(n - .. tifc, SSV'fcl iSV 'A--iiPIAftl-C " St2r cSgcs-iS: - 3 YOL. XXIV, NO. J 23. ASTORIA, OREGON, SUNDAY, NOYE31BER 22, JSS5. PRICE. BIYE CENTS. HTIrid 4111 lArir I mis sl'Sl JI-JIP Jv JiJIJS'JI ll lKh H 1 H H V " KTT H H H m K H ' H IT Bl. Ii-fiTvv v r . ,k h x i w . n - m. . Kk. h w4 hb ajjv"k)ini c-TL-jLaort -frv.-,; -.ij-5&rt . :k - I-c.--n BUSINESS CASDS. rR. A. 1. and JT. A. FUI,TO. Physicians and Surgeon. Will give prompt attention to all calN. iroin any part of the city or country. Offlce over Allen's btore. corner Cass and "Mjueni6n.ua streets, Astoria, Oregon. Telephone No. 41. rvB.PBAXK PACE. J Pliynli'lBii nnd Surgeon. Oiiice, P.oomG, ovei D. A. Mcintosh s store. j JKFICK HOURS : 9 to 11 A. M, ; 3 to 5 1. M. j Residence, opposite the Johanseu building ' XB. LOCKHABT. j PH YSIC1 AX AND SURGEON. Ofkick : Gem Building, up stairs. Astoria. Oregon . p R. COOVEUT, Attorney at Law unl Rotary Public C0LIJ3CTI0NS SOLICITED. I Office with 0. K. Thomson, room 3 otrj City Book Store. j .jko. a. nouuis. &KO- vouxsi POLAND .fc IMKIS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Olnce'ln Klnnej's Block. . pposile City Hall, Astoria, Oregon. . . W. FULTOX. C KULTOK. FITE.T02V BBOTHEBS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 5 and C. Odd Fellows Bullditiff. GKI.O F. PABKEB. SURVEYOR OF Clatsop Counts' and City ol Aatoriu Offlee :-N. K. compr Cass and A stor streets, Room No. 8 r q. A. BOWLBY. Attorney and ConnHellor lit Law. Office on ChenamuB Street, Astoria. Oiejjou. F. 0. WHSTOSi. ATTORNEY AT LA V. Rooms No. 11 and 12, Pythian Castle Build ing. r AY TIJTTI.K. 31. !. THYSICIAN AND SURGEON Offjob Booms 1, 2, and 8. Pythian Build- ng. RK8lDKNCE-Oa Cedar Stieet. u.ick of hu Mary's Hospital. , r. HICKS. A.E.BHA.YT HICKS fc SHAW, DENTISTS. Rooms In Allen'a Building, up stairs, coi ner Cass and Squemoqua .stieets. Astoitsi Oregon. X? B. SPEDDKIV, NOTARY PUBLIC, sienrolierof Titles. Abstracter and Conveyancer. Office on Cisa Street. 3 doors bouth of As toria offloe, Astoria, Oregon. BANKING AND INSURANCE! . I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASCTORIA, J- OKEGOxV. OFFICE HOURS : From 9 o'clock A. M. until S o'clock P. M. AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITORS! Capitol Flour, . Manufactured on the Gradual ReducIIon System by tne Salem (Or.) Capitol Flour Mills Co., LIMITED the only flour that has taken First Prize three years in succession at the POltTLAN'JD MECHANIC'S FA I It. Also at State Fair. One trial Ls .unlclent toonvlnce of Its supe riority. See that the wqid CAPITOL ls on each sack GEORGE SHIEL, 8 Stark St.. Portland Agent. WILSON Si FISHER. Astoria Agents. HAVE YOTJ Anylii' to Sell? IN THE MATTER OF Rags, Bottles, Old Metal, or Junk of Any Sort, FflJD & STOKES Will filve you the best price for It. Do You Want to Buy SHIP MATERIAL, From a Belaying Pin to a Hawser; from Block to an Anelror. You Can Get what You Want at P0ARD& STOKES. Headquarters at building. eat end "Water Street. w MIL 3t TJBtsSSi sr Th2??s2V- iE GREAT mM m reMED Cures Rheumatism. Neuralcia. JSackaebe, XlcadacZic, Toothache. Sprslus. Braises, etc, etc. tt-Ice, Fifty Cents. At Druggists and Dealers THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., Sole Prop- BA.LTI JJOHE, ilAUTLAXD, U. S. A. TUTT'S i am mc: PILL TORPID BOWELS, DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From these sources arise three-fourths of tho diseases of the human race. These symptoms Indicate their existence . Xoss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Kick Headache, fullness after eat lng, aversion to exertion of body or mind, Eructation of food, Irritabil ity of temper, r,ov spirits, Afccling of having neglected some duty,l) Ie xIness,FlutterIngatthcHeart,Dots before the eyes, highly colored TJrlne,COIVSTlPATIOIV,anddemand the use of a remedy that acts directly on tho Liver. AsaLivermcdicinoTUTT'S PIIiI.S have no equal. Theiructionon the Kidneys and fakin is also prompt; removing all impurities through tlieso three ' scavengers or the system," producing appetite, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear skin nnd a vig orous body. TUTT'S Iir.E.S cause no nausea or griping nor interfere- -with daily work and are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. faold-ererrwbcre25j. OlHco44 AlurrnjSuN V. TUTTS HAIR DYE. Ghat Hair or Whiskers changed In stantly to a Giossr Black by a slnglo application of this Dvb. Sold by Drug lats.orsentbyexpressonrcceintofjii, Office, ilurrav Street. New York. ruTTS KAOTAL 0? tmn7Zi SXOSI? 