The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, December 08, 1885, Image 3

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Short DayB.
Too many generals and officers; too
few working privates.
The New York Novelty store has a
grand opening to-night.
The British Benevolent society
meets at 7:30 this evening.
The State sailed yesterday; the
British bark Chasca arrived.
Apples were never plentier nor bet
ter than during the present season.
The pilot schooner is alongside
Gray's dock and goes outside to-day.
Repairs on the Oregon were fin
ished at San Francisco last Saturday.
What has become of all this ag
itation about "the swamp land
The water pipe3 are working satis
factorily again and everybody is well
Bill Nye will lecture in Portland
to-morrow evening. He would draw
well here.
Jeff advertises the United States
restaurant. He gives all he adver
tises and keepj all his promises.
Politics, like other amusements of
life, is something in which a spinal
column is n necessary element to
Tickets for the Grismer-Davies
performances may be had at the New
York Novelty store. The box sheet
opens to-morrow morning.
Carl Adler's crystal palace present
ed a brilliant appearance last evening.
The exhibition is a handsome one.
You are invited this evening.
On the Independent ticket the
name of Jno. Rogers appears for
chief of police and Dr. O'Brien for
councilman from the second ward.
An overflowing water pipe in the
second story of Kinney's building
damaged a considerable lot of goods
on the first floor last Sunday even
ing. The Portland city council is consid
ering an ordinance taxing the citizens
of that city for the privilege of an op
portunity of making a living by resi
dence therein.
Sun rises, 7:29: sun sets, 4:16. The
interval of light from 12 m. to dark
will be no shorter, that's one consol
ation. But the sun will rise twelve
minutes later before we see '8G.
The dynamo for the electrical light
is on "Wilson & Fisher's dock, and on
the next steamer is expected the rest
of the plant and the electrician, when
work will proceed to completion.
'Byrne3 & Helene are doing Ore
gon a great deal of good in their va
riety hall at St. Louis." Welcome.
They would do it more good if they
would settle their advertising bills.
Sudden deaths are said to be more
frequent Men who desire eternal
salvation should place all their affairs
in order, for they know not the day
nor the hour. No man can be saved
who dies owing the printer.
Ship captains and others in Port
land have raised a purse of $135 to
assist Mrs. Raymond, the wife of the
captain of the Grasmere, who is de
sirous of going to Calfornia there to
take refuge with her daughter.
The man that says "I told you so,"
is resting himself. He will be out
early on Thursday morning and
chuck full of reminiscences, able to
tell you just how it happened and
how things might have been fixed.
Yesterday was a cold raw day in
this latitude and longitude. The
sun shone brightly a part of tho
time and the wind blew from the
northwest. The water was lumpy
and craft of all kinds laid close to
The Oregonian says a wholesale
discharge of conductors has taken
lace on the Union Pacific, Oregon
hortLine and Utah & Northern.
The general opinion is that the
ticket-punchers were caught pocket
ing railroad fares.
It is reported that in the event of
Willie Pohl's election he will resign
and Dave Hart will be the auditor
and clerk. A good many people
would like to know if the report i3
true or not. It seems, however, al
most incredible, but such is the ru
mor. While the Rcspigadera was being
docked at the Main street dock yes
terday afternoon her head gear
caught in the corner of the lower
dock and carried away some of the
roof and the stanchions of the lower
corner, doing about 8100 worth of
Yesterday Biuger Hermann took his
seat in congress for the first time,
though elected eighteen months ago.
Oregon takes time by the foretop in
electing her solitary congressman.
In less than six months tho common
wealth will elect Mr. Hermann's
Lewis & Dryden's "Travelers
Guide" for December is received.
The Northern Pacifio has a map on
pages 66 and 67. 'K-a-l-a-m-a" be
gins at Scarborough head, and
"P-o-r-t-l-a-n-d" about fifteen miles
S. W. of Tillamook rock. There is
no Astoria to be seen. Goose lake
and Scio show up well and the Ma
ginnis mines are qnite prominent.
Y. M. C. A.
Special business meeting to-night at
7:30. All members are requested to be
present, to settle important business.
