m 'V'JSJIlI'ill' VOL. XXIV, NO. J l. ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, J 885. PRICE. FIVE CENTS. BUSINESS CARDS. rK. A. I, and J. A. FUI.TO.V Physicians and Surgrmts. Will give proiunt attention to all calif, iioui any pait of the city or country. Office over Allen's Store, corner Cass and Suuemoqua streets, Aitoria, Oregon. Telephone Mo, 41. D It. FKAXK PAGK. Physician and Hurceou. Olllce, RoomC, over D. A. Mcintosh s store. iffick Hours :-9 to 11 a. x. ; 3 to 5 r. m. Residence, opposite the Johansen building D B. TjOCKIIART. PilYSICIAN AN'D SUKGEON. Ofkick : (Jem Building, upstairs, Astoriu. Oreiton . p n. COOVEKT, Attorney at I.aiv ami A'otary Public COLLECTIONS SOLICITED. Offlce-with C. R. Thomson, mom 5 over City Book Store. OK'. A. DORUI.3. OEO. SO LA NX SOT.AXD cfc DOKKIS. ATTORNEYS AT IJLW. Ofllce hi Kinney's Block, opposite City Hall, Astoria, Oregon. . W. FDT.TOX. G.CVV LTO.V. FBXTOW BROTHERS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 5 and G. Odd Fellows Building. pi EtO F. PARKER SURVEYOR OF Clatsop County and City or Antoria Office :-N. E. corner Cass and Astor streets, Room No. 8 T Q. A. BOWLBY. ! Attorney and ConuNellor at Law, Office on Chenainus Street, Astoria, Oregon. F. I. WI5JTOK, ATTORNEY AT LAW Rooms No. 11 ami 12. Pythian Castle Build lug. f.W TUTThK. 31. t. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Rooms l, 2. aud 8. Pythian Build ng. Rksioknck On CYdai St J eel. back of St. Mary's Hospital. t V. 1UCKS. A. K. SHAW mens & suiw. DENTISTS. Rooms in Allen's Building, up stain. eo ner Cass and Squemoqim streots. AstmLt Oregon. T . 8PEI)IKX. NOTARY PUBLIC, Weorflherof Titles. Abstracter and Conveyancer. Office on Cass Street. 8 doors south of As torlan office, Astoria, Oregon. BANKING AND INSURANCE! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, - 0 BEG OX. OFFICE HOURS : From 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock 1. M. AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITORS! Capitol Flour, Manufactured on the Gradual Reduction System by the Saiem (Or.) Capitol Flour Mills Co., LIMITED The only flour that has taken First Prlre three years In succession at the POUTIiAXD MECHANIC'S FA I It. Also at State Fair. One trial Is sufficient to convince of its supe riority. See that the word CAPITOL Is on each sack GEORGE SHIEL, 8 Stark St.. Portland Agent. WILSON & FISHER. Astoria Agents. HAVE YOU AnytMflfi to Sell? IN THE MATTER OF Rags, Bottles, Old Metal, .or Junk of Any Sort, FOABS & STOKES Will give you the best price for It. Oo You Want to Buy SHIP MATERIAL. From, a Belaying Tin to a Hawser: from Block to an Anchor. You Can Get what You Want at FOARD & STOKES. Headquarters at building, east end Water Street. JjjMgE, k? MARK. -a;ciM j ,S&V vw Absolutely Free from Opiates. Emetics an:l Poison SAFE. fCts, SURE. .e U2t c. cnMmiiL AT UBCOGISTS AX1 DEAIXC3. rE CHARLES A. VOGELER C0.,BALTIMSRE,K3 ? ole Proprietor. INVIGORAT is just what its name implies ; c Purely Vegetable "Compound, thai acts directly upon thelLayer j curing the many diseases incid rMo that nix. portant organ, and jfirehting the nu merous ailmants tKgarise from ill deranged or corpjoction, sucli as Dyspepsiai Jidice, Bilionsnes3j CosenessVMrfiaria, Sict-headache, RheatViV etc. It is therefore 2 ! armsmvthat 1 To lave GooaHealti :he IAVer must he kept in order." DB. SA2fT0BD'S LIVES INVIGOEATOS. Invigorates the Liver, I?cpulates the Bow sis, Strengthens the System, Purifies the Bl ood . Assists Digestion, Prevents Fevers. 3 a Household "Xced. An Invaluable Tatnily Medicine for common complaints. D3. BAOTOBD'3 LIVER IHVIGOEATOi An experience of Forty years, and TIiti sands of Testimonials prove Us Merit. FOR J Kin JIT AT.T, DEALERS IN MEDICnCES For frll information Mnd your address for 10( i3 IJook on Jlio Liver and Its diseases."' tc V ONFOXU) A DUAM: ST.. NEW OlXZ tttZ Wilson Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Paints. Oils, and Varnish. L038ERS SUFPLIES. PROVISIONS MILL FEED AOEXTb FOK Salem Plouring Mills, Portland Roller Mills. Capital Flour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. AhTOKlA. OltKGOX. $67,000,000 Capital! Liverpool and London and Globe Worth. British and Mercantile Of London anil Rdiuburlu Old