(1 ASTORIA, OREGON': WEDNESDAY. ..-NOVEMBER 11. 16S5 A neat fitting boot or shoe can be had at the sign of the Golden Shoe. Chenamns street from Main to Benton seems badly in need of "im provement." The union Gospel mooting at the Y. M. C. A. rooms this evening will begin at seven o'clock sharp, stan dard time. Tickets for the concert and enter tainment by Cashing Post Cornet band, can be had at the New York Novelty store. The I. X. L. building, occupied by the New York Novelty store is to bave a new and improved front placed in it this month. Jeff is renovating and refitting the building next to O. Sovey's saloon and says he will open a popular res taurant there befor long. B. S. "Worsley will sell at his auc tion rooms to-day, at 2 o'clock P. ir., on account of departure, a choice and beautiful collection of sixty house plants. A man advertised for a bookkeeper in Portland t'other day, and had sixty answers before night Another ad vertised for a week in rain for an A 1 horseshoer. The moral of this bulges right out. Get your Thanksgiving turkey at Seed's Union market: he also has ducks and geese, which he will de liver at your house at lowest rates. All kinds of wild game, and fish daily delivered. CuBhing Post Cornet band have al ways been ready and willing to oblige the publicj now that they are to have an entertainment which will be worth more than the price of admission, they will be pleased to see a large at tendance. John Sanstrom writes from Ska mokwa that a man named Frank Nilson, a native of Calmo, Sweden, is missing from that place since last Friday and is supposed to be drowned. He has a brother in San Francisco. The News says Vancouver is mad. The United States soldiers stationed there were recently paid off and "fired" to Seattle, where they are spending their money. Seattle has recently "fired" her Chinese, and they are flocking to Vancouver. Coroner Bobs received a telegram from Ed. McGuire last evening, say ing that the dead body of a man had come ashore about a mile below Point Adams light house. The cor oner will go ovor this morning to hold an inquest. The probability is that it is one of the men lost from the plunger Emma that came ashore near Grimes' last week. Grace Hawthorne has scored a bright sucoess. The applause she brings is spontaneous and genuine incense to brilliant ability, and dur ing her week here she was several times complimented by recalls at the close of the play, which is a rare distinction for an actress to achieve in this city. St. Louis Republican. Beserved seats at the New York Novelty store.. The Astobiak job office is in receipt of several thousand pounds of paper direct from the manufactur ers in Chicago. Merchants and business men can get job work at this office at San Francisco prices. We don't ask your work for sympathy, or help, or home pride, or any thing else, but just on this: that we will do it just as good and jnst as cheap as it can be done in Port land or San Francisco and you will save money by patronizing us for anything in our line. Considerable land is being taken up, homesteaded, preempted and pur chased in this county this fall; some under the timber act, some otherwise. Quite a colony have taken a large and valuable tract of land about ten miles south and east of Knappa. Wm. McCabe, rAlex. Campbell, Jos. Surprenant, J. F. Warren, W. E War ren, Sam Ellison and several more have claims there, and with a little improved facilities for getting logs to tide water they will each and all have a valuable quarter section. It is a pleasant commentary on our efficient mail service to know that Oregon mail from San Francisco now goes' up through California on the California Pacific railroad to Sacra mento, and from there on the Central Pacific road through eastern Califor nia, across the state of Nevada into Utah territory, nearly 900 miles east, and then doubles back and comes westward by way of Umatilla to Port land. This may be the new and cor rect way, but Astorians were better pleased when they got their mail two days from San Francisco by steamer. There is freight in this office reoeived by the Oregon five days ago, and the invoice has not yet been received by mail. PERSONAL. J, Strauss is among the outgoing aassengers on the State to-day, for 3 an Francisco. Taller System of Dress Cutting:. A teacher of the tailor system of dress cutting, also all kinds ot useful fancy work, will be in Astoria shortly to give lessons. Terms S20 per scholar. After learning will inform pupils where they can fina ready sale for their fancy work. Appllcatlons.may be made to Miss L. Bayer, care Astobiax office. Mrs. Gates has returned and will give lessons in embroideries for a few weeks for the holiday trade. Also does the Indelible stamping, waranted not to rub off. Amongst our eastern shipment of goods just received at Adler's, is a beau tiful willow carriage with double top, which can be used summer and winter; also a few of those handy house-carnages. On account of remodeling the store the Bohemian wares will not be unpacked vet Look out for new goods to arrive daily from the east at Adler's Crystal Palace. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. The city council met in regular session last evening, Mayor Home in the chair: present oounoilmen Bergman, Cooper, Cleveland, Gratke and Trenchard. The reports of city sexton and sup erintendent for October were read and referred. The petition of G. Dipascuale to transfer his license was granted. A petition of residents and tax payers asking for a street lamp corner Benton and Seventh streets was re ferred to committee on public property. A communication from the street superintendent directing the atten tion of the council to the condition of Hemlock street in front of lots 11 and 12, blk 1-18, was read. On motion it was deoided that the proper step3 be taken to have the street repaired. A petition from J. C. Trullinger asking for the privilege of erecting poles and wire for the purpose of placing and operating electric lamps thereon was granted. The report of the street committee regarding the petition of Andrew Barry concerning the removal of a house on Pine street, was read and adopted. The petition of property owners asking for a lamp corner Squemoqua and Madison streets was reported on faverably: report adopted. The return of the chief of police on delinquent city tax roll, reporting the collection of SG.13i.21, delinquent taxes was received. ORDINANCES. An ordinance authorizing the chief engineer of the Astoria fire depart ment to assume control and manage ment of the fire alarm telegraph, was passed under suspension of the rules. An ordinance creating the office of electrician for the fire alarm, defining his term of office, duties and compen sation, was passed under suspension of the rules. An ordinance authorizing the erect ing, maintaining, operating and using electric light wires and polos on the streets of the city, was read first aud second times, and after some debate was ordered printed. An ordinance directing the auditor and clerk to issue an alias warrant for the collection of delinquent taxes for 18S5 was read first time. An ordinance appropriating $113.50 for the benefit of W. B. Boss was passed under suspension of the rules. The following claims weie ordered paid: Jackins & Owens, 829.10; J. Feely, SL25; Jno. McCann, $15: B. B. Marion, S173.85; G. Christiansen, 12; Griffin & Beed, S4.9U; B. JK. Ma rion, $11.75; Astoria Gas Light Co., $9.45; Griffin & Beed. S2.75; B. B. Marion, $18.50; M. Powers. $36.90; E. B. Hawes, $1; Oregon Improve ment Co., $9; M. Powers, $28.20; J. Feely, $21; Wilson & Fisher. S10.50; V.i. Parker, 517; J. W. Gearhart, $17; Jno, McCann, $95; Gill & Clin ton, $40. After a few remarks from J. C. Trullinger regarding his recent pur chase of complete plant for putting up and operating electric lights, the council adjourned to 7 v. xl, on the 12th inst. WHAT IS READ. Inquiry at the different book stores develops the fact that the principal newspapers sold are the New York Story Paper, Fireside Companion and " Saturday Night. The most popular periodical is the Young La dies' Fashion Journal, over 150 copies being sold every month. Of the Century about 75 copies are sold every month, and about 45 Harper's. The magazine is the only one of Harper's publications that has much circulation in Astoria. At present there is considerable demand for books relating to the Swedish language and giving in struction therein. A large number of outside publications are taken, newspapers and magazines coming throuch the postoffice. Several hun dred Oregonians, News and Stand ards are taken here; tlie Mercury. Welcome, Siftings and other state newspapers find numerous purchas ers. Next to The Astobiak the Ore- gonian has the largest circulation in this city. The Legislature. On Monday, the 9th inst.. the leg islature convened at Salem in accord ance with Gov. Moody s call and went on with the regular organiza tion. In the house all were present except Conner and Saunders. J. F. Gregg, of Marion was elected chief clerk. L. H. Wheeler, of Multnomah, journal clerk. In the senate all were present except Dorris of Lane. Senator-elect Bird, of Yamhill, took the oath of office. G. O. Holman, of Ba ker, was elected sergeant-at-arms, the rules of the previous session were adopted and both houses adjourned to eleven a. m., Tuesday when the governor's message was read. Bucklcn's Arnica Salrc. The Best Salve i n the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores.Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped nanus. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give Perfect satisfaction, or money refunded, rice 25 contd per box. For sa !e by W. -CT T...sx... C. Xi. XSCUllSUb IX- ji. W. Lussier oi San Francisco has en gaged in the photograph business with Crow the leading photographer. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest Eerfumery,.aiid toilet articles, etc-can e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hctel, Astoria. For Rent. The store next door to Empire Store. Apply to Carl Adler. Lost. A Grand Army of the Republic badge ; red ribbon with rank bar attached. Finder will receive two dollars reward at this office. School Books 20 per cent less than any other place at Adler's. NF.HALEH NOTES. A Valuable Section that Wants to be An nexed to Clatsop County. Osxok Peak, Or., Nov. G. 1885. Editob Astebiax: In two previous articles I advo cated the building of a wagon road from Astoria to Nehalem valley and Tillamook, and endeavored to show that it was the interest of Astoria to aid in the enterprise. I will devote this letter to another important (at least important to Nehalemites) mat ter of change and improvement. County lines, as well as all other boundaries, ought to be so located and described as to be easily followed, and no room for doubt or litigation. Is this so in respect to the boundary between Clatsop and Tillamook counties? Paragraph 9, title 2, chapter 8, Oregon laws, says: "The line of boundary between the Bounties of Tillamook and Clatsop shall be as follews: Commencing at the ex treme western point of Arch Cape, thence easterly to the summit of the coast range of mountains." This is a little better than the old de scription, which wa3 "Commence on the top of Saddle mountain, thence east to summit of coast range, thence south along said summit to the north line of Polk county, thence west to Pacific ocean, and thence north to the place of beginning." But while it is an improvement on the old, it is capable of as much more improve ment. Who knows where the extreme western point of Arch Cape is? That point may have been determined by a coast survey, but I have never found any one that knew where it was relatively. Even with the start ing point determined, the line would have to be surveyed, and at consid erable expense, to determine inter mediate points. Then it would be found to divide congressional subdi visions of land in a very unsatisfac tory manner. As near as we can lo cate this boundary, it runs through the Onion Peak coal fields and one of the finest bodies of timber in Oregon; through land that will ere long be very valuable; and if its present in definiteness is continued, it will bo difficult for assessors to determine what property Is in their jurisdiction. Here will be openings for trouble, and, perhaps, litigation. This matter should bo settled at the earliest op portunity, and in the most satisfac tory manner. This will be easier done by the legislature amending the act defining the boundary. And while the legislature is about it, let it be done understandingly and so as to serve the best interests of the present and future. The people of Nehalem are most concerned in this boundary question and their wishes ought to be consulted. Common sense tells us that the line ought to correspond with a congressional t jwnship line, but what one? While the line between 3 and 4 is within a mile or two of its present indefinite location, and it might be located on that line, yet that would still divide Nehalem valley and create some in convenience, particularly in the mat ter ot roads and schools. I believe the unanimous desire of the Nehalemites is to become Clat sop citizens. Our business interests are all that way; Astoria is and must ever be our trading point. If that was our county seat, we could unite private with public business and "kill two birds with one stone." Then, if this boundary be located on the town ship line between townships 2 and 3 N, it will place the valley intact in