C. A. Haxson',
A pair of eye glasses with tortoise
shell frames. A suitable reward for
their return to
D. L. Beck & Sox's
Griffin & Reed are opening a large
and varied assortment ot holiday goods
to-day. Do not be hasty In making your
A large stock of toys and juvenile
books for the youngsters at the City
Book Store.
Christmas cards, Prang's, Whitley's,
Tuck's and Hildershlmer's in endless
variety at the City Book Store.
Omaha, Dec. 7. Troop3 from every
fort in the department of the Platte
hav received orders to be ready to
march at a moment's notice. Tho in
ference is that several thousand
troops are to bo stationed at Camp
Douglas, near Salt Lake, Utah, for
fear of a Mormon uprising.
Cincinnati, Dec. 7. Letters from
Mrs. Geo. H. Pendleton, wife of the
American minister to Berlin, state
that they are very much dissatisfied
with that city. Her husband's resig
nation may be expected at any time.
Washington-, D. 0., Dec 7. Prom
inent Democrats of Washington ter
ritory are now here urging the ap
pointment of Jno. GL Thnmnsnn n?
secretary oi mac lerruory.
Barclay Henley, of California, the
only Democratic congressman from
the Pacific coast, will offer a resolu
tion to-morrow demanding an inves
tigation of the charges relative to his
Mexican citizenship.
Mebitt's Conxans, N. Y., Dec. 7.
Another terrible accident occurred
here to-day on the new Croton aque
duct Some men were descending in
a bucket when a cross beam fell a
hundrad feet striking them, and kill
ing nearly all.
Pittsburg, Dec 7. The villages
of Beaver Falls and New Brighton
use natural gas. Yesterday was an
intensely cold day in this region and
the gas supply in soma way was cut
eff. Business of every nature had to
be suspended. The people had to go
to bed to keep from freezing to death.
No church, no cooking, a very un
usual and unpleasant experience.
Washington-, D. C, Dec. ,7. The
U. S. senate was called to order at
noon. Senator Geo. F. Edmunds,
of Vermont, nominated John Sher
man of Ohio for president of the
senate: Senator Daniel W. Voorhees,
of Indiana nominated L G. Harris of
Tennessee. The nays and yeas were
called and Sherman wa declared
Tho houso was called to order at
noen: J. G. Carlisle and T. B. Reed
were nominated for speaker resultin'
in the election of Carlisle.
A peculiar accident is recorded as
happening to a passenger train on
the Oregon & California railroad last
week. It ran into a tunnel this side
of Delt3, but found its exit at the
farther end completely barred by a
land slide; backing up to extricate
itself from the unpleasant predica
ment, a land slide was found to havo
as completely blockaded the eutrauce
at this end after the train went in.
The train with its load of human be
ings had to remain prisoners for the
night until a train hand succeeded
in crawling out and going for help in
tho morning.
Considerab'e discussion goes on
regarding to-morrow's election. The
general impression is that no one will
have a very large majority. In 1881
there were 510 vote3 pelled: in 18S3,
763 votes were cast for mayor. In
that election in the first ward Cleve
land had 291 votes for councilman.
Bergman, 217: in the second ward
Dealey had 127 votes for council
man, Oroutt 74. Last year it stood
respectively, Bergman, 234: Sherman,
213: Gratke, 131: Welch, 133. The
next election in Astoria will be under
the registry law.
Three bad men attacked Chas.
Wright a3 he was going bonis at
seven o'clock last Sunday evening,
with $500 in his pocket The en
counter took place on tho north side
of Conoomly street above Polk. He
put the robbers to flight, escaping
with a blow on the back of his
head, but fell from the trestle work
into tho soft earth below, a distance
of eight feet. The marauders have
not yet been arrested.
Oiicklcn'.s Arnica Salrc.
