(HI Wtt 5 statm ASTORIA, OREGON: FRIDAY. .NOVEMBER 27. 18S5 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE PORT OF ASTORIA. SAILED. Orecon, ss Poeblman. S F Kov2G ARRIVALS FROM SEA. Geo W Elder, ss S F 2fov2fi READY FUR SEA. Durisdeer, Brbk 9S9 Queenstown Nov 10 Cormorant, Brsp 1073 Queenstown Nov 10 Glenihee, Brbk 819 Queenstown XoVJl r'r.edeburjr, Er sp'tO Cork Nov 21 Santiago. Br bk 4 U) Queenstown Nov 25 Dilnhur. Br bk 1231 Plymouth Nov 25 VESSELS iy TUB RIVER. Director. BrbkOT. Urasmere. Br sp 124 C Parthin. Brbk 1022 KespiKHdera. Brsp 1GJ9 Criscdale, Br sp Norcross. Brbk 89. Java. Br bk fiU , . l.ordKinntird.Br bk 94 MacUiarraul, urspia AbeonaBrspsfia iitpn ; MAntiiMrii Am en (Tntmisdre. Kr UK Elwy. BrbkTfi" Harry Morse, sp 1315 Lalla Rookh. Brbk Abernyte. Brbk 700 Tthonoos. Br bk l'.Sl Victoria Bay. Br bk 1113 Uarmaetben Castle. Brsp OHerspool. Br sp Karl Roseberry. Br bkll.'iO Abercorn, Br sp tisi innipeg. Br sp I'M VESSELS OH TDK WAY Prom Forelexs I'orta. for the Columbia River Alf. Nor bk GST Ianinue Aus24 Alurania, Br bk 713 Callao Sept 15 Alpheta. Brbk S10 Adelaide. Sept 9 Atnplutritc, Brsp 1703 Montevideo Braemar. Br bk 1023 Lyttleton Oct 1 l!rnliilda, Br sp Lyttleton Oct 15 Citv of Glacow, Br sp UC8 Buenos Ayres A us 1G Clan McLeod. Br bk G4G Rio Auk 21 County of Mononetb.Brbk 10S5MontevidioSept lfi County of Flint, Brbk 1033 New Castle Coclirina. Brbk 931 Dunedin Dovenby, Br bk S33 Liverpool via Victoria Auk. 31 Duchess ot Argjle Br sp 1G99 Auckland Firth of Stronsa, Br bk 900 Sydney Aug 15 Firth of Doraoch, Br bk 907 Liverpool Sopt.2. G lenogle, Br bk S14 Valparaiso (Jlenbervie, Brbk 800 Adelaide Sept 7 Itjyltwood. Br bk Brisbano Sept 18 Kincardineshire, Br bk 12S2 London Sept. S Lorraine. Br bk82S Alcoa Bay Lord Canning, Brsp 1463 Adolaide May Low, Br bk S5S Buenos Ayros. Northernly, Brsp 1221 Valparaiso Oct 17 Noss Head, Br bk 1072 Sydney Aug 23 Prince Frederick. Br sp Panama Uale'.on, Br sp 815 Adelaide Raglan Castle. Br bk Port Aucusta Sept 12 Selene, Brbk Liverpool Oct 25 Singapore, Br bk 65G Buenos Ayrcs Union. Norsp 01 Newcastle Aug 1 Front American Ports. O. S, Hurlbnrt, bk 103G New York TIDE TABLE FOB ASTORIA. XOVEMUKK. HIGH WATKB. J LOW WATER. First. Second. First. Second. w a I e s 3 aS tsS 5 "5: S if -2" analHaH ana h. m. Ju h. m. JS h. m. ,S h. m. .S t, a, 6 i 8 22a 9 13 i)S7 G8 7 3 8 lip U 23 10 33 1129p 11 5la 0 21) 0 51 1 2S 2 OS 2 45 329 4 23 52U 6 46 8 03 D 13 10 16 143a 2 47 3 42 4 38 5 18 5 57 0 32 7 07 7 43 822 907 1) 56 10 57 09 2 15p 11 326 13 4 18 1 3 5 11 16 5 57 19 6 39 22 7 18 25 756 2 8 834 3 0 9 13 32 953 3 4 10 37 SO 11 23 -- 007 14 1 19 17 2 18 19 3 11 20 4 02 21 4 47 22 5 30 24 6 12 26 6 51 26 738 27 8 24 :;o 9 12 2 9 10 01 29 11 00 2 8 11 59 . . 047 14 1 55; 19 12 05 01 7 10 42 11 18 82 85 0 18 1 03 1 40 232 3 15 400 4 44 5 32 C 23 7 12 8 01 8 42 629 10 03 10 41 0 02 0 51 1 40 2 26 3 13 402 4 53 5 45 C33 7 7 74 71 -P5 0 6 0 0 05 02 01 06 10 35 32 27 oO 1 - o-J 0" 0 6 7 64 62 61 62 63 66 0 21 1 17 0 73 6 41 2 13 67i 3 15 6 .') 4 01 77 81 11 111) li IGci 11 53a 86 70 4 45 527 6 OS 52 736 825 l!l 10 20 1131 0 59a 7 0 7 0 -1"- 0S4p -1 I -13 -10 -01 08 5 15 01)1 1 17 2 03 258 3 59 5 11 636 6 8 67 66 69 72 7 30a 17 4 8 02j) The hours between miduignt and noou are designated by a (a. m.), those between noou and midnight by p (p. l). 0j. OOm a denotes midnight, oh. OOm. v denotes noon. Tne neight is reckoned from the level of average lower low waters to which the sound ings are given on the Coast Survev charts. Columbia River Exports. snirMEXTS roREir.N. XOVEMBEi:. 4 To Queawtoicn per Carimmcu. Wheat. 72,112 bus S W.ooo 107V) Qucimsttncn per City of HanTiow. Wheat, 03,701 bus ? rlf073 10 To Qucf ji?otni jxt Dm ?. Whcat.52.005bii- 4020i5 10 To QiucmJotrn t Mffivnif. Wheat, 57,052 bus ? 12 gn 10 To Qurcnxfotrti jr City uf Flmcncc. Wheat. Mt'2 bu ? .72,1 IS It To Queen ftomt J Cf Hill. Wheat, 51.91 h - 4IS2 1C To QuccuUir.i ;-r . ! r Wheat, 32,125 bil ;2j.O03 21 To Quccnticii ; er dlanltc. Wheat, 46,317 bus .....SSO.Coc 21 To Cork per Frictlihui y. "Wheat, 39,263 bus..