CJ) 4 . VOL. XXIV, NO. 1 13. ASTORIA, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, J 885. PRICE. FIVE CENTS. BUSINESS CAEDS. nB. A. L. and J. A. JTLTrt.V. P!ij-ir!unsand Snrjryons. Will j:l prompt attention ro all &!, Horn any pair of tli city ir couutiy. Office oer Alien' More, corner Cws awl '(juemoqua streets, At.i2a. Oregon. Telephone No. 41. K. F K A X K I" A K. I'liynlrinn and Snrseon. Office. RooniG. eve: D.A. McInto-liss:ore. KriCK Hocks :- 9 to 11 .. 21. :-2 to 3 r. 11. Residence, oppose thedohaiwii buildmj D It. LOrKIIAUT, PHYSICIAN A XI) HTKOEOX. Ol'tirK: Ci-m Bul'dln. up stalls, A-dona, trefoil . tf E. COOVKUT, Attorney Htfawaml Notary irubHe collections soi.ipiti:i. Office with C. R. Thomson, n-om " oter City Book Store. OKU. A. DOKUIS. OFO. NOI.AM) .Mr..USI fc DORItSS. ATTORNEY'S AT LAW. omen hi Kinney's Blork. ppoir Ot I'hiI, Astoiia. Oregon. v w. rcLTOX. - tu.ins. riri.TlA HKOTTIEBS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. KoomsSaud 6. Odd Fellows Building. ri KI.O F. PADHEU. SURVEYOR OF Clatsop CoHBty and City of Astoiia Office :-N. E. corner Cass and A stor street, Boom No. H f i. A. BOITLBY. Attorney and Counsellor t Law, Office on Chenamus Street, Astoria, Oregon. JAY TUTT2.E. 31. I. rnrsici an an d su k : eon Office Rooms 1,2, and 8 Pythian Build- Uksidrvck Oa Cedar Street, back ol M. Mary's Hospital. J f HICKS hicks & sntw. DENTISTS. Rooms In Allen's Building, up btaire. ci ner Cass and Squemoqua streets. Astoiia Oregon. 13 K. SPEDBRX, NOTAKY PUBLIC, Searoherof Titles, Alistraett r and Conveyanerr. Office on Cass Street. 3 doms south of As torlan office, Astoria, Oregon. BANKING AND INSURANCE ! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, ASTOKIA. - OKI.03T. OFFICE HOURS : From 9 o'clock A. M. untn 3 o'clock J, it. AHEAD OP ALL COMPETITORS! Capitol Flour, Manufactured on the Oradu.il Reduction Sjsremhy tne Salem (Or.) Capitol Flour Mills Co.. limitf.o J the only flour that has taken First Pri.7e three years In succession at the POBTLAXD MECHANIC'S FA J It. Also at State Fair. Oue trial Is sufrtcient to convince of its suj e rlority. Se that the ord CAPITOL Is 0:1 each sack GEORGE SHIEL, 8 Stalk St., Fortland Agent. WILSOX & FISHER. Astoria ARents. HAVE YOU AnyiiM to Sel? rX THE MATTER OF Ragt Bottles, Old Metal, or Junk of Any Sort, FOABO & STOKES VU1 jrlve you the bet price for 1L Do You Want to Buy SHIP MATERIAL, From a Belaying Fin to a Hawhcr; Trout Block to an Anchor. You Can Get what You Want at F0AED& STOKES. Headquarters at building, east end Water Street. Nicely Furnished Rooms, WITH OR WrrHOCT BOARD: AT Mis. S. T. McKean's, Cass street, three doors south of astobiax office. oncro a II 5y tWBL"m&i,Am 1 THE GREAT Af&$ ' Mm heMEDI i OP1SI Cures Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Baekaciip, Ifendnclie. Toothache. 5:ralna, UruincB, etc, etc. Price, Fifty Cesta. At DrupgUts and Dealers. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., Sole Pre?- B VLTIUOSr, M ASTLAS9, U. 53. A. The Mirror is no flatterer. Would you make it tell a sweeter tale? Magnolia Balm is the charm er that almost cheats the looking-glass. All Sorts of hurts and many sorts of ails of man and beast need a cooling lotion. Mustang Liniment. kSAiiKJRD' 1NV9GQRATI Is just what its name implies ; s Purely Vegetable "Compound, thai acts directly upon, the river: curing Ihe many diseases 0 that nn. porlant organ, and ting the na merous ailm its tl arise from its deranged or ction, such oh Dyspepsi, Biliousness; Losuyenes iaria, Sick-Tieadachej Rhe etc. It is" therefore s 3Tusmthat "U.oiiave Good Health :he Lwer"irm5t be kept in order." DR. BANIORD'S LI7EB INVIGOEATOH. rnvigorates the Liver, Regulates the Bow sis, Strengthens the System, Purifies the Blood , Assists Digestion, Prevents Fcvc rs. 3 a Household Need. An Invaluable Family Medicine for common complaints. DZL BAOTOBD'S IIVZB nTTIGOEATGH. A:i experience of Forty years, and