Connecticut of Hartford COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representlnj; n Capital oi S67, OOO OOO. B.VAXDUSKX.AiW. Notice. mmsiSTo givk .notice hat the JL accounts of the late firm of John Hahn &t3(., are to be paid to the undersigned, and no one olsc. JOHN HAHX. OpsBii of the Stating Season! AT ROSS' OPERA HOUSE, Continue every Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday evenings from 7 to 10 p. m , and Saturday afternoon from 1 to 4 p.m. Admission; on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Saturday afternoon. Ladles free, skaters ' cents ; Gents admission 25c, skaters 25 cents. Admission on Saturday evening, with Cushing Post Corner Band ; Ladles 25 cents. sUaters 2o cents; Cents 25 cents, skaters Si cents. iSe!&Z&' n MWJI I a vv Z KnlH m H Jo B flt 7 t I I El . H Wvm PB m m K K S A COW-BOY'S LIFE. Primitive Doings about the Camp Fire Xot What It's Painted. The life of the average cow-boy is not so romantic as sometimes painted. They- work hard, have little variety of food, and lead a lonesome life. Of course thej' have all they wish to eat, such as it is, but they "do not get a chance to step into Young's very often, you may rest assured. While at the home ranch theyhave some of the comforts of life. Thev have n chance to sleep under a roof, gener ally on a wanicet on tne lioor, and thev i!an Kit ilmvn n.t i tnhli -a-Vi?! they eat their bread and bacon and drink their black coflee. And during the eveninaH thnv snonil thf-ir timn reading, writing "to some fair maid tuey navo met at a nan at uvaide or Del itio, or telling stones andsinmnjr sones. Wnon thev ?o oiT rnu- hunt. mg the3' take a sack, put in it some iiuui, u.ih.m jiuwuer, a piuco oi iat laCOn. SOIIin POfTpf ntul Klltrnr nnrl n little salt. This they throw over the horse's back. They take a skillet and hang it to the saddle and hang a colTe-pot to the horse's neck. Their six-shooter is in a belt around their waist. They ride olf fifteen or twenty nines irom nowtiere. The sun beginning to get low they dismount, stake out the pony, and proceed to get supper. Gathering a few sotol stocks, a fire is started. Some water is dipped up from the puddle where the horses have been drinking and the cattle wadinir about. The coiTe-pot is filled and placed on the fire to boil. Bread must be made. The cow-boy has to have hot bread three times a da v. Tlinv t-. nfT n few Slices of li:l-nn. nut if in iha skillet, and fry it out. The meat is picicea out, leaving the hot grease, to which they add a'Yittlc water, put in flour, some baking powder and a lit tle salt. This they stir up till it is doughy; then they play with it a little while with their hands. Finally it is put back in the skillet, the cover put on and fire placed above, below and around. In a few moments the bread is baked or fried. Now the festive cow-boy eats his supper coffee, meat and bread. The snuin fhr hrn.ilrfnqh and the same for dinner, varied some what it he happens to kill a deer or an antelope. Supper over, seeing that his pony is ail right, ho spreads his blanket on the ground, puts hia saddle under his head for a pillow, places his shooting iron where it will ue nanuy aim goes to hleep. The howling COVOtes iraHior nrnnnil him but he peacefully sleeps; the sportive vinegarone and gay centipede may linger near, the hirsute tarantula may with measured tread walk over his face, nerchance snmn Innolv mfflA. snake may insinuate himself into the folds of his blanket, but lie kWtiq the sleep of the tired. The lightnings may naa;i, inunuers roll and the tor rents descend, but it makes no differ encethe cow-boy is still there and is going to sleep till it is time to make bread for hrenkfnsf. Thic lifn he leads for two or three weeks, or till his provisions run short, and he, getting hungry and lonesome and 'n i" ocu mis uuys, returns 10 the ranch for a day or two. Cow-bovs are a brave and frnnd- hearteu set. Their enemy is whiskv, and they know it. Generally they are quiet and peaceable, but leading the free life they do, being under no restraint, it is not to he wondered at that when thev CO to some hnnler town full of bad whisky and impor tant policemen, they have a collision wun mo authorities. They are, as a claSS. fast-chnnpinor