The Best Saivk in the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sores.Ulcers, Salt Kheuin,
Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapprd Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sa It by W
E. Dement & Co.
One of the funiest characteristics
of average humanity is the tendency
to kick because the other fellow got
tho nomination. There ought to be
some way so that there would be two
nominations for each offico on each
ticket. But then there is the third
fellow, the one who expected to be
"a compromise" candidate. What
are you going to do with him? or,
rather, what is he going to do with
Excited Thousands
All over the land are going into ec
stasy over Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption. Their unlooked for
recovery by the timely ue of this great
life Saving remedy, causes them to
go nearly wild in its praise. It is guar
anteed to positively cure Severe Coughs.
Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis,
Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, or any affec
tion of the Throat and Lungs. Trial
bottles free at Y. E. Dement & Co.'s
Drug Store. Large size S1.00.
A good waiter. Apply to Jr.Fr.
All the patent medicines advertised
In this p&per, together with tho choicest
Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can
e bought at the lowest prices, at J. V7.
Conn's drug store, opposite Ocidcnt
hctel, Astoria.
A Nasal Injector free with each
bottle of Shlloh's Catarrh Rempdy
Price f0 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement.
Sweet Cider
kAt Carnahan & Co.'., just received, the
For Rent,
At a reasonable rate; the fine new
building opposite EarchhofTs bakery.
Apply at this office.
Desiring to show our appreciation
of the liberal patronage we are re
ceiving from the people of this vioin
ity, we have completed arrangements
for a grand holiday free gift distri
bution of oil paintings in real gold
leaf frames. The pictures are now
on exhibition in our window and all
are urged to see the collection before
the distribution takes place. You
will find it well worth your attention.
All our customers will stand an equal
chance of winning a prize
Until the drawing takes place every
person, who, at any one time pur
chases goods of us to the amount of
S2 or upwards, will receive a num
bered ticket which gives them one
chance in the drawing for prizes.
The distribution of prize3 will be
superintended by a committee of dis
interested persons. Separate cards
with numbers coresponding to those
on every ticket given out will be
placed in a closed sack and after be
ing thoroughly mixed, a person se
lected by the committee will be blind
folded, and will draw a numbered
card from the sack. Whoever holds
tho ticket which corresponds in num
ber with the card so drawn will re
ceive the first prize. A second draw
ing will then be made for the second
prize, and so on until all tho prizes
are fairly distributed. Everybody
is invited to take a chance for the
Do not fail to sea the beautiful
paintings. Also our splendid dis
play of Christmas goods for themany,
suitable for young and old, which we
are prepared to furnish at prices
lower than the lowest Drawing
will take place at onr store January
1st, 188C.
Washington, Dec. 6. An effort is
being made to secure a place on the
committee on commerce for Congress
man Hermann, of Oregon. It is the
wish of members from tho Pacifio
coast to have one of their members
on that committee, and opinion in
clines in favor of Hermann; but there
is a delay in making up the committee,
on account of the proposed change in
rules. If some of the committees are
abolished, a3 proposed from some
quarters, or if the work of some of
the committees is increased, these
changes will have to be made before
the speaker can intelligently make
up the committee.
Senator Dolph has been carefully
canvassing the prospects of securing
a large appropriation for the improve
ment of the mouth of the Coluumbia
river He states that the outlook is
very favorable. The engineers have
reported that the present plan of im
proving the mouth of the Columbia
has been successful so far, ard in
this report and from tho general
feeling in the senate Dolph believes
that an adequate sum will be ap
propriated for either completing or
earring on a large part of the work.
Since the forfeiture of tho Astoria
land grant considerable inquiry has
been made regarding that portion of
the O. C. grant lying in Cowlitz,
Pacific and Wahkiakum counties,
W. T. Under date of the 4th inst,
Fred. W. Sparling, register of the land
office at Vancouver, writes:
"The so-called forfeited lands of
the Oregon Central railroad company
are not open to settlement as the
question is not fully settled yet, and
it will probably be several months
before it is finally settled. The
Northern Pacific railroad company
has given notice that it will appaal
from the decision of tho commis
sioner of the general land official to
the secretary of tho interior. Su it
will be somo time before the matter
is settled.
The Waj-csofShi.
The new melodrama, uTne Wages
of Sin," has caught the town, and the
Baldwin theater is filled nightly by
brilliant and enthusiastic audiences.