- 52.000 ZC To Queenslo en p'r SantUwo. Wheat, 5G.S24 bus .$l2.70o 25 To Plymouth per Dllbhur. Wheat. 6S.781 bus $53,500 Notice. IT1HE UNDERSIGNED PERSONS HAVE jl the sloop jtJmma in their possession, having placed her in a position where she is out of reach of the tide, and now await the option of the owner or owners. Said sloop was wrecked on Clatsop beach, Clatsop Co., Or., on Tuesday. Nov. 3rd. Her name Is Emma, she i-lbuilt of Port Orford cedar, painted whl'JSjwith brown water-line. Di mensions are . Length of hull 22 feet, breadth of beam 104 feet, and 27 feet over all. CLEM. 1IKADBKRUY, J. RUSSELL, S. RICHEN, P. S. MCLKEY. Seaside, November 10th, 1865. Notice. I HAVE THIS DAY DISPOSED OF MY business to V. R. Mcintosh and A.D. Mac Donald who will conduct the business at the stand, comer of Genevieve and Squemoqua streets, under the flnn name of MacDonalu & Mcintosh. The flnn of MacDonald & Mcin tosh will collect all bills dne me and pay all liabilities ; and to all my patrons I bespeak a word for th e ne w Arm . . . , D.A.MCINTOSIL Astoria, Oregon. October 27, 1885. Nicely Furnished Rooms, WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD; AT Mrs. S. T. McKean's, Cass street, three doors south of Astop.tax oflice. SOCIETY MEETEKGS. Temple Lodge, No. 7A.F.A.M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS flrst and third Tuesdays in each month, at IV, o'clock, p. m.. at the Ilall in Astoria. Members of the order in good standing are invited to attend By order of the W.M. Bea7er Lodge No. 35. L O. O. P. REGULAR MEETING EV ery Thursday evening at seven o'clock, at the Lodce room in OrtH Fallows Hall. Asto ria. Sojourning members ot the order in good standing, cordially invited to attend. By order N. G. Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O.F. REGULAR MEEHNGS OF OCEAN EN campment No. 13. I. O. O. F at the Lodge, in the Odd Fellows Building, at seven r. m., on the second and fourth Mondays of each month, Sojourning breth ren cordially invited. By order C P. Seaside Lodge No. 12. A. O. U. W. KEGULAR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W. will be held in their Ilall over Carnahan & Co.'s on Thursday evening of each week, at 7 o'clock. Members of the order in good standing, and visiting Brothers are invited to attend. Li brary will be open fifteen minutes before and after each meeting. By order M.W. C. BROWN, Roc. Cushlngr Post No. 14, G. A. R. KEGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS POST on the second and fourtli Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 v. ar. Visiting com rades cordially Invited. By order P. C. Cushingr Relief Corps No. 3, G. A. R. REGULAR MEETINGSONTHESECOND and fourtli Tuesdays of each month, at 2 p. M. By order Mus. C. ROSS. Secretary. Pacific Lodge No. 17, K. or P. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS Lodge every Friday eveulug, at 7:30 o'clock. In their Castle Hall. Sojourning Knights cordially iuvited to attend. W. A. SHERMAN, K. of R. and S. Company H, O. S. M KEGULAR DRILLS EVERY MONDAY, and Wednesday eveninss. Regular meetings the second and fourth Thursday of each mouth at 7 :30 P. M C. W. FULTON, Commander. Common CounclL REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at 7J4 o'clock. jea-I'ersons desiring to have matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meet ing must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday eveulnc prior to the Tuesday on -which the Council holds its regular meeting. THOS. S. JEWETT, Auditor ami Clerk. GERMANIA BEER HALL FROM THE Northern Pacific Brewery Five Cents a Class. fsyNo inferior Beer sold at this place. W.1I. BOCK, Proprietor. Powder. 25 Vi kegs. S14.00 7.00 7.00 Duck Shooting ..... . ... Sea Shooting Rilie, Fg to 3 Fg. Shot. 25 Pound Bags S 2.09 Wads. 1,003. Tink Edge, No. 10 ? 