() Wu gtrnty gtsfc-ran. ASTORIA, OREGON: SATUKUAY.., .NOVEMBER . 1B5 To-night "Queena." At Ross' Opera House. Miss Grace Hawthorne and her company. To-night, Miss Grace Hawthorne in "Queen3," at Boss1 opera house. A. B. Thompson advertises fresh fish, game, etc., at the Columbia mar ket. Reserved seats for the Grace Haw thorne theatrical entertainment nt the New York Novelty store. It is desired by the management it be stated that this afternoon and to night the theater will be comfortably heated. Tickets for the concert and enter tainment by Cashing Post Cornet band, can be had at the New York Novelty store. There will be a matinee at the op era house this evening when the emotional drama of !East Lynue" will be produced. Children can procure reserved seats for twenty-five cents to the entertain ment to be given by Cushing Post Cornet band at Ros3 opera house next Tuesday evening. People who had overcoats and wraps at the theater last night, found them useful. The building needs heating, and something on the floors and on the stairs, to deaden the sound of feet. The official figures of the salmon pack ofthe Fraser river for the past season is 87,330 cases; of other rivers in British Columbia, 18,800, making a total of 106,130, a shortage of 32,815 as compared with the pack of 1884. Among the Tacomaites indicted by the Vancouver grand jury was John A. Comerford, late editor of the Ledg er. As Mr. Comerford is now en route for Valparaiso, the Chronicle thinks the warrant will hardly be served unless an oxtradition treaty exists with Chili. If you, as a business man, could get along and transact your business with three clerks, would you pay six? If it were folly in you, as a private individual to employ twice as many as you have need for, what is it in the city council to allow twice as many policemen as there is need for? O. Sovey, D. Hart and F. D. Win ton went to the office of the city aud itor and clerk yesterlay afternoon, the former stating his desire to qual ify as councilman elect The request was refused, the reason given being that the records of the last council meeting stated that the mayor had decided that he was not elected. Besides being a success as a mill man, J. C. Trullinger has an inventive mind that manifests itself in various useful improvements. One of his more recent inventions is a new sys tem of building the wheel of a stern wheel steamboat. It consists in a peculiar arrangement of the paddle boards whereby the usual jar is al most entirely obviated. Section 35, chapter V of the city charter says: "A majority of the whole number constituting the coun cil, as then provided by law, is a ma jority of the council or members thereof, within the meaning of this act and not otherwise, unless express ly so provided. The concurrence of a majority of a quorum is a sufficient majority to determine any question or matter, other than the final pass age of an ordinance, and the appoint ment or removal of an officer." The Oregon state board of immi gration has issued a pamphlet of 64 pages entitled "Oregon as it is." It claims to be authentic and asserts that its statements are "solid facts." It says that ocean steamers and ships drawing twenty-two feet arrive at Portland and depart therefrom, and in a list of "other towns" mentions Astoria last on the list It gives Clatsop county the proportional prominence due a count)' that is rep resented at Salem by one-half o a representative and one-third of a senator, and blows loudly the trum pet of southern Oregon. It says the Daily and Weekly Gateway Herald is published in Astoria, and appears to be equally reliable in other re speots. The taxpapers of Clatsop county pay their full share of the 5,000 which is appropriated for this institution, one of whose alleged du ties is the publication of "facts." Preaching in the Swedish language in the Episcopal chapel, upper Astoria, on Sunday, at 10:30 and 7:30, and in the English language in the same place, Thursday evening at 7:30. Tailor System of Dress Cutting. A teacher of the tailor system of dress cutting, also all kinds or useful fancy work, will be in Astoria shortly to give lessons. Terms S20 per scholar. After learning will inform pupils where they can find ready sale for their fancy work. Applications may he made to Miss L. Bayer, care Astorian office. For Rent The store next door to Empire Store. Apply to Carl Adler. One hundred thousand Envelopes jus received from factory east, will he sold for S1.50 per thousand at Adler's Book store. Books and stationery at prices that will astonish buyers. My stock of Holiday goods is now on the wav from the east. Parties wishing spars or piling of any size or length can be supplied uv leav ing orders with