VOL. XXIV, 1STORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 18&S. PRICE. FIVE CENTS. NO. 108. BUSINESS CARDS. 1TK. A. L. and J. A. FFI.TOX Physicians and Surgeon. Will give prompt attentiou to all calK, lioui any iurt of the city or country. Ofllce over Allen's store, corner Cass and 'queinoqua streets, Astoria, Oregon. Telephone No. 41. I) It. PR AXIL I'AGK. lliyIf'lnn nnd Surgpou. Olllce, ItoomC, over I). A. Mcrntosh s store. u'kick Houus :-9 to 11 a. at. ;-.t to 5 1'.at. Residence, opposite the.lohansen building T)R. LOOKHAKT, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OvtricR: (Jem Ilui'dlng, up Mails, Atoiia, Oregon. p K. COOVEKT, Attorney at .rv and Notary PublU COLLECTIONS SOLICITED. Office with C. R. Thomson, room ." over City Book Store. 2KI. A. ItOKIUS. GEO. XOI.AXB nOLAIW Sc UORICIN. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. office hi Kinney's Block, opposite City Hall. Astoria, Oregon. W. HJI.TO.V. CO. KIM.IO?.'. rurjTox urotiu'ics. ATTORNEYS A.T LA W. UociiLs5and C.Odd Fellow h Bmldlug. r T.I.O F. PARKER SURVEYOR OF ClatHOp County and City of AHtorla Office : N. E. comer Cass and A stor streets, Room No. 8. T .. A. BOVVLBY. Attorney and Counsellor at Imxv, Office on Chenamus Street, Astoria, Oregon. TAY TUTTIjE. 31. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Rooms l, 2. aud 3. I'jthian Ilnild- ng. Kksidkn'CK On Cedar Stieet. back of Sr. Mary's Hospital. I- t I.KS. A. K. SHAW. IIICKS & SHAW. DENTISTS. ltooin? in Allen's Building, up stair, cor ner Cass and Sciuenitumu streets. Astoi la Oregon. T It. SPKDIIKX, NOTARY PUBLIC'. Searcher of Titles. Abstracter and Conveyancer. Office on Cass Street. 3 dooi-sonUi of As lorlan office, Astoria, Oregon. BANKING AND INSURANCE ! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, txioitiA, - Mt :;. v. OFFICE HO UBS: From 9 o'clock A. 11. until 3 o'clock P. M. AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITORS! Capitol Flour, Manufactured on the Gradual Reduction System by Me Salem (Or.) Capitol Flour Mills Co.. LIMIThll J the only flour that lias taken First Prfre three years In succession at the I'OBTLAXI) MECHANIC'S FAIR, Also at State Fair. One trial Is sufficient to convince of its supe iloiity. .see that the woid CAPITOL ison each sack GEORGE SHIEL, 8 Stalk St.. Portland Agent. WILSON & FISHER. Astoria Agents. HAVE YOTJ Anytuiflff to Sell? IN THE MATTER OF Rags, Bottles, Old Metal, or Junk of Any Sort, FOAED & STOKES Will give you the best price for it. Do You Want to Buy SHIP MATERIAL, From a Belaying Pin to a Hawser; from Block to an Anchor, You Can Get what You Want at FOARD & STOKES. HeaHqu&rters at building, east end Water Street. Nicely Furnished Rooms, WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD; AT Mrs. S. T. McKean's. Cass street, tliree doors south of Astoria office. EDOTAR TRADE s7 MARK. Sough wire """KS Abaottitr7iiKa&5r ?S!f.,5r!!f A PROMPT. SAFE. SURF nilR? I'or Coughs. Soro Throat, IIoancacw, CoMs Innucnra,lJronclilU,Athmix, Croup, Wtocp- Ins Couch, Qnlorr. Pains In Cheat, ul otier mTectlona of tbs Throat enJ Lunc. Price 30 cents a bottle. Sold by Drnrclsts Rnd Dealers. Jtortles unable to induct Vitir dealer to jrromplly pel it for them xtill receive tiro tolllet, Ljrjtrets charoea paid, by sending one dollar to THE riURI.ES X. 10CELEK OOHrlM', bold VwatTM mj llaniibctarer, IUIUbsit. Sian lud, l. 3. S. TUTT PILLS TORPID BOWELS. DISORDERED LIVER, and MALARIA. From tlieso sources arise three-fourths of the diseases of the human race. These symptoms indicate their existence. .Lota of AppetltCt Bowels costive, Kick Headache, fullncKH nfter eat lufiT aversion to exertion of bods' or mlnd.Ernctatiouof food, Irritabil ity of temper, ,orsplrlt8,AfceIfng orhavIiifjneRlectcd some duty. Dlz iines,FluttcrInfjattheireart,I)otc before the eyeg, highly colored tJrlne,COSSTllATIOiV,anddcmana the us o of a remedy that acts direct 1 v on the Liver. AsaLivcrraedleincTCTT'S 1'IIiI.S have no cnual. Thclractionon the Kidneys and fckln is also prompt; removing all impurities through these three ' scavengers of tlio system," producing appetite, sound digestion, regular stools, a clear skin nnd a -vigorous body. TDTT4 PlXtS cause no nausea or griping nor interfere with dally work ana are a perfect ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. oum nvcrywnereg.g. uince llimvSi.H Y. i GRATlTAmnn'WntcirrnQ nlionmul in. stantly to a Glossv IJlack by a slnclo application of this D i:. Sold by Dnnj. asts.orbeut by express on recelptof $1, . Office, 44 Mnrrav Street, New York. srar3 HAireiL c? raruii ss:zi?i3 FESS. Citation. ITlIKCOt'.NTVCOFItTOFTlli: STATE . of Ore-'on. for the couutv of PImKhh In the matter of the -ute of II. if. Itnihn, deceased. To the next uf Kin r.i II It limlm i. ceased, and to whom It maj concern, u'tvt nil.'