Clat sop county where it properly belongs. It is true that Tillamook county, would by the change lose a strip of territory 7 or 8 miles wide, but she will still bo sufficiently long. Clat sop county need not be afraid to take us in, for we are not an expensive peeple: we have no criminals nor pau pers; no lawyers nor litigants. But the time may coins when we will have considerable revenue. Ihope to hear from others on this question. Neh-vlbu. A Startling Discovery. Physicians are often startled by re markable discoveries. The facttliat Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and all Throat and Lung diseases is daily cur'ulg patients that they have given up to die, Is startling them to re alize their sense of duty, and examine Into the merits of this wonderful dis covery; resulting in hundreds of our best Physicians uslnz it in their practice Trial Bottles free atW.E. Dement & Co.'s Drug Store. Regular size $1.00. Amount the large stock just received from the east at Adler's Bookstore is a beautiful lot of Illuminated Note Paper, specially ordered for this place, which on account of coming direct Irom the manufacturer will be sold at the ex tremely low price, of :o cents per box at AdlerV. Parties wishing spars or piling of any size or length can be supplied by leav ing orders with J. II. D. Gray. For a Neat Fitting: Boot Or Shoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Chc namus stret, next door to I. W. Case. j All goods of the best make and guaran teed quaiuy. .i. urn smjck; new ennus constantly arrivine. Custom work. One hundred thousand Envelopes jus received from factory east, will be sold for S1.50 per thousand at Adler's Book store. Books and stationery at prices that will astonish buyers. My stock of Iloliday goods is now on the way from thcear. what: Do You Thltik that JefT" of The Chop House Gives you a meal for nothintr, and a glass of something to drink? "Xot much !" but he gives a better incal and more of It than any place In town for 25 cents. lie buys oy the wholesale and pavs cash. "That settles it" A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy Price 50 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement. Cheap Single Bedsteads And Mattresses, for sale cheap, at M. O teen's, corner of Main and Jeff ergon streets. Ready For Business. For a good steak, a delicious cup of coffee or a plate of fine ovsters go to Frank Fabre's Coffee, Oyster and Chop House; opposite M.C.Crosby's. FROM YAQUINA BAY. Ok boabd the Steamship Yaquixa, ) Yaqutka Bay, Or., Not. L 1885. j When we left Albany, two weeks ago, we thought to be ere this under the orange trees. But man proposes and God disposes, and for the lost two weeks we have done nothing but walk up and down the docks at Yaquina city, chewing tooth picks, and board at the company's expense, and wait patiently for favorable winds and tide to carry us to the ocean. Last Thursday the vessel steamed up and headed by the tug Favorite, launched out among the breakers that divide Yaquina bay from the Pacific ocean. When about two-thirds of the way across the tug lost one of its propellers and had to cut loose from the steamer. The sea was running mountain high, and the white-crested waves dashod their spray over the deck of the vessel, and the stoutest heart fluttered a little when the soundings showed four feet of water on one side and seven on the other. A moment later she scraped on the bottom, trembled and stood still. The engine, was reversed, all the steam was put on, and after a strong'pull she backed out, swung round, grazed the rocks on the side of the channel and steamed back to the wharf. Several of the orew and passengers were badly frightened; some went so far as to get on their life-preservers "and say their prayers. We were not so badly frightened as some of the others, bnt still these few lines of an old song came vividly to ourmemery: "It matters not, I have oft been told, Where the body lies when the heart is cold. Bat grant, Oh, grant this boon to me. Oh, bury me not in the deap blue sea." The steamship Yaquina is a nice little vessel, 1,210 tons, commanded by Cant John Gibson. Albany Herald Disseminator, 6. m Wholesale Arrests. Tacoma, Nov. 9. TJniUd States Marshal J. W. George and Deputy A. Whyto arrested this afternoon the parties indicted for intimidating Chi nese, viz: Mayor Wiesbaoh, Dolph Hanna, Probate Judge Wickersham, J. Balph, A. TJ. Mills, M. Kaufan, E. G. Bacon, John Forbes, H. A. Stev ens, W. Chri3lie, O. P. Anderson, John Budlong, Frank