--, .. , --.... - m. VOL. XXIV, NO. 99. ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, J885. PRICE. FIVE CENTS. BUSINESS CARDS. IVltfJ. A. Ii. and J. A. Fl'LTO.V Physicians and Surgeons. Will ulve prompt attention to all calls, twin an j' part of the city or country. Office over Allen's Store, corner Cass ami Squemoqua streets, Astoria, Oiegon. Telephone No. 41. I) It. FItAXK IA K. IMiyiriaii and. Surgeon. Office. RoomG, over I). A. Mcintosh s stoie. oki'ick Houns :-9 to 11 a. m. ;-:; to 5 r. m. Residence, opposite thp.lohan-.en bulUlini; D It. I.OCKHAXIT. PHYSICIAN AND SURGKOX. Ofkh-K: Gem r.ui'dlug. upstairs. AMoria, Oiegon. tlV't A. DOItUIS. 8hO. NOI.AM) ."t'O'.AXU & DOHICES. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. fffiee iu Kinney's Block. pposite Cit Hall. Astoii.i, Oregon. U IV. Klil.TON. . C FULTON. Fri.TOrW BUOTJ1ERS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Rooms 5 auid fi. Odd Fellows P.tillilhm. -t KliO F. PARKEIl SURVEYOR OF ClatHop County and City Astoria Office :-N. E. corner Cins and Astor stteets, Jtoom No. 8. T K A. BOWLBY. I Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Office on Chenamus Street, Astoria. Oregon. J A V TU'FTIiK. 31. I. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON okfipk Rooms 1,2. and ?,. Pythian Hlilld- Residknck On Cedar Sheet, liaek of St. Mar 'a Hospital. 1 l 1UOKS. A. K.. SHAW. EIICKS & SI I IW. DENTISTS. Rooms in Allen's Building, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Sqiieiuoiiua slieets. Astona regon. o t. sir.iiRv. NOTAllY PUBLIC. Menrchvror Titles, AliMtrartrr and Conveyancer. Office on Cass Street. 3 doors south of As toiian office, Astoiia, Oregon. BANKING AND INSURANCE! I. W. CASE, Broker, Banker, and Insur ance Agent, tx'soitiA., - okk;ov. OFFICE HOURS : From 9 o'clock A. M. until :t o'clock 1. M. AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITORS! Capitol Flour, Manufactured ou the Gradual Reduction System by ttie Salem (Or.) Capitol Flour Mills Co.. iamitkd the only flour that has taken First I'me three j ears in Miccesslon at the FOKTIiAXn 3ERCHAXICS FA I It. Also at State Fair. One tilal is sufficient to convince of its supe i mrity. See that the woid CAPITOL is on each sack GEORGE SHIEL. 8 Stalk St.. Poitland Agent. WILSON & FISHER. Astoria Agents. HAVE YOU iu ti Sell? IN THE MATTEH OF Rags. Bottles, Old Metal, or Junk of Any Sort, FOARD k STOKES Will give you the best price for it. Do You Want to Buy SHIP MATERIAL. From aUeiajins Tin to a Hawser; from Block to an Anchor. You Can Get what You Want at FOARD & STOKES. Headquarters at building, east end Water Street. Notice of Assignment. TJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL JL1 whom It may concern that the under signed has been appointed assignee of the estate of M. I). Kant, an insolvent : and all persons haying claims against said Insolvent, are reauested to present the same to the as- Mgnee properly verified at his office at r. A. Stokes & Co's. In the city of Astoria. Clat- sop county, state of Oiegon, within three months from this date. PHILIP A. STOKES. Astoria, September 2, 1S35. am LO kJ An TRADE W7 MARK. Uttohitrltf free from Opiates, Emetics vml X'oisoKS. A PROMPT, SAFE, SURE CURL K" Coughs oro Throat, Honi-ACnc, Cuius, Iufluccxa, UroncLllIs Aathnrn, Croup, WX.oap. Ins Conch, Qulnny, Pain In Chest, al u'J. nifectloaJortboThrootatiJ Lunjr. Vrlce 50 cents a bottle. Sold bv Dmzststt and UcaltTn. J'arlits vnable to imluie Uiar ilealfr to jitompU'j net it for t'tcm mil rtrtite tiro touUs, lijrjjrcts charges paid, by tending one dollc,- to THE I lUKI.LS A. V0CELEU ftlSIUM, bole Omen anj lUnuTictarrni, llaltlmorr. Jlirj Unci. V. 8. A. 1 just what its name implies ; a Purely Vegetable 'Compound, thai acts directly upon the rj curing the many diseases i o that lm. portant organ, and merons ailmants t ting the na- arise from its deranged or ction, each as Dyspepsi Bilionsnesa Cos' lam, Sick-headache, Rh etc. It is therefore 2 rmsmhat " To nave tiood. Healti :he lirver must he Kept in order' DE. SAHPOED'S LIVES INVIGOEATOR. luvfcorates the Liver, Regulates the Bow 5ls, Strengtliens the System, Purifies the Blootl . Assists Digestion, Prevents Fevers. Is a Household ".Ned. An Invaluahlc Family Medicine for common, complaints. D3. SA2IP0BD3 LIVEE HTVIGOEATCS. An experience of Forty years, and Tito : iands of Testimonials prove its Merit. FOR 8.U.15 BV ALT DITVLEttS IKilEniCIKnS For full information f-ond yonr address for la r.qe Jr ok oa The "Liver aad its di-caos."' U PKFORD 2 DUASi: ST.. SVV? TCJCK. CIlT- B. B. Franklin, -''yf.' '."if AY SJW" .. -TV -n! V Mertater id Catiet Mater, SQUENiCQUA STREET, nkx'i to Tin: wroitiAN r.i n.mvo. E3""A1I woik done in :t.