. In filename of tin -.itito if Oimrmi ..n are hereby cited and iei)uircd to appear In the County Court of the iate of Orejon, to. the county of ila!op. at tli -ourt toom uiereoi. ni AMon.i m me count of Cl:ttvp on Wednesday the c:uhtecuth da or No eniher, 1883. at one o'clock in the nfieruoou of that day. then and then to show eaitse why (if an.) an order of .sale .should not be matli-tosell tlio f.iIlnvMite r. il ....(?.. .. t . couunenciUK at a stake at ordiitarv low t tie on the east bank of Xt-cmicimt ofeek in the center r f Crimes' bridgi' on the ranch of one J.T. Mulkey in Clatsop count . Oregon, and thence runiilm; east ten and one h.ili ilu't) uuv it uieceiuer oi ine present -ui!t road thence norlh aloiw the cmter .f nuiIi COIIIlt V rund tun hmnlu'il I imi fi...i in stake In the center oisaid ciunt road inence west ten and one half (iui) rods to a stake on th bank of aid Xecaiiteni'i cteek iiience.smiui aienj: the east hank or said Necanicuui creek lothe place id beniiiing. In See "i .T X. lr in v -i.,.i f..n.r-,i..i.v: 31.S00 square feet. Hitness; CA.-iU'iU'lKK. Judge of the County Court or the stli if OrMtriti tif On. .n.i... r i s Clatsop with the seal or .said ci.uit allKed, this si'enteenth da ot October. ,. I). 18 5. Attest : l J. THKNTHAU1). Clerk. Wilson & Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE Paints. Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS1 SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED A"KXT4 FOU Salem Plouring Mills, Portland Roller Hills, Capital Flour and FAIRBANKS" SCALES. ASTORIA. OUKCON $67,000,000 Capital! Liverpool and London and Globe North British and Mercantile Of Loudon aud Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital of S67.000 OOO. B. VAN DUSEN. At?enL JULY FOURTH, 18C4. "STAE SPAffGLED BANKER." A. Great BCDdcriu:; or the Old Hon- at Andcrsonville Prison iO,- OaO Voices. Gen. Howell Cobb visited Ander sonville on the Fourth of July, 1SU4, to look into the a'!ei;ed desertion of the guards. It :.s a critical time, and there were ."M.OO Federal pris oners in the blockade. If anv con siderable number of the guards de- Ki.ffSS the country. The correspondent of the Indianapolis Sentinel says that General Cobb collected the guards near the storkade and commenced a ringing speceh in which he reminded mem oi ine linportanl trust confided to them and urged them to do their duty. Before the speaker had ut tered morethana fewsentenccs, about fifty prisoners in the stockade were heard singing the first verse of the "Star Spangled Banner." When the chorus was reached, with detonations like an explosion, .1,000 voices were heard pealing: The star spangled banner, oh, lonff mav it vrae O'er the land ot the free and the home ot tho bra c. The deafening noise broke into the speech, but when the roar subsided and only a few score voices were heard singing the second stanza, Wirtz hastened to have the singing stopped. The narrator of the story says : "The verse was sung and the chorus reached again. The congregation numbered 10,000 more than before. Heaven ! what a swell of sound ! The very air seemed to quiver with the concussion, the stockade wall to trem ble. The guards on the mount were stunned with wonderment. Wirtz, who had reached the great gate, stood stock still as if paralyzed. The soldiers forming tho square were all now facing the prison. "The storm lulled, the speaker sought to resume, but his manner was disconcerted. Wirtz was movine nervously about, but essaying noth intr. Thev heard tlii hrpr7o of gnnr sweeping along the lines of the third Bianza, out Knew it only foreboded the return of the tempest. And now it comes : "There are 20,000 throats swelling the call of the pennant under which they had fought, and 5,000 more joined in the invocatien: -, Oh, lonj my It wa o O er the land of the freeand the home of the bra e. "The echo of tho last words has but struck the branches of the pines when they begin to repeat. Higher, wider, deeper, stronger, louder the swell ! It peals, it roars, it booms, it thunders ! It is an artillery of song ! The speaker outside stands trans fixed. He has heard the anthem be fore, but never as now. The listen ers appear almost panicked. A guardsman's gun dropped from his hand without his missine it. "Again they repeat, and now the scene grows wild. Thirty thousand voices are clanginc the chorus ."0. 