(2) Mt gaiti storfen. ASTORIA. OREGON: TUESDAY DECEMBER 1. 18S5 It is too close to be comfortable to know that but one life stands between the government and an archy, and should President Clove land die that there is no one who could legally take his place. Con gress meets next Monday and one of the first duties of the senate will be to elect a president of that body to preside over its delibera tions, and, in the event of Presi dent Cleveland's death or inability, to act as president of the United States. The board of county commis sioners were discussing, yester day, the matter of a poor farm. It is thought that a poor farm would be more economical and useful than the present system of sup porting the indigent, Something oyer $3,000 a year are paid out for the support of paupers, most of whom are drawing $o a week. Those who favor the scheme say that the cost would be considera bly less and the results far more satisfactory in every way. If anything would justify law less dispersal of the Chinese it would be a sight afforded here last week the refusal of work to white men and the placing of it in the hands of Chinese. The white man with a wife and chil dren to support, glad to get an opportunity to earn a few honest dellars: the Chinaman with his rat-like thrift able to live upon the smell of an oil rag exultingly tak ing the bread out of the white man's mouth. The one would spend his earnings among us in the comforts demanded by our way or living: tne otuer wouia live on a few cents a day, with neither wife nor child to support, but. coming in most destructive competition with our own kind. It is such short sighted action as this that retards the development of this country. The IVclcojne has often heard the old dodge of a graceless scamp who not being of voting age, put the figures "21" in his shoes and "22" in his hat, and then swearing at the polls that he was "between twenty-one and twenty two;" but we are informed of some of the swamp land certificate of title that beats voting "all to pieces." "The affidavit makers of some of some of these swamp land frauds have been taken to some prized section of southern Oregon that was desired by the confeder ates, where a sled would be im provised with a boat-shaped box on it, which the witnesses would use in being hauled over the de sired section, and then file affi davits at Salem that they were well acquainted with that swamp land section, and 'had passed over it in a boat!' We are not pre pared to say if any of these sort are in Hen. Owens'' tlirei' ircnh package of certificates tintt he. stows iu that ins'ili pvkr, but if v?e were starting mi th liuni f such documents, vv .s!:.i:il:! d:rc to first overhaul that :,:;i.l!." A "whiter uimii j'5'-.!7.;v 4ii cus toms in the litter Oi'-xi,,, says: The advertising column of the Brazilian newspapers look ver much as those of the newspapers of New Orleans did before the war. Here are some notices trans lated as they appeared in a recent number of the Rio de Janeiro Journal of Cemmerce: For sale a female slave 300, 000 reis; cooks, washes, irons. Apply at No. 10 Gatete st. For sale a beautiful goat, with plenty of milk of a superior quality. Apply at No. 19 Barrose st. For sale a good female slave; cooks, washes, and irons perfectly; is docile, industrious, and has no vices. The owner is compelled to dispose of her, as he leaves" the country, and desires to place her in a good situation with a kind family. Apply at No. 78 Impera trice st For sale a superb bull dog for 40,000 reis, carefully taught to guard a house. Apply at No M8 Richuelo st. There is no slave market in Rio de Janeiro, and has not been one for several years, all transactions in human flesh being conducted privately; but there are agents who buy and sell on commission, like the real estate and cattle dealers of the United States. BOR. Iu Astoria, Nov. 30, to the wife of J. F. Halloran, a son. NEW TO-DAY. Stockholders' Meeting. THE