1.50 Blaok Edge, No. 10 .85 A. G. SPEXARTH, Astoria. or. cs. COUNTY ROSS, CORONER. TJrKLcaLojE'tctTg 1 Ti g. First Class Hearse and Material OX 1IAXD. Shop and Office on Main St., above rionoer Restaurant. OSBEiai of the Skating Season! AT ROSS' OPERA HOUSE, Continue every Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday evenings from 7 to 10 r. r., and Saturday afternoon fromlto4p.3i. Admission; on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Saturday afternoon, Ladles free, skaters 25 cents; Gents admission 25c, skaters 25 cents. Admission on Saturday evening, with dishing Post Corner Band ; Ladles j cents, skaters 25 cents; Gents 25 cents, skaters 25 cents. In Business Again At the Old Stand. A FULL STOCK OF GROCERIES AND General Merchandise. The Public ratronagc Respectfully Solicited. N. JOHANSEN. A. B. THOMPSON, THE COLUMBIA FISH AND GAME MARKET Fresh Fish on every day's Steamer. Tame Geese, Ducks. Turkeys and Chickens. Wild Game of all kinds. Fresh and Canned Fruits. Butter, Eggs and Vegetables. 3-WiIl Sell at low Prlces.jgS Lost. FISHING BOAT. ROUNDED AT ENDS of keel ; sail thwart branded "D. C." ; boat used as trap boat and has tar marks on it. Information leading to Its recovery will be rewarded. WM. FREIDBCRG. Or at Astobiax Office. pOYAl POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. Mote economical than the ordinary kinds, ami can not be sold in competition with the multi tude of low test, short weight, alum or phos phate powders. Sold only in can. Rovai. IlAKIM! POWDER CO. 108WalI-St.. N. Y. TRANSPORTATION LINES. 0. R. & N. And Way Landings. The Steamers of the O. It. & N. Co., car rying the l'. S. mails, leave the Company's Dock t-.very Dny, Sundays excepted, ate A.M. This is the only daily Hue. and the only line running all the year round. TO SAN FRANCISCO. Ihe only line of Steamships to San Fran cisco. Steamers leave Company' Hock four days. e ery Regular Line of Tow Boats and Barges, For Towage and Lighterage. STORAGE OF ALL KI.I)S. Inquire at Companv's Dock or at City Of fice opposite Van Dusen's store. E. A. NOYES. Agent. OVERL&ND TO CALIFORNIA VIA Oregon & CaliforniaE.B. And Connection. Far e to. Sao F aB.$3?;toacrauicntoS0 Close connections made at Ashlaud with stages of the California & Oregon Stage Co. (DAILY K XCKPT SUNDAYS.) East Side Dltlxlon, UETVFEEX rORTXA.ND AXl ASIILAXD Mall Train. LEAVE I ARRIVE Portland J:D0 A M Ahlnd :15 A M Ashland 920 P M Portland - P M llbanr Expreu Train. LEAVE I ARRIVE Portland 4:00PM Lebanon 9ri)PM Lebanon 4:45 A M I Portland 10. -O A -M Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars dally be tween Portland and Ashland. I he O. & C. 1C. R. Ferry makes coi-nectlon with all regular trains on the East Side Dlv. from foot of F street West Side DItIsIob, BETWEEN PORTLAND AND t'ORTALLIS. Mail Train. l.KAVK I ARRIVK Port'and :00 A M Corrallis 4 :30P M CorraUit S:J0 A M Portland .Sail P M Express Train LEAVK I ARRIVK Portland .S.-W P M McMJnnTille....SaX)P M McMmnTille..5:IJ A M J Portland .8:30 A M Local tickets for sale and baguagc checked at company's up-town oflice. cor. Stark and Second streets. Tickets for principal points In California can only be procured and bag gage checked at company's oflice. Corner P and Front SU., Portland Or. Freicht will not be receivea for bhlnment after five o'clock i si. on either the East or West Side Divisions. B. KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS. Manager. G. i & Tass. A gt 111 aco Steal Sanation Co WINTER SCHEDULE. FROM ASTORIA TO Ft. Stevens, Ft. Canby and liwaco, Connecting by stages aud steamboats for Oysterville, Montesano and Olympia STEAMER M. GEN. MILES," W. P. Whitcojib, Master. Will leave Astoria daily (Sundays excepted! for Ft Stevens, Ft. Canby and Ilwaco, at 8 A. M With Oysterville Malls and Express daily, aud Through Mails to points beyond, and Montesano, "W. T on Mondays, "Wednesdays and Fridaya. On Thursdays tho "Miles" will make two round trips, leaving Astoria on sec ond trip (about 3 p. m.) 3 hours after arrival from first trip. Fare to liwaco, - - $1.00 Passengers will