(II lift D B 1 H J Sfi IflK R HI h flH iJ wx.gyJ7jzivf jJi t tf if i "r - J xr7 'rsX?ij$BtfiWF " mjifl y lk I mH ln nl l VI HI H I H 11 HI YOL. XXIV, NO. 1 15. ASTORIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, J885. PRICE. FIVE CENTS. BUSINESS CARDS. rB. A. Ii. and J. A. FlTLTO rjiysieiausautl Surgeons. Will ulve proinot attention to all culls. Irom any part of the city or country. Office over Allen's Store, corner Cas and .k!uemoiua streets, Atiiii. Oiegout Telephone No. 41. D K. Fit AX K PAGR. I'hyHirlan mid Kurceou. Office. KoomC, over D. A. .Mcintosh s jtoie. officb Houns : to 11 a. at. ;-3 to 5 p.m. Itesidence. opposite tlieJohauen building D K. LOCKHART. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON'. Offick : Gem Building, upstairs. Astoria, Ureguu. tji K. COOVEKT, Attorney nt Law and Notary Public. COLLECTIONS SOLICITED. Office with C. IL Thomson, room ." over City Book Store. .IKo. A. DOKHIS. QKO. XOL1.NO XnlJLSSl fc DORRIS. ATTORNEYS AT I .AW. Office lu Kinney's Block. pposite City Hall, Astoria, Oregon. i . n rinvrosr. a. c. FULTON. FITlTOn kkotiikrs. .ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ltooms 5 and C. Odd Fellows Bulldiuc. p KLO F. FAKHLEK. SURVEYOR OF Clatsop County and City of Aatoria Office : N. E. corner Oass :mrt A stor street1!, Room No. 8 T q. A. BOWL3Y. Attorney and Counsellor nt I,nw, Office on Clieuamus Street, Astoria. Oregon. J" AY TUTTLE. M. I. PHYSICIAN AK D S U KG EON Office Rooms l, 2. and S r thiao Build up. Kksidkkce 0a Cedar Street, back ol f. Mary's Hospital. r P.HIUKS. A. K. SHAW HICKS fc SHAW. DENTISTS. Rooms lu Allen's Building, up stairs, coi ner Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astoila Oregon. T It. SPEDDEX, NOTARY PUBLIC. Searcher of Titles. Abstracter unit Conveyancer. Office on Cass Street. S doors south of Av torlan office, Astoria, Oregon. BANKING AND INSURANCE ! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTORIA, - OKKGOS. OFFICE HOURS : From 9 o'clock A. 11. until 3 o'clock 1. M. AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITORS! Capitol Flour, Manufactured on the Gradual Itcducliuu System by the Salem (Or.) Capitol Flour Mills Co., LIMITKD J the only flour that has taken First i'rle three years In succession at the PORTLAND MECHANICS FAIIt. Also at State Fair. One trial is sufficient to convince of Its supe ilorlty. dee that the word CAPITOL Is on each sack GEORGE SHIEL, 8 Stark St.. Portland Agent. WILSON & FISHER. Astoria Agents. HAVE YOU AnytMnfi to Sell? IN THE MATTER OF Rags, Bottles, Old Metal, or Junk of Any Sort, FOABD & STOKES "Will glre you the best price for it. Do You Want to Buy SHIP MATERIAL, From a Belaying Pin to a Hawser: from Block to an Anchor. You Can Get what You Want at FOARD & STOKES. Hoad quarters at building, east end Water Street. Nicely Furnished Rooms, TTTITH OR WITHOUT BOARD: AT v T Mrs. d. T. iaca.ean'3, oass street, tune . aoor&ssrtu or astoeiax orace. WJ &srJiP I I I !u" m M Jcr M-A ..Mm mm 13 EllPRS uures RHEUMATISM. 'JaS S lisll Neuralgia, liscltacbc. ircadacnc, Tootliaelic. Spralas, XSrnlKc. etc, etc Price, Fifty Cents. A t Druggists and Dealers. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., Sole Prop' UaKIXXOBE, MaBTIASIJ, U.S. A. INVIGORATO is just wnat its name implies Purely Vegetable Compound, thai acts directly upon the curing the many diseases othatira. portaat organ, and ting the nu tnerous ailm arise from its deranged or action, such as Dys ice, .Biliousness, Cos1 aria, Sick-lieadache Rh etc It is therefore 2 :ruismtnat "ToJbave GoodHealtl ;ha Liver nmsfc tie kept in order.' DE. SAHTOED'S IIVEE INYIGOEATOE tnvfaorates the Liver, Regulates the Bow sis, Strengthens the System, Purifies the Blood , Assists Digestion, Prevents Fevers. 3 a Household Heed. An Invaluable Family Medicine for common complaints. DE. 8AOT0ED'S ITVEE HT7IG0EAT0E, An experienos of Forty years, and Thoi- tanas of Testimonials prove w Merit. FOR SALE BY KVU DEALERS IK MEDICDCES For full information wnd your addrc?3 for JW 5g3 Dook on the Liver and its dioccs," U to A.nrm fli tt..i. ht vnff Ynnir frrll ilMWWt "" . w... .1H. .h. ,..