-UiIlfiil manner on shoil uotueat r:iiMialilt rates. Opiis of He bMii Season! AT ROSS' OPERA HOUSE, Conthuie every TueMlav.Thursdav ami aJ- unlay evenings ftoni 7 to 10 ; m . and Satutilay afternoon lm:n lto-lr.si. AdiuisMon ; on Tuesday and Thnrsdaj evenings ami Saturday afternoon. Indies fiee, skaters 'St cents; Cents admission:", skateis ' cents. Ailinissiou on Saturdav evening, with Cushing Tost Corner Kand: Ladies i' cents, sKalt'rs 'Si cents; ("eis i". cents, Waters i" ceirts. Assignee's Notice. TVTOTIOE IS HEHEliY HIVEN' TH AT'I HE JL uudeisigned has been veleetcd by the creditors as assignee of F. i:. Elberson. an insolvent, iu place of the assignee appointed by such Insolvent, and all persons having claims against the said insolvent's estate aie hereby notified to present the same properly verified to the undersigned at the ofilce of 1). I.. Heck & Sons, at Astoria. Or egon, within three months from this date. F. 11. l'OINDEXTEIt. Assignee. October nth, 18.s. Notice to Contractors. NOTICE is hereby siven that bids will be received at the office of the Auditor and Clerk until Thursday, Oc tober 22d.188.-, at two o'clock j m., for the grading of the crossing of West ilth and Arch .streets. Said crossing shall be graded to its full width and to the established srade. Bids must state the price per cubic yard of earth to be removed. Bids must be accompanied with aguar antee signed by two responsible tax payers, to the effect that it contract be awarded to such bidder he will within forty-eight hours after notice of such award, enter nito contract therefor with good and sufficient sureties for the faith ful performance of the work. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. By order of the Common Council. Tuos. Dkaly, 1 Committee on Chas-Gkatke, j Public Wavs. Astoria, October 19th, 18K. NVGOBATOi 3t 4 tV . ' IVY X uWrztiCtS ' 7 ft Jfsa--5i5cv -iff The Smart Station Agent. There is something about the agent tit a country railway station that ex sites both "my admiration and iny pity. When I go to the station for the purpose of taking a train and find him sitting with heels cocked up on the table by the telegraph instrument and his head bowed down upon his breast with the great weight of res ponsibility that rests upon him when hestarts, as if he had been shocked by some of the current events that are flashing along the wires and looks pained because lie is not privileged to communicate them to an anxious world when he rises and yawns and goe.s to the ticket window to communicate to some waiting wayfarer the burdensome knowledge with which he is supposed to be full to overflowing, I admire him. When a boarding school comes in to cmbaik for home at vacation time, I pity him. About forty girls chatter ing like magpies and drowning the voice of the telegraph with their gab ble, is more than any station agent c:m bear when he is getting train or ders, and 1 pity him from the pro foundest aorta of my heart.' 1 once knew a fair "young man whose life was one great gob of good promise. He had lied himself into prominence in the community, and the people iiad come to believe that one day, he would be one of the most highly re spected advocates at the bar or occu pants of the sanctum. When he was a mere babe, the old ladies said the Lord had evidently intended him for the ministry, but when he got to wan dering away with other people's horses and playing poker, they reluc tantly admitted their error and ceased to anticipate that his life would be de voted to piloting sinners to the skies. They then unanimously decided that he was destined to be foremost among the barristers and other law-evading things, but in the very prime of his promise he became a stipe in a rail way station and began learning tele graphy. His'lluent and graceful style of pre varication soon won for him the es teem and confidence of his superior, and in due time, the latter could go out on a vacant lot near the depot and pitch horse-shoes with full assurance that the business of the oHice would be properly attended to and the con fiding public kept waiting seven hours after supper-tim-j when the train was ten hours late, under the impression that it would be ou hand in twenty minutes. The young man applied himself assiduously to his work of self-education and "soon be came proficient. One day, when he had acquired the requisite knowledge and confidence to run the road, which was about four months after he first entered the olliee, he sent the follow ing message to the train dispatcher, who called his station to give erders: 'Agent playing mumble-peg four blocks away. Shall 1 receive? 