It is beyond question, the most pow
erful work of the kind presented in
this city in years. The sad, strong
scenes are deftly relieved by clever
comedy, and the startling effects of
the thrilling situations and climaxes
are in marked contrast to the spark
ling effervescence of those in which
pleasanter phases of life and charac
ter ore represented. The feelings of
the audience aro so wrought upon by
the scenes, that outbursts of applause
are frequent and long continued. 8.
F. Examiner.
A Ueiiable Article.
For enterprise, push and a desire to
get such goods as will give the trade
satisfaction, J. V. Conn the Druggist
leads all com petition. He sells Dr. Bo-
sanko's Cough and Lung Syrup, because
Coughs, Colds, Croup and Primary Con
sumption. Price 50 cents and $1.00.
Samples free.
Who sells the most Pianos. Organs,
and ifusical Instruments ? The New
York Novel tv More.
A Splendid Display
At Carl Adler'.s Crystal Palace the com
Jng week.
A full line of Masks and Masquerade
suits for rent, at the New York Novel tv
Parties wishing spars or piling of any
size or length can be supplied by leav
ing orders with J. n. D. Gray.
For a If eat Fitting Beet
Dr Shoe, fro tn P.J. nrtnflmnna on Pha.
naraus street, next door to IW. Case.
All goods of the best make and guaran
teed quality. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving.
Tfce Only Perfect Remedy
For habitual constipation, dyspepsia
and kindred ills, is the famous liquid
fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. It strength
ens as well as cleanses the system, it is
easily taken and perfectly harmless.
For sale by W. E. Dement & Co.
A fine display of Crockery and Glass
ware will shortly be exhibited at Car
nahan & Co.'s, for the holiday trade.
Notice of Tax Sale
virtue of a transcript of the delinquent
assessment ro 1 of School District No. l, of
Clatsop county, state of Oregon, and a war
rant attached to such transcript issued and
delivered to me as sheriff otsaid county, by
C. J. Trenchard, clerk of said county, which
warrant is in the name of the state of Ore
gon, under tho hand ot said clerk and the
seal of the county court of said Clatsop
county, command I r me forthwith to col
lect the delinquent taxes in said school dis
trict for the sdid year I8S5, as shown by the
list of the delinquents and assessment rolT
to said warrant attached, by levyi g upon,
and selling the personal property of the de
linquents against whom such taxes asestfed
and charged, if sufficient persjnal property
can be found. othcrwie, by levying upon
and selling the real estate of such drlln
quents In said district, or sufficient thereof
to satisfy such taxes, including my fees and
the costs and expenses ! the sale, therefore
for want of any pergonal property out of
which tosausiy me taxes Hereinafter spec
ified. I did on the 3rd day of December,
18S3. levy upon the real estate set -opposite
the names of the respective parties, firms
and co-poratlous contained in the following
list, to satisfy the amount tax assessed
and charged against such persons, firms
and corporations In said delinquent tax roll,
all of said real estate being In said district,
in Clatsop county state of Oregon, to' wit :
Abernethy, Geo, lot 1, blk 127, 01
ney's extension "of McClore's
Astoria ,.$ . 48
Adams, E. G, lot 5, blk 128 Olneys
extension of McClure's Astoria 96
Boehm, Carl, lot 7, blk 39, Mc
Clure's Astoria 128
Boice, Jas, lot 1, blk 152, Olney's
extension of McClore'a Astoria 48
Bramel,T.JJot3,blkJJ6,OInej's .. "
extension of McClore'a Astoria 3 18
Blanchard, Dean, 300 ft. tftt -'-front
adjoining Sea Side Can
nery 13 60
Bennett, A. S, X of blk 3, H. & A.
addition to McClore's Astoria.. 6 GO
Blinn, F. F, lot 1, blk 82, Olney's
extension of McClore's Astoria. - 78
Corbett, H. W, H int. in und, S.
