VOL. XXIV, NO. 132. ASTORIA. OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1885. PRICE. B IVE CENTS. BUSINESS CARDS. D RS. A. L. and J. A. FUI.TOX JPlij 2.1 clans and Surgfoiis. Win gle uromnt attention to all calls, tiom any parr of the city 01 couutrj- Ofllceocr Allen's Store, corner Cas and quemoqua streets, Attoita, Oregon. Telephone No. 41. D R. FRAXK PAGK. PhyKlolmi nnd Surseou. OtUce, HooinC, over I). A. Mcintosh s stoje. -KFICK 1I0UB3 : 9 to 11 a. M. ;-3 to 5 l. M. Residence, opposite the Joliaiuen building DR ESTF.S. PHYSICIAN ANJ) MJRGEOX. OrriCK : (Jem Building, up stairs. AMoxiu. regon . JJi K. COOVKftT, Attorney at Lun ami Aatiiry 1'uMIr COLLECTIONS SOLICITED. Office with C. It. Thomson, room r. iwi City Book Store. :K0. A. DOKKIS. GKO. JOI.M NOIjAXU A DOKRIM. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office ill Ivinney'd Blin'k. . inoitr t'it 1 Jail, Astoria Oregon. - i YT. FULTON. ' ' 1'1'I.TON. FITETOK BROTHERS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Booms 5 and 6, Odd Fellows Building. C Bf.O F. PARKER, SURVEYOR OF Clatsop CHnty and Citj' or Astoria Office : N. K. comer Cass and Astor.-t reels Kooin No. 8 f O.. A. BOWIiBY. J. tttorney and Counsellor at liaw. Office on Cheuamus Street. Astoria, Oregon. in I. WIXTON. ATTOKXKY AT LAW. KoomsNo.iraud 12, PythhinOastle Build ing. , AY TUTTLK. 31. 1. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Rooms 1, 2, and 8. Pythian Bulld- ug. Eesidence On Cedar Street. baoL nl St. Mary's Hospital. r v. hicks. a. r-SHAW HICKS & sniw, DENTISTS. Booms in Allen's Building, up stairs, cor her Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astoria Oregon. "D B. SPEDDK1V. NOTARY PUBLIC, , Searcher of Titles, AliHtraeter and Conveyancer. Omce on Cass Street. 3 doors south of As torian office, Astoria, Oregon. BANKING AND INSURANCE 1 I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, - OREGOX. OFFICE HOUIIS : From 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock 1. M. AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITORS! Capitol Flour, Manufactured by the Full Roller Process, by the Salem (Or.) Capitol Flour Mills Co., LIMITED The only flour that has takeu First Prize three years in succession at the PORTLAND MECHANIC'S FAIR, Also at State Fair. Oue trial is sufficient to convince of its supe riority. See that the w oid CAPITOL is on each sack GEORGE SHIEL, 8 Stark St., Portland Agent. WILSON & FISHER. Astoria Agents. HAVE TOU mm to Sell? IN THE MATTER OF Rags, Bottles, Old Metal, or Junk of Any Sort, FOAEB & STOKES Will give you the best price for it. Do You Want to Buy SHIP MATERIAL, From a Belaying Pin to a Hawser; from Block to an Anchor. You Can Get what You Want at FOAED& STOKES. Headquarters at building, east end Water Street. 1 . ' RJP Ik I tuflP town - Vw 'AR TRADE 7 MARK. Ir- Absolutely Free from Opiates, Etnct:c3 and Poison.. SAFE. AT DBCOOIbTd AM DEALErj. IHE CHARLES A. VOGELCR CO.,BALTIMO?..SID Hole I'roprtrtonu TUTT PILL TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARSA. From these sources arise threo-fourt lis of the diseases of the human race. These symptoms indicate their existence. Loss or Appetite, Bovrels costtre, hick Headache, fullnetig after eat ing, aversion to exertion of body or mind, Ernctatlon of fond, Irritabil ity of tcmper,XfOvr spirit, Areellng before the ej'es, highly colored Urlne.COrv'STlPATIO.V.and demand thouseofaremedythatnctsdirectlyon the Liver. As a Liver mediclncTOTT'S I'llil-S have no cnnal. Thciructionon the Kidneys and Skin is also prompt; removing all impurities through theso three " scavengers of the system," producing appetite, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear skin and a vig orousbody. TOTT,SIIXiLS cause no nausea oi griping nor Interfere "With daily vroiilz and arc a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. bold e vcryariiereSSs. OlSce 44 Al urrayS t.N Y. Gray Hair ok "Whiskers changed In stantly to a Glossy Black by aslnglo application of this l)n:. Sold by Drug sJsts,orsentbyexpressonreceiptof$l. , . Offloo, 44 Morrav Street, Kaw York. nrrrs hactal of tnsruL sicsipsj rsxi. fo.SANFORD' INVIGORATOn Is jasr. what its nama implies ; e Purely Vegetable "Compound, thai acts directly upon the rj curing the many diseases i o that tin. portant organ, and ting the no.