save 23 cents by purchas ing tickets before going on board. liwaco Freight per Ton, - 2.00 TFor Tickets, Towage or Charter ap Hi ply at the oflice of the company, Gray's wnan, 1001 01 cenion sireeu J. H. D. GRAY, Agent. Sao Francisco ni Astoria PACKET LINE. Carrying Freight; Running every Ten or Twelve Days. THE SCHOONER Will be on berth in San Francisco on FREICHT. From S. F. to Astoria. " " " " Portland. " Astoria to S. F. $1.50 $2.00 $2.50 On General Merchandise. S. II. HARMON, 316 Stuart St. San Francisco, Cal. CLATSOP MILL CO., Astoria, Or. NO PRIMAGE. A Snaalsk Story. Tho following ia told as a true Btory by the Madrid papers : Castelar, the eminent Spanish statesman, was passing out of the Cortes one evening, after having de livered one- of his most wonderful speeches, when he was accosted by a distinguished looking Englishman, who was accompanied by a young lad' of great beauty. "Pardon me," said the stranger; " but I have come all the way from London to ask you a kindness." Castelar smiled, and with true Spanish courtesy, placed himself at the disposition of the strange gentle man. "I desire," said the latter, "that you will kiss this lady, who is my daughter." " Sir! " exclaimed Castelar. " Permit me to explain," continued the Englishman. " "When my daughter was born I resolved that she should never marrv until nhe was kissed by the three greatest liv ing men of the ase. I took her to Caprera, where she was kissed In Garibaldi; afterward to Belgium, in order that Victor Hugo mfght k s her, and now I bring her to you Your kiss is all that is necessan : complete her happiness, as shell promised her heart to a young .!. who is waiting your action, in P.u i Castelar hesitated a moment evidently touched at the complim paid him and then, stooping, ki the rosy face upturned to him. .. father and daughter went on tn way rejoicing. Itise and Fall of 21 in Ins Torras Leadville is one of the great min ing towns of the West which have begun to decline in population. It is common enough for small and little known places to die as rapidly as they grew, but cities like Virginia City and Leadville seem more permanent, and apparently should escaje the fate of less pretentious places. Lead ville, however, has fallen from 1-1,820 inhabitants in 18S0, to ll.CfiG by tho Colorado State census just "being completed. Denver, on the other hand, shows the stability of a true city of diversified industries and manv resources, as well as the won derful growth of the Vet. In 1SS0 Denver had 115,000 people, and now thecensus shows 34,000, a train of nearly four-sevenths in live years. Cleveland Leader. CiireForPilo-N. Piles are frequently preceded by a sense of weight in the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient to suppose he has some effection of the kidneys or neighboring organs At times, symptoms of indigestion are present, flatulency, uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A moisture like perspir ation, producing a very . isagreeable itching, after getting warm, is a com mon attendant. Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles yield at once to the appli cation of Dr. Bosanko's Pile remedy, which acts directly upon the parts ef fected, absorbing the Tumors, allaying th e intense itch ing, and effecting a per manent cure. Price no cents. Address The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co., Piqua, O. Sold by J. W. Conn. "What arc the prospects in this town for a circus?" asked the advance agent of a Kentucky citizen. "Think we'd draw a crowd?" The citizen shook his head dubi ously. "I'm 'fraitl not, stranger," he Baid" "That's to be a man hung here in September, an' I reckon everybody'll bo savin' up monev for that." New York Times. A poetess asks, "Oh, where does beauty linger?" We think that we aro breaking no confidence when we re ply that in these artistic times it gen erally lingers on the toilet table until the girl puts it on with a brush and a powder puff. The ltanibler. From the