'- - - W) ttc gmttt gtffotfm ASTORIA, OREGON: FRIDAY ..DECEMBER 4, 1SS5 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE POST OF ASTORIA READY FOR SEA. Harry More. sp 12(3 Gloucester Nov 3l Parthia. Brbk WSJ Quoenstow Dec 1 Urieedale, Br sp Liverpool Dec 2 Lord Kinnaird, Brbk 841 Queeustoxin Dec2 SAILED. Cormorant, Br sp HIS Qucentown Doc 3 Santiago. Br bk 4 CO Queenstown IVc S DUbhur. Br bk 1231 Plymouth Dec S I ESSElA IS TUE El VER. o Director. Br bk CT9. Xorcros. Br bk SK Grasmere. Br sp Hi 6 Java. Br bk !' Respigadera. Br sp IC23 Aboona Br sp SW MacDiarmid. Br sp 15 Coiapadre. Br bk Olive S Southard. Am P Abercvt. Br bkTIU Clwy. Br bk 7C7 Victoria Bay. Br bk Ills Tythonons. Br bk KM Otterspool. Br sp Carraaetbea Castle. Brsp Arrcoru, Br sp ia. Karl Roseberry. Br bkll.V Lorraine. Br bk S innipe. Br sp 1203 Sottish Admiral City of Canton, Brsp Clan McLod. Brbk 616 VESSELS OS TEE WAl. o From Forelcit Portn. for Ifao I'-olumbia Elur Alf . Nor bk 637 Iquique Aug 24 Alumnia, Brbk'ISCallaoSept IS AlpheU. Br bk 810 Adelaide, Sept 9 Amphitrite, Br sp 170S Montevideo Anglo Norman . Br bk 602 Brisbane Blengfoll, Br sp 1 151 Pt Augusta Braemar. Brbk 1033 Lyttleton Oct 1 Citv of Glasgow, Br sp 11(3 Buenos Ayres Aug 16 Coziadre. Br bk772 Callo County of Menoneth.Br bk lOSjMontevidioSept 16 County of Flint, Brbk 1033 New Castle Cochrina. Br bk 931 Dnnodin Dovenby, Br bk 833 Liverpool via Victoria Aug, 21 Duchess of Argyle Br sp 16S9 Auckland Firth of Stronsa, Br bk 900 Sydney Aug IS Firth of Domoch. Br bk 907 Liverpool Sept. 2. Glenogle, Brbk 914 Valparaiso Gertnania, Ger bk 890 Liverpool Glonbervie, Br bk SOU Adelaide Sept 7 Harvest Home. Br bk 517 Victoria Hornby Castle. Brsp HIC Melbourne Inglenood. Br bk Brisbonn Sept 13 Kincardineshire. Br bk 1282 London Sept. 5 Katahdin, Br sp 1173 Auckland Lord Canning, Brspl4G5 Adelaide Mary Low. Br bkSSi Buenos Ayrea. Vorthernly. Brsp 1221 Valparaiso Oct 17 North Riding. Br sp 1371 Valparaiso Nobs Head. Br bk 1072 Sydney Aug2J Prince Frederick, Br so Panama ltalston. Br sp 815 Adelaide Kaglan Castle, Br bk Port Augusta Sept 1 1 Sardinian, Br sp 1513 Panama Selene, Brbk Liverpool Oct 25 Singapore, Br bk C56 Buenos Ayrct Union. Nor sp 901 Newcastle Aug 1 Vi via. Br bk SIS Victoria From American PortH. O. S, Unrlburt, bk 103C New York TIIK TABLE FOK ASTORIA. DECEMHKlt. HIGH WATER. LOW WATER. 1 First. Secoitl. 1 First. Second. o - I t e SS s S m ji E mSm h 5 1 h s h 5 h a A. m. JZ h. mi. JS h. vi. ju h. m. ,S 5 S 1 8 210 77 a20pC8 2 0 "ia 18 Z 03p 13 2 9 12 8 0 10 27 0 9 3 07 2 1 4 07 0 C 3 9 r5 8 2 11 20;) G 9 3 US 2 4 5 00 -0 l 4 10 37 84 -- --4 43 2 0 T, 48 -0 6 5 0 18 6 9 11 13a 8 Ii SIS 21 f30 -0 8 0 1 C5 0 8 1150a So 0 00 31 7 0S -0 9 7 1 48 (i 7 0 17j 8 4 fi 4!) 3 2 7 42 -0 8 8228 0G100 82728 33 8 14 -0 G 9 3 07 fi 5 1 3G 8 0 8 07 3 3 8 4" -0 4 10 3 33 0 0 2 1C 7 0 8 f0 33 9 17 -0 1 11 4 03 07 300 72 9 31 33 9 52 03 12 4 42 C9 3 40 C 8 10 28 3 2 10 31 0 7 13 0 19 72 4 48 03 11 24 29 1114 12 14 6 00 74 .r58 00 -- -- 0 18 2 13 C41 70 7 10 58 0 11 1 8 1 19 2l 16 7 28 7 8 8?C 3G 110 22 223 14 17 8 19 81 9 52 GO 2 1)5 25 3 24 0 7 18 9 07 8 5 10 57 C3 3 03 28 4 19 -0 1 19 9 51 8 8 11 Hip 0 fc 4 01 2 9 5 12 -0 s 20 10 42 9 0 - - - - 4 50 3 1 6 00 -1 4 21 0 4S 09 11 29a 92 5 IS 29 C 47 -1 7 22 137 70 0 18j)92 0 40 28 7 32 -18 23 2 21 7 3 1 07 9 0 7 29 2 7 8 10 -10 24 3 00 7 4 2 00 8 0 S 22 2 5 9 01 -12 251 3 44 7 0 2 5T, 8 1 9 10 2 4 9 47 -0 5 20 4 24 7 9 3 50 7 4 10 15 2 2 10 32 02 27 5 08 79 5 02 0 8 1118 20 1121 10 23 553 79G19G4-- --022 18 29 0 40 79 7 42 02 0 19 18135 14 30 7 31 79 9 03 00 118 25 2 45 0 8 31 8 23a 8 0 10 21p S 1 2 17a 29 3 54; 0 2 The hours between mtdiiignt and noon are designated by a (a. m.), those between noon and midnight by p (p. aL). Oh. oOm.a denotes midnight, 01. 