i lots 1 and 2, blk 65, McClore's
Astoria ". 167 50
Coulter. J. M, lot C, blk 123, 01
ney'a extension of McClore's
Astoria 42
Fisher, J. N, lot 1, blk 103, Ol
ney's extension of McClore's
Astoria 48
Fnrnsworth, W. A, lot 7, blk 35,
McClore'a Astoria - 93
Hegeland, J. B, lot 7, blk 131, Ol
ney's extension of McClore's
Astoria 30
Howell, J. H, lot 8, blk 130, Ol
ney's extension of McClare's-
Isaacs, Jas.S," lot2 blk i25, 6Y
ney's extension cf McCIdro's
Astoria 30
Johnson, Geo, lot 1, blk 120, Ol
ney's extension of McClure'8
Astoria 3G
Knott, Jos, lot C, blk 104, Olney's
extension to McClore's -Astoria 90
Kiernan. John, lot G, blk 147, Ol
ney's extension of McClore's
Astoria . 24
Enowles and Thomes,Iot 4, blk 11
McClore's Astoria 7 50'
Meyer, Isaac, lot 7, blk 120, Ol
neys extension of JlcUJure s
Astoria H. ... ..:'
Moore, John H, lot 3, blk 3, Mc
Clore's. Astoria WJ 8 40
Martin, Joha lot 8, blk-149, Ol
ney's extension of McClore'a
Astoria 24
Moar, Mary A, lot 7, blk 1G0, Ol
ney's extension of McCIarcfa
Astoria... JV.r.... r48
Maston, J. 8, lot 1, blk 08, Mc
Clore's Astoria... 43
Mason, Flora A, lot 6, blk 32, Mc
Ciore'a Astoria 90
Olney, Eano, lot 4, blk 32,. Mc
Clore'a Astoria .tv-.-.....i. 144"
Olney. Silas F, lot 3, blk.162, Ol-1 :
ney's extension of McClore'a
Astoria 7. ;'..s, 72
Oroott, T. A, i K iot,.S,iblk G4, l
McClore'a Astoria.... S. 4 50
Palmer, Joel, estate of, lajt 5, blk
154, Olney's extension jjo'f Mc
Clore's Astoria Jt "" 24
Smith, E. L, lot 1, blk 89,-o- .
Clare's Astoria 8G
Stark, Mrs. P. J, lot 1, blk 123, 01
ney'fl extension of MoClure'a
Astoria 42
Scholemans, David, lot 3. blk 105
Oluey'a extension of McCrare'a
Astoria t-.... 96
Smith, Geo, lot 2, blk 103, Olney's
extension of McCIoro's Astoria 43
Olney, Hiram J, lot 8, blk 32, Mc
Clore's Astoria
Unknown owners, lot 3, blk 34,
Olney's extension of McClure's
Astoria ?....'.
Unknown owners, lot 4, blk 34.
Oluey'a extension of McOIm-e's
Astoria 42
Unknown owners, lot 1, blk 26,
Olney's extension of McClore'a
Astoria GO
Unknown owners, lot 2, blk SG,
Olney's extension of McClore'a
Astoria 44
Unknown owners, lot 7, blk 51,
Olney's extension of McCIure'u
Astoria $ 48
Unknown owners, lot 2, blk 78,
Olney's extension of fcClore'a
Astoria 42
Unknown owners, lot 7, blk 80,
Olney'a extension of McClore's
Astoria 42
Unknown owners, lot 8, blk 80,
Olney'a extension of McCbure'a -Astoria
.- 42
Unknown owners, lot G', blk 93,
Olney's extension of McClore'a
Astoria 42
Unknown owners, lot G, blk 97,
Olney's extension of McClore's
Astoria- GO
Unknown owners, lot 2, blk 93,
Olney's extension of McClore's
Astoria 42
Unknown owners, lot 4r blk 104
Olney's extension of McClore'a
Astoria - 43
Unknown owners, lot 4, blk 10G,
Olney's extension of McClore's
Astoria 42
Unknown owners, lot 8,'blk 106, J
Olney'a extension of McCIara'a
Astoria "42
Unknown owners, lot 3, blk 107,
Olney's extension of McClnrs's
Astoria 42
Unknown owners, lot 8, blk 108,
Olney's extension of McClore's
Astoria . 42
Unknown owners, Tot 2, blk 110,
