rJ fa gattg Jlsfomn, ASTORIA. OREGON: TUESDAY DECEMBER 8. 1885 LEGISLATIVE APPORTIONMENT. After showing the outrageous ap portionment of the legislative dis tricts of Oregon, The Astobian asks: Does this look to you just, or reason able, or fair? Is any farther argument needed to show the absurdity of the existing system of mis representa tion? Exactly! but will The Astobian advocate a just reasonable, sensible system of representation? Not this year in all probability. How long would are-apportionment of Oregon bo "just, reasonable, or fair?" Suppose for the sake of argument it was just and fair, in two elections it would not be and would eventually attain the monstrous wrong of the present apportionment Would The Astobian advocate a system of representation based on the people and not on- 4,slavepen" dis tricts? Would it advocate "minor ity" or "proportional" representation, whereby Baker, Coos and Multnomah or any other county could have as many members in the legislature as their votes stood in proportion to the whole vote of the state? Would The Astobian advocate the election'of members of each body of the legislature at large, each list of candidates, of any party, being enti tled to one member for each part of the whole vote it received, equal to such whole vote divided by the num ber of members to be elected? The present system of. electing rep resentatives to the Uregon legisla ture, is all The Astobian states, and the only way to make the legislature a true representative body, is to adopt proportional representation. Salem Vidette,3. From reading- the above it is not just clear to our mind whether the Vidette is desirous of making a point against The AsTOitrAN, or is disposed to view the matter in the same light. Probably the lat ter of these motives would be the more charitable to ascribe to our astute contemporary. Reference to the constitution of the-state and the provisions therein regarding legislative apportionment will an swer the first two questions and the accompanying proposition. The third question we answer in the affirmative. The fourth ques tion is unintelligible to any one except the propounded The question will be answered if put in such shape as will allow our limited comprehension to grasp it. The same remark applies to the fifth. In general Tiik Astobian be lieves that exact interpretation of existing statutes would re move the present injustice, and that the fault is due more to polit ical cowardice and the inertia of mossbackism than to any defect in statutory enactment. But it does not believe that it is necessary to go outside the constitution to find a remedy for the existing evil of mis representation. The following is from an article by Rev. Lyman Abbott, D. D., en titled "Danger Ahead," in the November number of the Century, upon the social and labor questien: "All that we can learn from Alex ander III., Bismarck, and the two Napoleons is, how not to do it. Not by making America less demo cratic, but by making it more so, are we to perpetuato the republic." "Politically America is u democ racy; industrially America is un aristocracy." "At the ballot-box the laborer is a king; in the factory he is a servant, sjine i:u & slave. Men who make governors, legisla tors, judges, president-,, are not allowed to determine how many hours in the day they will work, and are able to determine what wages they shall receive only by organizing in an unarmed militia to preserve that right. The com munity at the same time puts the ballot into their hand and a man acle upon it. We must either take the ballot out or the manacle off." It is continually said, "It's born in the boy, and must come out." Character is not born in any body. Forces are. Mould and fashion these forces in one way and they become beneficent. Mould them another way and they become maleficent. It is with children as with clay, dif ferent qualities are all capable of being moulded. A poorer kind, with care in shaping and burning, will make beautiful bricks of great use; an excellent kind, carelessly moulded and poorly baked, will make worthless material, only fit to be thrown away. - It all depends upon the treatment tho clay re ceives whether it becomes of any use in the work of the world. Yesterday there was no life be tween Cleveland and an interreg num. Now there are two, Sher man and Carlisle. Rosecraxs has written a book entitled "The mistakes of Grant " This is one of the mistakes of Rosecrans. The president's message will be read in congress to-day. NEW TO-DAY. A Card. Editob Asteeian: The Democratic mass meeting held at the court house on Saturday last for the purpose of nominating candidates for city offices for the ensuing term, should, and ought by every fair minded citizen ana legal voter be repudiated on the ground of the glaring and flagrant bull- dosing propensities practiced at the bal loting lor