- merous ailra arise from its deranged or ction, such as Dyspepsi Biliousness, Loswenesi TMaria, Sick-lieadache. Rhe etc. It is therefore 2 anismvtnat "To Jbave lioodliealtl 'tt .i. a J - :he liver must be kept in order' DB. SAinOED'a UVEB IKVIGOBATOE. rnvifroratea the Liver, Rcculntes the Bow- sis, Strengthens the System, Purifies llic Blood . Assists Uigcslion, Tcvents i evcrs. h a Household Need. An Invaluable family Jledicinc for common complaints. D3. SAUTOED'S II7EB UTTIGOSATOB. An experience of Forty years, and fftou tands of Testimonials prote Us Merit. FOIt PALE BY ATA DEALERS TK MEDICtKES For fnll infonninon feend yonr address fcr 10( .-"2 Book on the "Llrcr Rnd its diseases," u aorJ 21 dcam: ct.. new tohji cn HAGAN'S Magnolia Balm is a secret aid to beauty. Many a lady owes her fresh ness to it, who would rather not tell,, and jw; emit tell. FOR Man and Beast. Mustang Liniment is older than most men, and used more and more every year. To Rent. FINE BUSINESS OFFICE. CENTRAL ly located. Apply at this Office. Hflil&Pi! iiiliPr mr m x5!K BSSSp SURE. JS OtS. (LNSr) TXye nctdekirl: pTevjsh iiiis xnag T-Wttdice, THE MAGIC -HAIRPIN. 1 ITS MULTITUDINOUS USES. What Can Be Accomplished With a Hairpin in the Hands of a Woman. The iroof of a hoy's mechanical skill is usually what he can do with a jack-knife ; the proof of a woman's is what she can do with a hairpin, says an exchange. Few women take naturally to ordi nary tools. They use hammers in a gingerly and ridiculous manner, or they pound their fingers with them ; they put blunt-pointed nails along side instead of across the grain, and then wonder why it splits ; they use screw-drivers principally to pry open boxes, and they think wire-pincers were made to crack nuts with. But they know how to manage a hairpin. "A lady," said an observant gen tleman, the other day, "always opens a letter better than a man. A man tears off a eorncr, and then pulls the envelope more or less to pieces in :t'tting at the contents; but a lady Ir.wvs a hairpin, inserts one prong at :i nuticr, and rips open the edge as i: -a 'v, easily, and quickly as if tho to n wore made for that purpose. u'm the same tool she can, nnd fri'f Mitly docs, button her glove, and occasionally her boots. She cuts tin magazine with it. bhe twists it in! elasps for broken jewelry. She uses it to suspend plaques. She em ploys it to draw corks, and also to snuff candles. Sho inserts it in win dows to keep them from rattling, and lo brace back shades that incline to tumble down. She succeeds with its help iu turning the hasps of windows from the outside when obliged by ac cidental lock-out to burglarize" her own house. She arms herself with it when traveling, to keep disagree able neighbors at a respectful dis tance. She tiles receipts upon it. She pins up notices to the milkman with it. She even bends it roughly into the form of an initial, and hangs it in the keyhole of her intimate friend's lock, by way of a card, when she has forgotten her card-case, and the family are out. The fan has long been regarded as the object most suggestive of the Spanish women. Ladies of other countries are famed for their graceful or,skiUful.use of -other, dainty, family feminine articles. But if we were asked to select the thing most truly representative of the great American girl, we would name without hesita tion the neat, the ingenious, the in exhaustible, the magic hairpin. An important use of the hairpin has been overlooked in the above, viz. : loosening up the soil in the window garden without injuring the delicate roots of the plants. We know of no instrument which makes so good a "spade " for this purpose as the " in exhaustible" hairpin. Chicago's llonth ftor Pic