CI Site ga itoriuu. ASTORIA, OKEGON : TH r KSDA V OCTOBER 29. 1S55 SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE ! f POJIT OF ASTORIA HEADY FOR SEA. tieugl'aircluld. Am bk Queenstown Oct 1(1 i;afpDerby?Brbk Ljndon Oct 2P Mercia, Brbk "51 Queenstown OcfJG Columbus. 15r bk Queenstown Oct 27 VESS1U& IS THE III VER. Director. Br bk fi79. t-'arniuony. 15r bk lzil (rusaiere. Br sp 124C Prim era, Urbk .V)7 1'jrlliin. Rr lilr HtM City of Florence. Kr si Ilitlimoor.l'r bk 111: Dilbhur. Brbk 1231 antiaRO.-I5rbk4W Cormorant. Brcji 1(17 Dunsdeer, Br spSSO ItcSniL'HilHrJl llrsn lT.-X) fMlrnfllinLnir (riseuaie, lirsp MacDiarmid. Br p 1500 Norcross. Br bk Vt; Olive S. Southard. Am sp Java, Br bkfiSii isienshee. Brbk8J3 VESSELS OS THE Y Y Croat Foreign I'ortx, for Hie Columbia Kivcr Abeona Br sp UT'J Burnt island May 12 Abercoru, Br sp IUIH Sydney SoptT Alf.IkorlikiiSi Itiuiquc Aug 2! Abenijte, Brbk'lX) Brisbane Sept 3 Alumnia, l!r bk7r CallaoScjit 15 Amphitrite, Br sp!7US Montevideo Braemar. JJr bk 1033 Lyttleton Oct 1 Brynliilda, Br sp Lyttleton Oct ir Oitr of Glasgow. Brsp UfiS Buenos Ayres Auc ifi Clan"McI,eod. Brbkf.lf. Rio AurSI C'annartlien Castle, Brsp HOT Sidney Auk 11 'County of Merioneth, 15r bkltiWiMontevidio Cross Hill, Br bk 1019 SydneyAiictM County of Flint. Brbk 1033 Sevc CaMle Coclirina, Brbkibl Uunedin Compadrc, Brbk Brisbane July 29 Povenby, Br bk S53 Liverpool via Victoria An?, 31 Karl Uojeberry, Brbk 1150 Buenos Ayres Kly, Br bk7G7 Newcastle, Aucl7 Iirtli of Stronsa, Br bk 9C0 Sjdney 1'riedeburs, Br ?p Antifogasta Firth of Dorr och, Br bk 9117 I.hcrpooi Sept. 2. lilenoglc, Brbk SI 4 Valparaiso Clenberrie, Br bk S00 Adelaide Sept 7 Incltwooil. Br bk Brisbane Sept IS Kincardineshire, Br bk 122 London Sept. 5 Lalla Br bk Adelaide Lorraine. Brbk sJS Alsea Bay ' Kurd Kinuaird. Br bk 81 1 Caldera Ai:c51 Mary Low. Br bk 853 Buenos A res. Northernly, Brsp 1221 Valparaiso Xost Head. Br bk 107.! Sydney Ann 2U l'rinc6 Frederick. Br sp Panama Kals'ou. Brsp Sin Adelaide Raglan Castle, Brbk Port Augusta Sepl li Selene, Brbk Liverpool Oct 2.' Singapore, Br bk C.G Buenos Ajres Tythouons. Br bk !52Sjdne Auj;! Union. Nor sptot Xe castle Aug 1 Victoria Bay, Br bk 1113 Sydney Aug i TI3K TAISIiK FOR ASTOKSA. HIGH WATKK. LOW tt'ATEK. First. Second. J Firtf. Second. c, Sa. 5-1 s 2. o s H Js 2 5 2 m 2 5 H S I H S H SHS; h. in. .5 . vi. S h. in. X ' wt. . 11 2tWl 0 57 2K5 3 25 4 21 3 07 3 43 0 30 7 03 7 30 SOS 8 jr. y 27 0 44; 3G 34 28 20 11 05 01 -02 -02 -0 1 01 0 5 0 8 -1 0 2 13 3 32 4 30 5 2S 0 41 G 10 0 53 7 : 8 15 S5S y 12 or. 1 1 1 c 2 0 3 0110 32 10 10 1120 5 4 11 2S 3 8 1 1 1 2 12 1 2 0 31 137 2 38 3 30 4 13 4 51 5 32 0 03 0 30 0 40 2 03 3 11 4 05 4 47 5 18 5 33 C 2!) 7 07 7 4G S30 it 21 10 17 1121 1 3 1" 12 O.". -0 1 -0 3 -O.s -OS -0 0 -02 1 3 1 4 1 G 1 8 1 00 19 Oj 7 11 2 1 i :n ill 7 41 8 8 8 'Z S 0 ! 1G SO 10 10 74 11 28 7 0 0 :cw ) n 2 17 3 O-'i 4 02 .". 13 ( 41 J) 2 ( 2 9 e: 0 G 0 52; J 3 The hours between miduSgnt ami noon are designated by a (a. m.), those between noon and midnight, by v (i. JL). 0:. oJw.w dejioles imdnii'ht, oA. 00m. it denotes noon. The height is reckoned Irom the level of average low er low waters to w hich the soiiml Injjs are given on the Coast Survey charts. Columbia River Exports. SHIPMENTS FOltKION. OCTOBEB. 2 To Quecnxtown ;cr JomV Trinqt Vheat,-G;,2GG;bus.. S 40,00.0 2 To'TArrrpnnljicrJtthn T. Iferru. Milnion, 40,173 c- ?100.oo2 Wheat, 20,433 bus " ir,,2.1l ''.To Plymouth, iter M. E. l'alh,i. Wheat, 05,104 bus $ 01.500 C To QucctuJyicn pa Ulcnaflnn. Wheat. Gi.OGl bus ? 3i;CB 9 To,QuaiiitJicn icr CtuumUt. Wheat, 37,323 luis 2.s,000 19 To Quccu.linrn ,-. 51. i Yotl:. Wheat. 3S,f.2.I bus $ :a.i20 19 To Qticcwloirn jtrr 1'fti "Wheat, 31.8S!) bus .. ..$ :js.iig 19 To Queenstown per Cm. lnrchUd. Wheat, 78,34 bus ? C0.007 21 To Bristol per T. F. Oalw. Wheat, 10S.2S7bus silO 21 To Queenstown per JfoWrc Wlieat,4L2G4 bus ft 3i,52i 21 To Quecmtoicn per City of Benares. Wheat, j69,71S bus $. 70,410 2C To Qucenstoxcn per Uercia. Wheat, 40,195 bus ? 32,110 2G To London per Earl Dcrhy. Flour, 10,103 bbls S 702231 27-jTo Queenstown per Cohtmotw. Wheat, 37,478115 ..... 