REGULAB ANNUAL MEETIXfi OF tbe stockholders of the Pythian Land and Building Association will be held on Dec.31st,at2P.M.inF3-thian Hall for the TlUrnoSO of Plpetln n ltnnrrt nf fivn TMwMnrc for the ensuing year and attending to such other business as may legally come before it. E. A. XOYES. Sect. Stockholders' Meeting. STOCKHOLDERS OF THE FISHElt inen's Pkg. Co, are hereby notified that the annual meeting will be held at the Co.s office at Upper Astoria. Or., on Tuesdav. Dec 29, 1S83, at fl A. M. for llic purpose of electing a board of directors for the ensuing year, and the transaction of other busiupsi that may come before the meeting. Bv order of the President. H. E. NELSON. Socrotarv. Office of a. A. Q. If., i Fobt Caxt.t. W. T., December 1. 13i".. QEALED PROPOSALS IN DUPLICATE, with copies of this advertisement at- lcneu, win dc opened at mis omce in mo resence of bidders at 9:30 o'clock A. m. a Hospital at this post in conformity with plans and specifications for a two story hos pital of twelve beds, as published iu Circula: nans aim specmcauons lor a two story nos )ital of twelve beds, as published iu Circular o. 10. Surgeon General's office. U. rt. A. October 20. 1S77. All of the material to be of the best quality the market affords. The lumber to be thoroughly seasoned, free from knots, sap or cracks, and delivered at this post properly piled and covered, to injure proper condition when required for use. The construction to commence about the 1st of May and the building to be completed ready for orrupation by the ."Will cf Septsni ber, 18SC. Separate proposals will be iceeived for the material and lnbor. and bidders "for the whole" will specify them separately, on the same proposal. Plans, specifications, and blank proposal can be obtained at this office. The right to reject any or all p:o;ioah N reserved. Envelopes to bo endorsed 'Projio'saN for Hospital." and addressed to 1-A.CHAMDEttLIN, 1st LT. IU Artillery. A. A. Q. M. Independent Club Meeting. THERE WILL UE A MEETING OF THE Independent Club at 0'I!riens hall. Tuesday Dec. 1st. 1S5. at s o'clock v. u All niemuers are requested to up present. By order of the Committee. independent Ticket! For Mayor, J. C. Trulliuger Councilman, 1st Ward,. .F. Sherman Councilman. 2nd '" . .J. H. D. Gray Chief! o Police C. W, Lonsrlirey Police Judge, John Hahn Supt of Streets, Jno. McCann City Treasurer, J. G. Hustler City Attorney Geo. Noland City Surveyor, N. D. Raymond City Assessor, "Vm. Poole Auditor and Clerk C. "V. Shivery Harbor Master Phil. Johnson FOE EENT. Four Rooms, Centrally Located AND .SUITABLE FOR HOUSEKEEPING. A1TIA' AT ASTOKIAX OF ICE. BOOTS AND SR0ES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, AT THE SIGH OF THEJOLDEH SHOE. FREE AND EASY! FOIt A PLEASANT EVENING Call and See "VT, ISC. 2E12S3X, At hl; New Establishment next to Jen's Restaurant. uv-NOTHINC BUT THE BEST-sa Passed over the liar. X General Invitation Extended. County Orders. T AM AUTHORIZED TO P.UY COUNTY JL Oitlers. ILILSPEDDEN. Fifty Dollars Reward. I WILL PAY THE ABOVE REWARD for tbe recovery of the hnav of K. F. Cochran, drowned at Walker's Island on Wednesday the 4th Inst. Fell overboard from the steamer R Ii. Thompson; about five feet, four Inches in height, dark hair and eyes and mustache, about So years old. E.A. OYES. Notice. TIIE ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCIC holdersof the Masonic Land and Build ing Association of Astoria, will be held at the office of Capt. George Flavel on Wednes day, December 1C, 1835. at two o'clock r. at. ; for the purpose or electing five directors for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such other business as may propeily come before the meeting. S.T.M'KEAN. Secretary. Astoria, November 13th, 16S5. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING, At Capt. Rogers old stand, corner of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. Notice. -VTOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN THAT I JL will not be responsible tor the debts of any person whatever miles upon my own written order. E. NESS. THE CENTURY for 1885-86. The remarkable interest iu the War Papers and in the many timely articles and strong serial features published recently In Thk CEXTUBYhas given that magazine a regu lar circulation of MORE THAN 200,000 COPIES MONTHLY. , Among the features for the coming volume, which begins with the November number, arC: THEWAR PAPERS Ey General Crant and Others. Thete will be continued (most of them illus trated) until the chief events of the Civil War have been described by leading partic ipants on both sides. General Grant's pa pers include descriptions of the battles of Cliattanoosa and the Wilderness. General McClcllau will write of Autletam, General D. C. Buell of Shiloh, Generals Pope. Longstreet and others of the Sec3i:d Bull Run, etc.. etc. Naval combats, including the fight between the Kearsaryc and the Alaiama, bv officers of both ships, will be described. The "Recollections of a 1'rivate" and spe cial war papers of an anecdotal or humorous character will be features of t lie year. Serial Stories by W.D.Howells. Mary HallockFoote ana Ceorgew. Cable. Mr. Howells' serial will be In a lighter veiu than "The Rise of Silas Iaphaui." Mrs. Footed is a story of mining life, and Mr. Cable's a novelette of the Acadiansof Louis iana. Mr. Cable will also contribute a scries of paers on Slave songs and dances, includ ing negro serpent-worship, etc Special Features Include A Tricycle Pilgrimage to Rome." illustrated by 1'ennell : Historical Papers i Jul want r-ggieston, ami otticis ; j'apers on Ptrsia. by s. G. W. Benjamin, lately U. s. minister, with numerous illustratiens: Astronomical Article, practical and popu lar, on "Sideral Astronomy"; J'apers on Christian Unity by rerresenintivf.s of vari ous religious denominations; Papers on Manual Education, bv various experts, etc. Short Stories 1J rrarl; R. htockton, Mrs. Helen Jackson (ii. Ji.i, Mi.VMarv llnuocR Foole, Joel Chandler Harris. II. II. Bovesen. T. A..Ian- li r, Julian Haw tome, KlcnnruM. Johnston, ai.d others; and poems by leading poets. Tin Denartments, "Open Letters." "Urle-a-::nc," etc . will be fully sustained. The Illustrations Will be kept up to the standard which has l.i.ulf Thk Centcrv engravings famous the world over. Prices. A Special Offer. Regular subscription price, SI .(w a 3ear. To enable new readers to get all the War Pa pers, witli contributions from Generals Grant, Beauregard. McUlellau, J. E. Johnston, Lew Wallace Admiral Porter and others, we will send the 12 back numbers. November, ISSt. to October, 1RS5, with a years subscription beginning with November lSS5,or Sc.oofor itic icnwr. a suuscripuon witn me vz num bers bound in two handsome volumes, $7J0 fnrtne whole liacK numbers onlv suttnlleri at these prices with subscriptions. -l jrec fjKCtmen copy luacK mtmucrj mil Itetcnl on request. Mention tliU paper. All dealers and postmasters take subscrip tions and supply numbers according to our special offer, or remittance may he made directly to illKUKNTUKYUO. AE1T lOKK. 1SSO. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. The December Number will beciii the Sev enty-second Volnnmc of Haktek's Maoa zim!. Miss Woolsox's novel. "East An gels." :ind Mr. IIowells's "Indian Suni nier ' holding the foremost place in current serial fiction will run through several num bers, and will he followed by serial .stories from It. 1). HucKMOni'. and Mrs. D. M. Ciiaik. A new editorial department, dis cussing topics suggested by tue current lit erature ot America and Europe, will be con tributed by W. U. Hovrrxi-s, beginning with the .lanuary Number. The great literary event of the year will be the publication or a series of papers taking the shape of :i story, and dep.cting cliaracteristlcs of American socictv its seen at our icaaing pleasure rcsorts-vritten by Charles 1)ud l.Kr Waknkr, and Illustrated by C. S. ItEixiiAiiT. The Macazixi: will give es pecial attention to American subjects, treat ed by leading American artists. HAEPEE'S PERIODICALS. Per Year : HAUPEH'S MAGAZINE $4 00 HAItPKK'S WEEKLY. 