CZ) rf7?marffffiMm he gaits gtfforiam ASTOKIA. 011EGON: SATUItDAY OCTOBER 51. 18S3 SOME FALLACIES OF LABOIi. A wkitki: in u recent number of the Orerlfind jToiilhhf gives what may be called the off side of the cheap labor question on this coast. Two views have always prevailed touching this question, viz., the maioritv and the minority view. The former was recently expressed in California in a popular vote on Chinese immigration in which the negative vote was so strongly rep resented that it was hardly worth while to note the cisrht hundred votes in the affirmative. That vote fairly expressed the public sentiment of that state not only touching Chinese immigration, but as a consequence, of cheap labor. The minority represented about a thousand persons, mostly capital ists or large ranch owners. These believe in cheap labor because tht-re is an immediate personal benefit to accure from it to this cltiss of cmnlovcrs. The broader view is entirely ignored. The large question of state polity, of what is best for a. young and grow ing state, does not concern them in the least. Now the prosperity of Califor nia has not, up to this date, de pended on cheap labor, but upon labor which has commanded rela tively high prices. Labor has been turned into capital. Proba bly every California advocate of cheap Chinese labor wnt to Cali fornia as a poor man, and the suc cess of his life has depended upon the fact that he was well paid for his labor, and was thereby enabled to turn it into capital, lie got his start in this way. It is not cheap labor which has built up that state, but labor which has commanded such a price that the laborer could emerge from that condition into one more correctly described as a capitalist. Now what has been good for California or Oregon in that early stage of growth, will be good at the second stage. Since the Chinese restriction act was en forced the volume of white im migration to California has been greatly increased. This immigra tion will not only turn labor into does not depend upon that, class of labor. After set ting forth all the imaginary evils which might come from the restriction of Chinese immigration, the writer cencludes: "If the people of California would go on prospering, and to prosper, they must demand and obtain the re peal of the act. Otherwise, their industries will retrograde. Many of them will be dwarfed to utter insignificance, and some of them will be blotted out and all will be held in abeyance until such time in the distant future, when Cali fornia shall teem with an in dustrious native population, which shall be to the employer of that day what the Chinese have been to the employers of the present day. The void created by the ex clusion of the Chinese from our state, will never be filled by im migration from the Atlantic states or from Europe.' The argument of this writer is the narrow and selfish one. The changes have been rung on it for the last ten years in our sister itnto. Tim white immiorant who "--"-- o -works for somewhat higher wages because he wants land, wants a home, wants citizenship, "s in jpvery way more desirable for the" state than immigration which wants none of these things. The difference is a radicallone. Cheap mongolian labor, for a fe-w indi vwlnnlc wlin rln not care ;i Conner for the advancement of the state, so that their own private interests can be promoted, alien labor which iipvpp rnn lm naturalized. Or on the other hand, labor at somewhat higher rates, for a class of white immigrants who will be incorpora ted into the country, into its citizenship and into its abiding interests. NEW TO-DAY. Pilots. NOTICE IS HEREBY C'.IVCX THAT there will be a meeting of the W. T. Board of Tilot Commissioners for the Colum liin l!ivir