5 s. fc-n- v en VOL. XXIV, NO. 1 18. ASTORIA, ORKGOy, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, JS85. PRICE. FIVE CENTS. BUSINESS CARDS. JARi. A. U and J. A. Fl'ITO. Physicians and Surgeon.. Will she promot attenlion to all calK Horn any parr of the city or countiy. office over Allen'.s Store, roruer Cass and So.uemoqua streets, Atori:i. OtPgon. Telephone No. 41. D It. 1'KAXK IAK. I'hyslrinn nnd Hurcoon. Mice. Koointi, ovi'i D. A. Mdnto-li.s stoif. 1 IKFICE HOUII.S : 9 to 11 A. M. ; V. to 5 1. !. Residence, opposite 1 lie .Ioliun-.cn building IMt. liOCKHAKT. PHYSICIAN AND SUIKIKON. Okkick: Cem liiti'iling. up stairs. Attou:t. ," n. COOVEKT, Attorney t l.tiwaml ftotnry IMiblir COLLECTIONS SOI.U'ITi:i). Office with C. It. Thomson, mom ". over City Kook Store. (;i. A. DOKHIS. C.FO. NOI.AM KOE,A?fI fc UOKK1S. ATTOKNKYS AT LAW. Office in Kiimev'd Ulock. pposde ('!t Hull, Astoria. Oregon. ( . W. FUI.TOX. J. kii.to. FU1STOX BROTHERS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 5 and 6, Odd Fellows KulUUu. p KLO P. PABKHIt SURVEYOR OF ClatMop County and City of Antoria Office : N. E. comer Cass and Artor streeLs, Room No. 8 T .. BOWLBY. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Office on Cheuamus Street, Astoria, Oregon. F. I. WIXTON. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Booms No. 11 and 12, rythian Castle liiuld hig. r.vv ti;ttl.ic 11. i. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Rooms 1. 2. and 3. Pythian Build ng. Bksidknce On Cedar Stieet. back oi St. Marj 's Hospital. r P. HICKS. A. K. SHAW HICKS fc SDAW. DENTISTS. Booms in Allen's Building, up statrs. coi tier Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astoiia Oregon. T K. HPEIE NOTARY PUBLIC. Searcher of Titles, Abstracter and Conveyancer. Office on Cass Street. 3 doors sout it of As torian office, Astoria, Oregon. BANKING AND INSURANCE! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, - OICEGOX. OFFICE UOUBS : From 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock F. M. AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITORS! Capitol Flour, Manufactured on the Gradual Reduction System by the Salem (Or.) Capitol Flour Mills Co., LIMITKD J the only flour tliat has taken First Prize three years in succession at the lOKTIAXX SIECHAXIC'S FA I It. Also at State Fair. One trial Ls .sufficient to convince of its supe riority. See that the word CAPITOL ls on each sack GEORGE SHIEL, 8 Stark St.. Portland Agent. WILSON & FISHER. Astoria Agents. HAVE YOU Anyflii to Si? IN THE MATTER OF Rags, Bottles, Old Metal, or Junk of Any Sort, FOABD & STOKES Will give yon the best price for it. Do You Want to Buy SHIP MATERIAL, From a Belaying Pin to a Hawser; from Block to an Anchor. You Can Get what You Want at POAED& STOKES. Headquarters at building, east end Water Street. OTicoBi on ! ..THE GREAT -IftV Mm heMEOi '? nSPS! Cures rheumatism. Neuralgia. tiacJtac-Iie. Zlcailavlic. Toothnclm, Spr:ti:iH. ZJi-riUoH, etc.. etc. I'rice, Fifty Cot. At Draughts and DkiWs. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., Sole Prop" B.VI.T1 JI0KT, iUnviAi-D, U. S. A. INVIGORATOR la jqse what its name implies ; a Purely Vegetable 'Compound, thai acts directly upon theBfrer curing the many diseases incideapo that mi, portant organ, and planting the nu merous ailmsnts tKkgarise from it deranged ororpjfictionj.sach as Dyspepsia Jndice, Buionsnes Cosenessaiaria, Sick-headache; BietlAianeta It JLs therefore xnisrrMhAr lt To liave Gf ood Healti :ha Liver must be kept in order." DR. aAmcOBD'S LIVES IN7IG0EAT0E. Invigorates the Liver, Regulates the Bow els, Strengthens the System, Purifles the Blood . Assists Digestion, Prevents Fevers. Is a Household ".Need. An Invaluable Family Medicine for common complaints. D3. BANFOBD'S LITER HTVIGOEATOH. An experience of Forty years, and Thou sands of Testimonials prove its Mci'it. FOH SALE BY MA, DEA.1.ER3 IN MEDICEiES For frll information tend your addrcfa for 1CX reBookon the "Lhcr and its dieae8," u . BVFOOD 2A ODANE ST.. hEW TOBK CIlC The Mirror is no flatterer. Would you make it tell a sweeter tale ? Magnolia Balm is the charm er that almost cheats the looking-glass. All Sorts of hurts and many sorts of ails of man and beast need a cooling lotion. Mustang Liniment. Wilsonjt Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS MILL FEED AGENTS FOR Salem Flouring Mills, Portland Roller Mills, Capital Flour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. For Sale. 9ft3 -ACRES OF TIMBElt LAND IN MXJiJ Columbia county. Oregon. For particulars inquire of C. BRADBURY, Seaside, Clatsop Co., Or. H Q b liiZKt -tJfiS I FllflK F a S P.MHiUi uoiwup'is GEN. GRANT'S DRINK. What He Took When He Was Verj Thirsty In Camp. General Grant's personal habits in the use of liquor have been a matter of endless assertion and contradiction chiefly because he was a man of sober life, who sometimes used whisky freely, and with such men a single witness who has seen a drink