f'J VOL. XXIV, JNTO. 111. BUSINESS -CARDS. Kh. A. X,. and .J. A. FUI.TOX Phj'.sfcinnsautl Surgeons. Will give promnt attention to all calls. I im any part of the city or country. Ofllce over Allen's Store, corner Cass ami .-"uuemoqua streets, A-torla, Oregon. Telephone Mo. 41. D" FICAXK PACK. IMiyxf vinn ntl Surceou. onice. Room ft, over D. A. Mcintosh s store OKI'JCK liOL'KK: -!) tOll.. M. ; 3t0 5l.M. Residence, opposite the Johnnscu building IR. 3-OCKIIART. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ofkick: Com Building, up stalls. Astoiia, ( ire;on . l K COOVEHT, Attorney at Luivaud Notary l'ublie COLLECTIONS SOLICITED. Office with C. K. Thoni!oii. room .' oer City Book Store. iSKO. A. DilUXIii. JKO. 'Ol.ANI KOLAKD fc nORKIS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office in Kinney'ri Block. pposite City Hall, Astoria, Oregon. i w. FULTON'. ;. i FUl.TOX. rirrrorv huoteikics. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Uooms 5 and C. Odd Fellows Building. G ELO F. PABKEK, SURVEYOR OF Clatsop County and City of AHtoria Office :-N. E. corner 0n and A stor streets, Boom No. 8 J." A. BOWIBY. Attorney and Counsellor at Ittv, Ofllce on Chcnamus Street, Astoria, Oregon. TAY TUTTL.E, M. I. PHYSICIAN AND SUIWE02J Office Rooms l. 2, and 3. Pythian Build Jig. Kksusncb On Cedar Street, back (A ?t. Mary's Hospital. t P. HTOK9. A. K. SnAW HICKS & SHAW. DENTISTS. Booms in Allen's Building, up stairs, cm iter Cass and Sqnemoqua streets. Astoiia Oregon. R." SPEDDRX, NOTARY PUBLIC, Senreherof Titles. Abstracter and Conveyancer. Office ou Cass Street. 8 doors south of A-.-torlan office, Astoiia, Oregon. BANKING AHD INSURANCE! i. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, AKTOK1A, - OKKCSOX. OFFICE HOURS : From 9 o'clock A. M. until 3 o'clock 1. AI. AHEAD OP ALL COMPETITORS! Capitol Flour, Manufactured on the Gradual deduction System by ttie SalenY(0r.) Capitol Flour Mills Co.. l.IJUTKD J the only flour that has taken First Prize three years in succession at the IOUTT,AM MECHANIC'S FA IK. Also at State Fair. One trial is sufficient to convince of its supo riorlty. See that the word CAPITOL is on euch sack GEORGE SHIEL, 8 Stark St., Portland Agent. WILSON & FISHER. Astoria Agents. HAVE YOTJ Anytiiing to Sell? IN THE MATTER OF Rags. Bottles, Old Metal, or Junk of Any Sort, 4 Will tlveyou tlje best price for it. Do You Want to Buy SHIP MATERIAL, From a Belaying Pin to a Hawser; from Block to an Anchor. ' You Can Get what You Want at FOARD & STOKES. headquarters at building, east end Water Street. Nicely Furnished Rooms, WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD- AT Mrs. S. T. McKeau's, Cass street, three doors south of Astohian office. FOARD WES TRADE zrf MARK. Absolutely Free from Opiates, Emetics and Poison. SAFE, AT DEUGGI3TS AXD DrAXZE3. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER C0..BALTIM0RE, HQ. Solo Proprietors. INVIGORATOI x just wnac its name implies ; Purely Vegetable Co pound, thai acts directly upon, the yer: curine the many diseases inci o that lm. portant organ, and ting the nil- merons ailmants t arise from its aerangea cr ttorpji action, such as Dyspepsia Jdtfp, ice, Biliousness, LOS enesSVMaria, Sick-headache, Rhe etc. It is therefore 2 :ruisnMhat "To .have Good HeaMi :he Liver must be kept in order." DB. SAHPOSD'S LIVES IifvTGORATOB. EnviRorates the Liver, Regulates the Bow l3, Strengthens the System, Purifies the Blood, Assists Dhjcstion, Prevents Fevers. ts a Household ""In ced. An Invaluable Family Medicine for common complainla D2. SAHFOED'S LIVEE HT7IG0EAT0E. An. experience of Forty years, and Thu. lands of Testimonials prove its Merit. Fon salt: nr at.t. dealers iNMEnicrxia For f"ll information wad yonr address for 10( .-jeltook on i ho "Liver and its dIeaKF," u ' pisronp dpa:.e ST.. new Toau errs TUTT'S PILL vBT2RpD BOWELS D8SORDERED UVER, and MALARIA. 5 SPm. 