53 FSOS. The Mirror is no flatterer. Would you make it tell a sweeter tale ? Magnolia Balm is the charm er that almost cheats the looking-glass. All Sorts of hurts and many sorts of ails of man and beast need a cooling lotion. Mustang Liniment, Notice. mmsiSTO tfivi; .notice iiut the X accounts of th' late linn of .lohu llahu & Co., are to be paid to the undersigned, and no one else. JOHN HAHN. A. V Wholesale and Ketail Dealer in MILL FEED. Glass and Plated Ware, IHOl'ICAl. NI DOMESTir FRUITS AND VEGErABLES. Toother Hi WineqiiorsJoacco,Ciprs WILL Cut Faster AND EASIER : Than any oth er axcinaue. Hundreds of , Avoodmen tes tify to Its supe riority. It goes Deep and Sever Stiel. CAItNAHAN & CO., Agents Astoria. Price, 81.50. AXE. j PATtKTtDAU9jaB.net; j.u.iruiimger I PERUVIANPICTURES. WAVES TIPPED WITH SILVER. Hand of the Incnsaslt Wa.-.lIod- ern Peruvians Their Ways or Iilvinc From. Guayaquil to Callao, and iu fact to the end of the continent, the western coast of South America pre sents an unbroken line of mountains, and a strip of desert between them and the sea. Occasionally some stream from the mountain brings down the melted snow, and opens an oasis, which was utilized by the planters, as far back as the conquest, when the industrious Jesuits made as vigorous a war upon the desert as upon the Inca religion, and con quered one as easily as they con quered the other. "Wherever this barren strip along the sea has been irrigated it produces enormous crops of sugar, coffee, and other tropical products, and the whole of it might be redeemed by the introduction of a little capital and industry. If the money Peru has wasted in revolu- tions" had been expended in the de- velopraent of its mines, and if its j soldiers had dug irrigating ditches with as .much ardor as thej' have fought each other there would be no richer country on the globe. , Wherever the Incas touched the earth it produced in profusion, and their wealth was fabulous. Their empire i:xti:nded tiikek thousand mii.es Noi th and south and about 400 cast and west, from the Pacific to the great forests ol the Amazon, winch their simple tools were unable to Mibdue. In no part of the world does nature assume more imposing forms. Derscrts as bare and repulsive as Sahara alternate with valleys as rich and luxuriant as those of Italy. eternal summer smiles under the frown of eternal snow. The rainless region, this desert strip which lies between the Andes and the sea, is about forty miles in width, and the panorama presented to the voyager is a constant succession of bare and repulsive wastes of sand and rock, uninhabited, whose silence is only broken by the incessant surf, the bark of the sea lion, and the screams of the water birds which haunt its wave-worn and forbidding shore. The coast is dotted with small rocky islands, whicp. have been the roost of myriads of birds for ages, and fur nish the guano of commerce. The steamers seem to furnish them their only entertainment, and they sur round every vessel which passes, soaring above and about the masts, screaming defiance at the invasion of their resorts. The water is full of animal life; nowhere does the sea offer science in so many curious forms of animate nature: monsters un known to northern waters can here be seen from the decks of the steamers, and at night their move ments about the vessel are shown by a line of fire which always follows their fins. The water is so strongly impregnated with phosphorous that every wave is tipped