(i) $hc glatljj ltoratt. ASTORIA. OREGON: SUNDAY. , .DECEMBEH C. 1893 Lots of fun nest June. "Well, the game is made. There's a heap of human nature in most folks. Portland painters and artists have organized an art club. Lee Levings captured the pig at the skating rink last evening. The "Westport mill started up last v.'eek on an order for 400 M feet of lumber. Beneath the rule of men entirely great the sack is mightier than the pick and shovel. C. F. Reed, of the Union market on Water street is on deck and solicits public custom. See adv t. Griffin & Eeed advertise the finest and largest variety of juvenile books and albums at New York prices. One of the proudest prerogatives of an American citizen is to kick. But some people abuse the privilege. The offering to be taken in Grace church will be the annual offering for the domestic missions of the Protes tant Episcopal church. The new Episcopal church is being painted and finished up exterierly: it is expected that the edifice will be ready for consecration bv .Tannarv 1st. Thellwaco Wharf company have carpenters at work capping and planking the piles recently driven, so as to build a waiting room and res taurant. The Pacific Journal says that all indications at present show that oysters in the natural bed in all por tions o Shoalwater bay are yearly increasing, and thinks that by next year the product will be larger than over. Oapt Geo. Flavel and Sainl El more havebought the Union Packing Oo.'s property, paying $13,500 there for. The purchase includes the 264 feet frontage from high water mark north to the ship channel with the buildings, etc. It's fun (till it gets tiresome) to hear a man talk about his "in-floo-enco." The man that can't influence his own vote can bring very little "in-floo-enoe" to bear on others. But any man ought to be able to it. flu enoe one vote on election day viz: his own. From present indications the II waoo correspondent of the Pacific Journal believes an early start will be made in preparing for next sea son's fishing season along that part of the bay. He learns that P. J. Mc Gowan intends putting up a large pack of salmon at his cannery at Chinook. Murray & Co., are in business in the spacious premises formerly oc cupied by Stone & Davidson in the Hume building. They have good commercial facilities in every respect, have an enviable business reputation and in the matter of groceries, can nery supplies, etc., will carry a full stock to be furnished at satisfactory terms L J. Arvold is in receipt of a letter from a friend in Eureka, Humbolt county, California, which gives an account of a great storm and high tide in that place the last week in November. The water rose two feet above the highest dock, and rafts had to be built on which to rescue women and children from the lower stories of buildings in several streets. Sometime ago two young men named Mack and Emory started in business at Aberdeen and were do ing welL From that place comes the sad news that on Thursday last Mr. Emory while trying to go aboard the schooner Argonaut at that place, slipped and fell, being almost instant ly drowned. Deceased was a single man, a native of Michigan and well liked by his acquaintances and busi ness associates. At the business meeting of the Y. M- C. A., the managing committee recommended the purchase of the gymnasium, for the use of its mem bers, and also the leasing of larger rooms for its use, the present location being inadequate for the needs of the association. The building formerly occupied by M. Olsen & Co. has been tendered at a low rent The meeting adjourned till Tuesday evening next, to tase aennite action. The Standard says: "A quarry of most excellent granite has been found about one mile above Kalama, almost on the river bank, and the O. R. & N. Co. has entered into a contraot with the owners of it for the amount need ed. It will cost $10,000 to get the stone delivered, as it will have to be boated across the Columbia and load ed on cars, brought through this city and transferred to the O. R. & N. Co.'s track on the east side. Two men went down to Kalama to-day to begin operations, having been sent down by the owners, who live in East Portland. The quarry is ,said to be inexhaustible and of as good quality as any that comes from the east or elsewhere. The Uaitcd Slates Restaurant Opens to-day at 2 o'clock and it is without question one of the finest ap pointed restaurants north of San Fran cisco. None but the bc.t of cooks and