Magill. Charles Paetz, M. C. Gibbs, A. W. Cone, E. von Shrader, L. Stimpson, B. B. Ev erett, H. Bixler, George B. Epperson, G. D. Lawson, A. Bodenzell. M. Mc Afee, King Smith, J. M. Fernandes and W. C. BelL More are to bo ar rested. Four companies of troops have returned from Seattle and camped here. They will propably leave to-night with the prisoners. lropcr Treatment Tor Coughs. That the reader may fully understand what constitutes n good Cough and Lung SyruD, we will say that Tar and Wild Cherry Is the base of the best rem edies yet discovered. These Ingredi ents with several others equally as effi cacious, enter largely into Dr. Bosanko's Cough aud Jjtfug Syrup, thus making It one of the most reliable now on the mar ket. Price 50 cLs. and $1.00. Samples free. Sold by J. W. Conn. for lame Back, Side or cnest use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Prico 25 cents. i?nr snJe by W. "E. Dement. Whv will you cough when Shiloh's Curt' will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts 50 cts and 31. Sold by W. E. De ment. Our Home and Fireside Mwjazine, l5 oleographs and 12 large engravings free to fvery subscriber, all for the sum of one dollar. An entire new develop develep ment: you don't pay till you get the premiums; now to be seen at Carl Ad ler's. sole agent. Ladle In delicate health aud all who suffer from habitual constipation will find the Sleasant liquid fruit remedy Syrup of 'igs more easily taken, and more bene ficial in effect than any other remedy. It acts promptly yet gently on the Bow els, kidneys. Liver aud Stomach, and does not sicken or debilitate. For sale by W. E. Dement & Co. -Hacicmetack." a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 23 and 30 cental. Sold by W. E. Dement. That Hacking Cougn can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We iiiarantpe It. Sold by W. E. Dement. Syrup ofFigs. Manufactured only by the California Fig Svrup Co. San Francisco Cal. is Natures Own True Laxative. This pleasant liquid fruit remedy may be had of W. E. Dement & Co, at fifty cents or one dollar per bottle. It Is the most pleasant, prompt and effective remedy known, to cleause the system ; to act on, the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gently vet thoroughly; to dispel Headachs, Colds and Fnrers: to cure Constipation, Indigestion and kindred ills. Shiloh's Yitilizens what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Prico 10 anil 75 cents per bottle. Sold by W. E. Dement Shiloh's Cough ana Consumption Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It cures coiiMimptlon. Sold by W.E. De ment Sleepless Nights made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by TV. E. De ment & Co. i -NONE BUT- WHITE, COOKS! EMPLOYED AT TI1E The Tables Supplied with the Best the Market Affords. In the Sleeping Department, Clean, Comfortable Beds. J. Gr. ROSS, Proprietor, MAIN STBEET, . ASTORIA, ORKGOT7. Pmeer Res aunt XABIXE NOTES. The Carnmoney and City ofHan Itow went to sea yesterday afternoon. The Geo. W. Elder is due from San Franoisoo this merning: the State Bails. The British bark Victoria Bay, 1,118, Morrison master, 73 days from Newcastle, N. S. W with coal arrived in yesterday. The Columbia is being repaired in San Francisco. When ready for ser vice again the Oregon will be laid off for a general overhauling. The City of Hankow with 6G,76i bus. wheat, valued at $51,078 the Burisdeer, with 52,005 bus. wheat, valued at 340,206, the City of Flor ence with 64,882 bus. wheat, valued at $52,118, and the Cormorant with 57,082 bus. wheat, valued at $4211, cleared for Queenstown yesterday. Zilberty'a JLcgH. A New York sculptor and National Academician says of our "Libby:" "The figure ia certainly balanced on the wrong leg. Try it yourself. Baise your right arm to its highest extent. Now you find you are balanced on the right leg. It must be so, because the tension on the right thigh must correspond to the straining of the arm. In the statue of Liberty this straining of the arm is not met by this correspondence, but just the op posite, the left being the balancing leg. Artistically, this ia a bad fault." H. P. GREGORY & CO. S: S.Vertk Front St.. Portland, Or. Importers and Dealers in "Wood-working Machinery, FIjAlXKBS. XOIiDHRS. MORTIMERS. TEX02fR, Sand-papering; Machines, .Lathes, llorlaa Machines, Band Maws, Meroll Saws. Rubber and Leather Belting;, MLLIi FINDINGS GEXEKALLY Notice of Assignment. TWOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL JL whom it niay concern, that the