Tiio-i lands cf Testimonials prove its Merit. FOR SALE BV ALT, DEALETtS Et MEDICTXCS For full information send your addrcM fcr 1 u cirr Wilson & Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HAEDWARE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS MILL FEED AGEXTS FOK Salem Flouring Mills, Portland Boiler Mills, Capital Flour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. Notice. mUISISTO GIVE TICE 1HAT THE jl accounts ui luaaaie uim 01 .joiiii iiaun & Co., are to be paid to the undersigned, and no one else, JOHNHAHX. IIOW THE HAIR IS CUT. , Parting with Their Halr-Feml- nine Craze for Short Hair. Tho craze among the ladies for wearily the hair short is becoming general, and is spreading all the j country over. It has already become very popular in Hochester, anil now the most slviisli veunj: ladies in the city are parting with their raven and golden tresses. There was a time when it was considered somewhat "fast" for a lady to wear her hair short, hut since Miss Cleveland, the President's sister, the present mis tress of the White House, and, by common courtesy, the "first lady in the land," wears her locks shorn quite short and advocates the custom on the grounds oi comfort, conven ience, and health, it has become the style. Time was, too, when a short haired lady wa3 o rare that her ap pearance in pulilii places attracted general attention. But that was a good while ago. 'flic prominent hair cutters arc becoming quite proficient in cutting U12 hair of their rapidly increasing lady patrons. Some in teresting ami strange scenes are now seen in the cily hairdressers' estab lilunents and barber shop3. "A handsome young lady, just from hoarding school, came into my shop on Tuesday and said she wanted her hair cut just like Miss Cleve land's," aid a prominent barber. "She had a picture of. the President's sister for im to look at; and with the .suggestions given by her com panion, who had seen Min Cleve land, and with tho aid of the pho tograph, I cut and trimmed her hair to her complete satisfaction. Oh, I don't know who or what started the style. Perhaps Miss Cleveland had something to do with it, but I am in clined to believe that Miss Maudo Granger, Miss Dora Wiley, and other actresses and singers who aro great favorites with women, started tho style here. Of course it helps our business, but leaving all selfish rea sons aside, is it not tho most rea sonable ciaze that has recently como into style? Why, you have no idea what it constant trouble a heavy head of hair is to a woman. It has to be dressed two or three times a day, and this takes up a great deal of a woman's time. With long and heavy hair, it is difficult for a lady to keep her scalp clean and healthy." " What do the ladies do witlijheir shonrtre"sses?" "They take theraaway with them. Some o't them bring old corset boxes for this purpose, and when no box of this shape is handy I do up the hair in a paper." "Do they sell it?" "I don't know. I don't believe many of my customers have, for theyhave invariably exhibited moro of a fondness for the hair than they would for the money they derive from the sale of it. No, I think they take it home and keep it. When it becomes stylish to wear the hair long again they will have switches made of it. "Yes, we have some queer scenes in our shopB now," continued the hair cutter. "A voung lady who comes to have her locks cut oft" always brings a lady companion with her, and sometimes they bring two or three. Their con versation while I am at work would make you laugh. A girl was in here with her mother the sother day and had her hair cut quite short. It waJ the first time the shears had ever touched the girl's hair, and she shook with fear when I began aud she felt the cold steel on her neck. Two sisters were here one day last week, and when I cut oiF the hair of one the tears ran down the cheeks of the other like rain drops. Queer creatures these women, aren't they ? " "Is there any particular style- in cutting ladies' liair now? " "Well, the most of those who havo been here have had their hair cut very short on the back of the !i-ad indeed, almost as close as young men wear their hair and moderately good length on top. They want it long enough on top to frizz, or curl, or to wearin a bang." Rochester Demo crat. An Artificial Velesas. It was formed spontaneously at the Macungie furnace, in Lehigh County, Pa., on the top of a car of melted iron cinders. As the extreme crust of the slag cooled, and consequently con tracted, the interior gases, cramped for want of room, burst out at the surface in jets and spurts as in a natural volcanic eruption, and pro portionately quite as high, gradually forming the frustum of an irregula'r cone, with an opening in the center from bottom to top. Through this opsning the melted matter was forced up from the mass below, running over at the top of the cone on all sides and, dripping downward, cooled into beautiful stalactical forms. The height of the cone is twenty inches, outside diameter at bottom fifteen inches, and at the top five inches. Its growth occupied half an hour, lis weight is ninety pounds. This is a good illustration of the manner in which volcanic peaks are supposed to be naturally formed, confirming the theory that, as the crust of the earth contracts by cooling, the inte rior gases and melted matter requir ing more room, mountain ranges are raised, and, at the weaker points, openings are forced, from which the imprisoned matter escapes and vol canic peaks and craters are formed, just as in the specimen above de scribed. Lancaster (Pa.) New Era. Impertinent Iaftrcnce. The elephant is a very bad-behaved animal. He tarns up his noso at everything that is given him to tat. A yong man's head is like a piece of timber. Nothing permanent can be made of it while it is full of sap. The fashion of going abroad dates from the lime when the chief priest and theLcvite passed by on the other side. A philosopher says: "Never judge a man by the size ot his shoes." No. It is always safer to judge him by the size of his" ears. A scientific journal says "few fishes die a natural death." That Is not our fault. Just as many die a natural death as if we didn't go a-fishing. "A girl who permits of no famil iarities by the gentleman of the house " advertisedfin Cincinnati for a situation, and she received 5S0 an swers in two days. Land on Wall Street costs $G,000, 000 an aero. Although that would seem too high for farming purposes, yet a good deal of money is made (and lost) on wheat there. " A Texas judge fined a man for call ing him a liar while court was in session. The judge, in explaining to the man's friends, said: "I know that I am a liar, but not while court is in session, gentlemen." It is said that the Marquis of Salis bury's hair is all on the back of his head. In this respect the Marquis differs from most fashionable women. They generally have some one else's hair on the back of their heads. A Child. Devoured by a Dos. News has just arrived in town of a horrible death which occurred across the Brazos River, east of this place, on the farm of Dr. Eoss, a few-raonths-old negro child being literally devoured by a dog. The family left the house, leaving their baby ih the cradle. In a short time the father had cause to return for something, when on entering the house a horrible and sickening sight met his gaze. Tho dog had pulled the baby out of tho cradle, and had him on the floor face down. The dog looked up un concerned on the entry of tho father, and again began tearing the flesh of the child. Tho father kicked the brute off, and on examining the child found that the dog had torn away and eaten all of the flesh and great mus cles of the thighs and buttocks, leav ing the bones glistening in a most horrible manner. The little victim lived until the next day, when death relieved it of its sufferings. The