olmi-Mpferictinc as the stock business is also changing. a iew years ago tne western part of this State was eiven un to Ktnokinen with unlimited range and countless uerus anu no law out might. This is radically different, and now the man who engages in the cattle business must buy or lease bis land. The profits of the business will also bo less, for a part of the capital formerly invested wholly in cattle, which paid a large dividend, must now bo in vested in real estate. The wlmU business is fast settling down to a iioinmaio uusjnub.i uasis, paving large profits to those who engage in it. In the southern parts of Pecos and Presidio Counties are destined tO be SOme Of the best mnehea in Texas. Land is now cheap and cat- iiu are cueap, ana tne men who en gage in the business are now inr tn make money. There is no question aoout tne siock business being a pav ing one if rightlv and honestlv tni"n. aged. And it is surprising that when muuc) in au cuuap in me Jiast more do not engage in the business. Par ties can buy their land and easily make ten per cent on their invest ment by putting cattle on it. Last year was unusually hard on the sheepmen, but Iron Mountain Ranch, in Presidio County, paid a net Profit Of abOUt $20,000. the owner of which values it at $200,000. The ac tion oi the 1'resident m driving the cattlemen from the Indian Territnr-. will tend to increase the value oi lexas pastures. Boston Journal. "Western actor fto -nljivwriohM You touch ud nlavs. I mulei-st-mil- introduce new business, and that sort of thing ? Play wnght O, yes. Western actor. Verv wan Tm going into Missouri next rpoir tvith "Hamlet," and I want you to rewrite the play so as to bring in two blood hounds and a babw New York sun. Is a hotel waiter cirl made to order ? Lynn Union. Barning: Incense at Home. The agreeable fashion of burning pastilles and fragrant herbs in rooms that are apt to grow "stuffy" in damp weather, is almost a substitute for a fire on the hearth, which puri fies and cheers the whole house. Ever since the mania for Japanese decorations came in, there has been a demand for the delicious pastilles or "reeds," which are the condensa tion of Eastern fragrance, and their use has brought about a greater love for aromatic odors of a refined and purifying nature. The subtle sweet ness permeating articles that come from China or Japan will last for years and gffect the atmosphere, not merely of the room they are in, but of the entire house. There is not a Rimmel or a Lubin in Europe that can produce this intoxicating, and, if one may say so, high-bred perfume from the Orient, try as ho may. A bunch of Japanese pastilles, smoul dering one at a time in a little incense burner, will last several weeks, while for olfactories disliking any perfume, however delicate, a bit of gum camphor or a little stack of pine needles produces a most refresh ing odor while burning. Pine needles can bo gathered by the bushel, and kept all winter to bo thrown on coal fires in city houses, or burnt by them selves in one of those little chafing dishes for which Japanese art i3 famous. Boston Beacon. Society la Texas. A certain young society gentleman of this city missed a fine opportunity to attend a private party the other evening in this wise : A fnKhionahl v- dressed young lady, with whom he naa a Blight acquaintance, met him upon the street and sweetlv nnd cordially invited him to become a party to a little private entertain ment that was to take place at her residence on a certain night. Thank ing the lady kindly for her invitation, while inwardly wondering why she had taken such a sudden and start ling interest in him, he was about to raise his hand at parting, when she laid a lace mittened hand upon his coat-sleevo to detain him, and sweetly asked him: "Would he, if he had it in pocket, loan her the sum of $10?" He gasped, then stammered, and thrusting his hand in his pocket, drew forth $2.25, and informed her that that was the extent of his cash assets, but she aigb have that if it would assist her. She disdainfully turned away, saying, "No, that will do me no good," and walked off, and now our young society friend does not know whether to attend the private party or stay away although the evening set for it is fast approach