their respective nominees. The balloting for street superintendent was one of the most glaring impositions ever palmed off on any intelligent communi ty. The most obtuse observer could not fail to detect that the whole proceeding was a preconcerted cut and dried piece of business, and stuffing the ballot box was the order of the day. The meeting being largely represented by repeaters, sailors, sailor-runners and the offscourings of swilltown who were evidently hired for the express purpose of assisting to demoralize the legitimate process; and they admirably succeeded in converting the balloting for the respec tive nominees into a grand carnival and enjoyed the joke hugely. In tho confu sion that prevailed motions before the house were wholly ignored by the chpir man of the meeting, which does not re dound very creditably to his ability as a presiding officer of a public meeting and can only be charged to his lack of knowl edge in parliamentary rules. From the unfairness in the count of the ballots cast there are ample and sufficient rea sons to contest the nomination of street superintendent. The motion of putting in nomination Mr. Chas. Shively for au ditor and clerk, made by Mr. Andrew Schuring, a legal voter and taxpayer of this city was wholly ignored by the pre siding chairman; but stuffing the ballot box was cheerfully granted and no at tempt made to check the imposition. All fair minded, honest citizens and legal voters should constitute themselves into a committee of one and exercise the ut most circumspection on election day, to guard against a repetition of what tran spired at the Democratic convention at the court house, the proceedings of which in the main, we emphatically pronounce as a magnificent fraud and also an im position on the ballot box. (Signed.) Independent Club. THE EVENT OF THE SEASON! TWO SIGHTS OICJLY. Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 14, 15. Engagement of the Old Time Favorites JOSEPH R. GRISMER, AJMU PHOEBE DAVIES, Supported by the powerful Baldwiu Tkeater Company, Of San Francisco, When will be presenten on Monday Dec. 14th. the greatest of all melodramas by Frank Ha-BVet. entitled "THE WAGES OF SIN." Tuesday Dec. 15th Mr.Grismer's dram atization of Hugh Conway's world renowned novel of startling incidents, entitled Both plays presented with special scen ery and novel mechanical effects. Prices as asaal, 50c, 75c. aaa 81.9. Reserved seats at the usual place, the New York Novelty Store, without extra charge. sSPNote, Seeure your seats in advance and avoid the rush at the door. Meeting Notice. REGULA.lt MEETING OF THE BRITISH Benevolent Association this (Tuesday) evening at 7 :30. J. BRYCE, Sec THOS. MAIRS, (Late Cutter with M. D. Kant.) " A Cood Fit Guaranteed. CHARGES MODERATE. Pants, from $8 up. Suits from $30 up. Shop opposite C. H. Cooper's. A. V. Allen, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In frfti7tt, MILLFEED. Glass tnd Plated Ware, TROPICAL AND DOMESTIC FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with Wmet, Lfraanjafcaccf ,Cljaft To Rent. A FINE BUSINESS OFFICE. CENTRAL ly located. Apply at this Office. Ross House mm FaioiDle Tailor Republican Ticket. For Mayor C. W.FULTON Councilman, 1st Ward...F. SHERMAN Councilman, 2nd Ward KOBT.CARRUTHERS Chief of Polico W.J. BARRY Police Judge R.V.MONTE1TH Sunt of Streets.. ..W. P. McCROSKEY City Treasurer.... CHAS. HEILBORN City Attorney G. C. FULTON City Surveyor C. B.MARTIN CItv Assessor D. H. WELCH Auditor and Clerk T. S. JEWETT Harbor Master PHIL. JOHNSON Democratic Ticket. For Mayor J. C. TRULLINGEB Councilman 1st Ward. . . .L. C. KINNEY Coancilman 2nd Ward. .P.E.FEBOHEN Chief of Police A. ST. TWOMBLY Pol ioe Judge 0. H. STOCKTON Treasurer J. Q. HUSTLER City Attorney GEO. NOLAND Surveyor N.D.RAYMOND Assessor J.P.DICKINSON Auditor and Clerk WM.POHL Harbor Master DENNIS CURR AN Suptof Streets...' .THOS. LOGAN Independent Ticket! For Mayor, J. 0. Trallinger Councilman, 1st Ward... If. Sherman Councilman, 2nd " ...John O'Brien Chief of Poliec John Sogers Police Judge John Hahn Supt. of Streets, Jno. McCann City Treasurer, J. Q. Hustler City Attorney Geo. Noland City Surveyor, N. D. Baymond City Assessor, Wm. Poole Auditor and Clerk 0. W. Shively Harbor Master PhiL Johnson MURRAY & CO., GKOOERS And Dealer In Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supples furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered in any part of the elty. Office and Warehouse In Hume's New Building on Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 8T. ASTORIA, OBEGOR. Stockholder!' Meeting. mHE REGULAKANNIJAL MEETING OF A the stockholders of the Pytklan Land and Building Association will he held on Dec 3lst, at a P. SL In Pythian Hall fur tho purpose of electing a baard of fire Directors for the ensuing year and attending to such other business as may legally come Defore it. 