28,700 Administratrix Notice. TVTOTICE IS 1IEIIEHY GIVKV Tn at tttp It undersigned was on the 12th dav of aejnemuer, iHb., oniv apjioluted by the County Court of the state of Oregon, county ofClatsoii.adininistnurlxoftheestateofKric Meline deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to mesent the same properly verified to me at the office of the I. X. L. racking company at Astoria, Oregon, -within six month from this date. , Jf . . Il- T ATHALLV MEL1N1J. Astoria. Oregon, Sept. 17th. 18S3. E. Lemon & Co., Stevedores and Eiggers, PORTLAND and ASTORIA. Pobtland Office o. 16 IXorth Front St. 1 t!27fl 2 7 53 :: : in 1 10 00 t, io -it; G 11 '2.1 7 11 5-1 8 0 22 a i osp 10 1 52 11 2SfT 12 '.'.'22 13 4 14 14 5 U ir, c 2.-. 1C 7 "-G 17 8 37 18 9 20 19 10 04 20 10 3C 21 11 OG 22 11 34 23 0 24 0 51 25 1 33 2C 2 18 27 3 07 28 4 02 29 5 0T 30 C 01 31 7 22l r is s o ft 41 71! .SOS 75 !1 2ii 78 10 VS. S 1 11 33 S3 0 32 S S 1 01 9 0 1 34 1)0 2 07 8 Jl 241 80 3 lu 82 4 OJ 7 0 5 03 7 1 ti 12 G C 7 33 15 5 84S G'J 9 50 Oil 10 42 7 2 1127 74 0 02 85 0 2 S 8 SOCIETY MEETINGS. TemploLioage.Wo. 7A.P.A.M. O EG ULAIl COM Jl L'NICATIONS JLt first and third Tuesdays iu each month, at 7t o'clock, r. jl. at the Hall in Astoria. Members of the ordor in good standing are invited to attend.. JSy order of the W. M. Bearer Lodge No. 35, 1. 0. 0. F. EEGULAR MEETING EV- . ery Thursday evening nt3S&jm- seven o'clock, at the lxdge5" room in Odd Fellows Hall, Asto- ' tia. Sojourning members of the order in good standing, cordially invited to attend. By order N. G. Oc:ean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O. F. O EG ULAlt MEETINGS OF OCEAN EX--Lt; campment No. 13. I. O. O. F., at the I)dge, in the Odd Fellows Building, at seven v. m., on the second and fourth Mondaj-s of each month. Sojourning breth ren cordially invited. By order C-1. Seaside Lodge No. 12. A. O. U. W. TJEGCLAR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE JL I,odge No. 12, A. O. U. W. will be held in their Hall over Carnahan & Co.'.s on Thursday evening of each week, at 7 o'clock. Members of the order in good standing, Jind visiting Brothers are invited to attend. Li brary will be open fifteen minutes before and after each meeting. By order M. V. CBltOWX.K.-e. Cushing Post No. 14, G. A. It. EEGULAli MEETINGS OF THIS POST on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 r. ?t. Visiting com rades coidudlv invited. Bv order i. r. Cushing Relief Corps No. 3, G. A. R. REGULAR MEETIXGSOXTHESECOX l and fourth Tnedity of each mouth, at "i'.y order M::.-. C. ROSS. Sffivturx. Pacific Lodge No. 17, K. of P. REGULAR MEETINGS OF TIMS Lodge every Friday evening, at 7 o o'clock, in their Castle Hall, Sojourning Knights cordially invited to attend. W. A. SHERMAN, K. of R. and S. Company H, O. S. M REGULAR DRILLS EVERY MONDAY, and Wednesday evenings ltcgular meetings the second and fourth 11iuril:t -of ea-h nioiilli at 7 :3j i; ji. C. W. 1-TLTOX. Coinuiandt'i' Common CotmciL KEGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AXD fouith Tuesday evenings of each month at 1XA o'clock. el'eisons desiring to have malters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meet ing must present the Mime to the Auditor and Clerk, on ir before the Fnd:i evening tiriortollie Tue.sdaj on which the Council holds its i egtilar meeting. T110S.S..1EW171T. Auditor and Clerk. GERlANiA BEER HALL FROM THE Nortlerii Pacific Brewery Fivo Cents a Glass. riy-.No iufeiior I'.eet .Mild at this place. w.ii. Jtorit. rn)irietr. . A. STJNSOX & CO.. BLACKSMITHING, At CapU Itogers old stand, comer of Ca-ss and Court Streets. Ship and Cannery work, flora .shoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good work guaranteed. S.ARNJ)T& PKROHEN ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop d:i- ol XS ounur ouop V3 ac:?-1 All kinds of ENGINE CANNERY, AND STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. Aspecialtymadeof repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. Powder. 2." fl kegs. Duck Shooting $11.00 Sea Shooting 7.00 Riile, Kg to :; Fg 7.00 Shot. 25 I'ound Rags S 2.00 Wads. 1,000. Fink Edge, No. 10 1.50 Black Edge, No. 10 5 A. G. SPEXARTH, Astoria. Notice of -Administratrix. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned was on the 22nd day or September 18S5 appointed administratrix of the estate of O. D. Yonng, deceased. All per sons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, verified as by law required, to me at my residence on John Day's River in Clatsop conntv, Or egon, within si months from this date. I.UCYC. YOUNG. . . , Administratrix. Astoria, Oregon. September 29, lt&".. jr. c aoss, COUNTY CORONER. First Class Hearse and NJateria! OX UAXD. Shop and Oltlce on Main St., above rioneer Reitaurant. BLACKSMITH g S&lJ 3&i&( ' r-iS HP (I. DnVAl pKiwn Yv Vi POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomoness. More economical than tiie onlinan kinds. and cm not be sold iu competition with the multi tude of low tet, short weight, alum or phos phate iMiwdcrs. Sold only in can. Ruyai. Bakim; I'ewufi: Co. tir."Wa'l-st.. X. . TItAXSrO!:TATI(N AV 0. B. & N. TO FOS.TJUAKD, And Way Landings. The Steamers of the O. R. & X. Co.. car rying the I .s. mails. Vave ihe Compam's Dock trwry . Sundavs i-mviiJim. at 1; A. 31. "I his is the only d.iilv line, and the onh line riinniiig all the ear louud. TO SA?i FRANCISCO. The only line or Steamships u s.nn I'nin cisco. Steamer leae CoinpanvV Pm-t eorv fourdavs. Regular Line ol Tow Boats and Barges, Por Towage and Lighterage. stra(;i: of Ar.f. kinds. Ituiuireat Couipanv's Dock or at Cit Ol flee oppov.te Van Diiseirs.slon. li A. XOYES, Agent. OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA VIA Oregon & CalifoniiaE.R. Anil Connections. TISIK.TWO AND A IIAI.S- IAY4. Tare to San Fran. $.'52: toSacranicnto ::o Clov connect ions made at Ashland IUi .stages of the California .s. Oregon Stage Co. IDAII.V KXCKIT ML'XIIAYS.) tist Side Division, nirrEE.v ioutlim a.m ashl.vxo JIall Train. t.KAri: I aiikivi: Portland fsM A M Ashland 4:15 A M Abhlaua JS5 1 M Portland 4s5IM Altiaiij Express Train. I.KAVi: AltlMVK Portland 1:00 P M I.eUnon .H:ii V M Lebanon 4:15 A M Portland Idll'i A M I'lillmaii 1'alace Sleeping Cars dailv be tween Poitland and A.shland. The J). & C. R. 1L Ferr- makes connection with all regular trains on the East Side Div from foot of F street West Side Mriklon. 11KTWEKX POltTLANO A.U COKVALI.IS. 3Iail Train. . i.i:ave i arrivj: Portland S.-00 A M Corvallis AM P M Corvallis S33 A M Portland Pit Express Train LUAVK I ARRIVK Porlland SIP M I MeMinnville....stlp.M'V a JI Portland Jo a M Local tickets for.vile and baggage checked at company's tip-town otlice, cor. Stark and Second streets. Tickets for principal points in California can only be piocured and bag gage checked at compan V? ofllce. Corner P and Front Sts., Portland Or. lTeightwitlnol bo received for shipment after live o'clock i. ai. on either the East or West Side Divisions. 1L KOEHLER, E. P. ROGERS. Manager. G. F. & Pass. Agt. Iliaco Steam Ivigatioi Co WINTER SCHEDULE. FROM ASTORIA TO Ft. Stevens, Ft.Canby and Ilwaco. Connecting by stages and steamboats for Oysterville, Montesano and Olympia STEAMER tdML "GEN. MILES," W. P. "Whitcomi:, Master. AVili leave Astoria daily (Sundays excepted) for Ft Stevens. Ft. Canby and Ilwaco, at 8 A. M "Witii Oysterville Mails and Express daily, and Through Mails to points beyond, and Montesano, "W. T on Mondays, "Wednesdays and Fridays. On Thursdays the "Miles'' will make two round trjps. leaving Astoria on sec ond trip (about :; p. i.) r. hours after arrival from first trip. Fare to Ilwaco, $1.00 Passengers will -avc 23 cents by purchas ing tickets before going on board. Ilwaco Freight per Ton, - $2.00 fi?For Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at the office of the, company, Grav's wharf, foot of Rent on street. L 11. D.GRAY, Agent. FOR TILLAMOOK! Str. A. B. Field, Capt. GabrieLson, Will leave Main street wharf as regu arly as weather permits during August September and October. Freight per O. R. & N. Co. will connect at Astoria. Rate from Portland and Astoria to Hobson vllleSfljior ton. Passage from Astoria 5 Address 1IADOLLET & CO.. Astoria. TUIQ DlDEDTn&ybefoundonflIeatGeo.P. 1 niO rflrCnKmrell&Co'sNriTi'paporAd YertlsingBurrouOOSpniceSLVyliere advertising coatract5"mw bemadeforlt IS NEW YORK. The Yankco In Florida. Xfae Yankees, who came hither , Kmmaitif iui UU.