force of habit an auc tioneer one day put his thumb under the hammer. It was soon healed by rubbing with St. Jacobs Oil. They were sailing on the beautifu waters of Minnetonka, and she looked up into his eyes aud asked him to tell her about all the different boats. "George," she said, "what's a brig, and a schooner, and a yacht ? and O, George, what's that little fishing boat out there?" "That, Angle, is a smack." (Sweetly.) "George, couldn't er couldn't you give me a er a fish ing boat" Minneapolis Man. The Rev. Sam Jones advises us to "kick this old world as we would a rubber ball." So, guess not, Sam. We've seen the trick before, only it was done by placing a common straw berry blonde brick beneath an anti quated tile on tho sidewalk. It is a pretty trick, Sam, but it will only take outside the city limits. Boston Scoffs Emulsion of Itire Cod Liter OH with flrpophospulfcs. Both us a Food and Medicine The combined virtues of the Cod Liver Oil with the llypophosphitcs, not only sup- Elies a nutritious lood to the system, ut by its remedial power, gives strength and tone to the nerves and builds up the wasted tissues. Jay Gould gave a man a bow down South the other day. Jay is getting to be generous. It is the only thinj: he has ever been known to give away. ILowell Citizen. YOUXGMnxritEA.D THIS. .The VorvrAic Belt Co., of Marshall, Mich., offer to send their celebrated Elec-tko-VOLTAIC Belt and other Eixctkic Appliances on trial for thirty days, to men (young or old) afllicted with nervous debility. loss of vitality aud manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, and many other dis eases. Complete restoration to health, vigor aud manhood guaranteed. No risk is in curred as thirty days trial Is allowed. Write them at once for illustrated pamphlet free That Hacking Couch can be so quickly cured by Sliiloh's Cure. e guarantee it. Sold by W. E. Dement. Sleepless Nights made miserable hv that terrible cnti?h. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by TV. E. De ment & Co. THE CENTURY fori 885-80. Thi rrmjrkal)h interest m the "War Papers i ami in th- many timely articles and strong serial features published recently in Tiif. t Cectcky has given that maga'Jnc a regu-j lar circulation of MORE THAN 200,000 COPIES MONTHLY. Amonc the features lor the ceinini: volume. which begins with the November number, arc: THEWAR PAPERS Bv General Grant and Others. Theie will be c mt mud (inusi if them illus trateil) until thf chief ewnls r the Cull I AVar have li-endmbtM by leading parti.-' in.mls on both shies. (Jem-ril OramN i . ners include description of the liattlis of. Chattanooga and the Wilderness, General I McCleiJaii will write of Antiet u. Hene-al I. I C. Buell of Smlith, (iencraN Pope. Lnutistrt et ! ami oiuers e: tne &eeuui nun Kim. eie., eie. Naval eombat. including ttie fizht between the Kcar.anjc and the Alatxtma. bv otheer of lNt!i sh!(w. will be descnl !. The "KetruIIccttoit of a Priva't" and pf einl w.r pa ers or ananee !ipil or iiuuomuH eh:iacter ill te feature ot i he e ir Serial Stor.ehy W.D Howolls. Mury Hnliock Fcotc ,. and CooigovV. Cable. Mr. HowelN"! serial mil l.eiu .ilit;iitr t-ln than "The Km f ..lis l.ipli.1.11." Mrs Kontivs Ls a stn- i m.i.u.i: n,f. :.nd Mr. Cab'e's . 1 novelet t th Aeidiansor IiuN iana. Mr. Cal I" wlK alx nirlriuuie .1 series of. papers on Havi'Mi'L-sniiil danee, in hid ing negro serpeiii-niiRshlp. et . Special Toatures IiieluJe "V Tnexele Pi rim.iue to R.jine," illH5tratd bv IVnuell ; l!iKtinc;iI Papers b Kdwari KKgIe.it'i'1. mid then; Papers on IVrshi. h .-. ,. W. p.nj miiu. lately V. s. ni'iiisttr. wtVi Miineroas illustratiens: Astr. u.nnical Aitlele. pr.etieal and papu lar, on "Snlenil AMroniuin": l'apers on Chrtsllan 1'nit.y 1 iei ier niatlv. - of ari oi re'iio::s deii.r.imiaiioiu ; Papers on Manual FdneaUoit. b vanou ep. rt, eie. Short Stories I5 1 ni k 1.. Mttek'oii. airs. Helen .laekMiu (U. U. .Mis. M ir I!a 1 .0 Foote. .leel CliaadliT llain. II. II. ntiycncii. T. A. .Jiin vl.r..hi!i.m llau tonic. Icehard M-.Tohmtoii, ai.! oiiursratil ii,nhk b leadin:r ltoi'is. Tlie DeoartnunN.