and liar at lhvaeo. Y. T. on Tues day the loth day of o ember, iSS-"., :it 10 n'olnrt A. M. I!v order of J. I- STOUT, Chairman of W. T. Board of 1'ilot Commissioners for Co lumbia Klver and Bar. Attest : C. A. HEED. Secretary. OrtoDer27lh. Iiv3. Notice. INDEBTED TO ME & I.I. PERSONS Hl will please call and pay the amount to W. W. Farkcr without further notice as all accounts unpaid will soon be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection by taw. Wil. HOW E. W. T. FJLKSESl, Manager. THE "CLAttA PARKER" Will Leave the Dock on Sunday Even ing, .November 1st. 1SS5, for the CAMPBELL DEWPSEY, AND "Wurtl Sitlliimi. l'rize Fights. Tickets Four Dollars, Including Bound Trip and Admission to the Bin'' to Witness Both Fights. For Sale at the New York Novelty Store and Sunny side Saloon. Time ofleaiiuj will be Mated. Sunday Morning. A GKKVT VARIETY OF FANCY GOODS PrilCHASED AT Half Their Value, FOl! SAI.K AT WITMrr-T.g-r-Ti-T--K '.,!.T-tgggr-r-Tg.t.f roceries Cheap for Cash! 8 Xess TSian STispst Cost! ra?tMr-TrTtt&ttsxr'cve,"-jTFr"rrr:Tr Hi PIT Unull a Tea, Tea, Tea. AH FRANK I. PARKER, ffK WART TO KEPKKSSXT A Sole Agents in New York. A Packer of First Quality Salmon. Excellent Facilities. Fall Particulars Through Correspondence. CUSHMAN BROS.. Mfrs. anil Pkre. AgH., 101 Duane St.. N. Y AND AX WXTKKSSVR ASSOUTM KST OF STAPLE DBY GOODS, jS. a' Ami Sloois ami Mines. IS. EL 3B. PARKER, DEALER IX Hay, Oats, aiii Straw, Line, BrM, Cement, Sani anil Plate Wood Helirereil to Order. I rJT iT capital, but will employ that capi tal in dpvclopms tno resources f ,o;):V for Seymour. Geo the state. Now these is a viu difference between the two classes o laborers. One offers compara tively cheap labor, but does not "want any permanent home here and no investment of capital. It maintains from first to Inl:in alien attitude. The other wants homes, a permanent settlement and all the advantages which the country will afford for himself and children. In short he wants to become an American citizen as soon as possi ble. His children refuse to be recognized by any other national ity than American. Th state which is to-day receiving tin- larg est immigration i Tcxa. Xo Chinese immigrant, jro theiv. If that great state were overrun by Chinese white immigration would be greatty diminished. Xo class of employer.-, in Caliior.iia are bet ter able to pay good w-es than orchardists and vineyar.hsts. Yet the writer cpioted seems to lament that this class of immigrants now going to that state want land and houses, and will not therefore sup ply the want of cheap labor, which has been enlarged by the Chinese restriction act, which the writer thinks ought to be repealed. The mischief which has been perpe trated in this instance is that some of the eastern papers have quoted from this article as voicing the public sentiment of California. These views represent about a thousand employers, hardly more. The minority hastilways existed in California. But such a view does not. represent the normal and healthv public sentiment of that 'State. A hundred thousand Chinese on the. coast have worked out the ' problem of cheap labor, far enough to demonstrate that prosperity Tin: death of Gen. McClcllan at his home near Newark. New Jersey, Oct. 20th. recalls August 20th, 1SG-1, when the ninth na tional Democratic convention in Chicago nominated him for presi dent of the United States. ITow long ago it seems! Twenty-one states were represented. Scat tered over the other fourteen were men that McClcllan had com. mantled still in armed argument with their southern brethren. On the. third day McClcllan got the nomination bv a vote of 202.V to . 