wait ers employed at the U. S. Restaurant. Read tho United States Restaurant dinner bill of fare to-day. Lost. A bunch of safe keys on a triancular key rinz. Finder please leave at Asto- BIAS Office. Jt'ETKK UBAXT. A Splendid Stock Of new goods to be opened at Carl Ad ler's. Call and examine. Middle Aged Wema Wanted To take care of a child. Apply at this office. "Who sells the most Pianos. Organs, and Musical Instruments? The New York Novelty Store. DEMOCRATIC CONTENTION. A Fnll Ticket Nominated Last Evening. Pursuant to call a Demociatic meeting was held at the court house last evening and numerously attend ed. Tho meeting was called to order by C. H. Page, who read the call. C. J. Treuchard was elected chairman, and Wm. Pohl secretary. The con vention then proceeded to nominate. The following were neminated: For mayor, J. C. Trullinger; for council man 1st ward, li. U. Jvinney; for councilman 2nd ward, P. E. Ferchon; chief of police, A. M. Twombly; po lice judge, C. H. Stockton; treasurer, J. G. Hustler; attorney, Geo.Noland; surveyor, N. D. Raymond; assessor, J. P. Dickinson; harbormaster, Den nis Ourran. When the nomination of auditor and clerk was reached, the names of Wm. Pohl and J. E. Ferguson were placed in nomination. Geo. Dorris and T. G. Boelling were appointed tellers. A ballot was taken with the following result: Wm. Pohl, 87; J. E. Ferguson, 38; scattering, two. Wm. Pohl was de clared the nominee of the convention. On motion the nomination was made unanimous. For the position of street superintendent the names of Thos. Logan and John McCann were placed in nomination. When the ballot was partly taken the latter ob jected to the manuer of the vote, al leging that there were men voting who were not entitled to vote. It was then suggested by C. H. Page that the ballot box be placed on the table in front of the chairman and each one come forward to vote. This was done. Tho result of the vote was as follews: Thos. Logan, 07; John Mc Cann, 50; blank 1. Thos. Logan was declared the nominee of tho conven tion. On motion the nomination was made unanimous. J. C. Trullinger was loudly called for. In response he said "he was proud of this mark of esteem from the convention; that he accepted the nomination, and if elected would work earnestly and faithfully for the interests of the city. He had beon a resident of this state for 33 years; had worked hard, and had through his life tried to do all good possible to his fellow men. He had no pledges to make, would try to treat all square ly and fairly and would, if mayor, aot solely with a view to the peace, quiet, order and advancement or the city. Hon. C. Leineawebor came for wnrd in answer to a call and said he was always ready to lespond. He j was not a resident of the city but he felt a great interest in tho welfare of this municipality and congratulated the convention on tho nomination for mayor and warmly endorsed Mr. Trullinger as an old acquaintance and an honest man. A. M. Twombly wa3 the next speak er, briefly thanking the convention for the nomination and pledeed him self if elected to so serve as to give satisfaction to the citizens of Astoria. Wm. Pohl said that he felt under obligations for the nomination and hoped that tho whole ticket would be elected next Wednesday. J. P. Diokinson said that coming as it did, he felt that the nomination was a compliment to him which he fully appreciated and if elected would endeavor to so discharge the duties of his position as to merit popular approval. O. H. Stockton said he had not gone on the street to seek the nom nem nom inateon: had worked for the Demo cratic party and referred to the manner of his nomination by Mayor Hume and his confirmation by the council two years age: had served as police judge for two years and if elected would try to so aot in that capacity as to have it said at the close that he had done his duty well and faithfully. C.H.Page said that he felt like thanking the convention for the nom ination and that throwing all dissen sion aside they should all labor for the success of the nominees next Wednesday. Thos. Logan thanked the conven tion for the nomination and was fol lowed by Geo. Noland who said he appreciated tho honor of a unani mous nomination and hoped to get the unanimous vote of the meeting as well. He touched briefly upon the charter amendment fight a year ago and charged that the effort to make a property qualification was a Republican measure. C. J. Treuchard spoke a few