J. H. D. Gra y. School Books 20 per cent less than any other place at Adler's. juts, uaies nas reiurneu ana win give lessons in embroideries for a few weeks lor the holiday trade. Also does the indelible stamping, waranted not to rub off. Our Home and Fireside Magazine, 25 oleographs and 12 large engravings free to every subscriber, all for the sum of one dollar. An entire new develop develep ment: you don't pay till you get the premiums; now to be seen at Carl Ad ler's. sole agent. WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING. Is three a majority of five? What made Councilman Dealy re sign? Who is going to be councilman from tho rst ward? Who is going to be councilman from the second ward? Who is going to bo brought out as a candidate for mayor? Who is likely to bo chief of police in case the trade is made? How long before we can get the steamer mail re-established? Are you going to have tho electric light in your place of business? Will the present legislature give Clatsop connty just representation at Salem? When will the freight consignees in the Queen, of the Pacific case get their money? At the present rate of filling up how long will it be before the chan nel will need dredging? If three policemen were enough in November, 1883, what is the need of Will there be another raise in all the city officers' salaries (except tho chief of police) after the next elec tion? Where is tho neiid or what is the good of mixing party affairs in the selection of municipal officers next month? Is it not possible to run this city cheaper in 18SG and 1837, than it was in 1884 and 1885? What are you go iug to do about it? TELEGRAPHIC TICK. The funeral of John McCuIlough took place at Philadelphia last Thurs day. Mabone is going to leave Virginia and will locate in tho Bed river val ley, Dakota. Now York Chinese merchants have thanked President Cleveland for his recent proclamation. The governor-general of Canada has ordered that Biel shall be hanged at nine o'clock a. jr., the 16th inst. The free trade conference at Chi cago demands "free ships and the ab olition of our restrictive navigation laws." The Louisville,Ky., E ceniug Times proposes that southern soldiers shall raise funds for a monument to the memory of Gen. Grant. The pope has issued an encyclical letter -which attracts great attention. He exhorts Catholics to "devote care ful attention to public matters, to take an active part in all municipal affairs and elections, and to make themselves felt as active elements in daily political life." Secretary Bayard has requested Secretary Whitney to seud a man-of-war to the Samoan islands, for the purpose of opening communication with that government. Tho in habitants are Christians, mostly Presbyterians. The country is under protection of the United States. King Thebaw of Burmah has de clared war against England. For eigners are not allowed to leave and will not be molested until invaders cross the frontier when all European residents are to be slain. The Brit ish expeditionary force will .cross the Burmese frontier to-morrow. Tho jury iu the second case of the United States vs. Daniel Hughes, for alleged murder cf Chinamen at Squak, came into court nt Seattle Thursday morning with a verdict of not guilty. Court convoned at 9, to try caso third, of DeWitt B. Burasoy, also one of the seven indicted for murder. Should the jury not con vict in this case, a nolle pros, will probably be entered in the case of tho remaining four. A railroad wreck occurred at Blue stono quarry on the B. ic O. railway Thursday morning. Train No. 12, the through express from Baltimore to Pittsburg, consisting of a sleeper, two coaches, two baggage and one express car, ran into a misplaced switch and was completely wrecked. Tho sleeper rolled over the embank ment into the Yonghiogheny river. The other cars were upset and the whole train detached from the engine. Sixteen persons were injnred, but none were killed outright A project for the establishment of a line of fast ocean steamers between Fort Pend bay, L. L, and a point on the west coast of Ireland is being actively pushed by President Corbin and directors of the Long Island railway. Plans are being prepared for a number of steamers of 7,000 tons, to cost Sl,500,000 each. A peti tion has already been prepared, which is intended to bo presented to congress during the coming session, asking lor a subsidy for carrying mails. It is proposed to have the line a strictly American one iu every respect, the vessels to be constructed iu American yards. MARINE NOTES. The Edward Perry has arrived out. The captain of the ship Dashing Wave, which arrived at San Francis co on Tuesday from Tacoma, reports speaking the schooner Dakota, No vember 1, in latitude -18 8' north, longitude 126 30' west. She had lost her main and mizzen-masts and shifted her cargo on tho night of Oc tober 30. The assistance of the Dash ing Wave was refused. Two days later the Dashing Wave's captain ex perienced the heaviest gale he had ever encountered, and thinks that it it reached the Dakota she must in evitably have been lost. The Dakota was bound from Puget sound to San Pedro with lumber. BucklcnTs Arnica Salve. The Best Salve i n the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores.Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give Perfect satisfaction, or money refunded, rice 25 cents per box. For sa le by W E. Dement & Co. THE LEGISLATURE. Iu the house, on the 12th, bill No. 41, by Lewis was introduced creat ing the seventh judicial district of Crook, Gilliam, Morrow and Wasco. Bill provides that terms of court be held in the respective counties of tho fifth judicial district as follews: Fifth district: Clatsop county Second Monday in January, third Monday in May and first Monday in September. Columbia On Wednes day after the first Monday in May. Ciackamas Third Monday in April and second Monday in November. Washington Second Monday in June and first Monday in September. Leinenweber introduced bill No. 51 making it unlawful to sell canned salmon when it is not stated on the label the name of the packer, and whether fall or spring salmon, and providing punishment for violation by a fine of S5 for each can or pack age disposed of. Geer introduced bill No. 59 to pre vent prize fighting. This bill is similar to such bilk in other states. Black offered, by permission, house bill 47, providing for the appointment of :i commission to prepare an assess ment law to be submitted to the next legislature. Under snspended rules tho bill went to its third reading. Cnsick thought that it was not necessary, and that the amount it would cost (1,009) would be money thrown away. Black said that the assessment question was involved, and that it took lime and stud to organize any practicable proposition. The legis lature had shown its inability, in the brief timeof its sitting, to do this, and for thus reason he proposed the commission. The cost would be as nothing to tho immense benefits of an equitable assessment system. The bill passed, with thirty-two affirmative votes. Leinenweber offered house bill No. 02, amending the pilot bill, by mak ing the president of tho pilot com mission "managing owner" of the state pilot boat for purposes of regis tration at the custom house, and oth er purposes. Leinenweber explained that this was necessary for the prop er preparation of papers at the cus tom house at Astoria, and asked that the bill go to its third reading under suspended rules. Permission was allowed, and tho bill was passed. Storey's bill for maintenance of or der at places of public resort, passed under suspended rules. In the senate Miller introduced a bill providing puuishmentiu peniten tiary of not less than six months for malicious or wanton destruction of private property. The following bills were also intro intre duced: Reimbursing certain counties mon eys paid state of Oregon as taxes on assessed mortgages as follows Doug las countv, S2.271.6G; Polk countv, S2.592.53; Marion county, $1,133.54; Washington county, S2,577; Clacka mas countv, S178.62; Umatilla countv, S2.42L Providiug for sealer of weights and measures for the different counties of the state. Regulating and restricting the sale ! and smoking of opium. J Repealing the act apppoiuting aj board of immigration commissioners and the appropriation of money for ! immigration purpeses: read twice. j Providing for the election of a pre- cinct assessor in each precinct in tho state, and the abolishment of county ' assessors. ' jumuuiuji iuc luud ui will l"ULCU ure in relation to attachments. The bill is to correct an error made iu the bill passed at the regular session. Correcting tho bill as to tho man ner of drawing grand juries, passed at the last regular session. Providing for the maintenance of a county inebriate :isylum in each count' of the stato, and the course of treatment It is recommended that all food, clothing, etc, of the in mates be impregnated with alcohol, the idea being that this will cause a loathing of liquor, and thus perma nently cure the patient. AT THE THEATER. To see "Camillo" inevitably sug gests comparison. The character is a difficult one to portray, and is in terpreted by Grace Hawthorue the shading of the picture is of a differ ent tone to that adopted by Clara Morris or Modjeska. The names of these three actresses must go to gether in connection with this play of Dumas, and it isbnt just praise tb the graceful lady