11. Pen dleton, then, and now, a promi nent Ohio man, got the vice presi dential nomination. The national election came off on the Tlh of November follewing: the issue was not purely Republican, or purely Democratic; it was "shall the war go on?'' or, "shall the con federate states be recognized?" There were 233 votes in the elec toral cellege: of these Lincoln and Johnson got 212; McClcllan and Pendleton, 21: of the popular vole Lincoln had 2,210,007; Mc Clcllan, 1,808,725. It is said that on its completion to the Pacific coast the Canadian Pa cific will enter into lively competi tion with the Northern Pacific. The first-named company has made the announcement that a reduction of $23 in the. present passenger rates to the cast will be made soon, and other traffic charges will be re duced in proportion. The road is Citation. TS THE COl'NTY COUKT OF THE STATE X of Oregon, for the eonntv of Clatsop. In the matter of the estate or H. K. P.ruhii. deceased. To the next of kin of II. TJ. J'.mhn. tle- eeaeil, ami to whom it may concern, greet- in. In the name of the Mate of Oregon, jou :m herehv cited and rcnuircd to appear in the Counfv Court of the Mate or Oregon, for trie county of Clatsop, at Hid court room thereof. at AMonainuie coumy oi iiai.sop on Wednesday tne ciginecniu nay oi ;o- ember. ISjnj at one o'clock in the afternoon oi that day, then and then to show cause vhv(if an ) an order of sale should not be mtiilft Tjisi'll the fnllowimr real eMate. to-w it : commencing at a stake at ordinary low t de on the east bank of Nccauiritm creek in the cnicr of Crimes' briilue on the ranch of one J. T. Mulkey in Clatsop county. Oregon, and thence running east ten ana one uau tiuiii lods In the center of the present county road thence north along the center of said count v road two hundred COO) feet lo a Make' in the center of said county road thence west ten and one half 10'A) rods to a Make on the bank of said Necanicuin creek thence MHith along the east bank of said Xecauicum creek to the place or beginning, iiiSpp.21.Tg N. It 10 w, and containing :'r4,S0ti square feet. Witness ; C.A.McOlTRK. .Tudge of the County Court of the state of Oregon, for the county of ii. i tf iitson with the seal of said court utlixed. this seventeenth da of October. A. I.185. Attest : C. .I.TKKXCHAKD. Clerk. NEW Having Consolidated My Business with the Astoria Furniture Co., I now offer the I arj;tM ami -Most Complete Ai-sortment of Fine and Plain Furniture, Bedding. Carpets. Oil Cloth. Window Shades. Ficlures, Moulding, etc., At Portland Prices, and Invite a Call of Everybody in "Want of Goods in My Line, Guaranteeing Satisfaction in Every Respect. iKU apply to i he Captain, or to Drajini;, Teamlnz and Kxpre s Business. STEAMER CLARA PARKER E ben P. Parker,Master. m For TOWING, FREIGHT orCHAK- 11. B. PARKKK. firac WRST T.RA ftw 'Ur' A&i dbiBi ItaTl Sis6x i&2 t3U tfc&l rfSadT - iSk-Oi a M V2SITINC CARDS. Ai.wstne..r Candies; Fruits. Foreign and FIXR VFSITIXK CAUl)S,i Domestic. or Evcr Grade Every Variety cf Fruit in Season. TO CFSttLD FOK C1SH. AT THE ASTORIAN OFFICE. J. S. MARTIN. Fcjucmntjna Street. Next Door to the Gem Saloon. THE NEW MODE I, KANGE OAN BE. HAD IN AS TORIA ONLY OF B. R. HAWE9, AGEM CAM. AND EXAMINE IT, YOU WILL BE rLEASED. E. K. II AWES Is also agent for the Bid patent Critiif Sine And other flrst-clasa Stoves. Furnace Work. Stean Fit- ttnCs. etc.. a specialty. A FTJIiIi STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND. BlijHi! uaS an&S9E9B3K tit) J?' Copartnership Notice. milE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE JL existing between F. E. Slmteand Partridge under the firm name of Shute & Partridge is this day dissolved by mutual consent, M. H. Partridge retiring from the firm. The business will be hereafter con ducted under the namp of Shute & Co., who will pav all