- All Sorts of hurts and many sorts of ails of man and beast need a cooling lotion. Mustang Liniment, The Mirror is no flatterer. Would you make it tell a sweeter tale ? Magnolia Balm is the charm er that almost cheats the looking-glass. $67,000,000 Capital! Liverpool and London and Globe North British and Mercantile Of London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital olS67,0CO OOO. B VAX DUSKS. Aceni Notice. riUJISISTO GIVE OTICE ihat the X accounts of the late Ann of John Hahn & Co., arc to be paid to the undersigned, and no ono else. JOHN HAHX. dpi of tie SMiis Season! AT ROSS' OPERA HOUSE, Continue every Tuesday. Thursday and Sat urday evenings from 7 to 10 P. M . and Saturday afternoon fromltoir.M. Admission; on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Saturday afternoon, Ladles free, skaters 25 cents ; Gents admission 25c, skaters 25 cents. Admission on Saturday evening, with Cushlng Post Comet Rand ; Ladles 25 cents.akaters 2i cents; Gents 25 ucuib, sttaivra . I'vuuj, a mum o a eJ8S& pepsin a, tVenessVM U X EDWIN BOOTH. Representative American Tragedian and the Value of hl "Work. Whatever differences of opinion may exist as to the exact position in the ranks of great actora which will be awarded hereafter to Air. Edwin Booth by the final verdict of history, there can be no doubt that he now is, and has been for many years, the representative tragedian of the United States. This pre-eminence has been conferred upon him not only by general agreement of the critics, but by the vote of the public, which, so far as a living actor is con cerned, is the final court of appeal. His most ferveqt admirers claim for him genius of the highest kind, while his detractors, who are few and in significant, pretend that he is wholly devoid of inspiration a manifestly absurd and malicious conclusion. The ill-judged enthusiasm of friends, however, is more dangerous to the reputation of au actor than the unjust assaults of enemies, inasmuch as it is likely to create expectations which cannot be realized and thus provoke disappointment. The word "genius" is abused so recklessly by careless writ ers, and applied so indiscriminately, that it is often difficult to understand just what itis meant to express. If, in the case of an actor, it is intended to signify a fine and cultivated intelli gence, a keen perception of the dra matic possibilities of a character, & complete mastery of all theatrical de vice, a correct taste, rare declama tory powers, a thorough knowledge of the principles of elocution, of tho significance of gesture and a facial expression, or if it is held to include such physical qualifications as an at tractive form, a handsome, mobile face and a melodious voico, Mr. Booth has all these qualifications in an eminent degree. If, on tho other hend, the word is employed in its strictest sense, to express tho rarest and heaven-sent gift which has made a few blest mortals tbe beacon lights of the centuries, Air. Booth does not possess it. It cannot, for instance, bo said of him that to see him in cer tain parts is to "read Shakespeare by flashes of lighting." Nor is this any thing to his discredit. Tho stage does not owo its greatest debt to its undis puted geniuses. Edmund Kcan was a meteor, but ho did nothing to ad vance the art of which he was a mas ter, and the elder Booth, if a greator, is certainly a less admirablo flguro than his son. An actor who simply astounds by his brilliancy in certain passages of a play ought not to bo compared artistically with the actor who, by sheer force of labor, intelli gence and self-culture, maintains a high level of excellence throughout his performance. The distinguishing merit of Edwin Booth is tho complete ness of his artistic equipment and the intellectual brightness which irradi ates all his performances. His Iago is perhaps his mastorpiece. It is brain-work from beginning to end, a marvel of cold diabolism, finished to the finger-nails, showing