with silver, and every fish which dart3 about leaves A BRILLIANT TRAIL Like that of a comet. The larger fishes, the sharks, and porpoises find great sport in swimming races with the ship, and under the bowsprit a small army of them are to be seen every evening sailing along beside the Vessel, darting back and forth before its bow, leaping and plunging over each other, when every motion is apparent, and the outlines of their bodies are as distinct as if drawn with a pencil of fire. Nowhere is this phenomenon so conspicuous. The first point beyond Guayaquil is the Island of Puna, where Pizarro first landed, and where he waited with a squad of thirteen ragged men, while the deserters from his expedi tion went back to Panama in his ships, promising to send re-enforcements, which afterwards came. Beside Puna is the famous Isle del Muerto (dead man's island), which looks like a corpse floating m the water. Just below, and the north most town of Pern, is Tunibez, where Pizarro landed and met the messen gers from Alahuallpas' army, who came to ask the object of his visit. Behind Tunibez are the petroleum deposits of Peru, which have been known to the natives ever since the time of the Incas, but they were ignorant of the character or tho value of the oil. A Yankee by the name of Larkin from Western New York came down here to sell kerosene, and recognized the material which the Indians used for lubricating and coloring 'purposes as the same stuff he was peddling. An attempt has been made to utilize the deposits, which are very extensive, but so far thev have not been successful in pro ducing a burning fluid that is either safe or agreeable. At each of the little ports on the Peruvian coast the steamer stops and takes on produce forshipmentto Liv erpool or Germany. These towns are simply COLLECTIONS OF MUD-UUTS, Inhabited by fishermen or the em ployes of the steamship company, dreary, dusty, and dirty. Back in the country, along the streams which bring fertility and water down from the mountains, are places of commer cial importance, the residences of rich hacienda owners and the scenes of historic events as well as pre historic civilization. The products of the country are sucar coffee, copoa and cotn, while me nroducts ol tiie town are " Panama " hats and fleas. In each ' one of the ports the natives are busy braidinchats from vegetable fibers. and the beautiful results of their labor find a market at Panama and in the cities of the coast, where, as in Alevico, a man's character is judged by what he wears on his head. The hats arc usually made of " toquilla," an arborescent plant of the palm family, the leaves of which are often several yards long. "Whencut, theleaf is dried and then whipped into shreds almost as fine and tough as silk. , Some of the hats are made of single fibers, with not a splice or an end from the center of the crown to the rim. It requires two or three months often to make them, and the best ones are braided under water so as to make the fiber more pliable. They cost as much as ?2o0 often, but last a lifptime, can be packed awa a in a vest pocket, turned inside out, and worn that wav, Hie inside beim; as smooth and well finished as the ! other. Chicago Inter-Ocean. ChatT in the Vicltsburs Trenches. During the siege there had been a good deal of friendly sparring be tween the soldiers of the two armies on picket and where the lines were close together. All rebels were known as "Johnnies," all Union troopsas "Yanks." Often 'Johnny" would call: "Well, Yank, when aro you coming into town?" Tho reply was sometimes, "We propose to celebrate the Fourth of .luly there." Sometimes it would be, "We always treat our prisoners with kindness and do not want to hurt them ;" or, "We are holding you as prisoners of war while you are feeding your selves," etc. " The garrison, from the commanding general down, undoubt ed' expected an assault on the Fourth. The' knew from the temper of their men'thajt it would be suc cessful when made, and that would be a