- pi-n I. tir." 'Ilne-a-Urae," etc . will ! fisllj sutained. Tho Illustrations Will be kept m to the Maudar.l whteli has ni't I'iikCrnti uvi'irr.u;n.sr.s!aou-:le world over. Prices A Special Cffer. Ho :.il ir su!sexi uion pnee, 4 oij a year n enable new reader, to et jul the War Pa lK'rs,u ,111 eontr.bntiou from (leueinlsGraur, Beanre.janl.Mi-.'ien.m .1. t..I hmton. Lis Wall K'i' V!m r.il Ptiter;u i other:, we wM sen-l t 12 b tek nam ers. No ember, 1S?1 tuO--titer. i-c,, wvh :i e.rs subscription 'giii'ilng wit n No eiiiber l.sS5. for -V;.W for (hi tch'iif. A si: -erippoii with the 12num-b.-iliouu.l in two hantltome iMiiines.57-o forme trhme. Mask numbers milv supplied it these prie.i with miumt ptions. A tree njteciitieii vojty (IkicI. nv inter) icill tewnt on nvjurW. llcnttnn Uti paitcr. All dealeraand noitmasterstake Mibrterln- tioiw anvi supply numbei-s atteording to our si't'ciui I'iier, or n'liiiuiiiice inav ue inane dlrscth to ' TtiKCrxTUKVCo XrvrYor.K. ISSG. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. The December Number will begin the Seventy-second Volumnc of IlMtnxt's .Maoa 7.ixk. !MKs Woolsox'.s nocl, "East An gels." and .Mr. Howklls's "Indian Sum mer" holding the foremost place in current serial fiction will run through several niini bpr, jnd will be followed b serial stories from K. D. llr.ACKJior.r. ami Mrs. 1). M. Ckaik. A new editorial department, dis-cuv-tng topics suggested bj tne current lit erature e: America and iJurope, will be con tributed by W.D.Howeli.s. beginning with tlu January Number. The gieit literary event, of the year will be the publication of a series of papers taking the shape of a sfory. and dep cting eharaeteriMlcs of American oc:ety as seen at our leading pleasure rcsorts-wnttfn by Chauliis Dcn i.KY Waknkk, anil 1 hntrated by C. S. Kki.vhakt. Tin Mao Vzixk will give cs p ci 1 attention ;o American subject, treat ed b 'CMdiiu American artM. HABPER'S PERIODICALS. 1'er Year: HARPER'S MAGAZINE $4 00 HAKPKK'S WEEKLY ... 4 00 IIAUPKll'A P.AZAi: . 4 CO HAKPElfS YOUNO PEOPLE . 00 HAKPEli'S FKANKLIN SQUAKE I.I- KKAP.Y. One Year (52 Numbers) 10 CO Part;e .Frar lo nil .iibcWrr. in the Unit ed Stale or Caututi. Tlif olumes of the Maiiazink besln with the Numbers for June and December of each vea-. WlipnnotimeisspccilIed.it will be unde.Mood that the subscriber wishes to be gin with the current Number. Hound Volumes of II kit.k's Maoazixr. for three vears back, in neat c'oth bhid.n;;. will be sent by mail, postpaid on receipt of :; 00 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding. 50 cents each bv mail, postpaid. IndevtoIlAitrEn's Macxzimc Alphabet ical, Analytical, and Classified, for " olumes 1 to CO, Inclusive, from June. 18.7). to June, 18M), one vol., Svo, Cloth, SI CO. Iteinlttimccb should be made by Post-Offlce Money Order or Draft.to avoid chance of loss. Ncicfjtaper are not to eopy 17iN aitvcrllsc mcnl without the erprct order of llAiti'En & Hkotiikrs. Addrev IIAHPEHX. HKOTHEKS.New York DEB8LSTATED MEN. You aro allowed a free trial of Ihirtu davs of the io of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Belt witr. ?Iicirle Snsnensorr Acnllanecs. for tbo SDecdl TJIJPI 3UU pt'inUIIllTUbLUIU Wl iicnuM0jnuiiVfiu l tinill'j ana juannooa, uou an uaureu iruuuiei iso ror many oiner uiseaf es. -jompicie rcsiora Ion to Hcaltn.Vlcor and Manhood iraaranteed So risk ls Incurred. Illustrated pamphlet In sea lee iivIom mnllMl frx hvndnrossinir YULT&iU iiiajX uu., marsnaii, auca North Pacific BREWERY, JOHN KO??, Proprietor. Patronize Home Industry! We supply as GOOD A QUALITY OF BEER As Any in the Market, AT AS KEASO.VABLE A PKICE. flu; M Pacific Brew erj Beer la Pure and Unadulterated. It gives general Satisfaction and is Furn isheu in Quantities to Suit. Ijave Orders With Wat. Bock, Germania Saloon, or Cuius. Kvenson, next to Foard & Stokes. Dally Delivery in Any Part of the