wors for J. G. Hustler and said that through a lifetime he had known him to bo an honest man who if elected would serve thu people honestly and faithfully. Dr. Cabaniss was tho last speaker after which it was decided that the chair appoint a committee of three or moro from each ward, and the meeting adjourned. Grand Opening ofUuitcd States Restaurant. Dinner Bill of Fare to-day: SOUP. Giblet. FISH. Baked Tom-Cod BOASTS. Trkey, Cranberry Sauce: Chicken; Pig and Apple Sauce: Beef, Mutton, Venison, Pork, Veal, Heart and Lamb. EKTREES. Venison, Pot Pie, Beef a la Mode, Mac aroni and Cheese, Chicken Fricassee Oyster Patties. BOILED. Corned Beef and Corned Pork and Cab bage, Ham, Leg Mutton and Caper Sauce, Tongue Spanish. VEGETABLES. - Mashed Potatoes, String Beans, Green Corn. PUDDING. English Plum. PIES. Apple, Blackberry, Pumpkin. DE8SEKT Apples, Nuts, Celery, Etc. Tea, Coffee, Claret, Milk, Wine or Beer. Dinner irom 2 to 8 : cents. Sweet Cider At Carnahan & Co.'s, just received, the finest For Rent, At a reasonable rate; the fine new building opposite JEirchhoffs bakery. Apply at this office. THE LATEST NEWS. PobtiiAxd, Dec. 5. Captain Na than Ingersoll, surveyor of the port, died this afternoon from the effects of a recent stroke of apoplexy. BIO ST0B3X. Chicago, Dec 5. A violent storm in this section prostrated the wires and did considerable damage. BAD MAN FBOM MONTANA. Bozemak, Doc 5. Jos. Jando, who recently put his eleven year old daughter in a house of ill fame in this place telling the proprietress to educate her in tho profession, was last night taken out by vigilantes and hanged to a lamp post. He cried loudly and aroused the atten tion of the police who cut him down before life was extinct. EXCOMMUNICATED. Detroit, Dec. 5. Bishop Burgess has issued a decree of interdic tion the parish church of St. Alberts. It was caused by members of that church raising a serious dis turbance in front of the church almost occasioning bloodshed. This action disbars the congregation from the sacrament of baptism and outlaws the entire congregation. Such action is very rare, but few in stances being on record sinoe the commencement of the Christian era. helping the pensioners. Washington, D. C, Dec. 5. The commissioner of pensions has issued an order which will expodit pension matters and bo very benefibial to all claimants in the pension office. MARINE NOTES. The Idaho sails to-day. The pilot schooner came in yester day. The Zamora and Carnarvon Cas tle have arrived out. The Grisedale went to sea yester day. Tho Walla Walla also crossed out. The Alumina is "an old timer," and has been hero several times be fore. The Columbia is due from San Francisco this merning: the State sails. Tho A. Ji. Field came iu last Fri day. She will make another trip to Tillamook this week. The British ship MacBiarmid cleared for Queenstown yesterday with 89,620 bus. wheat, worth $66,65. The British bark Viola, 595, Price master, from Victoria; tho Alumina, previously reported, and the British bark Katahdin 1.173, 65 days from Auckland, arrived in yesterday. The Grisedale sailed. The British bark Marquis of Lome, arrive dat San Francisco from Hong Kong Friday evening, reports that she picked up Captain Hassmore and eleven of the crew of the British ship Albula, on October 25. The Al bula was wrecked during a typhoon off the Lew Chew islands, on October 14, on a voyage from Hastings Mills, Burrard inlet British Columbia, to Shanghai and lost ten men. She had previously been reported abandoned at sea. Td Bad Luck. Pobt Townsend, Dec. -L The steamer San Pedro, from San Fran cisco, went ashore near scow bay this morning, at about 1 o'clock. She was going at full speed nt the time, and it was almost high tide when she grounded. "Where she went ashore is about a mile inside of the channel leading to Tacoma, her port of des tination. The revenue cutter Oliver Wolcott and tug Tyee have been pull ing at her all day, but cannot move her. The ballast has all been pumped out. She is lying on a sand spif, and is not in a dangerous position, but may not come off until the high tide3 that come on in three or four days. The weather was slightly hazy, but calm at the time and both the Point Wilson and Admiralty head lights were burning. Reduced Freight Rates East. Yesterday now tariff sheets of the transcontinental association from Pa cific coast terminals to Missouri river points and eastern terminals were re ceived here. They went into effect on the 1st