According to the statistical fiend Chicago eats 300,000 pies a day, which, placed edge to edge, would make forty miles of pie. Three men and eicht girls can make o.OOO pies a day. The ovens are kept running day and night. There are nineteen standard kinds of pie, but apple takes the cake. It leads everything else in winter, and in summer sells steadily, though of course not so largely after beriies come in. It is lucky for the manufacturers that it is so, as their profits are larger on applo pie than on any other that they make. In winter, mince stands next to apple. Americans eat more pie than foreign ers, but the men from New England take the lead in eating pie. Pie and milk is their favorite lunch. A ( hi cagoan was heard to say the other day: "Aw believe pie is" good brain food. Mr. Emerson was quite fond of it, you know." Pies can be made for about soven cents apiece in quan tities. Danlel'H livening at Home. A correspondent wants to know w hen Daniel Webster wrote his cel eb ated dictionary. Daniel dashed the dictionary off the same evening that he extemporized his celebrated reply to Hayne. The two were after wards set to music and sung by "William Cullen Bryant in his min strel show. Omaha Republican. Thk Plants of the Gcttek. After a study of eleven months, Dr. Hugo AVinnacker, of Gottingen, has found that the vegetation of the stones oi street gutters consists of green algae and fungoids. The algae are harm less and even beneficial, for they grow over the fungoids and at their expense, and help to keep them down. Most of the fungoids appear to be harmless, but some of them may be dangerous disease germs, to be freely distributed by the wind when dry; and, as it is difficult to distinguish their qualities, the growth of this class of plants should be pre vented as far as possible. The char acrer of the gutter vegetation mav be different in different cities. "Bring me quail on toast, waiter.' "Sony, sir, but we're all out of quail." "What?" "Tea, sir; verv sorry, sir." " That's strange." "Yes, sir; but since the war was made on the English sparrows quail have been very scarce, sir." The bashful man -alwavB- holds a "fiuSb.'WWfajJehaU Tinjw. Yarleo Bfrtcs. Brass is seriously affected by mer cury, copper is less affected, and iron is not affected at all. The best as well as the cheapest way of using pennjToyal to get -rid of fleas, in to use the herb itself; the oil, of course, cannot be used where the inconvenience attending it would be greater than the evil to be over come. According to the American Journal of Pharmacy, Hagar recommends the following in" case of painful dentition : Chloroform, ten drops; tincture of Spanish crocus, half a drachm; honey, half an ounce ; glycerine, one ounce. To be rubbed on the gums to allay irritation. The process of curling feathers con sists in heating them1 slightly before the fire, then stroking' them with the back of a knife, when they will curl. The increase in strength due to seasoning of different woods is given as follows : White pine, 9 per cent. ; elm, 12.3 per cent.; oak, 26.6 per cent.; ash, 44.7 per cent.; beech, 91.9 per cent. Shoe-dressing: Gum-shellac, half a pound ; alcohol, three quarts ; dis solve, and add camphor one and a half ounce ; lampblack, two ounces. The foregoing will be found to give an excellent glos3, ami is especially adapted to any leather the surface of which is roughened by wear. In filling up cracks in walls paint ers experience a great annovance from the rapidity with which the or dinary plaster of pans and water "sets'" A remedy will be found in using vinegar instead, of water. Mix the same as if water was used, and the result will be very much like putty; the plaster will remain plastic for about half an hour, finally becom ing perfectly hard. For the sharpening of tools, instead of oil, which thickens and smears the stone, a mixture of glycerine, and spirit is recommended. The propor tions of the compositions vary ac cording to the class of tool to be sharpened. One with