who appeared for the first time in Astoria last evening, to say that the merit of her acting is of the highest degree. The play is an old one, well-known and hack neyed. It is one that nearly every actress thinks she can play, anil usually fails nt before she finds out her mistake. The principal charac ter is a brilliant courtesan who. while a Phryne to all else would be a Penelope to the man she loves and who loTes her. The plot is complex, the end distressing, and the play one that few care to see again except at long intervals. The company is a small one, is good thronghout and gives a finuhed performance. This afternoon Mrs. Henry Wood's emo tional drama of "East Lynne, or the Earl's daughter," will be given, and to-night, "Qneenn." .1 Startling Discovery. Physicians are often startled by re markable discoveries. The factthat Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and all Throat and hung diseases is daily curing patients that they have given up to die, is .startling them to re alize their sense of duty, and examine into the merits of this wonderful dis covery; resulting in hundreds of our best Physicians usinc it In their practice Trial Bottles free atW.E. Dement & Co."s Drug Store, Regular size 1.00. Lost. A Grand Army of the Republic badge; red ribbon with rank bar attached. Finder will receive two dollars reward at this office. W. Lussier oi San Francisco has en gaged in the photograph business with Crow the leading photographer. TACOMA'S TWENTY-SEVEN. Tho twenty-seven citizens of Taco ma who were arrested last Monday afternoon aro as follews: Jame3 Wickersham, probate judge; A. W. Mills, contractor and builder; A. W. Cone, shoe factory; John Bal long, contractor and builder; E. G. Bacon alderman; W. Christie, lumber dealer; M. Mcxltee, blacksmith; H. A. Stevens; T. L. Nixon, real estate -and president Y. M. C. A.; James N. Fer nandez, contractor and builder; Frank McGill, policeman; John Forbe3, capitalist; H. S. Bixier, soda works; M C, Gillis: Geo. D. Lawson, editor Tacoma Daily News; J. Ralph carriage builder; O. J. Anderson, meat dealer; L. Stimson, meat deal er; A. Raduezell, contractor and builder; M. Kaufman, dry goods; H. C. Patrick, former proprietor of the News; Dolph Hanna, alderman; Geo. It Epperson, proprietor Tacoma New?: C. E. King, photographer; Ben. Everett, saloon keeper; B. J. Weisbach, mayor and grocery dealer; E. Von Schrode, capitalist. Wednesday morning the prisonors were brought up before Judge Hoyt at Vancouver for examination. The indictments were read, charging the entire party with the violation of the Burlingame treaty, and with insur rection and conspiracy. Hon. J. P. Judson, counsel for tho defense, asked for a change of venire, and Judge Hoyt took the motion under consideration. The question of bail then came up, and Mr. Judson in formed the court that each man was ready with a S20.000 bond. Judgo Hoyt then fixed the bail at 85,000, and the permission was granted to allow the bail to be furnished at Ta coma. If the bail was given at Van couver the parties would hare to pay their own expenses to Tacoma, and they thought that so long as the gov ernment arrested them without jus tifiable cause it should at least be compelled to furnish transportation expenses. Marshal George then took tho party in charge, nominally, and bronght them to Portland. They informed a reporter of the Standard that their arrest was made at tho instigation of tho Tacoma national bank. General Sprague is oneoftheKrupp guns of that institu tion, and he has wielded for many years the most aristocratic power in the management of the municipal affairs of Tacoma. He began to believe that people there had no right to think or to act without his gracious sanction, and when the citizens took an independent stand in the matter of the expulsion of the Chinese, General Sprague became grievously indignant, and resolved to have his revenge. This we are assur ed from many sources is the history of the present arrest iu a nutshell, One thing which conclusively shows the status of the men arrested is the fact that they were able to produce before the court an affidavit from the county treasurer of Pierce county showing that the valuation of their assessable property amounted in tho aggregate to one quarter of a million of dollars. The witnesses brought to testify against them do not pay taxes on more than 5,000. A HEAVY FORGERY. A check for $7,500 purporting to ba. drawn by B. M. Steele was received by the Portland Savings bank from its correspondent in San Francisco, the Pacific bank, for payment, on Wednesday evening. It was seen at first glance to be a forgery. It is drawn on a blank of the Willamette Savings bank, the word Willamette having