000 bosoms are spelling with the thought of country and flag and home and loved ones from whom they had parted. Men with but one leg clam bered up and supported by their stronger comrades, wave their caps aloft and join the chorus : The star spangled banner, oh, lonp may it ware O'er the land of the free and tlj home of the brave. "Once more they repeat, and now all the prison is in the skv-rending peal the very walls the" ground. Poor fever-wasted frames, witltin an hour of dissolution from their spirits, half uprise, and propping upon one hand, raibe the withered fingers of the other aloft while they unite their cracked voices in the refrain they will hear never more : The star spangled banner, oh, lonjr mav it wave O'er the Und of the free and the home of the brao." Getting "Acclimated" In Texas. A man who moves to Texas from the old States has to be very cautious until he has had time to look around. If he has a little money he had better keep it low down in his pocket for a few months or he will get acclimated. By acclimation they mean losing what you brought with you and cet ting so reduced that you can't "get away if you want to. An old ac quaintance asked me yesterday if I got acclimated, and I told him yes and that I had written home for money to take me back to Georgia. "Happy man," said he, "if you have any left at home, for but few who come here leave any behind, and by the time we acclimate them thev are properly humble and go to work" and in a year or so are reconciled to stay." Bill Arp. Atlanta Constitution. It Would be Enough. "I wouldn't be so mean as to heap coals of fire on my enemy's haad, Dominie," said Farmer Furrow to his pastor. "And pray, what would you do, then?" "Oh, I'd just throw ashes over the fence on his asparagus bed. That would make him mad enough." New York Journal. "u" vw Au-iaoiuuuryj XOU see. Doctor, society compels young ladies don't apologize. No necessitv, I as sure you. I have lived ten years amonc the Fill Tqlnnrlora TTk. Eambler. Scientific Miscellany. In some cases, cocoaine, the new local anaesthetic, has proven an ef : fective remedy for hay fever. Two French investigators have found that the electric resistance of most pure metals decreases with a lowering of temperature. The sound of thunder, Talmieri finds, cannot be heard more than thirteen' miles, while lightning may be perceived at a far greater distance. So called "harvest lightning" must come from a distant storm, as there can be no lightning without rain and thunder. Lyell estimated that the gorge of Niagara Kiver was cut out inabout3o, 000 years, but surveys to determine the present recession of the falls in dicate that the work may have been done in 10.000 vears. During forkv- one years the average annual wear of the rock was 1 feet. Captain Traut, a British navigator, was surprised to find that an iceberg encountered in tho Atlantic on July lGth, exerted no appreciable influence on the temperature of tho surround ing water, the thermometer standing at about 57 degrees for several miles on either side of tho immense ice mass and within a few hundred feet of it The first specimen of archaloptery. the fossil link between birds and reptiles, was discovered in Germany in I860, and was sold to the Tiritish Museum for $3,500. A second speci men, more perfect, was secured a few years ago, and was finally sold to the Berlin Museum for about $5,000. These fossils have afforded a, strong argument to supporters of the Dar winian theory of development. From time to time interesting archaeological discoveries, illustrat ing the commerce and luxury of ancient Rome, have been made near Monte Testaccio. Colossal remains of a great emporium