a relatively largo surface is best sharpened with three parts of glycerine .mixed with one part of spirit A graver haying a small cutting surface requires only a small pressure on the stone, and in such cases the glvcerino should be mixed with only twopr.4b.r,ae drops oi spine. Dr. Jelliuek has found that a drop of cocaine extract produces anaesthe sia of the larnyx, a point of the ut most importance in diphtheria and other grave throat-diseases. Dr. Schrotter made use of the cocaine a short time back in operating on an old polypus. The operation was per formed" with complete success in five minute.i. The smell of paint may bo taken away bv closing up the room and setting in the center of it a pan of ngmea cuarcoai on wnicu nave oeen thrown some juniper-berries. Leave this in the room for a day and night, when the smell of the paint will be gone. Somo persons prefer a pail of water in which a handful of hay is soaking. This is alBo effectuaLin re moving the odor of. tobacco-smoke from a room. A clergyman in Central Illinois is reported to have startled his flock a low bundays ago by the announce ment: " Remember our communion services next Sunday forenoon. The Lord will be with us during the morning services and the Bishop in the evenine." Orleitsl Opinion. Professor Kanny Loll Dey, the fam ous medical expert of India, on whom the Empress conferred the order of "Companion of the Indian Empire," besides elevating him to the rank of Kai Bahadoor, publishes an official opinion that the new discovery, Bed Star Cough Cure is free from opiates or poisons, aud that it marks a new departure in medicine, and that he prescribes it with wonderful effect. It only costs twenty-five cents. Fogg speaks of the government warehouse as "Purgatory," inasmuch as spirits are there held temporarily in bond. f Boston Transcript Fifty cents spent on a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil, the great cure lor rhem matism, and twenty-five cents for a bottle of the new discovery, Bed Stur Cough Cure, whuli removes throat and lung troubles, is as good an investment as a life insurance pol icy. . . uinger ale is said to be good for the blood. That's the reason the dude drinks ginger ale. The dude is a blood. lYonkers' Statesman. Fetfcle FrBM, Skaky Xcrrex, And dyspeptic stomachs' ate usually fouud in conjunction. Vitality is lucklug iu all three. How can this be created? Simply by uslne Hostetter's Stomach Bitters with reg- uiaruy. aDsiaunng uera uauiw inconsonant .4tti feAoltl, ami liv tha um nf ft rllfrfwtlhTA diet. As an Initial step toward the reinforce ment of a depleted ! stem, a resort to Hos tettct's atoraach Bitters ts most desirable, stnee It corrects acidity consequent upon a ence c-I bile in the siomacli. and ha ln reg ulated and, as it were, lubricated the dlRes tlre mechanism, sets it and keeps it at work. An ImmcullatA train In vln-nr la thft result. The food Is converted into blood, upon which the system draws for nutrltton. the nerre3 astuey acquire vigor, uecose irauquu, mo muscular floer galas substance and hardness, and appetite and sleep Improve. Constipa tion, ievftr and ague, rheumatism and renal ailments yield to the Bitters. . Croupy Whooping Cough and Bron chills immediately relieved by ShUoh's Cure. Sold by W. E. Dement. To Regulate IttTTfl FAVORITE HOME REMEDY it I HI1, warranted not to contain a single par A MAM tide of Mercury or any injurious sub stance, but Is purely vegetable. It will Cure all Diseases caused by Derangement of the Liver, Sidneys and Stomach. If your Liver is out of order, then your whole system is deranzed. The blood is impure, the breath office yc; you bars headache, feel languid, dispirited and nervous. To prevent a ciorc serious con. didoa, take at once Simxsos LIVER .REGULATOR. If you lead sedentary life, or suffer with Kidney Affections, avoid Kitaulants and ttVe Simmon liter Regulator. Sure to relieve. If you have eaten anything hard of digestion, or feel he-ivy after ratals or sleepless at night, tale a dose and you will feel relieved and .