The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, October 24, 1885, Image 3

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Fk JIaUjj Sstoran.
Seattle vrill have through railroad
connection to-morrow.
Twelve dozen eggs are worth more
than a barrel of finest flour here.
Astoria has the largest and finest
skating rink north of San Francisco.
First class Shoalwater bay oysters
are selling for S3 a sack in Portland.
The boat shop and stable of Charles
Shagren, in Oysterville, was burned
on Sunday last. Loss, $1,500.
It is reported from Gray's harbor
that Chinamen are dropping in there
from Victoria, in violation of the re
striction act.
A neat thing in the way of orna
ment and use is a gas stove at the
residence of O S. Wright; it is be
lieved to be the first of the kind in
the city.
The boat race is announced to be
sailed at eleven a. ir. to-day, subject
to the decision of the judges. Pools
were sold at the Telephone saloon
last evening.
Men of considerable experience say
that when completed, the new resi
dence of Capt. Geo. Flavel will be
second to none in the state in point
of elegance and finish.
"Helps and Hiuderances' is the sub
jectof to-morrow morning's discourse
at the M. E. church. The pastor will
speak at the afternoon Y. M. C. A.
rooms on "The heroism that wins."
A meeting of Northern Pacific di
rectors is in session in New York. It
is stated that they have confirmed the
sale of about 80,000 acres of land to
an American syndicate at about $7
per acre.
The ship Benjamin F. Packard,
with 3,100 tons of grain, is detained
at Port Townsend for a crew. It
seems that seamen cannot be shipped
for Europe for the port wages S20
per month.
The government officials that are
issuing certificates to Chinese on the
CoJoma have a sweet scented job.
They put endowment robes on 108
yesterday and have about 200 more
to pass upon.
What a lot of work the legislators
will have at the coming session!
The matter of corrections, alone, will
take considerable time. And then
there is that job of making history,
which is always an onerous task.
The Weekly Astoriax, chuck full
of news and home happenings, is
out to-day. Send a copy to friends
and acquaintances elsewhere. It is a
journal that no Astoriau need be
ashamed of as an exponent of the
section in which he lives.
TheBritish bnrks'Cormoranl, 1,07.',
Hume master, 85 days f roni Lacapede
bay, Parthia, 1,022, Carruthers mas
ter, 51 days from Sydney, and Santi
ago, previously reported, arrived in
yesterday. The Peri, City of lien
ares and T. F. Oalics sailed. The
schooners Trustee and Dare and the
steamship Walla Walla also crossed
The crow of the British bark ITiyh
moor, says the News, are clamoring
for their wages. Six of them
threaten to leave the vessel.
The sailors claim that about $115 is
due to each of them. They say that
Captain Whirter desires them to pur
chase clothing at a certain store, ho
to pay for the same ont of their sal
ary. TheNehalem coal discoveries ex
cite considerable interest. If what is
said is so, and if a road can bo got
into that country, the existence of
coal there is better for Astoria than
any gold mine or railroad that ever
was talked of. It the coal is there
the road will go there fast enough.
Another party is organizing in this
city to go there next week.
Gen. Minty, a distinguished rail
road tyee, is in Portland. The
general's name will bo inscribed
upon the tablets of the nation's mem
ory as the name of the man that in
vented the "double order'- in train
dispatching. Just what the double
order is, is something on which the
writer is not very well posted. Any
how," he invented it and it is a suc
cess. In the matter of county roads it is
argued with considerable reason that
a road connecting with that to the
Walluski, thence crossing in a curv
ing direction to the seaside would
give required connection from Asto
ria to the seaside at less expense
than that entailed by the building of
the Clatsop road, and obviating
the feature of a bridge across Yonng's
Nettie Westerfield, died of conges
tion of the bowels at the hospital at
eleven o'clock yesterday morning.
She was in the twentieth year of her
age and belonged to the unfortunate
sisterhood whose ranks are recruited
from those who in the innocent past
loved "not wisely but too well." The
funeral will take place from lioss
undertaking rooms at two o'clock
this afternoon.
A police officer whose beat takes
him into the confines of Chinatown
in Portland, said to a News reperter:
"The Chinamen are actuallystarving.
They Lave no money and there is no
work for them. The Canadian Pa
cific will be finished shortly, and a
large number of them will be thrown
out of employment. If they have no
money the companies will not keep
them, and of course, they are thrown
on their own resources."