dog was killed immediately. Sealy, Texas, Cor. Galveston News. Saratoga Village Itollglon. Deacon Knapp has been the main pillar of the Saratoga Methodist Church for over 40 years. Every Sunday morning has "found him in the center pew of the old church. One month ago the old deacc 1 died. A few weeks after the pastor called on the deacon's son, Ben. Ben had not "experienced the wrath to como" like his father, and had left the old pew vacant. "Now, Ben," said the pastor, "for over 40 years your father has occu pied that samo old pew in the center of tho church. He has enjoyed my sermons all these years, and I hope to see you in the same old pew." "But father and I are different," said Ben. "It would be harder for mo to sit here than for father." "Why harder for you, Ben?" asked the clergyman. "Because," said Ben, "father, you know, was deaf." In Great Britain only holders of licenses are permitted to make physi ological experiments on living ani mals. During 18S4 the number of licenses issued -.vas 49. Of the 145 experiments performed, 99 consisted simply in the introduction of a virus ; 24 were experiments in cases of sus pected poisoning; 10 were to de termine the action of fungi on fish, and five were on the effects of abso lutely pnrc water on fish. Tired and Languid Women. How many women there are of whom these words are true: "They feel languid and tired, hardly able to hear their weight on their feet, the bloom all gone from their cheeks, ir ratable and cross without meaning to be, nerves all upset, worried with the children, fretted over littlo things, a burden to themselves, and yet with go acute disease." "What a pity it is. But a few bottles of Parker's Tonic will drive all this away, and relieve the troubles peculiar to their sex. Wife. "What's the matter, dear? Yon seem to he in a auandarv." Husband. "I am. I got'a letter from mv friend. Uoneressman A... to day, in which ho requests that it be not published, and I can't mate up my mind what paper to take it to." Exchange. Imitation is said to be the sheer est kind of flatter'. If this be so, what a number of flatterers St Jac obs Oil must have? They are con stantly trying to imitate it, bnt al ways fail. It alone conquers pain. Shiloh's Cough ana Consumption Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by W. E. De ment. Sleepless Nights made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De ment & Co. The I'nderclethlns or Priuccs Beatrice. Just now the tronssenu of fhn Princess Beatrice l.q tlif onarnqaino topic of conversation in fashionable circles on Dotn sides 01 the channel. The. newspapers have exhausted the entire vocabulary of fashion in thnir descriptions of it. The exquisite arti- --a "i uui.131,, muruaiuu wiin ancient Koint and antique guipure, that have oen furnished bv Dourer, nro nf n kind to create an epoch inthehistorv of dress. Some of the chemises of her Royal Highness, purchased for her marriaee. aro so fine as to he almost impalpable, and might easily uc ur;nm luruugu nur wviuun? ring. An Intsrcii ReTolntiun Wh'ch enable? tho roniaels So thr.m on" 1 y.kcof drpcNla. K effi clo.l t:irnti?hth-:.. ofHostetter's StemaH: i;.ttr:. a ir.o,: . f - cientaUyln wnr.i guith 51 hv dps vh U affc;t the digcs:: v irgni:. iS c SUi r .u d : t bowels. When tin fly, tte et iri-"". . heartburn, waulo:. lhcM m-h. or :w is theotherf.inuli:irsi:irto isiif his ntahti' . a wineglass ftth of this mnrH.l s. stt.uui! : will uk.sip.itc them. ?nd a nirsu me r U.