ing. San Antonio Light. llpliiion m t omit us: Editor. Almost ail tin diseases that afflict us from infancy to old age have their ori gin in a disordered liver and here we must .strike for their cure. Hence a really good liver medicine is the most iuipoitant in tin-wliolr range of phar macy. We believe Simmons Liver Reg ulator to lie the !ie.t among them all. We pin our faith on the Regulator and if we eould pursuade every reader who is in ill health to buy it. we would willingly vouch for the benefit each would receive. En. Cincixxatti Ga- 7.BTTK. Directly after the war a young man went home and married the sister of a comrade he messed with during his term of service as a soldier. This was considered as a mess alliance, and never did please the old folks. N. O. Picayune. The Henewal or VIeor. The most Important step I thb process is the restoration of the functions of digestion and asMtuilntlon to full aud uninterrupted exercise, since it is upon their activity alone that the system can depend to replenish Its dwlnd Iiik store of energy. Anionn tonics which the voire of the people and hlh pro fpvsioaal iudonenient approve as reliable. Hosteller's Momach Bitters has long been recognized as the best. Its properties as a medicated stimulant commend It to all per sons suileriuK from the effects of fatigue, mental or bodily, as an Immediate nu-aus of counleractiu their effects; and In cases where loss of vigor Is attributable to such weakening chronic causes as dyspepsia, af fections of the kidneys and bladder, aud the inlirmities peculiar to age. It produces per manemiv ben-iicial results. Those twin ob stacles t" health and vigor, liver complaint and constipation, are also removed by 1L It also prevents and cures malarial disease. How sweet and welcome come tho rains of sum mer. When on the drj and duty earth they fall; But if jou're out in them with no umbrella, Thi-j 're not so sweet and welcome alter all. Boston Gsxettoi A Vienna astronomer offers to sell for 1200 francs the right to name a star which he has discovered. It wonld not do to call it Eed Star, for that would conflict with the celebrat ed cough cure of that name which has been so successful in throat and lung troubles. SHUTE & CO., FINE IMPORTED CIGARS. You can rely on getting a Good Cigar AtShute & Co.'s CIGAR AND TOBACCO 'STORE, Opposite l. U Reck & Son's. G. A. ST1NSON & CO., BLACKSMITHING. At Gipt. itogers old stand, corner of Cass and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. MARKETS. WYATT & THOMPSON. DEALERS I2( FRESH AND CURED MEATS, CHOICE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware. ! TVTm IF'eoca.. Etc,: STAR MARKET. WHERRY & GOmPANY. Fresh and Cimd JMeaLV "7"o sro-t-zikDl s , FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL. CHKXAm'H Street. Astoria, Ou Washington Market. MalnMrcct, - Astorln, Oregon. BERGMAX dt CO.FItOl'IUI.TOJJN RESPECTFULLY CALL TnE ATTEN tlmi of tho nnhlli tn thu r?w.r ihnf tl.. above Market will always besunpliedwith a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS 1 ! Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole- saieanu retail. H?""Special attention given to supplying ships. B. B. Franklin, riaier anil Cabinet Mater, SQUEMOQUA STREET, XKXT TO THE ASTORIAX Bt;ir,DUt'0. tSTAH work done In a skillful manner on short notice at reasonable rates. Dissolution Notice. THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing between John Hahn. Win. Bock and Henry Berendes under the llrm name of John Hahn & Co.. in the boot and shoe business on Squemoquu street. Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Win. Bock and Henry Berendes retiring from the Arm The business will hereafter be conducted by John Hahn who will pay all bills and collect ail the indebtedness dup the firm. JOHN HAHN, "WM. BOCK, HENRY BERENDES. Astoria, October 23rd, 1S85. FOR SALE. Tho Anglo American Salmon Cannery, "With complete plant, including boats, nets, machinery. &c 'Xhis well known cannery Is .situated in upper Astoria, commands good frontage and central location. Title per fect. The Anglo American "Lion" brand of salmon stands high in all markets. Ready sale at market price for all Its pack. For particulars apply to CORBITT & MACLEAY, Agents, Portland, Or. Citation. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for the county of Clatsop. In the matter of tho estate of H. K. Bruhn, deceased. To the next of kin of H. R. Bruhn, de ceased, and to whom It may concern, greet ing. In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear In tho County Court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Clatsop, at the court room thereof, at Astoria in the county of Clatsop on Wednesday the eighteenth day of No vember, 1835. at one o'clock in the afternoon of that day. then and there to show cause why (If any) an order of sale should not be made tosell the following real estate, to-wit : commencing at a stake at ordinary low t de on the east hank otNecanicum creek in the center of Crimes' bridge on the ranch of one J. T. Mulkey m Clatsop county, Oregon, and thence running east ten and one half O0K) rods to the center of the present county road thence north along the center of said county road two hundred (200) feet to a stake In the center of said county road thence v est ten and one halt f 1014) rods to a stake on the bank of said Necanlcum creek thence south along the east bank of said Necamcum creek to the place of beginning, in Sec 21. T 6 N. It 10 V. and ceutainine: 3-1,600 square feet. witness ; CA.JICGUIRE, Judge of the County Court of the state of Oregon, for the county of L. s. Clatsop with the seal of said court aOlxeu, this seventeenth day of October. A. D. 18 5. Attest : C. J.TRENCHARD, Clerk. Assignee's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has been selected by the creditors as assignee of F. B. Elberson, an Insolvent, in place of the assignee appointed by such insolvent, aud all persons having claims agaiust the said insolvent's estate are hereby notified to present the same properly verified to the undersigned at the office of D. L. Beck & Sons, at Astoria, Or egon, within three months from this date. F. H. TOINDEXTER, Assignee. October 9th, 1S83. Nicely Furnished Rooms, WTH OR WITHOUT BOARD: AT Mrs. S. T. McKean's. Cass street, three doors south of Astoriax offlce. Ml BARBOUR'S Irish Flax Threads HAVE NO EQUAL ! VjrjjB5fc' tfiwpgr.jy VijiyaaM (fiiVnaStt vsSJ. I JHf4ss AVrs T DJlMNFUXMILUSBURRIRELAnTfJ 4rV V HOUSE FOUNDED. 1784-.--? J jjii IPilNi frclffl it? Slal 'm GRAND PRIZE PARIS T87t. THET HAVE BEEN AWARDBD HIGHER PRIZES AT THE VARIOUS International THAN THE GOODS THREAD MANUFACTURERS IN 1 HE Quality can Always Exp! Memen Use no Otlier ! HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 and 519 Market Street, - - - SAN FRANCISCO, AGEXT8 JFOK PACIFIC COAST. Seine Twines, Hope and Netting Constantly on Hand The Telephone Saloon. The Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. Especially fitted up for the Comfort and Convenience ox those who enjoy a Social Gla-s. Tlie Best or Wines and Liqnon, The Choicest Cigars. Everything New and First-Class. B. I.. JEFFREY, F ropr. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer In HARWABE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEFT LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Tin. AND Copper. ColiiMa Transuortation Chdht. FOR PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Time! THE NEW STEAMER -TELEPHONE- Which has been specially built for the eomfort of passengers will Jeare "Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland aM PJI. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astorii at ! 4P. M. An additional trip will be made on Hnnday of Hack TTrrir ThtIii Tiiiiil ?. fnHSK SHHday MornlHs. Passenger b5 this route anctat kSSji for Sound ports. . B scow, PrtafettiV -AS.VWTV1 i i ijrximm r i - - OF ANY OTHER WORLD. be Depended on ! The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astoriint. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Oo to THE OEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL, - - PROPRIETOR J. H. D. GKAT. Wholesale and retail dealer in GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and "Wharfage oa teases able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria, Oregon. WIS. EDGAR, Dealer In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarttfts Meerschaum and Brier Pipe; ' GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNER MAIN AND CHENAMD8 8T.