It is the pleasant experience of The
Astobiax to receive numerous friend
ly answers to bills sent out for sub
scriptions to the Weekly, etc. With
the amount of the bill comes, in sev
eral instances, an extra one cr two
year's subscription with instruction
to place it to the subscriber's credit
In this way many have paid up to
'88. Not less satisfactory are the
many expressions of good will and
kindly feeling on the part of the many
to whom The Weekly is a welcome
The Henderson Bros. & Withers
own a fine body of bottom and tido
land lying along Young's river, im
mediately below the jnnctiou of the
Kiaskanine and this river. The
bottom is being rapidly cleared. The
best part of the timber is cut into
cord wood, which is hauled to a wharf
on a tide-slough running back into
this land, and is there loaded onto
wood scows and taken thence to
Astoria. This firm cut aud boat away
from their land, about 2,01)0 cords
annually, thus makimg the wood pro
duction go far toward paying the first
cost of the timber portion tof the
land. There are on the place 175
acres of fine tide lands, which it js
the owner3 intention to soon begin
to dike. Much of the tide-land is
very favorably situated for diking,
thm making "the cost of the work
U. Hassell, living near Grange Hall
on Young's river is engaged in the
poultry business, the chickens raised
being mostly of the mongrel varieties;
but there are a number of full-blood
Brown Leghorns in the yards. Until
the present season the hatching has
been done after the old way of set
tincr hens, when this nlanwas suonle-
meuted bv the use of a common-sense
incubator made on the place. Thi
being his first experience with an in
cubator, Mr. II. did not succeed with
the first two clutches of eggs, but
profiting by tho experience in hand
ling the inenbator managed to get
about 80 per cent, of the third
clutch to hatch out. For feeding
young chicks he uses wheat partly
parched and then rather coarsely
ground, and also bran and short
mixed and then moistened with boil
ing water, and after the chicks are a
few days old occasionally adding a
small pinch of black popper to the
food. When chicks are raised with
out the brood hen they are kept, for
the most part, a few in a place.
rather shallow boxes, with a layer of
coarse sacking (old gunny sacks may
be used) placed on the bottom, and a
covering of the same material loosely
placed, but in such way as to allow
vontilation. Thus placed the chickens
will keep warm aud comfortable
during cool weather. When the
weather is sunshiny and warm it is
well to have a small run of several
yards in extent for the chicks to
exercise. Air-slaked lime is frequent
ly used in dusting the chicken roost
and inside parts of the hen house,
with good effect in keeping vermin
away from the fowls, and the absorp
tion of unwolesome odors.
Mrs. J. Rowan, of Astoria, is
breeding fine poultry. In her yards
there are a fine lot of pure-bred birds,
consisting of a trio of Buff Cochins
from the poultry yards of C. H.
Babcock, Exeter, Neb.; a trio of
Brown Leghorns bought of R, L.
Porter, Mukwanago. Wis.; and three
hens and a cockerel from tho poultry
yards of G. B. Bailey, Oakland. Cal.
In addition to these birds Mrs. R, has
in poultry pens thirteen pure-bred
Brown Leghorn pullets. AH of these
fowls are in fine condition. North
western Farmer and Dairymun.
Suddrn Death of Mr. Alley Fox.
Mr. Alsey Fox, an esteemed resi
dent of Victoria, died suddenly in
that city at ten o clock yesterday
morning from the rupture of a blood
vessel. One of his sons, Charlton
Fox, was with his father at the time
of his death. Two more of his sons,
John and Alsey, are well known-residents
of this city. The funeral will
tako place in Portland, for which
place they leave this morning. They
have the sympathy of tho community
in their bereavement.
J. J. Burns, general storekeep
er for the Union Pacific railroad, has
been in Portland to inspect a largo
lot of lumber purchased by the com
pany. The lumber will be used for
general construction purposes.
About $75,000 worth has already
been bought, and the company will
hereafter purchase 50,000,000 annu
ally in that city. The lumber is Or
egon pine and" has been found the
best. No more cat lumber will be
used in the construction of cars for
the Union Pacific railroad, except for
brake beams. Oregon fir will besub
stitued and the cars will be finished
with Port Orford cedar. Here's a
chance for our local mills to compete
for a desirable market. Already con
siderable has been sent to Salt Lake
and other points from this city, the
low rates on the Oregon Short Line
making a market for Columbia river
Buclitcir Arnica Salve.
The Sai.vk i n the world for
Cuts, Bruises, Sore.s,Ul(Hr.s Salt llheuin,
Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.
Trice 25 cents per box. For sa le by W.
