil ASTORIA TO PORTLAND AND RETURN Tor $2.50, ON THE "TELEPHONE," To Rent. WRS3 nirjrri , ly located. Apply at this omce. A FINE BUSINESS OFFICE. CENTRAL. FOR PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Time! THE NEW STEAMER TELEPHONE Whicn ha3 been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leav WlUon & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 PJI. Returning leaves Portland evory Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Aitork it 1 P. M. E-An additional tofrvrtll bo made onSHHday ef Each Wy .j?Pf Igg UrXSS1"" M9nU"- Fassenscre bJ ,?lcoXT?PrSiert??, V . r jTl-f ' $'L