taken will color the gossip of a decade with some story vliich is a concretion of falsehood about a single grain oi truth. General Rawlins early saw that safety in the trials, temptations, and exposures of camp life lay in total abstinence, and while he con trolled the head-quarters mess the only liquor permitted in the head quarter's stores was in the staff sur geon's chest, and precious little of that. In the campaigning which stretched from Shiloh on General Rawlins was relentless on anv evasion of tills rule. An ollicur of" Gpnoml Thomas' staff tells a story of a visit to ncnerai urams Jiead-quarters in the lield during the Vicksburg campaign, where he was made at home in the head-quarters mess. It was a Missis sippi June, hot and dustv, and he was surrounded by old West Point friends; but first the afternoon sup per, ami then the evening wore away without word or sign of "how" as they used to say in the Seventh Cav alry. At last he ventured on a sug gestion, a timid, halting remark, to the surgeon on head-quarter's staff, who, in a whisper, explained that General Rawlins was "death on liquor," but that towards taps the surgeon's shelter tent held something. An hour later the officer and the sur geon were sitting on each side of a cracker box, which carried a tin cup, a goblet, and a bottle the one bottle in head-quarters. There was a gurgling sound, the aroma of old rvc was on the air, and outside came a step the two men looked guiltily at each other; the flap of the sheltqr tent moved, the hps of the surgeon shaped the werds: "It is Rawlins" and the flap flew back, and Grant himself stopped half in, reached out without a word, seized the goblet, emptied it and retired as silently. "Well, we are dished," was the comment of the surgeon; but breakfast found the general commanding silent and im perturbable, and the head-quarters men still dry. Yeaw afterward the ofheer and General Grant were in the smoker of a Pullman together. The latter dropped his cigar straight down, after a fashion hn Imrl ami oai-a abruptly: "Do you remember that drink on the Big Black River?" lenecuy, said tlio officer, with alacntv. "I dnn'r tiiinL- i un wanted a drink so much, before or since," was General Grant's solitary ii . i; IVJ " '-'""us, m rntia delplna Press. Che Kefornied IValter. According to the story of the re formed waiter, since the" tip system l.ecame a recognized part of the do mestic economy of the American res taurant, the waiters of the country have banded themselves into a for midable alliance, with headquarters in New York and branches in every important city throughout the United States. The object of the alliance is to encourage the practice of tipping, first, by means of poor attendance upon men who do not tip, and, event ually, in case the customer cannot be educated up to the practice by this means, to inflict capital punish ment upon him. The reformed wait er's story also throws light upon a mystery that has been inexplainable. Men who do not tip have often won dered why it is that when they go into a restaurant where they are to tally unacquainted the servitors af ford them the same slow and reluct ant attendance that they receive in their regular dining room, where their abstinence is known, while a habitual tipper is invariably well and quickly served wherever he mav breakfast, lunch, or dine. The re formed waiter explains that the members of the alliance have a sys tem by which non-tippers are marked for identification. A non-tipper, he explains, is generally marked on the back as soon as he becomes confirmed in his evil ways with a spot of soup or gravy, which is renewed whenever he wears a new coat. Therefore, when he goes into a strange dining room, the waiter, observing the brand upon him, brings him his soup cold, keeps him waiting between the courses, refuses to change an order without appealing to the head waiter, and leaves the customer to find his hat and walking stick by himself when he has finished his" repast. fNew York Times. "Hamlet' In ArLr.onp. When they don't like a play in Arizona, they don't like it no matter who was its author. A traveling company recently gave "Hamlet" in an Arizona town, and the following notice of the event appeared in the local paper: "A company of duffers gave a show last night at Barney Hill's. They played a dizzy snap called 'Hamlet.' We never heard of the drama before and we never want to see it again. It is the snidest thing in the way of a show we ever fell up against. There ain't no horses, sing ing, fighting or dancing in the whole blamed shebang. There was a lively dog fight in the middle of the play that was a great success. The actors were not killed, but the duck that played 'Hamlet' was tarred and feathered." fNew York Tribune. Domestic Interludes. Simpson and his wife were on their way to churcli and the lady was put- lUSt: see a woman putting on her stock ings on the street as putting on her gloves." "Aiost men would," she