E. Dement & Co.
Preaching in the Swedish language
everv Sunday in the Episcopal Chapel,
upper Astoria, on the hill near the
Swedish Lutheran Church. Morning at
10:30: evening at 7:30. Swedes, Nor
wegians and Danes, and nil who under
stand the Swedish language are cordial
ly invited.
Ai.ritEi Johnson,
Fresh Goodwin Butter
And a full assortment of staple and
fancy groceries always on hand at 1).
L. Heck & .Son's.
Y. Lussier oi San Francisco has en
gaged in the photograph business with
Crow the leading photographer.
Parties wishing soars or piling of any
size or length can be supplied by leav
ing orders with J. li. u. iiray.
Subscribers io the Peonies Illustrated
Atlas are notified that next Wednesday
is the day appointed to collect balances
Fall and Winter Goods.
New Suitings, Fine Underwear, and
the latest styles in Scarfs and Ties just
received at Mcintosh's furnishing store.
The substitution of petroleum for
coal on the Terry steamers of the
Central Pacific railroad company was
noticed at length in this journal
some davs ago. The experiment was
first tried on the Solano, which
crosses the strait of Carquinez daily
with freight and passenger trains.
The Solano is tho largest ferry boat
in the world. It was not until the
use of petroleum on that boat had for
months been demonstrated to be a
complete success that other ferry
boats were adapted to tho use of the
same fuel. One largo passenger ferry
boat and a large freight ferry boat
may now be seen daily crossing and
recrossing tho bay without so much
as a faint color of smoke issuing from
the smokestacks. The saving in the
consumption of fuel has already bsen
The great iron steamship which for
more than a year last past has made
an average of three trips a month be
tween this port and Tacoma, on Pu
get eonnd, bringing down on each
trip 4,000 tons of coal from tho Car
bon Hill mine, is laid up at tho rail
road wharf on the Oakland side.
Her smokestack is capped, and it
looks as if she would not enter the
coal trade again for many a day. It
is niven ont that the sailing vessels
can bring down coal at cheaper rates
thau steamers. But if this were a
iaci II was as wen kuuwu vuiuu iuc
San Pedro began to bring coal from
the Carbon Hill mine as it is now.
There is probably another reason for
withdrawing the steamers from the
coal business. &'. F. liulletin, '20.
Spurious Aitorian
Two young men, purporting to
come from Astoria, and register ing
as W. P. Murray and J. W. Davidson,
played a confidence game successfully
upon a verdant vouth from the coun-
try, one Frank Vidal, a few days
siuce. une oi me commence meii
produced a game, which appeared to
be simple and easy to beat. The other
borrowed S100 from Yidal to bet on
tho game, promising to divide the
spoils with him. Of course the ?100
was lost, and they then tried to give
Vidal the dodge, who, however, gave
:iu alarm, and the confederates were
arrested. They gave up the money,
whereupon Vidal departed for the
east, aud there being no evidenco
against them they were discharged
from custody, and are now at liberty
to work some other unsuspecting vic
tim. Dalles Corr. Oreyonian.
v' or the Cormorant."
Sailed July 29,1885, from Lacepede
bay, south Australia, with SE winds;
from thence to north of New Zealand,
SE to NE wiuds with dirty weather
and several thunder storms, which
we passed on August 16th; from
thence to 10 S., favorable winds;
from 10 S. to equator, light, variable
winds with thunder and vivid light
ning for several days. Crossed equa
tor 3d of September, in 172 ' W.; from
thence to 34 N., light, variable airs
with vivid lightning aud hard squalls
at times; from thence to port, light,
variable winds, with one exception,
strong SE gale 17th October, which
lasted until 19th, then favorable winds
to the bar.
What Huntington Says.
New York, Oct. 22. A well known
Wall street man said to-day that
Huntington held the whip hand ov
er all the overland business. Being
asked what he thought of leasing the
Oregon Bail way and Navigation by
the Northern and Union Pacific, he
said it was almost certain. He argued
the former was almost entirely de
pendent on the latter. If tho Oregon
Navigation company mado a deal
with the Southern Pacific, it would
only be opening the gate for the Un
ion and Northern to parallel their
lines to Portland.
Syrup orFljj.N.
Manufactured only by the California
Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal. i.i
Natures Own True Laxative. This
pleasant liquid fruit i (inert v may be
had of V. E. Dement & Co. at liftv cents
or one dollar per bottle. It is the most
pleasant, prompt and effective remedy
known, to rleaiiM' the system; to acton,
the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels gontly
jet thorough!: to dispel Heartache,
Colds and Fevers: to cure Constipation,
Indigestion aud kindred ills.