built about 200 b. c. still exist. In 18CS a considera ble portion of the quays was found, with many blocks of fine marble, and now two warehouses have been un earthed, one filled with elephants' tusks, and the other with centils. Tkkkesteial Tem pkuature. In in vestigations now being carried on by the German Government, a shaft sunk in the earth is found to be heated to 120 degrees at a depth of about 4,500 feet. If the temperature increases regularly downward at this rate, the boiling point of water should be reached at a depth of about two miles, and the melting point of platinum at forty-five miles. From this calculation it is thought that the earth's crust cannot be more than one-ninetieth of its radius. Jupiter's Great Spot. The fa mous red spot which appeared on the planet Jupiter in 1878, and after attracting universal attention and perplexity for five years, faded al most entirely away, is reported by Mr. Denning, an English astronomer, to be again becoming darker and more conspicuous. A search of astro nomical records has shown that this spot is indentical with one seen by two observers in 1S43. If such is the case, it must represent some permanent Jovian feature of im mense size. Luxak Geography. Tho mount ains and hollows on the moon which have thus far been given names on the maps of astronomers are as fol lows : Mountains The Apennines, the Caucasus, the Alps, Taunus, Baemus, the Altai Mountains, the Cordilleras, the lliphae Mountains, tho Carpa thians, and the Hercynian Mountains. Hollows or valleys The Chrisian Sea, the Sea of Fertility, the Sea of Nectar, the Tranquil Sea, the Serene Sea, the Sea of Dreams, the Sea of Death, tho Dreamy Marsh, the Cold Sea, the Sea of Vapors, the Middle Bay, the Sea of Clouds, the Sea of Mist, the Bay of Epidemics, the Stormy Ocean, the Showery Sea, the Sea of Rainbows, the Sea of Dews, and Humboldt's Sea. Pasteur's Success. Vast . pos sibilities have been suggested by" the success of Pasteur's method of pro tecting cattle and sheep from anthrax by inoculation with the attenuated virus, as thero seems to be no reason for believing that we may not simi larly ward off the attacks of other deadly contagious diseases of man and beast. "The efficacy of this system is shown by the report just made by a Belgian Government com mission". Since the spring of 1883 many vaccinations have been per formed at Herve on farms where anthrax is constantly present, and tho investigators have fully satisfied themselves that Pasteur's method preserves both sheep and cattle from tho disease. Among a thousand fully grown cattle which have been vacci nated no case of anthrax has been observed, while tho non-vaccinated have died as usual. The protective influence has lasted one year in ninety per cent of the young ani mals, while among all mature animals the duration for each inoculation is at least two years. Scolfs Emulsion oi Pure Cod LIerOH irltU Dj-pophospliIlM. TfuTTsnin T.iinn Trnuhlcx. Dr. Hl- r.Ait CADORKTTO, of Jacksonville. Fla., saj's: "I have for the last ten months prescribed jour Jimutston, to panen suffering from lung troubles, and they seem to be greatly benefited by its use." The town of Good Hatchet in Ida ho, is offset by Bad Axe in Michigan. Courtesy at Home. If a child is brought up in the con stant exercise ot courtesy toward brothers and RlRtPrc nnrl nlormnfao as well as toward parents and uncles and aunts, it will have little to learn as it grows older. I know a bright and bewitching child who was in structed in table etiquette, but who forgot her lessons sometimes, as even older people do now and then. The arrangement was made with her that for every solecism of this sort she was to pay a fine of five cents, while for every similar carelessness in her elders she was to exact a fine of ten cents, their experience of life being longer than hers. You may be sure that mistress Bright Eyes watche1 tho pioceedings at that table very carefully. No slightest disregard of the most conventional etiquette es caped her quick vision, and she was an inflexible creditor and a faithful debtor. It was the prettiest sight to see her when conscious of some fail ure on her own part, go unhesitat ingly to her money box and pay cheerfully her little tribute to tho outragedproprieties. t The