&1LU w. iv ww w rigors ot JNortuern winters, are huw coming with commercial intent. They are cftttfng down the forests along the Gulf Coast and cutting up the logs into lumber. They are draining the vast areas of swamp land and have commenced "raising cane" on the drained lands in a very practical sort of a way. They are planting orange groves and improving the methods of orange culture, and they arc gradual ly attaining to a monopoly of active husiness buying, selling, building railroads, steamhoating, and doing whatever they may to gather $2 fruit where they sow $1 seed. . The thrift and prosperity of the newcomers have visibly added to the thrift and prosperity of the earlier, hardier set tlers. They have distinctly mended their pace to keep step with northern activity. But itmust not he supposed that Florida will ever be converted into a new Yankee land. On the con trary, the invaders from the north who comeiere tolive every year take on more and more the appearance and characteristics of the natives. Jt is not given to man to shape the weather, but the weather does shape the man. The invincible sunshine and the warm, compulsive rains soon have their influence on the going and coming of the swiftest goers and com ers. It is not reasonable that a per son who can pick his breakfast from an orange tree and gather a dinner of bananas should develop the energy of a differently situated person who must plant his" potatoes and hoe and dig them before he can have the pleasure of eating them. Ho the Northerner who comes down here and builds him a house the first month of his stay, and plants his grove the next, gradually finds him self fallinglinto the slip-shod ways. His fences get to be disreputable ; his house is not freshly painted; his walks arc neglected;" his garden goes to weeds ; and he and his wife and his children settle into the easy un tidiness which befits the latitude. It is the latitude which governs. If the Mayflower had landed at St. Augus tine, instead of Plymouth Itock, pos sibly the Seminole's would have been sooner exterminated ; but the Yankee developed on the meager and stony soil of New England would have been a non-existent personage. Corres pondence Philadelphia liecord. 111m Vifcltlntr Card. During the war when Colonel Tioli Crockett was stationed at Camden, he had a small sign, "Colonel Crock ett's Headquarters," posted above his door. One night a number of the boys, having taken down the sign, went out lo a farmer's hen house anil after taking every chicken they could find, left the sign. The next "morn ing an old fellow entered . Crockett's quarters and asked : "Is this Colonel Cro.-kett ?" "Yes, sir." "Is this here your visitm keyard ?" taking the sign from under his coat. "Where did you gel thai?" "Found it this morning in my hen house." " "What were your chickens w orth V" "Fifteen dollars in gold." "Well, old follow, yon break me, but here's yonr money. Don't say anything about if." Crockett afterwards learned that a croupy old rooster and a sick hen were the only fowls that weie taken by the bovs." Fond mother "What a dear, sweet little fellow Bobby is! lie asked me last night if he were io die and goto Heaven il I thought that God would let him plav with the stars." Father (turning his boot upside down and shaking it violently) "Now, who put that toothbrush'and powder iu there V" Fond mother (resignedly) "Oh, 1 suppose it was Bobby !" C m ro Fo r Pi I ts. . Pilo.s are frequently preceded by a sense of weight in the back, loins and lower part of the abdomen, causing the patient In suppose he has some eitcction of the kidneys or neighboring organs. At times, symptoms of indigestion ate present, flatulency, uneasiness of the stomach, etc. A moisture like perspir ation, producing a very disagreeable itching, after getting warm, is a com mon nttomlaut. IJliiul, Bleeding and Itching Piles yield at once to the appli cation of Dr. Bosanko's Pile remedy, which acts directly upon the parts ef fected, absorbing the Tumors, allaying the intense itch ing, and