the fullest appreciation of tho great mastoids purpose. His Richelieu, again, is extraordinary in its finesse and elab oration, its saturnine humor and its melodramatic cleverness. Thero is not quite tho truo note of passion in the famous defiance, but the gradual approach to the climax is effected with the rarest skill. In Bertuccio tho elaboration and the intellectual keenness are equally noticeable and in the sceno before the doors of tho banquet hall the actor reaches a pitch of emotion which approaches inspira tion very nearly. These are the three greatest performances of Mr. Booth and each of them would place him in the front rank. His Hamlet is per fect in execution and is perhaps the most famous of his impersonations, but tho mechanism is too plain and the performance excites admiration by its finish rather than its truth. In the mad scenes of Lear tho intellect ual and artistic resources of Sir. Booth are displayed by numberless illustrative artifices and there is truo pathos of a very rare kind in the rec ognition of Cordelia. His Richard is a very fine performance in all but tho last act, when ho becomes melodram atic rather than tragic. It is, how ever, incomparably the best to b seen on our stage. This summary, which only refers to a small part of his repertory, is necessarily imperfect, but indicates the range and limitations of his abili ties. His piniona are not quite strong enough for tho loftiest flights, but he is nearer the sun than any of his English-speaking contemporaries. He is an artist from tho top to the toe and he is entitled to high honor both as actor and man. It is to be hoped that there is no foundation for the rumor of his approaching retirement, for the stage cannot now spare him. He is in the full ripeness of hii powers. Welchtlns at Head and Waist Negresses and the working women of Europe habitually carry weights on their heads. I have seen a vigor ous young woman in tho Pyrenees handle a trunk with Buch dexterity as an American bacgage smasher might emulate with" advantage to helpless travelers. Poising it upon her head, the peasant girl strode off with her burden in a way that would have been utterly impossible had she borne the weight lower. It is the carrying of water bottles on the head that has given Roman and certain Eastern women so flno a camajre. Kate Field. Rib Ticklers. UK WAS AHEAD. i The disposition of children not to allow other children to get ahead of i them is once more illustrated in two j Record families, as follows : J "I've got a silver dollar." i "I've got two." I "You haven't got a baby in your ! house." "Yes, we have; we're got twins." "Well, you haven't got a crazy grandfather; I have." r..vnnEr.Y too okdkklv. Merchant. I like your looks, my boy, and perhaps I can find work for you. You aro quite orderly, do you think? Boy. Oh, ye3. " ou have a place for everything?" "Oh, yes. I have a great many placos for everything. I'REI'ARIXG FOR AM EMERGENCY. Young Man. Can you lend mo your rubber mark-eraser until morn ing, Charley? Charley. Certainly. Young Man. Thanks. I'm going to-night to ask old Moneybags for his daughter, and if I don't get hor I shall want something to bito on my way home. OEORQE ELIOT'S MILL. Young Miss Boston to Harvard Oarsman. "I suppose you have read George Eliot's Millon the Floss'?" H. O. (suddenly interested). "Well, now, its funny I never heard of it, and I read all the sporting papers, too. Was George knocked out?" A PROPHET IN UIS OWM COUNTRY. "I tell you, my dear " said an old gentleman to his wifs on tho Bummer hotel yeranda. "Don't tell me anything, sir," re torted the lady, with omphasis. "But, I bolievc " "Bah! What do your beliefs amount to?" "But I think " "Bah ! You flatter yourself. What are your thoughts worth?" "But, my dear, I know " "Don't talk to mo about what you know. "What you don't know would fill an encyclopedia. Everybody knows you are a stupid, old, senseless, worthless dotard. You don't know enough to come in when it rains." "Who is that old gentleman over there?" asked