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAU 4 CO IIAUPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 HARPER'S Fit ANKL1N SQUARE LI BRARY, One Year (52 Numbers) 10 00 Postage- Free to all suhscrtfters in the Unti ed State or Canada. The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and December of each year. When no time is specified, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to be gin with the current Number. Round Volumes of Harpek'3 Maqazin-e. for three years back, In neat cloth binding, will be sent bv mall, postpaid on receipt of S3 00 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding, 00 cents each by mail, postpaid. Index to Haiu-er's Maoazisk Alphabet ical, Analytical, and Classified, for " olumes 1 to CO, inclusive, from June, 1850. to June, 180, one vol., Svo, Cloth, $4 00. Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money OrderorDraft.toavoidcnanceof loss. Xeicjrpaper are not to copy this advertise ment tcithout the express ortler of Hakpeii & ISROTIIEnS. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York The most popular Weekly newspaper derated to science. mecn&nic8,ensineerinc.dUcorenes.in reutions &nd p&tenU ever published- Ererj num ber illustrated Kith splendid engravinc- This publication furnishes ft xnostTalnable encyclopedia of information which no person should be rithont. The popularity of tho SciEMtrio Amebicas Is pnch that its circulation nearly equals that of all other papers ot its class combined. Price. 93-3) a ear. Discount to Clnbs. Sold by all newsdealers. IUNN fc CO., Publishers. No. aaBroad way, h . Y. assasimasiif Wnnn uo. naro i ATENTS. ftsgsdT5i,s? ssMis)si practice before tho Patent Offico and hare prepared more than One Hundred Tpou- 6 and applications for patents in the nited States and forehrn countries. r!m-i.r Trademarks. CODT-riehtS. Aen-nmant nnA ftll ntRT TiaDerS fOf securing to inyentors their rishU in tho unitea auies, canaaa, xjjbi"". ,"""i Germany tnd other f oreicn .countries, pre paredatshortnoticeandon reasonable terms. Information as to obUinlnc patents cheer fnlly tiTen without charge. Hand-books of ir.rnrm.tinn oTit. frc iPatenta obtained through Munn & Co. are noticed in the ScienUfic American free. Tho advantage of such notice, is well understood by all persoas who wish to dis pose of their patents. . Address MONN 4 CO., Offico SCITSltriC AiiiEicjLK. 351 Broadway, New York. Notice IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 7HE ANNU nl meeting of the stockholders of the Scandlnavlanracklng Co. will be held at the company's office on Monday, Dec 14th, 1885, at 9 o'clock a. Jr.. for the purpose of electing a board of directors for tne ensuing year, and the transaction of such other bus iness as may come before the meeting. By order ol the president. II. PLATn. Secretarv. Astoria, Nov. 27th, 1883. Lost. FISHING BOAT. ROUNDED AT ENDS of keel ; sail thwart branded "D. C ; boat used as trap boat and has tar raarles on It. Information leading to Its recovery will be rewarded. WM. FItEIDBUBG. Or at Astoeiak Office. I EMPIRE W. T. PARKER, MANAGES. A Great Variety of Fancy Goods, Purchased at HALF THEIB VALUE, For Sale at LESS THAN FIRST COST! And' an Extensive Assortment of STAPLE DRY GOOBS, And Boots and Shoes AT LOWEST BATES. iTliliif ft JNEiW Having Consolidnted 3Iy Rusmess with (he Astoria Furniture Co., T now offer the I arrest anil M(t Compli-ic A.uiriiKcut or Fine and Plain Furniture, Bedding. Carpets, Oil Cloth, Window Shades, Pictures, Kouiding, etc., At Portland Prices, and Invite a Call o f Everybody in Want of Goods in My Line. Guaranteeing Satisfaction in Every Respect. HAS. HEILBORN. WORTH OF TO BE OPENED AT CARL ADLER'S IN THE NEXT TEN DAYS! THE OREGON 1 1 TO 500 MILES THE SHORTEST; 12 TO 43 HOURS THE QUICKEST. TO CHICAGO, BOSTON, NEW YORK. And All Points Kiist. Rates $8.30 to $10.25 ilic Cheapest to Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City AND OTHER Pnllmau Palcrr al Kinljcrant Sleeping Osrs hauled .n Kxpress Trains Kxnlnslvely ivitliout Chause. If you arc golnc east wilte for Rat ej. Mars, Time Tables. Onhles and Full Information. FREE OF CIIAlUiE. E.A.KOYES. W. X. fJAItlJETSOX. Agent, Astoria. Asst. Agt., Astoria. Ii. CAJI'lIESX. General Agent, No.