effecting a per manent cure. Price .TO cents. Address The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co.. Piqua, O. Sold by J. W. Conn. When we are in the company of sensible men, we ought to be doubly cautious of talking too much, lest we lose two good things their good opinion and our own, improvement; for what we have to say we know, but what they have to say we know not. What Parents Fear. Many persons especially parents object to quack nostrums as likely to engender or encourage a love for strong drink. They are right. Bet ter to die of disease than of drunken ness. The use of Parker's Tonic does not involve this danger. It not only builds np the system, curing all ail ments of the stomach, liver and kid neys, but it stimulates without in toxicating and absolutely enres the appetite for liquor. YOTJXG 3IEX!-ItKxVI THIS. TiiK Voltaic hew Co., of Marshall, Mich., offer to send their celebrated Elkc-tko-Voltaic Rklt and other Elkctku' Appliances on trial for thirty days, to men (young or old) aftiicted with nervous debility, loss of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles. ALso for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, and many otlier dls- Ihirtv them at once for illustrated pamphlet free uA. o.a.:e!.i. To all who are suffering from the errors and iudiscretlons of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, &c, I will send a recipe that will cure you. FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedv was discovered by a missionary In South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rkv. Joseph T. Injlvn, Station D, New Tori; City. L00D Diseases from Pimples to Scrof uz Cured by Cutlcura. Hurdreds of letters in OHrroseiion, cop- ( pies oi wuirii n aj nt; n.iu uv reium oi man, tepcnttuK story : I have been a terrible suiferer for cms, irom Diseases of the Skin and Blood ; have been obliged to slum pub lic places by reason of my disfiguring liu inots; have had the best physicians : have .spent liundrt tls of dollar?, and ;;ot no relief until I ased tin ('LTicriiA Remedies, which have cured me. and left in skin and Idood a.s pure as a child's. fttVS:ttK! TJ'IYH SAf.T JSliKUM. c'tTiri'KA Rkmepiem are the greatest medicines on earth. Had the worst case of Sail Khemu :: this country. Mv mother had it twit eirs. and in fact died from it. I believed. rit'i'itA would have saved her life. My anus, lura-t and head were covered lor thne ear, w'deli iinthinurrlicvidoroaei! until! I UMd the CUTlccit.v Koi. ?st. Int-mnlli. am! Ci.'Tirt'UA and ft Tint: op. exteniallv. .' W A1.MW. Xewi:i;.o. xii:xj. r.K'M i.mi j;?jv .:'. 1 ciMiiii eiiced tnit i nTTinia ttfM-Ktui-s lat duly '- : cad and lace and some parts of m !' t re almost raw. M head was cox ; r : w it t cal.s and Mire-, and iiivstinr!ir w. - f--iii i hail tried fcrytliiig I had .i-doi" m Ho- East and "Wi-sL My .( as-iiu:dfiid a ver bad one. I ha e u w i.t.; a : aiiirle id Skill Hu mor abour me. alio " "e i- uni.dcrfu!. Mi.V. .-. r. WHIPPLE. JKCTi .s. Mini. Kr'jT.V . ! Si?. ISE: 1 1 TO t-'KRT, ( h: rit-s !-iif l!ii:k!e,.leise.t Cil lleii-lits, N..I it, i es : M; Mu.a!ado' tnelveyears. wasci .pli lily Mired f a terrible cas ii E m 1 1 Uit'CtTU miA ll veiis. From t' I- " f ills !i .- I !n llif s,.l,-s . f isi ft-et ! urivs nf s.-; !.s " leiolbtr re -i . t : p. i hs (:!! ha I ! hi tr;-l in aiu .it:'s:3; muz-: VTicntA. to- i.;i:t has : : lx- n tnid ato ihe rea' C!r.i.ii of til- I'l'liri'ItA ItrMK- :-n . I ':r.e p. id hniidr U of dollars for i' itli. ines io can- uiseasi s f the blood and skin. and t.tver foiiiot :m tiling y t to ciual .ne i ri ri: Rmki!i". Pi:o iiikmt. K. 1. C. A. WILLIAMS. CI TErii: -. i:s.3z::sn. Ar- -ld erwhcre. I'tiiv CiTH'UKA. ."v: iSfmi st.s. : Oii,,iV rtepaicil ! i-.f i'nTii:: Dim: m Ciikmi.i.C.. lb -rti. Mass .TKit Tor aioM li 'nrr.tln llsc:ism UU CO) hmii'i'i Pimples. km I'lemishcsand llabj- rsciiie lb'. crrircKASOAi 5 v ' , ' limn jumi - -s le ill stviiw ready tolly - v V" oSl Ul,,i' ""r nose f I "W mill ivi. il.tll!if t.. v -:.r m ce.-sive ipiautitits ol ihiii.irrit.itmg. waterv liuid : until your head iichrs. mouth and throat parched, and blood at fever heat. 