iust, and show a reduc tion of about 20 per cent It affeots only east bound traffic. Beductions from Portland and Astoria to New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Bal timore are as follews: First class, $6 to $5, second class, $5 to $4; third class, Si to S3; fourth class, $3 to S2.50; fifth class S2.50 to $2; sixth class, S2 to SL75; seventh class, $1.75 to S1.50; eighth class, $1.50 to $1.25. Rates between Portland and points between the Missouri river and the Atlantic coast are reduced in like proportion. Oregonian, 5. Ml Independent Club. All members of the independent club are hereby requested to attend a special meeting of the club to be held in their room in O'Brien's build in? on Sunday evening, December, 6th, at 8 o'clock; a full attendance is specially requested a3 business of im portance is to be transacted. By order of tho president Wm. Humbkii, Secretary. Kuclilcu's Arnica Sairo. The Best Salve i n the world for Cuts, Bruibes,Sores,Ulcers,SaltRheum, Fever Sores. Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. b or sa le by w E. DPineut & Co. Are you made miserable by Indi gestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of dppetite. Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vital izer is a positive cure. For sale by W. E. Dement Tor a .Teat Fitting Boat Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, o Che natnus street next door to I. W. Case. AH goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new goods constantly arriving. Custom-work. - -HFOBYXHi03$E.r In his zeal for reform the new com missioner of the general land office is involving in hardship a largo in dustrious and excellent body of people who have settled on public lands in this state and "Washington territory, and who have not yet ob tained complete title from the government. In very many instances the requirements of residence, culti vation, otc, have.been. complied with and the patents are delayed in the delivery because the lands "have not yet been surveyed. Thus .settlera, though unquestionably entitle'd to their holdings, have not all the ad vantages which, belong to ownership. They can live on the land, but cannot sell it; and besides there are many minor annoyances growing out of undefined -and uncertain conditions. rTwo or more persons often claim the same piece of land, and tnereare continnal rqvra about boundary lines and other matters of importance as detween settlers. It has been. com mon in past years when settlers" have, desired, as people always do, to JiaTe their rights determined and accredit ed, to pay the cost of surveys, the work being done under direction of the surveyor-general and'as government work, and differing from regular government surveys only in the cir cumstances, that they are paid for by the settlers instead of the govern ment There is no more chance for fraud under this practice then under the regular system, and as a matter of fact there has never been fraud under it in this country. . In accordance with this practice, certain settlers along the upper Young's riTer, in Clatsop county, recently made up a purse and engaged the surveyor-general of Or egon to make a contract -to survey their district The work was done, but when .done .under government authority and in accordance with government rules and reported to Commissioner Sparks, the contraot was abrogated and so it goes for nothing. The Young's river settlers are out their money and still have no title, to their lands. Some of them havo lived continuously on their setHemtnts for more than fif teen years waiting for the surveys always promised bnt never performed, and it is not surprising that they are impatient and disheartened, particu larly since they havejbeon denied the privilege of doing for themselves what the government neglects to do, and are some thousands of dollars, out of pocket in the attempt. . '; There are two 'similar cases in Washington territory, one in the foothills of the Blue mountains, where a large settlement engaged .the surveyor-general todoEe"work and, paid their money for it, 'and another in the country north of Vancouver. In the two instances -the settlers have paid Sl-,000 of Tnondy gotten iu the hard ways by which alone money is acquired in new and remote set tlements, and to no nurpgse whatever. The contracts, propelyJinade by Jhe territorial officer of surveys, have been abrogated by Commissioner. Sparks. ii ..