under signed has been appointed assignee of the es tate of Messrs. Prael Bros., Insolvents, and all poisons havlngclaims against thesaides tate, are requested to present the same to the asiignee properly verified at his office in the bank of 1. w. Case, in the city of Astoria, Clatsop county, state of Oregon, within three months from this date, and all persons In debted to the said estate are requested to make Immediate payment of the samp. JOHN BBYCE. Assignee. Astoria, Oregon. October 16th. 18S5. City Treasurer's Notice. ALL OUTSTANDING "WARRANTS DUE by the city of Astoria will be paid by the Treasurer at his office on and alter to day. Interest ceases from this date. T.G. HUSTLER, City Treasurer. Astoria, October 13th I8S3. S. ARNDT & FEROHEN ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH SHOP Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, axt STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. Aspcialtymadeof repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. Notice. A LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO ME xx. will please call and pay the amount to W. W. Parker without further notice a all accounts unpaid will soon be placed in the nanus oi an attorney xor collection py law WAl. UUVtE. Found. A FISHING BOAT ON SUNDAY THE Sthinst. above Tongue Point, which the owner can haTe by proTlng property and paying charges. Apply to Upper Astoria. Lost. FISHING BOAT. ROUNDED AT ENDS of keel ; sail thwart branded "D. C." ; boat used as trap boat and has tar marks on it Information leading to its recovery will be rewarded. TTll. FREIDBURG. Or at ABTORiAJf Omce. C. E. BAIN. BRACKETMIOULDH, WINDOW FRAMES. ETC., A Full Supply of Material. Bids Furnished : Contract Work a Specialty. Mill and Office on tho Old Site. HOTICE! To the Patrons of Athletic Exercise. W. M. DAVIS, The Teter&m Pugilist, Iz Champion of Amer ica tad Teacher of Athletlca. Opened at Grant Bros,, on "Water street, last Tuesday evening Nov. 10th. 18S5. Terms liberal. Apply to w. M. Davis, on premises. Opi of the Statin Season! AT ROSS' OPERA HOUSE, Continue every Tuesday. Thursday and Sat urday evenings from T to 10 r. x., and Saturday afternoon from 1 to 4 p.m. Admission; on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Saturday afternoon. Ladles free, skaters 25 cents ; Gents admission 25c, skaters 23 cents. Admission on Saturday evening, with dishing Fost Cornet Band ; Ladles 25 cents, skaters 31 cents; Gent 25 cents, sfcatws 2i cents. LTD m O la. sLH LI tUUBI 5sr ti S C: tii Li LsiiZ 25 5a NEW Having purchased extensively Markets, I am now prepared to sliow Assortment of DRY" GOODS and Oregon. New Silks. New Velvets, New Cloaks. New Buttons. New Hosiery. New Ribbons. New Blankets. Every Department is Complete! Being one of the Largest Buyers of Bit IMpCIoMi In The North West, Buying Direct From The Manufacturers and Importers, Saving the Extra Profits of Middlemen. W tire enabled to n:. .. ft..-. uivtj uur uusi; m-m n mm y n j a 0-n van Wo Only Carry FIRST CLABB And Our Prices are how. WH01ESALE COUNTRY Specially Attended to Oi H E Wholesale and Retail Stores. Astoria, Oregon. GO TO THE 0.1 Hair Dressing Saloon Parker House,. Main St., For a first-class Shave, scientific Ilair-cut. and hygienic Shamnoe, etc. Alter September 1st I will be preparod to manufacture all kinds of hair work. 11. Dn PARK, Prop. CITY BOOK ST0 Fine Stationery. Blank Books, School Books and Supplies, Musical Instruments. Sheet Music and general variety of Novelties. All Publications Received as Soon as Published. "w 'wtTti'wai'imrs' JT jaLJLJE A' JL. GUSTAVBONTGEX, 3r XT qgT 23 3MC X "2? IOI, XKAU VAX DCSEN'S STOKK, UPPKi: ASTORIA. All kinds of new Guns made to order. Breech-loading Guns made 'from Mujale- ioaders. All repairs done prompt and cheap. First class workRuaranteed. Address letters GUSTAV BONTGEX. Care of John Kopp, Astoria, Or. New Hats jqst curacior j9lS0"33 OIu rVUlEiiTlfiii LaHIbIIIIIII MaDcona ff"ft in Kisieni and San Francisco the Largest and Most Varied CLOTIUXG in the State of New Dress Goods, Ncav Suitings. New Wraps. New Trimmings. New Underwear. New Gloves, New Flannels. Etc.. Etc. l r-a ilh . n 1 and Filled With. Dispatch. W. S. DEMENT & CO. ASTORIA. - - OKEGOX Cany in Stock. DRUGS, GHEiVllGALS, TOILET and FABGY ARTICLES Prescriptions carefully Compounded s l?sa, Furniture and Upholstering, Mattresses Made and Repaired. Papsr Hanging. Carpets Sewed and Laid. Furniture Sold on Commission. Snoi'. corner Main and Jefferson Street. MARTIX OLSEN. -jSlI?-