'Ibis is an Acute Ca tarrh, and is instantly ri relieved bvr.iliigletiiise. and peiuianeiitly cured In one bottle of Sa.skouds Radical Ct i:e ret: Catakkh. Complete Treatment with InhalerSI One hot lie Uadical Cure, oue bov Catarrli al Solvent, and one improved Inhaler, in one package, inav now be had or all druggists for Si. Ask "forSANFOKD's Radical Cuke. "The absolute specific we know of." Jftil. Tithes. "Tiie best we have round in a lire time or suffering." Her. Dr. li'iy jiii. Huston. "After a long Sniggle with Catarrh, the Radical Chue has con qitered." .'rr. N. 11'. Jimrm- rsiclshuruh. Pn. "I have not found a case-that it did not nIieeat once." llndrrir l.rr. Zfanchcster, Joc. Poller Dtugauil Cliciuiral '.. Boston. nir.s'rorfKjEUjr.irizisainies- (toii that appeaLs to every tortured victim of iciieiiinatisui, who nniis me onnu ar plasteisand liniments power less lo relieve him. To .such the Clth'Uua AN rt Pain Plaster is an elegant and never-lailingsoiirce of relief, banishim: rheumatic, ncu- ntlie. I'latic. .sudden, slinrn and nervoits pains as bv made. New. original, speedy. sale. Ai iiruggisis.i.c: nveior one oonar, mailed free. Pettki: Diiuo and Cuem l t'Al.Co.. lUistou. WILL Cut Faster AN1 EASIER I Than any ot It er ae mane. Hunilreds of woodmen tes tify to its supe- . rioritv. It goes Deep and Tcr SttcLs. CARNAHAN & CO., AKenU Astoria. Price, Si. 50. ASTORIA IRON WORKS. B-KNTOXSritEKT, NEAK PAKKEK IIOUSF, ASTORIA, - OREGON'. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAID anQ MArSe ENGINES BoiierWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cialty. Gfall IJescriptious nitdc to Order at Short Notice. A. D. Wass, President. .1. (J. Hustlek, Secretary, I. W. Case, Treasurer. John Fox.Superintendent. Notice of Assignment. TOTICE IS HEREBY CJIVEN TO ALL 11 whom it may concern that the under signed has been appointed assignee of the estate or M. 1. Kant, an Insolvent : and all pervins havingdaliiLS against said insolvent, are requested to present the same to the as ignce properly verified at his ofllce at P. A. Stokes .t (Jo's, in the city of Astoria, Clat sop county, .state of Oregon, within three montlis from this date. PHILIP A. STOKES, Astoria, September 2, 18X5. Notice. TAKE N'OTICE ALL WHOM THIS MAY concern, that I the undersigned have and do claim the N'W M of section 2S, town ship s N", range S W, 1C0 acres. I request all parties not to trespass on the above men tioned land or Its effects, as I have given sufficient proofs of mv rights through the United States Iind Ofllce in Washington City. District of Columbia, tl-vr .TOnN ROGERS. City Treasurer's Notice. ALL OUTSTANDING WARRANTS DUE by the city or Astoria will be paid by the Treasurer at Ins ofllce on and after to day. Interest ceases from this date. I. G. HUSTLER, City Treasurer. Astoria, October 15th 18S. GtttN&R BEB H &? XE. I PATrTtDACCJ3.!33I. J.u.iniiunger JOB PRINTISTC, HEAT. QUIcITaND CHEAP, AT The Astorian Job Office. Cushmg's Court Street Assessment NOTICE is hereby given that the as sesMiii'iit made b ordinance No. Sldof the city of Astoria, county of CIn:oi. .state of Oregon, for the improvement of Cusliing's Court street in ihe .said city of Astoria as laid out -and recorded b .l-M.Slfivply, from West !Hi .street to West sth street, as provided h ordin ance No. 8:;o of said city of Astoria, on each of the following described lots fronting on :iid portion of said (Jush ing Court .street, is now payable at she oflitrenf the City Treasurer in l. S. ooin. and unless paid within five days nf the final publication of this notice, viz: Fri day. October .loth, 1885. the Coinnion Council will order warrants issuil for tiie co lection thereof. The assessment is as follews: Mrs.s. V. Wood. Mrs. M. 1. Henvn, .James W.Welch, .John W. Welch and I). II. Welch, lot 1 block i:".1.."0 teet. 17 yds cut $P.).i". plankiMi Sl!."0: total cot fiS.W. Mrs. tj. l- Wood, lot 2 block i:K r.O ft., :ri jds cut 81, planking: $R).."iO: total SI 00-". Mrs. Ii. Horn. lot:; block l.Vi, ."0 feer. :r7! yds cut 8H4.7.".. planking Sliif; total SllIiTi. Ii. K. (. Stnitli. lot 4 block I'm. .10 feet, Hil vds cut and PJJi vds fill S40 2o, plank ing PXi0; total cot S."i).7."i. .James Tavlor, lot ." block 13T. ,"U feet. 444 vds till 111, planking $p.iii: total cost !,T(U0. .lames Taylor, lot ; block i:v.50 feet. 70S vds Jill ?177, planking SP.L'.O: total cost P.h;.