-Jrcp pleasar.Uy. If you are a miserable sufferer with Constipation, I)yjrtiu and BlUousness, seek r.-lict a: once in Simmons Liver KcsuUk r It does not require continual dosing, n i iftts but a trifle. It wHl cure you. If you wake up in the rir-itinf with a bitter, bad taste in j our m juui, 7ft I TX11 Simmons Liver Regulator. It cor I B K f recti the Bilious Stomach, sweetens JL AUmI the Breath, and cleanses the Furred Tongue. Children often need sosae safe Cathar. tic and Tonic to avert approaching sickness. Simmons Liver Regulator wul relieve Colic, Head. ache. Sick Stomach, Indigestion, Dysentery, and the Complaints incident to Childhood. At any lime you feel your system Ueeds cleansing, toning, regulating without tolent purging, or stimulating without intoxi catw, take I PREPARED BY J.H.ZEIUH& C0.,PhUadetphia,Pa. PJBICE, 81.00. MARKETS. WYATT &. THOMPSON. DEALERS IN" FRESH AND CURED MEATS, CHOICE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware. --4fetXSgl TVrm Feed. IE3to, STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresh and Cured Meats, Ve geta"ble , FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, CHKVAMUS Street. Astoria, Og. Washington Market. Mala Street, Abtorla, Oiti;ob. BERGMAX A CO.PKOPKIETOJRS RESPECTFULLY -CALL THE ATTEN tlon of the nubile to the fact that the above Market will always be supplied with a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS I ! Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. -Special attention given to supplying dhlps. B. B. Franklin, MerMer and Cabinet Maker, SQUEMOQUA STREET, SKST TO TUF. ASTORIAN BUILDING. tyAll work done In a skillful manner on short notice at reasonable rates. WILL- Cut Faster AND EASIER Than any oth er axe made. pUPlBcl AXE FXnXTIQJMUtJM J.C.Trullinger Hundreds of woodmen tes tify to Its supe txtoritwitttc Jlfm .& Serer Kicks. CARNAHAN A CO., Agent Astoria. ,Prke. tl.W. - Nicety Furnishtd Rfromt, UTITH'OR WITHOUT BOABD: AT li Mrs. S.4T. McXean's, Cass street, three aoors soutn oi abtortax orace. HfeUk BARBOUR'S: Irish Flax HAVE NO t& rfH &grWfr ikUiII AhN I I JE&Cr MrLJr "lLrta W3 )SKtI CXI r Wirt. V X- BflBSBVwMBsBBlBBBBBBSlBV"ZBBBBi'M GRAND PRIZE PARIS 1878. THEY HAVF. BEEN AWARDED HIGHER PRIZES AT TIIE VARIOUS THAN THE GOODS THREAD MANUFACTURERS IN THE gfetitts&fc3 yuaiity can Always oe uepenaea on ! HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 and 519 Market Street, - - - SAN FRANCISCO, AGEXT8 FOB PACIFIC COAST. Seine Twines, Rope and The Telephone Saloon. The Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. Especially fitted up for tha Comfort and Convenience of those who enjoy a Social Glas. The Best or Wines and Liquors, Tfce Choicest Cigars. Everything New and First-Class. B. I,. JEFFREY. Propr. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer In HAM ARK, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, OPlaa. and Copper. Coliiiiu TMSMtation FOR PORTLAND! Through. Freight on Fast Time ! TILE NEW STEAMER -TELEPHONE Which has been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leave "WHsoa & FIshei's Dock cverjr Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland evsry Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. fAa additional trip will ba made on at 'eleck. JBamaay Xrs!ag for Sound ports. Threads EQUAL ! etRW f?p OF ANY OTHER WORLD. Netting Constantly on Hand. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For tho Finest of Wines and Liquors Co to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL, - PROPRIETOK J. H. D. GKAY. Wholesale and retail dealer In GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and Wha fage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria. Oregon. WM. EDGAR, Dealer In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Mearschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNER MAIN AND CHENAMUS ST.. IC2BMMW S an day of Eack Week, leaving Portland Passengers bj this route connect at Kalanra D. B. SCOTT, President Goffljany