Olney's extension of McClore'a
Astoria.... ... 36
Unknown owners, lot 3, blk 110,
Olney's extension of McClore's
Astoria 36
Unknown owners, lot 5, blk 110,
Olney'a extension of McClore'a
Astoria 36
Unknown owners, lot 6, Talk. 110,
Olney's extension to McClore'a
Astoria.. '. .... 36
TT1 a.a Inf T llrt
Olney'a extension to McClore'a
Astoria - 36
Unknown owners, lot 11, blk 114,$
Olney'a extension of McClure's
Astoria - -W
Unknown owners, lot 7, blk 117,
Olney's extensioa of McClore's '
Astoria ........ 44
Unknown owner's, lot It "blk '118,
Olney's extension of McClore's
Astoria 2
Unknown owners, lot S, blk HJ0,
Olney's extension of McClare's
Astoria r
Unknown owners, lot 7, blk 120,
Ohay's extension of McClore's
Astoria .., 36
"Unknown,owners, lo 2 bllf!121,
Olney's extension of McClore's
Astoria 11... 36
unknown owners, lot!, blk 124,
Olney's extension of McClore's
Astoria 36
Unknown owners, lot 2, blk 124
Olney's extension of McClore's
Astoria .. 36
Unknown owners, lot 3, blk 126,
.Olney'a, extension of McClore'a
Astoria 36
Unknown owners, lot 4, blk 12G,
Olney's extension of McClore's
Astoria : 36
Unknown owners, lot 5, blk 126,
Olney's extension of McClare's
Astoria 36
Unknown owners, lot 6, blk 126,
Olney's extension of McClore'a
Astoria 36
Unknown owners, lot 7, blk 126,
. Olney's extension oL McClore's .
Astona 36
Unknown owners, lot 8, blk 126,
Olney's extension of McCIoro's .
Astoria... - ae
Unknown owners, Jot 8, blk 1277 "
Olney's extension of McClore's
Astoria...... 'if. .... '36
Uoknown owners, lot 2, blk 133,
- Olney's extension of McClore's
Astoria, 90
Unknown owners, lot 4, blk 184,.
Olney's. extension of McClore's"
-Astorivr. "....:.".. '30
Unknown owners, lot G, blk 185,
-Olney's extension of McClore's
Astoria : 30
Unknown owners, lot 3, blk 137,
Olney'a extension of McClore's
Astoriar...'.....-. 24
Unknown owners, lot 4, blk 137,
Olney's extension of McClore's
Astoria 24
Unknown owners', lot 5, blk 137,
Olnevs.extension of McClore's
Astoria 34
Unknown owners, lot G, blk 137,
"Olney's extension of McClare's
"Astoria.l 24
Unknown owners, lot 3, blk 141,
Olney's extension of McClare's
Astoria.... 24
Unknown owners, lot 5, blk 141,
Olney's extension of McClore's
Astoria '. 25'
Unknown owners, lot 3, blk 142,
Olney's extension of McClure's
Astoria 24
Unknown owners, lot 4, blk 142,
Olney'a extension of McClore's
Astoria..' 24
Unknown owners, let 7, blk 144,
Olney's extension of McClare's
Astoria . 4
Unknown owners, lot 8, blk 145,
Olney's extension of McClure's
Astoria 24
Unknown owners, lot 5, blk 146,
Ulney's extension of Mcuiore's
Astoria - 24
Unknownjowners; lot 7, blk 146,
Ulney's extension of McUlore s
Astoria . 24
Unknown owners, lot 5, blk 147,
Ulney's extension of McClore's
Astoria 24
Unknown owners, lot 4, blk 148,
Ulney's extension of JUculore s
Astoria 24
Unknown owners, lot 7, blk 150,
Olney's extension of McClore's
Astoria 24
Unknown owners, lot 4, blk 151,
Ulney's extension or Aicuiore's
Astoria 24
Unknown owners, lot 7, blk 151, .