00m. p denotes noon. Tne height is reckoned from the level of average lower low waters to which the sound ings are given on the Coast Survey charts. Columbia River Exports. SHIPMENTS FOREIGN. DECEMBER. 1 To Quuenstoicn T'CrParthia Whent, 57.C15 bus 2 To Liverpool per (iriwlalr. . $4,000 Salmon, 20,3$3 cs Sluli'i Flour. 12.720 bbls . 43,500 Books, 1 box ... 25 $115,410 2 To QueeniiUiirn per l.oul Euumiid. Wheat, 13,517 bius . s.v$QG A. B. THOMPSON, THE COLUfdElft FISH AND GAME MARKET Fresh Fish on everj' day's Steamer. Tame Geese, Ducks. Turkeys and Chickens. Wild Game of all kinds. Fresh and Canned Fruits. Butter, Eggs and Vegetables. 2WiII Sell at Low Prlces.jg: O FFICK OF A. A. Q. M., l Fout Caxuv. W. T., December 1, 1835. f SEALED PROPOSALS IN DUTLICATE, with copies of this advertisement at tached, will be opened at this office in the presence of bidders at 9:30 o'clock a. m. December soth. 1885, for the construction of a Hospital at this post in conformity with plans and speclQcations Tor a two story hos pital of twelve beds, as published in Circular No. 10, Surgeon General's office, U. S. A. October 20, 1877. All of the material to br of the hest quality the market allords. The lumber to be thoroughly seasoned, free Irora knots, sap or cracks, and delivered at this post properly piled and covered, to insure proper condition when required for use. The construction to commence about the 1st of May and the building to be completed ready for occupation by the 30th of Septara ber, 188C. Separate proposals will be received for the material and labor, and bidders "for the whole" will specify them separately, on the same proposals. Plans, specifications, and blank proposals can be obtained at this office. The right to reject any or all proposals is reserved. Envelopes to be endorsed "Proposals for Hospital," and addressed to L. A. CH AMBERLIN, 1st Lt. 1st Artillery, A. A. Q. M. SOCLETT KEZTOTCB. Temple Lodge, io. 7-fl-F.A.M. KEGULAE COMMUNICATIONS first and third Tuesdays in each XX month, at 7W o'clock, r. M., at tuerN Hall in Astoria. Members ol the order in good standing are invited to attend.. By order of the W. M. Bearer Lodtfe No. 36, L O. O. F. REGULAR MEETING Ev ery Thursday evening at seven o'clock, at the Lodge mrmi In flilrl TTAllmvsTfall- Asto ria. Sojourning members of the order In good standing, cordially Invited to attend. By order 1. G. Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O.F. REGULAR MEETINGS OF OCEAN EN campment No. 18. I. O. O. F., at the Lodge, lu the Odd Fellows Building, at seven r. m., on the second and fourtb Mondays ol each month. Sojourning breth ren cordially Invited. By orvler C P. Sas1i1o Lodge No. 12. A. O. TJ. W. lKlH'LAR MKETINQS OF SEASIDE X. Usls No. 12. A. O. U. W. will be held in their Hall over Carnahan & Co.'s on Tnursday evening of each week, at 7 o'clock. Memtvrs of the order In good standing, and visiting Brothers are Invited to attend. Li brary will be open fifteen minutes before and after each meeting. By order M. w. C. BROWN, Kec Guahlnor Post No. 14. Q. A. B. "DEGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS POST! XV on the second and fourth Tuesdays 01 each month at730?. at. Visiting com rades cordially invited. By order A Is Cusninp; Belief Corps No. 3. Q. A. R. REGULAR MEETINGS ONTHESECOND and fourth Tuesdays of each month, at 2P.M. By order Mr. CROSS. Secretary. Pacific Lodge No. 17 , K. of P. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS Lodge every Friday evening, at 7 :20 o'clock, In their Castle Hall. Sojourning Knights cordially Invited to attend. W..A. SHERMAN, K. of R. and S. Company H, O. S. M REGULAR DRILLS EVERY MONDAY. and Wednesday evenings. Regular meetings the second and fourth Thursdays or each mouth at 7 :3a r. m C. W. FULTON. Commander. Common CoimciL REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at 75 o'clock. ypersons desiring to have mutters acted unnn bv th Council, at anv retrular meet ing must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the tnday evenluc prior to tne uuesdayon wnicn me uounci; .-. w.... -.- - - 7-- - - ---7, ten uie uouncu holds Its regular meetins ig. TI10S. S. JEWETT. Auditor and Clerk. GERNIANIA BEER HALL FROM TnE Norton Pacific Brewery Five Cents a Class. E3?No Interior Beer sold at (his place. WiH. BUCK, Proprieter. Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, LMP0KTKKS M WHOLESALE AND Kb TAIL UUALEKS IN GENERAL MEBCHANDISE '"orner Cheuamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON Street Improvement Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the Common Council of tne city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, propose to or der the improvement of that portion of Chenainus street, in the said city of As toria as laid out and recorded by John McClure, from the east side of lien Ion street to the east side of Olnev street: by removing all defective piles, caps, string ers, planking and timbers, and renlac ing the same with new and sound fir Eiles, caps, stringers, planking and tim ers, corresponding in size with that now in use. All of said improvements to ue raaae at tno expense 01 tne proper ty adjacent thereto ; and unless a remon strance signed by the owners of two thirds of the property fronting on said portionofsaidstreet.be filed with the auditor and clerk within ten days of the final publication of this notice, viz: Tuesday, December 22nd, 18S5, the Com mon Council will order said improve ments made. By order of the Common Council. Attest: T. S. Jkwxtt, Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, November 28th, 1885. Summons. JUSTICE'S COURT, ASTORIA PRE clnct, Clatsop county, Oregon. I. Bergman and H. Christensen partners doing business under the Arm name of Berg man & Co., plaintiffs, vs. Oscar Bay, defend ant. To Oscar Bay, the above named defend ant: In the name of the stata of Oregen: You are hereby required to appear before me, the undersigned, a insilce of the peace In and for the precinct of Astoria, Clatsop county. Oregon, on Monday the 4th day or January, 1880, at the hour of 9 a. 31. of said da v. at the office of the said Justice N.E. Goodell In said pre cinct, county and state, to answer the above named plaintiffs In the above entitled civil action, This action Is brought by the plaint iffs to recover off and from you the sum of ninety-two and 74-100 dollars, and the dis bursements of this action. This summons is served upon you by publication in accord ance 'with an order made oh the 19th day of November, 1835, by N. E. Goodell, judge of the said Justice's court. N.E. GOODELL, Justice of the Peace. F. D. WIXTON, Atty. for Plffs. f-7t $67,000,000 Capital ! Liverpool and London and Globe North Britiih and Mercantile Of London and Edlnbi'-gh. Gld Connecticut of Hartford i , a,( r AND, , COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Firs I mm ranee Companies, Representing a Capital of$67,QOO OOO. B.VANDUSEN.Asent. ftpJAi POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thte powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesoraeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold In competition with the malti tnde of low test, short weight, alina or phos phate powders. Sold only eau. Rov.il BaklvuPowdk&Co. lOcwan-sL. N. Y. 11 ' ' ' I ill ml TRANSPORTATION LINES. 