2.A.AUXKJ, Sect. BE. STUDZXNSSZ, Finest Selection of Jewelry in Solid Gold asfl Silver. Most Suitable Holiday Presents! Offered at Very Low Figures. Tke Oialltr f Krrr Article Gurted Astoria and Seaside BAKERIES, ED. JACKSOJT, . FreyrUtar. The best Bread, Cake and Pastry In the City tee Creams end Ornamental Work to order Manufacturer ef Fin Candle. GUSTAVBONTGEN, GhUNMlCIT 2TCAK VAX BUBEX'A STORX, UrMRAlTOXXA. All kinds of new Guns saade to order, jorcoii-iuaaing uans ra&ae xrom jtuzie io&ders. All repairs dome prompt and cheap. First class work guaraateed. Address letters Care of John Kopp. Astoria. Or. Stockhtla'ers7 Meetino. CJTOnTvTTnT.TmS nv rmr vtqttdo O v w-- -w 1Wy 'V. Hft Jk AUAAUlV" men's Pkg. Co, are hereby aotlfled that office at Upper Astoria. Or., on Tuesday, pec .29,1583, at 9 A. M. for tie rmtJSErU electing a board t directors for the ensulne that may come before the meettae. By order of the President. H.E. NELSON, Secretary. Notice TS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 7HE ANNU L al meeting of the stockholders of the ScandlnavianPacklns Co. wM be held at J5e,coPPaPy,s.omc8on Monday, Decittu. 1885, at 9 o'clock a k.. for the purpose of electing a board of directors for tue ensulna year, and the transaction of saca other bus iness as may come 'before the raeetlne. By order ot the president, H.PLATH. Astoria. Noy. 27th. 1885. 8cretIT. UNIONMAREET WkeaToaWaat wantCalckeoa. pecker C?m of all klal? aad want thew fresfefifa foddcall oh c. f! vegetables of all kinds constantly on baad. I warrant evftrvthlnrBAirf .v. .. . bastqSilty. " O. J9 xuzm-D. CmHT Sillies! rrorleter. Vale Market. IN NEW QUARTERS! Having Consolidated My Business with the Astoria Furniture Co., I now offer the Largest and Most Complete Assortment of Fine tnd Plain Furniture, Bedding, Carpets, Oil Cloth, . Window Shades, Pictures, Moulding, etc., At Portland Prloes. and Invite a CaU o t Everybody in "Want of Goods in My Line, Guaranteeing Satisfaction in Every Respect. CHAS. HEILBORN. After Three Weeks of Hard Labor! Has Got the MAGNIFICENT Can See US! ..'. HA lliVldU TO CALL THIS WEEK Grand Exhibition Every Evening. Carl Adler's Crystal Palace A Slaughter IMMENSE SALES AT THE I WHITE CLOSING OUT OUR Entire Stock of Dry aii Fancy Ms, LADIES9 AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, AND IN FACT EVERYTHING APPERTAINING IN THE LADIES' LINE AT COST! And Less than Cost. On Account of Discontinuing the Above Lines I Shall also offer the Following Inducements: All Purchases $5.00kand Upwards, 5 per cent off. All Purchases $20.00 and Upwards, 10 per cent off. Ladies Gall Early! And Seeure Such Bargains as Never Offered in Astoria Before. This is a Bonafide Sale and No Sham, as wo need our Space for other Purposes and the Stock Must January. S. SCHLUSSEL Next to Bank of Wm. T. Coleman, EMPIRE STORE. CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS and SHOES, DRY GOODS, W. T. PARKER Most of His STOCK! in Dry Goods HOUSE A Be Closed Out before the 1st of Astoria, Oregon. Manager. Groceries Cheap for Gash! Tea, Tea, Tea. F. L. P. !ASH L FRANK I. DEALER IK Hay, Oats, ant Straw, Lime, Bricl, Cement, Sand ani Plaster Wood Delivered to Order. Drajlng, TearaJai? and Exprfw Bailnew, iS F . .i ;. s'jt Captain, or to DKALKK IK Tin, Sheet Iron, and Copper Ware. A snenil assortment of Household Goods. AOHXT FOIt 3IAGEE STOVES AIVD RAXftES, TIIK BEST IX THE MARKET . Plumbing goods of all kinds on luni. Job woik dona In a workmanlike manner. Plumbing, Gas Fitting and Cannery Work attended to promptly On Reasonable Term. Chennmns Street, Xext to C lu Parker'H Store. Aster la. Oregoa Holiday Goods! AX The New York Novelty Store! "We are now receiving one of THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCKS OF HOLIDAY GOODS and NOVELTIES Ever offered to the People of Astoria. Gome One! Come All! The Public are Cordially invited to Call and Examine our Carefully Selected Stock, Comprising articles for Old and Younjj alike and within the reach of all. Heretofore We have Always Led in Making Prices for Our Competitors, And now We Propose to Leafl Mere Tliey Cannot Follow!! As Anvthing and Everything will be offered at The lowest Possible Urins Margin of Profit. Look Out for Our Grand Opening Next Tuesday Evening! SEW YORK NOVELTY STORE, Opposite the Parker House. Main Street, Astoria, Oregon, United States Restaurant On Main street is now open, and JLT OXTCS TAESS THE ZiSAS In every particular It Is the Finest fitted up And Best in the city JEFF IS A Good. He cannot be beat on the coasr. Meals 25c. BOARD PEIVATE ROOMS For FamUies OR PARTIES Pro FATS GASH, THAT SETTLES IT! AH PARKER. NTFVMEB CUy PARKER E ben P. Parker.Maater. For TOWING. FREIGHT orOIIAK H. B. PAKH.KK. Sapper Parties Furnished On short notice OYSTERS A Specialty JEFF Spends Hi Money IN Buys by the Wholesale and VI - - $y Astona! , v -.. v -wvs x