bills and collect all indebted-ue-.sof the old firm. F. E. SHITE. M.H. PARTRIDGE. Asioiia, October 2lst, l&tf. Furnished Rooms. MILS. E. C. IIOLDEN HAS A FEW NICE ly furnished rooms to rent at live dol lars per month and upward, and by the week or night. Enquire corner Main and .IMTer Sitn streMts. MflMTEI FOR SCHOOL BOOKS, And Scliool (Supplies af Store! Notice. T HAVE THIS DAY DISPOSED OF MY JL business to F. It. Mcintosh and A. D. Mac Donald who will conduct the business at the stnnil.cnmnrof Genevieve and Souemouua st reets, under the firm name of MacDonald & lclutosn. xne Jinn oi juacuuimm ct .uciu tosti will collect all bills due me aud pay all liabilities ; and to all my patrons I bespeak a word for the new firm, D. A. MCINTOSH. Astoria. Oregon. October 'J7, 1SS.". Notice. mo ALL WHOM IT MA.Y CONCERN. X Havinjr this davboiuihttlie entiteatock and business of D. A. Mcintosh, inerchaut tailor and clothier, all debts due the late llrm will be collected by us. and we lune as sumed all liabilities. And we ask or the public our share of patronage aud will guar antee satisfaction. MACDONALD &McINTOSU. Astoria. Oregon, October 27, iss.". ?, Books Sold Positively LOWER THAft ARY QTIiER HOUSE. AGENCY FOR EXCHANGE AND INTRODUCTION OF NEW BOOKS To Bo Used, at Prices Established by the STATE SCHOOL BOARD. JOHN -9L. MOXTGOMEPIT, Tin. Sheet Tron, and Copper Ware. A general assortment of Household Goods. -AOEJiT rOB- JIAGKE STOVES AK RANGES, THE BEST IN THE MARKET. Plumblflg goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done In a workmanlike manner. Plumbing, Cas Fitting and Cannery Work attended to promptly Ou Reasonable Terms. t'beuamnH Street, Next to C Ii. Farker'n Store. Astoria. Oregoa. HOTELS AND UESTAURANTS. A. V. ABen,iNorfli Pacific Wholesale :iud IMM Deal, ri- BKE WETilL JOHKKOP?. - - - Proprietor. grooes'teSt zv,nnnz i Patronize lusi.oiuii&g JUST WHAT YOU WANT BUSINESS MEN not pavinjr eperating: expenses at And others who waut to keep an exact copy 1 J e ' , I of correspondence, bills, etc., can be present. Agents ot the company are circulating through the North ern Pacific's territory and working up business at a lively rate. It is reported that these agents are willing to make almost any rates to secure traffic, and are working tooth and nail to change the cur rent of the Sound shipments toward the Canadian line. The Northern Pacific on tiie other hand, seems to have no intention o invading the Dominion and has issued a circular substantially to that effect, stating the conditions under which shipments to British Columbia can be made. accommodated at The Astorian Job Office. Home Industry! We supply an MJLL FEED. ;G00D A QUALITY OF BEER t As Any in the Market, Glass and Plated. Waref..vr askkasoxabmsa pkm'k. TliOl'M'Ah AND DOMLrfTU; fruits and vegetables. : Tiie lorft Pacific Brewery Beer Tog.Mhpr with Wines, LiquorstTobacco,Gigars ITolden's Auction Rooms f Kilablishetl January 1st, 1877. E. C. HOLDEX. Ileal Estate and General Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, Chenamus Street. - Astoria, Oregon. PARKER HOUSE. WM. Af.IJBN. Prnp'r. First Class in Every Respect. Fr Coacli to tiie House. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, Corner Third and KStreetH, PORTLAND, - - - OREGON. Our facilities are such that we defy competition. This Is the largest and most respectahly kept Hotel in the Northwest. Harflware anil Ship Clanilerj VAN DUSEH & 00., DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery Pure Oil, Bright Varjiisli, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton" Sail Twine, Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails, Agricultural Implements Sewing Mackiaes, Paluts and Oils, Groceries, etc, Is Pure and Unadulterated. . It Kivesseneral Satisfaction and is Furn Uhcd in i Quantities to Suit. Leave Orders "With Wm. Bock, Germania Saloon, or Ciusi. Evj-:xjox, next to Foard & Stokes. Dally Delivery in Any Part of the City. Board and Lodging S 1 .00 per day MKAUS.i". cents, hODGIN0.23anil Mcems Free Buss to and from the House. esrSo Employed.