'these sources arise thrco-fourths of tho diseases of the human race. Thce symptoms indicate their existence: Loss of Appetite, Bowels costive, blck XleadacUc, fullness nrter eat in(r,nverslon to escrtiouof body or mind. Eructation of food, Irritaull Ityortcmper,r.oxvspIrlts,Afeeliic ofliavln5neKlectedEoinedaty,TIz xincss,X;luttcrlngBttheircart,lots before the eyes, hIRlily colored Urliie,COXSTlPATIO.V,anrtdcmand lo"?eofarorucdythatacts directly on tho Liver. AsaLivcrmedlclneTUTT'S ft ,??? liave no equal Their action on tho Kidneys and Skin is nlso prempt: removing all impurities through these three scavengers of the system," producing anpcUto, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear akin and a vig orous body. TOTT'S PJXL.S cause no nausea ot griping nor Interfere ivith dally work und axe a perfect &&7ID9T-LTQ MALARIA. v,"" ' iuoiii tern u ossB GratITaik orWhiskeus changed in. stantly to aGLo.sv Black bvasinglo application of this Dvc. Sold'by Drug 'tffHhorscnt hy express on receipt of $L r OfflCQt -M Murray Street. New York.- terra wxujj, or vzznm assgaa rssz. Wilson & Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HAEDWARE Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS millTfeed AGENTS FOR Salern Flouring Mills, Portland Roller Mills, Capital Flour and FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. Notice. millS IS TO GIVE OTICE THAT THE X accounts of the late firm or Jolui Hahn & Co., aie to be paid to the undersigned, and no one else. JOHN IIAHX, SURE, JgftGtS. IkSANFORD'S ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1885. A SOBRIETY BALL,, MAKING THE DRUNK SOBER. One of the Purposes Subserved by Uruesltts In the Early Mora ine Hours. The chimes were ringing four o'clock in the early gray morn as the reporter, belatetl.cntereda drug-store on Broad way. The sallow night-clerk was very tired young man, who evinced a .strong desire to lie down on the , marble iloor and take a nap. The ', c.nanse pocketed with some difficulty, the young man tacked deviously uuuugii uie aoor into tue dark street beyond. The night -lerk muttered: "Another bromide and aromatic." "What's that?" "A man who wants to sober up before he reaches home. Do we have many of them? Well, I should smile. They're our best trade from 2 to 5 a. m. And there's a funnv thing about it. Kegular drunkards are better customers than occasionals. Of the former, two-thirds trv tosohnr ,up with drugs before confrbntinz an . irate wife or mother; of the latter, only a third go to an apothecary. Almost all have a limited knowlodge ui w iiat iney want, out let us deter mine the quantity to be given. The favorite potion is bromide of potash and aromatic ammonia. Another is bromide and valerian. Old topers and opium-eaters want laudanum or morphine in theirs. "Another class come in perfectly sober, but desire something to disin fect their breath or disguise it. Tho former take soda with coffee-cream sirup, and the latter aromatic herbs or strong-flavored confectionery. Why, for these fellows wo linvo n special kind of oandv. Thev are what is known as Imperials, and they are llavored with clove, cinnamon, wintergreen, sassafras and other equally pungent oils. The oddest customer I have is a chemist, who has a weekly club meeting. Thov must be German beer-drinkers, for when he comes in it's just like a brewery. He is very systematic, and takes first what he call's his 'sobriety ball.' That's bromide, aromatic am monia and laudanum. He talks ten or fifteen minutes; to give his stom ach time to absorb the dose, and then takes his 'disinfector,' which is coffee cream soda with two drops of carbolic acid. He next buys an ounce of Im perials and departs homeward. By the time he arrives, he says, he is all braced up and has a breath like a new-born babe eating its first candy stick. I tell him he'll kill himself with the treatment, but he onlv answers, 'Death before the tears of a lovely woman,' and keeps on. He told me his wife was a T. A. B., but that she had never tumbled to his little scheme in five years." "What is the best wav of sobering up?" "Bathe the head and wrists in cold water and take what I've said. Un less you are 7ery drunk you can make yourself all right in half an hour. There are some earlv birds, though, who need :t little whisky to make them sober. It may sound contradictory,but it's so,nevo"rthcless. There are wrecks just about one re move from delirium