been erased and the word Portland written above it It is dat ed October 9, and to a certification stamped across the face the nams of R. L. Durham has been forged. On the back is indorsed the name of R. M. Steele, and under that, Union Con tract company, and Calvin Pratt. As one of the forged checks mentioned in a dispatch from Pendleton yester day, as having been received at the First National bank there, from the Pacific bank, was signed Union Con tract company, and Calvin Pratt, the forgeries are probably all by the same person, and arc supposed to be the work of Pratt There appears to havo been no attempt to imitate the Big natures of Mr. Steele orMr. Durham. The three eudorsements are all in the same handwriting as the signature of Pratt. It is impossible to say upon whom the loss will fall, as it it is not known whether the check was nego tiated at the Pacific bank or received on deposit from some customer who had negotiated it. The bank was at once notified by telegraph of the forgery, but nothing has been heard in reply. Calviu Pratt is well known hero, having been an engineer employed by the Oregon Railway & Navigation company 10 make measurements and pass upon the work of constructing tho Palouse branch of their road. He was brought back after ho had left here to explain some crookedness, which was allowed to pass as a mis take. He had an account with the Willamette Saving bank, and the blank on whi 'h the forged check is made was probably taken from a check book he had at that time. The Portland Savings bank a day or two since received a dispatch from the Second National bank of New York, inquiring if F. Dekunm was authorized to refer to it. It looks as if some one was trying to play some queer business in New York, using the name of Frank Dekum, president of the Portland Savings bank. ure gonian, 13. Mr. Pratt will be remembered in Astoria as the heavy gentleman who so fluently represented to the Astoria chamber of commerce his views and plans about two years ago regarding the advantages to be derived from building the railroad from a point opposite Kalama to this city. Amongst our eastern shipment of goods just received at Adler's, is a beau tiful willow carriage with double top, which can be used summer and winter; also a few of those handy house-carnages. On account of remodeling the store the Bohemian wares will not he unpacked vet Look out for new goods to arrive daily from the east at Adler's Crvstal Palact. TWO NOTED MINSTRELS "'Ek? 5?vo "wOB 'ertHHes, aad U hat They Sayabout Stage Lire. "Billy" Emerson has recently made a phenomenal success in Aus tralia, and is rich. Emerson was born at Belfast in 1846. Ho began his career with Joe Sweeney's minstrels in Washington in 1857. Later on he jumped into prominence in connection with New comb's minstrels, with whom he vis ited Germany. He visited Australia in 1S74, .ind on his return to America joined Haverley's minstrels in San Francisco at $500 a week and expen ses. With this troupe he plaved be fore her majesty the queen, the Prince of Wales, and royalty gener ally. After this trip he leased the Standard Theater, San Franoaco, where for three years he did the largest business ever known to min strelsy, la April last he want to Australiaagain.where he has "beaten the record." "Billy" is a very handsome fellow, an excellent sieger, dances grace fully, and is a true humorist. "Yes, sir, I have traveled all over the world, have met all sorts of peo ple, come in contact with all sorts of customs, and had all sorts of experi ences. One must have.a constitution like a locomotive to stand it." "Yes, I know I seem to bear it like a major, and I do, but I tell you can didly that with the perpetual change of diet, water, and climate, if I had not maintained my vigor with regular use of Warner's Safe Cure, I should have gone under long ago." George H. Primrose, whoso name is known in every amusement circle in America, is even more emphatic, if possible, than "Billy" Emerson in commendation of the" same article to sporting and traveling men gen erally, among whom it is a great fa vorite. Emerson has grown rich, on the boards and so has Primrose, because they have not squandered the pub lic's "favors." Stage Whispers. A very singular accident took place a few day3 ago at Westport. A can exploded and hurt three men. S. S. Whitowas showing his Colts rifle. which is said to be a recent invention, and capable of being fired very rapid ly. Mr. Shirley, to test it, fired it at a target, when all the cartridges in tho magazine exploded and burst the gun into fragments. One niece hit Frank Lovell, on the leg, while others also were struck by flying fragments. Proper Treatment for Co u gits. That the reader