Olney's extension of McClare's
Astona ". 24
Unknown owners, lot 8, blk 151,
Olney's extension of McClare's
Astoria -24
Unknown owners, lot 8, blk 152,
Olney's extension of McClare's
Astoria.-:.. s 24
Unknown owners, lot 5, blk 152,
Ulney's extension ox Mcuiure's
Astoria 24
Unknown owners, lot 3, blk, 156,
Ulney's extension of McUlore's
Astoria . 24
Unknown owners, lot 5, blk 157,
Ulney's extension of McUlure's
Astoria :. 24
Unknown owners, lot 4, blk 158,
Olney's extension of McClore's
Astoria 24
Unknown owners lot 8, blk 159,
Ulney's extension of Mculoro a
Astoria 24
Unknown owners, lot 2, blk 160,
Olney's extension of McClare's
Astoria 24
And I will on the 4th dav of January.
183G. atthe hour of ten o'clock In the fore
noon of said day, at the court house door
in said county, proceed to sell to the high
est bidder for cahh, each of said tracts or
lots or so much thereof of each of said own
ers, as shall bo sufficient to satisfy the said
tax of such delinquent owner, Including my
fees and the costs and expenses of the levy
and sale.
Astoria, Or., December 5th, 1883.
Sheriff of CIat?op County,
State of Oregon.
Ready For Baslaess.
For a cood steak, a delicious cud of
coffee or a plate of fine oysters goto
Frank Fabre's Coffee. Oyster and
Chop House; opposite M.C.Crosby's.
SniLoa's Cuke will immediatelv
relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and
Bronchitis. Sold by W. E. Dement 4 Co
lias Betsiraed.
J. JoDlln has returned, and is again
ready to repair umbrellas and tend to
business at the old stand.
- Tbo latest Waveltleu
Will he on exhibition this week at Carl
Adler's; ,
AWhltehalLboatontho 28th of No
vember, opposite Astoria. Inquiry may
be made of P. Jordan, master steamer
Astoria, Dec.,2, 1885. -
Xone but the best of cooks and wait
ers employed at the U.S.Hestaurant.
A SpleHdid Stock
Of new tjoods to be opened at Carl Ad
ler's. Call and examine.
Middle Aged WmaaWaa(e4
To take care of a child. Apply at this
W-LussleroiSan Francisco has en
gaged In the photograph business with
Crow the leading photographer
The Tables Supplied with the
Best the? Market Affords.
In the Sleeping Departmeat,
Clean, Comfortable Beds.
J. Gh ROSS, Proprietor,
Pioneer Restaurant.
Having purchased extensively
Markets, I am now prepared to show
Assortment of DRY G'OODS and
New Silks,
New Velvets,
New Cloaks,
New Buttons,
New Hosiery,
New Ribbons,
New Blankets.
Every Department is Complete!
Largest Buyers of Dry Goois i Clothing
In The North West,
Buying Direct From The Manufacturers and importers,
Sa ving the Extra Profits of Middlemen, Wo are enabled to
Give Our Customers the Benefit!
We Only Carry
And Our Prices are Low.
Specially Attended to and Pilled With Dispatch.
Wholesale and Eetail Stores, Astoria, Oregon.
JTast Received Direct From New York,
The Finest and Largest Variety of
Ever Exhibited in Astoria!
And All Points East.
Bates $8.20 to 810JS3 tho Cheapest to
Councij Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City,
Fallauui Palace u4 Kalsraat Sleeping: Cars hauled oh Express
Trains ExclHSlvely without Change.
Ifypu are going east write for Rates. Maps, Time Tables, Guides and Full Information.
Agent. Astoria. Asst. Agt., Astoria.
Genaral Agent. No. 1, Washington street, Portland, Oregon.
MacDonaltl & Mcintosh
Are now Prepared to
Show a Large Assortment
Goods in Every Line!
Which will be Sold at
Lower Figures than at any Other House
The Leading Clothing, Hat, and Gents' Furnishing "Store
in Eastern and San Francisco
the Largest and Most Varied
CLOTHING in the State "of
New Dress Goods. .
Newr Suitings,
New "Wraps,
New Trimmings,
New Underwear,
New Gloves,
New Flannels, Etc., Etc.
one of the
I -$