Warranty deeds, mortgages, etc. A
lull line of legal blanks on hand at this
School Itooks 20 nor cent less
any other place at Adler's.
Keuily For Business.
For a good cup of coffee or a plate of
fine oysters go to Frank Fahre's Coffee
House; opposite M.C. Crosby V.
You Think that -Jefr ot
The Chop IToiisc
Gives vou a meal for nothing, and a
glass of something to drink V "Xot
much !" lint he gives a better meal and
more of it than any place in town tor
25 cents. Jle buys by the wholesale and
pays cash. -'That settles it."
'That Hacking Cough can be so
quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We
guarantee it. Sold by V. E. Dement.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and'toilet articles, etc can
he bought a! the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug stun, opposite Occident
h lei. Astoria.
A Nasal Injector free with each
Ixiltle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
Price r0 cents. Sold by W. E. Dement.
Shiloh's Vitahzer is what you need
for Constination. Loss of Aonetite. Diz
ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia.
Price 10 and " cents per luUtle. Sold
by W. E. Dement.
Shiloh's Cough anu Consumption
Cine N sold by us on guarantee. It
cures consumption. Sold by W. K. De
ment. Cheap Single Bedsteads
Ami Mattresses, for sale cheap, atM.
Olsen's, corner of Main and Jefferson
At eight o'clock Thursday evening
the following boats had entered, at
Jeff's Telephone saloon, for the race
M. Wilson, H. Jonas, G. Carlson,
J. Hendrickson, Meyer's boat No. 2,
G. Wilson, J. Nickles, James McCar
ty, M. Ryan, Jas. Hern, C. Brown, J.
C. Lidwell, C. Woods, M. J. Ander
son, A. Pahka; and all captains being
present, the following rule3 were
adepted: Tho race to be from the
stake boat opposite Wilson & Fisher's
wharf to the black spar buoy, at
Booth's cannery, leaving the spar
buoy, on the starboard side and
thence around the black buoy below
Ft. Stevens, leaving that buoy on the
starboard side, and back to the stake
boat opposite Wilson & Fisher's
wharf. The hour of 11 o'clock a. jr.,
to be the hour of starting, and all
boats to be in the slip at the place of
starting by 10 o'clock" a. m. The
boats to start one minute apart and
the captains of the boats to draw for
positions. The boats to carry main
sail, stunsail and jib, and no moro
sail: any boat to drop an anchor or
use an oar to lose the race. All boats
to ballast without restriction. All
boats to start from tho stake boat ac
cording to number drawn. No judges
or time keepers shall be allowed to
bet on the race. Tho boats to be
designated by their numbers as drawn
for position, and each captain to
mark his boat with his number. The
boats to start when the judges say
"go," as regards tho wind.
Tho following gentlemen were
selected by the captains of the boats
and kindly requested to serve.
Capt. A. D. Wass, Capt Geo. W.
Wood and G. G. Smith. Time keepers,
G. Hansen and M Studzinski.
Positions were then drawn as fol fel fol
eows: C. Brown, No. 1; C. Carlson,
No. 2; C. Woods,No.3; J.Hendrickson,
No. 4; J. Nickles, No. 5: G. Wilson,
No. 6; W. Wilson, No. 7: M. Ryan, No.
8; H. Jones No. 9; Jas. Hern, No. 10; A.
Pahka, No. 11;M. J. Anderson, No. 12;
Jas. McCarty, No. 13; Meyers' boat
No. 2; No. 14; J. 0. LMwell, No. 15.
AVIIil Clierrj- aud Tar.
Everybody knows the virtues of Wild
Cherry and Tar as a relief and cure for
any affections of the Throat and Lungs,
combined with these two ingredients
are a few simple healing remedies in
the composition of Dr. Bosanko's Cough
and Lung Syrup making it just the
article you should always have in the
house tor Coughs, Colds, Croup and
Bronchitis. Price 50 cents and $1.00.
Samples free. Sold by J. W. Conn.
X.cssons In Music.
Prof. E. L. Eettinger respectfully in
forms the public that he has opened a
studio in Odd Fellows' building, at the
headquarters of the Astoria Singing so
cietv. and is now prepared to take pu
pils" for the piano, organ, singing and
Prof. Hettinger, in teaching his pu
pils, follows closely the methods adopt
ed at the Conservator of Paris iie hav
ing been a student at that institution for
four years, and is consequently able to
bring his pupils to a very high standard.
