a) Mt gaily gtfiorian. ASTORIA, OREGON: WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 0. 18S3 MILITARY SPIRIT. The school boy knows that Ger many is the most thorough in mili tary as well as in many other mat ters jof education. Every citizen in Germany is a soldier, not only prepared as to knowledge of mili tary tactics and usages to enter without previous preparation into the army o his country, either in offensive or defensive warfare, but well imbued with that spirit and magnificent physical development which comes through military drill and training. Almost by the blow of tbe'bugle call, Germany would bristle from one end of the coun try to the other with arms in the hands of trained oldiers. No time lost in drilling awkward squads; no waiting for officers to become educated in their new du ties, but, like the nice running of a clock, it is already to run the moment the spring is touched. The wisdom of such an organi zation depends for its manifesta tion upon the arrival of these emergencies which no human fore sight can forestall, but which, nevertheless, aro always imminent. A government that is strong in its resources and habiliments of war is in much lefs danger of war than weaker ones, at the same time the earth has been full of war since iSoah and his family arrived with their menagerie, and there is no reason to think that human nature has changed to any considerable extent; hence we are liable to see more of it. In America, while the sunlight of peace sheds a soft lustre over our land there is no means of knowing that the clouds of war will not throw us again into the darkness of struggle and death. Yet .there: .are those who affect to scorn our militia organization as a useless and an extravagant indul gence for the benefit of those who hold office there, and are suf fered to wear as much gold lace and flumdoodle ornaments as their physical development affords room for. While it may be true that the militia and its mission is not un derstood by the superficial, it is also true that it has a significance broad and deep, and while the gaudy official toggery, now in vogue among commissioned offi cers as contrasted with the plain view of the private soldier, does seem a little undemocratic, the importance of the organization should not be obscured on this uc . count. In fact the military of America to-day is not all it should be. The laws creating and regu lating the militia necessarily creates appointive powers, and it is" in the abuse and not in the use of this power that evils crowd in upon the organization and neutral ize the efforts of those earnestly interested in the dovolnpmont of the cause. It is proposed in Canada to ten der all debts under S 0 micollect- ableby law. A similar proposition, .says the 7):, limuuh h. eluding various amounts as tho i'ttfuation', has often been advocated in the United States, and it m.sy be re garded as a reaction from the "other extreme of imprisoment for debt. Would it not render personal honesty of more esteem and tend to the abandonment of a loose credit system for the safer and more economical one of cash payments? is one way of putting the question. A community in which personal security is most relied upon is a good place to live. It is stated on good authority that the Union Pacific company has defaulted on the payment of the interest of certain narrow guage roads in the-state of Neva da, of which it- was the largest stockholder Secretary Whitney will ask the present congress for an appro priation of $70,000,000 for the nary department. South America has already nearly completed a transconti nental railway. It extends from the waters of the Atlantic at Rosa rio (north of Buenos Ayres) west ward about 500 miles to Mendoza, and within 140 miles of the rail way now in operation from the Pa cific coast of Valparaiso to the foot of the Andes. A line has been surveyed across the moun tains .and it is thought that the link will be supplied within a year or two. - - - It is stated on good authority that the Canadian Pacific com pany intends to ask parliament for $10,000,000 to aidin the work of consolidating the railway system of the maritime provinces. The government will donate that por tion of the international road be tween St. John and Halifax. The Hillsborough mail rider failed to reach Milton, N. G.. on a regular day last week, and gave as his excuse that "a rabbit crossed in front of him while on his way and he turned back." He believed that some awful calamity would befall him if he proceeded in face of this warning. The coasting trade in India am ounts to over $250,000,000, and, says the London Timts its value is more than one-third of the sea borne trade which is conducted with Europe, Africa and the other countries of Asia. The guano deposits of the is lands off Lower California, being worked by Sr. Bnlle of Guaymas, are turning out to be verv abun dant. The first vessel has sailed for Europe carrying eight hundred tons. NEW TO-BAY. To the Citizens of Astoria. MR. TV. P. McCLOSKY HAVING DE clincd the nomination for Superin tendent of btrects, at the request of many Republicans we name Mr. John McCann as the Republican candidate for said office. R.