greater humiliation than to sur render. Besides, it would be attended with severe loss to them. The A'icksburg paper (which we received regularly through the courtesy of the rebel pickets) said, prior to the Fourth, in speaking of the Yankee boast that they would take dinner in Yicksburg that day, that the best recipe for cooking a rabbit was, "First ketch your rabbit." The paper at this time, and for some time prior, was printed on the plain side of "wall paper. The lastcdition was issued on the Fourth, and announced' tliat we had "caught our rabbit." Gen. Grant's Paper, in the September Century. A Toothless Time Comlnr. The American tooth, the dentists tell us, issomething fast disappearing. What is to take its place they leave to conjerture. Whether a toothless race is on its way, or whether a new animal is to bo involved from tho present human creature on this con tinent is perhaps an open question. Whatever it is that may come to pass the fancy recoils before the prospect. Children of 12 years often have $100 worth of gold in their mouths, others needing as much quite as badly, but unable to afford the outlay. Children of 10 often wear complete sets of false teeth, and other children in numerable have teeth that ate de cayed before they penetrate the gums, and that have to be filled as soon as they are in sight, the crumb ling material and thin enamel, even then, giving but little to work upon. At first it was thought all this re sulted from ignorance, from candy eating, from want of care and clean liness. But it is now understood that in most case3 the fault is in herent in the quality of the tooth, and the only remedy so far suggested is a diet calculated with special reference to the making of sound bone. This is supposed to be found in the coarse grains and food of similar character, and the most con firmed beef-eater alive yields to the superiority at this "point of the little kernal of" grain that feeds his beef itself. Harper's Bazar. What Mill Surely I) o It. One's hair begins to fall out from nianv cause?. The important ques tion is: What is sure to make it grow again; According to the testimony of thousands, Parkers Hair Balsam will do it. It quickly covers bald spots, restores the original color when the hair is gray or faded, erari' cates dandruff, and causes the scalp to feel cool and well. Jt is not a dye, not greasv, highly perfumed, safe. Never disappoints those who require a nice, rentable dressing. A Pennsylvania man claims to have seen a white rattlesnake. The onlv wav we can account for the nhenome non is to suppose that he had been J drinking milk-puncn . isuriington Free Press. Scott's EiuiiNion of Purr Cod Liicr OllMith UypophoHnliitr. Both as a Food and Medicine -The combined virtues of the Cod Liver Oil with the Hypophosphitcs, not only sup plies a nutritious lood to the system, out by its remedial power, gives strength and tone to the nerves and builds up the wasted tissues. Suiloh's Vital l7er is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz ziness and all svmptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 73 cent per bottle, tiold by W. J". Dement. "Hackmetftck." a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 2."i anil 50 cents. SoldbyW.E. Dement. A Nasal Iniector tree with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy Price 30 cents. Sold by W. E.-Dement. TilE CDCIT BmiliTflB -rBAnnniin'o I y ii i 11 II I Si I 111 IhIII V I ilQH l m m Vk a ak l ""- i Wnm xgr5i frw s i ! p n kiii ill r n ii n o mS? y Jn II 1 X II r I rl I I II I KH II X PURELY VEGETABLE. Are You Bilious? 