a visitor of the hotel clerk. "Don't you know him? Why, he is tho Chief Justice of our Supreme Court." PRESENCE OP MINO. Pugsbv (concluding story). Thus was I saved by mere presence of mind. Bolgertop (gloomily). Great thing presence of mind. I might have been a rich man to-day if my pres ence of mind had not failed mo ono time. Pugsby. Indeed I When wasthat? Bolgertop. You remember my uncle George rich old duffer? "Well, sir, I was with him one day when ho was tnkfin with a fit. I was so Ericht- enod that I lost my presence of mind ana cauea in a uoctor, ana ncie George is living yet. A COLD DAY FOR HENRICO. "Como, shako thy lovity, and tell me this. Is't 'cause some poet said that every dog must have his aay that Providence injects these dog davs in our local almanac?" "Oh, hound me not with queries such as that. Patienco is soluble in summer heat, and tho' I'm smelted I am off the scent of thinjrs facetious List theo. cirl ! Were it not well, by way of antidote, that we should in terchange some acrid speech, and by this mothod bring about a.UUlo cola ness twixt us twain?" "Nay, nay ! Lot it be rather ouie to overcome this horrid season m love's common way. And to this end, me own, I'll freeze to tnoe.' Tirrd and Languid Women. How many women there are of whom these words are trne: "They feel languid and tired, hardly able to bear their weight on their foet, the bloom all gone from their cheeks, ir ratable nnd cross without meaning to be, nerves all npset, worried with the children, fretted over little things, a burden to themselves, and yet with go acute disease." What a pity it is. But a few bottles of Parker's Tonic will drive all this away, and relieve the troubles peculiar to their. sex. The man who lost his balance at tho bank wont under, -and is now in a sea of difficulty and in great financial 3traita. Chicago Sun. Eenerral or Tlgor. The most Important step Id this process is the restoration of the functions of digestion and assimilation to full aud uninterrupted exercise, since It is upon their activity alone that the system can depend to replenish Its dwindling store of energy. Among tonics which the voice of tho people and hlth pro fessional Indorsement approve as reliable, Hcstetter's btomach Sitters has lng been recognized as the best. Its properties as a medicated stimulant commeudu to all per sons sufTerlne from the effects of fatigue, mental or bodily, as an Immediate means of counteracting their effects: and In cases where loss of. vigor Is attributable to such weakening chronic causes as dyspepsia, af fections of tbe kidneys and bladdtr, and the inflrmitlM necullar to aze. It produces per manently beneficial results. Those twin ob stacles to health and rigor, liver complaint and constipation, are a!s removed by It It also prevents and cures malarial disease. KeeplBC Keeas Coel. A cool place should never be ven tilated, unless the air admitted is cooler than the air within, or is at least a3 cool as that. The warmer the air, the more moisture it holds in suspension. Necessarily, the cooler the air, the more this moisture is condensed and precipitated. When a cool cellar is aired on a warm day the entering air being in motion ap pears cool; bat as it fills the cellar, the cooler air with which it becomes mixed chills it, the moisture is con densed, and dew i3 deposited on the cold walls, and may often be seen running down them in streams. To avoid this, the windows should only bo opened at night, and late the last thing before retiring. There is no need to fear that the night air is unhealthfnl it is a3 pure as the air of midday, and is really drier. Th cool air enters tho apartment during the night, and circulates through it. The windows should be closed before sunrise in the morning, and kppt closed ind shaded through the dav. Ame.iran Agricultnist. Oplnioaom Leading Editor. Almost all the diseases that afflict us from infancy to old ace have their ori gin in a disordered liver and here we must strike for their cure, ilenco a really t;ood liver medicine is the