0. R. & N, CO. TO PORTLAND, And Way Lahdlngs. TheStamersoftafiO. R. & K. Co., car rying Uie V. S. malls, leavd the Company's Dock Kvevy Day, Sundays excepted, at 0 A.H. Ihlsisthe'onlv daily lino, and the only uue running an me jear rouna. TO SAM FRANCISCO. The only line af Ste&Hfthfp; to San Fran cisco. Steamers leave Company Dock every five days. Regular Line of Tow Boats and Barges, For Towage and Lighterage. STOBAOE OF ALL KIADS. Inquire at Companv'H Dock or at City Of fice. E. A. NOYES, Agent. 0Y1RLUID TO CALIFORNIA Oregon & GalifornUE.Il. Amd CeBAeelieax. Fare te SaaFrn. $3i ( Sacraw eale S3 Close connection! made at Ashland with stages of the California & Oregon Stage Co. (dXily' tckpt svsvaxb.) EattfittfeBlvlKlea, BETtTEKX rBTLJLSB XXB ASHEtAXD HailTralB. LEA.TP. ., j ARRIVE PoriUnd IJSb AM I AUilaod'. 4:13 A M Ashlasa t20P.MPortlsnii WPM AIbbbv Czsre Train. LKAYH - I ARRlVK Portiasd .(AIPU lituoo 5:30 PM Iebsaoa 4:t5 A K PorUtai Witt A M Pullman Palaetf hleeplug Cars dally be tween Portland and Ashland. The O. & C. It. K. Ferry makes connection with all regular trains ou the East Side Div. from foot of F street WetSX3efclTl8lG. BETWEEN P0BTLA5B AK CORTILLIS. Xall Trail. LKAVS I ARBIVU PorUtad 9.-M A H dorrUls 430P M CorwUlU S: -A HPortitd JrPM ExBfesa TraU LBAVK I ARRIVE Portland 56 P M I MeMinnTUlo.-.iOP M MoMunrUla. J:43 A M Portland JS-Jt A. M Local ticiceu iur sale ana oaggage checked at comnanv's un-town office, cor. Htarlc and 3cond streets. TieketsTor principal points 10 uaiuomiacaa oiuy oe procurea ana osg gaje checked at company's office. Oner F saff Frext Stx.. PortbiBd Or. Freight will not be received for shtoment alter five o'clock p. u. on either the East or west bide Divisions. It KOBBLEB. E. P. BOGERS. Maaagec (1. P. St Pass. A gt. Ilfaco Steal Navigation Co WINTER SCHEDULE. PROM ASTORIA TO Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and Ilwaco, Connecting by stages aad steamboats for Oysterville, Moritesano and Olympla STEAMER idSL "GEN. MILES," W. P. "Whitcomb, Master. Will leave Astoria dally (Sundays excepted) for Ft Stevens. Ft. Canby and Ilwaco, at 8 A. M Wlth Oysterville Malls aad Express dally, and Through Malls to points beyond, and "Mbntesano, "W. T on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. On Thursdays the "Miles" will make two round trips, leaving Astoria on sec ond trip (about s. u.) 3 hours after arrival from first trip. Fare ta Ilwaco, - - $1.00 Passengers will save 23 cents by purchas ing UC&.C13 uuore going on ooara. Ilwaca Freiiht per Ton, $2.00 TFor Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at the oSce of tae company, Gray's w barf, foot of Bnton street. i J. H.D.GRAY. Ageat. San Francisco aii Astoria PACKET LINE. Carrying Freight; Rmanlng erery Ten or Twelra Days. THE SCtfOONEE Will be on berth in Saa FraacIico on FREIGHT. Fram S. F. tt Astoria, ii ii u ii Poland. " Astoria tt S. F. 51. SO $2.00 $2.50 On General Merchandise. 8.H.SAXK0N. 316 Steart St. Saa Fraacisco. CaL CLATSOP MILL CO., Astoria, Or. WHO PRIMAGE. FMUfAUiue& The hsndsomest jewels are now set in "ilver, instead of gold. A 8anta Cruz girl swims so fast that she goes out into the bay and catches diver birds. A girl at a Maine summer resort, carves skulls and croasbones on the trees thereabouts, but in other re spects is normally frivolous and blithesome. Chicago Herald. "We have always had a bulky belief that woman would some clay be emancipated. Paper dishes have been invented. Chicago Ledger. Hostess (at an evening party) "Mrs. Hendricks, will you step with me a moment? I want to make you acquainted with "Mrs. Tomlinson. You will like her, I am sure." Mrs. Hendricks "Excuse me, if you please, Mrs. Jones, but I would rather not. You see, we er both live in the same flat." New York Times. An Ohio court has decided that the husband is the legal owner of the wife's