1. U. 0." Of course he was instructed to receive, as if there were any delay a train would soon rush by the station and go crashing into the" rear end of another which had broken down be tween that station and the next. He did well, and that evening he re ceived an order dismissing his supe rior and appointing him to fill the vacancy. I Ic was young and inex perienced, however, and in due time lie arose to the sublime height of utter contempt for the public. He strutted about like a sultan and laughed at the anxiety of the people to know when they might expect to get away from the village he seemed to own. When knowledge was want ed, he was more ignorant than Gala tea before Pygmalion got mashed on her, and when no flood of intellectual effervescence was desired, knowledge seemed to fall from his lips like bricks from an overturned hod. He seemed to be master of the situation, and all the complaints of indignant shippers and the pleadings of a long-suffering people could not shake him from his impregnable abode in the heart of the management. One day, a gentleman who was managing editor of a cattle ranch in Colorado came to the station. He made certain inquiries concerning the running of trains which the agent was not prompt and obliging in an swering, and the cow-general spoke of him in terms that were not remark able for their freedom from inuendo. The young man replied in his custom arily concise style, and in about a fraction of a second, the atmosphere of the room was saturated with smoke, noise and an odor of burned powder. The next day, his perforated rex mains were placed in a black walnut box and hauled away to the village burvinj- ground, and there thev now lie, joining their kindred dust and en joying the other privileges and com pliments of the season, while there m a meek and lowly young man with four revolvers and" a look of unutter able woe concealed about his person looking after the affairs of the rail road in that village. The cow-commander has been acquitted of any evil intent, and carries in his hip pocket a set of handsomely engrossed resolutions of condolence and pro found respect. While workmen were engaged on the new City Hall, Philadelphia, re cently, a portion of the arm, the hand and the scales, of the figure of Justice broke off" and fell to the floor with a crash! Justice probably got dis gusted with being a misrepresentation of the condition of affairs in Philadel phia and threw down the scales. Tilings must be pretty bad when they shock a marble statue. llovr to KeducH Weight. Do not try it. The London Field is anxious to induce hunting men to adopt measures to reduce their weight for the saddle. This is our advice on the subject. Rest assured no meas ure will suffice which is not injurious to health. One man will put on weight with very little food, while another will undermine his stability by a reduction which appears to be moderate. The simple but golden rule is to cat slowly and masticate the food taken thoroughly, so that there may be time for the organism to make known its satisfaction with the supply placed at its disposal before the stomach is overloaded. The mis take made by hunting men and others who, to use" a common expression, "arc as hungry as hunters," is that of coming home exhausted and eating ravenously. By this haste no time is allowed for the organic needs of the eater to cry: "Hold enough!" It is like emptying a whole scuttleful of coal on the fire when it is only in need of a few deifterously placed lumps. The digestive organs "being in fairly good working order, the re pletion is not resented as it would be by a weakly "dyspeptic," and mus cle and fat are laid on in excess. If we only ate more deliberately, we should iind half ournccustomed quan tity of food sufficient to satisfy the most eager cravings of hunger. What we call "appetite" ia a most mislead ing sensation. It is only remotely re lated to the actual demands of tho organism. Let hunting men, and men of all classes who lead healthy, active lives, resolve to eat and drink slowly. "With this single precaution they will soon find that their tend ency to "weigh" diminishes, while the appetite being disciplined uncon sciously by the formation of tho habit, it will be needless, as it is useless, to live by rule as regards the nature or the quality of the food taken. Power of Dvnamlto Shells. Some very interesting experiments with dynamite projectiles were made near Washington recently, under the auspices of tho Senate Military com mittee. Four shots were fired with six-inch shells with a range of 1,000 yards. The target was a perpendicu lar ledge of solid trap rock on the south bank of the river. The first shell struck near the eastern margin of the ledge, and exploded by con cussion, shattering tho face of the rock for a radius of boXit 30 feet, and carrying away several