For terms, please apply to
Pkok. C. L. Bettin'GEK,
Cor. Cass and Squemoqua SLs.
Astoria, Oregon.
Sleepless Nights made miserable
by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is
the remedj' for you. Sold by W. E. De
ment & Co.
Whv will you cough when Shiloh's
Cure will give immediate relief. Price
10 cts no cts and SI. Sold by W. E. De
ment. For a Neat Fitting Coot
Or Shoe, go to P.J. Goodmans, on Che
namus street, next door to I. W. Case.
All goods of the bet make and guaran
teed qualitj'. A full stock; new goods
constant! j- arriving. Custom work.
The Tables Supplied with the
Best the Market Affords.
In the Sleeping Department,
Clean. Comfortable Beds.
J. G. ROSS, Proprietor,
Dissolution Notice.
X. existing between John Hahn. Wm.
Bock and Henry Berendes under the llrm
name ot John Hahn & Co.. in tho boot and
.shoe business on Squemoqua street. Is this
dav dissolved by mutual consent, Wm. Bftck
and Henry Berendes retirinc from the Arm.
Tlie business will hereafter be conducted by
John Hahn who will pay all bills and collect
all the indebtedness due the Qrm.
Astoria, October irird, 18S5.
Notice of Application.
i.1 undersigned intends to apply to the
common council of the city of Astoria at its
next regular meeting, for a license to sell
wine, malt aud spirituous liquors in less
quantities than one quart, for a period of
one year in the building situated on lot 1,
block 11, McClure's Astoria.
Astoria, October 2lst, 18S5.
Abstracts of Title.
JL a set of Abstract Books from the records
or Clatsop County and Is now prepared to
furnish complete aud correct Abstracts of
Title to any Real Estate In the County, at
reasonable rates.
Attorney at Law. Astoria. Oregon.
Office, Room D. over eity Book Store.
As Sole Agents hi New York,
A Packer of First Quality Salmon.
Excellent Facilities.
Full Particulars Through Correspondence.
Mfrs. and Pkrs. Agts., lCl Duane St, N. Y
County Orders.
X 0rderS- A.1LSEEDD1W.
L. A. Loomis is in the city.
V. Cook is doTra from Clifton.
Dr. W. T. Balcar goes to Portland
this morning,
Hon J?. J. Taylor will hold a spec
ial session of court at The Dalles, be
ginning Nov. 23.
Mrs. Lilly Warren and Miss Eva
Grounds who have been visiting
friends in East Portland, have re
turned. Pilot Howes, bar pilot on the
steamer Oregon, is about to remove
to Oakland with liis family, where
they will make their future residence.
Gwin Hicks, deputy revenue col
lector is over from Tacoma. He has
been down through Olympia, and
Gray's harbor and leaves for Portland
this morning.
W. B. Adair and Eobt Carruthers
are summoned as United States court
jurors to appear in Portland Nov.
3rd, with twenty-three other good
mn and true from different parts of
tho state.
A Idle Saving Present.
Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kan.:
Saved his life by a simple Trial Bottle
of Dr. King's New Discovery, for Con
sumption, which caused him to procure
a large bottle, that completely cured
him, when Doctors, change of climate
and everything else had failed. Asthma,
Bronchitis, Hoarseness,Severe Coughs,
and all Throat and Lung diseases, it is
guaranteed to cure. Trial Bottles free
atW.E. Dement & Co.'sDrug Store.
Large size S1.00.
Royal Brand Flour
Manufactured by the
Is of Superior Quality, and Is Endorsed
by all who use it.
Of Superior Rising Quality.
Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction.
Solo Affcntn for AHtorla.
Nicely Furnished Rooms,
Mrs. S. T. McKean's, Cass street, three
doors south of Astobiax ofllce.
Notice of Application.
undersigned, will apply to the common
council of the city of Astoria, at its next reg
ular meeting for a license to sell wine, malt
and spirituous liquors in less quantities
than one quart, for a period of one vear
in the building situated on lot 7, block 7,
JlcClure's Astoria.
Astoria. October 19th. 1885.
Administrator's Notice.
appointed administrator of the estate
of John Amundsen, deceased, notice is here
by given that all persons having claims
against the said estate shall present the
same with proper vouchers, within six
months from this date, at the ofllce of F. I).
Winton m the city of Astoria, Clatsop coun
ty. Oregon.
October 17th, 1S8.1. il4w
straightening up acceunts: or as per
manent book-keeper: or other business
position : by a man who Is fully competent,
well versed in all legal forms ; and comes
well recommended. Apply at this ofllce.