tremens. They don't turn up often, but any experi enced druggist can tell them the mo ment they enter." New York Sun. Xot the Cans That Poison Meat. The first instances of sickness from eating canned corn beef that ever attracted any attention occurred in German', says a Chicago canner. The beef was canned in Chicago. It was put up in the old-fashioned way, with an inch of soldering inside and out. The German scientists at the time had discovered little or nothing in regard to the alkaloids existing in meats in case of semi-tmtrefaction that are so largely engaging the at tention of the scientific world at present. When they examined the meat that had occasioned the illness, and the cans in which it had been preserved, they could find no other explanatien of the difficulty than the large amount of solder. From that fact alone has grown the belief that tin can convey poisonous qualities to meat preserved in it. I tried every experiment possible with tin cans to determine whether there was any truth in this idea, and am satisfied that there is no ground for its exist ence. The entire trouble, where canned meats are found unhealthy, lies in the fact that they either were not in good condition when put up, or that the process was imperfect and decomposition too slight to be determined by odor or appearance, but sufficient to develop danceroua alkaloids. Chicago News. From careful researches in Russia, ICowalewski has found that cereals grow faster in the north than in the south. F6r instance, oats and sprinc wheat take 123 days and barley 110 days to ripen about the southern province of Kherson, and onlv Q s and 9S days at Arkhangelsk- in thZ north. The intermediate romnno showintermediate differences The cause' is the greater length of the daily exposure to sunlight in the high latitudes, which more than com pensates for the difference in temnpr. ature in favor of the southern regions. xn eacn lautuue tno growth of cereals is more rapid in the eastern nnrta nt Russia than in the western, the land nan fria nAaof Tnf. ! uw" " .wook uuviug less bunsmne than that in the continent's interior. - SSSSir,lR Man-Eaters. One vicious, expressionless eve. t says a writer in the New York Post, was cast slightly upward, and as the shark moved slowlv alontr his entire form was visible. About the head swam several of the famous pilot fish (naucrate3). They were con tinually darting at objects on the surface of the water; then running nimbly after their great friend, as if to tell the news, and taking up their position by the side of the gills. The skipper had baited the hook with a twelve-pound grouper, and making it fast to a piece of wood that would allow the bait to drop ten feet irom tne surtace, tossed it over. The shark had disappeared, but in ten minutes he was seen swimming towards the smack again, and finally ran foul of the bait, and I distinctly saw him take it. There was no turn ing on the back ; he seemed to sink below it, and took it without turnintr in the slightest, and moved off witli the same measured swing. The skipper slacked out the line gradually until about thirty feet had gone; then taking a brace against the rail, allowed it to come taut, and jerked tho hook into the thief. Luckily he dropped the line, as the jerk that came in response to his would have started an ox, and the line went hissing over the rail so fast mat u coum not be loiiowed bj' the eye. "Let him have all he wants," said the skipper; "the more line, the quicker I'll down him." Then ensued a struggle that would have made some of the hand-liners of the northern fishing banks open their eyes. When the lino (or rope) had gone out nearly two-thirds of its length the fisherman skillfully caught it with a belaying pin, and so gradu ally reuucea tne speed of tho fish. Finally, throwing off the pin, he seized the line in his hands and ran forward, then aft, taking in the slack so gained. Then the shark would go straight away, taking him to the rail, and the belaying pin would be adopted again as a soother. Four or five such rushes as this evidently had a very decided effect on the great fish. The shark gave some terrific lunges