-l, Washlnston street, Portland, Oregou. A Slaughter IMMENSE SALES AT THE WHITE CLOSING OUT OUR Eire Stock of Dry and. Fancy Goods, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES. AND IN FACT EVERYTHING APPERTAINING IN THE LADIES' LINE AT COST! And Less ihan Cost. On Account of Discontinuing the Above Lines I Shall also offer the Following Inducements: All Purchases $5.00 and Upwards, 5 per cent off. All Purchases $20.00 and Upwards, 10' per cent off. Ladies Gall Early! And Secure Such Bargains as Never Offered in Astoria Before. This is a Bonafide Sale and No Sham, as we need our Space for other Purposes and the Stock Must January. S. SCHLUSSEL, Next to Bank of Wm. T. Colemanj am lY A 3 rfl a?J n O I U,Uiil.l4Mi9 POINTS. in Dry Hoods HOUSE -A Be Closed Out before the 1st of GOODS Astoria, Oregon. Groceries Cheap for Gash! l.Gla A6$lj X.B2L, Jj. L. P. I FRANK I. A EEw Sa PLRKZSRi DKALEK Haj, Oats, and Straw, Lime, Brick, Cement, Sand and Plaster- Wood DellTerti! to Order. Drajlnsr, Teaalns anil Express Bitlim. i Kl: j.pjily i.-i 'hi Captain, or to THE NEW MODEL tiaKSi etc., a spialtr A FTJ17L STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. TO nsr .. DKAUtB X Tin, Sheet Iron, anil Copper Ware. A general assortment of Household Qotds. AGKST FOB ItlAGEE STOVES AKD BANGES, THE BEST IX THEMABKET. Plumbing goods of all kinds on hand. Job work dona In a workmanlike manner. Plumbing, Gas Fitting and Cannery Work attended to promptly On Reasonable Ternw. CbeHsaRS Street, Next to C. Ik Parker's Stere. Astoria. Ores. HOLIDAY GOODS HOLIDAY GOOD &.E The New York Novelty Store! We are now receiving one of THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCKS OF HOLIDAY GOODS and NOVELTIES Ever offered to the People of Astoria. Gome One! Gome All! The Public are Cordially invited to Call and Examine our Carefully Selected Stock, Comprising articles for Old and Young alike and YituLn the reach of all. Heretofore We have Always Led in Making Prices for Our Competitors, And now We Propose to Lead Mere T!ey Camol Follow !! As Anything and Everything will be offered at The I. west Possible LirlH- Margin of Preflt. Look Out for Our Grand Opening Next Saturday Evening! NEW YORK NOVELTY STORE, Opposite the Parker Hoii3e. Main Street, Astoria, Ortfo Sol Bi Jewelry Scarf Pins, Chains, f itches, Pianos and Organs or the Best make at the Lowest Prices. The finest stock of Jewelry In Astoria. jAll goods warranted as represented. GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER Astoria and Seaside BAKERIES, ED. JACKSON, - Proprietor, Thebest Bread, Cakes and Pastry In the City lea Creams and Ornamental "Work to order Manufacturer of Fine Candles. ASH PARSER, IX STEADIER CLARA UUM Eben P, Parher,Uaster. For TOWING. FREIGHT oxOHAfc H. B.PAXIK.., RANGE CAN BE HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF E. X. WAWBB, AGEM CAM. AND EXAMINE IT. YOU WILL BE PLEASED. K. K. UAWE3 is also agent for tea Ml patent Coolinf StiTe And other first -claai Stovsa. Furaaoe "Work. Steam Fit- MONTGrOMHRT, l SHUTE & CO., FINE IMPORTED CIMR3. You can rely on setting a Good Clear At Shuts Co-' CIGAR AND TOIAOGO STOKE, Opposite D. L. Beck & Son's. TH0S. MAIRS, (Late Cutter with M. D, Kaat,) A Good Fit Guaranteed. CHAKGES MODERATE. Pants, from $3 up. SaltstrosHOup. Shop opposite BozortU ft Joans. FasluonaolR Tailor