-N.CAKNAHANl C.U. COOPER : Republican K. A. TAYLOR fCilvCom. AUG.DANIEI.SONJ Notice. BIDS ARE ASKED BY THE COUNTY Court of Clatsop Count)' for the support of the ceunty poor for one year. Also Proposals are asked for a fnn suit able In all respects for a poor farm for the county. Said bids aud proposals will be received until Monday. Jxny. 4th. 1BS0, at one o'clock p.m. aud must be filed with the County Clerk. By order of the County Court. C.A.MCGUIRE. -County Judge. Attest: C.J.TBEXCHARD.Clerk-. A Card. f BEG TO BRING BEFORE YOUR NO JL tico that my nomination as Councilman from the 2nd ward was done without my knowledge and that I will not accept or the samo If elected. P. E. FERCUEN. A Declination. To the Republican City Committee. GENTLEMEN: Circumstances are such that It will not be convenient for me to accept the nomination for Superintendent of Streets and I therefore lespectfully decline the nomination and re quest you to select another nominee. W. McCROSKY. Astoria, Oregon, D ec 7th, 1SS5. To the People of Astoria. I DESIRE TO STATE POSITIVELY AND emphatically that there is no ground for the "report" that I Intend to resign in favor of Mr. Hart or anybody else If elected to the office of Auditor and Clerk, but that I shall try to perform the duties of said office to the best of my ability in the interests of the peo ple regardless of politics or anythlnz else. Respectfully WM. POHL. Notice. BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE office of Count' Clerk of Clatsop county until Monday, Jany. 4th, 18SG, at onn o'clock p. k. for "the building of a county bridge across Ohauna creek. Said bids to be scaled ana Include plans, specification and strain diagrams. Each bidder shall deposit with his bid flvo per cent of the amount of such bid, which shall be forfeited t the county in case the award Is made to him and .n fails, neglects or refuses for the period of two days after such award is made to enter Into contract and file his bond as required by law and to the satisfaction of the bonrd of County Commissioners. The boanl may in its discretion reject any and all bids, Ry order of the County Court. C.A-McGUIRE, County Judge. Attest: C.J.TRENCHARD.Clttk. Astoria, Dec 8th. 1835. GRAND CONCERT AND MASQUERADE BALL! AT ROSS' OPERA HOUSE JANUARY 1st, 1886.. BY 0USHIHG POST 00BHET BAND. Coaoert Prom 8 to 9 O'clock DA5TC1SG BEGIX B at 9 O'CLOCK For GRAY'S HAEBOR Ttie G-exi.. BCileai Will leave for GravS Harbor -with FrelgHt-and-Passengers. On Saturday orBinfftke IStk fast., At7 0'ela. J. H. D. GRAY, Agent. Republican Ticket. For Mayor - C. W. FULTON councilman, it waru...fc.&H.isaiAJM Councilman, 2nd Ward HOBT. CAKRUTHERS Chief of Folice W.J. BARRY Police Judge R.V.MONTEITH Supt. of Streets." JOHNiTcCANN City Treasurer.... CH AS. HErLBORN City Attornoy G. C. FULTON City Surveyor C. B. MARTIN City Assessor D. H. WELCH Auditor and Clerk T. S. JEWETT Harbor Master PHIL. JOHNSON Democratic Ticket. For Mayor J. C. TBULLINQEB Connciliaan 1st War d....L. C.KINNEY Connrilman 2nd "Ward . . P. Z. FEBCHEN Chief of Folice A. M. TWOHBLY Folice Judge C. H. STOCKTON Treasurer J. G. HOSTLEB City Attorney GEO. NOLAND SnrveTor N.D. RAYMOND Assessor J.F.DICKINSON Auditor and Clerk WM. POHL Harbor Master DENNIS COBBAN Supt. of Streets .THOS. LOGAN Independent Ticket! For Mayor, .T. O. Trullinger Councilman, 1st Ward,. .F. Sherman Councilman, 2nd ...John O'Brien Chiflf of Poliee John Rocera Police Judge, John Hahn Supt. of S treets, I no. Mcuann City Treasurer, J. G. Hustler f!itv Attorney. Geo. Noland City Surveyor, N. D. Raymond Uity Assessor, wm. rooie Auditor and Clerk C. W. Shively Harbor AlaBter run. Johnson MURRAY & CO., GROCERS And Dealers in Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A PULL LINE CARRIED And Stipples furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part of the city. Office and Warehouse fu Hume'i New Building on Water Street. P. O. Box 183. Telephone No. 87. ASTOBIA, ' ORFGOS. StockhilderV Meeting. . THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEETING OF the stockholders'of tho Pythian Land and Building Association will be held on uec: zva, at 2 r. 34. in rytnian nan tor me purpose of electing a heard of five Directors for the ensulne vear and attending to such other business as maylegaUy come Tbefore It. E. A. JvOYKS. Sect. Finest Selection of Jewelry In Solid Geia ana Silver. Most Suitable Holiday Presents! Offered at Very Low Figures. VTke Qullty of Ertry Artialt duraateed. Astoria and Seaside