mav f till v understand what constitutes a good Couch and Lung Syrup, we will say that Tar and Wild Cherry Is the base of the best rem edies yet discovered. These Ingredi ents with several others equally as effi cacious, enter largely into Dr.Bosanko's Cough and Luug Syrup, thus making it one of the most reliable now on the mar ket. Price 50 cts. and 31.00. Samples free. Sold by J. W. Conn. Tuidics In delicate health and all who suffer from habitual constipation will find the ?leasant liquid fruit remedy Syrup of 'igs more easily taken, and'more bene ficial in effect than any other remedy. It acts promptly yet eentlv on the Bow els, kidneys. LiYer and Stomach, and does not sicken or debilitate. For sale by W. E. Dement & Co. Amongst the large stock just received from the east at Adler's Bookstore is a beautiful lot of Illuminated Note Paper. specially ordered for this place, which on account ot coming direct from tho manufacturer will be sold at the ex tremely low price of Xi cents per box at Adler. For a IVeat Fitting Boot Or Shoe, go to P. .1. Goodmans, on Che naiuus street, next door to I. W. Case. AH goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock ; new goods constantly arriving. Custom work. Syrup orFJgs. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cat is Natures Own True Laxative. This Eleasant liquid fruit remedy may be ad of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle. It is the most pleasant, prompt and effective remedy known, to cleanse the system; to acton, the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently Set thoroughly; to dispel Headachs, olds and Fevers: to cure Constipation, Indigestion and kindred ills. wniTi Do You Think that Jcfl oi The Chop House Gives you a meal for "nothing, and a glass of something to drink? "Not much !' but he gives a better meal aad more of It than any place In town for 23 cents. He buys by the wholesale and pays cash. "That settles it." A Nasal Injector free with each' bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy Price 30 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement. Cheap Single Bedsteads And Mattresses, for sale cheap, at 3d. Olsen's, corner of Main and Jefferson streets. ICcadj For Business. For a good steak, a delicious cm) of coffee or a plate of fine oysters go tn Frank Fab re's Coffee. Oyster and Chop House; opposite M.C.Crosby's. All the patent medicines advertised In this pafter, together with the choicest Eerfumerj', and toilet articles, etc-can e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hctel, Astoria. -NONE BUT- WHITE COOKS! EMPLOYED AT THE Pioneer Restaurant The Tables Supplied with the Best the Market Affords. Iu the Sleeping Department, Clean, Comfortable Beds. J. GK BOSS, Proprietor, MAES' STEEET, ASTORIA. OREGON. i FALL AHD NEW Having purchased extensively in Eastern and San Francisco Markets, I am now prepared to show the Largest and Most Varied Assortment of DRV GOODS and CLOTHING in the State1 of Oregon. New Silks, New Velvets. New Cloaks, New Buttons, New Hosiery, New Ribbons, New Blankets, Every Depart uaaHimBHBBaBaBauaKMHaaii Being one of the Largest Buyers of Dry Uoofts GloMnfi In The North West, Buying Direct From The Manufacturers and Importers, Sa vlnjr the Kxtra Profits or Middlemen. We are enabled to Give Our Customers the Benefit! We Only Carry FIRST CLASS GOODS! And Our Prices are Low. WHOLESALE COUNTRY ORDERS Specially Attended to and Filled "With Dispatch. G. H. COOPER'S Wholesale and Retail Stores, Astoria, Oregon. GO TO THE 0. K. Hair Dressing Saloon Furltcr House, Main St., For a flrst-class Shave, scientific Hair-cut. and hygienic Sliainpoo.-etc. Alter September 1st I will uo prepared to manufacture all kinds of hair work. II. Da PAHK, Prop. CITY BOOK STORE. Pine Stationery, Blank Books, School Books and Supplies, Musical Instruments. Sheet Music and general variety of Novelties. All Publications Received as soon as Published. GRIFFIN REED. GUSTAVBONTGEN, atrxsMiT ec. SKAH VAX DUSBJJ'3 STORK, UrPEU ASTORIA. All kinds of new Guns made to order. Breech-loading Guns made from Muzzle loaders. All repairs done prompt and cheap. .First class work guaranteed. Address letters GUSTAV BONTGEN, Care of John Kopp, Astoria, Or. New jtxjmw .ISTJD 03XT EXHIBITION -jQJT' MaDconald & Mcintosh's. WINTER ! GOODS New Dress Goods, New Suitings, New Wraps, New Trimmings, New Underwear, New Gloves, Xew Flannels, Etc., Etc. W. E. DEMENT & CO. DaUGCrlSTI. ASTORIA, - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions carefully Compounded Furniture and Upholstering, Mattresses Made and Repaired. Paper Hanging. Carpets Sewed and Laid. Furniture Sold on Commission. Sum, corner Main and Jefferson Street. MARTIN OLSEN. Hats