-- He is afraid, he. .says, of frauds, and his argument is very brief "be cause" Jsome time back) "there were frauds in similar cases in. Arizona. And so, because there 'have been frauds in Arizona, people in Oregon and Washington, who have acted in good faith, must suffer. As well might the commissioner refuse to issue patents under any or all cir cumstances in Oregon because there have been frauds elsewhere. Mr. Sparks is new to the business of his office and, unfortunately, seems to think that the land laws are in tended, not to facilitate the distri bution of public lands, but to keep the people from them.. He seems to think, also, that all applicants for the land are wolves. His oaution (well intended, no doubt) amounts to obstruction. The worst of it is that the victims of his. unjust ruling are poor and deserving people, who can ill-afford to lose their money .or to suffer delay in getting possession of their lands. Oregon ian, 5. Excited TketisandH AH over the land are coinff Into' ec stasy over Dr.s King's iew Dlscoverj for "Consumption. Their unlooked for recovery by the timely use of this great life Saving remedy, causes them to go nearly wild in its praise. It is guar anteed to positively cure Savere Coughs. Colds, Asthma; Hay Fever, Bronchitis, Hoarseness. Loss of Voice, or any affec tion of the Throat and Lungs. Trial bottles free at W. E. Dement & Ca's Drug Stored Large size S1.00. The Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bonr rKjn.lnd., says :uBoth "myself and wife owe our lives toSmfcon's Consumption Curb." Snld by W. E. Dement Catarrh cured, health and sweet breath stiured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem dy. Pri-e 50 Cente, Masai Injector free For sale by W1. E. Dement Wasted. A goad waiter. Apply to Jrtv. . Koi Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint Sou have a printed guarantee on every ottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never failH to cure.. Soid by W. E. Dement All the patent medicmeaadvertlsed In this paper, together with-the choicest Eerfumery. and toilet articles, etc-can a bought at the lowest prices, atJ. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hctel, Astoria. -XOXEBOT- WHITE' GOOES f -SiCPLOYED AT HIK The Tafiles Supplied with the Best the Marjcet ' Affords. In the Sleeping Department. Clean, Comfortable Beds. J. G. ROSS, Proprietor, , r 3LUN STREET, .' ASTORIA OREGON. Pioneer Restaurant. .lltrafTAL. Jba. A. Gill, editor and proprietor Pacific 'Journal, is in the oity.. , Mr. Jno. A. Devlin and wife are passengers on. the incoming steamer. -T. 7. Hamilton has been-appointed TJnijed States marshal for "Washing ton territory. " Sam. ThalL the urbane agent of the Grismer-Davies combination was in the city yesterday. He leaves on the State to-day for San Francisco. Judge Pete Buney came down yes terday afternoon from high altitudes, and was busy yesterday shaking hands with old friends. He has the finest health resort in the northwest at his place at Foley Springs, and its fame is conatan.tly on the increase. , ThB uronerfcv of tTiA Tlwsin Wharf and Transportation company was sold uk ouctiu b bsib uu xuunuay, norem ber 30th, for the -sum of $1,015, -the amount or .judgment and costs nsrai'iat it. It was bid in bv TTnorm Xr Young, t"ot Portland, the judgment creditors. Itia generally understood that Geo. T. "Mvers'ia tA nnmtiiM thu property- for4he.purpQse of building' a cauuer uu u.-?jrucijiG jovnuiu The steel-head salmon now coming to market are very fine. They are as bright as an 83 cent 'dollar and the flesh is of good color. The steel-head has been looked. down upon in this country because it is not so fat and rich as the Chinook, but is well liked east and is finding favor here. Ore gonian, 5. . A KcllalIe Article. For.enterprlse,"push and a desire lo get such coods as will cive the trade satisfaction, J. W. 3onn the Druggist leads all competition. He sells Dr. Bo sanko's Cough and Lung Syrup, because Coughs, Colds, Croup and Primary Con sumntion. Price 50 cents and Sl.00. Samples'free. Syrup orFJgs. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is Natures- Own Truo Laxative. This Eleasant liquid fruit remedy may be ad of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle. It is the most Eleasant, prompt and effective remedy nown, to cleanse the system; to acton, the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently Vet thoroughly; to dispel Headachs, Colds and Fevers; to cure Constipation, Indigestion and kindred ills. Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron chitts immediately relieveja.by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by-W.E. Dement. A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy Price 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement The Only Perfect Remedy For habitual constipation, dyspepsia and kindred ills, Is' the famous liquid fruit remedy Syrup' of Figs. 11 strength ens as well as cleanses the system, it is easily taken and perfectlyharmless. For sale by W. E. Dement & Ce: . -Heady For Busiaoss. . 'For a good, steak, "a delicious cup of toffee or a, nlate" of fine -ovstars- co tn Frank Fabre's Coffee, Oyster and Chop House; opposite M.C. Crosby's. Sniron's Cure will' immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and Bronchitis, Sold by w iE.Denient& Co ITasBetarHed.- J. Joplin has returned, and is again ready to repair umbrellas 'and tend to business tit the old stand. The Latest Novelties Will, he on exhibition this week at Carl Adler's. Feuad. A Whitehall boat on the 28th of .No vember, opposite Astoria. Inquiry may be made of P. Jordan, master steamer Uleaner. Astoria, Dec. 2, 1885. A Spleadld Display At Carl Adler's Crystal Palace the com ing weoK. A full line of Masks and Masauerade suits for rent, at the New York Novelty Store. PartlftS wfMilncr !Tnrnr nlUncr nfnnv size or length can be supplied by leav ing oraers wiiuj. a., u. uray. Preaching In the Swedish language in the Episcopal chapel, upper Astoria, on Sunday, at 10 30 and 730, and in the Encllsn language In the same place, Thursday evening at 730. W. Lussier oi San Francisco has en gaged in the photograph business with Crow the leading photographer. A fine display ot Crockery and Glass ware will shortly be exhibited at Car nahan & Co.'s, for the holiday trade. -Shiloh's Catarrh Kemedy a posi tive cure .'for Catarrh, DIptneria and Canker Mouth. Sold by w. E. Dement H. P. GREGORY & CO., Xo, 5 Xertk Frost St., PartUBd. r. Importers and Dealers in "Wood-working Machinery, FLA.7VKRS. MOLDSJKM. 3XOItTIKR. TEK0XCU, Saad-paperlRar Machine. Lathes, Barlnc Xaehiaea, BtBlNawi, Scroll 8nws. "Tubber and Leather Bel tiny, AXD MILL flXDIKOS QEXERAILT JOB PHI2TTHTG, HEAT. QUICK: AMD CHEAP, - AT- The Astorian Job Office. Fesale by Catting, Cerle & Co., Agents . roruana, uregon. Nitict. BIDS yilLL BE RECEIVED UNTIL Monday. December "th, at 1 P. ar. at me office ot the County cierK, lor Duuauijc abridge across Ohanna" creek. Plans sad specifications can be seen at tbe office of tke Connty Clerk. . . - By order or tbe County Commissioners of Clatsop county, aAc0UISE, -Attest: .O.X.Tfe'nchard; County Clerk. i FULL AND NEW GOODS! Having purchased extensively in Eastern and San Franciacc Markets, lam now prepared to show the Largest and Most Varied Assortment of DRY GOODS and CLOTHTNG in the State -of Oregon." New Silks, New Velvets, New Cloaks, New Buttons, New Hosiery, New Ribbons, New Blankets. Every Department is Complete! Being one of the Largest Bnyers of Dry Goofls i ClotMnff In The North West, Buying Direct From The Manufacturers and Importers, Saving the Extra Profits of Middlemen, We are enabled to Give Our Customers the Benefit! We Only Carry FIRST CLASS GOODS! And Our Prices are Low. WHOLESALE COUNTRY ORDERS Specially Attended to and Filled With Dispatch. C J. COOPER'S Wholesale and Retail Stores, Astoria, Oregon. CITY BOOK STORE Just Received Direct From New York, The Finest and Largest Variety of AIiSUa.CS JUTD JTTSTCXTXXiE SOOZS Ever Exhibited in Astoria! TO BE SOLD Al NEW YORK PRICES! GRIFFIN THE OREGON SHORT LINE. 1 1 TO 500 MILES THE SHORTEST ; 12 TO 48 HOURS THE QUICKEST. TO CHICAGO, BOSTON. NEW YORK. And AU Points East. Rates 8.30 to $10.25 tke Cheapest to Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City, AND OTHER POINTS. Pallium Palace aaa F.mljcraHt Sleeplar Cars IiaKled oh Express TralmsExelHslvely -without Change. It you are BOlnK east write for Ratra. Mars, Time Tables, Guides and Full Information. FREE OF CHAKGE. WL A. If YES. W. Iu G ABRET80N. Agent; Astoria. Asst. Agt.. Astoria. B. CAMPBELL, General Asent, No, 1, Washlnaton street, Portland, Oregon. MacDonald & Mcintosh Are now Prepared to Show a Large Assortment OI Goods in Every Line! Which will be Sold at Lower Figures than at any Other House IE" THE CITT. ' The Leading Clothing, Hat, and Gents' Furnishing Store WHITER Newr Dress Goods, New Suitings. New Wraps, New Trimmings, New Underwear, New Gloves, New Flannels, Etc., Etc. & REED.