as ma neau was nauied out of water, and at my request a block and tackle was rigged and he was hauled on deck and dispatched by a blow on the head. I watched particularly for the pilot fish as ho came up. The little striped creatures darted wildly about as if bewildered, and then disappeared beneath the bottom of the smack, evidently thinking they had found another companion. There were other attendants of the shark that did not desert it. I noticed them about in the water, long, black, snake-like creatures about a foot in length, and when the shark was hauled from its native element, they came with it, adhering to its sides and presenting a strange contrast. The fish were remoras, the echenei nus of the naturalists. They may bo termed boarders, to a certain extent, as they live about the body of a shark and I have seen them on a large porgy, and also clingins to a turtle. They have upon the upper side of the head a remarkable sucker, composed of parallel plates, so that they can attach themselves at any time. So firm a hold did thev tako that it was with difficulty that I pulled them off, using considerable force. The Mosquito Not 3Iade In Tain. A lady whom I know, and who resides about twelve miles from the city, has two children, whose blood was, up to a few weeks ago, in a very bad condition. Various" medicines were tried, with no effect, but singu lar to relate, tho children were, soon after arriving at their summer home, literally covered with mosquito bites, wime tne parents were scarcely troubled by them. In a week or so they began to mend, and in less than six weeks they grew fat and healthy, and as they thrived the mosquitoes became less troublesome. To-day they are as fat and healthy as any children of the sameage, and the mar velous change is ascribed to the be neficent influences of the New Jersey pest. "3Ian About Town," in New York Star. An Internal IteTOlutiou Which enables the .stomach to throw off the yoke of dyspepsia, is effected through theald ofllostetter's Stomach Hitters, a moat effi cient ally in warring with all disorders which affc:t the digestive organs, the liver and the bowels. When the dpeptic experiences heartburn, wind on the .stomach, or any of the other familiar symptoms of his malady, a wineglass full of this matchless .stomachic will dbshtate them, and a pursuance of the remedy bring about a cure. Coustiuation and biliousness, evils to the relief of which aperients and cathartics are inadequate, also yield to this tine alterative. The restora tion of appetite and nightly repose, and the disappearance of those nervous .symptoms that habitually annoy the chronic sufferer from dyspepsia, also ensue upon the use of the Bitters, which Is likewise a standard remedy and preventative of fever and ague, rheumatism, kidney and bladder troubles, and debility. Sotlou's CritK will immediately relievo Croup, Whooping Couflh, and Bronchitis. Sold by V. E. Dementi Co Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint ? Shtloh's Vitalizer is cuaraiiteeu to ure you. Sold by W. E. Dement. For Dyspepsia andLiver Complaint, you have a printed suarantee on every bottle, of Slilloh's Yitalizer. It never falls to cure. Sold bv W. K. Dement. He Was Xo Goose. Mrs. Maroney, of Middle Alton, kept geese. It so happened that when a setting was withm a few days of being "fit to pick," the goose w men was covering the eggs became sick and died. No female bird could be induced to remain upon the eggs, and the good old lady who owned tho fowl abandoned all hope of secur ing the "clutch." A gander, which seemed to realize the situation fnllv. and who labored hard to induce some of the other birds to complete the job, finally undertook the job him self. Mrs. Maroney could hardly be lieve her senses, and was ten times more surprised with the freak than was Balaam when the ass1 spake unto him, as narrated in the Bible. The neighbors were called in, and a pub lic discussion held within earshot of tho gander, who appeared wholly unconcerned and determined to hold his base until his progeny came peep ing forth, no matter what people might say. And he did, too; within a few days the required tima w:u completed", and Mrs. Maronev thanks to her gander had as fine a "clutch" of goslins as ever went swimming in Horseshoe Pond. Al ton Sentinel. When clothespins are only a ceut a dozen, there is no excuse for snoring in church, And when Eed Star Cough Curo ia only fifty cents a hot tie, there is no excuse "for conphini' in church. MARKETS. WYATT & THOMPSON. DEALERS IN FRESH AND CURED MEATS,! CHOICE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glass ware. Mill xod, ZESto. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresh and Cured Moats, 'XT o g?e t atolos , FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTKU ClIKXAMUH Street. AMtorla, Ojr. Washington Market. Jlnlu .Mfct-l. - Axtorin, Oicou. nr.Ku.HAX & co.PiioritiF.Toits DESI'ECTFL'LLY CALL TIIK ATTKV. IX tlon of the public to tho fact that tho above Market will always besupplied with a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY or FttESH AND CURED MEATS i I Which will he sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail . tar-Special attention given to supplying B. B: Franklin, Unflertaker and caiet Mate SQUEMOQUA STREET, NKXT TO TnE AST0RIAM nUIT.DIXO. ES'-AII work dono In a skillful manner on short notice at reasonable rates. Dissolution Notice. THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing between John Hahn. "Wm. Bock. and Henry Berendes under the Arm name of John Hahn & Co., In the boot and shoe business on Sqnemoqua street. Is this day dissolved by mutual consent, "Wm. Bock and Henry Berendes retiring from the llrm. The business will hereafter be conducted by John Hahn who will pay all bills and collect all the Indebtedness due the firm. JOHN HAHN. WM. BOCK. HENRY BERENDES. Astoria, October 23rd, 1SS3. Notice of Application. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned will annlv to the Astnrin city council at Its next meeting, for a retail liquor license for one year. In the building northwest corner Lafayette and Concomly street3. 3IcChires Astoria. GEO.GORLTER. Astoria, October 31, 18S5. Notice of Application. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned will, at the nest meetinc- of the Astoria city council, make application for a retail liquor license for one year, in the building on lot 5, block c, McCture's Astoria. MRS. SARAH JOHNSON. Astoria, Oct. 31,1835. ' ' .GRAND PRIZE HISS! HiU HUMUS HftVh NO eIJUAL ! THEY HAVE BEEN AWARDED GHER PRIZES AT THE VARIOUS International Expositions THAN THE U00D3 OF ANT OTHER THREAD uainy can Always EQeniGBi FMerien Use no Other ! HENRY DOYLE & CO., 5 1 7 and 5 1 9 Market Street. AGEXTtf i'OK Seine Twines, Sope .and The Telephone Saloon. The Finest Establishment of the Kind in Astoria. Especially fitted up for tho Comfort and Convenience of. those who enjoy a Social Clas. The Best of Wines ami Liquors, The Choicest Cigars. Everything New and First-Class. K. T.. JEFFREY. F?oiar. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer In HARDWARE, ffllffl, STEEL, iron Pipe and Fittings. STOVES, Tift WARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET SROW, Tn. AND Oo;ip;p:i. FOE Coliii Through Freight on Fast Time I TnE NEW STEAMER ELEPHONE Which has been specially built for the comfort of passengers wlU leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. addWonjdtrlp wlllbe made on Sunday or Each Week, leaving Portland & ?n,'?lJ?c hnnuy Slorninjr. I-assepsers nj this route connect at Kalama for Sound ports. y. Bt scOTT, President. PRICE. FIVE CENTS. PARIS 1878. MANUFACTURERS IN THE WORLD. be Depended on ! SAN FRANCISCO, PACIFIC COAST. K'etting' Constantly on Hand, The Gem Saloon, The Popular Resort for Astorians- For the Finest of Wines and Liquors OotoTHE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - - PROPRIETOR J. a. D. 6BAI, Wholesale and retail dealer In. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND ANd CEMENT. General Storage and Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria Oregon. WM. EDGAR, Dealer In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meersehaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNER MAIN AND CHENAMUS ST8. TransBortation Coipy. POETLAND !