JjL meals only, at Mrs. Hamlin's ; across
irom uustom uouse;two doors soutli or
Frank Parker's store.
Furnished Rooms.
ly furnished rooms to rent at Ave dol
lars per month and upward, and by the week
or night. Enquire corner Main and Jeffer
son streets.
annual moetinp of tho stockholders of
the Washington racking Company will be
held on Wednesday. November 4th. 1S33, at
one o'clock p. m. at the office of the cannery
at or near tho city of Astoria, Oregon, for
the purpose of electing Ave directors and to
transact such other business as may lawful
ly como before the meeting.
J. W. GEAR H ART, Secy.
Astoria, October 1st, 1SS5.
whom it may concern that the under
signed will make application to the Advisory
Board of Pardons at tnelr regular meeting
October, 1835, which begins on the 27th day
t)f October, for a pardon from the Oregon
State Penitentiary from a sentence of five
years in said penitentiary received In As
toria about the day of August, 1S83. Said
sentence was passed on a conviction of lar
ceny of a silver watch.
This 3rd day of October, 18S5.
Fishing Boat Race, Saturday, Oc
tober 24th.
Not less than six boats to contest.
The boats competing will start In line
abreast of Yv'llsou & Fisher's dock at the
word "go" and gunshot. The course will be
run as advertlsedin last week's Astokian.
The first boat to pass the stake after going
over the course will win the prize regardless
of time.
The first prize will consist of a new coin
silver "Waltham watch and chain given by
and waranted by Gustav Hansen: value $35.
Also a prize purse of 23. The
entrance money will go to second boat,
less expenses of advertising. The judges
will be appointed by the captains of the
boats competing. The entrance fee will be
S2 for each boat. All entrauces to be made
with Justus Edwards at the Telephone Sa
loon, on or before Thursday, October 22nd.
at 8 p.m. Watch and chain now on exhibi
tion at the Telephouo Saloon.
Due notice will be given of time oi starting
Copartnership Notice.
existing between F. E. Shute and M. H.
Partridge under the firm name of Shute &
Partridge is this day dissolved by mutual
consent. M. H. Partridge retiring from the
firm. The business will be hereafter con
ducted under the name of Shute & Co., who
will pay all bills and collect all Indebted
ness of the old firm.
Astoria, October 2ist, 1885.
00 LAI I
22 rMLL
Having purchased extensively
Markets, I am now prepared to show
Assortment of DRY" GOODS and
New Silks,
New Velvets,
New Clonks,
New Buttons,
New Hosiery,
New Ribbons,
New Blankets,
Every Department is Complete!
Largest Buyers of Dry Goofls i ClotMng
In The North West,
Buying Direct From The Manufacturers and Importers;
Saving the Extra Profits of Middlemen, We are enabled to
Give Our Customers the Benefit!
We Only Cany
And Our Prices are Low.
Specially Attended to and Filled With Dispatch.
Wholesale and .Retail Stores, Astoria, Oregon.
0. K.
Hair Dressing Saloon
Parker House, Main St.,
For a flrst-class Shave, scientific Hair-cut.
and hygienic Shampoo, etc.
After September 1st I will be prepared to
manufacture all kinds of hair work.
II. Da PARK, Prop.
Pine Stationery, Blank Books, School Books and Supplies,
Musical Instruments. Sheet Music and general variety of Novelties.
All Publications Received as Soon as Published.
C3- TJ 3ST S 3VE I T EC.
All kinds of new Guns made to order.
Breech-loading Guns made from Muzzle
loaders. All repairs done prompt and cheap.
First class work guaranteed. Address letters
Care of John Kopp, Astoria, Or.
Gents' Furnishing- Store!
The Best Place in the City to Buy
In the Tailoring Line I am Showing the Latest Patterns in Engliali, FreHek
ami American suitings, which will be made up to order First Class or
Equal to Anything iu the State!
In Men's, Youths' and Boys'.
Large Assortment of Sats!
in Eastern and San Francisco
the Largest and Most Varied
CLOTHING in the State' of
New Dress Goods,
New Suitings,
New Wraps,
New Trimmings,
New Underwear,
New Gloves,
New Flannels, Etc., Etc
one of the
Carry in Stock,
Prescriptions carefully Compounded
Furniture and Upholstering,
Mattresses Made and Repaired.
Paper Hanging. Carpets Sewed
and Laid.
Furniture Sold on Commission.
Snor. corner Main and Jefferson Streets.