-Htt K. Leuiston, vLate of Minnesota HouseJProp. O. CLARK. AGENT. C. W. KXOWLES. L. D. BKOW WE l'itlNT IK IIKI. Iii Astoria, October 27th, 1883, lo tho wife of liob't Carnuliers, a son. County Orders. T A31 AUTHORIZED TO BUY COUNTY Orders. R,R.SPEDDEN, Copying Ink Which will Kive a clear and exact impression in any ordinary copying press. Bills of Ladjng. Manifests, Letter and Note Heads, Memoranda, And nil kinds or work that usually requires copying, printed in Al style and at as Low Rates as Orflinary fort c3"Call and see samples of our work atjur THE ASTORIAN JOB OFFICE. Auction sale of Sundries every Saturday, at 10 -J3Q a. m., at my Auction Booms. Will conduct Auction Sales of Real Estate, Cattle, and Farming Stock wherever de sired. . ,,... Cah Hoturns I'romptlr made aer Rales. Consignments respectfully solicited, Notary-l'uhlic for the State of Oregou. Commissioner of Deeds for Washington Territory. Agent for Daily and Weekly Orfflonfau, Garnalian & Co. SUCCESSORS TO i. "W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND UK TAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHAHBISE Corner Cheuamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA - - - OREGON THE OREGON- 11 TO 500 MILES THE SHORTEST : 12 TO 48 HOURS THE QUICKEST. TO CHICAGO, BOSTON, NEW YORK. Ami All Points Ea.t. Kates $S.: (o $10.2.1 llio Cheapest to St. Charles Hotel, (European Plan.) BROWN & KNOWLES - - Proprietors First Class ix Evkky Respect, Good Restaurant Connected with the House Fire-proof Brick Building. ISO Rooms. In the Center of the City. Cor. Front and Morrison Sts., Portland. Or ST, DAVID'S, 713 Howard St. Xcar Third, San Francisco. A first-class Lodging Hotel, containing 10O rooms ; water and gas in each room ; no bet ter beds in the world ; no guest allowed to use the linen once used by another ; a large reading room; hot and cold water; baths free. Price of rooms Per night, TjOc and 75c ; per week, from $2 upward. Open all night. JL HUGHES, Proprietor. At Market street Ferry, take Omnibus line of street cars to corner of Third and Howard. Council Bluffs, Omaha, Kansas City AND OTHER POINTS. Pullman Palaee ami Emigrant Sleeping Cars hauled on Express Traius Exclusively without Change. If vou are going east write for Rates, Maps, Time Tables. Guides and Full Information. FREE OF CHARGE. K.A.XOYES, AV. I,. .'AKlCTdON. Agent. Astoria. Asst. Agt., Astoria. 1$. CAMPBELL, General Agent, So. 1, Washington street, Portland, Oregon. ASTOR HOUSE. UE3T Dollar a Day Hotel in the North West Mrs. Sophia Daggett, Proprietor. Special Attention Paid to the Comfort of Guests. Corner Olney and Jefferson Streets, ASTORIA, OREGON. RATES, ONE DOLLAR A DAY. Soli BoliJew eln Sari Fill, Cllils, Wiltin Pianos and Organs of the Best make at the Lowest Prices. The finest stock of Jewelry In Astoria. -All goods warranted as represented. GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER Astoria and Seaside BAKERIES, ED. JACKSON, - Prepritorr The best Bread, Cakes and Pastry in the City Ice Creams and Ornamental Worlc to order Manufacturer of Fine Candles. EXCURSION TICKETS! FBOM ASTORIA TO PORTLAND AND RETURN For $2.50, ON THE "TELEPHONE," THOS. MAIRS, (Late Cutter with M. D. Kant.) To Rent. NESS OFFH located. Apply at this Office. A FINE BUSINESS OFFICE. CENTRAL- XlLly FasMonaDle Tailor A Cood Fit Guaranteed. CHAKGES MODERATE. Pants, from 38 up. Suit3 from?30 up. Shop opposite flozorth & Johns. ,