BAKERIES, ED. JACKSON) ' - Fr9rUter. The best Bread, Cakes and Pastry In the City Ice Creams and Ornamental "Work to order Manufacturer of Fine Candles. GUSTAVBONTGEN, GrUNMITH:. JfKAB VAX DUSEH'fl STOBE, UPPKB ASTORIA. All kinds of sew Guns made to order, Breech-loading Guns made from Mnzzle- loiulflw. All rftmain ilnionrnmnf mil ohun First class vrorkKuaranteed. Address letters - UUOIAY iJUnXUKX, Care of Jean Kopp. Astoria. Or. Stockholders' Meetint. STOCKHOLDERS OF THE FISHER xnen'c Tkg. Co, are hereby notified that the annual moetlne will be held at tho Co."8 fc upper AKoni, ur on Tuesday, Dee. pB, 1883, at 9 A. L?or the tmrnose of cickuut at uuuu 9i directors ior tue eotuiue year, and the transaction of other. bnsln ess that may eome before the meeting. By order of the President. . H.E. NELSON, - Secretary. Notice TS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1HE ANNU. A. al meeting of ihe .stockholders of the Scandlnartan racking Co. will bo held at the company's office on Monday, DecHth, 1885, at 9 o'clock a. M.,-for the nnrpose oi electing a board of directors for tnensulne year, and the tranaacrtoa .of such other bus iness as may come before the meeting. By order ot the president. II. PLATH. Astoria. Nov. 2Tth. 1883. &. UNIONMARKET Whea You-Waat Oysters, Clams, Crabs, Fish. KgK!ilu.tr oi the Quality : whea you nd Wint thnra f rwati ani -- - .11 - r-T ' Seed at the Union Markefon wStoetrtef ' , Vegetables of all kinds constantly oa has. LwarranteyerytolDiaoUfrah aid of the best, quality. w O- F. RKSX). Cannery Sniies! IN NEW QUARTERS! Having Consolidated 3Iy Business with the Astoria Furniture Co., I now offer the I arrest and Mot Complete Assortment of Fine and Plain Furniture, Bedding. Carpets, Oil Cloth, Window Shades, Pictures, Moulding, etc., At Portland Prices, and Invito a Call o f Everybody in "Want of Goods in My Line, Guaranteeing Satisfaction in Every Respect. CHAS. HEILBORN, After Three Weeks of Hard Labor! Has Got the MAGNIFICENT WHERE &IL BSSa? cBSSMBSSS AIT vlsSf SSSSSSBsip' TO CALL THIS WEEK . Grand Exhibition Every Evening. Carl Adler's Crystal Palace A Slaughter IMMENSE SALES ATTHE I WHITE CLOSING OUT OUR Entire Stock of Dry anil Fancy Goofls, LADIES1 AND CHILDREN'S SHOES. AND IN FACr EVERYTHING APPERTAINING IN THE LADIES' LINE AT COST! And Less than Cost. On Account of Discontinuing the Above Lines I Shall also offer the Following Inducements: All Purchases 5.00 and Upwards, 5 per cent oil'. All Purchases $20.00 and Upwards, 1 0 per cent off. Ladies Gall Early! And Secure Suoh Bargains as Never Offered in Astoria Before. This is a Bonafide Sale and No Sham, as we need our Space for other Purposes and the Stock Must January. S. SCHLUSSEL Next to Bink of Wm. T. Coleman, EMPIRE STORE. CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS and SHOES, DEY GOODS, W. T. PARKER Most of His PTftfillS fe-g " K 'SgZd-j? -gC'-. a' , - i-'orTOWIXO, FREIGHT or CHAK- VSr ATjTt ' f:ijt: :i. or to in Dry Good HOU A Bo Closed Out before ihe 1st of Astoria, Oregon, Manager. roGer 4 A 6cLq a ciij JL Cci r. L. P. GAS FRANK X. IEAIEn IX Eay, Oats, noil Straw, Lite, BM, Cement, Sand anil Plaster Wont! Dellrercd to Order. J)n)Iiic, Teamlticsnd Kxprew Rnslne". " -'-j "'UjyTtiJ!1?lU..iX' r-A &OJBL 338 -A.. MOKTTGrOMBIlT. DKAT.KK IN Tin.bhi'ot Iron, nr.d Copjier "Wore. A general assortment of Household Good. AfiF'T kok 3SACSEG STOVES AiVD It.t&'ftKS. THE BEST L Tn 3IABKGT. Plumbing goods of all kind cu Inn. I. Job work done In a workmanlike manner. Plumbing, Cas Fitting and Cannery Work attended to promptly On Reasonable Terni". CJieimmns Street, Xext to C. I. Porker'M Store. Astoria. Orsn. Holiday Goods! The New York Novelty Store! We are now receiving one of THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCKS OF - HOLIDAY GOODS and NOVELTIES Ever offered to the People of Astoria. Gome One! Gome All! The Public are Cordially invited to U.ill aud Examine onr Carefully Selected Stock. Comprising artick3 for Old and Voting alike and within the reach of all. Heretofore We have Always Led in Making Prices for Our Competitors, And now Tv Propose to Leafl Where Ttoy Cannnot Follow ! ! As Am thing and Everything w ill he offered at Tlie lowest ToiibIe Living Margin ofProilt. sbw yom mmm store, Opposite the Parker House. Main Street, Astoria, Oregon. United States Restaurant On ISain street is novs open, and JLT C2TOS TAKES THE ZiZiLD In rvery particul.tr It is tho Finest lit led np And Best in the city JEFF is A Good r He cannot be betti on the coasr. Meals 25c. BOAHD PRIVATE ROOMS For Families OR PARTIES Pro PAYS CASH, THAT SETTLES ITr !U yyydfj fill babul AH PARKER, STKA.1IEB CLAIM PARKER Eben P. Parker.Master. Supper Partle Furn'.slied On short notice OYSTERS A. Spsolalty JEFF Spend His Money in Astoria! Buys by the Wholeiati and Frearieur, Vait a Xarkt. 'rf-