- and biliousness. eilstothc relief of niuli aperients anil cathartics arc Inadequate, a'-n jiejuiu mi me auerame. ine w-u ra tion of apinrtlte aud nightly repose, and h-e disapnearane-of those nenous smtt.:ii that 11 ibitunllv uuuov the chronic Mifien r from d seiMii abo cn-uc ujwn the v of uiu inner, which in iikcwim a m su; ir.i remedy and jrecntatic of fever nnd 2!it. rheumatism, kidney and Madder inlb, and debilily. MARKETS. WYATT & THOMPSON. DEALEKS IN FRESH AND CURED MEATS CHOICE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. Crockery and Glassware. Mill JrPeoca., Etc, STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresh ami Cured Meats, Vogetatoles, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. orronrrK ncrinE.vr iiorr.u CHKXAJSlS street. Astoiia. Otf. Washington Market. Jlnln -f:rrl, Intuitu, Oirson. Bi:U;3I.iX Jfc OO.JKOriU!.TOKS RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEX tiou of the nubile to the fact that the above M.irket w ill always be supplied with a FULL VAP.IETY AND BEST QUALITY FEESK AND CUBED MEATS ! Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail . SySpecIal attention given to supplying ships. B. B. Franklin, Undertaker anil GaMnet Mater, SQUEMOQUA STREET, XKXT TO TIIK ASTOKIAX UU1LTJIXO. 5?All work done in a skillful manner on &hort notice at reasonable rates. Dissolution Notice. THE COPAKTXEItSHIP HERETOFORE existing between John Halm. Win. Bock and Henry Berendes under the firm name of John Ilahn & Co.. In the boot and shoe business on Squemoqua street, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, "Win. Bock anil Henry Berendes retiring from the llrm. The business will hereafter be conducted by John Halin who will pay all bills and collect all the indebtedness due the firm. JOHN HAHN. AVM. BOCK. HENRY BERENDES. Astoria, Ocrober 2!rd, 1E83. Notice of Application. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned will apply to the Astoria city council at its next meeting, for a retail liquor license for one year. In the building northwest corner Lafayette and Concomly streets. McClure'a Astoria. GEO.GORLIER. Astoria. October 31, 18S5. Notice of Application. TWOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE J-i undersigned will, at the next meeting ot tne Astoria city council, maice application for a retail liquor license for one year. In the building on lot 5, block c, McClure's Astoria. MRS. SARAH JOHNSON. Astoria, Oct. 31, 18S5. J . uissss jsos-aa&aacs-ir rifl-r -n-.'-.'55zrm TtMFT-4'. WW Tte...-VikTA I I I n TlMi iPi THTWi iltl 33 V- J1"SE FOUNDED.' '78. f JsSL GRAND PRIZE PARIS 1878. THEY HAVE BEEN AWARDED HIGHER PRIZES AT THE VARIOUS THAN THE U0CD5 THREAD MANUFACTURERS IX IHE WORLD. Quality can Always be Depended on ! Experiencei Mmi fa no Otto ! HENBY DOYLE & CO., 5 1 7 and 5 1 9 Market Street. SAN FRANCISCO. AGV.ST& FOlt 1'AViYlC COAST. Seine Twines, Rope and TJic Telephone Saloon. The Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. Especially fitted up for the Comfort and Convenience ot those who enjoy a Social Cla's. The fiebt of Wines anil Liquors, The Choicest Cigars. Everything New and First-Class. R. t. JEFmnY.rroii'r. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer in HARDWIRE, IRON, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHcET IRON, T?iT AND Copper. TEsegggzaggjj Colli ia Trisirtati FOE P0ETLAND! Through Freight on Fast Time! TIIE SEW STEAMER TELEPHONE Which has been specially built for the comfort or passengers lll leave AVIlson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland c ery Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. TAn additional trip will be made on Sunday or Each Week, leaving Portland at O'clocfe Sunday Horning:. Passengers bj this route connect at KaUma for Sound ports. O. B.SCOTT. Presidf ut Threads OF ANY OTHER Netting Constantly on Hand. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For l he Ffnest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE OEM -A1 OON. ALEX. CAMrBELL. PROPRIETOR J. a. D. G&AY. Wholesale and retail dealer In GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME. SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and WhLr fage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria. Oregon. WIS.' EDGAR, Dealer In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNER MAIN AND CHENAMUS STS. jiiwb iwiitmnngaa nmrr " "-" i mm.