City. Notice. npiHSISTO GIVE .NOTICE that the JL accounts of the late firm of John Hahn & Co., arc to be paid to the undersigned, and no one else. JOHN HAnx, NERVOUS ASTORIA IRON WORKS. Betok Stkeet, Neak Parkeb nouse, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAHDailAEfflEEEIMS p, ., ... , , . ,. . BOH8rVYork. Steamboat WOTR and Cannery Work a spe- ciaiiy. Wfali :es;eript:oiis nitde to id-r at Khort Xotire. A. I). Wass, President. J. (J. HusTLEit.Secretary. I. V. Case, Treasurer. Jonif Fox.Superintende ut. 1885. INTEREST Will be allowed On Time Deposits. Drafts on all the leading Cities. Wm. T. Coleman & Co.. M. KlillOltK. Manager Banking Department, Astoria. Oregon. Wilson & Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HAEDWAEE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS MILL FEED AGENTS FOR Salem Flouring Mills, Portland Roller Mills, Capital Plour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. FOR SALE. The Anglo American Salmon Oannery, With complete plant, including boats, net, machinery. &e. 'IhLs well known cannery Ls -Ituated in upper Astoria, commands good frontajie and centrjl location. Title per fect. '1 he Anlo American '"Lion" brand of salmon stands hih m all market". Ready sato at matket price for all Its pack. For particulars apply to COIIP.ITT & MACI.CAY. Agents. Portland. Or. A.STINSON & BLACKSiVilTHING. CO., a; Capt. Rogers old stand, corse. or Cjcss aud Court Streets. rfhlp and Cannery work. Horseshoelnf-. Wagons mad? and repaired, ("nod woik smarantccd E. Lemon & Co., Stevedores and Riggers, PORTLAND and ASTORIA. rouTLA'D Office Xo. tG North Front St. Sign Painting, Gliding, Banners, Oil Cloth Signs. SHOW CARDS. Fence Advertising, Price Marks, etc. C. LANE, Shop anl oflice on Cass street : Pike Bros.' old stand. Notice. rjlO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. A Ilavmc this davbouuhtthe entire stock and business of I. A. Mcintosh, merchant tailor and clothier, all debts due the late llrm will be collected by ui. and we have as sumed all liabdities. And we ask of the public our share of patronage and will guar antee satisfaction. MACDONALD &McINTOSn. Astoria, Oregon, October 27, 1885. S.ARNDT&FERCHEN ASTORIA, - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop -flrS; BLACKSMITH y y H 8 I THcfC Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNESY, A2JD STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. A3peclaltymadeoI repairing OANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. TUIQ ninCD maybofotmdonflloatGco.P. I n I O rA r C It BovreU & Co'a Newspaper Ail-TentdnsBnreau(10SpracStA7hereadt-ertlslBs; conrracwjaarbcmaucforitlh SEWYOHK. fm&tu 'imMmum; DR. VAN MONGISGAR Permanently located at 131 land 131 Third Street, Portland. Orefoa. Is a regular graduate in medicine, has been longer engaged in the special treatment of all venereal, sexual and chronic diseases than any other physician In the West, as city papers show, and old residents know. S1000 reward for any case which he falls to cure, coming under his treatment ; by follow ing his directions. DB.YA' is the most successful Lung and Threat Doctor In America. He will tell you jour trouble without asking you a single question, and warrant a perfect cira in the following diseases : 5erron debility. Spermatorrhoea, semi nal losses, sexual decay, fainting memory, weak eves, stunted development, loss of energy, impoverished blood, pimples, imped iments to marriage, also blood and skin dis eases, sj phills, eruptions, hair falling, bouts pains, swelling, sore throat, effects mercury, kidney and bladder troubles, weak bacc. burning urine, incontinence, gonorrhoea, gleet, stricture, etc., receives prompt relief and cured for life. Xerrons diseases (with or without dreams). Diseased discharges cured promptly without hindrance to business. Both Sexes consult confidentially. It In trouble. cab or write. Delajs are dangerous. Inflammation of the ear, ulceration or ca tarrh, internal or external, deaf tness