-,0. E. A. Taylor, lot 1 block lis. ."0 feet. SHlowallcjs'J.!. ilaiiniiig;?'l,.)-0: total cost 44-il). E. A. Taylor, lot -i block US. .TO feet, '20 vds cut .1, sjidewalk Si". p'ankiutr $P.,"0; total cost64!V.O. K. t'arruthers. lot:: block IIS. ;0 feet. '77 vds nil J44Jij. sidewalk Si-, plank nigSP.lJ'.O: total SLSS.75. .lames Taylor. lot 4 block lis. ,'0 tVet, 20 vds cut S.1, sidewalk 2."", i-Iaiikuig SltJ3ti ; total cost -S4l-"0. .James Taylor, lot.1 block IIS. ."0 feet. .V. yds HIT 5l.'.7o. sidewalk S2Ti, planking SRLTO: total cost SoS.2.1. .James Taylor, lot t; block US, .'.0 feet, 247 yds till sr.l.7. sidewalk $2T. tak ingllC.O; total co.stS 1065. liy order of the Common Council. Attest: T.S. Jewktt. Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, Oregon, October 8th. lSRT. Notice of Assignment. "VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN' TO ALL J3I whom it may concern, that the under signed has been appointed assignee of the es tate of Messrs. Prael Bros., insolvents, and all persons having claims against the said eMata, are requested to present the same to the assignee properly verified at hLs office in the bank ol 1. W. Case. In the citv of Astoria, Clatsop county, state of Oreeon. within three months from this date, and all persons in debted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment of the same. JOHN' BRYCE. Assignee. Astoria, Oregon. October liith. 1835. B B. Franklin, SQUEIVIOQUA STREET, NEXT TO TIIE ASTORIAX Rril.DTXO. 0 S"AU work done In a skillful manner on short notice at reasonable rates. Opening; of tke SMini Season! AT ROSS' OPERA HOUSE, Continue every Tuesday. Thursday and Sat urday evenings from 7 to 10 1 M., and Saturday afternoon from 1 to 4 p.m. Admission : on Tuesdav and Thursday evenings and Saturday afternoon. Ladles free, skaters 25 cents ; Gents admission 25c, skaters 2 cents. Admission on Saturday evening, with Cushing Post Cornet Band ; Ladies 25 cents, skaters 25 cents; Cents 25 cents, skaters 25 cents. FOR RENT. Four Rooms, Centrally Located AND SUITABLE FOR HOUSEKEEPING. APPLY AT ASTORIAN OFFICE. THE BEST IS THE Royal Brand Flour Manufactured by the OREGON MILLING COMPANY Is or Superior Quality, and is Endorsed by all who use it. THE HOUSEKEEPER'S FAVORITE Or Superior Rising Quality. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. WYATT & THOMPSON Sole Agcuts for Astoria. Dissolution Notice. THE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE existing between John Hahn. Wm. Bock and Henry Berendes under the firm name of John Hahn & Co.. in the boot and shoe business on Squemoqua street. Is this day dissolved by mutual consent, "Wm. Bock and Henry Berendes retiring from the firm. The business will hereafter be conducted by John Halm who will pay all bills and collect all the indebtedness due the firm. JOHN HAHN, WM. BOCK. HENRY BERENDES. Astoria, October 23rd, 1885. Mertaier and CaWnet Mate DR. VAN MONGISGAR Permanently located at 132 and 13t Third Street. Portland. Oregon. Is a rtgular graduate in medicine, has been longer engaged in the special treatment of all venereal. seual and chronic diseases than any other physician in the West, as enj, papers show, and old residents know. S100O reward for any case which he falls to cure, coining underhis treatment : bvfollow ing his directions. PR. VAX Is the most successful Luug and Threat Docior in America. He will tell you your trouble without asking you a single question, and warrant a perfect core in the lollowing diseases : 5erTous debility. Spermatorrhoea, semi nal lnses. sexual decay, fainting memory, weak eyes, stunted development, loss of energy, imp verished blood. pimples, imped imeiiis to marriage, also blood ami skin dis eases, .sj philis. eruptions, hair falling, bona pains. swelling. ore throat, effects mercury, kiiliiej and bladder troubles, weak back, burning urine, incontinence, gonorrhoea, gleet, .stricture, etc.. receives prompt reliet and