clothes. If that isn't like an Ohio man. The minute the admin istration changes he looks around for something else that he can grab. "Well, one comfort for the woman. Jthe Ohio man may own his wife's clothes, Dut he can't wear 'em. And she can and frequently doe3 wear his. Bob Burdette. Attendants nt the Harrisburg In- l sane Hospital, where Miss Addie Brinckle was confined for nearly thirty years, for extravagance and for buying goods she could not pay lor, are now asserting their belief that she was undoubtedly insane, because she talked continuously about dress and fashions and "put on airs" in the presence of gentlemen. Indianapolis Journal. In the spring of '68, on the Cache la Poudre River, in Northern Colo rado, there was married Miss Mary Hopkins to Mr. James Theobald. The bride, who was barely 16, then soon developed an absolute mania for the marriage ceremony. The bride of that day is now living with a seventh man, who has responded with her to the marriage serrice, and ever' one of these seven men is to day alive and well, and from none of them has the woman been divorced, while the ceremony in every case ha3 been duly performed by Justice or preacher. The distinguished President of Princeton College, Dr. McCosh, has two daughters wpo are great walkers. They are in the habit of walking to renton and back, a distance of about twenty miles, where they do their shopping. One day a dude accosted Miss Bridget McCosh on the road, and said in the usual manner : "Beg pardon, but may I walk with you?" She replied: "Certainty," and let herself out a little. After the first half mile the masher began to gasp, and then, as she passed on with a smile, he sat down panting on a mile stone and mopped the perspiration from his brow. Chicago Tribune. The FMfi Cabin. The log cabin of Joaquin Sliller, the noet, on Meridian hill, near Washington, is becoming more and more an object of interest to tourists and pilgrims. Its elevation affords a poet's eye-view of the Potomac, wide aa the Amazon, of the great, broad city, far extending as Damascus, and of that beautiful, graceful, symmetri cal dome. Not one grand, gorgeous sunset is lost from this height where lies repose. The interior as well as the exterior of this comfortable cabin is a reproduction of what the far West still contains. There are the tow latch string and the wooden latch with its unapproachable rattle. The floor has neither mats nor car pets, but rugs of furs. The broad bed is covered and lined with the skins of wild animals. Wooden ta bles, with no ornament or covering and without books, hold the poet's loose manuscripts of his happiest and unhappiest thoughts. The fireplace mantel alone contains signs of ui'ion civilization some cabinet portraits of a few dearest friends. The kitchen, garret, woll, and other surroundings are all of the West western. New York Graphic. A Troy man shot at a lien with a revolver and bit a neighbor who was sitting on the fence watching him. Both are agreed that the bullet glanced from the hen. Burlington Free Press. Cure Fr Plies. Files are frequently preceded by a sense of weight in the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to suppose he has some effection of the kidneys or neighboring organs At times, symptoms of indigestion are present, flatulency, uneasiness of the Stomach, etc. A moisture like perspir ation, producing a very disagreeable itching, after getting warm, is a com mon attendant. Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles yield at once to the appli cation of Dr. Bosanko's Pile remedy, which acts directly upon the parts ef fected, absorbing the Tumors, allaying the intense itching,and effecting a per manent cure. Price 50 cents. Address The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co., Piqua, O. Sold by J. W. Conn. To ad Who are suffering from the errow aad Indiscretions of vouth, nervous weakness, early decay, Ioss'of manhood. &c, bv r mtatlon&iv America. Send a self-addressed enveloie to the Rev. Joseph t. Ismax, Station D, New York City. YOCSG MRN!-JSKAI THIS. IHK VOLTAIC Bitt-T fin., of Marshall. MIchj. offer to send their celebrated Elec-tro-vowaic Belt aad other Electric Appliances on trial for thirty days, to Mea (ypuBK or old) afflicted with nerrous ebulty, loss of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism. eunuru, paralysis, and many other dls wa. uoaapieie restoration to health, vigor aad manhood cnaranued. . No risk Is In curred as thirty days trial la allowed. Write them at once for Illustrated pamphlet free . Croap, Whooping Cough and Bron ehltis immediately relieved by Shilolrs Cure. SoMb7W.E.Demwt. Forlygpepsia andLlver Corapla int, job have a printed jrcarantee on every bottle of ShUoh'a VltalUer. It never falls to enre. Sold by W. E, Dement. AST0E HOUSE. -BEST Dollar a Day Hotel in the North West Mrs. Sophia Oaggett, Proprietor. Special Attention Paid to the Comfort cf Guests. Corner Olney and Jefferson Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. RATES, ONE DOLLAR A DAY. PARKER HOU WJI. ALI.KA. 1" rt First Class 1b Every Bespct. Free Conrli to flic House. C. Y. KNOWLK4. u n. i:kowx. St. Charles Hotel, European Plan. liKOWX&KX VI.KS - I'mpru'tor? KlK-T'!.s i.n Kvkhv KKsrirrr. Good Restaurant Conuprted with the Housp lirr-proof iStick liuildintc. lM)Room. In the Center of the Citr Cor. Front and MorrMin St-.. IVrt!:iiut. Or Hardware aid Skip Ciiaoftlert VAN DUSEH & CO- OKA I.Kit JS Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oi!,"Bright Varnish. Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas. Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes. Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements Sevriiifr lUaoIiIm-.s. I'niutx and Oils. (JniriTlcs. -tc PPMM NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. You are allowed a frte trial of thirty days of the ue or Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt rttt Ilectrlc Suspensory Appliances, for the speed ellefand permanent euro of Kervous Dtbilit iAcsi if Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles Uso for manr other diseases. Complete restore. .Ion to Health. Visor and Manhood guaranteed So rule 15 Incurred. Illustrated pamphlet InteaUc mxxlope mailed free, by addressing VOLTAIC BELT CO., Marshall, Mich North Pacific BREWERY. JOHNEOFP. Proprietor. Patronize Home industry! We supply 2t GOOD A QUALITY OF BEER As Any In the Market, AT AH REASONABLE A PItlCK. le North Pacific Brewery Beer Is Pore and Unadulterated. It gives general Satisfaction ;iml is Furn ishea In Quantities to Suit. Leave Orders With Wax. Bock, Gerniania Saloon, or Chris. Evensox. next to Foard & Stokes. Dally Delivery In Any Tart of the City. 1885. INTEREST Will be allowed On Time Deposits. Drafts on all the leading Cities. Wm. T. Coleman & Co.. 8. EliHOJtE. Manager Banking Department, Astoria. Oregon. ROSS, CORONER. COUNTY First Class Hearso and Material ox HATO. Shop and Office on Main St.. above Pioneer ep: sta Restaurant. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLAGKSMITHING, At Capt, Rogers old stand, corner of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good work gnaraateed. iniO rUrEn Barren 4Co'Xewppr Art- ruauw.uruii!U spruce .;, costrecwinw beBuwerom j iHHHIHEMSir ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Bestox Stkeet, Keak Parker House, ASTORIA, - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILERMAKERS. LAlaiMARM&IMS Boiler Work, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Oi'nll ItpMcriiitioott muile to Unlt-r At Short Notice. A. D. Wass, President. J. G. IlusTr.ER,Secrelary. I W. Case, Treasurer. Jonx Fox.SuperintenrttMii. R. Lemon & Co., Stevedores and Kiggcrs, PORTLAND and ASTORIA. lOKTi-xn Office Xo. lfi Xorth Front St. S. ARNDT & JFfiRCH Ki ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop ffjs:v- ,. BLACKSMITH ASSSg&fiSfli and - ?iG3eSS !t Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, A2fD STEAMBOAT WORE Promptly attended to, Aspeclaltymadeol repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. Notice. BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED UNTIL Monday, December 7th. at 1 i. at. at the olllce of tho County Clerk, for building a bridge across "Ohanna" creek. Tlans and specifications can be seen at the office of the County Clerk. By order of tlieCountv Commissioners of Clatsop county. C.A.SICGUIRK. Attest : C. .1. Trenchant, County Clerk. Holdeii's Auction Rooms f Established January 1st, 1877. E. C. HOLDEN, licnl Estate and General Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, Chenaniits Street. - Astoria, Oiegon. Auction sale of Sundries every Saturday, at 10 :30 a. at., at niv Auction Rooms. Will conduct Auction Sales of Ileal Estate, Cattle, and Farming Stock wherever de sired. Cftsh Returns t'romptlr made after Slcs. Consignments respectfullv solicited. Notary Public for the State of Oregon. Commissioner of Deeds for Wellington Territory. Agent for Daily and Weekly Oreyonian. A V. Allen, Wholesale and Retail Dedr r In Provisions, MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, TKOIMCAI. AND DOMKSl If FRUITS AND VEGErABLES. Together with Wines, Uquors.Tobacco.Cigjrs B001S AND SE0ES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, AT THE SICN OF THEJOLDEN SHOE. FREE AND EASY! -FOK- A PLEASANT EVENING Call and So T7T H.E33E3I, At his New Establishment net to Jeff's Kestaurant. ao-NOTHINC BUT THE BEST" Passed over the Bar. A General Invitation Kxtemled. SPECIAL NOTICE! O. R. & N. CO. EXCURSION! Tickets to Portland anil Retnm For $2 50. Good on any of the Company's boats E. A. NOTES, Agent. Astoria, Nov. 2Sth, 1SS5. DR. VAN M0NG1SGAR Permanently located at JSftHii 134 TMrdStreet, Portland. Oregon. L a regular graduate in medicine, lias been longer engaged In the special treatment of all venereal, sexual and chronic diseases than any other physician in the West, as city papers show, and old residents know. 81000 reward for any case which he falls to cure, coming under his treatment ; by follow ing his directions. uK. VAN U the most successful Lung and Threat Doc'or In America. He will tell you tour tnmltle witiiout asking you a single question, ami warrant a perfect care In the lollowing diseases : XerToni. debility. Spermatorrhoea, semi nal losses, sexual decay, fainting memory, weak eyes, stunted development, loss of energy, impoverished blood, pimples. Imped iments to marriage, also blood and skin dis eases, sjpliilis. eruptions, hair falling. bone pains, sweuing. sore inroar, eirects mercury, kidney ami bladder troubles, weak back, burning urine, incontinence, gonorrhoea, gleet, stricture, etc., receives prompt relief and cured for life. Xerrons diseases (with or without dreams). Diseased discharges cured promptly without hindrance to business. Both Sexes consult confidentially. If In trouble.cal- or write. Delays are dangerous. Inflammation of the car, ulceration or ca tarrh. Internal or external, deaf tness or pa ralvsls, rimiing noises, thickened drum, &c. ALL SUKUICAL CASES, such as clubbed or deformed feet, paralysis, contracte d cords, weak Joint, or deformed limbs, hip joint disease with running sores and shortening limbs, diseases and curvature of the spine, old