or pa ralysis, rincing noises, thickened drum, &c ALL SUBGli'AL CASES, such as clubbed or deformed feet, paralysis, contracted cords, weak Joluts, or deformed limbs, hip Joint disease with running sores and shortening limbs, diseases and curvature of the spine. nui uicers, diseases oi me Knee joints, de formities of the face aud diseases of the eyes, every eye that may require artificial aid. deafness, prirate diseases and all chronic diseases .such as consumption, asthma, neu ral la. diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, stomach, spleen, bowels, skin and urinary organs, and all diseases peculiar to females. All cases of" catarrh most positively cured by a new and infallible principle. Impediments of speech, as stammering and stuttering perfectly removed. Piles and fistula radi cally and permanently cured without tiie knife. HERNIA AXD RUPTUBE perfectly restore without an operation, requiring no truss. af ter treatment. Old fever sores, ulcers -and varicose veins invariable healed and cured. CAJiCEKS and tumors permanently re moved without the knife, caustic, or the loss of a single drop ot blood. Terms for Treatment Strict! Caik. Office hours S to 8. THE SPECIALIST, 3o. 11 Kearney street, Saa FraaeJjeo, Cal. Treats allChroxic, Special andFbi- vate Diseases with Wondkkjttl Success. THE GREAT ENCLISH REMEDY! Is a certain cure foz erroMS efc!llty. Last MaafcMcL Prostatorkeeaad all tne evil effecwof youthful follies and excesses, and . Ia drlBlciag Imtaxl cat lax llaaarsrsr Mlatle who Is &Nft ular physician, grad uate of the CnlTer sity of Pennsylvania will airrce to iorQec SSoo for a case of tbla kind the Vital Kestoratlve (under his spe cial advice and treatment) will not'oure. $1 M a bottle, or four times the quantity H, sent to any address on receipt ot price, or CO. D. in private name If desired, by Br. Mlatle. II Kearny St.. Saa Francises, CaL Send for list of questions and pamphlet. SAMPLE BOTTLE FKEE will be sent to any one applying by letter stating symptoms, sex and age. Strict se crecy in regard to all business transactions. RESTORED The reason that Thousands cannot git cured f SEXIXAL WEAKNESS. LOSS OF ITASC 110 OD, and the result cf abuse, disease or excesses, ts owing to a complication called PROSTA TOR RHEA. DR. LIEBIC3 IXVIGORATOR is the OXLYeureorPROSTATORRnEA, Price. S2M per package, C packages, 10.00. Guide to Health ami Self-Analyst sent free. Address HE RIG D rsPEXSA n ror Diseases of Men , 1C0 Geary St.. -San Francisco. CaU vikOTENT MEK Be thy Tounyor Oil hannj Lost tho AttrlbateaoC perfect mum My Becala Qulaklr Sexual Power PiiocaEATifE hurt, Irof Jean Cfrlale. BY THE TJ8E 6P The Civiale Remedies. They cure ererjr trace of DEBILITY. Sl'Ki:. MATOIMCIIOlA. VAltlceCELE aad rer form of Seminal loss and weakness whether due to youthful Folly, Adum. or Natural Failure. adopted In every IIOIITAI.inirHAJCEaaii uiu(uiiiicuit rnuurscu bt uie JiPuical li KASII.Y AFI'LIEO, 1'AINLESB tinquallfledly endorsed by the Medical ProteMlon i r.aui.i ii"r.ir.Kj. MAiNi.rNH.uni TICK. anu aoove an A,AS'I I.NO IN IT KESUI.T(t. FREE TO ALL. Ti ,?,".1.?entl free to any earnest Inquirer, our f plea did Illustrated M pare medical wort.glTlaa symp toms of all rorms of Sex ul Disease, descripttoa of this treatment, prices, testimonials mad stews. paper endorsements &c. &c We are also agents for the new and certain to cure, Self-Adjustlns; and Glove Fitting Cradle Compressor, for the thoronxh fi radical care, without sur&try, of VARICOCELE ContultaUon with full Medical St; VKXK. iviale Remedial Agency, 174FBHM St, N. Y Moore's Remedy -FOR Poison Oa13L. MOORE'S REJIEDTc Cures and PreTcnta POISON OAK. CUBES Files. Bums, Cut: BK- MOVE8 Sunburn and Freckle. Cold in the Head or Lucga, Croup Etc.. etc. r An Invaluable FAMILY SALVE. Sold by all Druggists. 35 Cents a Box Try It I 9XGXV IAIIf XIW Or AND CARRIAGE PAINTING! In Good Style and Lowest LiTiog Prices cms. otsEiX. Shop at Montgomery's oiatand &-- s jy' , i vaoaj MANHOOD "vKIIWr