cured for life. Xerrons diseases (with or without dreams. Diseased discharges nired riiouipm without hindrance to business. Both Sexes consult conlldentiallv. If in trouble, call or write. Delaj s are dangerous. Inflammation of the ear. ulceration nrea- tarrh. Internal or external, deaf tnos or pa ralysis, rimdmr nobes. thickened drum, &c. ALL SURCICAL CASES, such as clubbed or deformed reet, paralvsis.contractedcords. weak joints, or derormed limbs, hip Joint disease with running sores and shortening hilibs, diseases and curvature of the spine, old ulcers, diseases or the knee joints, de formities or the race and diseases of the eyes, every cje that may require artificial aid. deafness, private diseases and all chronic diseases such as consumption, asthma, neu ral .ta. diseases r the heart, lungs, liver, stomach, spleen, bowels, skin and urinary organs, and all diseases peculiar to females. All cases of catarrh most positively cured by a new and intallible principle. Impediments or speech as stammering and stuttering perfectly removed, riles and fistula radi cally and permanently cured without the knife. HEH.NIA AND RUPTURE perfectly restored without an operation, requiring no truss af ter treatment. Old fever sores, ulcers and varicose veins invariable healed and cuted. I'AKCEKS and tumors permanently re moved without the knife, caustic, or the los of a single drop of blood. Term for Treatment Strictly Cash. Ofllce hours 8 to 3. THE SPECIALIST, No. 11 Kearney street, Sob Francisco, Cal. TURAT.S ALL CUROXIC, SPECIAL AXD Piit- yatk Diseases wiTnWoifDRRifOL Success. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY! Is a certain cure for VcrroHS DebllltT. Lost Maah&od. Progtarorb na nnl all tne evil effects ol youthful follies and excesses, and iu drlBklag latoxl ratlBgllquera. Br MlBtle who Is a reg ular physician, grad- iiiitn nf th ITnTwoi- slty of PennsTlvanla will agree to lortlet ?5oo for a case or tali tiiuu ioe iiiai Kesiorauve (unaer nis spe cial advice and? treatment) will not cure. $i.6a a Dottle, or four times the quantity $5, sent to any address on receipt ot price, or C. O. D hi private name it desired, by Dr. SflBlle, II Kearny St.. San Francisco, t'al. Send Tor list ot questions and pamphlet. SAMPLE BOTTLE VKEE will beseiit to any one applying by letter stating symptoms, sex 'and ago. Strict se crecy In regard to all business transactions Moore's Remedy -FOR- Poison Cls.. MOORE'S REJfED Cures and Prevents POISON OAK. CUKKS Piles. BurnB, Cuts: KK- MOVKS Sunburn and Freckles, Cold in the Head or Lungs, Ctoud Etc.. etc. . An Invaluable FAMILY SAfcVE. Sold by all Druggists. 23 CentM Box Try It! RESTORED The reason that Thousands cannot get eureJ of SEHIA'AL WEAKNESS, LOSS or MA.Y IIOOD, and Ihe result of abuit.diteajs ortxetstts. is otr injr to a complication called PRQ3TJL TOR RUE A. DR. LIE BIO' 3 IXriGORATOR is the O.YLl'cureorPROSTATORRHEA. Price. 52.00 per paclagt, 6 packagu, 510.04. Guide to Health and Self-Analyst sent free. Address LIE RIG DSPE.VSARTfor Diseases Hen. ICO Geary St -San Frantisco. Cal. POTENT MEi, Es they Toens: or 014 haTlcg Lort Uiom attrlbnUf of PERFECT HANHuOO Hay Regain Quick Sexual Power Prqgreattve Abjihy. Prof. Jean Ciciale. BT TIIE UE O T The Civiale Remedies. form of Smlnal loss and weakn whttHerdaa toTonthru! FoIIr. Abuw. or Xatural Fallon. Tlila treatment originated br IIIOF. C1VIALK adopted in eyery flosiUTittaFRAyCKini ami abore all LAgTIhfi iiTiti -a T7DP"t? Tn ATT Uoonntealntof a ..Vf! will send freo to any earneit tnquirar. our Blen did Illustrated paare medical wort. rMniy,np tomaorallfprmsofSexul Dliaaie, deicripUon U thU treatment, price, ttimonIalj and aew. paper endorsement, tc, c WeaJ,",1?.,1enU for U10 new and certain to cure. Self-AdlosUng: and Glora Flttlnar Cradlu t'ompresaor. for the thoronxh and radical cum without surgery, of VARICOCELE Consultation with full Mtdteal atoflr, FREE. Mala Remedial Agency, 274 Fulton SL, N. Y. SIGN IAIlf Tilt Q. AND CARRIAGE PAINTING! In (lood Style and Lowest LJtlng Prices CHAS. OLSEitf. Shop at Montgomery's old stand BBBff34PfWBM KAll s VOH rKSr r sSQk 2u K&JLUbbbbbI MANHOOD P tJJEtSLf LbbbHibbbOT