tons of debris, which were hurled for hundreds of yards up and down stream. The sec ond shell struck nearly in the center of the ledge, exploding as before. It opened a cavity ix the face of the ledge about 2") "feet in diameter; ex cavated a pit six feet deep. Some of the fragments of rocks from this ex plosion were hurled half a mile, one piece weighing nearly twelve pounds being thrown clear across the canal and lodging near a farm house ad joining the Georgetown reservoir. The other shots were similar in their effects. The trial is regarded as suc cessful in every particular, and the safety of the system of firing seems to be assured, since the shell leaves tho gun as safely as an ordinary powder charged shell would do. It is not impossible that this destructive agent of dynamite is destined to revolution ize naval warfare, and it is noteworthy that the representatives of the foreign governments havo manifested the greatest interest in the experiments. One of the most remarkable people with whom missionaries have to do are the Falashas of Ethiopia. They are black Hebrews, about 200,000 in number, living west of Jordan, who have as their holy wri tings tho Old Testament in an Ethiopic version, and who still rigidly adhere to the Mosaic ceremonies and laws. They nro ihr rhildrnn of Hebrew immi grants, who at the time of the great Dispersion, settled in. Abj'ssinia and married wives of that nation. Efforts mndo dnrinf-thn last 200 vears to con vert them to Christianity have proved unavailing. Uedlc&IMcn or Distinction Have been among the foremost to give hon or where honor was due iu the case of Hos tetter'.s Stomach BittT. Abjuringold fash ioned professional prejudice, they have frankly borne evidence to its worth as a means of remedying dyspepsia, fever and ague, bilious remittent, rheumatism, consti pation, liver complaint, debility and renal disorders. With all Intelligent people- this favorable professional verdict has had its due weight, especially as it was in direct con tinuation or that of the eopIe and thejiress. Far more effectual has it proved than bom bastic assertion, too often resorted to by the proprietors of remedies of doubtful value. "The plain unvarnished truth" about tho Hitters is more than suflicent to convince a .skeptie. As a family medicine of compre hensive u'llity, prompt and thorough In ac tion and pure in composition, it stands de sen idly first. The inhabitants of India are not any wickeder than the rest of man kind, and yet they are raising cay enne all the time. One ot the very beat possessions ia self-po3session. Another equally as valuable is Bed Star Cough Cur. A hnfctlft of that medicine will remove tho Tery worst congh or cold ever contracted. l.Vir lnim. ttnek. Side or Chest use Shiloli Porous Plaster, Price 2 cents. For sale by W. E. Dement. That Hacking Cough can he so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. W guarantee It. Sold by V. E. Dement. , "Hackraetack," a lasting and fra grant perfume. Price 35 and 50 cents. Sold by V. E. Denieut, MARKETS. WYATT & THOMPSON. DEALERS IN FRESH AND CURED MEATS, CHOICE GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. Crockery and Glassware, i TVTm Peed, 3Sto, STAR MARKET. WHERRY & CODiPANY, Fresh and Ciii-im! JHeaN. Vegetatoles, FRUITS.. BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT IIOTEl CHEVAMU8 Street. Astoria, Oc. Washington Market. .'lain .Street, Astorln, Oregon. IJi:it;MA- A CO. PitOlMUKTOKK OESFECTFCJLLY CALL THE ATTKX- JX tlon or the public to the fact that the J above Market will always be supplied w tth a FULL VARIETY; AND UEST QUALITY ' FRESH AND CURED MEATS I U "Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail . "Special attention Kiven to supplying ships. $67,000,000 Capital! Liverpool and London and Globe North British and Mercantile Of London and Edinburgh. Qld Connecticut of Hartford AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital of $67,000 OOO. B. VAN DUSEN. Aent. Citation. IX THE COUNTY COURT OFTHE STATE of Oregon, for the county of Clatsop. In the matter of tho Estate of the minor heirs of .1. O. Coe deceased. To the next of kin to Renlamlu Coe and Terry Coe, minors, and alt others interested, viz : Mrs. Elizabeth Coe, Henry Coe, Mrs. Clara Overton, Reuben Coe, Ira Coe, Alfred Coe. Eliza Coe, Olivet Coe, Jas. W. Welch and I. II. Welch, greeting : Iu the name. of thestateof Oregou.you are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the state of Oregon, for the county ot Clatsop, at the court room thereof, at Astoria in the county of Clatsop on Mon day the 2itth day of October, 1835, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, then and there to show cause. If any. why a license should not be granted for tho sale of tho two ninths Interest in the following real estate, to-wit : lots three (3) and four (4) In block thirty (30) of the town now city of Astoria as laia out and recorded by John McClure and the Do nation Land claim of J. G. Coe, deceased. Said two ninths Interest being the Interests of Ren3inin Coe and Terry Coe. minor heirs of J. G. Coe deceased. Ordered that this citation be published in The Dau.y Astoiuax of Astoria, Oregon. "Witness : C. A. McCUIRE, Judge of the County Court of the us.1 state of Oregon, for the county of Clatsop, with the seal of said court affixed this 8th day of September, A. D. 1685. Attest: C.J.TREh'CHARD. Clerk. Citation. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for the county of Clatsop. In the matter of the estate of II. K. Rruhn. deceased. To the next of kin oi H. K. Uruhn, de ceased, and to whom it may concern, greet ing. In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear In the County Court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Clatsop, at the court room thereof, at Astoria lathe county of Clatsop on "Wednesday the eighteenth day of No vember, 18S3. at one o'clock in the afternoon of that day, then and there to show cause why (if any) an order of sale should not be made to sell tho following real estate, to-wit: commencing at a stake at ordinary low t de on tho east bank ofNecanicum creek In the center of Grimes' bridge on the ranch of one J. T. Mulkey in Clatsop county, Oregon, and thence running east ten and one half (10K) rods to the center of the present county road thence north along the center of said county road two hundred (200) feet to a stake In the center of said county road thenco west ten and one half (lOi-i) rods to a stake on the bauk of said Necanicum creek thence south along the east bank of said Necanicum creek to the place ol beginning. In Sec. 21, TC N. It 10 vY, and containing M.SOO square feet. Witness ; C.A.MCGUIRE, Judge of the County Court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Tl. s.1 Clatson with the seal of said court atuxed, this seventeenth day of uctooer. a. i. ib.'o. Attest : C. J. TRENCHARD. Clerk. Tide Land for Sale. I AM NOW OFFERING ilY TIDE LAND situated on Young's River Bay at the mouth ot Lewis and Clarke River, at the rate of $25 per acre. Purchasers can take ten to twenty acres each, if they wish, and by Joining dikes can dike the whole at a very small expense. This land is ou the wa ters edge, thus making It very desirable for those who wish to combine a fishing station with farming. Tho land Is only 2 1-2 miles from the center of Astoria ana is an excellent place for hay or milk ranch, or vegetable gardens. .. .. AUG. C. KINNEY. ' ARBOUR'S: Irish Flax HAVE NO 5gg wSnf j&fi2.&-re, -tfssvrt. Kvzr Fs---c-52k. jBHKSSPB3BHfcj rfrySy- v imBIS GRAND PRIZE PARIS 1878. THEY HAVE BEEN AWARDED HIGHER PRIZES AT THE VARIOUS International Expositions THAN THE GOODS OF ANY OTHER THREAD MANUFACTURERS IN THE Quality can Always be Depended on ! ExDeriencefl SSilse no lor ! HENRYDOYLB & CO., 517 and 519 Market Street.. - - - SAN FRANCISCO, AcnxTs rem pacific coast. Seine Twines, Eope and Netting . Constantly on Hand. The Telephone Saloon. The Finest Establishment of the Kind In Astoria. Especially fitted up for the Comrort and Convenience of those vv ho enjoy a Social Glas. The Best or Wines and Liquors, The Choicest Cigars. Everything New and First-Class. It. .. JEFFREY. lroir. Magnus 0. Crosby Dealer iu HARD! ARE, M, STEEL, Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES, TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEfT LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, -TH-ri AND Oo-p-p3?- Colnw Traiprtaliofl Coim. FOR PORTLAND! Through Freight on Fast Time! THE NEW" STEAMER- Which has been specially built for the comfort of passengers will leave Wilson & Fisher's Dock every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A.M. arriving at Portland at 1 P.M. Returning leaves Portland every ' ' Tuesday and Thursday at 6 A. M. arriving at Astoria at 1 P. M. An additional trip will be made on Sunday of Each Week, leaving Portland at 9 O'clock. Sunday Horn In j-. Passengers' bj this route connect at Kahwoa for Sound ports. u. b. SCOTT, Presraetitt Threads EQUAL ! -fK803 WORLD. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. For the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - - PROPRIETOR J. a. D. GKATf. Wholesale and retail dealer In. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT. General Storage and "Wharfage on reason able terms. Foot of Benton street, Astoria, Oregon. WIS. EDGAR, Dealer In Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. CORNER MAIN AND CHENAMUS ST8. TELEPHONE- A-i iy-