guileless banana peel can down anything but tfie thermometer. Philadelphia Call. Mark Twain has a funny story about tho different pieces of advice given to him aa to how to enre a cold. The best thing to recommend is. no doubt, Red Star Cough Cure the remedy which since it3 recent discover- has cured so many thousands. Fot Dyspepsia andLivcr Conipl.thit, you have a printed guarantee on i-vitv bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It nevi'r fails to cure. Sold bv W. E. Dement Shiloh's Catarrh Itemedy a posi-; live cure for Catarrh, Diptneria and ! Canker Mouih. Sold by W. E. Dement. J MARKETS. WYATT & THOMPSON. DEALERS IN FRESH AND CURED MEATS, CHOICE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Crockery and Glassware. Mill "Feoci, E5to STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresh and Cured Meats, Vegetables, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEI.. OIIKVA3IILS street. Astoria, Oc Washington Market. Vnlii Mieet. Astoria, Oregon. BER3IAX 3L CO.-PitOPKIKTO'tS RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tlon of the public to the fact that the above Market will always be supplied w, 1th a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! ! Which will bf sold at lowest rates, whole side And retail . EET"SpecIal attention given to supplying rhips. B. B. Franklin, m UufleMer anil Cabinet Mater, SQUEMOQUA STREET, NKXT TO THE ASTORIAX BUILDING. 3T"A11 work done in a skillful manner on short notice at reasonable rates. Dissolution Notice. THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing between John Hahn. Wm. Bock and Henry Berendes under the tlrm name of John Hahn & Co.. In the boot and shoe business on Squemoqua street, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Win. Bock and Henry Berendesretlrine from the linn. The business will hereafter be conducted by John Hahn who will pay all bills and collect all the indebtedness due the firm. JOHN HAHN, WM. BOCK. HENRY BERENDES. Astoria, October 23rd, 1885. City Treasurer's Notice. ALL OUTSTANDING WARRANTS DUE by the city of Astoria will "be paid by the Treasurer at hts office on and after to day. Interest ceases from this date. i . J. G. HUSTLER, City Treasurer. Astoria, October 15th 1885. raliWr mM FPiSSI I a a a a h Ka B a & En sy? xd a U its i ' " 5"" !r5f55gJ?.. sty-- sCf'CZf UKAND PRIZE PARIS 1878. THEY HAVi: BECX AWARDED HIGHER PRIZES ATTIiKAMOf S International Impositions THAN THE rtOOD- Ol AN OTHER THREAD MANUFACTURERS IN 'I IIIC WORLD. Quality can Always bs Oepended on i ExDeriencefl FMiii Use no Other ! HBNRYDOYLE & CO.. 517 and 519 Market Street. AfxGXTS 'St Seine Twines, Eope and The Telephone Kaloow. The Finest Establishment oi the Kind in Astoria. Especially fitted up for the Comfort and Convenience ot those who enjoy 'a SocialGIa's. The Best r Wines nnd Liquors, The Choicest Cttjnrs. Everything New and First-Class. R. I.. JEFFREY. l'roir. Maormft fi. Tims;! V --.v& w. v v Dealer In HAMABE, IRON, STEEL, iron Pipe and Fittings. stqves, t era WARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SKEFT LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET "5?Ore, 3M-re AND C?o-jp-jpo3?- Coluiia TiTiiiJofflioii taw. FOE FOETLAND ! Through Freight on Fast Time! TnE NEW Which has heen specially huilt for the comfort of passengers will leave " Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Vednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arming at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Tortland every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. 2fAnTadditmnhl tripnvlll bo made on Sunday of Iach Wcelt, leaving Tortland at o O'clock Sunday morning. Pas-Sneers b this route connect at Kalaroa for Sound- ports. - u. It. SCOTT, President. SAN FRANCISCO, IA'IFC COAST. Netting Constantly on Hand. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Co to THE CK.M SALOON. ALKX CAMPBELL, - - PROPRIETOR J. U.. D. GEAY. Wholesale mid retail dealer in. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats. Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND-AND CEMENT. Oeueral Storage and Wharfage on reason able teniK. Foot of Henton street, Astoria, Oregon. WE. EDGAR, Denier in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. coi::ci:i: main and chenamus sts STEAMER