1 In-Regulator never fails to cure. I most cheerfully recommend it to all who suffer from Bilious Attacks or any Disease caused by a d:s arranged state cf the Liver. KansvjCity.Mo W R. BERNARD Do Yon "Want Good Digestion ? Isvffered intensely icithJ'itUStomach.lIeail (irhr.etc. A neighbor, vko had taken Simmons Liter Regulator, told me it zra.s a sure cure for rty trouble. The first dose I took relieved me verj, much, and in cr.e u:eehrs timr I was as strong and hearty as I ever icas. Jt is tir lint innlicinr T rrcr took for J)ysprila. Richmond, Va. . G. CSEZSRA H" Do You Suffer from Constipation ? Testimony of Hiram Vai:ek, Chief-Jut OK. : ' 1 have used S:iamon I.i er Regulator U Constipation of my Eot;cIs,cau-cd by a tempen--Derangement of the Lh er. f r the last three : four years, and always ivillt ilicitlvil brneji'.' Have You Malaria ? have had experience leith Sinznxr. t Liver Kegj. lator since 1SC5, and regard it as the grrittri medicine nf the times for diseari prru linr to mnlnrinl region. So good a mh cine dewrv's universal commendation. nmr. II. D. WHARTOX, Cor. Sfc'g S-aihern Barlist Theological Samnari, Safer and Better than Calomel ! ; I ha c been ubjscl to sc crs spells of Congestion j ol tne l.ivcr, ana nave been in the habit ol taii-c; from 15 to 20 grains of calomel, hich generally LM mc up for three or four days. Lately I ha e been taking Simmons Li er Regulatory hich cave me re lief, trithout unif interruption In havinc. MiDDLcroiiT, Ohio. J. HUGG J. H. Zeifn & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 3IAPwKETS. t MATT g THOMPSON. i)K.t!:i:si.N FRESH AND CURED MEATS, CHOICE G2.0CSRIES, PROVISIONS. Oim'kwy and Glassware. l&ftiXi. "JF'oexcaL,, 353t;o, STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COBIPANY, Fvvsh ami iiimi 3hafc, F8UITS. BUTTER, and EGGS. (U'l'MlTK (TCWKNT in-.ii-u riir.XAJsr: wn-ct. A.ioric, ::. Washington Market. 3!:tin "licit, - IMorlit, Oioson. ISKKKH.VX A CO. EMSOritlF.TOICS rj!l'ECTKri.LY CALL TIIE ATTEX 03. tl.ui of thf public to the fact tlint the above Mark-1 w 111 ah a j s be supplied ith a FULL VARSKTY AND UEST QUALITY FHHSH AHD CURSD T1EAT5 I ! Which will be oM at 2one3t rates, whole sale ami retail . H7"Speclal nttention given to supplying 'hips. B. B. Franklin, - '' jp ---S-vv - -vr UfflMer and CaMiet lata SQUEMOQUA STREET, M:xr to iiif. astoi:;an r.rn.nixc. ZSTAU v.ork done In .ibkllUul manner on short mil lev :tt reasonable rate. THE BEST H THE lour Manufactured by the OREGON BILLING COMPANY Is of Superior Quality, ami is Endorsed by all who up It. THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Or SupciiorltisiuB Quality." Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Soli Acrnl: tor Astoria. XT. i'TJZeCZ'ma.tHtljItiMrm- .Vli- .TV HAVEN GRAND PRIZE PARIS 1878. THET UAVK BEEN AWAUDED HIGHER PRIZES AT THE VARIOUS International Expositions THAN THE GOODS OF ANY OTUER THREAD PylANUFACTURERS IN THE WORLD. Quality can Always be Depended on ! ExDeriencefl Fishermen Use no Other ! HENRY DOYLE & CO., 5 1 7 and 5 1 9 Market Street. SAN FRANCISCO. AGENTS FOJl PACIFIC iJOA.ST. Seine Twines, Rope and The Telephone Saloon. The Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. Especially fitted up for the Comfort aud Convenience of those who enjoy a Social G!as. The Best or Wines and Liquors, The Choicest Cigars. Everything New and First-Class. It. I JEFFREY.! rop'r. Magnus 0. Crosby Dealer In HARDWARE, DM, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEFT LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, 'Pi-n and Copper. GolumMa Transportation Company. FOR PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Time! THE NEW STEAMEIl -TELEPHONE Which lias been specially bmlt for the comfort of passengers will Ieaye Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. HT-An additional trip will be made on Sunday of Each Ween, leaving Portion d at O O'clock Snndav afornins. Passensers hj this route connect at KalamH for Sound ports. U. B. SCOTT, President. 0 EQUAL ! letting Constantly on Hand. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SA LOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. PROPRIETOK J. S. D. tf&AY, Wholesale aud retail dealer In GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage aud Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria. Oreson. WEI. EDGAR, Healer In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. COUXEU MAIN AND CHENAMUS STS. I it