most important in the whole range or phar macy. We believe Simmons Liver reg ulator to be the best among them all. We pin our faith on the Regulator and If we could mirsuade every reader who is in ill health to buy it. Ve would wuunciy vouch for the beneut each would receive. Ed. Oixcinxatti Ga- 7.ETTK. AToxas gentleman discovered his servant helping himself to tho form er's cigars. "Sam, I am surprised." "So is I, boss. I 'lowed you had j 1nift oonp. one inter Api rnnntrv. " ! .Texas Siliincs There are liniments and liniments. None, however, have yet been found like St Jacobs OiL It goes at once to the seat of the trouble and cures it, forever banishing all pain. MARKETS. WYATT & THOMPSON. FRESH AND CURED MEATS, CHOICE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware. IftdCm, Feed, IE2to. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresh and Cured Meats, Vegetables, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, CHEXA3IUI Street. Astoria, Off. Washington Market. SInlaMrcet. Astoria, Oregoa. BEJtGJIAIf A CO. rKOPJRIKTOim RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEX tion of the public to the fact that the above Market will always be supplied with a FULL VA1UETY AND BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! I Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. BT"apeclal attention given to supplying xhlps. B. B. Franklin, m Mertaier and CaMnet Maker, SQUEMOQUA STREET, NEXT TO THB ASTORIAX EUILDINa. CBT-A11 work done in a skillful manner on short notice at reasonable rates. Dissolution Notice. THE COPABTNERSHTP HERETOFORE existing between John Hahn. Wm. Bock and Henry Berende? under the firm name of John Hahn & Co., In the boot and shoe business on Squemoqua street. Is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Wm. Bode and Henry Berendes retiring from the firm. The business will hereafter be conducted by John Hahn who will pay aU bills and collect all the Indebtedness due the firm. JOHN HAHN, "WM.BOCK, HENRY BERENDES. Aatorla, October 2fcd, l!W. ' -RflrlRflllrS' iinn rm R I M II P91I91&S II I ' I fi Ti i iriQR r HIV I lUPPflC II lot Hi! A 1 ill uullu T V H0"SE FOUHDED. 170.-. J y tff'tJK GRAND PRIZE PARIS 1878. TIIEI UAYE BEEX AWARDED HIGHER PRIZES AT TIIE YARIOUS International Expositions TIIAN TI1E Q00D5 OF ANT OTIIEK THREAD MANUFACTURERS IN 1HE WORLD. Quality can Always' be Depended on I ExDeriencefl FMeiieii Use no Other ! HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 and 519 Market Street. AGEXTSJ FOlt Seine Twines, Rope and The Telephone Saloon. The Finest Establisliment of the Kind in Astoria. Especially fitted up for the Comfort and Conveulsnce of those who enjoy a Soolal Ghvs. The Best of Wines nnd Liquors, The Choicest Cigars. Everything New and First-Class. B. t. JEFFREY. 2'roir. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer in HAM ABE, IM, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, Tin AND Copper. Coliiia Traipriatii limnpiy FOR PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Time! THE NEW Which has been specially built for the comfort of passengera will leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and'Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Fortland every Tueiday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. EF-An additional trip will be made on M O'clock Sunday 3Ieriiiucr. tor Boona pons, SAN FRANCISCO, PACIFIC COAST. "Netting Constantly on Hand. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GU.M SALOON. ALEX. CAMrilELL. PKOriUETOR J. R. D. UKAY. Wholesale aud retail dealer In GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay. Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage ami Whhrfaj;e on reason able terms. Foot of Ucntou street. Astoria. OreKoii. WEI. EDGAR, Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, nzmmz English cutlery Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNEIt MA IX AND CnENAMTJS STS. STEAMER Sunday or isnen. v ce, leaviug x-uruauu Passengers b this route connect at Kalaraa u. x. aviux-x, c i i-iucut