Baid promptly; and the abashed hus band didn't say another word. Evansville Argus. f "Smith, you've been married ; now give me some advice about selecting my wedding suit." "Well, if I were you, Jones, I'd have a check or nothing." "A check?" "Yes, a papa-in-law check." Chicago Herald. Accompanied by the young woman he had married, he stepped into a photographer's and drew the artist aside. He wanted their "pictur's" taken, but had a special favor to ask. "Her folks," he exclaimed, "go a good deal on stvle. They never saw me and if I send them my face they'll be dead agin me. I'm a sight better than I look, and when people come to know me they vote me a brick. Now, then, what" do you say? Will you stand in? She's willing. Those big whiskers of yours'll take them at once and create "harmony. You look like a solid capitalist, and they'd take me for a petty larceny thief." Of course the photographer could not refuse a favor so flatteringly proposed, and the distant relatives, no doubt, in due time were gratified with his por trait side by side with that of the young lady. Toronto Truth. "Where have you been at this time of night?"" demanded Mrs. Smith of her lord and master, when tho latter came sneaking home long after midnight. "Just been to see a man on busi ness, dear," replied Smith in a terri bly self-conscious manner; "hurried home so fast I'm almost out of breath." "Out of breath 1" exclaimed Mrs. Smith , derisively. "Pity you wasn't." Buffalo Commercial. The Boardlnz-Houso Trinity. A long-waisted, slab-sided brother, with rather a clerical air, walked into a well-known inn on the camp ground and inquired how much for table board. "Six dollars a week your rever ence." "And how much for dinner?" "Six dollars." "What! Thesamu for one meal as for three?" "The Identical." "But will you be kind enough to explain the apparent inconsistency ?" "1 will. My friend you are doubt less familiar with the doctrine of the trinity?" "I trust that I am." "Well, sir, I've had the boarding house trinity, the great three-meals-in-one racket, played on me too many times to get taken in on that lug any more." And then the jovial skipper turned to the bystanders anil told how when Ins first opened his hotel gaunt women and hollow legged men used to come there and engage for dinners only, at half price, anil get up at nine in the morning and eat a couple of crackers and then come in at noon and fill up like dromedaries with enough to last till next day. Other folks may continue to try it on if they want to; but not for "Joseph. Cottage City Chronicle The Stove Time Comes. Once more the golden rods hang out their jeweled panicles to an nounce the midafternoon of summer, and the actor begins to pee its "pale image" in the brook. The sumach pricks the eye with its spikes of fire. Thistledown floats in the lazy air. The growing aftermath already "hides the stubble of the hayiield. On the masses of forest foliage there falls a touch of old gold. The apples and pears hang heavy, and bend down the tree rods in graceful curves. The maize ears fill with luscious milk. The cranberry vines suck delicious acid from the sour bogs where the sedges droop under the weight of their brown burs, and the clethra loads the air with fragrance. The sky scenery softens into dreaminess, and lazy horizons hang over quiet sea.. A gauzy veil is drawn over the noonday. At night, the stars withdraw into deeper spaces. Christian Register. Tired nnd Languid Women. How many women there are of whom these words are true: "They feel langnid and tired, hardly able to bear their weight on their feet, the bloom all gone from their cheeks, ir ratablo and cross without meaning to be, nerves all upset, worried with the children, fretted over little things, a burden to themselves, and yet with go acute disease." "What a pity it is. But a few bottles of Parker's Tonic will drive all this away, and relieve the troubles peculiar to their sex. There is no minstrel troupe of praise hlsh-sound-lag But has its joVe threadbare; There is no circus tent with down high-bound-in? But has some "chestnuts" there. Chicago Sun. The pen is mightier than the sword, and much of the wealth of this conn try is due to the hog pen. St Jacobs Oil has been found to be a cure for hog cholera. Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a posi tive cure for Catarrh, Diptheria aud Canker Mouth. Sold by W. E. Dement. He Wore a Hoop-Skirt. At the recent reunion of the veter ans of the Fourth Indiana cavalry at Indianapolis, Lieutenant Isgrigg, of the command, who was provost mar shal at Macon, Georgia, at the time of the capture of Jefferson Davis, re lated the circumstances of the capt ure. He described his participation in the affair as follews: "I went out to the line of my jurisdiction to re ceive Davis. Two miles and a half from Macon he became my prisoner and I brought him to tho city-inan old farm wagon. It was a vehicle with a great deal to condemn it in the way of unsightliness. It had weaknesses all over it, but sufficient strength to hold Jefferson Davis, mv self, and his secretary. The rebel chief sat between us, and over his head from a pole fixed to the seat, hung the hoop-skirt, calico wrapper, and an old straw hood which formed his disguise when captured." "So Jeff was disguised?" "Yes, it's no use to question the fact. The articles of his costume hung from that pole. Davis bore himself with the fortitude of a brave man in trouble. He was courteous to me and to the guard; talked freely on every question but that re lating to the war." Opinion or n Leading; Editor. Almost all the diseases that afflict u from infancy to old age have thi'ir ori gin in a disordered liver and lu-rc we must strike for their cure. Hi-ncc a really good liver medicine is the most important in the whole range of phar macy. We believe Simmons Liver Reg ulator to he the best among tlii'in all. We pin our faith on the Regulator and if we could pursuade every reader who is in ill health to buy it. we would willimrlv vouch for the henotit i:irh would receive. En. Cixoinxatti Ga- J iKTTE. An old proverb says : "All things come to him who can wait," but if the restaurant waiter doesn't put in an appearance inside of two hours after you send him out, it is always safe to call a new waiter. N. Y. Graphic. The Renewal of Vigor. The mo3t important :tep in this process is the restoration of the functions of digestion and assimilation to full aud uninterrupted exercise, since it Is upon their activity alone that the system can depend to replenish its dwindling .store of energy. Among tonics which the voice of the people and high pro fessional indorsement npprovo as reliable, Hostettcr'.s Moinaeh Bitters has long been recognized as the best. Its properties as a medicated .stimulant commend tc to all per sons suffering from the effects of fatigue, mental or bodily, as an immediate means of counteracting their effects ; and In cases where loss of vigor is attributable to such weakening chronic causes as dyspepsia, af fections of the kidneys and bladder, and the iutirmities peculiar to age. It produces per manently beneficial results. Those twin ob stacles to health and vigor, ller complaint and constipation, are also removed by it. It also prevents and cures malarial disease. MARKETS. WYATT & THOMPSON. DEALERS IN FRESH AND CURED MEATS, CHOICE GrEOCERIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware. IMEm Feed,Eto, STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresh and Cured Meats, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL. CHK.VA3IUS Street. Antorlu, Ok. Washington Market. JIulnMrret, Astoria, Oregon. Ur.UCI.1IAN' A CO.PfiOPRILTORS RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion of the nubile to the fact that the above Market will always besuppllcd with a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY op FRESH AND CURED MEATS I ! Which w lit be sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail . BTSpecIal attention given to supplying hips. FOR RENT, Four Rooms, Centrally Located AND SUITABLE FOR HOUSEKEEPING. APPLY AT ASTORIAN OFFICE. job frutthtg, HEAT. QUICKAND CHEAP, AT The Astorian Job Office. ARBOUR'S: Irish Flax HAVE NO S"25& OVwWfltfjr GRAND PRIZE PARIS 1878. TIIET HAVE BEEN AWARDED HIGHER PRIZES AT THE VARIOUS International Expositions THAN THE GOODS OF ANY OTHER THREAD MANUFACTURERS IN THE WORLD. Quality can Always be Depended on ! Exjerierf Fishermen fise no Other ! HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 and 519 Market Street, - - - SAN FRANCISCO, AGENTS FOR PACIFIC COAST. Seine Twines, Rope and Netting Constantly on Hand. The Telephone Saloon. The finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. Especially fitted up for the Comfort and Convenience or those who enjoy a Social Glas. The Best or Wines and Liquors, The Choicest Cigars. Everything New and First-Class. R. I,. JEFFREY. Iropr. Magnus G. Crosby Dealer In HARD! ABE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS 8HEFT LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Tin. AND OOIIDOI. la Colni FOE PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Time! TIIE NEW STEAMER -TELEPHONE Vhlch has been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 PJff, Returning leaves Tortland every Tueiday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at ? P. M. 3TAn additional trip will be made on Tror Sound porrs. cr z?'y ..j .... .....A.. Threads EQUAL ! eEftvW rgy The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - PR0PKIET0K J. EL D. GKAT. Wholesale and retail dealer In GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and Whs rf age on reason able terms. Foot of Ilentou street, Astoria, Oregon. Wm. EDGAR, Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. C0KNEU MAIN AND CHENAMUS STS. Sunday or Each. Week, leaving Portland rassengers bj this route connect at Kalama u. b. nuoii, rreaiaent TransBortation Coim.