ulcers, diseases of the knee joints, de formities of the face and diseases of the eyes. eery eye that may require artificial aid. ucainess, private diseases aim an enrome diseases such as consumption, asthma, neu ral la. diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, stomach, spleen, bowels, skin and urinary oreans, anil all diseases peculiar to females. All cases or catarrh most positively cured by a new and infallible principle. Impediments of speech, as stammering and stuttering perfectly removed. Piles and fistula radi cally and permanently cured without the knife. HERNIA. AND RUPTURE perfectly restored without an operation, requiring no truss af ter treatment. Old fever bores, ulcers and varicose veins invariable healed and cured. CANCERS and tumors permanently re moved without the knife, caustic, or the loss of a single drop of blood. Terms for Treatment Strictly Cub. Office hours 8 to 8. x:es.. MIHSTTIIEl THE SPECIALIST, 11 Kearney street, Saa Fraacisco, Cal. Xo. TlJEATS AI.I.CUBONIC, SPKCIAU XXD PRI VATE Diseases with "Wonderful Success. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY! Is a certain cure for Veryeas Beklllty. Lest MaaliM4. trotatorhea.and all tne evil effects of youthful follies and excesses, and In drlaklBx latoxl- eatlaa UqHers. mr M lBtle who Is a reg ularphysician, grad uate oi me univer sity of Pennsylvania winajjiee to lomet s5ou for a case of thl) kind the Vital Restorative (under his spe cial ad vice and treatment) will not cure. Sl.60 a bottle, or four times the quantity 96, sent to any address on receipt ot price, or C. O. D. in private narao if desired, by Dr. M latle. 1 1 Kearny St.. San Francises. Cal. Send for list of questions and pamphlet. SAMPLE BOTTLE FJtEE will be set t to any one applying by letter statiuj: symptoms, sex and age. Strict se crecy in regard to all business transactions. RESTORED The reason that Thomas Jt cannot get cured of SF.UIXAl. WEAKXF.SS, LOSS OF UAX HOOD, and the result of abuse, disease or excuses, is oieiwj lo a complication calleil PROSTATOR RIlk'A. HR. LIERIG'S JSVIGORATOR u the OXLVcureforPROSTATORRnEA. Price. 1.00 per package, G paclagu, glO.W. Guide to Health and Setf-Analittsentfrce. Address LIE BIG It IS PEXSAIiVfor Disease of Men. tOtf Geary St.. -Vmi Francisco. Cal. POTENT MEK Ba they Yotfnffor Old ha ring Lost Uiom attribataoC PERFECT VANffuOO MayRcffaln Qulckljr XZ33EtJP3BOCr Sexual Power PHOMEATK llUn, Prof Jean. Ciciale. BTTIIEUSEOy The Civiale Remedies. They cure every trace of DEBILITY". 8P'tt. MATOKKlIffiA. VAJtlcecELE and arSr form or Smlnal loss anil weakness whether ilu toTonthful Folly, Abuse, or Natural ftiilnre Tbli treatment originated by PROF. CIVI AI.VU adorheU In every HOSPITAL In F KAJfjOC atiil FREE TO ALL pin receipt ot ce ... .. W """ In postaw. ftamps. wa will send tree to any earnest Inquirer, oar inlen did illustrated 64 paire medical work. iriTinsr aznio loms or all forms or Sexul Disease, descrlptlou or this treatment, prices, testimonials and new laner endorsements, &c, &c We are also agents for the new and certain ta eure, Self-Adjusting- and Glove Fitting Cradle Compressor, for the thorough and radical cure without surgery, of VARICOCELE Consultation with full Medieal Stall VOW imle Remedial Agency, 174 Fulhw SL, N. Y, Moore's Remedy -FOR Folaon Oalt. MOORE'S RE5tEDTf Cures and Prevents POISON OAK. CUBES Pllea. Bnrna, Cuts: RE MOTES Sunburn ana Freckles. Cold in the Head or Lungs, Croup Etc.. etc. An Invaluable FAMILY SALVE. Sold by all Druggists 23 Cents a Bex Try It! sictic XMkixrTxzro AND CARRIAGE PAINTING! In Good Style and Lowest Ljftag Prices cms. otsEN. Shop at Montgomery' sold stand Wll'T' I - vliW V11 ttSuftfuSalBH MANHOOD S rAfcli, -.V- -&&?: C 5. iCj?4i.J